Converted internalServerReporting from .php to .cfm

I posted this on the general discussion forum but it doesn't seem to be getting any looks....
I recently converted the internalServerReporting.php file to .cfm, since I'm not yet using a LMS and I just needed to capture quiz results.
I'm writing the results of my Captivate 7 quiz to a .txt file successfully (an insert query too). My Captivate 7 quiz completes and immediately after the user fills out and clicks the Send button in the Post Results dialog box (where they enter their name and email id) I get an Adobe Captivate error message in a dialog box with "Unknown Error" and an OK button.
I think this is a Captivate error and not a Coldfusion error, as my Coldfusion "internalServerReporting.cfm" writes the text file as expected, and the Coldfusion server error logs are empty. Does anyone know how I can turn on/enable any available debugging data in Captivate so that I can trap this error?
For your convenience my .cfm file is pasted below.
Thanks in advance for your help,
Rich Leach
Interactive Media Developer
Advanced Certified ColdFusion Developer
<cfsavecontent variable="results">
Company name: #form.companyname#<br>
Department name: #form.departmentname#<br>
Course name: #form.coursename#<br>
File name: #form.filename#<br>
File data: #form.filedata#<br>
<cfset retXml=#xmlParse(form.filedata)#>
Learner name: #retXml.Course.LearnerName.xmlAttributes["value"]#<br>
Learner email: #retXml.Course.LearnerID.xmlAttributes["value"]#<br>
Lesson name: #retXml.Course.LessonName.xmlAttributes["value"]#<br>
Quiz attempts: #retXml.Course.QuizAttempts.xmlAttributes["value"]#<br>
Total questions: #retXml.Course.TotalQuestions.xmlAttributes["value"]#<br>
Status: #retXml.Course.Result.CoreData.Status.xmlAttributes["value"]#<br>
Location: #retXml.Course.Result.CoreData.Location.xmlAttributes["value"]#<br>
Raw Score: #retXml.Course.Result.CoreData.RawScore.xmlAttributes["value"]#<br>
Max Score: #retXml.Course.Result.CoreData.MaxScore.xmlAttributes["value"]#<br>
Min Score: #retXml.Course.Result.CoreData.MinScore.xmlAttributes["value"]#<br>
Session Time: #retXml.Course.Result.CoreData.SessionTime.xmlAttributes["value"]#<br >
<cffile action="write" file="/Applications/ColdFusion10/internal.timetracker/runtime/work/Ca talina/localhost/tmp/captivateTestResults.txt" output="#results#" nameconflict="overwrite">

...jeez, what a rookie mistake....
I did some debugging and found this reported error in my browser (Chrome):
XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access.
From my years of web development I immediately recognized this error; it's a cross domain issue. But, I'm running everything localhost, what's not in the same dom.... Oh yeah, right after publishing the Captivate movie a dialog box appears "Publish was successful. Do you wish to view the output?" Naturally I clicked yes, which opened the .html file locally in my browser (as in File:Open) and NOT served from the web server (as in
As soon as I ran my Captivate test movie from the web server everything ran just fine.
Thanks for your help and patience. This script officially now works, so if anyone needs to record Captivate test/quiz results on a Coldfusion server, feel free to copy the above Coldfusion code into your own "internalServerReporting.cfm" and tell Captivate in your preferences where to expect it on your Coldfusion server.

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    //=0xFFFFFFFF; //keep track of register value after each call
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    * Copyright (C) 2006 Google Inc.
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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      header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
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          $record = explode("|", trim($record));
          if (count($record) == 4) { // Ignore invalid lines
            $data[] = $record;
        return $data;
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       * @param array $data Sample data
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        $results = array();
        $queryLength = strlen($query);
        foreach ($data as $record) {
          if (substr(strtolower($record[0]), 0, $queryLength) == $query) {
            $result = array();
            $result['name'] = $record[0];
            $result['type'] = $record[1];
            $result['content'] = $record[2];
            $result['moreDetailsUrl'] = $record[3];
            $result['style'] =
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            $results[] = $result;
        return $results;
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      $query = strtolower(ltrim($_GET['query']));
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      $response = array();
      $response['query'] = $query;
      $response['results'] = GetResults($query, $data);
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        $response['autocompletedQuery'] = $response['results'][0]['name'];
      // Output response
      echo "searchAsYouType.handleAjaxResponse(";
      echo json_encode($response);
      echo ");";

    Thanks for your comment Gimbal2.
    I have already been thoroughly surprised at how different JSP is from PHP. I am finding quite hard to wrap my head around the whole process to be honest.
    I am beginning to see that JSP and PHP work in a totally different way than each other.
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    2. * Get the sample data from the text file. @return array Loaded data
    3. * Get the results based on user's query.
    * @param string $query Query
    * @param array $data Sample data
    * @return array Result array
    4. // Get the data and the query
    5. // Build response
    6. // Output response

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         private  function getPerson(evt:ResultEvent):void 
          {          searchResultsXML = (evt.result
    as XML);
              trace(searchResultsXML);     }
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    Look up the SimpleDateFormat class:
    Arwinder wrote:
    This is absolutely necessary... any help plz..For you maybe, not others. Please refrain from trying to urge others to answer your queries. They'll do it at their own pace ( if at all ).
    People on the forum help others voluntarily, it's not their job.
    Help them help you.
    Learn how to ask questions first:
    (Yes I know it's on JavaRanch but I think it applies everywhere)

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    acpi = 1
    apic = 1
    builder = 'hvm'
    device_model = '/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm'
    disk = ['file:/OVS/running_pool/SIR_xxx/SIR_xxx.img,hda,w',
    'file:/OVS/running_pool/SIR_consulnor/SIR_xxx (2).img,hdb,w',
    kernel = '/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader'
    memory = '512'
    name = 'SIR_xxx'
    on_crash = 'restart'
    on_reboot = 'restart'
    pae = 1
    serial = 'pty'
    timer_mode = '1'
    uuid = 'e23767cc-dc3d-0255-a7ac-65f111b589d7'
    vcpus = 1
    vif = ['bridge=xenbr0,mac=00:16:3E:71:AF:B1,type=ioemu']
    vif_other_config = []
    vnc = 1
    vncconsole = 1
    vnclisten = ''
    vncpasswd = 'xxx'
    vncunused = 1
    Thanks for your help

    user559432 wrote:
    failed:<OVSException: no server selected to run vm('/OVS/running_pool/SIR_xxx') memory=512> StackTrace: File "/opt/ovs-agent-2.2/", line 77, in start_vm raise eDo your servers have Hardware/Full Virtualization enabled? You can check on the console and ensure the console says that Hardware Virtualization is enabled. If not, check in your BIOS that the processor hardware virtualization is enabled. If you don't have an option, your PC may not have the Intel VT-x or AMD-v extensions required to support hardware virtualization.
    You can check to see if your processor supports this extension by using:
    Intel processor:
    # cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep vmxAMD processor:
    # cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep svmIf you see a result, it means the processor has that support. You still need to ensure that it is enabled in the BIOS.

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    5. the BLDAT field is having diff format in internal  table and BSAD table.So I am unable to check this value.
    How to convert it as like the BSAD table format."MM/DD/YYYY" format.
    Thanks in advance!!

    Using the WRITE statement
      data: gd_date(10).  "field to store output date
    * Converts date from 20020901 to 09.01.2002
      write sy-datum to gd_date mm/dd/yyyy.
    OR u can
    CONCATENATE gd_date+4(2) gd_date+6(2) gd_date+0(4)
    into gd_date seperated by '/' .
    Hope this helps.
    Kindly reward points and close the thread for the
    answer which helped u OR get back with queries.

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    how to I convert data from oracle database into excel sheet.
    I need to import columns and there datas from oracle database to microsoft excel sheet.
    Please let me know the different ways for doing this.
    Thanks. has an excellent article on writing a PL/SQL procedure that dumps data to an Excel spreadsheet-- search for 'Excel' and it'll come up.
    You can also use your favorite connection protocol (ODBC, OLE DB, etc) to connect from Excel to Oracle and pull the data out that way.

  • Convert report from SAP to Excel

    Hi All,
    How to convert report from SAP to Excel.Here now taking default text(.txt) format.But we want defualt taking (.xls) format only.

    hi usha
    u can even export the text in txt format and later right click and open with excel , u wont be able to directly import it into excel as it is not giving u any option to upload in excel directly

  • Exporting Text data from PHP to Oracle CLOB data (Carriage return - issue)

    This is my original text content in PHP - Data type - Longtext
    SECTION - 1
    This a test description.This a test description.
    This a test description.This a test description.
    This a test description. This a test description.I exported the above content from PHP as a SQL script file (insert into.. ) - export.sql [ insert into table_name (id, text_content) values (1, '') ]
    while exporting data from PHP table into export file.. it replaced the "Carriage return" with "\r\n\r\n" in the insert statement for text_content column
    When I run this INSERT statement in Oracle (for longtext, I have created a CLOB column in Oracle), the following text_content data is inserted into CLOB column in Oracle.
    SECTION - 2
    This a test description.This a test description.\r\n\r\nThis a test description.This a
    test description.\r\n\r\nThis a test description.This a test description.Now I have created a item named P1_TEXT_CONTENT of type TEXTAREA and try to fetch the CLOB data into this page item.
    BUT textarea displays the entire content including "\r\n\r\n" as mentioned in SECTION - 2
    I want to display the content in textarea (item - P1_TEXT_CONTENT) without "\r\n\r\n" same as the original content with "Carriage return" as mentioned in SECTION - 1
    What are the options we have?

    DeepakJ wrote:
    I want to display the content in textarea (item - P1_TEXT_CONTENT) without "\r\n\r\n" same as the original content with "Carriage return" as mentioned in SECTION - 1
    What are the options we have?Run an update on the Oracle table following the inserts to replace the escaped CR/LFs with real ones:
    update foo
    set clob_column = replace(clob_column, '\r\n', chr(13) || chr(10));You might want to experiment to see which characters are actually necessary. As an OS X/Linux user I'd probably just use a single LF chr(10).

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    1- O2SS0050: Conversion of identifier 'SYSDATE' is not supported.
    2- O2SS0050: Conversion of identifier 'to_date(VARCHAR2, CHAR)' is not supported.
    3- O2SS0050: Conversion of identifier 'regexp_replace(VARCHAR2, CHAR)' is not supported.
    4- O2SS0486: <Primary key name> constraint is disabled in Oracle and cannot be converted because SQL Server does not support disabling of primary or unique constraint.
    Please suggest.

    The exact statement in oracle side which causing this error (O2SS0050:
    Conversion of identifier 'to_date(VARCHAR2, CHAR)' is not supported.) is below:
    dStartDate:= to_date(sStartDate,'MON-YYYY');
    Statement causing error O2SS0050:
    Conversion of identifier 'regexp_replace(VARCHAR2, CHAR)' is not supported is below.
    nCount2:= length(regexp_replace(sDataRow,'[^,]'));
    So there is no statement which is using to_date(VARCHAR2,
    CHAR) and regexp_replace(VARCHAR2, CHAR) in as such. 'MON-YYYY'  and '[^,]'
    are CHAR values hence SSMA is unable to convert it from varchar2 to char.
    Regarding SYSDATE issue, you mean to put below code in target(SQL) side in SSMA ?
    dDate date := sysdate;

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    If you don't find any clue, you can send your file to me (guillaume.rouyreATgcosiDOTcom, replace cap) so I can give a try.
    Hope this helps,
    Guillaume Rouyre, MBA, MCP, MCTS |

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    Yes, you can save a FormsCentral form as a PDF form. In FormsCentral, the menu item when in design view is: File > Save as PDF Form

Maybe you are looking for