Converting 1440*1080 video to 720*480

How do I convert/compress 1440 video to 720 6*9? I've tried bringing in the 1440 timeline into a timeline with 720 settings in the chance that it would work. Even tried exporting the 1440 timeline to 720 and it was stretched. Not very familiar with Compressor software, if that's what's needed. Any help? Thanks!
FCP 6.0.5

First of all, when using shorthand to refer to frame sizes, refer to the vertical resolution instead of the horizontal. When you say 720, I think 1280x720, not 720x480.
1440x1080 is typically an HDV format. If you drop that into a DV Anamorphic sequence it should scale and distort the HD clip so that it's displayed properly in the SD 16:9 sequence unless you turned off the preference that does that.
Still if it's not doing that, once it's in your DV sequence, just select the clip and go up to Modify/Conform to Sequence and FCP will take care of the rest. Render and go.

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    What version are you using? You don't see this
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    BTW, DVD is standard definition only so the 1080 size doesn't matter as it's going to get crushed to 480. If you upload to YouTube using FCP you will have the option to select at 720p output.

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    If what you want to do is mix 1920X1080 clips with 1280X720 clips, I suggest that you create a sequence by dropping a 1280X720 clip on the "New Item" button to create the new sequence.
    To quote John Smith:
    Please NOTE that the PPro CS6 screen may look a bit different (I use CS5)
    For CS5 and later, the easy way to insure that your video and your project match
    See 2nd post for picture of NEW ITEM process
    -and a FAQ on sequence setting
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    Many people refer to 29.97 as 60i and it is possible that when you wrote 50 up above, you meant 50i which is more commonly called 25. So basically, your 29.97 footage would be slowed down from around 30 to 25. You will have to speed it up 20% with Time Remapping, or just the Speed/Duration parameters. It would be better to do that in a separate sequence and then use that sequence as a clip in your main timeline.
    If you actually meant 25, then you are going to have to slow down the 29.97 considerably. It might be better to interpret the 50 to 25 and add the 29.97 as I said above.
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    The HDV format is 1440 x 1080 using non-square pixels to 'stretch' the image the full width.  This is normal.  You work in a 1440 x 1080 preset for this media.
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    what Tom is telling you:
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    The first video drag to the should direct the program to set up automatically the project settings (Sometimes it does, sometimes it does not). For the does not times, then you will need to set the project preset manually.
    We can go into greater details once you get started.
    Your camera settings and what they are telling you
    60i (60 fields per second aka 29.97/30 interlaced frames per second)
    1920 x 1080 @ 29.97/30 interlaced frames per second
    that is Canon's
    1920 x 1080 @ 30 progressive frames per second
    1920 x 1080 @ 60 progressive frames per second
    The project preset that the project or you set should match the properties of your source media.
    The project should be able to handle AVCHD.mts.
    When you are ready for the burn to
    Use the 1920 x 1080 settings rather than 1440 x 1080 HD anamorphic 16:9
    This is Blu-ray disc format on Blu-ray disc (not datadisc).
    We can get into the finer details of all this once you have the tryout and after you explore the program with mini test runs. At any time, please do not hesitate to ask questions or to ask for clarification on anything written.
    Add On...With all my questions, I forgot to ask..does your computer have a slot for a memory card?

  • Video Format Total Solution: How to Convert and Edit Video on Windows/Mac

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    In this article, I will show you guys how to convert videos on windows and mac.
    Part 1. How to Convert and Edit Videos on Windows
    For Windows users, you need a Video Converter( to do that for you.
    Here I use Aiseesoft Total Video Converter(
    Step 1: Download and install Aiseesoft Total Video Converter
    After you download it to your computer, double click it and it is really easy to install.
    You just need to click “next” and it will complete it in seconds. It will automatically run after installation.
    Step 2: Load Video
    Click “Add File” to find the video that you want to convert and click “open”. It will be loaded automatically.
    Step 3: Select the target to decode
    In the “Profile” drop download list you can find your target according the usage of your output video, such as if you want to put the video on your iPod touch, you can select the “iPod” in the first list and “iPod touch 2 MPEG-4 640*480(*.mp4)” in the second list.
    Step 4: Set Advanced Parameters
    After you select the right output profile, you can click “setting” button to set your advanced parameters. You can adjust video and audio settings separately. In video section, you can change “video encoder”, “resolution”, “frame rate”, “video bitrate”In audio section, you can change “audio encoder”, “sample rate”, “channel”, “audio bitrate”If you want to save this profile and settings and use it next time you can click “save as” button to give a name to it. And the next time you want to use it you can find it in the profile list named “user defined”.
    Step 5: Choose a Destination
    To browse and find a output folder for your output files or just the default one.
    Finally, Click “Convert” button to begin your conversion, here in the converting
    interface you can choose “shut down the computer when conversion complete” or “open output folder when conversion complete” or you just do not choose neither one.
    Tips: How to Edit the Output Video
    This video converter is also a video editor, you can use it to edit your output video as follows:
    1. Effect:
    You are allowed to adjust the “Brightness”, “Contrast”, “Saturation” and you can choose the “deinterlacing” to make the video more enjoyable.
    2. Trim:
    In “Trim” section you can pick up any part of the video to convert.
    There are two ways to select the part of the video you want. One is set the start and end time in the box. The other one is to drag the start and end button in the processing bar.
    3. Crop:
    This function allows you to choose a certain play area to convert. That means you can choose a part of the screen you like to convert. For example, you just like the tv in the middle of the screen, then you can drag the frame around the preview window to select the tv and the output preview will show you the output video.In this section you can also choose the “zoom mode”, such as “keep original”, “full screen”, “16:9”, “4:3”.
    4. Watermark
    In the section, you can add a watermark on the output video to show people something, such as your name, website, studio name or other things. The watermark could be words and picture. You can adjust the transparent of the watermark easily to make it more beautiful.
    Part 2. How to Convert Video on Mac
    This time you need a Video Converter for Mac(
    Step 1: Add File
    Click “Add File” button to load the video you want to converter
    Step 2: Choose profile and adjust settings
    You can find your output video format from a drop-list called “Profile”You can also adjust the specific settings of the output video, such as “Resolution”, “Bitrate”, “Encoder” and so on.

    @ Tamwini
    Your only goal is to sell software.
    ‡Thank you for hitting the Blue/Green Star button‡
    N8-00 RM 596 V:111.030.0609; E71-1(05) RM 346 V: 500.21.009

  • Need help converting Pure HD video to Apple TV HD format.

    What is the maximum setting Quicktime Pro OR Final Cut Pro can be set at to convert/export HD video to a file Apple TV will accept?
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    With the recent software upgrade, Apple TV is now said to be 'true HD', yet, when I tried to just sync original HD content, apple TV would not accept it.
    So.. I just let iTUNES convert it, like always. iTUNES converted the file all right.. to 960x540!
    What gives? As Apple TV now is to be "HD" capable, I ask again:
    "What is the maximum setting Quicktime Pro OR Final Cut Pro can be set at to convert/export HD video to a file Apple TV will accept?".

    Yeah its Billy haha. I hate that I can't change the alias. Oh Well.
    Ah I see what you meant. Thanks for the link. 720p is a true HD standard, so is 1080i and 1080p. Broadcast TV is either 720p or 1080i, but not 1080p. Some people even say 720p is better than 1080i, because it is Progressive ( p ) and not Interlaced ( i ). I think ABC, ESPN and FOX broadcast using 720p. When stations first started moving over to HD, Fox actually used 480p, which I believe was known EnhancedTV instead of HDTV, which I would say is the category that 540p falls into.
    Anyway, no where in your link is 1080 mentioned, and 720p is a true HD standard, so that is what Apple was referring to.
    Someday when its more feasible, I'm sure Apple will up everything to some sort of 1080, but for now due to file size and bandwidth, I actually prefer and agree with the decision to use 720p. I think I'm in the minority though.
    I hope this helps a little.
    Message was edited by: Michele Gardner

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    Thanks for getting back with me so promptly.  It has taken me this time to connect with the proper people to find out the information you requested.
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    They don't work with Macs at the studio, but I had thought I could have some lessons there in editing, and apply what I learned to my iMac and iMovie.
    First, though, I have to be able to see it and review it!
    Thanks again!

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    When I clicked on the second site mentioned, I got such EXPLICIT, step-by-step directions!!! Thank you so much. I'd been wondering what that window was that kept popping up with the Firefox icon and that other funny thing. The word *install* was never mentioned. Pictographs were never my thing.
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  • Concerning: VGA monitors using an Aluminum Powerbook G4 PowerPC 2004 15"-screen 1.5Ghz  The DVI (converted to VGA) video output stopped working on this computer after 9 years of service. This raises question 1:  Is there any way of fixing this? I've tried

    Concerning: VGA monitors using an Aluminum Powerbook G4 PowerPC 2004 15"-screen 1.5Ghz
    The DVI (converted to VGA) video output stopped working on this computer after 9 years of service. This raises question 1:
    Is there any way of fixing this? I've tried the usual: triple checked all vga cables & devices through trial & error. Bought a new DVI-VGA adapter. Reset PRAM, PMU, etc. Nothing works. Something is probably damaged, because my KVM switch was not working unless I hot-reseated the vga cable into it, leading to this DVI port, and that is pretty rough stuff.
    Question 2 (related):
    This dovetails into this: Can I drive a VGA monitor with the s-video output port on this computer. It would take an s-video (male)-to-15-pin-VGA adapter. Has anyone does this? So far, I haven't even found the adapter mentioned anywhere.
    Thanks for reading this.

    Thanks for the useful feedback, Knucklesmac. I agree. I must have blown something on the logic board -- because I had a faulty old KVM switch that would not switch between computers without some nasty hot-plugging/unplugging the VGA video cables. (wince!). It's like when Dizzy Dean ruined his arm because a line drive hit him in the foot and he readjusted his mechanics around the injury. I take the blame because this has been a great computer, and does not deserve any blame.
    If it will help anyone else reading this thread, C2G (née Cables to Go) has some interesting ideas for still getting external video out of this computer:
    -Convert s-video or composite video signals to high resolution VGA
    The price range is $75-$85, which doesn't make horse sense to me for such an old computer -- which has a lot of life in it anyway, because its own 15" monitor is not chopped liver.

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    What is the simplest way to convert analog SD video signals from VCR tapes for input to a mac intel mini so that I can create DVDs? Any help would be appreciated.

    not sure about doing it on a mac mini, but based on the costs of the equipment needed to do it and the time, your best bet is to take your vcr tapes to costco and let them transfer them to DVD...
    then editing pieces of the dvd's to make a compilation would be fairly easy using any number of software tools for the mac.

Maybe you are looking for