Convertir un calendrier windows en ical

I just changed my PC to a Macbookair.
I'd like to transfer my calendar and contacts in windows live mail to icloud
how to do that?
thanks for help

ou sinon aider moi a syncroniser avec outlook 2003 merci de me repondre

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    I am puzzled how you could have exported anything if you don't already have QT Pro, unless you used some third-party encoding program. As far as Cinepak goes, you must keep in mind that it is an almost ancient codec and lacks the superior quality of many newer codecs at low datarates. However, assuming your source file is high quality, you can try a 320x240 Cinepak avi using 30 FPS, a Keyframe interval of 60 and a datarate of 180Kbytes a sec. Those are the settings enabled for the 2X CD encoding preset in QT6. That will take the file size up to about 10 megs per minute, if that is acceptable to you. While it will not be equal to H264 or Mpeg-4 it would not look terrible.
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    I've written a script called DeDuper which can help remove unwanted duplicates. See this  thread for background.
    That said you should probably start by "undoing" the creation of extra mp3s. If you sort the song list on the Date Added column you can select then first song from the relevant batch, then scroll to the end of the group, hold shift and click to select the range. You can then delete and send to the recycle bin.
    My script won't be as effective against this group. The "Convert to format" tool may well specifiy a different bit rate from the source file, but it won't ever increase the quality of the audio. Clearly converting 128k mp3 to 256k mp3 would have no benefit so you want the original files.
    If you still have duplicates use the script to thin out what remains.

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    Thanks for reading this!!!

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        CharsetDecoder decoder = charset.newDecoder();
        decoder.onMalformedInput( CodingErrorAction.REPORT );
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        ReadableByteChannel channel = Channels.newChannel( inputStream );
        while ( inBuffer ) != -1 )
          CharBuffer decoded = null;
            decoded = decoder.decode( inBuffer );
          catch ( MalformedInputException ex )
            isWellEncoded = false;
          catch ( UnmappableCharacterException ex )
            isWellEncoded = false;
          catch ( CharacterCodingException ex )
            isWellEncoded = false;
          if ( decoded != null )
            LOG.debug( decoded.toString() );
          if ( !isWellEncoded )
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    (})  125  07/13  175  7D                 RIGHT CURLY BRACKET, RIGHT BRACE
    (~)  126  07/14  176  7E                 TILDE
    [?]  128  08/00  200  80  EURO SYMBOL
    [?]  130  08/02  202  82  LOW 9 SINGLE QUOTEI also tried to replace the faulty character, using
        decoder.onUnmappableCharacter( CodingErrorAction.REPLACE );
        decoder.replaceWith("!");but I still get the question marks.
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    As a suggestion....create a complete example demonstrating the problem. It shouldn't have channel in it since that wouldn't appear to be the problem (decoding is.) You should create the byte array in the example code - populate it with the byte sequence that you think should work. And your code should then demonstrate that it doesn't. Then post that.

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    Yewtree wrote:
    when I get the files the Arabic letters are separate and not joined
    Do not use MS Word for Mac, it does not support Arabic.  Instead use Mellel, TextEdit, Nisus Writer or OpenOffice.  Try the font Geeza Pro if others do not work.
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    Nafisa Husain
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    I want to know if RAC could be the solution?Sounds like an application design issue. I think you'd be best served tracing the applications and see where the overhead is being introduced when they do their process concurrently.
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    From the PDF Printer properties,
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    To convert to Windows Media Player (with .wmv extension), you will need one of the Paid versions of Flip4Mac.
    Flip4Mac gives you the components you need. Use something like MPEG Streamclip to do the actual conversion.
    If you just want to play it on a Windows PC, but don't care about Windows Media format, there are two ways to go.
    1) Just use SHARE/EXPORT MOVIE in the size you want. On the PC, you need to install QuickTime Player for Windows.
    2) You can also use SHARE/EXPORT USING QUICKTIME. Choose Movie to MPEG4. Choose h.264 as the codec. With this option, it should play on Windows without the need for QuickTime Player to be installed.
    I may receive some compensation from my link.

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    QuickTime Pro does not play .wmv files. It doesn't export them without some other third party software.
    Try reading the steps and supported file formats before your complain about what it does, or doesn't, do.

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    Maybe you can help me out too. I have copied over 250 gigs of music in WAV loss less files to windows media player. On media player I see the artist, album etc. However, when I add the file, either as the song or whole album only the track number and song title copy to the itunes. How do I get all the other information like genre, album title, artist. If I convert to applelossless I still do not get anything and when I search AppleSTore for album art nothing happens. Please help.

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    Set iTunesApp = WScript.CreateObject("iTunes.Application")
    Status = iTunesApp.ConvertFile("m:\test.mpg")
    Thanks in advance.
    Intel   Windows XP Pro  

    Thanks, but I know iTunes 6 (windows version) has a built-in function to convert a video to a format for iPod G5. That's why I wonder if the iTunes Windows COM SDK has the function call so that I can automatically import my scheduled recording to iPod. I think that's the advantage of iTunes / iPod. Actually I love my iPod G3 and iPod mini, but I don't see a reason for me to upgrade to G5 if it only accept H264 and mp4 because all my recordings (directly from my TV card) are only mpeg format and there is currently no command line tools to convert them for iPod. I know a bit of programming and it is much more conveninent to use scripts to do the mpg -> ipod conversion automatically than doing it manually using GUI programs..

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    Our library offers a site that you can download DRM windows media files. I can't use them on an ipod, so I want to convert them to mp3 files so I can.

    Probably not legally. You might want to check with your library to see what you can do with them, for example, can you burn them to an audio CD? The whole purpose of the DRM is to prevent you from converting or copying the files in ways the rights holder hasn't authorized. Discussions about how to circumvent DRM are not allowed according to the terms of use of these forums. Sorry.

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