Cool uses of Shell codes for self purposes

Hi, I posted the following message to the PL/SQL list. But since I am also interested in the UNIX part fo the topic. I am posting here as well:
I am new and learning Oracle. I would like to make the learning more interesting and applicable by creating some small applications for myself. I have setup a linux computer and installed 9i.
I would like to know what cool things others have done using PL/SQL triggers, procedures, or even cron stuff and unix shell coding. Something like everytime I executed a sql, a copy of the sql is inserted into a special table. Or something like organization, planning, reminder, etc.
I am not looking for code. Instead if there are good uses of these, I will try to take challenges to write the code so that I can learn.
Best regards.

if you are looking for some challenges try to answer some postings in this forum. you might find find some basic or more even challeging questions posted.

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    Hi Darsh,
    I can't say that this was a good answer, but I addressed a similar question in this forum posting:

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    I think you misunderstood what Event Tracking is designed for.  This is from Google Help
    Tracking Code: Event Tracking - Google Analytics — Google Developers
    "Use this to track visitor behavior on your website that is NOT related to a web page visit, such as interaction with a Flash video movie control or any user event that does not trigger a page request."
    Clicks on links are page requests.  I think for your purposes, you may want the Cross Domain Link Tracking plugin.
    Cross Domain Tracking - Web Tracking (analytics.js) - Google Analytics — Google Developers
    Nancy O.

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    Hello friendsu2026
    Hope you all doing well
    I am facing a problem and I will be thankful to all of you, for your suggestions
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    Siddharth Sharma

    Hi Sharma,
    when a material is used in domestic and exports.....i hope it should be seggreagated based on dist chnl.......but not division.
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    hope this gives you the clarity

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    By default, HTML5 videos do not autoplay on page load.
    <!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>HTML5 with Video</title>
    <!--help for older IE browsers-->
    <!--[if lt IE 9]>
    <script src=""></script>
    video {
        margin:0 auto;
    <h2>Use 3 File Types to support all browsers &amp; mobile devices:  MP4, WEBM and OGV.</h2>
    <h3>If needed, use this Online Video Converter</h3>
    <!--begin video-->
    <video controls poster="Your_poster_image.jpg">
    <!--these are 6 sec sample videos for testing purposes. Replace sample-videos with your own files-->
    <source src="" type="video/webm">
    <source src="" type="video/ogg">
    <source src="" type="video/mp4">
    If you're seeing this, you're using an
    outdated browser that doesn't support
    the video tag. </video>
    <!--end video-->

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    mc_01.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MIDDLE_MOUSE_DOWN, Drag);
    mc_01.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MIDDLE_MOUSE_UP, unDrag);
    mc_02.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MIDDLE_MOUSE_DOWN, Drag);
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    And when I call a property like a X position I use this["mc_"+padF(i)].x = 0;  for substitute the mc_01.x = 0 ?
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               var mod:Number = 50;
               mc_01.scaleX += / mod; //in this name mc what I need to use? this, parent? I try and not function.
               mc_01.scaleY += / mod;

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    Hi Stover,
    Typically you use the redemption code to retrieve your serial number for Elements products. The licensing for Elements allows the owner to install on two of their computers.
    See these for reference:
    Redemption Code Help
    How many computers can I install Photoshop Elements on?
    Hope that helps,
    - Dave

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        Anyways, I am asking if any one casually plays intensive games and/or any CPU/GPU intesive tasks and had no problems what so ever and never needed a repair from the Apple Store.
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         I would like to see what your guy's opinion about this matter? Is doing anything intensive OK doing on a Mac Notebook?

    My primary machine is still a late-2008 unibody 15" MBP (2.53Ghz Core 2 Duo) bought in early 2009.  I cannot say I ever do much that is GPU intensive and usually do not use the discrete GPU most of the time.  But, I have done work on it that is very CPU intensive - computations that have max'd out the CPU load for as long as 12-24hrs at a time (overnight analysis runs), and which have ramped up the fans to or near maximum rpm and cpu temperatures steady in the 90's degree centigrade for hours.  This machine is now 5 years old and runs fine and has never required any service from Apple.  I upgraded it to 8GB RAM a couple of years ago, and I replaced the original battery but that is all that has been done to it.
    I use a desk-top stand (from a maker who's name escapes me now? its old, bought back before this particular MBP) that keeps it raised about 0.5" at the front and maybe 1.25-1.5" at the rear so it has good air flow all the time.
    However, games that are both very taxing on the CPU and the GPU at the same time will certainly put a higher thermal load then I've experienced, and my MBP has dual fans.

  • Most use ful t code for Material Master changing

    Dear All,
    Can any one give me most useful T-codes for create, change and display material master.
    I have one T-code which is very useful for material master it is "MM50". With help of this tcode you can see material extend detail and also you can delete mass material with help of this tcode.
    So please use it and also give me other this type of tcodes.
    Mahesh Wagh

    MM17, LSMW, MM50 --- These are the 3 main transactions which is used frequently to Mass change the  Material master.
    There is one more option is there using BDC Upload.
    Batch Data Communication or BDC is a batch interfacing technique that SAP developed. It is mainly used for uploading data into the SAP R/3 system. BDC works by simulating the user input from transactional screen via an ABAP program.
    The data input data file will come in the form of a flat file which the user save as file type txt file or prn file from the Microsoft Excel program. An Abaper will create a program to read the text file and upload into the SAP system.
    Transaction -- SHDB will be used to record the change material master. After, the simulation, the Abaper can generate a sample program and modify from there. It makes the programming easier and faster.
    For a BDC upload you need to write a program which created BDC sessions.
    hope you got it. Take a help of  ABAPer for this BDC Upload.

  • How to use same CMOD code for 2 Diff. variableS?

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    How OR what should i wright to tell CMOD, that IF its Query # 1 then use ABC variable and if Query # 2 then use XYZ .

    Dear Hon Bon,
    Let us have a small example on ur scenario.
    Lets take the requirement as to calculate Month from Date. (In both the queries).
    Query 1: Input variable for Date is say  'ZDATE1'.
    Query 2: Input variable for Date is say  'ZDATE2'.
    Now let the CMOD variable be ZVAR_CALMONTH.
    when 'ZVAR_CALMONTH'.
        clear: lwa_var_rng,
        loop at i_t_var_range into lwa_var_rng where vnam = 'ZDATE1' or vnam = 'ZDATE2'.
          concatenate lwa_var_rng-low+0(4)
                 into lwa_range-low.
          lwa_range-sign = 'I'.
          lwa_range-opt  = 'EQ'.
          append lwa_range to e_t_range.
          clear lwa_range.
    Now when you execute the Query1,  the above code will work for 'ZDATE1' variable,
    if you execute the Query2,  the above code will work for 'ZDATE2' variable.
    So, the key point is,
    1. You need not worry about which query is getting executed. Whatever the query, the particular user entry variable of that query will be taken care.
    2. This method works only if the cmod variable (ZVAR_CALMONTH) is used in both the queries (Ofcourse its ur requirement).
    3. If queries have both the user entry variables then the cmod will work differently(it ll get data from both the user variables).
    You shall try ur code in the above example by replacing the code and the variable names and try playing around it.
    Hope this helps.

  • Can i use FMS developer version for commercial purpose

    Can I use flash media server4 developer version for commercial, if some one have knowledge about scope of the developer version then, please help me.

    If you refer to EULA of FMS you will see below text corresponding to Developer License:
    .1.              Software  License.  Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Adobe grants to  Licensee a perpetual (except as set forth in Section 15) non-exclusive  license to install the Software on one (1) Computer  or Virtual Server and use  the Software delivered hereunder according to the terms and conditions of  this Agreement and the Documentation.  Unless indicated otherwise by the License  Key (as defined below) provided to Licensee, Licensee shall be deemed to have  licensed the Development Server. If Licensee has  licensed a Trial Version, in which case Section 2.2 applies, or if Licensee has  licensed Not For Resale Software, in which case Section 2.3 applies.
    2.1.1.         Development  Server License.  This Section 2.1.1 applies only if Licensee  has obtained a valid Development Server license to the Software.  In addition to  the other terms contained herein, (a) Licensee’s license to the Development  Server Software is limited to a maximum number of (i) ten (10) Concurrent Connections when using with the Real Time Media  Protocol (RTMP), and (ii) fifty (50) Concurrent Connections when using the Real  Time Media Flow Protocol (RTMFP); and (b) Licensee shall not use the Development  Server for load balancing.  No maintenance and support is available for the  Development Server.   
    So as per EULA you can use Developer Edition for commercial purpose with restriction that it cannot be used for load balancing or creating cluster of Developer Edition Network.
    You can refer to this old article when this part of EULA was introduced:

  • Can I use adobe illustrator fonts for commercial purposes?

    I have purchased adobe illustrator CS4. Does this mean I can use any of the fonts installed in the program for commercial purposes?
    I am currently doing a t-shirt design and want to use the font Verdana in the design. I plan to reprint and sell this t-shirt indefinitely.
    Is this legal?

    you can use the fonts you can even send the fonts to the printer you can certainly use them on the web, when you send the font it is usually only for the convenience of not having the Print House load the fonts, but since most font hoses have illustrator it is not a problem they have the fonts as well.
    They only keep the fonts with your job if you send it. For instance if you send them a project with a font that is part of their font library hen they will ask you to send them even if another client has  or is using that font. if they get 10 or so instance were the same font shows up and they think it is a trend they buy the font as a convenience for their customers.You can not distribute the fonts to other user not even free fonts.
    But sending it part of the job is fine, printers have no interest starting up with the large foundry houses and they understand the copyright laws and would put themselves in a bad light if they broke this ethic so it is not going to happen for $30.00 for a font.
    You are fine you bought Illustrator and so you have a license for them.
    One difference between the fonts you get from Illustrator and and the ones you purchase is that the ones you purchase are allowed to be installed on five machines usually and the fonts that are included with Illustrator can only be installed with the copy of Illustrator, technically that means two machines.
    But the way it works since you can install the same Illustrator on as many machines as you want but can only activate it on two an use on one of those two at any one time it is possible that you would be in violation of your license since the fonts do not need Adobe activation to be available for other applications.
    So it you're doing that then you're a felon buddy!

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    simple they said..... copy and paste the code into your site they said.....
    I have NO clue how to do that with muse.
           1. is there anyone doing a widget that uses the square code? that i could drag and drop?  that would be ideal.
               i am sure i am not the only clueless person that could use that.
           2. could someone tell/show me how to do it?
    it would really help and you would bring joy to many people who want to buy tea from me.

    There might be a Weblogic API that allows you to manage Weblogic. If so a Weblogic forum would be the place to ask.

Maybe you are looking for

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