Copied Files Automatically Locked

I copied a big batch of files from a CD a client gave me (mostly JPG and Word Docs) to my hard drive. When I try to modify any of the folder names or modify the files themselves, they're all coming up as locked. I can unlock each file manually, using the info interface, which requires I retype my password in each instance, but we're talking about at least 200 files. The "Unlock" Automator scripts I've run to unlock the lot all at once aren't working.
Does anyone have any suggestions?

- or -
1. Using Finder, the top level folder of those files that you want to unlock. Switch to List View mode (cmd-2).
2. You should now see a finder pane containing only those files and folders that you want to unlock.
3. Cmd-a to Select All.
4. Open all the sub-folders. With all selected, opt-command-right arrow to open up alllll the children.
5. Cmd-A to select all
6. Opt-Cmd-I to bring up the single pane inspect
7. Unlock

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    Hi Jeff,
    iTunes does put a copy of the song in your Music Folder, and yes, you can delete the file off your Desktop as soon as it opens in iTunes, I'll take a minute now to see if you can turn off the automatic copying feature.
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    Hi Timo
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    Sounds like something in Finder is mucked up.
    Go to your Finder "Go" menu hold the option key to choose "Library"
    Then go to Preferences trash these files:
    Then, restart, or log out and in again.
    (You will have to reset a few finder prefs the way you like them.)

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    Thank You

    Hmm. That is entirely possible I suppose.
    Warp Stabilizer runs in the background, I just applied it to four clips one right after the other it just told me it was working in the background. I tried selecting all four clips before the stabilizing was finished and my relatively powerful PC responded by applying a lot of power to the task, as evidenced by the fans getting louder.
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    So I thought, what about RAM?
    I scrubbed the timeline over and over and watched the RAM allocated to Premiere Pro increase with every motion of the mouse to the left and to the right. I have twice your RAM, but eventually I think it would be easy to max it out. 
    So - what happens if you save and close Premiere Pro, then reopen the project and try the same thing again? How much of your 16G do you have dedicated to Premiere Pro? In other words, try keeping an eye on your Resource Monitor and see what it tells you. Your only solution might be to wait for Premiere Pro, or buy more RAM, or, having said all of that, if you are going to use Warp Stabilizer, I believe that you really only have two other choices. Wait until you have done all of your editing and then stabilize it. Or, stabilize and then export to an intermediate that you can import back into the project for editing.

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    I've never been a fan of iTunes. My dislike of its impositive ways is directly proportional to its version (10.1.1(4) currently), so I never allow it to do anything automatically for me. I really like it that way.
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    I'm using a 4th Generation iPod Touch.
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    Now, the few audio books I own are not even inside my iTunes media folder. They are elsewhere in a folder of their own. But everything had worked O.K.ish so far.
    Today, while re-tagging some audio books I asked iTunes to show the file in Finder. And it did. It was indeed inside that external HD... BUT... on the iTunes media folder, not on the folder where I keep those audio books originally.
    I checked the iTunes "Preferences" to see if the Gremlins had changed anything. It was as it has always been (with all pertinent options unchecked).
    I checked the original folder to see if they had been moved. Nope, they were still there too.
    The versions are not the same, since all that re-tagging I'd been doing had of course affected the ones in the "wrong" folder (the one I did not assigned nor agreed to create).
    The music is fine (some of which comes from a folder similarly outside the iTunes media folder, although most comes from within), it's just the audio books.
    An event of note is that a few days ago, that external HD had a problem and the data had to be moved elsewhere, the HD re-formatted, and the info placed back into it once more. But the paths remain identical since the HD has the same name and the folders are where they once were. I've no idea if this has any effect on anything at all, but I thought to mention it.
    So this mystery is such. Any takers?
    The questions are: Why does this happen? How can I stop it from happening again (aside from not using iTunes :-D).
    It is not that big a problem since I have very few audio books thus the duplicate is not too large, but I'd like to know how to avoid it, if possible.
    Thanks in advance for any information on this.

    iTunes prefs -> Advanced. Uncheck *Copy files to iTunes music folder when adding to library*.
    Any reason you don't want them in the music folder? You could add them to iTunes and delete the from your documents folder.

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    Now I can't use Firefox at all because it has corrupted the old version I was using and I am unable to download the new one.
    I am using Mac OS 10.7.2, Lion, on a MacBook Pro.

    What exactly is the error you get?
    How are you attempting this copy?
    There's almost certainly a way to accomplish what you want to do (probably best from the terminal possibly copying the entire user dir and fixing up permissions, etc.) but I'm not sure you will end up with the results you want.  There are plists in the preferences dir that you probably don't want to copy over (e.g., many of the* prefererences).  And many apps also create more than just plists.  There may be stuff in Application Support, LaunchAgents, Internet Plug-Ins, etc.).  And this would be stuff you do want to copy.  Bottom line is it is not a trivial exercise which is probably why the system is slapping your hands for even attempting it

  • Photoshop Says File Is Locked

    When I try to save a file from Photoshop CC I get the following message:
    "Could not save as “13_11_30_47_Megan.psd” because the file is locked, you do not have necessary access permissions, or another program is using the file. Use the ‘Get Info’ command in the Finder to ensure the file is unlocked and you have permission to access the file. If the problem persists, save the document to a different file or duplicate it in the Finder."
    Not sure what would cause this to happen. Would like to hear any ideas.

    First thing is to restart the computer.  This will release the file from any other applications that might have it loaded or focused on.
    If this doesn't help, find the file, right click, and chose properties.  If it is Read only, uncheck that.
    If still in trouble, try copying the file to another folder.  (drag while holding down the Ctrl key)
    If none of the above works, come back.   (I have answered for a Windows system.  If you are on a Mac, say so, and someone else will help)

  • Unable to start Photoshop CS6 - could not open a scratch file because the file is locked (Windows)

    When I first installed Adobe Photoshop CS6 I was unable to run Photoshop or Bridge CS6.  Photoshop would give me an error about "could not open a scratch file because the file is locked.  If I ran either of these programs as an administrator they would run without issue, this led me to believe that there was a permission issue somewhere.  After some digging I found out the both Bridge and Photoshop try to create a temp file (similiar to Photoshop Temp2777223910092) on the c:\ drive of the computer.  In my case the user that I was logged in with did not have access to write to the root of the C:\ drive.  Note that you run the program as the administrator and change the scratch disk location as that changes the preference for the administrator user and not the user that you are currently logged in as.
    To get around this issue I first had to give the user that I was logged on with write permissions to the root of the C:\ drive.  Next try and run Photoshop, you will get an error another error about the scratch disk and about and invalid or missing setting file.  To correct this you need to have run Photoshop as an administrator, next you can go to Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6\Adobe Photoshop CS6 Settings and copy Adobe Photoshop CS6 Prefs and/or Adobe Photoshop X64 CS6 Prefs to Users\<your logged in username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6\Adobe Photoshop CS6 Settings.
    Photoshop and bridge should now start up with no issues.
    I hope that this can help others out there as this caused me a great deal of frustration when upgrading to CS6.

    station_two wrote:
    OK, here comes the explanation of what the scratch disk does and why it's optimal to have it on a physically separate internal drive (not partition!) other than your boot drive
    I probably shouldn't say anything since it could complicate this thread, but the rules of thumb can be different under special circumstances when SSD is involved.
    IF you have a LOT of empty space on your SSD-based system drive, then Photoshop can actually work great with it's scratch setting pointed at the system drive.  This is because a) SSD transfers are much faster than spinning hard drives and b) there's no seek time, so simultaneous transfers to/from scratch and swap files aren't devastating to performance, and you can see a net gain because of the increased I/O throughput over what's possible using a separate spinning drive for scratch.
    But if you don't have a huge amount of free space (hundreds of GB) on the system SSD, it's definitely better to use a separate drive, as station_two has said.
    Also, up to about a year or so ago, you had to try to severely limit write activity to your SSD drive, since you could actually wear them out by repeated high data write activity.  That's pretty much a non-issue now with the advent of things like the SandForce in-drive controller that does wear-leveling inside the drive.  Modern drives will last 10 years or more in normal typical use, without special consideration.
    As it turns out, making a RAID array of SSDs is a great way to boost performance across the board, have bunches of free space, and ensure even the heaviest usage doesn't shorten the drive life.  I have done so, creating a 2 TB system drive C: made from 4 SSDs and Photoshop's swap file (and pretty much everything else) pointed to C:.  This system flies, and I can barely tell when Photoshop and/or Windows "goes virtual" and starts using its scratch/swap files heavily.  I don't even notice Photoshop auto-saves.
    Sorry for the SSD diversion.
    Back on topic: 
    Pretty much everyone who's successfully using a computer - Mac and PC users alike - comes to realize after a while that the task of integrating things on their computers and making everything work falls on THEM, not the developers of applications like Adobe.  Some applications pose unique challenges, but to think you can just throw up your hands and try to make it someone else's problem when something goes wrong simply isn't a viable strategy.  Maybe that's how things should be, but it's not how it is.
    For those of you struggling to get Photoshop to run properly, bear in mind that it's on you to get things working.  It works for most folks.  It could be a configuration or setup choice you've made that may need revisiting, or some kind of restorative activity that you need to do, or even something very minor like clearing your Photoshop preferences, but it may well take your learning new things and doing things you didn't think you'd have to do to get back to where you can edit photos.  It's no one's problem but your own.
    So let us here on the forum help you - when we say to do something, try it.  We're not here to jerk you around; we're users just like you who have already found the ways to make things work, and we'd like to help you do the same.

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