Copy a Text in an iPhone???

There is a away to Copy a text and paste it in a note?
Jose Ismael

sorry not at the current time

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    I believe this is possible if you backup with iTunes.  I know that if you perform the upgrade successfully on the same device, the text messages do transfer.  I would enable iCloud and let it backup everything (I don't really see a message backup specifically).  Then I would backup with iTunes just in case iCloud didn't backup your text messages.

  • Note copied and pasted itself from Iphone 5 to Mac Book Pro

    Hi there,
    OK, I have the most strangest event to report am really freaking out as Im not too sure of how it was possible but I am sure that there is someone out there who may! I will outline below exactly the circumstances in which this bizarre occurred:
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    4. Selected and copied the text in this document
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    6. Then hit cmd+v to paste the text from this document from the Windows PC to the Mac text edit document
    This is when I got a little disturbed - I will be as thorrough as possible:
    The paste function worked as per normal in the fact that some text did appear in my text edit document but it was not the text sourced from the word document is was something completely different - In fact the text startlingly was originally from a text message I sent over 10 days ago on my iphone 5. I am more than baffled how this text has managed to mysteriously appear from my "Un-connected" Iphone 5 to a text document on my Mac Book!?!?!? It is beyond freaking me out until................I just happened to open my "notes" app on my Iphone and the first thing I saw was an old note i created that was infact this text that appeared on my Mac!
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    OK, so I think that this may now be something un-supernatural however, I need to determine exactly how this procedure occurred! I am still utterly baffled as:
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    2. Checked my icloud settings on my Iphone and can see I have not got notes selected/activated
    I hope I have not missed anything out but if anyone has any intelligent respones that may solve this mystery I was be extremely grateful.
    Many thanks.

    See this support document

  • Cool copy/paste web app for iPhone

    Hi, check the Clippy web app from that supports copy/paste between webpages in iPhone.
    Its really cool.
    Here is a link for the Youtube video:
    It can copy images and url links from the webpage. it stores all your clips online so that you can access them later from PC/Mac.
    Its really worth it, specially after no news from apple for copy/paste..

    Well its not at all bad, and i would say that the interface it a lot better than previous ones.
    and even you email link to someone, you can't specify the text that you are refering to so you can be more specific and it also contains internal links and images that makes it to the point..

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    The native iPhone OS doesn't allow that. I think there are several solutions to this, some of which may be against the AT&T or Apple rules. One legitimate solution is The Missing Sync for iPhone by mark/space (
    Before I had an iPhone, I owned a copy of The Missing Sync for Windows Mobile. It was a pretty decent app. In my opinion, though, their app for the iPhone is NOT worth the price ($40 new, $25 for a cross-grade).
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    hold down on the body of text until you see copy/more - then select copy.
    Open a new text, then hold down on the text area and paste.
    Don't try and paste in the large white section, but in the actual place where you type a message.

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    Miami, FL

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    The Mac version will use your Apple ID as the first and only choice...
    ... Until you add the same Apple ID to Messages on the iPhone.
    Once this is done it is best to Restart the app on the Mac.
    This will then get at least one, possibly two pop up saying the iPhone in using the Apple ID and the iPhone Number.
    Accepting these Pop ups will enable the iPhone as an ID to be used in the Receive At List.
    It will also appear in the drop down at the bottom for "Start New Conversations from"
    If you did not set iyt up like this then remove the apple ID from the iPhone in the Settings > Messages.
    Place the iPhone in Airplane mode to break with the server.
    Take it out of Airplane Mode and re-add the Apple ID in the Messages settings.
    Then Restart the app on the Mac as above.
    Having done this you can still turn Off the Apple ID on the iPhone (receive as the iPhone number only) or disable the iPhone Number on the Mac (receive Apple ID stuff only)
    The Start New Conversations option on the Mac version means you could use the iPhone number so people don't get your email.
    8:26 pm      Thursday; December 26, 2013
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

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    I am not receiving text messages from iphone user, sporatically.  The messages are showing as reveived on Verizon website in usage detail, but not being received on my phone.

        This issue needs fixed asap! I have a few suggestions that should help you get this resolved. If they are showing up in the usage details, that means they are hitting the Verizon network, but for some reason they are not showing up on the phone.   I recommend clearing the cache from your messaging/text messaging programs. Go to settings> applications> manage apps> all> Messaging/Text Messaging> Force Stop/Clear Cache/Clear Data. Erase the old text threads that you have saved and retry.
    If that doesn't work, please let us know the following:
    1) Do they come in delayed or not at all?
    2) Do you have any 3rd party messaging apps installed?
    3) Do they have any problems receiving messages from you?
    4) When they're sending messages, are they directly to you, or do you have this problem when the iPhone user sends to a group of people?
    Thanks for the additional info! I'm sure we can find a fix.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    If you registered your iPhone with Apple using a support profile, try going to and unregistering it.  Also, try changing the password associated with the Apple ID that you were using for iMessage.

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    For iTunes purchases only..
    Connect the iPhone to your Mac, launch iTunes.
    If you haven't done this yet, go to the iTunes menu bar click Store / Authorize This Computer
    Now from the iTunes menu bar again, click File / Transfer Purchases From...

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