Copy e-mail to paste in Memo

I get e-mails that span over 2 or more screens. When I highlight the first screen and use the scroll bar to get to the second screen, I lose the first screen's highlight. I don't find a 'Select All' option. What's the secret to highlighting all of an e-mail message that spans 2 or more screens???
Post relates to: Palm TX

You can scroll from one page to the next while highlighting text with your stylus, by using the 5-way navigator pad.  In other words, use the stylus to start highlighting text at the top of the first screen.  When you get to the bottom of the screen, press the bottom edge (i.e. "down" ) of the 5-way navigator pad while continuing to hold the stylus down on the text to be highlighted. 
When you get to the end of what you want to highlight, tap Menu > Copy.  Then open Memo, create a new memo and select Paste from the menu.
The same functionality should also work using Documents To Go instead of Memo, and DTG will give you much greater flexibility in editing & saving such documents.
[BTW, there is no need to create duplicate threads on the same topic...Moderators and Palm Tech Support agents review the forums for new threads all the time and if someone has any answers, we'll post them.  Posting duplicate threads only serves to clutter up the Forums, so I removed your earlier thread on this same subject.  Thanks.]
Post relates to: Centro (AT&T)
Message Edited by smkranz on 09-02-2008 06:11 PM
I am a volunteer, and not an HP employee.
Palm OS ∙ webOS ∙ Android

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    Others give good advice, here - but, to answer your question...
    First, you'll need to use a text editor to create the document that will contain the pasted information, and which will become the attachment to your email. TextEdit, which probably came with your Mac, will work. Whatever text editor or word processor you use, be sure to Save the document in a format she can open. Rich text is probably the safest choice, because almost any word processor can open that format.
    So, start TextEdit, and when the new document appears, select Save from the File menu. When the Save window pops up, give the new document a name, and select your Desktop for the location. Down at the bottom of the Save window, for File Format, choose Rich Text Format (RTF). If she is not on a Mac, be sure the Hide Extension box is NOT checked. Click the Save button.
    Now you can start copying and pasting from websites. The process will go like this:
    Select some text, then choose Copy from your browser's Edit menu. Next, switch to TextEdit, put your cursor where you want the text to appear, and select Paste from TextEdit's Edit menu. (If you are going to do a lot of this, it will pay to learn the keyboard shortcuts.)
    Selecting text on web pages can be somewhat frustrating. For really long selections, click once to put your cursor where you want to start copying, scroll down to where you want to end, and - while holding down the Shift key - click again; everything between the clicks will be selected. Try to select text, only. If you paste any graphics into your RTF document, TextEdit will prompt you to re-Save the document in RTFD format. If she really needs graphics, you can do that, but before you do, be sure she can open documents in that format. Most tables on web pages are impossible to copy and paste without the columns and rows going all out of alignment, so screen shots - which are images - are the best bet for tables. (If she can't open a RTFD document, you can convert the FINISHED file to a non-editable, but easily viewable, PDF document by choosing that option from the Print window. Be warned that if you create a long document with many graphics, and then convert it to PDF, the file size can get big - possibly preventing some mail servers from delivering it.)
    When you start pasting into TextEdit, you are going to get all sizes of text in various colors and fonts. If you paste text from a web-page that has white text on a black background, you will not see the white letters on your white page (tip: select the white area). After the first text is pasted into TextEdit, go to the Format menu and select Font>Show Fonts and a new tool window will appear. Select the text you just pasted, and format it to a readable size and font, then de-select the text. From now on, whenever you want to paste: from TextEdit's Edit menu, select Paste and Match Style.
    When you are ready to send the file, Save and Close your TextEdit document. From Mail's File menu, select Attach File. Navigate to your Desktop, select your document, and, if she is using Windows, check the box to Send Windows Friendly Attachments. Click Choose File, to add the attachment to your email.

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    Hi Gordon,
    Wish you all the best and Happy Chinese New Year!
    I tried to reproduce the issue like below.
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    You can find the Copy, Paste, and Cut buttons next to Firefox > Edit (and in its sub menu) and in the regular Edit menu on the menu bar (press F10 if the menu bar is hidden).<br />
    The buttons next to Firefox > Edit are enabled if there is something to do with them, just like with the toolbar buttons.<br />
    You can find the Copy, Paste, and Cut toolbar buttons in the toolbar palette in the Customize window and drag them on a toolbar.<br />
    Press F10 or press and hold the Alt key down to bring up the "Menu Bar" temporarily.

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    OK. I can see your problem.
    Well, at least users are forced to fix the faulty address immediately. By getting a bounce later most users won't
    I know this is not the answer you were looking for so here you go (although I actually think user education never hurts and have not implemented this on my high traffic servers ;-):
    Are your users being forced to use SMTP authentication to send? If not make sure you have this in place as the first step. This is important so that your security is not compromised.
    Now look at your /etc/postfix/ and towards the end look for
    smtpdrecipientrestrictions = .......
    You'll see something along these lines:
    smtpdrecipientrestrictions = permitsaslauthenticated, rejectunauthdestination, permit_mynetworks, rejectrblclient, rejectrblclient, permit
    See if it includes rejectunauthdestination and/or rejectunverifiedrecipient and remove those.
    This should do the trick (not knowing your configuration there is always a chance something doesn't work as expected).
    The drawback is that this is now true for all senders and thus mail will get accepted first and bounced later if for unknown users.
    You can "finetune" this so that it applies only to your local users, but this requires quite a bit of fiddling around with your configuration and will "break" Server Admin. If you don't mind, see the following page for more info or ask again

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    receiveoverrideoptions = noaddressmappings
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    receive_override_options = no_address_mappings
    Personally, I put this in the file. As an addition to the existing no_header_body_checks so (probably last line in file) looks like... inet n  -       y       -       -       smtpd
      <other stuff here>
       -o receive_override_options=no_header_body_checks,no_address_mappings
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    Can you please be more specific?
    If you only need to copy the emails from one computer to another, and you are using Outlook as well as the local PST file, then just copy the PST file to the other computer, then open it in the Outlook in that computer, then you will be able to access
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    Second, a lot of Outlook MVPs also discussing this topic on their own websites:
    Third, there are many third-party Outlook recovery tools you can try, below is a list of them:
    Nearly all these tools provide a free trial so you can try first to see if a tool works before purchase it.
    Good luck!

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    Locations may be slightly different, but...
    First Quit Mail, then copy over...
    On Firefox...
    PS, I think you should Migrate from a clean setup.

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    Could any help.
    Thanks in advance.

    Edit /etc/postfix/
    look for:
    always_bcc = [email protected]
    Delete or comment the line.
    Restart mail service.

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    Hi, Mylenium,
    Thanks for your prompt reply, I'm afraid it hasn't helped. I don't see anything wrong in my device manager.
    I have also gone and updated every driver, especially the motherboard chipset and the Sata Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver.
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    Any other suggestions?
    Many thanks in advance!

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