Copy/Paste Image Resizing

I am using preview to edit some images for a video I am amking, and I got stumpted on the new Preview 7.0 editing tools. Even though it is massivly improved(kudos to Apple), I have trouble resizing pasted images. Before, on Mountain Lion, pulling the side/top resires would not scale resize, but dispropotionately resize(unless holding shift). Now, there is no way to disproprtionatly scale it, even though I need it. How do I do this?

That sort of defeats the purpose of preview
What is the purpose of Preview? It is primarily  an application to let you browse images and pdfs. Preview has become more powerful, recently. Originally it really could do no more than open an image to preview it. Now you do some basic editing or manage pdf documents, but it really does not claim to be a full photo editor and graphics program like Photoshop.
From the Preview Help:
If you need an external editor for graphics compositing, use something like GIMP or any other program from this list:  Re: Show text on a photo?
-- Léonie

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    Hi garynguyen,
    premise doesn't provide this kind of oob function to copy and paste the image into SharePoint page directly, you may develop your own solution (or use third party solution) to ahcieve this goal.
    For Office365 SharePoint online question, we have a dedicated forum as below, you can post there for a better assistance with more experts regarding this Office365 issue.
    Daniel Yang
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

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    There is a problem saving the file.
    Usually this is because the disk or floppy disk is too small for the file or is full, RAM memory is low, or there is a permission problem with the drive the file is being saved to.
    If the amount of disk space for a paging file is low, save the file to another drive. If the RAM memory is low, increase available RAM. If permissions to the drive do not allow you to save to that drive, save the file to another drive or request
    permissions from the administrator to save files to the drive.
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    What is the version of Word?
    Sometimes the Preview Pane in Windows File Explorer may conflict with Word, thus the error message appears. If you have enabled the Preview Pane in File Explorer, disable it to check the result. For example, in Windows 8.1, Open File Explorer, click
    View tab on the top -> Panes -> Click Preview Pane to enable or disable it.
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    You can send the event logs to our email address and we can help analyze the problem:
    [email protected]
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
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    813258 wrote:
    Thanks for your suggestions ...
    One more thing is if i am developing the webpage using PHP then can i use JAVA APPLET and achieve this on the same page???Well, as you may know, PHP generates HTML output and applets are embedded in html pages.
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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions.
    This is the Aperture forum, not the Safari one.
    Try Drag and dropping the image from Safari to the desktop or to your target document.

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    The graphic is embedded, you loose most all ability to control color. Use file >> place and check the link box to place this as a linked graphic. Then the values you see in phothsop will be the values sent to the output device. Any color management you add on top of this is the only thing that would change the color.
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