Copying part of a finished project to a new project

New garage band user here. Getting the recording part down. Now trying to take a small segment (15 seconds) of a finished track and copy/export/whatever it to a new project or just as a short audio file. Seems like it should be easy, but I've tried lots and am stuck. Thanks for any help.

export the section you want:
(Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)
drop the resulting file into the timeline of your other project

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    There is a also a Clipboard "extender," ClipMate, that will allow one to Copy/Paste from one Project to another. I have not used it, but many have and few have any issues.
    The Export to DV-AVI method is the main one. The only thing to think about is that you will want either a perfectly tight edit, before the Export, or a very loose edit (I'd go so far as to add 02 sec. of Black Video between un-Trimmed Clips), as you will not want to, say replace a Transition, as you would have to Trim even more of your Clips to create the necessary Handles.
    Good luck,

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    I also created a "temporary" project for easier editing with pictures, transitions and sound added that I want to put into my "master" project.  I could create an avi and bring it over but I was hoping to have the finished project all in one source.  Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Thanks for the info.  I'll keep that in mind if I ever want to do it again.  Unfortunately, I had already just re-done it in the master before I saw this.  Amazingly (to me, anyway), I couldn't even cut and paste the TEXT in the title to a Word doc just to save me from keying it in again.  (It was more than a title - it was like movie credits with names, songs, etc.)  I figured I could at least cut and paste the text.
    The bigger issue was I had done a "save as" of my main project, deleted all but the 55 pictures I had, then added transitions and music, burned it to a RW DVD so I could see how it looked, then figured if it looked good I would just copy and paste the info into my master.  Well I wound up redoing that as well once I figured out I couldn't do that.  In Pinnacle, whether it was a title or just the video track or audio or both it was a simple highlight of what I wanted, copy it, close that project, open another one, paste it in.  Done.
    I also had trouble editing today.  If I edited my pictures, maybe changed one or added one, it messed up my soundtrack.   In Pinnacle I would click a lock icon on the timeline and edit either the audio or video to my heart's content and not mess up the other track.  I could leave the audio in place but replace the video.  For my daughter's wedding, for example, I took video from 3 different cameras but used the audio from just one so it played smoothly but I could switch the video around for the best shots and it looked very good.
    Dare I ask how to lock just the audio or video track?  Don't spend a lot of time replying.  I already edited my music file by putting it way out in the timeline where there wasn't any video track.  Then I could split the audio clip, copy part of it, and paste it back in.  I needed the music to last a little longer while the pictures were displaying.  Then when I was done I moved it where I wanted, but even at that, I had to be careful because moving it sometimes messed up the video track if I didn't do it just right.
    The good news is I'm pretty much done with my video.

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  • Are there glitches in iMovie or iDVD that would create problems with viewing a finished project on a standard dvd player?

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    Yes and No.
    There are Bugs and ways to make better or Worse DVDs - see if this can help.
    There are two "Bugs" (or at least one)
    • In iDVD - do not go back to video editing program - if You got Chapters set in Your movie - if You try - then now back in iDVD it will ask You to up-date ==> all Chapters will point to Chapter one. Medicine - create a brand new iDVD Project.
    • There MUST NOT BE any Chapter mark set in very beginning of the Movie - or in any transition or within 2 seconds from them.
    DVD quality  
    1. iDVD 08, 09 & 11 has three levels of qualities. (version 7.0.1, 7,0.4 & 7.1.1) and iDVD 6 has the two last ones
    • Professional Quality
    (movies + menus up to 120 min.) - BEST (but not always for short movies e.g. up to 45 minutes in total)
    • Best Performances
    (movies + menus less than 60 min.) - High quality on final DVD (Can be best for short movies)
    • High Quality (in iDVD08 or 09) / Best Quality (in iDVD6)
    (movies + menus up to 120 min.) - slightly lower quality than above
    Menu can take 15 minutes or even more - I use a very simple one with no audio or animation like ”Brushed Metal” in old Themes.
    About double on DL DVDs.
    2. Video from
    • FCE/P - Export out as full quality (not self-containing, no conversion)
    • iMovie x-6 - Don't use ”Share/Export to iDVD” = destructive even to movie project and especially so
    when the movie includes photos and the Ken Burns effect NOT is used. Instead just drop or import the iMovie movie project icon (with a Star on it) into iDVD theme window.
    • iMovie’08 or 09 or 11 are not meant to go to iDVD. Go via Media Browser ( AND AS MEDIUM - not HD etc as DVD then will suffer in quality ) or rather use iMovie HD 6 from start.
    3. I use Roxio Toast™ to make an as slow burn as possibly e.g. x4 or x1 (in iDVD’08 or 09  this can also be set)
    This can also be done with Apple’s Disk Utilities application when burning from a DiskImage.
    4. There has to be about or more than 25Gb free space on internal (start-up) hard disk. iDVD can't
    use an external one as scratch disk (if it is not start-up disc). For SD-Video - if HD-material is used I guess that 4 to 5 times more would do.
    5. I use Verbatim ( also recommended by many - Taiyo Yuden DVDs - I can’t get hold of it to test )
    6. I use DVD-R (no +R or +/-RW) - DVD-R play’s on more and older DVD-Players
    7. Keep NTSC to NTSC - or - PAL to PAL when going from iMovie to iDVD
    (I use JES_Deinterlacer to keep frame per sec. same from editing to the Video-DVD result.)
    8. Don’t burn more than three DVDs at a time - but let the laser cool off for a while before next batch.
    iDVD quality also depends on.
    • DVD is a standard in it self. It is Standard Definition Quality = Same as on old CRT-TV sets and can not
    deliver anything better that this.
    HD-DVD was a short-lived standard and it was only a few Toshiba DVD-players that could playback.
    These DVDs could be made in DVD-Studio Pro. But they don’t playback on any other standard DVD-Player.
    Blu-Ray / BD can be coded onto DVDs but limited in time to - about 20-30 minutes and then need
    _ Roxio Toast™ 10 Pro incl. BD-component
    _ BD disks and burner if full length movies are to be stored
    _ BD-Player or PlayStation3 - to be able to playback
    The BD-encoded DVDs can be play-backed IF Mac also have Roxio DVD-player tool. Not on any standard Mac or DVD-player
    Full BD-disks needs a BD-player (in Mac) as they need blue-laser to be read. No red-laser can do this.
    • HOW much free space is there on Your internal (start-up) hard disk. Go for approx. 25Gb.
    less than 5Gb and Your result will most probably not play.
    • How it was recorded - Tripod vs Handheld Camera. A stable picture will give a much higher quality
    • Audio is most often more critical than picture. Bad audio and with dropouts usually results in a non-viewed movie.
    • Use of Video-editor. iMovie’08 or 09 or 11 are not the tools for DVD-production. They discard every second line resulting in a close to VHS-tape quality.
    iMovie 1 to HD6 and FinalCut any version delivers same quality as Camera record in = 100% to iDVD
    • What kind of movie project You drop into it. MPEG4 seems to be a bad choice.
    other strange formats are .avi, .wmv, .flash etc. Convert to streamingDV first
    Also audio formats matters. I use only .aiff or from miniDV tape Camera 16-bit
    strange formats often problematic are .avi, .wmv, audio from iTunes, .mp3 etc
    Convert to .aiff first and use this in movie project
    • What kind of standard - NTSC movie and NTSC DVD or PAL to PAL - no mix.
    (If You need to change to do a NTSC DVD from PAL material let JES_Deinterlacer_3.2.2 do the conversion)
    (Dropping a PAL movie into a NTSC iDVD project
    (US) NTSC DVDs most often are playable in EU
    (EU) PAL DVDs most often needs to be converted to play in US
    UNLESS. They are play-backed by a Mac - then You need not to care
    • What kind of DVDs You are using. I use Verbatim DVD-R (this brand AND no +R or +/-RW)
    • How You encode and burn it. Two settings prior iDVD’08 or 09
    Pro Quality (only in iDVD 08 & 09)
    Best / High Quality (not always - most often not)
    Best / High Performances (most often my choice before Pro Quality)
    1. go to iDVD pref. menu and select tab far right and set burn speed to x1 (less errors = plays better) - only in iDVD 08 & 09
    (x4 by some and may be even better)
    2. Project info. Select Professional Encoding - only in iDVD 08 & 09.
    Region codes.
    iDVD - only burn Region = 0 - meaning - DVDs are playable everywhere
    DVD Studio pro can set Region codes.
    1 = US
    2 = EU
    unclemano wrote
    What it turned out to be was the "quality" settings in iDVD. The total clip time was NOT over 2 hours or 4.7GB, yet iDVD created massive visual artifacts on the "professional quality" setting.
    I switched the settings to "high quality" which solved the problem. According iDVD help, "high quality" determines the best bit rate for the clips you have.
    I have NEVER seen iDVD do this before, especially when I was under the 2 hour and 4.7GB limits.
    For anyone else, there seem to be 2 places in iDVD to set quality settings, the first is under "preferences" and the second under "project info." They do NOT seem to be linked (i.e. if you change one, the other is NOT changed). take care, Mario
    to get this to work I
    • Secure a minimum of 25Gb free space on Start-Up (Mac OS) hard disk
    • Use Verbatim DVD-R (absolutely no +/-RW)
    • Set down burn speed to x4 - less burn errors = plays on more devices
    • No other process running in background as - ScreenSaver, EnergySaver OR TIMEMACHINE etc
    • and I'm very careful on what kind of video-codecs, audio file format and photo file formats I use
    • and I consider the iDVD Bug - never go back to video-editor to change/up-date - if so Start  a brand new iDVD project
    • Chapters set as they should - NO one at very beginning and no one in any transition or within 2 sec from it
    • Lay-out - Turn on TV-Safe area and keep everything buttons, titles etc WELL INSIDE not even touching it !
    Try to break the process up into two stages
    • Save as a DiskImage (calculating part)
    • Burn from this .img file (burning stage)
    To isolate where the problem starts.
    Another thing is - Playing it onto a Blu-Ray Player. My PlayStation3 can play BD-disks but not all of my home made DVDs so to get this to work I
    • Secure a minimum of 25Gb free space on Start-Up (Mac OS) hard disk
    • Use Verbatim DVD-R (absolutely no +/-RW)
    • Set down burn speed to x4 - less burn errors = plays on more devices
    • No other process running in background as - ScreenSaver, EnergySaver OR TIMEMACHINE etc
    • and I'm very careful on what kind of video-codecs, audio file format and photo file formats I use
    • and I consider the iDVD Bug - never go back to video-editor to change/up-date - if so Start  a brand new iDVD project
    • Chapters set as they should - NO one at very beginning and no one in any transition or within 2 sec from it
    • Lay-out - Turn on TV-Safe area and keep everything buttons, titles etc WELL INSIDE not even touching it !
    • Minimum of 25Gb free space on Start-Up hard disk
    • No other programs running in BackGround e.g. Energy-Saver
    • Don’t let HD spin down or be turned off (in Energy-Save)
    • Move hard disks that are not to be used to Trash - To be disconnected/turned off
    • Goto Spotlight and set the rest of them under Integrity (not to be scanned)
    • Set screen-saver to a folder without any photo - then make an active corner (up right for me) and set
    pointer to this - turns on screen saver - to show that it has nothing to show
    • No File Vault on - Important
    • NO - TimeMachine - during iMovie/iDVD work either ! IMPORTANT
    • Lot's of icons on DeaskTop/Finder also slows down the Mac noticeably
    • Start a new User-Account and log into this and iMovie get's faster too - if a project is in a hurry
    • And let Mac run on Mains - not just on battery
    Yours Bengt W

  • CS3 How to archive finished projects and erase all draft materials without losing final versions.

    I have two questions, both related to system management. The first is simple and the second is more complex.
    First, I hate that every time I open a Premiere Pro project I have to remember to reset the scratch disc settings because they are carried over from the previous project rather than being project-specific.
    Is there a workaround so that the scratch disc settings can be attached to each project so they don’t need to be reset each time one reopens a project?
    Second, I presently distribute my work over four (4) 1-TB drives as follows.
    Drive D contains my Premiere (prproj and related) files as well as Encore (ncor DVD/BD burn files).
    Drive E contains all captured files (transferred from tape).
    Drives F and P are scratch drives where all the preview files are stored, both audio and video.
    Presently, scratch drives F and P are full, project drive D is nearly full, and I am finished editing the projects which occupy these drives. Drive E, however, still has plenty of unused space.
    What I want to do now is to archive the finished projects, along with associated preview files, source clips, and burn files on the E drive, which has plenty of free space remaining. Then I want to delete the project and associated assets from Drive D and erase both scratch drives F & P so that I can reuse those drives for new work.
    To do that I have tried using the Project Manager to “collect files and copy to new location” to collect and copy each project to its own folder on the E drive.
    The problem is that, having done that, and removed the preview files and project files from their original locations, when attempting to open the now relocated projects from their new locations, the relocated projects continue to look for the associated preview files in the old location (drive F or P), even though all the files associated with each relocated project now reside on the same drive in the same folder. It appears that the Project Manager does not associate the preview files and source clips that it relocates with the project files that it relocates.
    Can someone explain this and how best to accomplish my goal of relocating and archiving finished projects along with their associated previews and source materials so that the originals can safely be deleted?

    Is there a workaround so that the scratch disc settings can be attached to each project so they don’t need to be reset each time one reopens a project?
    Yes.  Upgrade to CS5.5.  (This feature first showed up in CS4.)
    What I want to do now is to archive the finished projects
    You can safely delete everything on the F and P drives.  Previews can simply be rebuilt.  No need to waste space trying to save them.
    Save the project files on the D drive.  Delete the media on E (you can always recapture if you need to rebuild).
    Do not use the Project Manager.  Premiere Pro is an NLE.  Use it for it's intended purpose.  Use a real file manager (Windows Explorer on the PC, Finder on the Mac) to execute file operations.

  • How to make "Time of Day" show on my finished project

    I am a private investigator. I shoot surveillance footage using a Canon XH A1 HD Camcorder. I am currently using Adobe Premier Pro and hate it. I need to have the time and date show in the finished project I provide to my clients. The information is on the mini dv tape but doesn't show in my project unless I capture through a Canopus break out box and use analog (RCA) capture cables. When I capture via this method, the project is 4:3 and low quality, not HD. I would like to just capture via firewire as this would give me a higher quality project and a wide screen image.
    I have a MacBook Pro and would make the change to a full Mac Pro and FC or FCE system if I could just get what to me should be a simple thing to actually happen! I could even use iMovie for all of the editing we do is super simple. Can anyone steer me in the right direction. Thanks.

    I do understand your intention, but the "unaltered" image is actually the clean one ie with no time/date stamp displayed ... the display of the embedded time/date stamp data is simply a function of the camera/player and not an intrinsic part of the picture itself. as long as the data you you overlaid manually was accurate then strictly speaking it should be no more or less satisfactory
    Suppose for example, that I could point you to a free plugin that can read and display the embedded data code ... applying it to your video would alter the picture no more an no less than if you had manually applied text generators that displayed that same information ... the filter would just be automating the tedious manual process

  • How do i save a finished project to a thumb drive (IDVD)

    imade a simple dvd which has a title screen and 3 separate slide shows all with 1 song each. it plays great on the screen but when i go to burn it to a DVD is took forever and was very choppy and did not work well. i then tried to save it to the desktop or a thumb drive with it still not working like a dvd file should. I am very new to Mac and it may be simple but i cant figure it out. I want it to be on my thumb drive so i can plug it into another mac, go the the thumb and press play. again in the IDVD editing screen it works fine, but i cant get it to save to the disk drive or thumb as a finished project. any suggestions email me at hooziz2005 at gmail dot com ( that i how new I am to mac....i dont even think i could figure out ho to read any answer you guys may post to this question of mine!!! So ill check my email
    Message was edited by: Moderator

    Hello, hooziz,
    Welcome to the discussions.
    iDVD should be thought of as a container that is used temporarily, just when you burn a DVD or encode the projects' data. The media is not stored within the project the way it is in iMovie. All the media used in iDVD are represented by a kind of alias, referring iDVD to actual file when the project is burned. So, if you move any media or even rename a photo, iDVD will not be able to locate it to burn your disk. Obviously then, if you move your iDVD project only, take it to another computer and expect to find all your photo, music and movie files there, you will not, because they are 'at home' on your computer.
    If you want to be able to take your iDVD project to another Mac, you need to create a disk image file of your project. You do this in iDVD, by selecting 'save as disk image.' This process looks exactly like the burn process, but the end result is a disk image file, not a burned disk. The media information is encoded onto the disk image file, making it a self-contained file, so that all the media information is in that file. Now, you can transfer the disk image to a thumb drive and move it to another computer with all the data intact. You can burn a DVD disk from the disk image file using Disk Utility or Toast.
    Many of us routinely create disk image files of our iDVD projects as a way to save the projects without having to save the original movies. iDVD disk image files take up less drive space. A disk image file can be used to burn DVDs. It also is a good way to determine if you have any problems with the encoding process.
    It is not recommended that you post your email address in your messages. To retrieve responses to your posts, sign on to Discussions and click on 'my posts' in the list of options. You will see your post and the responses.
    Hope this is helpful. Post back if you have more questions.

  • How do I copy parts of layers from one AI doc into a new AI doc and keep/create same layer names?

    How do I copy PARTS of layers containing many objects from one CS5 AI (v.15.0.2) doc into a new CS5 AI doc and keep/create the same layer names?
    To start with, I have one fairly complex AI document with 100 layers,  with several hundred items in each layer. For example, one layer named "Stars" contains  400 separate stars (not grouped), another layer named "Crosses" contains 300 separate crosses, and a 3rd layer named "Text" contains 200 separate words (not outlined).
    If I select, by marqueeing a section of the image/artboard, some (but not all) of the individual items contained in the several layers, then  paste that selection into a new CS5 AI doc, I cannot get them to  create new layers of the same name. Instead they go into one general layer (e.g. "Layer 101") as a jumble of discrete, but unorganized objects (no layers or sublayers). In other words, I have lost the 3 main layers from which I selected a bunch of objects.
    Checking "Paste Remembers Layers" has no effect on this result. In fact "Paste Remembers Layers" does not remember layers at all. Only if I select ALL the items in the several layers will it paste those layers by those names into the new doc (or create new layers of the same names).
    Of course it is a COLOSSAL waste of time copying the ENTIRE document, then pasting the WHOLE thing into the new doc (with layers retained), then deleting the parts I DON'T need, so please don't suggest that as the solution.

    No Monica, nothing in Plug-ins other than the standard installed items (extensions, filters, formats, etc.). No 3rd-part clipboard extension on my computer that I'm aware of, either. All frustratingly basic. And my other CS5 Adobe programs appear to work well, at least to the extent that I am familiar with them.
    So, from what I can tell of the various comments (thanks to all of you), am I correct in thinking that it seems I can't, in fact, do what all of you can do (that is, copy some objects from some layers in one doc and paste into another doc preserving those same layers by name and organization, and each containing the correct objects from each original layer)?
    If so, that solves half my issue - "is it supposed to be possible to do it"; leaving just the other half - "why can't I do it too".
    I'll get those screenshots made and posted later just in case I haven't adequately described the issue, or y'all haven't understood it.

  • Cutting a Big section from a finished project, I need to rant on this one!

    Hi all...
    On listening to a completed song and from others advise. The song is too long!
    Mainly the 2nd verse is the part that could have been cut and should have but I got caught up in the story tell
    So now Im looking some help on cutting entire sections out of projects. Is this easy or horrible task. I know a horrible one which is proving impossible:(
    So, Rather than the unwanted 4 bars on the 2nd verse being there, should I deleted every track in within that section
    Then drag the latter end of the song back up to that point. So that my bridge section kicks in now the point where Ive deleted the old unwanted section of the verse.
    I wont even tell you the format I was thinking of taken! But then I wondered???
    If I highlighted all 32 tracks from the point of the Bridge section, drag them up to where I wanna cut out that verse will it work ok?? Do I also have to delete the old section (un wanted verse part) or will the dragging of the new section over them over ride them on play back??
    I know Im not great at communicating this but its a tedious un need job if I have to do it arse ways. Surely if highlight and drag a section, to and over and un wanted section it should fitin tightly and sound ok????
    Thanks guys

    Hi, Houston still hasn't arrived!
    Ok so first of all I get everything about splitting at region 40 and 50, deleting that data then dragging the tracks back to fill the now empty space. But
    I just cannot find "Split Region by play-head" Anyway where! According to the manual it should be under Region/Demix and its a drop of menu in there. Here's an online link showing that. fYNoWFhQfUlpy7AQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=10&ved=0CGgQ6AEwCQ#v=onepa ge&q&f=false
    Woah that link is big! But it shows where it should be and for me its not there???!!
    There is no SPLIT option when I go into Region at all. Ive even tried searching in preferences, key command and I get nothing. Split Chanel is the only thing I see really.
    I have tracks highlighted, I just dont understand why I cant find the split region option. Also Ive tried searching all over the key board for the ß key.
    I dont know where Im going wrong.
    PS: If I do figure this out, will Audio inst that I have on loop within that section also cut??
    thanks again dude

  • A  project on iMovie 09 that  Freezes(only the project)  the viwer window blocked in gray ... .. After editing that  took me a year I'm stuck . All my finished projects that are in the Library infected with the same symptoms and it happens only after I w

    a  project on iMovie 09 that  Freezes(only the project)  the viwer window blocked in gray ... .. After editing that  took me a year I'm stuck .
    All my finished projects that are in the Library infected with the same symptoms and it happens only after I went into the problematic project.  
    I tried to open a new project and everything works
    ...I also tried throwing Recent Files, in the past It solved the problem ,not this time ...
    the problem is that this project will take me a long, long time to rebuild
    imovie 09
    Model Name:          iMac 
      Model Identifier:          iMac10,1
      Processor Name:          Intel Core 2 Duo
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      Memory:          4 GB
      Bus Speed:          1.07 GHz

    This recently happened to me.  I am a novice, but it seemed like that project got corrupted some how.
    I deleted it.
    Went to time machine and picked it up again when I knew it was working ok.
    I lost a few hours of work, but not the entire project.
    Once I had the project back from time machine, it worked fine (but like I said, I lost a little bit of work).

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    Nor should it. You only cpoied what you selected, and the new frame is not threaded to anything.

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    Then opened it in iBooks.
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    I can't find a way to get a Select or Copy menu to come up.
    I've tried tapping, double tapping, and holding my finger on the page?
    Thanks for any help!

    Copy the content of PDF file in Adobe Reader and paset it to MS Word then create PDF file from the Word file.
    This may not work for all PDF files as some PDF files are not created correctly or some content cannot be copied.
    Acrobat XI Pro has features to extract/delete/crop pages in PDF files and you can download it from version- 30 days free). Or you can upgrade your subscription to Acrobat Plus and see more information at

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    Copy the content of PDF file in Adobe Reader and paset it to MS Word then create PDF file from the Word file.
    This may not work for all PDF files as some PDF files are not created correctly or some content cannot be copied.
    Acrobat XI Pro has features to extract/delete/crop pages in PDF files and you can download it from version- 30 days free). Or you can upgrade your subscription to Acrobat Plus and see more information at

  • Copy and paste - can't copy parts of a SMS message

     I'm getting really frustrated with the copy part of copy/paste within a SMS. In the SMS - If I tap on any number or word = nothing happens (if nothing is underlined), If I tap on a number underlined = I get the option to phone or skype?? If I double click = nothing happens, If I do a long press I the options to:COPY MESSAGE TEXTFORWARD MESSAGECOPY MESSAGE TO SIM CARDDELETE MESSAGEVIEW MESSAGE DE TAILSADD STAR  If I want to copy some text (e.g. phone number, address, anything else) but not the whole SMS I cannot find a way to do it. Anyone else having this problem with SMS messages? Sometimes you need to extract info from the SMS to paste into an entry box on a website for example or to add to contacts etc. Can anyone help?  

    Hi and welcome to the community! Since you're new please be sure that you have checked out our Discussion guidelines.
    Unfortunately, it's not possible to copy parts of a text message in the pre installed messaging application. But if you press a number, you can open it with the phone application and copy the number from the dialer. And if you want to copy an URL, you can open the page and copy it from the URL-field.
    If you want parts from a text message, my best suggestion would be to copy the text into a notepad or similar and edit the text. Thereby, you can copy it with the text you want included.

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