Corrupt iPod...please respond

Do I need to go return my new nano for another one if it says its corrupted? Please help.

First of all, the exact same thing happened to me. You probably don't need to return it. This worked for me:
1. Toggle hold button off and then on.
2. Reset the ipod by holding down the menu and select buttons for about 10 seconds.

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  • Corrupt Ipod please help!

    I have done the 5rs the updates and even restored the 30gb ipod. I keep getting Itunes has detected an ipod that appears to be corrupt. You may need to restore this ipod or reconnect it, I restored it(many times) and the same prompt keeps coming up. Sometimes it says the the ipod needs to be reformatted to work with windows. When I attatch it to pc it always goes to auto play then is recognized by least i assume it is because it shows up in the menu on left but my only option is to restore it. What do I do? I have been spending all of my free time trying to figure this out!!
    PC   Windows XP  


  • Corrupted iPod- Please help me sort it out!

    Hey everybody,
    First of all thanks alot for trying to help me sort out my iPod; it's truly appreciated.
    Basically i have had a 30GB 5th Gen iPod Video for about 18 months. It seemed alright but recently it has become corrupted. The iPod seems to work, but when i plug it into iTunes i get this message:
    "Itunes has detected an iPod that appears to be corrupted".
    I have restored the iPod to factory settings as suggested, and retried connecting it to my computer but i cannot get the iPod to sync with iTunes.
    Does anyone know what i can do to fix it? I don't think i dropped it very hard but i may have dropped my iPod after a night out recently...

    Hi oli_t,
    If a second/third attempt at restoring your iPod does not work to fix that "corrupted" message you are getting in iTunes, then you may want to try running disk error checking (sometimes just called "chkdsk") on your iPod.
    For instructions and info about that, see this MS document:
    How to perform disk error checking in Windows XP

  • What would happen if i restored my ipod. please respond my ipod is locked for one hour.

    yeah i completly forgot my passcode and may have to reset it.

    Syncing matches the content on the idevice to the content on the computer.  The exception is you can download iTunes purchases to your computer that only exist on your iPod.
    iOS: Syncing with iTunes -
    iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iOS device or iPod to a computer -

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    If you did not set up find my iPhone on the iPod, you can't find it.

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    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try another cable       
    - Try on another computer                            
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                              

  • IPod nano problems! PLEASE RESPOND ASAP!!

    A couple days ago I had to re-format the computer due to a virus. I didn't save any of the songs that were on iTunes. That night I listened to some songs on my iPod. The next day I plugged it in my computer for it to charge. When it was done charging, I went to listen to some songs but there were NO SONGS ON IT!! I have no clue what happened... has this happened to anyone? Does anyone know how to fix it? Please respond ASAP!
    Molly =)
      Windows XP  

    Hi Molly,
    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    Copying songs from your iPod to your computer
    "The iTunes library on your computer holds all the songs you've encoded from your CD collection or purchased from the iTunes Music Store. With default settings, iTunes automatically copies the songs in your library to your iPod. When you use your iPod as a hard disk, you can't see the songs iTunes copies to your iPod in the Finder or My Computer. This is normal. Using the Finder or My Computer, you can't copy these song files from your iPod back to iTunes or to any other computer. The synchronization between your iPod and your computer is always one way: from iTunes to iPod.
    If you've erased the music library on your computer, there's no way to use the Finder or My Computer to copy the songs from your iPod to reconstitute the library on your computer. One solution is to encode the songs from your CD collection again, then sync your new library with iPod. If you purchased songs from the iTunes Music Store and didn't back them up, there's no way to download them again. You'll have to buy new copies of the songs."
    Taken from Using your iPod as a hard disk
    So even if there were any tracks on your iPod, Apple has set it so you shouldn't be able to get them back.
    You need to reload iTunes with music, and then get into the habit of backing them up as well. Once you've done that you can start loading onto the nano.
    To help with backing up your music this link will explain what the files are:
    What are the iTunes library files?
    If you have problems with your nano here is a useful link:
    The 5 Rs: Reset, Retry, Restart, Reinstall & Restore
    Colin R.


    After updating my 30 gig 5G with 28th June update it has become paralyzed - blank white screen and emits 3 beeps when I try to do anything.
    I have seen similar threads here.
    Apple please respond - what should we do?
    thank you

    Apple doesn't post here. Fill out a service request at and have Apple repair or replace your iPod.

  • New Ipod Not Responding To Computer

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    Try resetting your iPod: hold the "Menu" and middle buttons together for 10 seconds. This is best done while the iPod is connected to a power source.
    Also, have you tried the Five R's?
    Read here: The Five R's

  • How To Fix A Corrupt iPod

    Okay, this is my first and possibly last post here, I just thought that I should write my solution to this problem as there are a lot of people suffering with a corrupt iPod. I will first recommend you read this topic also if you're still having problems
    This will be a long post (sorry), so I'll break things up into an EXPLANTION of the problem and the SOLUTION as I think some people will be thankful for a bit of insight and some people just want a solution.
    read on...
    My problem occured when receiving a second hand iPod, it had some bugs, stutters and general problems so I tried a restore, this is where my real problems started. After the restore music would not always copy correctly to the iPod, some times returning with a "Windows Delayed Write Failure", also some songs and videos would not play sometimes requiring a restart (reset), sometimes they would return me to the menu straight, and sometimes they would play fine. Also the hard disk would make a lot of fuss just to select certain songs or videos, I would even have trouble booting the iPod or detecting in iTunes.
    These things led me to believe either: The hard disk was cactus; The hard disk had bad sectors; Or there was a file system error on the hard disk.
    When the iPod got really bad it wouldn't properly detect in iTunes, iPod Access, Anapod or Windows, it wouldn't restore in iTunes, and I couldn't access it through windows explorer even in disk mode as it claimed the disk or the control folder had corrupted.
    Using some diagnostic tools I discovered the problem was nothing more than a simple and easily fixed FAT32 filesystem error.
    The problem is that the iPod uses a FAT32 filesystem which is a 'kind of unstable' but not yet redundant filesystem we used back in the Windows 98 days, I assume it uses this filesystem for compatability reasons as pretty much any pc with Windows 98 or above can access FAT32.
    FAT32 stores files in chains, linking one file to another, and branching out like a tree, this system is very easily corruptable due to anything from bad shutdowns or yanking the dock cable of the iPod during copying.
    1:(optional) Check your iPod by reseting it and when the apple logo first appears hold the middle select button and the rewind button to enter a diagnostic mode. Then press the menu button to enter manual testing. Scroll down to IO and press select, then select the hard disk option, then select the hard disk specs option. Read the data to check your hard disk is detected as the correct size (30Gb in my case), if it isn't then reset the iPod and repeat this step until the hard disk detects as the correct size.
    2:Reset your iPod, as the apple logo appears hold down the middle select button and the play button, it will then boot to a screen with a tick in the middle and it will say Disk Mode along the top of the screen.
    3: Now load iTunes and then plug the iPod into your computer and let it detect. iTunes should detect your iPod though it may not properly detect it. If iTunes doesn't detect an iPod AT ALL then reset your iPod and repeat steps 2 & 3 until it does.
    4: Now your iTunes should display your iPod or an iPod just call IPOD, click on your iPod and restore, you can use the same version software or update - it doesn't matter. Even if your iPod normally recieves an error when retoring it SHOULD restore as long as you're in disk mode. When it is done restoring DO NOT UNPLUG THE IPOD, just let iTunes redetect it.
    5: Now go to My Computer and right click on your iPod (could be called Removable Disk and go to properties. Now click on the tools tab and run Scandisk (Check Disk). In the scandisk box that opens tick both check boxes (fix automatically and surface scan) and click run, this will take a while but when it's done go to iTunes and eject the iPod, unplug it from the computer, and reset it.
    You have jsut fixed your iPod.
    Please if you use this solution and it works for you, post your thanks or comments so I know my time wasn't wasted writing this.

    alright... this one's for raab in Montana
    I'll break your question down into parts to make things easier.
    1: The download error. I don't think your problem is actual iPod corruption per se, it sounds more like an Internet download problem. iTunes requests software (firmware) updates from the server for you and downloads it to your computer, Then updates your iPod. If the problem is that iTunes can't download the software then all the restoring/formatting and scandisking in the world won't help you. I really need a little more info but I think this may help: Are you on ADSL? Alot of Internet providers will not give you a static IP unless you ask and/or pay for one. Long story short, If you are behind a router, gateway or firewall your pc may be blocking the ports that iTunes requires for it's update service. One solution would be to boot your pc into safe mode, cancel the restore option and when your pc is finished booting just try to update your iPod through iTunes. Using safe mode means most antivirus/firewall services won't be running so you may be able to update that way. If not? Well post me some info on your internet connection, all I need to know is if you're on ADSL or not, and what make and model of router you use if you have one. In the mean time, try taking your iPod to a friends pc and installing iTunes and updating it there, if it works there then you'll know it's your pc/setup. Oh well, let me know.
    2: The grinding noise? They do make a noise when scanning through looking for songs and the like, and sometimes they do it for a while but I'm not sure if I'd describe the sound as "grinding". Perhaps if my first answer didn't help then you have bigger problems (hardware problems) I'm not sure, if I could hear your iPod from Australia I'd be able to tell you if it's alright or not.
    3: I mentioned above that my main posts are fixes not to be undertaken unless your iPod has similar symptoms to mine, I cannot stress enough that things like scandisk and format are NOT supposed to be run on an iPod, at least not on a regular basis, and definatly not one after the other. IF ANYBODY'S iPOD DOES NOT EXIHIBIT THE SYMPTOMS IN THE MAIN POST DO NOT USE THE FIX. In particular Raab, your problem seems to be elsewhere.
    Let me know how you go...

  • Corrupted ipod

    I've recently bought a 60gb ipod with colour display.
    I loaded a friends itunes on which went as planned with no problems, however 4 weeks later I'm experiencing a few problems with it.
    1. iTunes tells me it has detected a corrupted ipod and recommends I restore it.
    2. Seeing as this will erase everything I found some software by Anapod called CopyGear which I was hoping to use to backup the music on my ipod but this too cannot locate any connected ipod device.
    It's driving me mad and I don't want to loose the music already loaded. Can anyone help please?

    When the iPod becomes corrupt then you have to restore it. This is why it's never a good idea to store music music on the iPod only. That's what your iTunes library is for.
    If a third party program cannot detect the iPod, you are stuck, and you'll have to swallow the fact that the music will be lost.

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    Ok so a while back I had to give up my computer because it wasn't working.
    I thought that with my new computer I'd be able to transfer all of my music from my zen micro onto my new computer.
    Now my new computer is set up and I have installed creative mediasource and everything. I started to transfer my music from my zen onto my computer. My first 2 songs transfered successfully onto my computer. On the third song, I get this message:
    "Unable to read file, file may be in use, missing, or corrupted."
    I thought that maybe it was just that one song so I shrugged it off. But then it says the same thing for every single other song that i have! Only my first 2 songs out of my entire music library on my zen will transfer!!!
    Please i really need your help!!!
    And say that there is no hope in getting the rest of my songs to transfer and i have to download 094 songs from limewire? I'll surely be arrested for downloading that much! What should i do if i must download all of them?
    And one more problem with my zen: Some of my Jump Little Children songs are doing something weird. The song will be fine and then a clip from another song will play during it! And then press next and it just keeps playing all of my Jump songs in order even though my player is on shuffle and they do the same thing with the clip from another song interupting it. Whats going on?
    Most importantly though, i really need the questions answered about transfering from my zen to my computer because i'll be getting a new player soon. But this is my entire music library at stake!! PLEASE RESPOND!!!

    Might try this:?

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    My itunes send me a message : iTunes has detectected an corrupt ipod. It should restore this ipod to be able to use it in tuna. Test to disconnect and
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    Please helpme
    IBM Portable serie T   Windows XP  

    Have you had a chance to look at this troubleshooting page? Have a look at the bottom section that covers what to try if restoring doesn't work, it may be of some help: iTunes has detected an iPod in recovery mode - Use iTunes to restore

  • ITunes has detectected an corrupt ipod. in WinXP

    Please helpme, My itunes send me a message : iTunes has detectected an corrupt ipod. It should restore this ipod to be able to use it in tuna. Test to disconnect and
    to connect again the ipod. already try to do this but I do not function

    Have you had a chance to look at this troubleshooting page? Have a look at the bottom section that covers what to try if restoring doesn't work, it may be of some help: iTunes has detected an iPod in recovery mode - Use iTunes to restore

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