Corrupt tracks after freezing error

Half way through freezing my project the 'Deep Architecture' error message appeared and messed up the bounces. I then unfroze the tracks, during which logic crashed. After restarting logic and loading up the project again, all the tracks using one particular EXS24 instrument were very glitchy and weren't playing back correctly so i created a brand new track, loaded up that instrument and copied over the regions on to the track but when i soloed and played that track it was still playing back the same as the corrupt tracks even though none of the effects or modulation controls were on the new track.
Can anyone help me?

Hi Mark
from what you tell us here, I can't think you messed anything up. You did just what you were supposed to. If the recovery does not help - means the machine will not start in the correct manner directly after a recovery, then I am pretty sure it is in some way defective hardwarewise.
What you can do is to think about if you installed any extra memory after you bought it. If you did, then remove it and try again.
If not, then you should get in contact with an serviceprovider or the dealer (might depend on you terms of warranty).
Good luck

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    Means you have an incompatible Safari extension installed. Look in the /Home/Library/Safari/Extensions/ folder for the offending plug-in and delete it.

  • Still Latency after Freezing tracks... confused.

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    clank72 wrote:
    Don't you hate it when it's always something really simple and stupid? After changing the Recording Delay to 0 and then fixing the Attack on my Logic Instrument most of the Latency went away. The Recording Delay setting must of been "Bumped" when I was adjusting another setting in the preferences.
    Recording Delay Compensation is related to fine adjusting sample accuracy setting
    with some device/system I need to set it as +/- 50 or similar value..
    this is only for be sure about perfect syncronization when an incoming audio signial has been recorded in Logic.
    Recording Delay must be change when the audio drivers are direct connected with the A(D converter...
    the RME driver does not require adjustment...
    0 set should be o.k.
    We ALL have Latency. Wether it's a problem has to do with the person and how many live tracks simotaniously. I notice Latency at even 3ms. Some Vocalists will notice too.
    Obvious we all have latency... but I mean... I don't have problem to play a faster part of piano solo with buffer setted as 256 on 48 Khz Sample rate (also 44.1 is good in my sustem
    If anyone wants to hear their Latency, try plugging headphones into an outboard/external synth that is plugged into your audio device. Arm a track with the correct input from the synth, then turn up your speakers, put the headphones on only ONE ear and the other ear pointed towards your monitors. Load up a snare or sound with a fast attack on it. Hit the keys and you will notice Latency. It might have a chorus effect on it usually.
    Usually I route the same MAIN output mirrored to headphones when recording a single instrument or a Vocal tracks.
    I prefer to listen exactly the same audio program during recording phase..
    I know this is not a "sound engeener" way...
    But I prefer to listem everything during recording ... including FX, reverbs and Delay...
    I always use SW set to ON!
    I think everything is working good for now. It just bothers me when it's somthing simple and I feel like I wiasted someones time on the forum that has put aside time to help me out...err!
    I'm glad to know that
    you are welcome for any additional question

  • After Effects error: crash occurred while invoking effect plug-in "Looks" URGENT!

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    Screen Shot Here:
    AE: After Effects CS5 (64-bit)
    OS: Windows Home Premium (64-bit)
    RAM: 8gb
    Processor: 1st Gen. i7 Quad-Core
    Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 320
    Updates: Installed All Updated For Adobe Products
    Source Footage: Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 @ 60fps using UT Video Codec YUV 420
    Worked Before? Yes
    Open GL: My open gl is not enabled
    I've read other forums and watched tutorials. I've already done the following. (Not in order used)
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    2. Upgrade Magic Bullet Looks to MBL 2.0 from Magic Bullet Suite 11 (Didn't Work)
    3. Uninstall my gfx card and re-install it with the newer version (Didn't Work)
    4. Reset AE preferences by pressing alt+shift+ctrl on the shortcut (Didn't Work)
    5. Change render settings from H.264 -> .AVI (Didn't Work)
    6. I've deleted "AE_OpenGL" from my After Effects folder (Didn't Work)
    My Composition:
    The look file is not that complex but i don't know if it'll help but there it is.
    Look File Settings:
    I've never had this problem before and hope that someone has a solution to this problem... if so please post an answer. I don't know if its because i put the plug in on all of my clips and then made an adjustment layer with another Magic Bullet Looks or if it's my clips fault but i just dont know what to do.

    It sounds like Looks is only crashing on this project. If that is so then it's most likely a problem with one of your video clips. Either there's a corrupted frame or some other codec glitch that's throwing the errors. I'd suggest replacing footage items with temporary footage. You could even use solids. Replace one at a time, then undo, until you find the footage that's causing the crash. Then either re-compress that footage to another codec or replace it.
    If Looks is crashing on every type of footage then you need to pursue other options that are more system related.

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    After effects error: rendering error while writing to file "E:...blabla". Disk full. The file may be damaged or corrupted. (-1610153463).
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    I have a Win7 Ultimate, x64. Plenty of disk space, and 16 Go ram.
    Please help, I canoot go further in my project with this bug...

    Is the drive you are rendering to formatted FAT32 by any chance? If so you can only render up to 4Gb for one file. Try rendering out a TIFF sequence instead. Litte tip - push the LZW compression tickbox in format options for a lossless compression, this will keep you file size way down.

  • After Effects error: Could not launch Adobe Analysis Server (515)   ( 25 :: 101)  *POSSIBLE FIX*

    Hi. Im New to the forums so sorry in advance if i do something incorrect
    Since my Purchase of Adobe CS6, I was not able to use dynamic link, or the plugins that required you to connect to the Adobe Analysis Server (3d Tracker, Warp Stablizer ETC) It would always give me the error
    After Effects error: Could not launch Adobe Analysis Server (515)
    ( 25 :: 101)
    Or if i would use dynamiclink
    The Importer created a generic error
    Through hours and hours searching through the internet, and trying possible fixes, i found possible fixes that might help people with this error.
    *Before attempting any of these fixes, make sure you reinstall CS6 Using the Adobe Cleaner*
    This guide is for Windows OS Only.
    If the error still presists, try these options
    -If your windows account is not a administrator, Run Adobe After Affects CS6 As Administrator
    -Disable your Anti-Virus and your Firewall
    I know you have probably heard this over and over again, but this is mainly the cause of the problem. Some Anti-Viruses even when disabled, go into some sort of one eyed open mode, where it still monitors your computer ever so slightly, so you may want to uninstall the anti-virus. As for the firewall,
    1) Go to your start menu search "Check Firewall Status"
    2)Then to the left of the window, click Turn Windows Firewall on or off
    3)Then tick "Turn of Windows Firewall" on BOTH Home or work network and Public Network.
    -Close and Uninstall filtering and spyware programs such as Netnanny and Premiere Opinion. This might be using the TCP Ports that is needed for After effects, dynamic link and adobe analysis server to communicate
    -Start up Adobe Analysis server Manually. This can be done by going to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS6\Support Files and running Adobe Analysis server.exe as Adminisrator, Then starting Premiere, After effects, etc.
    -If the Adobe Cleaner didnt already, Clean your registry. This can be done with free applications such as CCleaner.
    If none of those options work,  I would suggest a full format and reinstall of windows.
    I hope this would help people with this issue.

    captain_astronaut wrote:
    I'm running the latest version. Just installed yesterday.
    You can download and install the latest version (and older versions) of versions 11, 12, and 13 from Adobe right now. That is why I was asking for the exact version number with decimals. Just the other day, someone said they were running the latest version and they weren't aware that CC was even a thing. They were running version 11.0.3 (which isn't even the latest version of CS6 - it's 11.0.4). That's why I always ask.
    captain_astronaut wrote:
    I'm on a Mac so I don't have anti-malware, or other security software running.
    That doesn't seem like a good idea. While there can't be anything technically referred to as a "virus" on the Mac OS (due to the underlying structure), there can be (and are) malware variants out there that do attack machines running the Mac OS. As Apple products have grown in popularity, developers have been creating more and more malware aimed at OSX.
    I certainly hope you at least have your firewall running.
    captain_astronaut wrote:
    I tried launching Premiere yesterday and it crashed.
    This points to a much more serious underlying problem. Thousands (if not millions) of people are running Premiere and After Effects on Macs. What sort of error messages did you receive when it crashed?
    Try installing version 12 of AE and the previous version of Premiere as well and see if they run.

  • After Effects error: There was an error processing the PDF document.

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    the Illustrator file, even as simple as changing a color, I get this error.
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    The Illustrator file is then toast as far as After Effects is concerned. It cannot be opened or reimported.
    I have to start over again and over again, rebuilding the Illustrator file each time.

    This is an issue with AI and ultimately therefore also the AI routines that AE shares to access such files. Has been there forever and neither the AI people nor the AE team seem to be able to fix it in a consistent manner. Simply save a copy of the file from AI, then use Replace Footage instead of reload or at least always fully reload the AE project.

  • After Effects Error: rendering error while writing to file...Output Module failed - 1610153646

    Hi – I’m currently working with someone who is running After Effects 5.5v10.5.0.253 on a PC which is running Windows 7 Ultimate. The computer has just recently been built and the software is newly installed. (ie. a couple of weeks old, max). Up until now, we have been using After Effects with no real issues. But tonight, we started to see the following error message, when trying to render something out:
    “After Effects Error: rendering error while writing to file xxxxx. Output Module failed, the file may be damaged or corrupted -1610153646” – displayed during render, which meant the render failed.”
    We started to review forums to see if we could come up with a fix and tried a few of the more common suggested solutions, including:
    Make sure there are no third-party plug-ins or Windows incompatible elements installed - as it’s a pretty new install, we haven’t added anything except out-of-the box elements.
    Clear the render queue – did this, no change.
    Reinstall Quicktime – did this, no change.
    Reinstall Creative Suite – also no change.
    Check the default program to open .mov files is Quicktime – Quicktime was already the default.
    A bit more detail about the machine...
    Ram is 32gb
    GPU is GeForce GTX 660ti
    250gb soild states
    2tb raid drive
    Any help would be much appreciated. This is now happening on all AE files, even files that worked fine earlier in the week. Other than the AE and QT reinstalls mentioned above, nothing new has been added to the machine this week. On a deadline – so a quick response would be amazing, right about now. Thanks.

    Hi Mylenium- thx for the quick response. We have have tried a bunch of different settings. AVIs work and we can do image sequences too. The only major problem seems to be with Quicktime files. While I appreciate your suggetion to convert with AME - this is only a workaround. Was really hoping for a solution that will fix the problem in After Effects? Heard rumor from a few friends in the biz, that this is a major bug... if possible, some feedback from Adobe product devs or someone with a technical background would be great! Thx.

  • After Effects error when rendering

    "After Effects error: Rendering error while writing file "file_name". An output module failed. The file maybe damaged or corrupted (-1610153464)"
    file rendered successfully in draft and poor quality but this error is when best quality.
    Tried saving into different location, rendered but the finished film kept stopping every 2 seconds and took 7GB of space. The film is meant to be 55 seconds long.

    You are using the default Animation codec which is the default codec. You should really study up on rendering and formats. I'm guessing that your connection to the external drive had some data rate problems or started dropping bits. Try another cable or render to your boot drive. You've scaled your latest screenshots to the point where they are very difficult to read, but it looks like everything else is normal except that your top screenshot shows the only footage in the shot looks like it came from a GoPro and your composition frame rate in the Render Settings is showing up as 24. It's not likely that that is the actual frame rate of the footage. Select the footage in the composition in the Project Panel and check out the frame rate. If it is 59.94 then your comp should either be 29.97 or 59.94. Because of the size I suspect that the frame rate is not 24 but 23.976.
    This probably did not cause your problem but frame rates are important to understand and use properly.

  • After Effects Error: Tracker_Register: Missing Suite ( 1 :: 0 )

    Product: AE CS4
    Version: 9.0
    OS: OS X 10.5.7
    One day this error just sprung up on me, after having worked fine for quite a while. Strangely, I have scoured the internet and found no mention of this specific error. The error happens upon launching After Effects and after clicking OK, the application shuts down. It does not ever reach the user interface. The loading splash screen comes up and then the errors come up shortly after.
    The two error messages come up one after the other and read in this order:
    "After Effects error: Tracker_Register: missing suite. ( 1 :: 0 )"
    "After Effects can't continue: Failed to register built-in motion tracker."
    I have attempted to reinstall After Effects entirely, even going as far as to wipe all the associated files that are left behind after an uninstall.
    I will attempt to update AE and will report back the progress on that.
    Updated AE to 9.0.2
    There are now three errors, including the above two. The third error reads: "After Effects can't continue: unexpected failure during application startup"

    Okay, let's do this one step at a time. Removing components without proper uninstall procedures can indeed be dangerous, but I don't think that's the issue here. If the program reports an entire suite missing (which is merely another way of saying that some pieces of its core code have gone anywhere but here), one of the system libraries is not initializing. This is extremely rare on Macs, so this is even more puzzling. As a first step, I would definitely run a tool like OnyX or Apple's own Repair Permissions and disk health utility to check disk integrity. The thing is, the exact spot on the drive could be damaged and it's in the nature of OSX to not waste space, so it will always try to place files in the same physical spot, if they have the same name and similar properties to the predecessor and that region may actualyl have problems. Therefore updating AE might not solve the matter. Second, check the language settings on the files in your AE directory using right-click - Information. This also works with multiple files selected. If they have different settings, you will get a warning and may need to select them separately. On the info panel, have a look at the language options. If the language in which you run AE is not enabled or you have multiple instances of the same language checked (OSX again stores this per file redundantly), disable/ enable the check marks until everything seems right. While you are on the panel, also have a look at the compatibility infdo (it should refer to intel compatibility) and of course the user permission settings. All users must be at least able to read the files. From inside AE, check, whether you are using the "accelerate panels" option in the prefs. Since tracking is a layer window feature, it may cause issues, if there is something not right with your graphics card settings. Speaking of which, check your monitor settings if everything is right. As a last thing, definitely check your Quicktime install. I'm not aware of any definite problems, but QT is always a good candidate for causing issues of any kind.

  • After Effects Error. Would Appreciate Help.

    Everytime I render in AE, I get the following error.
    after effects error: Error (4) reading frame from file "FILENAME" ( 86 :: 2 )
    Now I've Google the error, and I've tried turning off multicore processing, but that doesn't help. If it helps, the error happens at the exact same time during the render.

    What kind of source footage are you using? As you can see on Mylenium's error code database, it may be an issue with either a missing/corrupt frame in an image sequence, or perhaps a codec issue.
    What happens if you navigate to that point in the timeline? Does the frame draw correctly?

  • Captivate 4 freezing errors

    I am using Captivate 4. I have a base project size 800x600.  I have additional slides that I'm importing (795x560), because of a smaller screen. I'm am having major file corruption and file closing errors. Is this screen size diff. causing the errors? 

    I totally understand your frustration.  I too, have resorted to the copy slide by slide method.  But I have done other things to deter freezes.
    I have had to do several things:
    1.  Are you working from server?  If so, start working on your document from your desktop. I then transfer my day's worth of saved documents back to the server to be backed up.
    2.  Save, save and save.  I save a NEW document (File>Save As) every 15 minutes or so, depending upon how much work I've done to my project. (That way, if it does crash, I've only lost 15 minutes and have an uncorrupted file to go back to.
    3.  Keep your file size down.
         a. That means saving your pictures at their actual size in the document.  (Are you finding that when you insert a picture, you get the screen prompt that asks you to crop or reduce the picture size? - Then your pictures are too big.)
         b.  What screen capture size are you using?  Use the smallest possible size.  800x600 has worked well for me and also makes it easier for the end user to view the project (they don't have to scroll up and down to see the screen.)
    4.  Delete unused items.  In the library window, click the Select Unused Items icon (this will select all unused items from your documents) and then click the Trash can icon.  (Just because you delete a picture or audio clip from a slide, Captivate does NOT remove it from the document until you delete from the library.  This takes up a LOT of space).
    5.  Start a Freeze/Error log.  I have started a log to remind me what I was doing at the time of the freeze up to try to pinpoint the cause.  At this time it appears random.  Maybe you can find a common link.
    Adobe has not given me any other suggestions or fixes.  The above steps are the only that have kept my sanity and freezes to a minimum.
    Good Luck!

  • Corrupt tracks in the Store

    Is there any way one can alert Apple about bad tracks? I just purchased Bach's Passion of St. Matthew, and so many of the tracks are cut off in the middle that it is frankly impossible to listen to. There are even tracks like 14 and 15 that are 0 seconds long.
    Artistically it is a perfectly fine recording. It is such a pity that it is destroyed by technical problems.

    Two weeks have passed. I got reimbursed after the contact with support. Apple still displays the corrupted tracks on iTunes and sells them to other clients.
    The peculiar thing is that it is clear that "Apple" is aware of the problem, as they reimbursed me. They even mailed me saying that they are "investigating" the problem. However, investigation apparently does not mean removing obviously corrupt and unusable music.
    If you want 0:00 seconds of music for 1 euro, just buy tracks 14,15, 24, 25, 48, 51, 55, 56, 63 or 64 at .

Maybe you are looking for