Could AES Prove Be The Unveiling of Logic Pro 10?

As a long time Logic User I like so many others have been waiting patiently for a long overdue update.  With Pro Tools unveiling both hardware and software updates for cutting edge Thunderbolt technology and companies like Mackie, MOTU and Presonus utilizing iPad control, maybe Apple is just waiting to play their card.  If not, they should take note that there are a lot of loyal Apple supporters who have faith in this company to shine like they have with other technologies.  One of the greatest things Steve Jobs did extremely well was to deliver products that people needed and loved, Logic is and has been one of those products.  The question is will Apple continue to deliver?

Wow!  Hope you didn't get any on ya!

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    If I remember correctly, the 7.2 update was a "Paid for" update, with a new dvd.... so you are most likely out of luck.
    The good news is that Logic Pro is pretty cheap on the Appstore

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    Logic can import several kinds of files, that's why I specifically said:
    "Some apps can save a file in a format Logic can import"
    MIDI files, Wav or AIF files come to mind.
    Saving in a usable file format would prevent the original poster from having to purchase a MIDI interface or other hardware.
    "Smule Ocarina app" can record it's output,  iRealBook can export both MIDI and AIF audio files, Amplitude Guitar Amp can save AIF I said, it depends on the app.

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    If you mean... delete the Logic Pro 9 app then no you wont lose any loops... However, the LP9 app is small and really won't save you that much space if you delete it..
    If you mean uninstall Logic Pro 9 plus all it's content after installing LPX then yes, you could lose some loops/content because the LPX installer takes notice of any LP9 content you have already installed.
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    Buy an external USB2 DVD/CD drive..... (Amazon's Basic model works great)
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    Logic doesn't store the majority of its data in designated library places, so you can put your session files and audio files wherever you want. If you move the location of something, say an audio file, and logic doesn't know where to find that asset, then it'll present you with a dialog box which asks you if you can tell it where you moved it to, or if you'd like it to go off and search for files of that name for you. They're all just files on a hard disk. There's only a few things which have to be stored in particular places, such as preferences or sampler instruments. Anything that isn't part of the program, you can store it wherever you want. In a session you can have for example all the live parts on one hard disk, and then all your samples on another hard disk. It's all arbitrary and can be defined by you.
    So yes, you can generally keep your media library wherever you want (as far as Logic is concerned).

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    Quit Logic and Quit the Mac App Store App
    Restart your Mac
    Now try again.
    If that doesn't work, Quit Logic Pro X.. delete the Logic Pro X app from the applications folder and downlada and install Logic Pro X again using the Purchased Tab in the Mac App Store App.

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    This is not the right forum for your question.
    Re-post the question here.

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    Logic Pro 9 and previous versions..  yes... Always scans AUs.. each time it starts...
    LPX... No.. Only needs to scan again when a new one is added.... One of the nice things about LPX!

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    Meet the Apple Product Designers of Logic Studio and Logic Pro 8
    A presentation by the Apple pro apps product design and marketing team for Logic Studio and Logic Pro 8: and a dialogue about the world's most complete suite of music and audio tools.
    Presenters from Apple Inc. will be:
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    - Bob Hunt, Product Manager, Professional Music and Audio
    - Manfred Knauff, Product Design Engineer
    - Steffan Diedrichsen, Sr. Software Applications Engineer (the developer for SpaceDesigner, compressor and many other plugins -- EVP88, EVB3, EVD6).
    - Steffen Gehring, Sr. Software Applications Engineer  (the  developer for UltraBeat, Beat Mapping and more).
    When: Tuesday, October 9th, 2007, 8:30 PM.
    Where: Apple Store, Soho, theater   (
    103 Prince Street
    New York, NY 10012
    (212) 226-3126
    Please note the time is 8:30 PM, though you may want to arrive early.
    RSVP:  [email protected]

    Set up a QT Streaming Server or FlashComm Server... then, I can be there. :-D
    Jord... you got me thinking. The event will be filmed and I will post a Quicktime video on my website after the week end. I have also opened a new thread where all those who won't be able to attend can post their questions to Apple.
    Saturday night, we will have a big Q&A session with Bob Hunt and I will try to ask as many of those questions as possible, and then report back with the answers after the meeting.

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    Thanks y'all

    Please note: Reporting bugs or requesting new features here, will achieve little as Apple and therefore Logic's Devs do not typically utilize this forum...
    Why doesn't Apple answer the questions that we ask about Logic Pro?
    Instead, use the feedback page to ask for new features...

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    @Blueberry - lol I wonder if you'll sing the same tune if they discontinue logic pro and then force you to buy "logic studio" for $500 (current price 2012). See this guy's comment on the product page of the online store:
    "I have been producing music on logic since before Apple acquired it from the previous developer.
    I purchased Logic Pro 7 from Apple for $1000, and i have since spent another $500+ in "upgrades" to get to the current format of logic Pro 9. Shortly after my reluctant upgrade from 8 to 9, Apple released a promotional price of $300 for the entire program. That is just a little more than I paid to upgrade. Still no discount for upgrades though. In short loyal long time customers have now paid over $1,500.00 to get a $300 program. A slight kick in the pants for its Pro oriented customers. As a pro user you can add 7 computers, 4 iphones, 3 ipads and some ipods to that shopping cart as well.
    In that time I have watched Apple drop Key production features out of Logic in order to make room for programming codes that dumb down the DAW interface and create undesired glitches within the frame of what was an excellent platform from Emagic.
    Now that Mac has solidified its abandonment of the professional grade market by dropping the mac pro and pretty much all R&D for Logic as well, I find myself more and more disappointed with logics performance. Another product that has let go of functionality for aesthetics.
    I have, in fact, spent well over 40 hours reverting and reformatting my system back to Snow Leopard (very difficult as Mac firmware no longer supports reverse compatibility) but also reverting logic to a version of LP9 that is stable within that operating system. I had to do this as there is no version of LP9 that works properly in any operating system after SL.
    OS 10.6.8 + Logic 9.1.6/7 is the most stable combo that will run on intel based Mac. Trust me.. I tried the rest. I would prefer to go back to logic pro 7 but once again No reverse compatibility.
    Hopefully the 2software developers... Yes two... still working on logic will at least make it stable again so we can finish our mixes and move to another software manufacturer.
    Sorry Mac but after years of total loyalty you left me and the Professional market out in the cold."
    So - I already paid about $200 for logic express and now I have to pay $200 more for something I never wanted?

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    The price you pay does depend on where you live. In Australia, we pay $209.99 (equivalent to US$219.25). But the price will be somewhere close to US$200.

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