Could not add/remove Groups from User in UME

Hi All,
I am ABAP + Java stacks.
There is a user ABC with an ABAP role ZZZ which is displayed as a group in UME console.
When I tried to remove this Group from this user in UME, system returned error message:
You are not authorized to assign one or more entities. Perform a new assigned entities search to see the correct status.
Even I add  a new Group to this user is forbidden.
But if I delete this Role in ABAP SU01, it synchronize disappeared from UME quickly.
I don't know why. it seems does not relevant to authorization problem since I already have full auth.
Could anyone help me?
Thank you so much.
Best regards,

Hi Nick,
You can never assign abap role from portal. You can only map the portal role to abap role.
when you create group on portal , it will not be refelect as an role in abap system. becauase when you create a group it will create as basic group with identity as private database and not as R3.DB.
If you want to confirm , then create and group and save it , after saving it check what is a UNIQUE ID.

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  • Add/Remove members from groups

    Does anyone have a sample ldif entry to add/remove members from groups?

    I am not exactly getting what you said here.
    Basically if your intention is to rename RDN and reflect the changes in the group membership, you have to do totally 2 operations:
    1) update your uid on the user entries.
    2) update your membership on the group entry: remove the uid first, then add it:
    dn: cn=groupA,ou=groups,ou=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    changetype: modify
    delete: uniqueMember
    uniqueMember: uid=1111,ou=people,ou=xxxxxxxx
    add: uniqueMember
    uniquMember: uid=zz1111,ou=people,ou=xxxxxxx
    save it
    ldapmodify -v -D xxx -w xxx -h xxx -p xxx -f <PATH>/updateM.ldif

  • Suddenly getting UserNotFoundException: User Not Found: Could not load profile data from the database

    Starting yesterday (I believe) we are suddenly receiving a "User not found" error when trying to view a user's profile page when clicking on their name (in search or elsewhere) via the url
    This is happening for all users. (but profiles exist and seem ok, and sync with AD is running fine) When looking in the logs I see the error  (full ULS log is later below)
    Exception in LoadRequestedUserProfile: (Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserNotFoundException: User Not Found: Could not load profile data from the database.
    The only clue of what MAY be going on is just before that I see the following two lines which came up after I changed the Database logging to Verbose:
    ConnectionString: 'Data Source=INSTANCE;Initial Catalog=UPAPROFILEDB;Integrated Security=True;Enlist=False;Pooling=True;Min Pool Size=0;Max Pool Size=100;Connect Timeout=15;Application Name=SharePoint[w3wp][3][UPAPROFILEDB]'    Partition:
    NULL ConnectionState: Closed ConnectionTimeout: 15
    SQL connection time: 0.0456 for Data Source=INSTANCE;Initial Catalog=UPAPROFILEDB;Integrated Security=True;Enlist=False;Pooling=True;Min Pool Size=0;Max Pool Size=100;Connect Timeout=15;Application Name=SharePoint[w3wp][3][HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile] 
    If I am reading that correctly, does it mean the connection to the database is timing out instantly? I am able to use powershell to pull up profiles and print them to the screen while on the webservers. And it's only the one specific page that is not
    What sort of tests or further debugging can I do for the error above?
    We are on premise, SharePoint 2013 sp1, sql2012, server 2012, claims using the full SharePoint Profiile Sychronization against AD.  Farm has been running since last august. Last week the admin team did run windows update on all servers, I can't be sure
    if it was broken for 5 days and no one noticed or if it broke yesterday.
    I already did the following:
    Verified the profiles do exist in central admin.
    I can still access their personal sites directly via
    I checked the ProfileDB database and made sure the service accounts for the UPA has dbowner, so does the farm account, and the web application pool has SPDataAccess.
    Verified the AD sync account has proper rights in AD.
    I reran a full synchronization which ran with no errors.
    File systems on the webservers and appserver have plenty of free space.
    Rebooted every server in farm
    I even checked the bin directory of the mysite webapplication, (since once I had a weird problem where access to bin was removed.) WSS_ADMIN_WPG, WSS_RESTRICTED_WPG_W4 have full control and WSS_WPG,IIS_IUSRS all have read and execute.
    I opened powershell on the webserver I can indeed load profiles and print their values.
    Timestamp Area Category EventID Level Message Correlation
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.43 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (GET: Parent No
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.43 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (GET: be11a89c-fbe8-a08d-57d2-afa6a4948743
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.43 SharePoint Foundation Micro Trace uls4 Medium Micro Trace Tags: 0 nasq be11a89c-fbe8-a08d-57d2-afa6a4948743
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.43 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET: Execution Time=1.3859 be11a89c-fbe8-a08d-57d2-afa6a4948743
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.47 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (GET: Parent No
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.47 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (GET: be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.49 SharePoint Foundation General ajji6 High Unable to write SPDistributedCache call usage entry. be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.50 SharePoint Foundation Authentication Authorization agb9s Medium Non-OAuth request. IsAuthenticated=True, UserIdentityName=0#.w|fa\cbuchholz, ClaimsCount=167 be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.50 SharePoint Foundation Files ak8dj High UserAgent not available, file operations may not be optimized. at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFileStreamManager.CreateCobaltStreamContainer(SPFileStreamStore spfs, ILockBytes ilb, Boolean copyOnFirstWrite, Boolean disposeIlb) at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFileStreamManager.SetInputLockBytes(SPFileInfo& fileInfo, SqlSession session, PrefetchResult prefetchResult) at Microsoft.SharePoint.CoordinatedStreamBuffer.SPCoordinatedStreamBufferFactory.CreateFromDocumentRowset(Guid databaseId, SqlSession session, SPFileStreamManager spfstm, Object[] metadataRow, SPRowset contentRowset, SPDocumentBindRequest& dbreq, SPDocumentBindResults& dbres) at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSqlClient.GetDocumentContentRow(Int32 rowOrd, Object ospFileStmMgr, SPDocumentBindRequest& dbreq, SPDocumentBindResults& dbres... be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
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    07/25/2014 14:11:08.50* SharePoint Foundation Files ak8dj High ...rRedirectUrl, Boolean& pbObjectIsList, Guid& pgListId, UInt32& pdwItemId, Int64& pllListFlags, Boolean& pbAccessDenied, Guid& pgDocid, Byte& piLevel, UInt64& ppermMask, Object& pvarBuildDependencySet, UInt32& pdwNumBuildDependencies, Object& pvarBuildDependencies, String& pbstrFolderUrl, String& pbstrContentTypeOrder, Guid& pgDocScopeId) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.GetFileAndMetaInfo(String bstrUrl, Byte bPageView, Byte bPageMode, Byte bGetBuildDependencySet, String bstrCurrentFolderUrl, Int32 iRequestVersion, Byte bMainFileRequest, Boolean& pbCanCustomizePages, Boolean& pbCanPersonalizeWebParts, Boolean& pbCanAddDeleteWebParts, Boolean& pbGhostedDocument, Boolean& pbDefaultToPersonal, Boolean& pbIsWebWelcomePage, String& pbstrSiteRoot, Guid& pgSiteId, UInt32& pdwVersion,... be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
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    07/25/2014 14:11:08.50* SharePoint Foundation Files ak8dj High ...Guid& docId, UInt32& docVersion, String& timeLastModified, Byte& level, Object& buildDependencySetData, UInt32& dependencyCount, Object& buildDependencies, SPWebPartCollectionInitialState& initialState, Object& oMultipleMeetingDoclibRootFolders, String& redirectUrl, Boolean& ObjectIsList, Guid& listId) at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationRuntime.SPRequestModuleData.FetchWebPartPageInformationForInit(HttpContext context, SPWeb spweb, Boolean mainFileRequest, String path, Boolean impersonate, Boolean& isAppWeb, Boolean& fGhostedPage, Guid& docId, UInt32& docVersion, String& timeLastModified, SPFileLevel& spLevel, String& masterPageUrl, String& customMasterPageUrl, String& webUrl, String& siteUrl, Guid& siteId, Object& buildDependencySetData, SPWebPartCollectionInitialState& initialState, ... be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.50* SharePoint Foundation Files ak8dj High ...String& siteRoot, String& redirectUrl, Object& oMultipleMeetingDoclibRootFolders, Boolean& objectIsList, Guid& listId, Int64& bytes) at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationRuntime.SPRequestModuleData.GetFileForRequest(HttpContext context, SPWeb web, Boolean exclusion, String virtualPath) at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationRuntime.SPRequestModule.InitContextWeb(HttpContext context, SPWeb web) at Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPControl.SPWebEnsureSPControl(HttpContext context) at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationRuntime.SPRequestModule.GetContextWeb(HttpContext context) at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationRuntime.SPRequestModule.PostResolveRequestCacheHandler(Object oSender, EventArgs ea) at System.Web.HttpApplication.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IEx... be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.50* SharePoint Foundation Files ak8dj High ...ecutionStep.Execute() at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) at System.Web.HttpApplication.PipelineStepManager.ResumeSteps(Exception error) at System.Web.HttpApplication.BeginProcessRequestNotification(HttpContext context, AsyncCallback cb) at System.Web.HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationPrivate(IIS7WorkerRequest wr, HttpContext context) at System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationHelper(IntPtr rootedObjectsPointer, IntPtr nativeRequestContext, IntPtr moduleData, Int32 flags) at System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotification(IntPtr rootedObjectsPointer, IntPtr nativeRequestContext, IntPtr moduleData, Int32 flags) at System.Web.Hosting.UnsafeIISMethods.MgdIndicateCompl... be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
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    07/25/2014 14:11:08.50 SharePoint Foundation Files aiv4w Medium Spent 0 ms to bind 4224 byte file stream be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.50 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Site=/ be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.50 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (PostResolveRequestCacheHandler). Execution Time=11.7341 be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.52 SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles aj2aw Verbose GetPartitionPropertiesCache :: ApplicationId = c604ddac-b9f9-4661-b31f-44cdcf2b78dc be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.52 SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles aj2ax Verbose GetPartitionPropertiesCache :: Trying to find existing cache be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.52 SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles aj2az Verbose GetPartitionPropertiesCache :: Getting Cached object be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles aj2aw Verbose GetPartitionPropertiesCache :: ApplicationId = c604ddac-b9f9-4661-b31f-44cdcf2b78dc be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles aj2ax Verbose GetPartitionPropertiesCache :: Trying to find existing cache be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles aj2ay Verbose GetPartitionPropertiesCache :: Found existing cache in httpcontext be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Server Database tzku Verbose ConnectionString: 'Data Source=HungerNet3;Initial Catalog=HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile;Integrated Security=True;Enlist=False;Pooling=True;Min Pool Size=0;Max Pool Size=100;Connect Timeout=15;Application Name=SharePoint[w3wp][3][HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile]' Partition: NULL ConnectionState: Closed ConnectionTimeout: 15 be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Server Database ahjqp Verbose SQL connection time: 0.0583 for Data Source=HungerNet3;Initial Catalog=HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile;Integrated Security=True;Enlist=False;Pooling=True;Min Pool Size=0;Max Pool Size=100;Connect Timeout=15;Application Name=SharePoint[w3wp][3][HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile] be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Foundation General adyrv High Cannot find site lookup info for request Uri be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Foundation General adyrv High Cannot find site lookup info for request Uri be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Foundation General adyrv High Cannot find site lookup info for request Uri be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.55 SharePoint Server Database tzku Verbose ConnectionString: 'Data Source=HungerNet3;Initial Catalog=HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile;Integrated Security=True;Enlist=False;Pooling=True;Min Pool Size=0;Max Pool Size=100;Connect Timeout=15;Application Name=SharePoint[w3wp][3][HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile]' Partition: NULL ConnectionState: Closed ConnectionTimeout: 15 be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.55 SharePoint Server Database ahjqp Verbose SQL connection time: 0.0456 for Data Source=HungerNet3;Initial Catalog=HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile;Integrated Security=True;Enlist=False;Pooling=True;Min Pool Size=0;Max Pool Size=100;Connect Timeout=15;Application Name=SharePoint[w3wp][3][HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile] be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.55 SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles ajw8l High Exception in LoadRequestedUserProfile: (Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserNotFoundException: User Not Found: Could not load profile data from the database. at Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfile.Load(SqlDataReader myReader, Boolean bFirstRead, Boolean firstReaderIsViewerRights, Boolean includeColleagueRecords, Boolean includeLanguageAndRegionalSettings, Boolean shouldCloseReader) at Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfile.RetrieveUser(String strAcct, Guid gAcct, Byte[] bSid, Nullable`1 recordId, Boolean doNotResolveToMasterAccount, Boolean loadFullProfile, Boolean loadColleagueRecordIds, String strEmail) at Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfile..ctor(UserProfileManager objManager, String strAcct, Boolean doNotResolveToMasterAccount, Boole... be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.55* SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles ajw8l High forceUserIsSelf, Boolean loadFullProfile, Boolean loadColleagueRecordIds, String strEmail) at Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileManager.GetUserProfile(String strAccountName, Boolean doNotResolveToMasterAccount, Boolean loadFullProfile, Boolean loadColleagueRecordIds) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls.ProfilePropertyLoader.LoadRequestedUserProfile(String& redirectionUrl)) be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.55 SharePoint Foundation General aat87 Monitorable be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.55 SharePoint Foundation General ajji6 High Unable to write SPDistributedCache call usage entry. be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.55 SharePoint Foundation Micro Trace uls4 Medium Micro Trace Tags: 0 nasq,20 ajji6,3 agb9s,10 ak8dj,1 b4ly,25 adyrv,1 adyrv,4 adyrv,3 ajw8l,1 aat87,3 ajji6 be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.55 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET: Execution Time=78.9958 be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184

    Have Windows Updates been applied? See my note about this
    Look at the URL in the search results. It may have invalid character in which case you can use this fix
    Regards, Ian Internet Sites running on SharePoint 2013

  • Timesheet could not add task from existing project task assignment

    HI there,
    I tried to add a task in Timesheet (PWA2013) from an existing assignment. However, there is no task listed under the project when I open the dialog "Add an existing task". It only shows me the project name, I click it, nothing under the project.
    Due to this issue, I could not add any existing task into the timesheet.Please look at the screenshot. The "test project" is the project name, while no  any task under this project.
    Any help is appreciated!

    Hi Cindy,
    Indeed if you cannot access the server setting from the quick launch menu in the left part of PWA, you have to request administrator rights to your admin.
    I would add an important comment : in PWA2013, the "close to update" PWA2010 feature no longer exists and has been replace by the "lock" feature, which works basically the same.
    To unlock tasks in PWA2013,
    go to server setting, manage views,
    choose a project view,
    insert the "lock" column,
    go to the project center,
    check out your project schedule,
    select the view you just modified,
    change the value in the lock field for the given task,
    publish the project
    Read this post here:
    And this article:
    Then it should be ok.
    Hope this helps.
    Guillaume Rouyre - MBA, MCP, MCTS

  • Mailbox cleanup could not completely remove the mailbox for user

    I have Exchange 2010SP3 2 DAG member in cluster.
    Recently i have warning in app log on a second DAG member:
    Mailbox cleanup could not completely remove the mailbox for user GUID.Encountered error 0xfffffae8. Should this message continue to persist for the same mailbox, it may be indicative of a problem that requires further investigation. 
    I read all post wich say just unmount and mount database.
    I can't find any user wich have guid containted in error.
    So that i need to do?
    Can i use StartDAGmaintenance and reboot a server,then after reboot use StopDAGmaintenance?

    I suggest to refer to this blog to find this mailbox by GUID.
    Then check which database this mailbox belongs to, dismount and mount this database.
    Best Regards.
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]
    TechNet Community Support

  • Removed myself from users group

    Yesterday, I was trying to setup a mail server following this: … nd-dovecot and I accidentally removed myself from users group
    [yasar@yasar-laptop ~]$ id
    uid=1000(yasar) gid=12(mail) gruplar=12(mail)
    Now, I am thinking to issue this command:
    usermod -g users -G audio,lp,optical,storage,video,wheel,power yasar
    Is this command good? I just wanted to be sure. I don't want to break stuff again.

    Just run this command as root:
    gpasswd -a yasar users
    Last edited by anonymous_user (2012-01-12 16:40:45)

  • UDS 4.0 once again: Could not add "DB11.DBB6" to the response list.

    once again we have heavy trouble with UDS 4.0 connecting to a SINUMERIK OPC server.
    Unfortunately the OPC server does not support browsing. GroupList and TagList returns nothing.
    The facts:
    - MII 12 on Windows Server 2003
    - UDS 4.0 SP1 on  same server.
    - OPC connectivity has been tested with Matrikon Explorer. Tag has been added manually (remember, browsing not possible).
    - Creating UDS instance works. UDS can see remote OPC server and is able to create an instance from it.
    - Data server has been created in MII 12 to connect to UDS.
    - Connection status to UDS is ok. Can also be seen as Debug file shows query details.
    - TagQuery has been created with adding the tag manually (browsing not possible).
    When we try to test the query we always get the error message
    Could not add "DB11.DBB6" to the response list.
    No Tag selected
    The strange thing ist that, if we use a non existing tag like "test123" then the same error occurrs instead of "No valid tags  requested".
    Here you can find the debug file of UDS:
    [05/14/2008-10:56:18.889] focketest [P:4000, T:2212,      Host,    INFO] 0x11201     Host is exiting.     [Host.cpp @ 338, CHostModule::RunMessageLoop] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:19.030] focketest [P:4000, T:2556,       UDS,    INFO] 0x2028     Disconnected from the server.     [Connection.cpp @ 2224, CLHOpcDaConnection::Unload] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.341] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11400     Command Line: "C:\Programme\SAP\xMII\UDS\xMIIUDSHost.exe" test.     [Host.cpp @ 433, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.341] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11405     Host Build Configuration: Release.     [Host.cpp @ 436, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.341] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11406     Host Build Date: Dec 11 2007.     [Host.cpp @ 437, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.341] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11407     Host Description: xMII UDS Host.     [Host.cpp @ 438, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.341] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11408     Host File: xMIIUDSHost.exe.     [Host.cpp @ 439, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.341] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11409     Host Version:     [Host.cpp @ 440, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.341] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11401     Found Aspect: OPC-DA.     [Host.cpp @ 468, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.341] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Include Quality = No.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.341] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Acquisition Mode = Synchronous.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.341] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Read From Device = true.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.341] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Read Delay = 100.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.341] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Force flat namespace = false.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.341] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Automatically Reconnect = true.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.341] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: OPC Group Number = 1234.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.341] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: OPC Group Name = LHDS_OPCGROUP.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.341] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Acceptable Data Quality = Good.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.341] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Startup Delay = 1000.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Use Legacy Tag Format = false.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Legacy Delimiter = ..     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Activate Items = Both.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Group Update Rate = 0.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: OPC Server =; OPC.SINUMERIK.Machineswitch; OPC DA2.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11401     Found Aspect: Cache.     [Host.cpp @ 468, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Mode = Cache with Dynamic Metadata.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Mask = .     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11401     Found Aspect: Host.     [Host.cpp @ 468, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Pool Size = 5.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Runtime Mode = Service.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Threading Model = MTA.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Stack Size = 0.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Collect Requests = false.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Shutdown Timeout = 10.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Use IOCP = true.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Service Startup = Manual.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Service Dependencies = Eventlog.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Trusted Requesters = .     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Maximum Concurrent Connections = 100.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Connection Wait Time = 5000.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Max Reconnect Sleep Time = 1000.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Auto-reconnect Attempts = 5.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Monitor Cycle = 15.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Port = 9000.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Service User = .\auduser.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Service Password = *****.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11402       Found Parameter: Log Level = Debug.     [Host.cpp @ 487, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11401     Found Aspect: Logging.     [Host.cpp @ 468, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11403     Operating System Version: Windows XP Professional (Build 2600) with Service Pack 2, Version (2.0), Components: Single User Terminal Services.     [Host.cpp @ 501, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11411     Processor 0 Info - Speed: 1596 MHz, Name: Genuine Intel(R) CPU            2140  @ 1.60GHz, Identifier: x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 2, Vendor: GenuineIntel.     [Host.cpp @ 548, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11411     Processor 1 Info - Speed: 1596 MHz, Name: Genuine Intel(R) CPU            2140  @ 1.60GHz, Identifier: x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 2, Vendor: GenuineIntel.     [Host.cpp @ 548, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x11412     Memory  Used 71% - Physical Used 294 of 1021 MB, Paged File 2896 of 3988 MB, Virtual Used 1996 of 2047 MB.     [Host.cpp @ 557, CHostModule::LogConfig] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x14000     Creating the provider thread.     [DataServerThread.cpp @ 44, DataServerThread::Spawn] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x14002     Spawning the thread.     [DataServerThread.cpp @ 53, DataServerThread::Spawn] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x14003     Waiting for thread callback.     [DataServerThread.cpp @ 57, DataServerThread::Spawn] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.356] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x14100     Provider thread has been created, and attempting to enter the xMIIOpcDaUDS.DataServer.1.     [DataServerThread.cpp @ 82, DataServerThread::SpawnServer] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.372] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x14101     Initializing COM environment.     [DataServerThread.cpp @ 91, DataServerThread::SpawnServer] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.372] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x14102     Creating the provider.     [DataServerThread.cpp @ 98, DataServerThread::SpawnServer] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.387] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x14103     Creating the local configuration context object.     [DataServerThread.cpp @ 105, DataServerThread::SpawnServer] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.387] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x14104     Initializing the provider.     [DataServerThread.cpp @ 109, DataServerThread::SpawnServer] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.387] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x2000     Got the self pointer.     [Connection.cpp @ 246, CLHOpcDaConnection::FinalInitialize] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.387] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x2001     Got the DCOM settings: machine =, progid = OPC.SINUMERIK.Machineswitch.     [Connection.cpp @ 252, CLHOpcDaConnection::FinalInitialize] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.387] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x2002     Got the OPC settings: group = 1234, client = LHDS_OPCGROUP, mode = SYNCHRONOUS.     [Connection.cpp @ 258, CLHOpcDaConnection::FinalInitialize] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.387] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x2003     Got the sleep time. {extra params}: {1000}     [Connection.cpp @ 270, CLHOpcDaConnection::FinalInitialize] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.387] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x2016     Checking the state of the connection.     [Connection.cpp @ 2032, CLHOpcDaConnection::Load] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.387] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x2017     Attempting to connect to the server.     [Connection.cpp @ 2036, CLHOpcDaConnection::Load] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:40.450] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x2018     Got the servers class id.     [Connection.cpp @ 2048, CLHOpcDaConnection::Load] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:41.903] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x201a     Advising on the servers events.     [Connection.cpp @ 2087, CLHOpcDaConnection::Load] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:41.903] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x201b     Adding the group.     [Connection.cpp @ 2096, CLHOpcDaConnection::Load] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:41.903] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x201c     Loading group data.     [Connection.cpp @ 2114, CLHOpcDaConnection::Load] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:41.903] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x201e     Adding all connection items.     [Connection.cpp @ 2143, CLHOpcDaConnection::Load] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:41.903] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,    INFO] 0x201f     Connected to the SINUMERIK OPC-Server DataAccess-V2.4.2.98  (C) Siemens AG (1998-2003) server.     [Connection.cpp @ 2154, CLHOpcDaConnection::Load] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:41.950] focketest [P:2532, T:2696,       UDS,    INFO] 0x0     Initializing Browser.     [tagUtil/lhds2BrowseThread.h @ 127, lhds::BrowsingThread::DoBrowse] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:41.950] focketest [P:2532, T:2696,       UDS,    INFO] 0x0     Reading Groups.     [tagUtil/lhds2BrowseThread.h @ 147, lhds::BrowsingThread::DoBrowse] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:41.950] focketest [P:2532, T:2696,       UDS,    INFO] 0x0     Reading Items.     [tagUtil/lhds2BrowseThread.h @ 172, lhds::BrowsingThread::DoBrowse] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:41.965] focketest [P:2532, T:2696,       UDS,    INFO] 0x0     Shutting Browser Down.     [tagUtil/lhds2BrowseThread.h @ 279, lhds::BrowsingThread::DoBrowse] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:41.965] focketest [P:2532, T:2696,       UDS,    INFO] 0x0     Browsing Finnished.     [tagUtil/lhds2BrowseThread.h @ 303, lhds::BrowsingThread::DoBrowse] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:41.997] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x1003     Adding the modes.     [DataServer.cpp @ 80, CLHOpcDaDataServer::FinalInitialize] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.012] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x3000     Initializing the Current mode.     [basemode.h @ 59, OPCDABaseMode<class CLHOpcDaDSCurrent>::FinalTagModeInitialize] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.012] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x3001     Reading from the device? TRUE.     [basemode.h @ 67, OPCDABaseMode<class CLHOpcDaDSCurrent>::FinalTagModeInitialize] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.012] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x4001     Accessing using: SYNCHRONOUS.     [basemode.h @ 75, OPCDABaseMode<class CLHOpcDaDSCurrent>::FinalTagModeInitialize] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.012] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x4002     Delay time: 100.     [basemode.h @ 82, OPCDABaseMode<class CLHOpcDaDSCurrent>::FinalTagModeInitialize] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.012] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x3004     Minimum required quality: BOTH.     [basemode.h @ 122, OPCDABaseMode<class CLHOpcDaDSCurrent>::FinalTagModeInitialize] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.012] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x3000     Initializing the Current mode.     [basemode.h @ 59, OPCDABaseMode<class CLHOpcDaDSCurrentWrite>::FinalTagModeInitialize] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.012] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x3001     Reading from the device? TRUE.     [basemode.h @ 67, OPCDABaseMode<class CLHOpcDaDSCurrentWrite>::FinalTagModeInitialize] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.012] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x4001     Accessing using: SYNCHRONOUS.     [basemode.h @ 75, OPCDABaseMode<class CLHOpcDaDSCurrentWrite>::FinalTagModeInitialize] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.012] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x4002     Delay time: 100.     [basemode.h @ 82, OPCDABaseMode<class CLHOpcDaDSCurrentWrite>::FinalTagModeInitialize] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.012] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x3004     Minimum required quality: BOTH.     [basemode.h @ 122, OPCDABaseMode<class CLHOpcDaDSCurrentWrite>::FinalTagModeInitialize] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.012] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,    INFO] 0x1004     Finnished initializing.     [DataServer.cpp @ 86, CLHOpcDaDataServer::FinalInitialize] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.012] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x14105     Attaching the providers to the Accept Thread classes cookie.     [DataServerThread.cpp @ 113, DataServerThread::SpawnServer] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.012] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x14106     Setting the initialization event.     [DataServerThread.cpp @ 120, DataServerThread::SpawnServer] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.012] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x14107     Entering the local message pump.     [DataServerThread.cpp @ 126, DataServerThread::SpawnServer] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.012] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x14004     Finished initializing the provider thread.     [DataServerThread.cpp @ 68, DataServerThread::Spawn] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.012] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x12101     Created a link to the WSA subsystem.     [ConnectionManager.cpp @ 23, ConnectionManager::Initialize] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.090] focketest [P:2532, T:0252, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a01b     Attempting to initialize.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 84, CLHDSResponse::Initialize] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.090] focketest [P:2532, T:3476, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a01b     Attempting to initialize.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 84, CLHDSResponse::Initialize] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.090] focketest [P:2532, T:2700, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a01b     Attempting to initialize.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 84, CLHDSResponse::Initialize] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.090] focketest [P:2532, T:2628, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a01b     Attempting to initialize.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 84, CLHDSResponse::Initialize] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.090] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a01b     Attempting to initialize.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 84, CLHDSResponse::Initialize] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x13100     Starting up the accept thread socket.     [AcceptThread.cpp @ 146, AcceptThread::ListenIOCP] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x13101     Creating accept socket.     [AcceptThread.cpp @ 162, AcceptThread::ListenIOCP] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x13102     Binding accept socket.     [AcceptThread.cpp @ 169, AcceptThread::ListenIOCP] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x13103     Listening to accept socket.     [AcceptThread.cpp @ 176, AcceptThread::ListenIOCP] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x13105     Spawning accept socket thread.     [AcceptThread.cpp @ 182, AcceptThread::ListenIOCP] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x12102     Finnished initializing the connection manager.     [ConnectionManager.cpp @ 42, ConnectionManager::Initialize] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:0172,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x13300     Accept thread created.     [AcceptThread.cpp @ 192, AcceptThread::AcceptThreadProcIOCP] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11104     Finnished PreMessageLoop operations.     [Host.cpp @ 308, CHostModule::PreMessageLoop] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:0172,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x13301     Waiting for requests.     [AcceptThread.cpp @ 208, AcceptThread::AcceptThreadProcIOCP] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x1140a     UDS Progid: xMIIOpcDaUDS.DataServer.1.     [Host.cpp @ 592, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x1140b     UDS Build Configuration: Release.     [Host.cpp @ 593, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x1140c     UDS Build Date: Dec 11 2007.     [Host.cpp @ 594, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x1140d     UDS Description: xMII OPC-DA UDS.     [Host.cpp @ 595, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x1140e     UDS File: xMIIOpcDaUDS.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 596, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,  SYSTEM] 0x1140f     UDS Version:     [Host.cpp @ 597, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module xMIIUDSHost.exe: Path = C:\Programme\SAP\xMII\UDS\xMIIUDSHost.exe.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module ntdll.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module kernel32.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module WS2_32.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module msvcrt.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module WS2HELP.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2HELP.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module ADVAPI32.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module RPCRT4.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module Secur32.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\Secur32.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module USER32.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module GDI32.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module ole32.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.122] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module OLEAUT32.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEAUT32.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module ATL80.DLL: Path = C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.VC80.ATL_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_cbb27474\ATL80.DLL.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module MSVCR80.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_6b128700\MSVCR80.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module IMM32.DLL: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.DLL.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module xpsp2res.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\xpsp2res.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module CLBCATQ.DLL: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\CLBCATQ.DLL.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module COMRes.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMRes.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module VERSION.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module msi.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\msi.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module SXS.DLL: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\SXS.DLL.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module xMIIUDSFramework.dll: Path = C:\Programme\SAP\xMII\UDS\xMIIUDSFramework.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module COMCTL32.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMCTL32.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module SHELL32.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module SHLWAPI.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module USERENV.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\USERENV.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module comctl32.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.2982_x-ww_ac3f9c03\comctl32.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module msxml4.dll: Path = c:\WINDOWS\system32\msxml4.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module WININET.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\WININET.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module Normaliz.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\Normaliz.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module iertutil.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\iertutil.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module urlmon.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\urlmon.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module MSOXMLMF.DLL: Path = C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\MSOXMLMF.DLL.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module xMIIOpcDaUDS.dll: Path = C:\Programme\SAP\xMII\UDS\xMIIOpcDaUDS.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module NETAPI32.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\NETAPI32.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module opccomn_ps.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\opccomn_ps.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module mswsock.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\mswsock.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module msv1_0.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\msv1_0.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module iphlpapi.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\iphlpapi.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module avsda.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\avsda.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module hnetcfg.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\hnetcfg.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module wshtcpip.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\System32\wshtcpip.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module opcproxy.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\opcproxy.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module rsaenh.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x11500     Found Module msxml3.dll: Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\msxml3.dll.     [Host.cpp @ 611, CHostModule::LogState] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:42.137] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,    INFO] 0x11200     Host is starting.     [Host.cpp @ 329, CHostModule::RunMessageLoop] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.386] focketest [P:2532, T:0172,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x13302     Accepted a good socket.     [AcceptThread.cpp @ 216, AcceptThread::AcceptThreadProcIOCP] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.386] focketest [P:2532, T:0172,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x13303     Creating IOCP request data.     [AcceptThread.cpp @ 227, AcceptThread::AcceptThreadProcIOCP] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.386] focketest [P:2532, T:0172,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x13304     Sending IOCP the request data.     [AcceptThread.cpp @ 231, AcceptThread::AcceptThreadProcIOCP] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.386] focketest [P:2532, T:0172,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x13306     IOCP handle accepted.     [AcceptThread.cpp @ 240, AcceptThread::AcceptThreadProcIOCP] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.386] focketest [P:2532, T:0172,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x13301     Waiting for requests.     [AcceptThread.cpp @ 208, AcceptThread::AcceptThreadProcIOCP] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.386] focketest [P:2532, T:3688,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x15003     IOCP completed and performing a read operation.     [ThreadPool.cpp @ 427, ThreadPool::ThreadProc] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.386] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x17004     Attempting to execute the IOCP logic.     [LHDSChannelHandler.cpp @ 470, CLHDSChannelHandler::ExecuteIOCP] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.386] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x17005     Attempting to executing the query.     [LHDSChannelHandler.cpp @ 552, CLHDSChannelHandler::OnExecute] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.386] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a028     Clearing the response.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 94, CLHDSResponse::Clear] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.386] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x17008     Decoding the input.     [LHDSChannelHandler.cpp @ 559, CLHDSChannelHandler::OnExecute] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.418] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x12002     Decoded the context. Original query was: STYLESHEET     http://bermii:50000/XMII/Stylesheets/IllumRowsetHTML.xsl     QueryTemplate     DemoMaschine/testquery     Content-Type     text/html     TotalizerFactor     1.0     NumberFormat     0.00     UseGroupMask     false     ReaderRoles     XMII Users     IsCachable     false     WriterRoles     XMII Developers,XMII Administrators     DurationUnits     M     Mode     Current     IntervalCount     1     RowCount     60     AllowFuture     true     Version     12.0.3 Build(106)     Trace     false     DocType     TagQuery     Debug     false     Resolution     0     SaveDate     05/14/2008 10:48:58     PathID     111     CacheDuration     0     Server     OPCserver     Duration     60     DateFormat     MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss     ExcludeRemotes     true     CacheDurationUnits     M     AllowBuffering     false     ID     -1     StartDate     1210751815     EndDate     1210755415     TagName.1     DB11.DBB6     !.     [LHDSContext.cpp @ 190, CLHDSContext::DecodeContext] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.418] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x17006     Executing the query.     [LHDSChannelHandler.cpp @ 598, CLHDSChannelHandler::OnExecute] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.418] focketest [P:2532, T:3688,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x2016     Checking the state of the connection.     [Connection.cpp @ 2032, CLHOpcDaConnection::Load] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.418] focketest [P:2532, T:3688,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x2005     Connecting.     [Connection.cpp @ 326, CLHOpcDaConnection::FinalConnect] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.418] focketest [P:2532, T:3688,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x2016     Checking the state of the connection.     [Connection.cpp @ 2032, CLHOpcDaConnection::Load] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.418] focketest [P:2532, T:3688,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x2006     Connected.     [Connection.cpp @ 329, CLHOpcDaConnection::FinalConnect] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.418] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a028     Clearing the response.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 94, CLHDSResponse::Clear] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.418] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a002     Setting a new message.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 378, CLHDSResponse::SetMessage] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.418] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a004     Header was not sent.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 382, CLHDSResponse::SetMessage] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.418] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a000     Setting a non-fatal message.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 390, CLHDSResponse::SetMessage] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.418] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a00e     Preparing the response.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 350, CLHDSResponse::Prepare] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.418] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a007     Attempting to send the header.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 317, CLHDSResponse::SendHeader] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.418] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a006     Sending the header.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 320, CLHDSResponse::SendHeader] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.418] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x17001     Attempting to send the data.     [LHDSChannelHandler.cpp @ 221, CLHDSChannelHandler::SendData] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.418] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x17002     Sending: {0-0-0-1-0-0-1-25-230-110-141-88-0-0-1-25-230-165-123-216}.     [LHDSChannelHandler.cpp @ 242, CLHDSChannelHandler::SendData] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.418] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x17000     Finnished sending.     [LHDSChannelHandler.cpp @ 283, CLHDSChannelHandler::SendData] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.418] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a002     Setting a new message.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 378, CLHDSResponse::SetMessage] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.418] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a003     Header was sent as non-fatal.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 406, CLHDSResponse::SetMessage] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.433] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a002     Setting a new message.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 378, CLHDSResponse::SetMessage] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.433] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a003     Header was sent as non-fatal.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 406, CLHDSResponse::SetMessage] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.433] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a011     Attempting to lock the response.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 470, CLHDSResponse::Lock] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.433] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a010     Locking the response.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 473, CLHDSResponse::Lock] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.433] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a017     Attempting to insert a node.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 215, CLHDSResponse::InsertFinished] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.433] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a01a     Node already exists.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 218, CLHDSResponse::InsertFinished] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.433] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a023     Finalizing all response nodes.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 114, CLHDSResponse::FinalizeAll] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.433] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a011     Attempting to lock the response.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 470, CLHDSResponse::Lock] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.433] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a01c     Sending node, This is not the last node.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 120, CLHDSResponse::FinalizeAll] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.433] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a01e     Sending non-fatal message.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 124, CLHDSResponse::FinalizeAll] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.433] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x17001     Attempting to send the data.     [LHDSChannelHandler.cpp @ 221, CLHDSChannelHandler::SendData] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.433] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x17002     Sending: {0-0-0}.     [LHDSChannelHandler.cpp @ 242, CLHDSChannelHandler::SendData] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.433] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x17000     Finnished sending.     [LHDSChannelHandler.cpp @ 283, CLHDSChannelHandler::SendData] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.433] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a01f     Sending messages.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 173, CLHDSResponse::FinalizeAll] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.433] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a01d     Sending non-fatal message contents.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 177, CLHDSResponse::FinalizeAll] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.433] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x17001     Attempting to send the data.     [LHDSChannelHandler.cpp @ 221, CLHDSChannelHandler::SendData] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.433] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x17002     Sending: {0-2-0-47-67-111-117-108-100-32-110-111-116-32-97-100-100-32-34-68-66-49-49-46-68-66-66-54-34-32-116-111-32-116-104-101-32-114-101-115-112-111-110-115-101-32-108-105-115-116-46-0-17-78-111-32-116-97-103-115-32-115-101-108-101-99-116-101-100-46}.     [LHDSChannelHandler.cpp @ 242, CLHDSChannelHandler::SendData] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.433] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x17000     Finnished sending.     [LHDSChannelHandler.cpp @ 283, CLHDSChannelHandler::SendData] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.433] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a028     Clearing the response.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 94, CLHDSResponse::Clear] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.433] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a023     Finalizing all response nodes.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 114, CLHDSResponse::FinalizeAll] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.433] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a011     Attempting to lock the response.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 470, CLHDSResponse::Lock] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.433] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a010     Locking the response.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 473, CLHDSResponse::Lock] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.433] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a017     Attempting to insert a node.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 215, CLHDSResponse::InsertFinished] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.433] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a01a     Node already exists.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 218, CLHDSResponse::InsertFinished] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.433] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a01c     Sending node, This is not the last node.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 120, CLHDSResponse::FinalizeAll] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.449] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a028     Clearing the response.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 94, CLHDSResponse::Clear] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.449] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a023     Finalizing all response nodes.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 114, CLHDSResponse::FinalizeAll] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.449] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a011     Attempting to lock the response.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 470, CLHDSResponse::Lock] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.449] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a010     Locking the response.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 473, CLHDSResponse::Lock] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.449] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a017     Attempting to insert a node.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 215, CLHDSResponse::InsertFinished] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.449] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a01a     Node already exists.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 218, CLHDSResponse::InsertFinished] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.449] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a01c     Sending node, This is not the last node.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 120, CLHDSResponse::FinalizeAll] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.449] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1a028     Clearing the response.     [LHDSResponse.cpp @ 94, CLHDSResponse::Clear] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.449] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x17007     Done the execution cycle.     [LHDSChannelHandler.cpp @ 604, CLHDSChannelHandler::OnExecute] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.449] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x1700c     Finnished executing: 1.     [LHDSChannelHandler.cpp @ 606, CLHDSChannelHandler::OnExecute] 
    [05/14/2008-10:56:54.449] focketest [P:2532, T:3688, Framework,   DEBUG] 0x17003     Finnished execution the IOCP logic.     [LHDSChannelHandler.cpp @ 538, CLHDSChannelHandler::ExecuteIOCP] 
    [05/14/2008-10:57:08.104] focketest [P:2532, T:1236,      Host,    INFO] 0x11201     Host is exiting.     [Host.cpp @ 338, CHostModule::RunMessageLoop] 
    [05/14/2008-10:57:08.120] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x14108     Shutting down provider the provider thread.     [DataServerThread.cpp @ 137, DataServerThread::SpawnServer] 
    [05/14/2008-10:57:08.120] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x14109     Destroying the local configuration context.     [DataServerThread.cpp @ 143, DataServerThread::SpawnServer] 
    [05/14/2008-10:57:08.120] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x2020     Checking status before disconnecting.     [Connection.cpp @ 2164, CLHOpcDaConnection::Unload] 
    [05/14/2008-10:57:08.120] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x2021     Attempting to disconnect from the server.     [Connection.cpp @ 2171, CLHOpcDaConnection::Unload] 
    [05/14/2008-10:57:08.120] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x2023     Removing the Async event interface.     [Connection.cpp @ 2189, CLHOpcDaConnection::Unload] 
    [05/14/2008-10:57:08.120] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x2024     Removed the group interface.     [Connection.cpp @ 2195, CLHOpcDaConnection::Unload] 
    [05/14/2008-10:57:08.120] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x2025     Unadvising on the servers events.     [Connection.cpp @ 2207, CLHOpcDaConnection::Unload] 
    [05/14/2008-10:57:08.120] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x2027     Server removed.     [Connection.cpp @ 2221, CLHOpcDaConnection::Unload] 
    [05/14/2008-10:57:08.120] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,    INFO] 0x2028     Disconnected from the server.     [Connection.cpp @ 2224, CLHOpcDaConnection::Unload] 
    [05/14/2008-10:57:08.120] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,       UDS,   DEBUG] 0x2004     Shutting down the connection.     [Connection.cpp @ 316, CLHOpcDaConnection::FinalShutdown] 
    [05/14/2008-10:57:08.120] focketest [P:2532, T:1492,      Host,   DEBUG] 0x1410a     Setting the shutdown event.     [DataServerThread.cpp @ 160, DataServerThread::SpawnServer] 
    The Debug file is from a Windows XP Professional system. But the same thing happens with the UDS installed
    on Windows Server 2003 (x64).
    The following config variations have been tried:
    - synchronous / asynchronous
    - Cache mode "None"
    - Threading model STA / MTA
    Any suggestions?

    Hi Mathais,
    I assume you have installed the OPC enum services in the same machine where xMII UDS is running.
    Also make sure that the browsing mode is set to true in the OPC Server.
    We had the same issue...and were receiving the same error...but once we changed teh Browing mode at teh OPC server to true, tag quesries started working....
    Hope it helps...

  • Could not add bundle to session / event log full

    ZCM 10.3.3 on SLES 11 SP1, Windows XP SP3.
    So far ZCM 10.3.3 was very stable, must admit, very pleased! But, I start to see some problems on - so far - few clients which I can't solve, seems to.
    Yesterday (and day before) on WXP device in computer room didn't remove DLU volatile client after logoff, yesterday same device additionally did show NAL window empty. I took a look into logs and see there may errors a'la
    [ERROR] [11/24/2011 10:11:43.824] [208] [ZenworksWindowsService] [66] [] [BundleManager] [BUNDLE.CouldNotAddBundle] [Could not add bundle 33d121df8527419ab00096c1a3b9049d to session] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/24/2011 10:11:43.824] [208] [ZenworksWindowsService] [66] [] [MessageLogger] [] [Unable to write to event log (Application) using source (Novell.Zenworks.Logger) Exception: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The event log file is full
    at System.Diagnostics.EventLog.InternalWriteEvent(UIn t32 eventID, UInt16 category, EventLogEntryType type, String() strings, Byte() rawData, String currentMachineName)
    at System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry(String message, EventLogEntryType type, Int32 eventID, Int16 category, Byte() rawData)
    at System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry(String source, String message, EventLogEntryType type, Int32 eventID, Int16 category, Byte() rawData)
    at System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry(String source, String message, EventLogEntryType type, Int32 eventID)
    at log4net.Appender.EventLogAppender.Append(LoggingEv ent loggingEvent)] [] []
    Also I noticed that device-attached bundles is not working anymore, not set to start at device boot nor after user logoff.
    On another device with same symptoms I see in log many entries a'la
    [ERROR] [11/24/2011 10:26:37.038] [580] [ZenworksWindowsService] [16] [] [BundleManager] [BUNDLE.CouldNotAddBundle] [Could not add bundle 5aed9420cf9a9277fffbdcee2744981b to session] [] []
    On this device client wasn't able to login today.
    Tried zac.exe cc and also on computer room deleted zcm dir in cache folder, nothing, same result. Via ZCC I see both devices in green, I mean, ZCC show device is ok. When I try to refresh device it does it very quickly, usually it takes a little longer. ZCM server (SLES 11 SP1) seems to work ok.
    Any ideas?
    More thanks, Alar.

    I'll add here piece of logs where - I think - problem is described. Server info is changed -- server and ip pointing to the same device.
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.692] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ Found host server status: Good] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.692] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [47] [] [Remote Management Module] [] [<RMSettingsData><RemoteManagementService><RemoteCo ntrolService Enable="true"><Port>5950</Port></RemoteControlService><RemoteLoginService Enable="false"><Port>5951</Port></RemoteLoginService></RemoteManagementService><Session><ViewerDNSLookup> true</ViewerDNSLookup><AllowSessionInUserAbsence>true</AllowSessionInUserAbsence></Session><Performance><AutoBandwidthDetection>true</AutoBandwidthDetection><WallpaperSuppression>true</WallpaperSuppression><EightBitColor>false</EightBitColor><Caching>true</Caching><MirrorDriver>true</MirrorDriver></Performance><RemoteDiagnosticApps><App ID="1"><Name>SystemInformation</Name><Path>C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MSInfo\msinfo32.exe</Path></App><App ID="2"><Name>ComputerManagement</Name><Path>C:\WINDOWS\System32\compmgmt.msc</Path></App><App ID="3"><Name>Services</Name><Path>C:\WINDOWS\System32\services.msc</Path></App><App ID="4"><Name>RegistryEditor</Name><Path>C:\WINDOWS\regedit.exe</Path></App></RemoteDiagnosticApps></RMSettingsData>] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.692] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ Found host status: Unknown] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.692] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [Trying to locate source location: https://server/zenworks-bundleservice/] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.692] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ Host name to resolve: server] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.692] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ Found host: server, status: Good] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.692] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [Marking location Good at the request of module bundleservice] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.692] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ Setting location name to status Good] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.692] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ Adding location:, status: Good] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.692] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ Host: server, IP address:] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.692] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ Using IP address:, status: Good] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.692] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ Built location: using IP address] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.692] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [FindFirstContent() returning] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.692] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [27] [] [MessageLogger] [] [Settings passed to logger:<ZENSettings Version="1.0"><SettingConfiguration Name="LocalLog" Enabled="True" Revision="0"><Parameter Name="RollingType" Type="String" Value="Size" /><Parameter Name="BackupFiles" Type="Integer" Value="1" /><Parameter Name="FileSize" Type="Integer" Value="10" /><Parameter Name="FileSizeUnit" Type="String" Value="MB" /><Parameter Name="Severity" Type="Integer" Value="8" /></SettingConfiguration></ZENSettings>] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.692] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [27] [] [MessageLogger] [] [Ignoring the Settings as the revision number is same] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.692] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [27] [] [LOGGERCONFIGURATOR] [] [A new settings has been provided to Logger to change its configuration for localLogging] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.692] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [27] [] [MessageLogger] [] [Settings passed to logger:<ZENSettings Version="1.0"><SettingConfiguration Name="SystemLog" Enabled="True" Revision="0"><Parameter Name="Severity" Type="Integer" Value="12" /></SettingConfiguration></ZENSettings>] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.692] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [27] [] [MessageLogger] [] [Ignoring the Settings as the revision number is same] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.692] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [27] [] [MessageLogger] [] [Ignoring the Settings as the revision number is same] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.692] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [27] [] [LOGGERCONFIGURATOR] [] [A new settings has been provided to Logger to change its configuration for sysLogging] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.770] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [47] [] [Remote Management Module] [] [Updated the RM Configuration file.] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.848] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [47] [] [Remote Management Module] [] [Info: Sent ZRMConfigurationChangeEvent event to WinVNC server.] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.864] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ZenCache] [] [(Thread 23) GetObject(PROXY_OVERRIDE, UserContext{_LocalId=none; _RemoteId=(Public)}) called] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.880] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ZenCache] [] [(Thread 23) GetObject returning <not cached> in 0 ms] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.880] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ZenCache] [] [(Thread 23) GetObject(PROXY_DEFAULT, UserContext{_LocalId=none; _RemoteId=(Public)}) called] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.880] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ZenCache] [] [(Thread 23) GetObject returning <not cached> in 0 ms] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.880] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [BundleManager] [] [ApplicationService GetAppService appContext.GetWebServiceURI() =] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:06:45.880] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ZMD] [] [Soap Utility: KeepAlive is read from registry. KeepAlive = True] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.230] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [BundleManager] [] [BUNDLE.CouldNotGetBundleDetailsException] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.230] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ZMD] [] [GetCurrentURIFromConnectMan - URI is bad trying to find another one] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.230] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [FindNextContent()] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.230] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ badUri:] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.230] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ Exception: There is an error in XML document (92, 393489).] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.230] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ ] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.230] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [https://server/zenworks-bundleservice/ ] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.230] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ ] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.230] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ ] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.230] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [Marking IP Location https://server/zenworks-bundleservice/: Bad] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.230] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [Unknown Exception] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.230] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [There is an error in XML document (92, 393489).] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.230] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize (XmlReader xmlReader, String encodingStyle, XmlDeserializationEvents events)
    at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize (XmlReader xmlReader, String encodingStyle)
    at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtoc ol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
    at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtoc ol.Invoke(String methodName, Object() parameters)
    at Novell.Zenworks.AppModule.Schema.ApplicationServic e.getAppDetails(GetAppDetailsRequest GetAppDetailsRequest)
    at Novell.Zenworks.AppModule.WebAppService.GetAppDeta ils(GetAppDetailsRequest request)] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [Marking location Bad at the request of module bundleservice] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ Setting location name to status Bad] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ Exception causing location name to be marked Bad: System.InvalidOperationException: There is an error in XML document (92, 393489). ---> System.Xml.XmlException: The 'null' start tag on line 92 does not match the end tag of 'DestDir'. Line 92, position 393489.
    at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
    at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String() args)
    at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowTagMismatch(Node Data startTag)
    at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseEndElement()
    at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElementContent()
    at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
    at System.Xml.XmlTextReader.Read()
    at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadNode(Boolean skipOverWhitespace)
    at System.Xml.XmlLoader.ReadCurrentNode(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader)
    at System.Xml.XmlDocument.ReadNode(XmlReader reader)
    at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReader.Re adXmlNode(Boolean wrapped)
    at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlS erializationReaderApplicationService.Read14_AppDat aActionSetsInstall(Boolean isNullable, Boolean checkType)
    at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlS erializationReaderApplicationService.Read21_AppDat aActionSets(Boolean isNullable, Boolean checkType)
    at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlS erializationReaderApplicationService.Read24_AppDat a(Boolean isNullable, Boolean checkType)
    at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlS erializationReaderApplicationService.Read25_GetApp DetailsResponseAppResult(Boolean isNullable, Boolean checkType)
    at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlS erializationReaderApplicationService.Read26_GetApp DetailsResponse(Boolean isNullable, Boolean checkType)
    at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlS erializationReaderApplicationService.Read32_getApp DetailsResponse()
    at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.Arra yOfObjectSerializer5.Deserialize(XmlSerializationR eader reader)
    at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize (XmlReader xmlReader, String encodingStyle, XmlDeserializationEvents events)
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize (XmlReader xmlReader, String encodingStyle, XmlDeserializationEvents events)
    at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize (XmlReader xmlReader, String encodingStyle)
    at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtoc ol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
    at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtoc ol.Invoke(String methodName, Object() parameters)
    at Novell.Zenworks.AppModule.Schema.ApplicationServic e.getAppDetails(GetAppDetailsRequest GetAppDetailsRequest)
    at Novell.Zenworks.AppModule.WebAppService.GetAppDeta ils(GetAppDetailsRequest request)] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [Exiting MarkLocationBad] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [FindFirstContent()] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ ] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ ] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ Found host server status: Good] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ Found location status: Bad] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ Skipping IP location:, status: Bad] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ Found host status: Unknown] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ Found location status: Bad] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ Skipping IP location:, status: Bad] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [Trying to locate source location: https://server/zenworks-bundleservice/] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ Host name to resolve: server] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ Found host: server, status: Good] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ Skipping location:, status: Bad] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [Trying to locate source location:] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ Host name to resolve:] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ Found host:, status: Unknown] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ Host:, IP address:] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ Using IP address:, status: Good] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [Entered FindServerFromBusyList] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ FindServerFromBusyList() Found host: server, status: Good] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ IP address marked Good] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [GetGoodOrBusyIp() returning] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ FindServerFromBusyList() Skipping location:, status: Bad] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ FindServerFromBusyList() Found host:, status: Unknown] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ IP address marked Good] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [GetGoodOrBusyIp() returning] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [ FindServerFromBusyList() Skipping location:, status: Bad] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [Exited FindServerFromBusyList with Server = to null] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [FindFirstContent() returning ] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ConnectMan] [] [FindNextContent: Exiting with content null] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [ZMD] [] [GetCurrentURIFromConnectMan - New uri is: ] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [BundleManager] [] [!!!!!!!!!!! No Bundle Data Retrieved !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [BundleManager] [] [Exiting GetBundle details] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [BundleManager] [] [Time for GeneralRefresh: 553] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [BundleManager] [] [Found details for 3 bundles] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [BundleManager] [] [ Found bundle Infutik auth; GUID: 5f49e281737695163d4c929d98844c25; Version: 0] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [BundleManager] [] [ Found bundle Windows XP default ekraani-asetused; GUID: 3b78a17437ec0c9c9be7b8bb5cf484c5; Version: 2] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [BundleManager] [] [ Found bundle Log-kataloog; GUID: 7b78a1535264a515dcb72a8d87485101; Version: 0] [] []
    [ERROR] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.246] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [BundleManager] [BUNDLE.CouldNotAddBundle] [Could not add bundle 34ddcd7a97507d05b754a1b05be8c19a to session] [] []
    [ERROR] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.261] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [BundleManager] [BUNDLE.CouldNotAddBundle] [Could not add bundle b1f973c7db610170c53eb630a381236c to session] [] []
    [ERROR] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.261] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [BundleManager] [BUNDLE.CouldNotAddBundle] [Could not add bundle 0e265efd29dee160013d4030b90ebab3 to session] [] []
    [ERROR] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.261] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [BundleManager] [BUNDLE.CouldNotAddBundle] [Could not add bundle 53880f0e33e70a863c6acf218814a498 to session] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.261] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [MessageLogger] [] [Unable to write to event log (Application) using source (Novell.Zenworks.Logger) Exception: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The event log file is full
    at System.Diagnostics.EventLog.InternalWriteEvent(UIn t32 eventID, UInt16 category, EventLogEntryType type, String() strings, Byte() rawData, String currentMachineName)
    at System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry(String message, EventLogEntryType type, Int32 eventID, Int16 category, Byte() rawData)
    at System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry(String source, String message, EventLogEntryType type, Int32 eventID, Int16 category, Byte() rawData)
    at System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry(String source, String message, EventLogEntryType type, Int32 eventID)
    at log4net.Appender.EventLogAppender.Append(LoggingEv ent loggingEvent)] [] []
    [ERROR] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.261] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [BundleManager] [BUNDLE.CouldNotAddBundle] [Could not add bundle e0b738c3966a354de7cd84e3e76ef366 to session] [] []
    [DEBUG] [11/25/2011 09:07:03.261] [660] [ZenworksWindowsService] [23] [] [MessageLogger] [] [Unable to write to event log (Application) using source (Novell.Zenworks.Logger) Exception: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The event log file is full
    at System.Diagnostics.EventLog.InternalWriteEvent(UIn t32 eventID, UInt16 category, EventLogEntryType type, String() strings, Byte() rawData, String currentMachineName)
    at System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry(String message, EventLogEntryType type, Int32 eventID, Int16 category, Byte() rawData)
    at System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry(String source, String message, EventLogEntryType type, Int32 eventID, Int16 category, Byte() rawData)
    at System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry(String source, String message, EventLogEntryType type, Int32 eventID)
    at log4net.Appender.EventLogAppender.Append(LoggingEv ent loggingEvent)] [] []
    More thanks, Alar.

  • Could not add channel to favorites list. please try again later

    Since the last update to my FIOS box a few weeks ago, we've got new HD channels (which I CAN tune to) that I can not add to my favorites list. I get an error that says"could not add channel to favorites list. please try again later". I also tried 'add all to favorites' and it still will not add them. I have removed and re added other channels to make sure the 'mechanism' itself ins't broken. 
    I've tried manualy powering off and on etc to try to get it working again., but nothing has helped. I use the favorites to tune the box so that I can skip over channels that I don't have (that is to say, my favorites list is just the channels that I get [no HBO etc]) so it's a big hassle to  not be able to have all the channels I have available.
     Does anybody know what I can do about this? 

    You need to call the FSC and have them do an INIT , not just a reset, of your box - this fixed the problem on my 3 STBs.  This will wipe out parental controls, audio compression settings, RF channel output (if applicable), and any other user settings that reside in nonvolatile RAM.   The problem is a corruption of the nonvolatile RAM that can only be fixed by a box initialization - again NOT JUST A RESET.
    If it is a DVR you will not lose your recordings and you may or may not lose your series programming settings (I didn't).
    If a forum member gives an answer you like, give them the Kudos they deserve. If a member gives you the answer to your question, mark the answer as Accepted Solution so others can see the solution to the problem.

  • An older version of Apple Software Update could not be removed

    when trying to upgrade to itunes 8 i get an error saying "An older version of Apple Software Update could not be removed. Contact your technical support group."

    Polydorus, you just saved me a lot of (additional) heartburn. I had to do a system restore to rid myself of a virus, and afterwards, somehow all my Apple products entered a state of suspended animation - they were neither there nor not there. They were still listed in the programs and all the shortcuts remained, but clicking the icons led to an error message stating the programs were gone. I couldn't do a reinstall because it said an older version could not be removed, yet I couldn't uninstall them via the Add/Remove program function - "the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable". Delving further, I was told "the installation source for this product is not available. verify that the source exists and that you can access it." I was nearly apoplectic.
    Your direction to use Windows Install Clean Up worked perfectly. iTunes et al are back and all my songs are right where I left them.
    I am so grateful.

  • Google cloud print "could not get printer information from hp"

    As of today google cloud print has stopped working with my laser jet pro. I started getting an error message that "hp eprint is unavailable at this time". I decided to remove my hp printer from google cloud print. I haven't been able to add it back in since. Every time I try to verify the printer with google cloud print I get the error message "could not get printer information from hp". Everything seems to be configured properly as far as I can tell. I even removed the printer from hp connected and readded the printer and have changed my printers email address. Help please! I am on Chrome OS and this is the only option I have to print.  

    The issue just kind of resolved itself today and I was able to add the printer. I'm assuming it was some kind of server issue on hp's end because I haven't changed anything since yesterday. 

  • The proxy server could not handle the request get /user/login in dbfw 5.1

    when i m login to oracle database firewall throuth internet explorer on the window xp client then the following error occur
    the proxy server could not handle the request get /user/login
    plz resolve issue
    Edited by: 913779 on May 15, 2012 6:29 AM

    Are you using a proxy? Check you settings.<BR><BR>
    '''Try Firefox Safe Mode''' to see if the problem goes away. [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues using Safe Mode|Firefox Safe Mode]] is a troubleshooting mode that turns off some settings and disables most add-ons (extensions and themes).
    ''(If you're using an added theme, switch to the Default theme.)''
    If Firefox is open, you can restart in Firefox Safe Mode from the Help menu by clicking on the '''Restart with Add-ons Disabled...''' menu item:<br>
    If Firefox is not running, you can start Firefox in Safe Mode as follows:
    * On Windows: Hold the '''Shift''' key when you open the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    * On Mac: Hold the '''option''' key while starting Firefox.
    * On Linux: Quit Firefox, go to your Terminal and run ''firefox -safe-mode'' <br>(you may need to specify the Firefox installation path e.g. /usr/lib/firefox)
    ''Once you get the pop-up, just select "'Start in Safe Mode"''
    [[Image:Safe Mode Fx 15 - Win]]
    '''''If the issue is not present in Firefox Safe Mode''''', your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one. Please follow the [[Troubleshoot extensions, themes and hardware acceleration issues to solve common Firefox problems]] article to find the cause.
    ''To exit Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before opening Firefox for normal use again.''
    When you figure out what's causing your issues, please let us know. It might help others with the same problem.
    Thank you.

  • Could not find the group name.

    I executed the below VBS  file in Windows 7 Enterprise Edition workstation and received "Could not find the group name. Code :800708ac"
    GetObject("WinNT://" + WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network").ComputerName + "/Administrators").Add"WinNT://MYDOMAIN/TEST-TESTWorkstationAdmins"
    I am able to add the "TEST-TESTWorkstationAdmins" in Administrator group manually but not able to add using the script.
    "TEST-TESTWorkstationAdmins" is Global Security Group. Please help me to fix the problem. 
    Boopathi S

    The code in VBScript would look like this:
    Dim AdminGroup
    Set AdminGroup = GetObject("WinNT://" & CreateObject("WScript.Network").ComputerName & "/Administrators,Group")
    AdminGroup.Add "WinNT://MYDOMAIN/TEST-TESTWorkstationAdmins"
    But I would recommend using Group Policy to update local Administrators group membership rather than using a script.
    -- Bill Stewart [Bill_Stewart]

  • RAR: Risk resolution options , Remove access from user is disabled

    Hi All,
    In RAR , After risk analysis, if we click on risk description 3 Risk resolution options are there.
    Mitigate Risk
    Remove access from user
    Delimit access for user
    In these options mitigate risk only working.I am using GRC SP 5.
    How about other two options , save button is disabled.How to enable this?
    can we remove/delimit access to  user using these options? any body  tested these options?
    Thanks n Regards,

       These functionalities do not exist in the tool and these buttons have been in the RAR for past 2 years. SAP wants clients to use CUP for removing or delemiting access so I highly doubt this will ever work.

  • Could not obtain latest contract from popen(3C): No such process

    when i add a scripts in crontab /var/cron/log shows the error
    could not obtain latest contract from popen(3C): No such process

    THE WHOLE CONFIGURATION IS SunOS 5.10 Generic sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V210
    ERROR:Re: could not obtain latest contract from popen(3C): No such process

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