Suddenly getting UserNotFoundException: User Not Found: Could not load profile data from the database

Starting yesterday (I believe) we are suddenly receiving a "User not found" error when trying to view a user's profile page when clicking on their name (in search or elsewhere) via the url
This is happening for all users. (but profiles exist and seem ok, and sync with AD is running fine) When looking in the logs I see the error  (full ULS log is later below)
Exception in LoadRequestedUserProfile: (Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserNotFoundException: User Not Found: Could not load profile data from the database.
The only clue of what MAY be going on is just before that I see the following two lines which came up after I changed the Database logging to Verbose:
ConnectionString: 'Data Source=INSTANCE;Initial Catalog=UPAPROFILEDB;Integrated Security=True;Enlist=False;Pooling=True;Min Pool Size=0;Max Pool Size=100;Connect Timeout=15;Application Name=SharePoint[w3wp][3][UPAPROFILEDB]'    Partition:
NULL ConnectionState: Closed ConnectionTimeout: 15
SQL connection time: 0.0456 for Data Source=INSTANCE;Initial Catalog=UPAPROFILEDB;Integrated Security=True;Enlist=False;Pooling=True;Min Pool Size=0;Max Pool Size=100;Connect Timeout=15;Application Name=SharePoint[w3wp][3][HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile] 
If I am reading that correctly, does it mean the connection to the database is timing out instantly? I am able to use powershell to pull up profiles and print them to the screen while on the webservers. And it's only the one specific page that is not
What sort of tests or further debugging can I do for the error above?
We are on premise, SharePoint 2013 sp1, sql2012, server 2012, claims using the full SharePoint Profiile Sychronization against AD.  Farm has been running since last august. Last week the admin team did run windows update on all servers, I can't be sure
if it was broken for 5 days and no one noticed or if it broke yesterday.
I already did the following:
Verified the profiles do exist in central admin.
I can still access their personal sites directly via
I checked the ProfileDB database and made sure the service accounts for the UPA has dbowner, so does the farm account, and the web application pool has SPDataAccess.
Verified the AD sync account has proper rights in AD.
I reran a full synchronization which ran with no errors.
File systems on the webservers and appserver have plenty of free space.
Rebooted every server in farm
I even checked the bin directory of the mysite webapplication, (since once I had a weird problem where access to bin was removed.) WSS_ADMIN_WPG, WSS_RESTRICTED_WPG_W4 have full control and WSS_WPG,IIS_IUSRS all have read and execute.
I opened powershell on the webserver I can indeed load profiles and print their values.
Timestamp Area Category EventID Level Message Correlation
07/25/2014 14:11:08.43 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (GET: Parent No
07/25/2014 14:11:08.43 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (GET: be11a89c-fbe8-a08d-57d2-afa6a4948743
07/25/2014 14:11:08.43 SharePoint Foundation Micro Trace uls4 Medium Micro Trace Tags: 0 nasq be11a89c-fbe8-a08d-57d2-afa6a4948743
07/25/2014 14:11:08.43 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET: Execution Time=1.3859 be11a89c-fbe8-a08d-57d2-afa6a4948743
07/25/2014 14:11:08.47 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (GET: Parent No
07/25/2014 14:11:08.47 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (GET: be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.49 SharePoint Foundation General ajji6 High Unable to write SPDistributedCache call usage entry. be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.50 SharePoint Foundation Authentication Authorization agb9s Medium Non-OAuth request. IsAuthenticated=True, UserIdentityName=0#.w|fa\cbuchholz, ClaimsCount=167 be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.50 SharePoint Foundation Files ak8dj High UserAgent not available, file operations may not be optimized. at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFileStreamManager.CreateCobaltStreamContainer(SPFileStreamStore spfs, ILockBytes ilb, Boolean copyOnFirstWrite, Boolean disposeIlb) at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFileStreamManager.SetInputLockBytes(SPFileInfo& fileInfo, SqlSession session, PrefetchResult prefetchResult) at Microsoft.SharePoint.CoordinatedStreamBuffer.SPCoordinatedStreamBufferFactory.CreateFromDocumentRowset(Guid databaseId, SqlSession session, SPFileStreamManager spfstm, Object[] metadataRow, SPRowset contentRowset, SPDocumentBindRequest& dbreq, SPDocumentBindResults& dbres) at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSqlClient.GetDocumentContentRow(Int32 rowOrd, Object ospFileStmMgr, SPDocumentBindRequest& dbreq, SPDocumentBindResults& dbres... be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.50* SharePoint Foundation Files ak8dj High ...) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequestInternalClass.GetFileAndMetaInfo(String bstrUrl, Byte bPageView, Byte bPageMode, Byte bGetBuildDependencySet, String bstrCurrentFolderUrl, Int32 iRequestVersion, Byte bMainFileRequest, Boolean& pbCanCustomizePages, Boolean& pbCanPersonalizeWebParts, Boolean& pbCanAddDeleteWebParts, Boolean& pbGhostedDocument, Boolean& pbDefaultToPersonal, Boolean& pbIsWebWelcomePage, String& pbstrSiteRoot, Guid& pgSiteId, UInt32& pdwVersion, String& pbstrTimeLastModified, String& pbstrContent, UInt32& pdwPartCount, Object& pvarMetaData, Object& pvarMultipleMeetingDoclibRootFolders, String& pbstrRedirectUrl, Boolean& pbObjectIsList, Guid& pgListId, UInt32& pdwItemId, Int64& pllListFlags, Boolean& pbAccessDenied, Guid& pgDocid, Byte& piLevel, UInt64& ppermMask, ... be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.50* SharePoint Foundation Files ak8dj High ...Object& pvarBuildDependencySet, UInt32& pdwNumBuildDependencies, Object& pvarBuildDependencies, String& pbstrFolderUrl, String& pbstrContentTypeOrder, Guid& pgDocScopeId) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequestInternalClass.GetFileAndMetaInfo(String bstrUrl, Byte bPageView, Byte bPageMode, Byte bGetBuildDependencySet, String bstrCurrentFolderUrl, Int32 iRequestVersion, Byte bMainFileRequest, Boolean& pbCanCustomizePages, Boolean& pbCanPersonalizeWebParts, Boolean& pbCanAddDeleteWebParts, Boolean& pbGhostedDocument, Boolean& pbDefaultToPersonal, Boolean& pbIsWebWelcomePage, String& pbstrSiteRoot, Guid& pgSiteId, UInt32& pdwVersion, String& pbstrTimeLastModified, String& pbstrContent, UInt32& pdwPartCount, Object& pvarMetaData, Object& pvarMultipleMeetingDoclibRootFolders, String& pbst... be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.50* SharePoint Foundation Files ak8dj High ...rRedirectUrl, Boolean& pbObjectIsList, Guid& pgListId, UInt32& pdwItemId, Int64& pllListFlags, Boolean& pbAccessDenied, Guid& pgDocid, Byte& piLevel, UInt64& ppermMask, Object& pvarBuildDependencySet, UInt32& pdwNumBuildDependencies, Object& pvarBuildDependencies, String& pbstrFolderUrl, String& pbstrContentTypeOrder, Guid& pgDocScopeId) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.GetFileAndMetaInfo(String bstrUrl, Byte bPageView, Byte bPageMode, Byte bGetBuildDependencySet, String bstrCurrentFolderUrl, Int32 iRequestVersion, Byte bMainFileRequest, Boolean& pbCanCustomizePages, Boolean& pbCanPersonalizeWebParts, Boolean& pbCanAddDeleteWebParts, Boolean& pbGhostedDocument, Boolean& pbDefaultToPersonal, Boolean& pbIsWebWelcomePage, String& pbstrSiteRoot, Guid& pgSiteId, UInt32& pdwVersion,... be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.50* SharePoint Foundation Files ak8dj High ... String& pbstrTimeLastModified, String& pbstrContent, UInt32& pdwPartCount, Object& pvarMetaData, Object& pvarMultipleMeetingDoclibRootFolders, String& pbstrRedirectUrl, Boolean& pbObjectIsList, Guid& pgListId, UInt32& pdwItemId, Int64& pllListFlags, Boolean& pbAccessDenied, Guid& pgDocid, Byte& piLevel, UInt64& ppermMask, Object& pvarBuildDependencySet, UInt32& pdwNumBuildDependencies, Object& pvarBuildDependencies, String& pbstrFolderUrl, String& pbstrContentTypeOrder, Guid& pgDocScopeId) at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb.GetWebPartPageContent(Uri pageUrl, Int32 pageVersion, PageView requestedView, HttpContext context, Boolean forRender, Boolean includeHidden, Boolean mainFileRequest, Boolean fetchDependencyInformation, Boolean& ghostedPage, String& siteRoot, Guid& siteId, Int64& bytes, ... be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.50* SharePoint Foundation Files ak8dj High ...Guid& docId, UInt32& docVersion, String& timeLastModified, Byte& level, Object& buildDependencySetData, UInt32& dependencyCount, Object& buildDependencies, SPWebPartCollectionInitialState& initialState, Object& oMultipleMeetingDoclibRootFolders, String& redirectUrl, Boolean& ObjectIsList, Guid& listId) at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationRuntime.SPRequestModuleData.FetchWebPartPageInformationForInit(HttpContext context, SPWeb spweb, Boolean mainFileRequest, String path, Boolean impersonate, Boolean& isAppWeb, Boolean& fGhostedPage, Guid& docId, UInt32& docVersion, String& timeLastModified, SPFileLevel& spLevel, String& masterPageUrl, String& customMasterPageUrl, String& webUrl, String& siteUrl, Guid& siteId, Object& buildDependencySetData, SPWebPartCollectionInitialState& initialState, ... be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.50* SharePoint Foundation Files ak8dj High ...String& siteRoot, String& redirectUrl, Object& oMultipleMeetingDoclibRootFolders, Boolean& objectIsList, Guid& listId, Int64& bytes) at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationRuntime.SPRequestModuleData.GetFileForRequest(HttpContext context, SPWeb web, Boolean exclusion, String virtualPath) at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationRuntime.SPRequestModule.InitContextWeb(HttpContext context, SPWeb web) at Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPControl.SPWebEnsureSPControl(HttpContext context) at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationRuntime.SPRequestModule.GetContextWeb(HttpContext context) at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationRuntime.SPRequestModule.PostResolveRequestCacheHandler(Object oSender, EventArgs ea) at System.Web.HttpApplication.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IEx... be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.50* SharePoint Foundation Files ak8dj High ...ecutionStep.Execute() at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) at System.Web.HttpApplication.PipelineStepManager.ResumeSteps(Exception error) at System.Web.HttpApplication.BeginProcessRequestNotification(HttpContext context, AsyncCallback cb) at System.Web.HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationPrivate(IIS7WorkerRequest wr, HttpContext context) at System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationHelper(IntPtr rootedObjectsPointer, IntPtr nativeRequestContext, IntPtr moduleData, Int32 flags) at System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotification(IntPtr rootedObjectsPointer, IntPtr nativeRequestContext, IntPtr moduleData, Int32 flags) at System.Web.Hosting.UnsafeIISMethods.MgdIndicateCompl... be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.50* SharePoint Foundation Files ak8dj High ...etion(IntPtr pHandler, RequestNotificationStatus& notificationStatus) at System.Web.Hosting.UnsafeIISMethods.MgdIndicateCompletion(IntPtr pHandler, RequestNotificationStatus& notificationStatus) at System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationHelper(IntPtr rootedObjectsPointer, IntPtr nativeRequestContext, IntPtr moduleData, Int32 flags) at System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotification(IntPtr rootedObjectsPointer, IntPtr nativeRequestContext, IntPtr moduleData, Int32 flags) be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.50 SharePoint Foundation Files aiv4w Medium Spent 0 ms to bind 4224 byte file stream be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.50 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Site=/ be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.50 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (PostResolveRequestCacheHandler). Execution Time=11.7341 be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.52 SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles aj2aw Verbose GetPartitionPropertiesCache :: ApplicationId = c604ddac-b9f9-4661-b31f-44cdcf2b78dc be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.52 SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles aj2ax Verbose GetPartitionPropertiesCache :: Trying to find existing cache be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.52 SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles aj2az Verbose GetPartitionPropertiesCache :: Getting Cached object be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles aj2aw Verbose GetPartitionPropertiesCache :: ApplicationId = c604ddac-b9f9-4661-b31f-44cdcf2b78dc be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles aj2ax Verbose GetPartitionPropertiesCache :: Trying to find existing cache be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles aj2ay Verbose GetPartitionPropertiesCache :: Found existing cache in httpcontext be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Server Database tzku Verbose ConnectionString: 'Data Source=HungerNet3;Initial Catalog=HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile;Integrated Security=True;Enlist=False;Pooling=True;Min Pool Size=0;Max Pool Size=100;Connect Timeout=15;Application Name=SharePoint[w3wp][3][HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile]' Partition: NULL ConnectionState: Closed ConnectionTimeout: 15 be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Server Database ahjqp Verbose SQL connection time: 0.0583 for Data Source=HungerNet3;Initial Catalog=HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile;Integrated Security=True;Enlist=False;Pooling=True;Min Pool Size=0;Max Pool Size=100;Connect Timeout=15;Application Name=SharePoint[w3wp][3][HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile] be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Foundation General adyrv High Cannot find site lookup info for request Uri be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Foundation General adyrv High Cannot find site lookup info for request Uri be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Foundation General adyrv High Cannot find site lookup info for request Uri be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.55 SharePoint Server Database tzku Verbose ConnectionString: 'Data Source=HungerNet3;Initial Catalog=HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile;Integrated Security=True;Enlist=False;Pooling=True;Min Pool Size=0;Max Pool Size=100;Connect Timeout=15;Application Name=SharePoint[w3wp][3][HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile]' Partition: NULL ConnectionState: Closed ConnectionTimeout: 15 be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.55 SharePoint Server Database ahjqp Verbose SQL connection time: 0.0456 for Data Source=HungerNet3;Initial Catalog=HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile;Integrated Security=True;Enlist=False;Pooling=True;Min Pool Size=0;Max Pool Size=100;Connect Timeout=15;Application Name=SharePoint[w3wp][3][HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile] be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.55 SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles ajw8l High Exception in LoadRequestedUserProfile: (Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserNotFoundException: User Not Found: Could not load profile data from the database. at Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfile.Load(SqlDataReader myReader, Boolean bFirstRead, Boolean firstReaderIsViewerRights, Boolean includeColleagueRecords, Boolean includeLanguageAndRegionalSettings, Boolean shouldCloseReader) at Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfile.RetrieveUser(String strAcct, Guid gAcct, Byte[] bSid, Nullable`1 recordId, Boolean doNotResolveToMasterAccount, Boolean loadFullProfile, Boolean loadColleagueRecordIds, String strEmail) at Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfile..ctor(UserProfileManager objManager, String strAcct, Boolean doNotResolveToMasterAccount, Boole... be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.55* SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles ajw8l High forceUserIsSelf, Boolean loadFullProfile, Boolean loadColleagueRecordIds, String strEmail) at Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileManager.GetUserProfile(String strAccountName, Boolean doNotResolveToMasterAccount, Boolean loadFullProfile, Boolean loadColleagueRecordIds) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls.ProfilePropertyLoader.LoadRequestedUserProfile(String& redirectionUrl)) be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.55 SharePoint Foundation General aat87 Monitorable be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.55 SharePoint Foundation General ajji6 High Unable to write SPDistributedCache call usage entry. be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.55 SharePoint Foundation Micro Trace uls4 Medium Micro Trace Tags: 0 nasq,20 ajji6,3 agb9s,10 ak8dj,1 b4ly,25 adyrv,1 adyrv,4 adyrv,3 ajw8l,1 aat87,3 ajji6 be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
07/25/2014 14:11:08.55 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET: Execution Time=78.9958 be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184

Have Windows Updates been applied? See my note about this
Look at the URL in the search results. It may have invalid character in which case you can use this fix
Regards, Ian Internet Sites running on SharePoint 2013

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    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="">
            <mx:State name="view">
              <mx:RemoveChild target="{intro}"/>
                <mx:AddChild relativeTo="{applicationcontrolbar1}" position="before">
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                        //don't do a thing
                    else {
                        savedIndex = event.index;
                          navigateToURL(new URLRequest("../"+;
                private function toggleButtonBar_itemClick(evt:ItemClickEvent):void {
                    currentState =;
                    if( == "view") view();
               private function view():void{
               private function httpService_fault(evt:FaultEvent):void {
                    var title:String = evt.type + " (" + evt.fault.faultCode + ")";
                    var text:String = evt.fault.faultString;
          "There is an error! Type " + title + " " + text);
               private function httpService_result(evt:ResultEvent):void {
                    messageInfo = XML(evt.result).messages.message;
                    message = XML(evt.result);
                    var message_name:String = "";
                    var message_phone:String = "";
        for each (var message:XML in messageInfo.messages.message) { 
              viewText.text += "Name " + + "\n";
              viewText.text += "Phone " + + "\n";               
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                    itemClick="toggleButtonBar_itemClick(event);" />
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    The Oracle documentation has a good overview of the options available
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    Without knowing your version, I just picked 11.2, so you made need to look for that chapter in the documentation for your version to find applicable information.
    You can also find some information in XML DB FAQ

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    Hi Frank,
    I see that you are interested in getting data from R/3, please correct me if I'm wrong.
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  • Can workbook owned by another user be deleted from the database

    Hello all,
    We are wanting to know if a workbook can be deleted from the database by someone other than the owner. We have a user that was once with the organization that created and uploaded several Discoverer reports to the database. However, they are no longer with the organization. If a change needs to be made to one of their reports, we can download a copy and modify it. However, when you upload the report and keep the same name, it creates a copy of the report in the database but now owned being by the new user. When users using Viewer retrieve a list of reports from the database, they are seing two reports with the same name in the listing, but owned by different people. We could always rename the new report. However, we would like to 'clean up' the production database by purging any obsolete or older verision reports regardless of who they are owned by.
    Thanks in advance for any input

    Yes we can do this, to the best of my knowledge here is my input: There are two ways to do this
    1) a) If that workbook has been shared with your id thne login as you in Discoverer Plus then open workbook and using SAVE AS and save the workbook and it wil save under your id.
    b) follow the below command to delete the workbook owned by old user
    2 )-->Login as EUL user (ex: EUL10_US) in Discoverer Administrator and export the workbook owned by the owner (no longer exist in the company: abc.workbookname) and save in your local drive
    -->Login as new user in Administrator and import the workbook from the local drive
    -->using below command delete the workbook owned by old user (*abc.workbookname*) by running at command prompt.
    dis51adm.exe /connect eul10_us/xxxxx@DBname /delete /workbook "abc.workbookname" /eul eul10_us /log C:\oracle\BIToolsHome_1\bin\Delete_wb_oatr.log
    Now you will have only one copy of the workbook in the database.
    hope this helps you.

  • TF201072: A user or group could not be found

    We are using TFS2010 (for source control only), and until recently
    everyone was using VS2010. Our developers just installed VS2012.
     When you go to "Pending Changes" in Team Explorer, we are seeing
    TF201072: A user or group could not be found. Verify that the
    users and groups used in your work item type definition have been added
    to Team Foundation Server., twice, at the top. We can still check-in code from VS - seems this error is ignored.
    However, we are unable to shelve changes - when you attempt to
    shelve, the same error comes up in a popup, and the shelveset is not
    We can shelve using the command prompt (tf shelve), and
    can still shelve using VS2010, so it doesn't seem to be a permission
    issue. Also, the TFS administrator is not seeing the error message, and
    can shelve from VS2012 with no error.
    Any thoughts as to what could be causing VS to error out here? We've tried clearing out the TFS cache, creating a new workspace, and gone over every option we could find in Visual Studio.

    Hi Rudy,
    I'd like to know more details about the reproduce steps, and whether you have upgraded your TFS server. If you don't have permission to access the database, then you can ask TFS administrator to grant you corresponding permissions to access the database
    you're trying to access.
    And you can check whether built-in records were missing in table TFSIntegration..tblsubscription. Refer to the link below for more details:
    Another option is check if the SID of service account is correct. Replace SID if not, you can refer to this
    thread for the steps.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • I am trying to print a fillable form.  It will not print and I get two error messages "document could not be printed" and "there were no pages selected to print."  Th latter is not true.  Won't print all, the page I am on, nor any series of pages inserted

    I am trying to print a fillable form - - an application for a Chinese visa.  It will not print and I get two error messages:  "document could not be printed" and   "there were no pages selected to print."  The latter is not true.  Won't print at all, the page I am on, nor any series of pages inserted.
    Am using a MAC desktop and a Cannon PIXMA MX922 printer.
    I need to print this form now that it is filled out?  What can I do? 

    Hello PW, I am having this problem and all suggestions haven't worked yet. Where is the Preferences|Documents you are referring to? I am on a PC and using Windows.
    EDIT: I found it and did, but still not working.

  • I cannot delete mail from my inbox and get a message saying (msg) could not be moved to the mailbox trash-POP account".

    I suddenly cannot delete mail from my inbox and get a message saying " (msg) could not be moved to the mailbox trash-POP account".  It does not matter if I am trying to delete a single message or mulitiple messages.  Can anyone help?

    If you're running Leopard, as your profile says, then you need to post your question in that forum, not the Snow Leopard forums. So if you're really running Snow Leopard, you need to update your profile to show that, as well as give more details about what kind of mail accounts you have, and who your email provider is.

  • HT2953 i-tunes could not be used because the original file could not be found.could not locate.this error occurs on most of my songs in my library and will not play even though they are in my i-pod and play with no trouble.can  anyone please help?

    i-tunes could not be used because the original file could not be found.could not locate.this error occurs on most of my songs in my library and will not play even though they are in my i-pod and play with no trouble.can  anyone please help?

    I was not complete clear.
    Since you never changed the settings in the advanced section of iTunes preferecnes, you have to chech that your music is really in the location setted in the folders reported in the advanced section.  If not you have 2 ways: reset the position of this folders or in the actual disk organisation or in the pointing on the preferences.
    If you press the reset button you just give to itunes its default setting as for the position of the music files: probably this will be a good choice if you have never changed any default preference.
    But before I would check the folders and see if the songs are really there
    In my iTune I have this, and I believe it is the default.
    Users/YOURHOMEFOLDERNAME/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music

  • When I click on an Icon on my desktop to take me to a site (such as google) I get a message that it could not find the loaction. Then it goes ahead and opens a Firefox window with the site anyway as if the message never happened.

    When I click on an Icon on my desktop to take me to a site (such as Google) I get a message that it could not find the location. Then it goes ahead and opens a Firefox window with the site anyway as if the message never happened. Then when I close the window I see that the message is still there. I have to close it separately. Any suggestions? Oh, and this only happens if Firefox is NOT already active. If I have another Firefox window open when I click on the Icon, it just opens as expected. This message appears no matter which site Icon I select. It did not happen before I upgraded to ver 9.0.

    Hello BassoonPlayer,
    Since you are using one of the the school's Macbooks, it is quite possible that the time and date are not properly set on the computer that you are using.  FaceTime will not work if you do not have the proper time zone set up for the location that you are in.  This past week, there were a two other Macbook users I've helped by simply telling them to set the Date/Time properly.  By the way, you described your problem very well, which makes it easier for us to help you.  Hope this solves your problem -- if not, post back and I can suggest other remedies.

  • I set up a playlist in itunes and when i tried to sync it to my iphone i get an error message "itunes could not copy "x" to the iphone "x" because a timeout error occured.  Using itunes and Windows Vista 64

    I set up a playlist in itunes and when I try so sync it to my iphone, I get an error message "itunes could not copy "x" to the iphone "x" because a timeout error occurred.  Using itunes and Windows Vista 64.  Any help?  Thanks in advance!

    I have the same question and the only reply I've found on the forum was "change the USB hub", which HASN'T worked. So I am accepting new suggestions. Tks!

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