Could not resolve sparks component with Air 3.6 Beta

Could not resolve <s:SolidColor> to a component implementation.
line 59
Flex Problem
Could not resolve <s:State> to a component implementation.
line 33
Flex Problem
Could not resolve <s:State> to a component implementation.
line 34
Flex Problem
Could not resolve <s:Transition> to a component implementation.
line 38
Flex Problem
Could not resolve <s:Transition> to a component implementation.
line 47
Flex Problem
This is what i get with the latest Air 3.6 Beta SDK with a mobile project !
FB 4.7 shows the <mx:Transition> potential match but not the <s:Transition>. Its the same for all the other errors it shows the potential matches
Can someone provide a solution I even tried to add sparks.swc as external SWC but it doesn t work.

I Still have theses errors :
Could not resolve <s:State> to a component implementation.
line 129
Flex Problem
Could not resolve <s:State> to a component implementation.
line 130
Flex Problem
Could not resolve <s:State> to a component implementation.
line 131
Flex Problem
Even if I added the spark.swc
But the other errors are gone !

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    If you are using Flex 4, it is now fx:Component
    Alex Harui
    Flex SDK Developer
    Adobe Systems Inc.

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    Thanks for the reply. I tried changing to the airmobile-config.xml but then I got the same error with a different componenet.
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    Could this related to a missing SWC from my build path do you think?

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    Could not resolve <s:ViewNavigator> to a component implementation.
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    I think I got it to work. Apparantly there is a secret link called "Download Windows" below the yellow download button which is for Flex users even though I already chose the Flex version on the previous page.

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    Hi Paul,
    Thanks for the reply. I was drawn to the FABridge because the documentation said it's useful if:
    "You want to use a rich Flex component in an Ajax application but do not want to write a lot of Flex code. If you wrap the component in a FABridge-enabled stub application, you can script it entirely from JavaScript, including using JavaScript generated remotely by the server."
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    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
        <maps:Map xmlns:maps="*" id="map" mapevent_mapready="onMapReady(event)" width="100%" height="100%"
            url="" key="ABQIAAAAirgZjEoCu9a3euq95spKkBR_S1ecsaBoILwOJWQZL62AsG_vrBT---yI8NYfu5nSGRvZPcpZobSH zA"/>
                private function onMapReady(event:Event):void {
           LatLng(40.736072,-73.992062), 14, MapType.NORMAL_MAP_TYPE);
                public function setLocation(lat:Number, long:Number):void {
    I'm including the .swf file with an embed tag as outlined in the Google Maps for Flash API documentation:
        <div id="map_canvas">
                  <!-- <param name="movie" value="app:/flex/GMapsController.swf">  -->
                  <!-- <param name="movie" value="app:/GMapsController.swf">   -->
                  <param name="movie" value="">
                  <param name="quality" value="high">
                  <param name="flashVars" value="key=ABQIAAAAirgZjEoCu9f3eua95spKkBR_S1ecsaBoILwOJWQZL62AsG_vrBT---yI8NYfu5nSGRvZPc pZobSHzA">
                    flashVars="key=ABQIAAAAirgZjEoCu9f3euq95spKkBR_S1ecsaBoILwOaWQZL62AsG_vrBT---yI8NYfu5nSGR vZPcpZobSHzA"
    I'm not sure I can include it as a library of classes as you describe in your post.
    It would be really sweet if I could attach an id attribute to the embed tag and be able to call the functionality within the swf file in JavaScript.
    Do you know whether this is possible or not? I'm pretty new to flex (if you guys havent already guessed), so I could be missing something pretty simple.
    Any help is greatly appreciated

  • AIR SDK 3.6 Could not resolve component

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    I have downloaded AIR SDK3.6 from here:

    Hi Jack,
    Please download AIR SDK from a small note below on
    for flex users.
    Note : Flex users will need to download the original AIR SDK without the new compiler.
    Please let us know if this fixes your issue.

  • Problem with child tag - Could not resolve x to a component implementation.

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    Makefile  oxcharts  Session.vim  stats.mxml  stats.swf
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" xmlns:oxcharts="oxcharts.*">
        <oxcharts:ColumnChart id="myChart" showDataTips="true" width="600" height="310">
            <oxcharts:test x="5"></oxcharts:test>
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            public var test:MyTest;
    package oxcharts {
        public class MyTest {
            public var x:Number;
    I got this error:
    Error: Could not resolve <oxcharts:test> to a component implementation.
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    I'm gonna give a clerear example, I hope it'll help you better understand what I mean let's say I have a custom class named Login:
    package ec
         public class Login
              public var ID:int;
              public var Role:String;         
              public function Login()
    And I need to use this class within MyAmazingCanvas, so my main app will be like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" xmlns:oxcharts="ec.*">
                   import ec.Login;
                   private var myLoginStatus:Login=new Login();
                   private function setLoginData():void{
         <oxcharts:MyAmazingCanvas id="myCustomComp" myPublicNumber="323" LoginStatus="{myLoginStatus}" />
         <mx:TextInput id="myID" />
         <mx:TextInput id="myRole" />
         <mx:Button id="setData" label="Set Data" click="setLoginData()" />
    When I said at the top level I meant outside the scope of any function, altough is not a requierement, you can as well set it at a function level.

  • Could not resolve s:ViewNavigatorApplication to a component  implementation firstView="views.MyApp

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    [exec] Loading configuration file C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.5\sdks\blackberry-tablet-sdk-1.0.1\frameworks\air-config.xml    
    [exec] C:\MyApp\src\MyPBApp.mxml(7): Error: Could not resolve <s:ViewNavigatorApplication> to a component implementation.    
    [exec] firstView="views.MyAppHomeView">
    Here's my MyApp.mxml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
         <fx:Style source="MyApp.css"/>
              <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
    and, here's the compile target of my build file
    <target name="compile">
             <!-- Run the AIR compiler to compile the application, including the PlayBook SDK AIR config -->
                       <exec executable="${playbook-sdk}/bin/amxmlc.bat" dir="${src.dir}">
                            <arg value="-load-config"/>
                            <arg value="${playbook-sdk}/frameworks/air-config.xml"/>
                        <arg value="-swf-version=10"/>
                            <arg value="-source-path+=${src.dir}"/>
                            <arg value="-compiler.library-path+=${playbook-sdk}/frameworks/libs"/>
                            <arg value="-compiler.library-path+=${lib.dir}"/>
                            <arg value="-compiler.debug=false"/>
                            <arg value="-output"/>
                            <arg value="${build-dir}/${app-swf}"/>
                            <arg value="${src.dir}/${app-name}.mxml"/>
    Any ideas why it cannot find that componenet?

    Thanks for the reply. I tried changing to the airmobile-config.xml but then I got the same error with a different componenet.
    Error: Could not resolve <r:QContainer> to a component implementation. <r:QContainer id="d">
    Could this related to a missing SWC from my build path do you think?

  • Could not resolve fx:Script (or fx: Declarations to a component implementation

    I am trying to compile a file into swf using mxmlc in command line.  When it is a very simple mxml, compile is successful. But when the file  contaion the fx name space, I get a compile error like: could not  resolve COMPONENT_NAME to a component implementation.
    I have to be able to do this, without the help of Flash Builder  because I am working on a project where I will need to generate swf  files from mxml files  which we generate the code of.
    I tried it with SDK version 4.0.0.,  version 4.1.0 build 16076 and 4.5.0. build 20967. And I also tried it in 3 different computers. Note: Our notebooks has Windows 7 OS - locale:Turkish.
     I read that this error is specific to some locales like Turkish here:, . But I couldnt find the solution.
    Any suggestions?
    The simple code I am trying to compile is(which is generated by Flash Builder 4 and can be compiled there):
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                      xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
              <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->

    Could you please file a bug at with sample code that fails to compile on a Turkish system, so that we can track this problem and fix it in a future release?
    Gordon Smith
    Adobe Flex SDK Team

  • Could not resolve mx:AdvancedDataGrid to a component implimentation

       im trying to get this facebook application to work but i keep getting this error
    when i run the application: could not resolve <mx:AdvancedDataGrid> to a component implimentation
    it seems the namespaces are correct, what does this mean?
    <s:Group xmlns:fx=""
             xmlns:mx="library://" width="100%"
             height="100%" currentState="CONNECTING">
    <mx:AdvancedDataGrid id="adgFriends" dataProvider="{userFriends}"
                             designViewDataType="flat" horizontalCenter="0"
                             verticalCenter="19" includeIn="CONNECTED">
                <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="Name"
                <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="Last Name"

    if i change the  xmlns:mx="library://" namespace to
    xmlns:mx="library://" i get 2 sets of these errors
    "access of undefined property AIR" and
    "access of undefined property FLEX" referring to these pieces of code.
    i am referencing the Facebook_library_with_AIRConnect_v3.4_flex.swc
                    // DesktopSessionHelper import required for AIR and Facebook Connect
                    import com.facebook.utils.DesktopSessionHelper;
                    import com.facebook.session.DesktopSession;
                    // Session variable when running as AIR app
                    protected var session:DesktopSessionHelper;
                    // FacebookSessionUtil import required for Flex (browser) app
                    import com.facebook.utils.FacebookSessionUtil;
                    // Session variable when running as Flex (browser) app
                    protected var session:FacebookSessionUtil;

  • Error: Could not resolve s:states to a component implementation.

    So I am trying to setup states on a Flex application I'm building, but it doesn't seem to want to compile. I get this error:
    $ ./
    Loading configuration file /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/sdks/4.1.0/frameworks/flex-config.xml
    uploader.mxml(24): Error: Could not resolve <s:states> to a component implementation.
    Here is my build command nothing special ...
    $ cat ./
    mxmlc -output bin/uploader.swf src/uploader.mxml
    I have a class that extends the Spark application like so ...
    package com.uploader.controllers
        import spark.components.Application;
         dynamic public class FlashUploader extends Application
    Then in my main application mxml file I use it like so ...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <c:FlashUploader xmlns:fx=""
        minWidth="709" minHeight="400"
        <fx:Style source="styles.css" />
        <!-- states -->
            <s:State name="default" />
            <s:State name="startup" />
            <s:State name="uploading" />
            <s:State name="normal" />
    Now when I try to compile I get the states error. I've found several examples and even made a dummy app just using the spark application and it compiles fine. Not sure if I'm doing anything weird here but the few other flex devs I know don't seem to see anything wrong with what I'm doing that could cause this.

    When you define an object using a namespace you have to use the same namespace for its properties, so you will want to use "<c:states>" instead of "<s:states>" in this case.

  • Error - Could not resolve s:Script to a component implementation?

    Flex Builder 4.6, 60-day trial version. New  to MXML / AS, but familiar with Java, Javascript, XML, OpenLaszlo. Ooooold, sloooow Vista box.
    I want a bare-bones proof-of-concept class extending <s:Label> with a script responding to a click. Here's what I have:
    Ptile.mxml (in package com.blackbird):
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Label xmlns:fx=""
            private function talkToMe() : void {
                trace("I'm alive, sarge");
    Calling application is :
    TileTest.mxml (also package com.blackbird):
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
        minWidth="955"     minHeight="600"
        <s:BorderContainer  width="100%" height="100%">
            <comp:Ptile x="40" y="200" />
    Ptile.mxml won't compile - Error message in the editor is "Could not resolve <s:Script> to a component implementation". I've banged and hammered this around - namespaces, typos and syntax all checked, documentation, Google. No luck. For a bet, I'd guess it's a namespace problem - I'm a little shaky on that - but I'm sugared if I can find it.
    Using the <mx:Script> or <fx:Script> tags also fails.
    I've edited the Eclipse.ini file, as detailed here : Nothing.
    Anybody? Thanks.

    There is no s:Script, it will be fx:Script and you will need the new Spark namespaces.

  • Could not resolve s:ViewNavigatorApplication to a component implementation

    I am getting this error while building my Flex mobile project using ant build. It compiles preopely through flash Builder but gives the error : "Could not resolve <s:ViewNavigatorApplication> to a component implementation" when compiling with ant. I am using the config file airmobile-config.mxml . Here is my build script mcmlc task is below:
    <mxmlc file="${Src.dir}/${}.mxml" incremental="false" actionscript-file-encoding="UTF-8"
                 output="${Deploy.dir}/${}.swf" debug="${Debug.Boolean}" keep-generated-actionscript="false">
                 <load-config filename="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/airmobile-config.xml" />
                 <compiler.source-path path-element="${Src.dir}" />
              <source-path path-element="${externalLib.dir}/libraries/CommonMobile/src"/>
              <library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs" includes="*.swc" append="true"/>
              <library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs/mobile" includes="mobilecomponents.swc" append="true"/>
              <library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs/air" includes="*.swc" append="true"/>
              <library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs/automation" includes="*.swc" append="true"/>
              <library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs/mx" includes="*.swc" append="true"/>
              <library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs/player" includes="*.swc" append="true"/>
              <library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/locale/en_US" append="true"/>
              <library-path dir="${externalLib.dir}/libraries/external/robotlegs/1.4.0/bin" includes="robotlegs-framework-v1.4.0.swc" append="true"/>
              <library-path dir="${tomcat.dir}/webapps/MobilityServer/WEB-INF/flex/libs" includes="fds.swc" append="true"/>  
              <library-path dir="${tomcat.dir}/webapps/MobilityServer/WEB-INF/flex/libs/air" includes="airfds.swc" append="true"/>
              <library-path dir="${tomcat.dir}/webapps/MobilityServer/WEB-INF/flex/libs" includes="fiber.swc" append="true"/>
              <library-path dir="${externalLib.dir}/libraries/CustomMobilelib/bin" includes="CommonMobile.swc" append="true"/>         

    Thanks for the reply. I tried changing to the airmobile-config.xml but then I got the same error with a different componenet.
    Error: Could not resolve <r:QContainer> to a component implementation. <r:QContainer id="d">
    Could this related to a missing SWC from my build path do you think?

  • Problems with 3.6 could not resolve s:ViewNavigatorApplication

    I'm trying to use 3.6 and not having any luck...
    I have FB 4.7 (64-bit) on Windows.
    I have downloaded from here;
    I have completed the steps here;
    I have merged the sdk as I would have done for 3.5,3.4 etc.
    Now, when I set the SDK to the 3.6 one, I get the error;
    "Could not resolve <s:ViewNavigatorApplication> to a component implementation."
    _MUST_ be something basic I'm doing wrong here!

    Now I'm confused.
    The text link you mention states that Flex users should take the SDK version without the compiler. BUT....
    the page says to download the SDK from
    but this page now redirects to:
    which contains a large list of archived SDK's. So that help page never really says which version of the SDK to use - with or without the compiler. But other forum posts have implied its suppose to be the one with the compiler.
    Now since we're overlaying the ...plugins\com.adobe.flash.compiler_4.7.0.349722\AIRSDK folder that would make sense.
    So my questions are:
       Do we use the version with or without the compiler to do the overlay?
       Can we get Adobe to update that help page to reflect what we're really suppose to do?
       Does Flash Builder use this overlaid AIR SDK with any selected Flex SDK  as long as the project settings has the 'Include  Adobe AIR libraries' checkbox selected?
       What if I've configured the Apache 4.9.1 (Doesn't this have AIR SDK 3.4 embedded within it? - yeah I chose that option in the download installer) as my Flex SDK, then will the 'Include Adobe AIR libraries' checkbox still use the AIRSDK 3.6 I just overlaid?
    Is it just me, or is this just getting more and more confusing? Can we perhaps get a AIR SDK combo box to go beside the Flex combo box and when we check the 'Include Adobe AIR libraries' then we can select the AIR SDK we want? And get a 'configure AIR SDKs...' link too?

  • Error: Could not resolve s:SolidColor to a component implementation

    So I have a library project and in that project I have a CustomDataGridBackgroundSkin file which is as follows:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:SparkSkin xmlns:fx=""
                 minWidth="25" minHeight="25">
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
        <!-- layer 4: fill highlight -->
        <s:Rect left="0" right="0" top="0" height="100%" >
                <spark:SolidColor color="0x968f89" alpha="1" />
    I am simply trying to get an ant task to compile this library to SWC, but I am getting a " Error: Could not resolve <s:SolidColor> to a component implementation" error during compile.  The only way to fix it is to add these lines of code (bold).
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:SparkSkin xmlns:fx=""
                 minWidth="25" minHeight="25">
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
        <!-- layer 4: fill highlight -->
        <s:Rect left="0" right="0" top="0" height="100%" >
                <spark:SolidColor color="0x968f89" alpha="1" />
    I can also get this error to go away if I put this line in my build.xml file: "<include-sources dir="${src.dir}" includes="*"/>"
    But then I get this error => "[compc] Error: Unsupported file type: C:\dev_projects\features\flex4version\web\OneVoice\src\components.xml"
    components.xml is my manifest file.
    Anyone know what the issue is?  Why would I need the xmlns:spark="*" namespace when I have xmlns:s="library://"?

    Curious. Which version of the Flex SDK are you using?
    Does this work if you try in a brand new project using Flex 4.1 or Flex Hero?
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
            <s:Button label="goto s1" click="currentState = 's1';" />
            <s:Button label="goto s2" click="currentState = 's2';" />
            <s:Button id="sdkVer" initialize="sdkVer.label = mx_internal::VERSION;" click="System.setClipboard(sdkVer.label);" />
            <s:State name="s1" />
            <s:State name="s2" />
        <s:Rect left="30" right="20" top="20" bottom="30" >
                <s:SolidColor color="0x968f89" color.s2="haloOrange" alpha="1" />

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