Could not restore currency for currencyString

I have a af:SelectOneChoice component with autoSubmit=true. After a value is changed in the af:SelectOneChoice, the h:commandButtons in the form do not work anymore. The actionListener method is called but the but the lifecycle stops there - the getters are not called, and the changes done by action method are not reflected in the page. The following error appears in the Tomcat server console:
SEVERE: Could not restore currency for currencyString
This problem does not happen, however when I use Firefox instead of IE 6.0.
Pls can anyone help?

Yes, I had some HTML code enclosed by <f:verbatim> tags in my page. I removed these and used only JSF and ADF tags - this solved the problem, although I cannot explain why.
Also try changing h:commandButton to af:commandButton

Similar Messages

  • SEVERE: Could not restore currency for currencyString

    I have a af:SelectOneChoice component with autoSubmit=true. After a value is changed in the af:SelectOneChoice, the h:commandButtons in the form do not work anymore. The actionListener method is called but the but the lifecycle stops there - the getters are not called, and the changes done by action method are not reflected in the page. The following error appears in the Tomcat server console:
    SEVERE: Could not restore currency for currencyString
    This problem does not happen, however when I use Firefox instead of IE 6.0.
    Pls can anyone help? It is an urgent problem. Thanks

    Yes, I had some HTML code enclosed by <f:verbatim> tags in my page. I removed these and used only JSF and ADF tags - this solved the problem, although I cannot explain why.
    Also try changing h:commandButton to af:commandButton

  • Currency could not be determined for person ?

    I have created in PA30 the "compensation process" subtype " Spot bonus" for an employee , but then when i changed the status in ECM ( Enterprise compensation management) ( From In planning -> Approved ,( OK) , Approved to " Active" I got the following error"
    "Currency could not be determined for person Nguyen Ngoc Ngan between 30.10.2007 and 30.10.2007"
    Please help me out with this
    Thank you very much

    Great Suresh , You are excellent !
    I have added a new record in the table T500C for my local currency i have tested successfully .
    But i face a small problem with " Salary adjustment" when i created in compensation process infotype the salary adjustment ( In planning ) it is ok , but when i change the status from "Approved to active " I got the following err ;
    "Salary adjustment of Nguyen Ngoc Ngan on 31.10.2007 could not be activated "
    ( Bonus worked fine ).

  • "itunes could not restore the iphone because the password was incorrect" I know for a fact im using the correct password. and it has previously worked. is anyone else having this issue.

    "itunes could not restore the iphone because the password was incorrect" I know for a fact im using the correct password. and it has previously worked. is anyone else having this issue.

    Hi, I also get the message "itunes could not restore the iphone because the password was incorrect" though I am never prompted to enter a password anywhere! Nor was the backup password encrypted to begin with! Really strange, any pointers will be greatly appriciated!

  • HT1414 I just got a replacement iPhone 5 (64MB) for one with a cracked face, and tried to restore it.  Got an error message saying the iTunes could not restore the iPhone because not enough free space is available on the iPhone.  Now what?

    I just replaced my iPhone 5 because of a cracked face.  I backed up the old phone to iTunes.  When I tried to restore my data off of iTunes to the new phone, I got an error message saying that iTunes could not restore the iPhone because not enough free space is available on the new iPhone.  Now what?
    I have Apple Care+, but I'll be darned if I can find any way to contact anyone at Apple to talk to about this.  They take your money, but make darned sure they don't have to support you unless you jump through a bunch of hoops first, like this site.

    I've done a restore.. The phone was completely wiped back to factory settings.. It then tells me there isn't enough space on the phone to restore from back up? How when the phone is empty?!

  • I changed my iPhone lately but i can't restore my last backup since it keeps saying "itunes could not restore backup because the password was incorrect" but I don't know where to put the password to make it happen... Any suggestions?

    Hey guys,
    I just bought a new iPhone but i can't restore my backup files beacuse it keeps saying "itunes could not restore backup because the password was incorrect" but I really don't know where to put the password to restore it. I really have some files that are meaningful for me so I really need help. Any suggestions anyone?

    Select your iDevice in the iTunes.
    Choose the Summary screen (tab) and scroll to the bottom of the screen.
    Then un-select Encrypt iPhone backup.
    iTunes will then prompt you to “Enter the password to unlock your iPhone backup”, enter the password you set originally.

  • Could not restore iPhone after 7.1.2 update

    As a number of other people have posted here, I've encountered some problems with the iOS 7.1.2 update on my iPhone. Unlike most of the others, I've tried a number of possible solutions before resorting to asking here, and I have details of my efforts to share. My experience with this problem over the past twenty-four hours suggests that the standard advice I'm seeing given is insufficient for those of us having this issue.
    This started around 1 am EDT last night (this morning) when I did a standard sync of my 16 GB iPhone 4 in iTunes 11.2.2 in order to install a couple of newly updated apps. I will point out up front that it was not my intention to update to 7.1.2—I was still on iOS 7.1.1 and intended to remain there until I'd seen reports of others' experiences with the update. (I've been burned before by issues with an iOS update, and I tend to be cautious about them now, as it is a one-way trip.) In fact, my iTunes had not yet notified me of the 7.1.2 update; I knew of it from it having appeared as a notification on my phone itself.
    At the end of the sync, however, iTunes told me that it could not install one of my updated apps because there was not enough space. I normally try to keep about 1 GB free, so this seemed odd, especially considering that I had not added anything sizeable since my last sync earlier in the day. I was surprised to see that iTunes reported only 300 MB free on my iPhone. The culprit appeared to be the opaque "Other" category, which had since the prior sync ballooned from less than 1.8 GB to nearly 2.5 GB for no apparent reason.
    (Side note: Apple's insistence on not defining the contents of "Other" to users and not providing any reasonable means of cleaning it out continues to be an issue, which is compounded by its tendency to grow over time. Is it too much to ask that some housekeeping be enabled for this?)
    I have in the past had fairly consistent luck with purging old, outdated data from "Other" by doing a full reset and restore on my iPhone, so I set out to do this. Unfortunately, iTunes downloaded and installed iOS 7.1.2 instead of the installed 7.1.1, and I had no opportunity to change that. I was annoyed by this—a system reset should not force an OS update—but I didn't expect any significant problem from it.
    Once the reset completed, I got my first sign of real trouble: an error saying that my iPhone "could not be activated" and that I needed to call Apple. As it was roughly 2 am EDT by then, this was not an option at the time. After I accepted that error message, however, iTunes showed my phone with its correct name and information, and began the process of restoring the last backup (which had been made during that sync attempt an hour earlier). After several minutes, I got another error message saying that this backup could not be restored because it was "corrupt" or "incompatible".
    I was, at this point, prepared to simply accept that I would have to redo everything, and so started setting things up in iTunes so that I could pack it up and go to bed. I soon discovered, to my dismay, that while iTunes gave no indication that anything was wrong with my phone at this point, the phone itself was stuck on the pre-activation screens, demanding to be connected to iTunes to complete activation. iTunes itself revealed no options I could readily locate for initiating activation manually, and if I proceeded through the setup screens on the iPhone for the option of restoring from a backup, I simply ended up back where I was before after several minutes, with the phone demanding it be connected and iTunes saying the backup couldn't be restored.
    I gave up around 5 am EDT and went to bed. Later this morning I tried working with it some more. This time, I retrieved several of the last few days' mobile backups from my Time Machine backup (from ~/Library/Application Support/Mobile Sync/Backup, using Tri-Edre's Back-in-Time) and fed them into the phone, but each one returned the same "corrupt or incompatible" error. This included backups dating as far back as a week ago, prior to 7.1.2 becoming available.
    At this point I tried running setup on the iPhone as a new device. Fortunately, all the key information is tied to my Apple ID, so it was suitably reactivated with my carrier, and it knew which apps, music tracks, videos, pictures, and books were to be synced to it, so I didn't have to manually re-add them all. But it of course does not have any previous settings or local data stored, and my 178 apps that had been meticulously arranged into folders were now spread across 12 pages in alphabetical order. I'm still slowly going through everything to reset those missing settings and folder structure.
    Ultimately, I haven't lost anything of real importance besides time. Besides my iTunes backups, all my "real" data is kept in apps that sync with their OS X counterparts in some form (like Evernote and Dropbox). I had recently downloaded photos, so I have not lost any of those either, though since I don't save them to iCloud (for several reasons), those which I had retained on the phone in Albums are no longer there and will need to be re-collected and synced. Primarily, the only things that appear to be irretrievably lost are my call and SMS logs (iMessage history is still in OS X Messages, and voice mails are stored by my carrier), and saved data from games that don't link to Game Center. Not a big loss, to be sure—I'm still weighing whether it's worth paying the $50 to register iBackup Viewer Pro, which appears to be the only tool which claims to be able to extract data from encrypted iOS backups, in order to restore that data to the iPhone.
    My purpose in posting this, then, is not to ask for solutions to get my phone useable again—I already have that—but rather two other things. First, I wanted to present as much detail as I could about this issue to the community, since the other threads I've found here asking about this problem have yet to get past the initial "reset and restore from backup" advice, and my experience indicates that this isn't necessarily going to help, but resetting and setting up as a new device, then resyncing with your Apple ID/iCloud/iTunes can at least make the device functional again. I'll also point out that unless you encrypt your backups (which I do, because, well, duh), there are several utilities available, some of which are completely free, that can extract your data from your backups. Some of them even claim to be able to return that data directly back to the device. Given that this "corrupt or incompatible" error appears to not be stating the situation accurately, it's likely that your data is still intact in your backup despite the error message—iTunes just can't restore it directly to the device. (If you do encrypt your backups, the only utility I've found that claims it can extract anything from them is the aforementioned $50 iBackup Viewer Pro.)
    Second, I want to find out where this problem comes from: I had at first assumed that the "incompatible" message came from having a later version of iOS on the phone than had been present on the backups (though the official line has always been that while you could not restore a backup to an older iOS, there shouldn't be an issue with restoring to a newer one), but what I've seen on this forum indicates that this seems to be a problem in 7.1.2 itself being unable, in at least some cases, to accept backups from a previous iOS. Is this a viable hypothesis, or is there another factor at work here? If it is something specific to 7.1.2, is fixing it a priority?

    Pardon me for a moment while I (politely) rant in your general direction...
    This type of response is not just unhelpful—it is the antithesis of helpful.
    This is a support forum. Its purpose is helping to resolve people's problems. Sometimes those problems are going to require long explanations or lots of information. That either comes out in the original post or over the course of several back-and-forth replies; the former produces long posts but takes less time overall than the latter.
    If you don't have the patience to read through a long post, then just move on. Posting a "too long, didn't read" comment adds nothing beneficial to anyone. All it does is reveal that the person who made that comment thinks it's important to tell everyone that their attention span is too short for anything longer than a tweet.
    Yes, my post was long. Had you read it, you might have understood why it's so long. I'm trying to provide information that people searching these forums about this problem might find helpful. I did this because when I searched for info on this problem, I found lots of people with a similar problem, but no answers that went beyond "restore from backup". Since that advice wasn't the solution for me, I decided that more information might prompt someone with more knowledge and access than I have to investigate. Since you couldn't be bothered to read it, you clearly aren't the kind of person whose attention I was hoping to catch.
    Certainly I could have made the post shorter, but I think putting it into a narrative like this makes it easier to follow and provides a context that a terse recitation of bare facts does not. If you disagree, that's your prerogative, but please don't waste everyone else's time by posting a comment just to say that you didn't read it.
    I find it appalling that someone who's able to reach Level 6 on these support forums would post a "tldr" comment. That does not reflect positively on you or these forums.
    End of rant.

  • Could not determine value for variable 0P_FVAEX (or 0P_CTPCA)

    I get the below error while accessing a query on the planning Info Cube. I used the SAP Exit variable Most Current Data (Transactional InfoCube) (0S_RQTRA) in the query for the Characteristic - Request ID (0REQUID) to extract the data from the yellow request too.
    I do not use the below variables as in the below eror in my query at all. Please assist.
    This error diagnosis is specific only to the variables 0P_FVAEX or 0P_CTPCA !
    Termination message BRAIN 632 appears:
    Could not determine value for variable 0P_FVAEX (or 0P_CTPCA).
    System Response
    1.     Operation method of SAP-Exit-Variables 0P_FVAEX or 0P_CTPCA
    With queries from the CO application, both SAP-Exit-Variables look for an entry for 'controlling area'. With this controlling area from the selection screen, the SAP-Exit-Variables program reads the attributes for InfoObject 0CO_AREA (controlling area).
    With queries from the FI application, the SAP Exit Variable 0P_FVAEX looks for an entry for 'company code'. With this company code from the selection screen, the SAP Exit Variables program reads the attributes for InfoObject 0COMP_CODE (Company Code).
    0P_FVAEX determines the fiscal year variant (attribute 0FISCVARNT) from the attributes for 0CO_AREA (CO queries) or 0COMP_CODE (FI queries). 0P_CTPCA determines the currency type of the profit center local currency (attribute 0CURTP_PCA) from the attributes for 0CO_AREA.

    you need to take a closer look at your query. Somewhere you used one of the 0P_* exit variables, which work only for controlling related InfoCubes. Use your own variables.
    SAP NetWeaver RIG

  • While updating to ios7 there was an error and it did not restore my phone, now when i try to restore i get a message i tunes could not restore because back up could not be saved

    I was updating my phone to ios7 and due to the lead being pulled it failed during restore, it has ios7 on the phone but everytime i try to restore it so all my pics, apps, music etc is on the phone i get the error message itunes could not restore because back up could not be saved. please help, im using windows xp

    Hello agardner37701,
    I found some steps you can take when your iPhone is not recognized by iTunes when in Recovery Mode.  I recommend reviewing the steps in the section titled "If the device is not recognized while in Recovery Mode" under step 5 in the following article:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

  • ITunes could not restore the iPhone "___'s iPhone" because the backup was corrupt or not compatible

    Ok so bear with me here, it is somewhat of a long story.
         I had been using an iPhone 4 for a while, with an old iTunes account that has all my stuff from over the years on it, on my computer. A week ago, I dropped by iPhone 4 in the sink and it got covered with water, despite quickly pulling it out, putting it in rice under a lamp, the phone was shot, and I was without a phone. My Dad, who is on the same AT&T plan with me, was using an iPhone 3. He was available for an upgrade, so he got a new iPhone, and gave me the iPhone 3. Now i'm not an apple master or anything but I have a good idea of what I am doing, normally, I backup my phone to my computer every few months. Basically everytime I plug it in to my computer which isn't very often because I just charge it with the wall charger. So got my SIM card with the same phone number and all, and obviously, while still being my number, it had my dads apps, messages, contacts and photos on it. So I bring it home, and plug it into my computer, I cancel the intial sync, and right click on the phone on the left side of iTunes and hit "restore from backup" I look through the list of backups, and the most recent one I see is from Dec 11, 2011. Which is surprsing because i'm pretty sure I had backed up since then, but I say whatever i'll still get contacts apps and most pictures back etc. So I hit it, and go through with it, and it tells me there was a more recent date of backing up, relieved, I click on that and continue, the normal bar comes up it says something like estimated time 30 minutes, so I walk away, come back 5 minutes later, and I get an error message saying, "iTunes could not restore the iPhone "____'s iPhone" because the backup was corrupt or is not compatible with the iPhone." Confused, I go back and try again, however this time I click on "old backup (the dec 11th one rather than the newer one) and the same thing happens after a few minutes. I go back a third time, and select a time from August of 2011. And I hit restore, and it goes through. However, this happened to be a backup I made right when I got my new iPhone 4, and therefore I basically restored my phone, to having nothing. Thats where I sit right now, with none of my contacts or pictures. I'm not sure if I backed up to iCloud or not and i'm not sure how to retrieve that. Some extra things: When I try to sync my iTunes library and apps onto the new iphone 3, I need to greatly reduce the number of songs and apps beacuse this iPhone is only an 8gb while the old one was 16, (I don't think that is the reason I am getting the error message though because when I sync it clearly says "Your iPhone does not have enough space). Also, this is obviously an iPhone 3, not an iPhone 4, updated with the most recent iTunes software, which, I believe is 5.1.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have over 1,400 pictures saved on my old phone (very important things to me) and a contact list of over 300 including important friends, coaches, teachers and workers.
    Thank you very much, if it doesn't say my email on here try me at [email protected]
    Thanks again
    Edit: The current phone is an iPhone 3G, not a 3Gs.

    you will need to restore your phone as a new device and NOT from backup.  If you've been using your phone as recommended, you should have minimal data loss:  Photos should have been imported to your computer right after taking them; contacts should be safe in a cloud service or on your computer.  You CANNOT downgrade to 4.3.3.

  • HT4972 After upgrading iPhone 4 to iOS 5.1.1 getting the error "iTunes could not restore the iPhone because the backup was corrupt or not compatible with the iPhone that is being restored" HELP!

    I attempted to upgrade my iPhone 4 to iOS 5.1.1. I selected 'back up' from the phone in the device menu and iTunes confirmed that the phone had been backed up. I then installed iOS 5.1.1 which wiped everything on the phone & now I am getting the error "iTunes could not restore the iPhone because the backup was corrupt or not compatible with the iPhone that is being restored".
    I have tried restoring factory settings but iTunes simply will not restore from back up & I'm not sure what else to do!
    Any advice would be much appreciated.

    I have the same issue and I KNOW my backup IS good. What happen is when you try to restore your phone apple says something like can I check for new updates and if you choose no, it just takes you back to the restore screen and a loop from then on.  If you dont update from you phone then when you back up you will have the 5.0.1 back up and then when you update to 5.1.1 and then try to restore the backup from 5.0.1 it say it EITHER corrupt or incompatible.. It is incompatible and its hard as **** to restore back to 5.0.1. I followed the restore to a T and still getting errors. I lost all text history and have to reset up email. All just because I wanted a 1.2 Gigs of "other" space back.

  • I can't get dvds to play "There was an initialization error. A valid video device could not be found for playback. [-70017]  Anybody know how to resolve this?

    I can't get dvds to play and, instead, get "There was an initialization error.  A valid video device could not be found for playback. [-70017]"  I went in for a Genius appt Friday and it played for the tech...but now I'm back home (one and a half hours from the store) and I'm getting the error message again when I try to load a dvd.  Any recommendations?

    Hello, try this...
    Bootup holding CMD+r, or the Option/alt key to boot from the Restore partition & use Disk Utility from there to Repair the Disk, then Repair Permissions.
    Reboot... any change?

  • Account 'Acquisition:Acquis. could not be found for area 01 AU133

    To provide for reporting in USD group currency the leading ledger currencies for each company code has been changed from only local currency to also include the group currency (type 30) of USD.
    Once the above setting for group currency was made the fixed asset transactions are not posting and the subject error message is occurring. The threads in this forum for this type of issue have been read and all the t-codes have been checked (AO90, AO93, OADB, OAK4, OABW, etc. with no change. The account is defined for the company code as an asset reconciliation account. No SAP Notes were found to be helpful with this either.
    Any suggestions other than these are greatly appreciated.

    hi i have the kinda same problem "Account 'Loss made on asset retirement w/o reven.' could not be found for area 50" my dep. area is derived dep. area called 50 which is difference between 01 gaap and 25 ifrs dep. areas.
    in oadb the XSTORE is not flagged, BUHBKT set for 5 and LDGRP_GL is set for IF ledger when i run askb some of the assets issues this error but i have done all the custm. in ao90 what could be the reason for this by the way all of the accounts derived from 01 and all of the accounts set in 01.
    Edited by: farukisin on Jan 17, 2012 3:54 PM
    problem solved some times the problem could be so tiny so that you cant see,
    this is one of them the gl account was not created for the company code
    Edited by: farukisin on Jan 19, 2012 3:50 PM

  • Hello everyone, I am trying to restore my iPhone 4s and every time I try restoring it, it always goes to about 75% of the process then it says the iphone could not restore because of error 1. This is not error -1 it is error 1.

    Hello everyone, I am trying to restore my iPhone 4s and every time I try restoring it, it always goes to about 75% of the process then it says the iphone could not restore because of error 1. This is not error -1 it is error 1. I reserached this error and it said to make sure I have the latest version of iTunes, i do, To make sure i have a security software updated, i do, and ive done everything it tells me to do yet it wont let me restore my iphone. Before I tried restoring it, it was working perfectly fine besides the battery which i have just replaced yesterday. Ive tried restoring it in two different computers with two different cables but still no luck. I found this phone at a park and it was working perfectly fine until i tried restoring it. I have no idea what to do now. I appreciate your guyses help!

    This error generally indicates a hardware failure.  Bring the phone to Apple for evaluation.

  • Itunes could not restore the iphone because a session could not be started with the iphone

    Recently I sent my iPhone 5 to apple service centre as my phone could not turn on and stuck at apple logo. The technician use DFU restore and successfully reboot my phone. However, all my data and content are being erased. Now I tied to restore from my back up using iTunes with iPhone 5 iOS 8.1.3, error message pop up. itunes could not restore the iphone because a session could not be started with the iphone. However,  I still can sync my iPhone to iTunes. I am so frustrated as I need to get all my contact back from my previous back up. Please help. Thanks.

    Hello brendalhl,
    After reviewing your post, it sounds like a session could not be started to restore from a backup. I would recommend that you read this article, it may be able to help the issue.
    If you can't back up or restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod using iTunes - Apple Support
    "... a session could not be started."
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Have a nice day,

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