Could someone please submit my Podcast for review?

I keep getting an error everytime I try to submit it for review to iTunes and its not a problem with my link or anything buty a unknown error with the itunes store itself, I have tried alot of things to get around the error but one of the only things I have not tried is having someone else on their own account submit (it might be a problem with my login)
So if someone would be kind enough as to submit my rss feed and let me know on here afterward I would be really grateful. I do not know of what happens after you put in your login info after you submit it (thats where I get the error) so if you need to know anything else or need anymore info please ask in here and I will supply it to you. Thanks ahead of time for whoever submits it!

Please see this announcement:
New Podcast Submission Issues
"There is currently an issue with the podcast submission process; it is not possible to submit podcasts for review. When the problem has been fixed, this message will disappear and you should be able to submit podcasts via the usual process."

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                <p><input type="text" required="required" id="contact_name" name="contact_name" class="text_input" value="" size="22"  />
                <label for="contact_name">Namn *</label></p>
                <p><input type="text" required="required" id="contact_company" name="contact_company" class="text_input" value="" size="22"  />
                <label for="contact_company">Företag *</label></p>
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                <label for="contact_email">Epost *</label></p>
                <p><textarea required="required" name="contact_content" class="textarea" cols="30" rows="5"></textarea></p>
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                <input type="hidden" value="[email protected]" name="contact_to"/>
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    Thank you

    Please don't post duplicate threads. Continue the discussion in
    This thread is now locked.

  • Could someone please help me with getting the sabnzbd daemon to start?

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    I'm a classic newbie.  I managed to follow some instructions I found on the web to get sabnzbd to install (via Yaourt), and when I invoke it from the command line, it works fine.
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    What about the sabnzbd.confd file?
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    If you need any details of my setup, please let me know.
    Thanks heaps,

    birdie101 wrote:Where would I find a good place to describe how to install programs using PKGBUILDs?  and what that process is actually doing?
    Apart from the wiki article on ABS, always look at the pkgbuild when in doubt. This is also helpful when you want to know what compile arguments are passed to GCC. Custom postinstall commands are run through .install file (example what is displayed after installation), this is generally foo.install in the AUR for a pkg named foo. And most importantly, familiarize yourself with compiling process, and Arch specific routines like a daemon should be defined in /etc/rc.d/, instead of /etc/init.d/ in other linuxes.
    Edit: A best exercise would be to create a pkgbuild yourself. Arch always recommends community contributions.
    Last edited by shemz (2010-09-24 08:08:14)

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    Hey staceylynn261!
    Bonjour is a program that is installed on your computer along with iTunes, so you will want to first uninstall iTunes and all of its related components:
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes and other software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
    You will then want to visit this link to download and install the latest version of iTunes:
    Apple - iTunes - Download iTunes Now
    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities. Have a good one!

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    Pl.visit following links for P2P cycle.
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  • Could someone please help me . . .

    Could someone please tell me how to go about writing a java program that would be able to process a statement/sentence. How can I make it is so that when someone types in a statement/sentence and presses enter, the program calculates the total number of words in the statement and whether it ends with a period, question mark, or an exclamation. Could anyone start it off for me so I'd be able to see how it works. My textbook doesn't contain any samples that pertain to this. Just in case you have no idea what I'm talking about, here's what my handout says . . .
    Write a Java program to process a statement. You may assume that the statement contains a series of words each separated by exactly one blank space and ending with exactly one punctuation symbol which is either a �period � for a sentence�, �question mark � for a question� or �exclamation point � for an exclamation.� You may assume that the statement fits on one line, it does not wrap over more than one line. You may also assume that no other punctuation symbol is used other than the ending character of the statement.
    The program should output:
    1.     The type of statement processed (sentence, question or exclamation).
    2.     The total number of words in the statement.
    3.     The longest word in the statement � if multiple words are of the same longest length � output
    the first of those words found in the statement.
    4.     The shortest word in the statement � if multiple words are of the same shortest length � output
    the first of those words found in the statement.
    5.     The number of short words found in the statement (containing 1-3 characters).
    6.     The number of medium words found in the statement (containing 4-6 characters).
    7.     The number of long words found in the statement (containing 7 or more characters).
    Again, if someone would be kind enough to start it off for me or give me an example on how to go about doing it, I would greatly appreciate it !!!!!
    Thanks for your time,
    Ana : )

    public class Austin
    public static void main(String [] args)
    try {
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
    String str = "";
    while (str != null) {
    System.out.print("> ");
    str = in.readLine();
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str, " ");
    /* analyze your tokens here */
    } catch (IOException e) {

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