Count table rows UI5 , XML view

I want to count ( find the number of rows in a table , or in my model ) .
I have a model ( json ) and i apply this model to a table. I tried to find how many rows I have in my table but i couldn't.
Can you help me ? 
The view ( xml ) looks like this :
<Table id="doc_table"
      path: '/Documents',
      sorter: {
        path: 'Document_Id'
        <Label text="Products"></Label>
        <Label text="Document_id" />
        <Label text="Partner_id" />
        <Label text="PolicyNr" />
        <Label text="RepvalDescr" />
        <Label text="RepvalType" />
        <Label text="Reportbeg" />
        <Label text="Reportend" />
        <Label text="Repval" />
        <Label text="Repdate" />
        <Label text="DueDate" />
        <Label text="Currency" />
        <Label text="Submit" />
            text="{Document_Id}" />
            text="{Partner_Id}" />
            text="{PolicyNr}" />
          text="{RepvalType}" />
            text="{Reportbeg}" />
            text="{Reportend}" />
            text="{Repval}" />
          text="{DueDate}" />
          text="{Submit}" />
and in the controller ( .js ) i tried a lot of things , none with good results :
var rowsd = view.getElementById("doc_table").getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0].getElementsByTagName("tr").length;
var rows = this.getView().byId("doc_table").getElementsByTagName("tbody").length;
I tried all that i found ,,, but nothing works .
Thank you !

i tried to do this but in browser , in inspect element i get : Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
my code :
var table = new sap.ui.table.Table();
  table = this.getView().byId("doc_table");
  var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel("model/mock.json");
     var count =oModel.getProperty("/Documents").length;

Similar Messages

  • Passing Multiple table row from one view to another view

    How to Passing Multiple table row from one view to another view in Web Dynpro Abap. (Table UI Element)

    Hi Ganesh,
    Kindly do search before posting.. this discussed many times..
    First create your context in component controller, and do context mapping in two views so that you can get values from
    one veiw to any views.
    and for multiple selection, for table we have property selection mode.. set as multi and remember context node selection
    selection cardinality shoud be 0-n.
    so, select n no of rows and based on some action call sec view and display data.( i think you know navigation between veiw ).
    Pelase check this...for multi selection
    Re: How to copy data from one node to another or fromone table to another table
    for navigation.. check
    navigation between the views

  • Do you need to generate HTML table rows from XML in InDesign?

    General issue: you export XML and you get a bunch of content for xml elements that were a table in inDesign. But they don't have any rows, just cell after cell. What will make rows in your output?
    Solution: XSLT; you need to use the @aid:tcols attribute of exported XML to determine the number of columns that your table should be. This is written in XSLT 1.1 so it shoud work with an export from InDesign. If you have problems with using it on export of XML, try using it on the XML afetr it has been exported, in Oxygen or other XSLT processor. Best to save acopy of your files before using the XSLT with them.  Copy all of the plain text and past into a new file, save with your own filename, ending with .xsl file extension. Then when exporting XML from InDesign CS3-5, browse to your new .xsl file and select it. PLEASE read about XSLT files at w3c.schools or other resource if you want to understand what is going on with this file.
    BTW <!-- indicates comments in code -->
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- NO WARRANTY that this example code will work as written for your XML file in InDesign. You can add more templates to the output to map your heading styles to h1, h2, etc. -->
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.1"
        xmlns:aid5="" exclude-result-prefixes="xsl aid aid5">
        <xsl:output method="html" indent="yes" encoding="UTF-8"
    <!-- parameter to use the name of element with attribute aid:theader as the th output -->
        <xsl:param name="tableElem">//*[local-name()][@aid:table='table']</xsl:param>
        <xsl:param name="colheadStyle">
            <xsl:value-of select="//*[local-name()][@aid:theader][1]"/>
            <!-- i.e. colHead-->
    <!-- parameter to use the name of element with attribute aid:cell but not aid:theader as the td  output -->
    <!--i.e. tabletext or whatever the name of your Cell level  element is in InDesign -->
        <xsl:param name="cellStyle">
            <xsl:value-of select="//*[local-name()][@aid:table='cell' and not(@aid:theader)][1]"/>
        <!-- handles a Story element marked up with HTML-type elements, but uses the <Table> element of IDD  -->
        <!-- if a true HTML table is in the content, it will be passed through -->
        <xsl:template match="Story"><!-- make a basic HTML file from a Story -->
                    <title>Sample Table</title>
                    <xsl:apply-templates><!-- will handle direct text of the  <Story>, and <Table> -->
                        <xsl:with-param name="colheadStyle" select="$colheadStyle"/>
                        <xsl:with-param name="cellStyle" select="$cellStyle"/>
       <!-- use the styles to find the elements of IDD <Table> element -->
        <xsl:template match="Table">
            <xsl:param name="colheadStyle">
                <xsl:value-of select="$colheadStyle"/>
            <xsl:param name="cellStyle">
                <xsl:value-of select="$cellStyle"/>
            <xsl:variable name="cellsPerRow">
                <xsl:value-of select="@aid:tcols"/>
            <table><!-- start the table -->
                <!-- xhtml requires lower-case name for table element-->
                    <xsl:apply-templates select="*[@aid:theader='']">
                        <xsl:with-param name="colheadStyle" select="$colheadStyle"/>
                        <xsl:with-param name="cellStyle" select="$cellStyle"/>
                <!--  and @aid:style=$cellStyle -->
                    select="*[@aid:table='cell'][not(@aid:theader='')][position() mod $cellsPerRow = 1]">
    <!-- some code adapted with  permission, from
    Building HTML Tables with XSL by James Byrd; please include this acknowledgement in all files that use his code -->
    <!-- this is the tricky bit of the code that James Byrd set up
    p-class-tabletext-[position() mod $cellsPerRow = 1 continues looping until the position of the active element divided by $cellperRow (@aid:tcols value) tried with [@aid:style=$cellStyle] has a remainder of 1 -->
    <!--  .|following-sibling::p-class-tabletext-[position() &lt;  $cellsPerRow] applies first to the currently selects cell with "." then continues with the following-siblings whose position is less than  the value of cells per row (@aid:tcols value) -->
                            select=".|following-sibling::*[@aid:table='cell'][not(@aid:theader='')][position() &lt; $cellsPerRow]"
        <xsl:template match="*">
            <xsl:param name="colheadStyle">
                <xsl:value-of select="$colheadStyle"/>
            <xsl:param name="cellStyle">
                <xsl:value-of select="$cellStyle"/>
            <xsl:variable name="cellsPerRow">
                <xsl:value-of select="parent::Table/@aid:tcols"/>
                <!-- colHead aid:table="cell" aid:theader=""-->
                <xsl:when test="parent::Table and @aid:theader">
                            <xsl:with-param name="colheadStyle" select="$colheadStyle"/>
                            <xsl:with-param name="cellStyle" select="$cellStyle"/>
                    <xsl:if test="(position() = last()) and (position() &lt; $cellsPerRow)">
                        <xsl:call-template name="FillerCells">
                            <xsl:with-param name="cellCount" select="$cellsPerRow - position()"/>
                <xsl:when test="parent::Table and @aid:table='cell' and not(@aid:theader)">
                            <xsl:with-param name="colheadStyle" select="$colheadStyle"/>
                            <xsl:with-param name="cellStyle" select="$cellStyle"/>
                    <xsl:if test="(position() = last()) and (position() &lt; $cellsPerRow)">
                        <xsl:call-template name="FillerCells">
                            <xsl:with-param name="cellCount" select="$cellsPerRow - position()"/>
    <!-- for non-table elements this generic element handler will  pick up an aid:pstyle (if present) and create a class attribute from it. Works for any element that has the same name as HTML element such as <p> but it doesn't add wrapper elements like <ul> or <ol> for lists. -->
                    <xsl:element name="{name()}">
                        <xsl:if test="@aid:pstyle">
                            <xsl:attribute name="class">
                                <xsl:value-of select="@aid:ptyle"/>
                            <xsl:with-param name="colheadStyle" select="$colheadStyle"/>
                            <xsl:with-param name="cellStyle" select="$cellStyle"/>
        <!-- take care of text that is a direct child of the <Story> by wrapping it in a <p> to make valid HTML -->
        <xsl:template match="text()">
            <xsl:variable name="myString">
                <xsl:value-of select="string-length(normalize-space(.))"/>
                <xsl:when test="parent::Story">
                    <xsl:if test="$myString > 0">
                        <xsl:element name="p">
                            <xsl:attribute name="class">text</xsl:attribute>
                            <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
       <!-- make br element conform to good HTML markup -->
        <xsl:template match="br">
            <br />
        <!-- this recursive template calls itself until its test condition is satified -->
        <!-- it outputs a cell whose only content is a non-breaking space -->
        <!-- do not use   in place of Unicode &#160; for the non-breaking space -->
        <!-- the value of $cellCount is set in the main XSL template -->
        <xsl:template name="FillerCells">
            <xsl:param name="cellCount"/>
            <xsl:if test="$cellCount > 1">
                <xsl:call-template name="FillerCells">
                    <xsl:with-param name="cellCount" select="$cellCount - 1"/>
    Message was edited by: HoneoyeFalls
    Sample XML file exported from IDD
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <Story><Table xmlns:aid="" xmlns:aid5="" aid:table="table" aid:trows="2" aid:tcols="2"><colHead aid:table="cell" aid:theader="" aid:crows="1" aid:ccols="1" aid:ccolwidth="44">1 colHead</colHead><colHead aid:table="cell" aid:theader="" aid:crows="1" aid:ccols="1" aid:ccolwidth="56">2 colHead</colHead><tabletext aid:table="cell" aid:crows="1" aid:ccols="1" aid:ccolwidth="44">1 tabletext</tabletext><tabletext aid:table="cell" aid:crows="1" aid:ccols="1" aid:ccolwidth="56">2 tabletext</tabletext><tabletext aid:table="cell" aid:crows="1" aid:ccols="1" aid:ccolwidth="44">row 2 1 tabletext</tabletext><tabletext aid:table="cell" aid:crows="1" aid:ccols="1" aid:ccolwidth="56">row 2 2 tabletext</tabletext></Table>
    <table><tr><th>normal HTML table heading</th></tr>
    <tr><td>normal HTML table<br/>cell text</td></tr></table></Story>

    You can use RECORD type declaration:
    SQL> declare
      2   type rec_type is record (
      3    ename emp.ename%type,
      4    sal emp.sal%type
      5   );
      6   type rc is ref cursor return rec_type;
      7   rc1 rc;
      8   rec1 rec_type;
      9  begin
    10   open rc1 for select ename, sal from emp;
    11   loop
    12    fetch rc1 into rec1;
    13    exit when rc1%notfound;
    14    dbms_output.put_line(rec1.ename || ' ' || rec1.sal);
    15   end loop;
    16   close rc1;
    17  end;
    18  /
    SMITH 800
    ALLEN 1600
    WARD 1250
    JONES 2975
    MARTIN 1250
    BLAKE 2850
    CLARK 2450
    SCOTT 3000
    KING 5000
    TURNER 1500
    ADAMS 1100
    JAMES 950
    FORD 3000
    MILLER 1300or use, for example, VIEW to declare rowtype:
    SQL> create view dummy_view as select ename, sal from emp;
    View created.
    SQL> declare
      2   type rc is ref cursor return dummy_view%rowtype;
      3   rc1 rc;
      4   rec1 dummy_view%rowtype;
      5  begin
      6   open rc1 for select ename, sal from emp;
      7   loop
      8    fetch rc1 into rec1;
      9    exit when rc1%notfound;
    10    dbms_output.put_line(rec1.ename || ' ' || rec1.sal);
    11   end loop;
    12   close rc1;
    13  end;
    14  /
    SMITH 800
    ALLEN 1600
    WARD 1250
    JONES 2975
    MARTIN 1250
    BLAKE 2850
    CLARK 2450
    SCOTT 3000
    KING 5000
    TURNER 1500
    ADAMS 1100
    JAMES 950
    FORD 3000
    MILLER 1300 Rgds.

  • Count table rows after filtering

    Is there any possibility to count my items in my table after filtering?
    That works for me
    but not in combination with filtering.
    Thanks for your help.

    Hi Alexander,
    you are using filter right?
    so get the length of the filtered list.
    Check the below code for reference.
    var binding = oTable.getBinding("items");
    var len = binding.filter(aFilters);

  • Count not updating when counting table rows (after adding one)

    following this code from this link:
    I have got my screen to count how many rows are present when the screen first loads. In my scenario I have a add button located on the bottom navigation bar. this opens up a dialog window where the user can add the relevant information. However when the
    user hits save, and is navigated back to the browse screen, the count still displays the previous value. If i was to refresh the page it updates but this is not what i am after, when i navigate back i want the value to add by one, am i missing something in
    this code?
                screen.ExpanderLines.addChangeListener("state", function() {
                        screen.countExp =;
    thanks for any help

    Try this:
    screen.ExpanderLines.addChangeListener("count", function () {
    screen.countExp = screen.ExpanderLines.count;
    Dave Baker | AIDE for LightSwitch | Xpert360 blog | twitter : @xpert360 | Xpert360 website | Opinions are my own. For better forums, remember to mark posts as helpful/answer.

  • How to get the index of table row without selection?

    Hi all,
    I have an table designed in XML view.Now i have added an change method for qty cell "valqty". When user inputs the qty in the cell and press enter this method is triggered now I want to know which index of the table is currently edited.Through which i can get the value of other cell in the same row.
    NOTE: The table row doesn't have selection either multiple or single
    I tried the following inside the valqty method but it now working
    <Table id="idProductsTable"
    visibleRowCount= "7"
    <Label text="Products"></Label>
    <Text text="Order" />
    <Text text="Quantity" />
    <Text text="{oModel>PRD_NUM}" />
    <Input value="{oModel>DEL_QUAN}" change="valqty" maxLength="13"  />

    Thanks Robin,
    But in my case oEvent.getSource() is returning the cell instance and
    oEvent.getSource().getBindingContext() is undefined
    Hence not getting the value
    I also tried the following
    But index returned is -1

  • Data Modeling for controls using XML views(SAPUI5)

    Hello ,
    I am trying to create Table control using XML view and binding data to it through controller onInit method.
    XML View Code is as follows :
    <core:View xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:l="sap.ui.layout" xmlns:core="sap.ui.core">
        <l:VerticalLayout width="100%">
                <Text id="description" class="marginAll" />
                <Table id="idProductsTable" items="{       
                            <Label text="Products"></Label>
                            <Label text="Product" />
                            <Label text="Supplier" />
                            <Label text="Dimensions" />
                                <ObjectIdentifier title="{COUNTRY}" text="{COUNTRY}" />
                            <Text text="{REGION}"></Text>
                            <Text text="{CITY}"></Text>
    Controller onInit method Code is as follows :
    var oData = {
                businessData : [ {
                    'COUNTRY' : "Canada",
                    'CITY' : "Toronto",
                    'REGION' : "US",
                    'LANGUAGE' : "English"
                    'COUNTRY' : "China",
                    'CITY' : "Bejeing",
                    'REGION' : "Ashia",
                    'LANGUAGE' : "Chinese"
            var demoJSONModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
    Same thing when i tried with JS views , it worked however through XML view , I am getting empty table.
    Is the data modeling correct for XML views?

    I've got it ! The reason for that is you bind items as below,
         <Table id="idProductsTable" items="{    
    This pattern is followed if you wanna add a formatter/sorter/grouping.
    As you don't do any of those you can bind items as below &  it doesn't require  data-sap-ui-xx-bindingSyntax="complex".
    <Table id="idProductsTable" items="{/businessData}">

  • Dynamic binding of items in sap.m.Table using XML views

    Dear SAPUI5 guru's,
    Let's start by saying I'm an ABAP developer who's exploring SAPUI5, so I'm still a rookie at the time of writing. I challenged myself by developing a simple UI5 app that shows information about my colleagues like name, a pic, address data and their skills. The app uses the sap.m library and most of the views are XML based which I prefer.
    The data is stored on an ABAP system and exposed via a gateway service. This service has 2 entities: Employee and Skill. Each employee can have 0..n skills and association/navigation between these 2 entities is set up correctly in the service. The data of this service is fetched from within the app using a sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel model.
    The app uses the splitApp control which shows the list of employees on the left side (master view). If a user taps an employee, the corresponding details of the employee entity are shown on the right (detail view).
    Up till here everything is fine but I've been struggling with my latest requirement which is: show the skills of the selected employee in a separate XML view when the user performs an action (for the time being, I just created a button on the detail view to perform the action). After some hours I actually got it working but I doubt if my solution is the right way to go. And that's why I'm asking for your opinion here.
    Let's explain how I got things working. First of all I created a new XML view called 'Skills'. The content on this view is currently just a Table with 2 columns:
    <core:View xmlns:core="sap.ui.core" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns="sap.m"
      controllerName="com.pyramid.Skills" xmlns:html="">
      <Page title="Skills"
      <Label text="Name"/>
      <Label text="Rating"/>
    The button on the Detail view calls function showSkills:
    showSkills: function(evt) {
      var context = evt.getSource().getBindingContext();"Skills", context);
      var skillsController = this.nav.getView().app.getPage("Skills").getController();
    Within '"Skills", context);' I add the Skills view to the splitApp and set its bindingContext to the current binding context (e.g. "EmployeeSet('000001')"). Then I call function updateTableBinding in the controller of the Skills view which dynamically binds the items in the table based on the selected employee. So, when the ID of the selected employee is '000001', the path of the table's item binding should be "/EmployeeSet('000001')/Skills"
    updateTableBinding: function(){
      var oTemplate = new sap.m.ColumnListItem(
      {cells: [
              new sap.m.Text({text : "{Name}"}),
              new sap.m.Text({text : "{Rating}"})
      var oView = this.getView();
      var oTable = oView.byId("skillsTable");
      var oContext = oView.getBindingContext();
      var path = oContext.sPath + "/Skills";
      oTable.bindItems(path, oTemplate);
    Allthough it works fine, this is where I have my first doubt. Is this the correct way to bind the items? I tried to change the context that is passed to and wanted it to 'drill-down' one level, from Employee to Skills, but I couldn't manage to do that.
    I also tried to bind using the items aggregation of the table within the XML declaration (<Table id="skillsTable" items="{/EmployeeSet('000001')/Skills}">). This works fine if I hard-code the employee ID but off course this ID needs to be dynamic.
    Any better suggestions?
    The second doubt is about the template parameter passed to the bindItems method. This template is declared in the controller via javascript. But I'm using XML views! So why should I declare any content in javascript?? I tried to declare the template in the XML view itself by adding an items tag with a ColumnListItem that has an ID:
                            <Text text="{Name}"/>
                            <Text text="{Rating}"/>
    Then, in the updateTableBinding function, I fetched this control (by ID), and passed it as the template parameter to the bindItems method. In this case the table shows a few lines but they don't contain any data and their height is only like 1 mm! Does anyone know where this strange behaviour comes from or what I'm doing wrong?
    I hope I explained my doubts clearly enough. If not, let me know which additional info is required.
    Looking forward to your opinions/suggestions,
    Rudy Clement.

    Hi everybody,
    I found this post by searching for a dynamic binding for well acutally not the same situation but it's similar to it. I'm trying to do the following. I'm having a list where you can create an order. On the bottom of the page you'll find a button with which you're able to create another order. All the fields are set to the same data binding ... so the problem is if you've filled in the values for the first order and you'll press the button you'll get the same values in the second order. Is it possible to generate a dynamic binding?
    I'm going to post you a short code of what I'm meaning:
    <Input type="Text" value="{path: 'MyModel>/Order/0/Field1'}" id="field1">
                    <l:GridData span="L11 M7 S3"></l:GridData>
    As you can see I need to set the point of "0" to a dynamic number. Is there any possibility to reach this???
    Hope you can help

  • Count all rows in all tables

    Is there any easy way to count all of the rows in all of the tables?
    I am currently generating a list of tables by selecting from all_tables and then turning that into individual select count(*) statements using awk.
    I'm guessing there is probably some other better method?

    I have a sql script which I call numrows that will dynamically create select count(*) statements from the dba_tables dictionary view... It does not display all of the tables in the entire database, but instead prompts you for a particular schema. Maybe you can adjust to do what you want it to..
    +++beginning of script
    -- Script to count the number of rows in tables
    set serveroutput on
    numrows integer;
    cursor c1 is select table_name from user_tables order by table_name;
    function rowcount(tablename in user_tables.table_name%type)
    return integer is
    cursornum integer;
    numrows integer;
    ignore integer;
    cursornum := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
    'select count(*) from ' &#0124; &#0124; tablename,
    dbms_sql.define_column(cursornum, 1, numrows);
    ignore := dbms_sql.execute(cursornum);
    ignore := dbms_sql.fetch_rows(cursornum);
    dbms_sql.column_value(cursornum, 1, numrows);
    return numrows;
    dbms_output.put_line('Table Rows ');
    dbms_output.put_line('------------------------------ ----------');
    for c1rec in c1 loop
    numrows := rowcount(c1rec.table_name);
    dbms_output.put_line(rpad(c1rec.table_name, 32) &#0124; &#0124; numrows);
    end loop;

  • Getting the count of rows present in the oracle table

    Hi all,
    i want to get the total number of rows present in the sql table to the appmodule.
    After applying the some view criteria to the view object. if it try with getallrowsinrange it was giving count of rows present in the viewobject but i want total number of rows present in the sql table.
    How can i get that
    I am using jdev
    Thanks in advance

    I threw something together, quick and dirty, feel free to optimize.
    Assuming that you want the table count, I put the code into a EntityDefImpl subclass since this is what represents a table in the middle-tier.
    public class EmpDefImpl
          extends EntityDefImpl {
       * This is the default constructor (do not remove).
      public EmpDefImpl( ) {}
      //~ Methods ****************************************************************************
      public long getTableRowCount( DBTransaction transaction ) {
        String query = getQuery( );
        String countQuery = String.format( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (%s)", query );
        long count = 0;
        ViewObject vo = transaction.createViewObjectFromQueryStmt( countQuery );
        try {
          vo.executeQuery( );
          Row row = vo.first( );
          Number number = (Number)row.getAttribute( 0 );
          count = number.longValue( );
        } finally {
          vo.remove( );
        return count;
    }Depending on your type map, you might not get a oracle.jbo.domain.Number, but something else, so the cast might need correction.
    Usage example:
    public class EmpEditViewImpl extends ViewObjectImpl {
      public EmpEditViewImpl() {
      protected void executeQueryForCollection( Object object, Object[] object2, int i ) {
        super.executeQueryForCollection( object, object2, i );
        EmpDefImpl def = ( EmpDefImpl )getEntityDef( 0 );
        long tableRowCount = def.getTableRowCount( getDBTransaction() ) );
        // Do something with it
    }As you can see, the code is pretty generic. You might also be able to put this into an ADF extension base class.
    Edited by: Sascha Herrmann on Jun 7, 2012 2:39 PM

  • Opening a new view in a new window on click of a table row entry.

    Hi Guys,
    How to open a new View of a same application in a new window (just like a pop up) on a click of a Table Row entry?
    I am using NWDS 7.0 version. So please suggest acccorrdingly.

    Hi Nikesh,
    first of all you will have to declare use of onLeadSelect event handler for your table (note that it will only be triggered when a lead selection occurs not a multiselection).
    Also, you can build at design time a View and a Window (for example, PopupWin) in your WebDynpro Component, and embed the view into the window.
    In your code for onLeadSelect function, you can use something like this to pop up the window.
    public void onActionRowSelection( wdEvent )
        //@@begin onActionSeleccionTabla(ServerEvent)
        IWDWindowManager windowManager = wdComponentAPI.getWindowManager();
        IWDWindowInfo windowInfo = wdComponentAPI.getComponentInfo().findInWindows("PopupWin");
        IWDWindow window = windowManager.createModalWindow(windowInfo);
        window.setWindowSize(new WDCssSize(450, WDWindowUnitOfLength.PX) , WDCssSize.UNDEFINED);
        // Store handle ti window in context attribute to able to close it later
    Hope it helps,

  • Count of rows from different tables.

    Hi Friends,
    I have 4 tables with a common column name "ID". I would like to get the count of rows from all the four tables which has the same ID.
    select count( from table1 a,table2 b,table3 c,table4 d where;
    please suggest me some solution

    may be thsi?
    select count( from table1 a,table2 b,table3 c,table4 d
    where and and and;

  • Count of rows of a table in header

    Hi Experts,
    I am stuck in a tricky scenario.
    I need to get the count of rows of a table in a webi report in the header of the report.
    And the count should change dynamically according to the filtering done on the table.
    For eg.
    If I have 10 countries in a table, so table has 10 rows.
    Now the count on header should show 10.
    Now if we filter the column to 5 countries, the count on the header should change to 5.
    Any Idea's.

    It doesn't work.
    Let me reframe my issue again:
    I dragged country object on my report.
    Now lets say in the report title, I write the formula as =Count(country)
    It will give me 4.
    Now I clicked on the column country and applied filter i.e. country = US ; UK
    Now the block shows
    In the header the cell still shows 4, which I want to see as 2.
    Any ideas....?

  • Calculating a count of rows where value matches another column value in the same table

    I'm struggling to do something in DAX that seems to me should be super easy (coming from a SQL world)!
    That is to count all rows in column 1 where the value matches the current value for column 1?
    E.g something like this:
    [Col2]=Count of rows in [Col1] where value = this.[Col1]
    Where the results are as in the table below:
    Col1, Col2
    A, 2
    A, 2
    B, 1
    Martin Laukkanen
    Nearbaseline blog -
    Bulk Edit and other Apps -

    Thanks, that's perfect! 
    I knew it had to be something so simple, but after spending over an hour banging my head against those exact functions I couldn't get anything working!
    Martin Laukkanen
    Nearbaseline blog -
    Bulk Edit and other Apps -

  • When selecting a row from a view with a nested table I want just ONE entry returned

    Does a nested table in a view "EXPLODE" all values ALWAYS no matter the where clause for the nested table?
    I want to select ONE row from a view that has columns defined as TYPE which are PL/SQL TABLES OF other tables.
    when I specify a WHERE clause for my query it gives me the column "EXPLODED" with the values that mathc my WHERE clause at the end of the select.
    I dont want the "EXPLODED" nested table to show just the entry that matches my WHERE clause. Here is some more info:
    My select statement:
    SQL> select * from si_a31_per_vw v, TABLE(v.current_allergies) a where a.alg_seq
    AAAHQPAAMAAAAfxAAA N00000 771 223774444 20 GREGG
    CADILLAC 12-MAY-69 M R3
    E06 11-JUN-02 H N
    05-JAN-00 Y Y
    353535 USS SPAWAR
    L, NULL)
    *******Notice the allergy entry of 75, Strawberries, 13-JUN-02 at the
    end. This is what I want not all the other exploded data.
    SQL> desc si_a31_per_vw
    Name Null? Type
    ........ Omitted uneeded previous column desc because of metalink
    character limit but the view is bigger then this.......
    SQL> desc si_allergy_tab
    si_allergy_tab TABLE OF SI_ALLERGY_TYPE
    Name Null? Type
    SQL> desc si_allergy_type
    Name Null? Type

    Can you explain what do you mean by the following?
    "PL/SQL tables (a.k.a. Index-by tables) cannot be used as the basis for columns and/or attributes"There are three kinds of collections:
    (NTB) Nested Tables
    (VAR) Varrying Arrays
    (IBT) Index-by Tables (the collection formerly known as "PL/SQL tables")
    NTB (and VAR) can be defined as persistent user defined data types, and can be used in table DDL (columns) and other user defined type specifications (attributes).
    SQL> CREATE TABLE my_table ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ints my_ntb );
    SQL> CREATE TYPE my_object AS OBJECT ( id INTEGER, ints my_ntb );
    /IBT are declared inside stored procedures only and have slightly different syntax from NTB. Only variables in stored procedures can be based on IBT declarations.
       TYPE my_ibt IS TABLE OF INTEGER INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;  -- now you see why they are called Index-by Tables
       my_ibt_var my_ibt;
    END;That sums up the significant differences as it relates to how they are declared and where they can be referenced.
    How are they the same?
    NTB and VAR can also be (non-persistently) declared in stored procedures like IBTs.
    Why would you then ever use IBTs?
    IBTs are significantly easier to work with, since you don't have to instantiate or extend them as you do with NTB and VAR, or
    Many other highly valuable PL/SQL programs make use of them, so you have to keep your code integrated/consistent.
    There's a lot more to be said, but I think this answers the question posed by Sri.

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