Countif formula and checkbox

Hey guys, I don't know if this can be done but I'm guessing you guys can help me. I have a table with a description (with 4 different types of description) on column B and a checkbox on column H. I need to count how many items of each description that are not checked are there in my table. Is this possible?

GaToRMade wrote:
I have a table with a description (with 4 different types of description) on column B and a checkbox on column H. I need to count how many items of each description that are not checked are there in my table. Is this possible?
Hi G,
Yes, but the function you're looking for is COUNTIFS, which matches the count to more than a single condition.
You'll find details on COUNTIFS on page 248 of the iWork Formulas and Functions User Guide, in Chapter 10, Statistical Functions.
The guide, and the Numbers '09 User Guide are both available for download through the Help menu in Numbers '09. Both are useful to have around.

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    Ok Try this one
    But here you have to change the MDX formula every month.
    Let say if you're CurrentYear  is FY2011 and you're Current Month is March then you're MDX will be
    case when contains([Year].CurrentMember,MemberRange([FY2009],[FY2010])) and contains([Period].CurrentMember,MemberRange([Jan],[Feb]))
    For the Next month you just have to make a change in the MemberRange I.e.,(Replace Feb with Mar)
    *case when contains([Year].CurrentMember,MemberRange([FY2009],[FY2010])) and contains([Period].CurrentMember,MemberRange([Jan],[Mar]))*
    I tested it and Its working fine.
    I think this will solve you're problem but there might be a more elegant solution out there.

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    You must isolate the CR4E and RAS SDK jars using separate classloaders - simplest is have separate apps, if rolling your own class loaders is out of project scope.
    They do not work together.
    Ted Ueda

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    GROUP BY clause is used on database tables with select statement.
    sort is used on internal tables.
    can u clearly explain y u need group by and sort on the same field.
    if u are extracting from dbtable using grou by clause on a field, then no need to sort it again.
    if u want sort u can do it by giveing "sort itab by field". thats not a problem.
    now coming to check box.instead of using SLIS type field catalog, u use LVC type.
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    Formula Variable:If you want use variables in the formulas of a form, you need to use formula variables. You can use formula variables only in form reports, and must define them in the form itself. They can be replaced in the same ways as text variables when you execute the report.

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    If you want to see the formula, double click the cel:
    l AND/OR look at the bottom of the window to the right of "Formula":

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    not enough information - sorry

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    which version of BOBJ are you using? What kind of data sources do you have?
    Here are some documents you can start with:
    Formulas in WebI for XI 3.1
    Formulas in WebI for XI 3.1 SP2
    Universe Designer user's guide XI 3.1
    Universe Designer user's guide XI 3.1 SP 2
    You can find more documentation here

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    Thanks for your help.

    Hi Irfan,
    1) If you want to use formula like 100*12 and want to get result than syndicator is not for this.This kind of formula should be used in Data manager. Custom field in syndicator is not for this purpose. When you want to add and custom field in your output file which is not present in your current display than with the help of Custom field, you can see that field in Destination Preview.
    Follow below link for more clarification
    <a href="">Custom Fileld in Syndicator</a>
    Hope this helps,
    Reward point for helpful answer
    Message was edited by:

  • Record Selection Formula and Parameters

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    I'm not sure why it is adding the NOT to the formula or the extra brackets...
    Any suggestions?

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    The formula that I was passing into that report was a bit more complex than I first described.  I had a few other conditions in the formula that checked for a project ID.  I tested it with just the dates and there wasn't any issues (as in your example), as soon as I added additional parameters that's when the "NOT"'s were included.  Could you try your test again with a few additional parameters?  Here is an example of what I was passing into the report:

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    I received an email with a cute countdown formula for the new year, =10*9*8+7+6-5+4*321 so I copied it from my email, and pasted it into a cell in Numbers for IOS.  I found that it won't paste at all (the black "Paste" symbol doesn't appear) unless I hit the "T" for text mode, so that's what I did, and I pasted it into the cell of a table.  But it shows up simply as =10*9*8+7+6-5+4*321, not the value of that expression, which is supposed to be 2012.  So I double-clicked a different cell, and selected the = symbol, and then tried to paste the formula into the green bar at the top, but like I said, the only thing that pops up in that mode is the magnifying glass.  So I typed the formula in, using the x in place of the asterisks, and it worked just fine.  So I can use formulas, and I can paste text into cells, but I just can't paste text into cells and have Numbers interpret the text as a formula.  Any hints?  Thanks!

    This isn't a pro answer but I found if you use the + cursor and select all cells and the set font, color or whatever you want, when you then go to specific cells, it will be the way you want.

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    any documentation for. How can and how do I use this? (I am using tabular data sources, if that matters.)

    “Set formulas represent the ability to add some advanced MDX or TI expressions to the scorecard.
    The Time Set Formula option allows the entry of TI expressions that will be expanded on the scorecard.
    The Custom Set Formula option allows the entry of a MDX set expression that will be used within the scorecard. The usefulness of this feature has diminished somewhat with the new dynamic hierarchy selection capabilities included in PPS 2010. However,
    the Custom Set Formula feature does still have some value.”
    Please refer more information from:
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected] .
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

  • OEE Report: KPI formulas and aggregation rules?

    is there documentation about the formulas and aggregation rules used in the OEE Report? Customers will only trust the KPIs in this report if they can verify them.
    Formulas & Aggregation
    How are the KPIs calculated?
    How are the KPIs aggregated, if a work center or resource type is selected instead of a single resource?
    Data & Variables
    Which data is used? Where do the variables used in the formulas come from? E.g. which tables and columns or which SQL SELECT statements are used?
    There is just very little information about the OEE Report in the online help or in the "SAP ME for Discrete Industries" document. And the MII "OEE Report Action", where obviously all the magic happens, is a black box.
    Best Regards,

    Hi Daniele,
    Is Saichand correct in assuming that you have SUM setup in the BMM layer? If so, follow Saichand's recommendation.
    If you are specifying the aggregation in the Answer Request itself, then try this.
    Let's say this is your situation:
    Change it to this:
    Then in the combined criteria, add two new measures:
    NOTE: The syntax for the new_measure* may need to reference the saw naming convention, ie. saw0 = CRITIERIA, saw1 = DIMENSION, saw2 = MEASURE.
    That should work out for you.
    Good luck and let me know if this helps.

  • Alv and checkboxs

    Ive a problem with a ALV and checkboxs. i have one with column type checkbox, i need mark rows and take them afterward using a button (in ALV) but rows arent marked when i use button. i have seen that it only happend when i use double click in grid (alv).
    How could i use only button after marked my rows ?????

            wa_fieldcat-edit = 'X'.
            modify i_fieldcat from wa_fieldcat index sy-tabix.
    * Form f_alv_edit_oruser                                               *
    * Form for display alv                                                 *
    form f_alv_edit_oruser.
        call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'
            it_fieldcat                 = i_fieldcat[]
            is_layout                   = pt_grplayout2
            i_callback_program          = 'YSCCU0007'
            i_callback_html_top_of_page = p_header
            i_callback_user_command     = v_user_command1
            it_events                   = i_events[]
            t_outtab                    = i_yscchdr.
    endform.                                 " F_alv_edit_oruser
    * Form  f_user_command1                                                *
    * This form will handle the user command from fm REUSE                 *
    form f_user_command1 using p_ucomm type sy-ucomm
                         rs_selfield type  slis_selfield.
      data p_ref1 type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid.      "<<<
      call function 'GET_GLOBALS_FROM_SLVC_FULLSCR' "<<<
        importing                                   "<<< 
          e_grid = p_ref1.                          "<<
      call method p_ref1->check_changed_data.   " <<<<
      case p_ucomm.
        when '&DATA_SAVE'.
      rs_selfield-refresh = c_x.             " Grid refresh
    endform.                                 " F_user_command1

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