Counting Column in Table

good day all,
JSC provides wonderful sorting features out of the box for tables and these allow my users to look at a dataset from many different angles without making a new query.
however my users are very interested in placings so if they sort by a particular column and focus on a row, they want to know what position is that row according to the current sort.
in reality i simply want a column that has counting numbers 1 to x that remain that way regardless of what column the data is sorted by.
i know this may be a bit confusing, but please let me know if you have any ideas as to how i can accomplish this. also if this is not clear please let me know and i will clarify anything that you don't understand.
thank you.
take care

haha,you can give a varible in session bean

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    It's possible but performance is going to be horrible.
    Assuming the data is stored in a CHAR or VARCHAR2 column, something like
      l_value VARCHAR2(100) := '101c_0000000018' ;
      l_cnt   PLS_INTEGER;
      l_sql    VARCHAR2(1000);
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          SELECT table_name, column_name
            FROM dba_tab_cols
           WHERE owner = <<name of schema>>
             AND data_type IN ('CHAR', 'VARCHAR2' )
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          INTO l_cnt
         USING l_value;
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          dbms_output.put_line( 'Found the value ' || l_value || ' in owner = ' || x.owner || ' table name = ' || x.table_name || ' column name = ' || x.column_name );
        END IF;
      END LOOP;
    Edited by: Justin Cave on Dec 8, 2011 12:20 PM

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    To retrieve the columns for a table use,%20java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String)
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    Hi Hardy,
    Here's a quote from Oracle's SQL documentation:
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    Dr Paul Martin
    Message was edited by: nitramluap

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    Any ideas and suggestions will be appreciated.

    Yes. I suggested adding columns to the master tables and introduce stored triggers.
    Since the change is not trivial, according to management, they put in on hold.I'm not sure if you misunderstood my suggestion or were responding to a different post. The query I wrote was for counting the detail records on the fly rather than populating new columns. If you include the counting in your main query then you will probably not have a much slower query than if you don't show any counts at all. Scrolling through the block will be no slower than if you had no counts, because no extra processing needs to be done. (You'll still have to fetch the detail blocks for each row, so moving to the last record will still be slow - that's a bad indicator of the performance of a query.)
    For example, fetching the objects for each user takes 5 seconds. When I include the number of tables, indexes and constraints for each user within the query the time only goes up to just under 9.
    SQL> set autot trace stat
    SQL> set timing on
      2    owner,
      3    object_name,
      4    object_type
      5  FROM all_objects ao;
    39062 rows selected.
    Elapsed: 00:00:05.13
           4656  recursive calls
              0  db block gets
          85106  consistent gets
              0  physical reads
              0  redo size
        1469372  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
          29021  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
           2606  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
              0  sorts (memory)
              0  sorts (disk)
          39062  rows processed
      2    owner,
      3    object_name,
      4    object_type,
      5    (SELECT Count(*) FROM all_tables WHERE owner = ao.owner) count_tables,
      6    (SELECT Count(*) FROM all_indexes WHERE owner = ao.owner) count_indexes,
      7    (SELECT Count(*) FROM all_constraints WHERE owner = ao.owner) count_constraints
      8  FROM all_objects ao;
    39062 rows selected.
    Elapsed: 00:00:08.86
           4656  recursive calls
              0  db block gets
         270299  consistent gets
              0  physical reads
              0  redo size
        1684042  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
          29021  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
           2606  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
              0  sorts (memory)
              0  sorts (disk)
          39062  rows processed
    SQL> If you populate the counts in post-query then the process is similar to the block below. I tried to get a timing and stats for this but it took over 15 minutes so I shut it down.
    ct NUMBER;
    ci NUMBER;
    cc NUMBER;
      FOR ao IN (SELECT owner, object_name, object_type FROM all_objects)
        SELECT Count(*) INTO ct FROM all_tables WHERE owner = ao.owner;
        SELECT Count(*) INTO ci FROM all_indexes WHERE owner = ao.owner;
        SELECT Count(*) INTO cc FROM all_constraints WHERE owner = ao.owner;
      END LOOP;
    END;Creating a view on the query and writing the "instead of" triggers is hopefully a trivial enough operation that management won't get in the way. Then you'll be able to update the block.

  • Reg:How to delete the column in table control also from database table.

    Hi Experts,
    Once again thank u all for giving the responses.
    one more doubt is how to delete the columns of table control and also the record shold delete from ztable.
    With Regards,

    If you want to delete the rows in the table control and simultaneously delete it from the database table, then you can implement a 'DELETE' functionality specific to your table control. Have a MARK field (you will find that in the screen attributes of the table control -> give a name for the MARK field, you will find an additional MARK column at the beginning of your table control). You can check whatever rows you want to delete from the table control, call the delete module.
    "This portion of code inside the LOOP...ENDLOOP.
    IF sy-ucomm eq 'F_DELETE'.
       gt_itab2-check = mark.  " Store the MARK field status into your internal table's correspoding field 'check'
      MODIFY gt_itab INDEX tabcontrol-current_line.
    iF sy-ucomm eq 'DELETE1'.
      DELETE gt_itab WHERE check eq 'X'. "Your internal table does not have rows that you want to delete
    Now you can modify your database table using the MODIFY statement.

  • How to Enable and Disable column in Table Control.

    Hi all,
    I want to make certain column of Table control as Enable or Disable on Button action.
    Enable means ready for input and Disable means not ready for input.
    Please send me sample code.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Vipin,
        You have to loop through the table columns to set the properties in the PBO of your screen.
    Here is the sample solution.
    delcare a workarea for the columns in the table control in your top include.
    Table Control .
    in your screen
    *&      Module  0100_INTIALISE  OUTPUT
          WA_COLS-SCREEN-INPUT = 1.
    ENDMODULE.                 " 0100_INTIALISE  OUTPUT
    modify the screen-input property as required for the table control columns.
    Please provide points if helpfull.....
    Message was edited by: Karthik
            Karthikeyan K

  • Tabular Form: Conditional column based on another column in table/form?

    I have 4 columns in table A:
    number (the question number)
    question (the question to be asked)
    type (TEXT, LOV are the 2 valid values)
    answer (the answer with text or a selection from the lov table below)
    I have 2 columns in table B:
    number (the question number)
    values (a single value for the lov's)
    In table B there can be mutiple rows for each number. Table A and table B
    join on the number.
    I want to build a tablular form on table A where for each row either a text
    box or a select list is displayed depending on the contents of the type column.
    So row 1 would display a text box when the type value is text; row 2 would
    display a select list when the type value is lov.
    Is this even possible? How do I refer to the type column in the conditional for the
    answer column? I am guessing that I will need to have 2 answer columns one
    that displays when the type column is TEXT and one that displays when the
    type column contains LOV. This is OK. Setting up the conditional is display is the issue at this point.
    Hopefully I have explained this well enough! :)
    Dave Venus

    Hi Dave,
    Sorry for not responding sooner - I finish work at 3pm GMT.
    I'll take your first question first (3:28PM posting according to my display - not sure if you are on GMT time?):
    As far as I understand it, using the select_list_from_query() function generates the options that are required in the select list as HTML tags. Each instance of this function should create a SELECT tag and the results of the query should generate one or more OPTION tags within it.
    Second question (4:20PM posting):
    The HTMLDB_ITEM functions are listed in the documentation - here's a link to the online version:
    Most of the examples that I have seen have been on this forum - simply search for HTMLDB_ITEM or one of its functions.
    I tend to leave the generation of tabular forms to the wizard as much as possible. The only exceptions are when I need to have access to more than the Primary Key for a row but don't want to show the field on screen. There are examples on the forum about concatenating the HTMLDB_ITEM functions into a single value - this hides ID fields from the user but makes them available to PL/SQL code.
    Third question (5:29PM posting)
    I did try using DECODE in my questionnaire but not for the feature that you needed. Originally, I wanted to use this to display one of a number of different fields (ie, my date, number or string field as appropriate to the question) but this didn't help as I couldn't get back to the right field during the update. If you have decode working for the select lists, then that's great!
    The first column should be hidden or sitting behind a checkbox as this should be the Primary Key for the row and should not be editable by the user nor would it normally be displayed.
    As long as your select statement creates the correct output (albeit that you may need to work on the layout!), you should have an updatable form. However, you will need to have the MRU processes in place and the appropriate buttons that trigger these. When I did my questionnaire, I created the form using a wizard to get all of the processes and buttons and then changed the select statement. If you haven't got the processes and/or buttons, we can go through adding these onto your page.
    Last question (9:08PM posting)
    As explained above, column 1 should normally be hidden. The INPUT tag you detail above is what I would expect to see. The value="6" attribute indicates that 6 is the Primary Key for that row - every row will have the same tag but different values for the "value" attribute. So, if it is hidden and these are the tags you see doing a View Source on the page, then everything is correct.
    OK. So now we have the data on screen and (hopefully?) we have the correct processes and buttons on the page.
    The next step would be validation and update of the data.
    Validation of the data can be handled by a normal page process - I can let you have example code if you want to validate the data (this will also explain how to loop through the rows - there are also methods that you can use to do this in javascript if you want). Updates should be handled by the processes and buttons on the page - again, if you haven't got these we can go through adding them in (although, if you haven't yet formatted your page, you may find it quicker to copy your select statement and create the page again using the same select statement).
    ORA-20001 errors are user defined errors. Do you mean the "data has changed" errors? If so, you will probably need to include the MD5 checksum functionality (it's shown in the document linked above).
    Finally, we'll keep this thread going so that you have all of your workings and my responses in one place, if that's ok with you?

  • SharePoint List Form using InfoPath 2010 "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'tp_DocId', table 'Content_SP_00003.dbo.AllUserData'; column does not allow nulls"

    I am experiencing issue with my SharePoint site , when I am trying to add new Item in List . Error given below :--> 02/03/2015 08:23:36.13 w3wp.exe (0x2E04) 0x07E8 SharePoint Server Logging Correlation Data 9gc5 Verbose Thread change; resetting trace
    level override to 0; resetting correlation to e2e9cddc-cf35-4bf8-b4f3-021dc91642da c66c2c17-faaf-4ff9-a414-303aa4b4726b e2e9cddc-cf35-4bf8-b4f3-021dc91642da 02/03/2015 08:23:36.13 w3wp.exe (0x2E04) 0x07E8 Document Management Server Document Management 52od
    Medium MetadataNavigationContext Page_InitComplete: No XsltListViewWebPart was found on this page[/sites/00003/Lists/PM%20Project%20Status/NewForm.aspx?RootFolder=&IsDlg=1]. Hiding key filters and downgrading tree functionality to legacy ListViewWebPart(v3)
    level for this list. e2e9cddc-cf35-4bf8-b4f3-021dc91642da 02/03/2015 08:23:36.17 w3wp.exe (0x1B94) 0x1A0C SharePoint Server Logging Correlation Data 77a3 Verbose Starting correlation. b4d14aec-5bd4-4fb1-b1e3-589ba337b111 02/03/2015 08:23:36.17 w3wp.exe (0x1B94)
    0x1A0C SharePoint Server Logging Correlation Data 77a3 Verbose Ending correlation. b4d14aec-5bd4-4fb1-b1e3-589ba337b111 02/03/2015 08:23:36.31 w3wp.exe (0x2E04) 0x07E8 SharePoint Foundation Database 880i High System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot insert
    the value NULL into column 'tp_DocId', table 'Content_SP_00003.dbo.AllUserData'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) at
    System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject
    stateObj) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.ConsumeMetaData() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavi... e2e9cddc-cf35-4bf8-b4f3-021dc91642da 02/03/2015
    08:23:36.31* w3wp.exe (0x2E04) 0x07E8 SharePoint Foundation Database 880i High ...or runBehavior, String resetOptionsString) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream,
    Boolean async) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, DbAsyncResult result) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior,
    RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, String method) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SqlSession.ExecuteReader(SqlCommand
    command, CommandBehavior behavior,

    Are you trying to setup P2P? Could you explain the process you followed completely? By anychance you create the backup and then created the publication?
    Regards, Ashwin Menon My Blog - http:\\

Maybe you are looking for