Counting consecutive events

Hello, I try to count how often a true/false indicator is true. I'm using a "(U16) count: the number of TTL rising edges counted" after it, but with every incoming value the counter sets to 0. Therefore I always have 0 or 1 on the front panel instead of adding the new true to the previous ones. Thanks

Sounds like your counter might be in a While Loop using an initialized shift register, probably in a sub-vi. If you have a 0 connected to the left side register outside the loop, everytime the loop runs, it will reset the register to 0.
There are ways to initialize shift registers inside the loop if needed so this problem won't happen.
If this is not the problem, post some more details, or attach the code to another message so we can have a look.
Ed Dickens - Certified LabVIEW Architect - DISTek Integration, Inc. - NI Certified Alliance Partner
Using the Abort button to stop your VI is like using a tree to stop your car. It works, but there may be consequences.

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    Go to Solution.

    It's completely possible to create a callback that will allow you to do what you want when a edge will occur on an external signal you define.
    To do this, you can for exemple create a counting edges task that will use one of the 6602 counters,and the set your external signal to be the source of your sample clock.You'll then be able to register a callback with the function DAQmxRegisterSignalEvent, and your callback will be called each time an edge will occur on your specified sample clock source.
    Here's 2 links that explain the events in DAQmx and how to handle them in CVI. The example that ships with DAQmx examples (Hardware Input and Output<<DAQmx<<Digital measurements) can be very useful to understand how to do. This example creates a signal event callback to detect change detection for digital inputs.

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    Thanks for all.

    jverd wrote:
    kajbj wrote:
    It's a fairly specialist algorithm so you are unlikely to find someone to post a solution. By just keeping a reference to the previous date, it is easy to iterate though the list counting consecutive dates.I think the trick to making this algorithm sucessful is to make sure that when you change months your algorithm doesn't set consec_days to 0 Why not?Presumably he's talking about this case:
    and not this case
    So he really should have said, "...when you increment month by one, or from 12 to 1, and the day went from the last day of the old month to 1, don't set consec_days to 0"Ok. I would use the Calendar class and SimpleDateFormat. The tricky part would otherwise be to keep track of days per month, and leap year.

  • Count consecutive appeareance

    I had a requirement like this
    In Table View output is like this
    101     01     03-01-11
    101     02     09-02-11
    101     03     11-03-11
    101     02     06-04-11
    101     02     07-05-11
    101     03     09-06-11
    101     02     14-07-11
    101     02     15-08-11
    101     04     12-09-11
    101     03     10-10-11
    101     03     12-11-11
    101     03     08-12-11
    Required Output should be like this - for ID 101 and STATUS '01' is not required
    STATUS     1Time     2Time     3&4Time          5&above
    02     1     2
    03     2          1
    04     1
    Columns 1Time, 2Time,3&4Time, 5&above means count the number of consecutive appeareance of the status (have to check previous month status and next month status)
    i.e for example if we take Status '02'
    after checking previous month and next month status, Status '02' has appeared one time consecutively on '01-02-11'(Feb)
    and hence 1 should come under '1Time' Column.
    similarly after checking previous month and next month status, the number of 2 consecutive appereance of status '02' is twice, that is on ('01-04-11', '01-05-11') and ('01-07-11', '01-08-11'),hence the count of them will 2 under '2Time' column
    For Status '03',
    there are two one-time consecutive appeareance of the Status, that is on '01-03-11' and '01-06-11'. Hence count is 2 under '1Time' column for status 03
    and Status '03' has single 3 consecutive appearance, that is on '01-10-11', '01-11-11', '01-12-11', hence count is 1 under 3&4Time coulmn.

    I did answer your question in the other forum:
    Count consecutive appearance

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    Rajesh Kumar C

    Hello Rajesh,
    The "problem" is the logically grouped set of the exception events which have the identical hash calculated over several fields as "Stack", "Source", "Failed Function" and so on... So, even if exceptions are different
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    Dmitry Matveev

  • Counting consecutive numbers into one row

    Hello everyone,
    I have recently discovered that we can use Max ( Decode ()) function of Oracle to pivot the results of a table. I have executed this just fine. However, pivoting a table is just one part of the solution that I need. The pivoting function results to something like this:
    01,02,03,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,16,17,20,21,23,25What I actually need is something like this:
    1-17, 20-21,23,25I really don't know how to start solving this but so far I have the below query:
         MAX(DECODE(wldw.wafernumber,'01', '01'))
          || MAX(DECODE(wldw.wafernumber,'02', ',02'))
          || MAX(DECODE(wldw.wafernumber,'03', ',03'))
          || MAX(DECODE(wldw.wafernumber,'04', ',04'))
          || MAX(DECODE(wldw.wafernumber,'05', ',05'))
          || MAX(DECODE(wldw.wafernumber,'06', ',06'))
          || MAX(DECODE(wldw.wafernumber,'07', ',07'))
          || MAX(DECODE(wldw.wafernumber,'08', ',08'))
          || MAX(DECODE(wldw.wafernumber,'09', ',09'))
          || MAX(DECODE(wldw.wafernumber,'10', ',10'))
          || MAX(DECODE(wldw.wafernumber,'11', ',11'))
          || MAX(DECODE(wldw.wafernumber,'12', ',12'))
          || MAX(DECODE(wldw.wafernumber,'13', ',13'))
          || MAX(DECODE(wldw.wafernumber,'14', ',14'))
          || MAX(DECODE(wldw.wafernumber,'15', ',15'))
          || MAX(DECODE(wldw.wafernumber,'16', ',16'))
          || MAX(DECODE(wldw.wafernumber,'17', ',17'))
          || MAX(DECODE(wldw.wafernumber,'18', ',18'))
          || MAX(DECODE(wldw.wafernumber,'19', ',19'))
          || MAX(DECODE(wldw.wafernumber,'20', ',20'))
          || MAX(DECODE(wldw.wafernumber,'21', ',21'))
          || MAX(DECODE(wldw.wafernumber,'22', ',22'))
          || MAX(DECODE(wldw.wafernumber,'23', ',23'))
          || MAX(DECODE(wldw.wafernumber,'24', ',24'))
          || MAX(DECODE(wldw.wafernumber,'25', ',25'))  AS WAFERS     
    FROM a_wiplothistory wl
    JOIN Container C ON (wl.containerid = c.containerid OR wl.containerid= c.splitfromid )
    JOIN a_wiplotdetailshistory wld ON wl.wiplothistoryid = wld.wiplothistoryid
    JOIN a_wiplotdetailswafershistory wldw ON wld.wiplotdetailshistoryid = wldw.wiplotdetailshistoryid
    WHERE c.containername = :lotThanks for helping guys.
    Edited by: 1001275 on May 15, 2013 6:28 PM

    1001275 wrote:
    Hello everyone,
    I have recently discovered that we can use Max ( Decode ()) function of Oracle to pivot the results of a table. I have executed this just fine. However, pivoting a table is just one part of the solution that I need...You said it!
    First, you need some way of grouping consecutive rows together (1-17 in one group, 20-21 in anoter, 23 as a group all by itself, and so on).
    Then you need GROUP BY to get infmation about each goup, such as the smallest and largest number in the group.
    Finally, you need to combine all that information into one big string. This is actually an example of String Aggregation , rather than pivoting. The two are closely related. Pivot means you're taking 1 column on multiple rows, and putting them into multiple columns on one row. String Aggregation is taking 1 column on multple row, and concatenating all their contents into one big string column.
    Here's one way to do it:
    WITH     got_group_id     AS
         SELECT     wafernumber
         ,     ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY wafernumber)
                      - wafernumber          AS group_id
         FROM     wldw
    ,     got_group_info     AS
         SELECT       TO_CHAR (MIN (wafernumber))
                || CASE
                         WHEN  COUNT (*) > 1
                    THEN  '-' || TO_CHAR (MAX (wafernumber))
                     END             AS group_label
         ,       ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY  MIN (wafernumber))
                             AS group_num
         FROM      got_group_id
         GROUP BY  group_id
    SELECT  SUBSTR ( SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH (group_label, ',')
                , 2
                )     AS txt
    FROM    got_group_info
    START WITH     group_num      = 1
    CONNECT BY     group_num     = PRIOR group_num + 1
         AND     prior sys_guid () is not null
    ;I find the first part of this query to be the trickiest. I used the Fixd Difference technique to assign a common group_id to consecutive rows. See {message:id=9953384} and/or {message:id=9957164} foran explantaion of the Fixed Difference technique.
    Next, in sub-query got_group_info, I used aggregate functions to produce a group_label, such as '1-17', and to assign consecutive numbers to each group. This is also a little tricy, because it involves nesting an aggregate function (MIN in this case) inside an analytc function (ROW_NUMBER).
    Finally, I used SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH to do the string aggregation.
    1-17,20-21,23,25Whenever you have a question, please post CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements for some sample data. For example:
    CREATE TABLE     wldw
    (       wafernumber     NUMBER (3)     PRIMARY KEY
    INSERT INTO wldw (wafernumber) VALUES ( 1);
    INSERT INTO wldw (wafernumber) VALUES ( 2);
    INSERT INTO wldw (wafernumber) VALUES ( 3);
    INSERT INTO wldw (wafernumber) VALUES ( 4);
    INSERT INTO wldw (wafernumber) VALUES ( 5);
    INSERT INTO wldw (wafernumber) VALUES ( 6);
    INSERT INTO wldw (wafernumber) VALUES ( 7);
    INSERT INTO wldw (wafernumber) VALUES ( 8);
    INSERT INTO wldw (wafernumber) VALUES ( 9);
    INSERT INTO wldw (wafernumber) VALUES (10);
    INSERT INTO wldw (wafernumber) VALUES (11);
    INSERT INTO wldw (wafernumber) VALUES (12);
    INSERT INTO wldw (wafernumber) VALUES (13);
    INSERT INTO wldw (wafernumber) VALUES (14);
    INSERT INTO wldw (wafernumber) VALUES (15);
    INSERT INTO wldw (wafernumber) VALUES (16);
    INSERT INTO wldw (wafernumber) VALUES (17);
    INSERT INTO wldw (wafernumber) VALUES (20);
    INSERT INTO wldw (wafernumber) VALUES (21);
    INSERT INTO wldw (wafernumber) VALUES (23);
    INSERT INTO wldw (wafernumber) VALUES (25);I realize that your table (and your query) are a lot more complicated, but it looks like you can show the part you don't already understand using just this one table with this one column.
    Also, whenever you have a question, say which version oif Oracle you'e using (e.g.,
    The query above should work in Oracle 10.1 and up. I got the wong results in the main query in Oracle 10.2, however. (Oracle 10.2 has a lot of bugs related to CONNECT BY.) It worked fine in version 11.1.
    If you're using Oracle 11.2, you'll want to use LISTAGG, not SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH, to do the string aggregation.
    For more about string aggregation in various versions of Oracle, see this Oracle Base page.

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    Thank you in advance.

    Adding more info:
    How an Alert is Produced
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Count consecutive Workdays where employee has taken SICK leave

    I am trying to identify a way within sql to count the number of consecutive workdays (Monday - Friday) an employee has taken SICK leave. My problem in the past has been trying to count days whereas we cross the weekend. Currently I have 4 queries identifying patterns around the weekend that I run and export into an Excel Spreadsheet and manipulate from there. My goal is to be able to list an EMPLID (employee id), EMPL_RCD ( employee record), Min(DUR) (Date of absence), Max(DUR), and count of consecutive workdays.
    Any help or guidance would will be appreciated. I have attached my current query.
    I run my current query 4 times using the patterns below one at a time.
    AND (B.DUR = A.DUR+3 AND C.DUR = A.DUR+4 AND D.DUR = A.DUR+5) Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
    AND (B.DUR = A.DUR+1 AND C.DUR = A.DUR+4 AND D.DUR = A.DUR+5) Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday
    AND (B.DUR = A.DUR+1 AND C.DUR = A.DUR+2 AND D.DUR = A.DUR+5) Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Monday
    AND (B.DUR = A.DUR+1 AND C.DUR = A.DUR+2 AND D.DUR = A.DUR+3) -- Same workweek
    AND J1.EFFDT <= D.DUR))

    You should consider a technique from data warehousing where you use a table to describe dates. To keep things simple, let's create a table that holds all your valid business days for the past 2 weeks...
    create table business_dates (business_day date);
    insert into business_dates values (to_date('16-oct-2006'));
    insert into business_dates values (to_date('17-oct-2006'));
    insert into business_dates values (to_date('18-oct-2006'));
    insert into business_dates values (to_date('19-oct-2006'));
    insert into business_dates values (to_date('20-oct-2006'));
    insert into business_dates values (to_date('23-oct-2006'));
    insert into business_dates values (to_date('24-oct-2006'));
    insert into business_dates values (to_date('25-oct-2006'));
    insert into business_dates values (to_date('26-oct-2006'));
    insert into business_dates values (to_date('27-oct-2006'));
    insert into business_dates values (to_date('30-oct-2006'));
    insert into business_dates values (to_date('31-oct-2006'));
    insert into business_dates values (to_date('01-nov-2006'));
    insert into business_dates values (to_date('02-nov-2006'));
    insert into business_dates values (to_date('03-nov-2006'));
    now we create a table that shows whether each employee was sick or not for a given work day...
    create table attendance (empid number, business_day date, sick char(1));
    insert into attendance values (100, to_date('16-oct-2006'), 'N');
    insert into attendance values (100, to_date('17-oct-2006'), 'Y');
    insert into attendance values (100, to_date('18-oct-2006'), 'Y');
    insert into attendance values (100, to_date('19-oct-2006'), 'N');
    insert into attendance values (100, to_date('20-oct-2006'), 'N');
    insert into attendance values (100, to_date('23-oct-2006'), 'Y');
    insert into attendance values (100, to_date('24-oct-2006'), 'Y');
    insert into attendance values (100, to_date('25-oct-2006'), 'Y');
    insert into attendance values (100, to_date('26-oct-2006'), 'N');
    insert into attendance values (100, to_date('27-oct-2006'), 'N');
    insert into attendance values (100, to_date('30-oct-2006'), 'N');
    insert into attendance values (100, to_date('31-oct-2006'), 'Y');
    insert into attendance values (100, to_date('01-nov-2006'), 'N');
    insert into attendance values (100, to_date('02-nov-2006'), 'N');
    insert into attendance values (100, to_date('03-nov-2006'), 'N');
    insert into attendance values (105, to_date('16-oct-2006'), 'Y');
    insert into attendance values (105, to_date('17-oct-2006'), 'Y');
    insert into attendance values (105, to_date('18-oct-2006'), 'N');
    insert into attendance values (105, to_date('19-oct-2006'), 'N');
    insert into attendance values (105, to_date('20-oct-2006'), 'Y');
    insert into attendance values (105, to_date('23-oct-2006'), 'N');
    insert into attendance values (105, to_date('24-oct-2006'), 'N');
    insert into attendance values (105, to_date('25-oct-2006'), 'Y');
    insert into attendance values (105, to_date('26-oct-2006'), 'Y');
    insert into attendance values (105, to_date('27-oct-2006'), 'Y');
    insert into attendance values (105, to_date('30-oct-2006'), 'Y');
    insert into attendance values (105, to_date('31-oct-2006'), 'Y');
    insert into attendance values (105, to_date('01-nov-2006'), 'N');
    insert into attendance values (105, to_date('02-nov-2006'), 'N');
    insert into attendance values (105, to_date('03-nov-2006'), 'Y');
    Now the query to get each sick occurrence and the number of consecutive days for each employee is...
    select empid, first_sick_day, sick_count from
    (select empid,
    first_value(business_day) over (partition by empid, groupno order by business_day) as first_sick_day,
         row_number() over (partition by empid, groupno order by business_day) as rn,
    count(*) over (partition by empid, groupno) as sick_count
    (select empid, business_day, daynum-rownum groupno
              (SELECT a.empid, a.business_day, d.day_num as daynum
                   FROM attendance a,
                        (select rownum as day_num, business_day
                        from (select business_day from business_dates order by business_day)) d
                   WHERE sick = 'Y' AND a.business_day = d.business_day
                   ORDER BY 1,2 )
    where rn = 1;
    The above query can be modified slightly to only give you the sick occurrence with the maximum number of consecutive days for each employee.
    Having a separate date table is nice because you can take in account weekends, holidays or any other nonwork day by just removing that date from the table. Generating this table is easy as date dimension examples can be found on on the web, and the amount of rows is small (250 rows per year approx).

  • Count consecutive month reset if gap in months

    I have been hitting a road block on a report I have been trying to create.  I am looking to find the most recent consecutive months for a specific ID.  If there is a break in the months the counter would restart.  I have been able
    to create this but when there is a gap in the months my counter is not resetting.
    Here is a sample table:
    Declare @CTE Table (ID int, datestamp datetime);
    insert @CTE(ID, datestamp)
    select 8, '2013-11-15 00:00:00.000'
    union ALL select 8, '2013-12-16 00:00:00.000'
    union ALL select 8, '2014-01-15 00:00:00.000'
    union ALL select 15, '2013-09-16 00:00:00.000'
    union ALL select 17, '2014-02-28 00:00:00.000'
    union ALL select 51, '2013-05-10 00:00:00.000'
    union ALL select 51, '2014-04-10 00:00:00.000'
    union ALL select 52, '2013-12-26 00:00:00.000'
    union ALL select 59, '2013-08-12 00:00:00.000'
    union ALL select 59, '2014-01-13 00:00:00.000'
    union ALL select 59, '2014-04-14 00:00:00.000'
    union ALL select 59, '2014-05-12 00:00:00.000'
    union ALL select 62, '2013-06-10 00:00:00.000'
    union ALL select 62, '2013-06-20 00:00:00.000'
    union ALL select 62, '2013-10-10 00:00:00.000'
    union ALL select 62, '2013-11-12 00:00:00.000'
    union ALL select 64, '2013-05-28 00:00:00.000'
    union ALL select 64, '2013-06-27 00:00:00.000'
    union ALL select 64, '2013-07-29 00:00:00.000'
    union ALL select 66, '2013-07-26 00:00:00.000'
    union ALL select 74, '2013-04-15 00:00:00.000'
    union ALL select 74, '2013-05-15 00:00:00.000'
    union ALL select 82, '2013-09-03 00:00:00.000'
    union ALL select 92, '2013-04-15 00:00:00.000'
    Here is my query I am having issues with.
    WITH test AS
    SELECT ID, datestamp,
    COUNT(X) AS number_of_payments,
    MIN(datestamp) as Min_date,
    MAX(datestamp) as Max_date
    FROM test
    order by ID
    I am looking for results as follows.
    ID    Count
    8      3
    15     1
    17     1
    51     1
    52     1
    59     2
    62     2
    64     3
    66     1
    74     2
    82     1
    92     1

    Desired would be a count of records  so when the flag turns 0 the count resets.  So since row_id 321737 had the flag return as 0 the counter would start after that. 
    I want to be able to see ID 5539 is currently at 3
    row_id    ID    flag      enter_date                     flag_date
    419390   5539 
    1    2014-05-02
    386558   5539 
    1    2014-04-18
    351279   5539 
    1    2014-04-04
    321737   5539 
    0    2014-03-21
    00:00:00.000   NULL
    298751   5539 
    1    2014-03-11
    236830   5539 
    1    2014-02-11
    187083   5539 
    1    2014-01-13
    142108   5539 
    0    2013-12-11
    00:00:00.000   NULL
    93199    5539 
    0    2013-11-12
    00:00:00.000   NULL
    62720    5539 
    0    2013-10-11
    00:00:00.000   NULL

  • Count consecutive appearance

    I had this requirement, to count number of consecutive appearance of a status for a particular period dynamically
    with x as (
    select 101 as "ID", '01' as "STATUS", '01-01-11' as "DT" from dual
    select 101 as "ID", '02' as "STATUS", '01-02-11' as "DT" from dual
    select 101 as "ID", '03' as "STATUS", '01-03-11' as "DT" from dual
    select 101 as "ID", '02' as "STATUS", '01-04-11' as "DT" from dual
    select 101 as "ID", '02'as "STATUS", '01-05-11' as "DT" from dual
    select 101 as "ID", '03' as "STATUS", '01-06-11' as "DT" from dual
    select 101 as "ID", '02' as "STATUS", '01-07-11' as "DT" from dual
    select 101 as "ID", '02' as "STATUS", '01-08-11' as "DT" from dual
    select 101 as "ID", '04' as "STATUS", '01-09-11' as "DT" from dual
    select 101 as "ID", '03' as "STATUS", '01-10-11' as "DT" from dual
    select 101 as "ID", '03' as "STATUS", '01-11-11' as "DT" from dual
    select 101 as "ID", '03' as "STATUS", '01-12-11' as "DT" from dual)
    select x.ID,x.STATUS,x.DT from x order by x.DT
    Output should be - ID 101 and STATUS '01' is not required
    STATUS     1Time     2Time     3&4Time          5&above
    02     1     2
    03     2          1
    04     1
    Columns 1Time, 2Time,3&4Time, 5&above means count the number of consecutive appearance of the status (have to check previous month status and next month status)
    i.e for example if we take Status '02'
    after checking previous month and next month status, Status '02' has appeared one time consecutively on '01-02-11'(Feb)
    and hence 1 should come under '1Time' Column.
    similarly after checking previous month and next month status, the number of 2 consecutive appearance of status '02' is twice, that is on ('01-04-11', '01-05-11') and ('01-07-11', '01-08-11'),hence the count of them will 2 under '2Time' column
    For Status '03',
    there are two one-time consecutive appearance of the Status, that is on '01-03-11' and '01-06-11'. Hence count is 2 under '1Time' column for status 03
    and Status '03' has single 3 consecutive appearance, that is on '01-10-11', '01-11-11', '01-12-11', hence count is 1 under 3&4Time coulmn.

    Like this?
    -- Data:
    with x as (
    select 101 as "ID", '01' as "STATUS", '01-01-11' as "DT" from dual
    select 101 as "ID", '02' as "STATUS", '01-02-11' as "DT" from dual
    select 101 as "ID", '03' as "STATUS", '01-03-11' as "DT" from dual
    select 101 as "ID", '02' as "STATUS", '01-04-11' as "DT" from dual
    select 101 as "ID", '02'as "STATUS", '01-05-11' as "DT" from dual
    select 101 as "ID", '03' as "STATUS", '01-06-11' as "DT" from dual
    select 101 as "ID", '02' as "STATUS", '01-07-11' as "DT" from dual
    select 101 as "ID", '02' as "STATUS", '01-08-11' as "DT" from dual
    select 101 as "ID", '04' as "STATUS", '01-09-11' as "DT" from dual
    select 101 as "ID", '03' as "STATUS", '01-10-11' as "DT" from dual
    select 101 as "ID", '03' as "STATUS", '01-11-11' as "DT" from dual
    select 101 as "ID", '03' as "STATUS", '01-12-11' as "DT" from dual)
    -- Query:
    select status, sum(decode(c,1,1,0)) "1 Time",
                   sum(decode(c,2,1,0)) "2 Time",
                   sum(decode(c,3,1,4,1,0)) "3 or 4 Time",
                   sum(case when c>=5 then 1 else 0 end) "5 or above"
      select status, d, count(*) c
         select x.ID,
                  to_date(x.DT,'MM-DD-RR')-row_number() over (partition by status order by dt) d
         from x order by x.DT
      group by status, d
    group by status    
    order by status;If you like you may add the condition
    where status!='01'Edited by: hm on 11.01.2012 22:40

  • Is it possible to count '0' events with 6229?

    I have set up a buffed edge counting which works fine with our E-series
    boards. Using a new NI 6229, however, the same program returns
    minimally 1 count.
    It seems that in the case that the signal frequency is
    lower than that of the timebase (in our case ctr0 is producing pulses at a
    frequency of 1kHz, ctr0out->ctr1gate, signal to be measured arrives
    at ctr1source) the card completely ignores the timing. Example: with
    1kHz at the gate I would expect to read 1000 datapoints per second; if
    the signal runs at a lower frequency than 1kHz I read a number of
    datapoints corresponding to the signal frequency (all value "1"). 
    At higher signal frequency it seems to work as expected.
    I have tried a different BNC-2110 box and switching the order of the
    counters (ie using ctr1 as timing device and ctr0 as the actual
    counter), but this problem remains.
    The cabelling has been done according to the NI-6229 port/pin scheme
    found in the documentation directory of Labview. (ctr0out is BNC on the
    box, ctr1gate=pin41=PFI4 on the box, ctr1source=pin42=PFI3 on the box;
    for opposite configuration ctr1out as on box, ctr0gate=pin 3=PFI9 on
    box, ctr0source=pin 37=PFI8 on box).
    I would be very thankful for any help with this,
    my apologies for the cross-post, but I put this question first up in the wrong discussion board.

    The behavior you are seeing when no edges occur on your event counting terminal are the result of not enabling duplicate count prevention. In DAQ 7.4, the default behavior of duplicate count behavior should enable this for you by default, but if you cannot upgrade to DAQ 7.4, I'd enable "duplicate count prevention" attribute. There are a number of previous posts about this attribute, including this post.
    I hope this helps!

  • Count consecutive instances of a particular value

    is there a way to have numbers look at a colum and give me the number of the highest consecutive anserws. Here is the example I am dealing with.
    I would like to have a total at the bottom of each column that will calculate the most consecutive right answers in each column. That way I can award a prize to the person that got the most correct in a row.

    Hi Stacey,
    That's an interesting challenge. Here's my approach:
    There are two Header Rows, even though I made the formatting change to make the second header row look like a body row for consistency with the rest of the data. The reason I did that is so that you can expand the table and have the new rows automatically fill with the formulas of the body rows. Adding rows when all body rows are the same causes the autofill behavior. I needed the first data row to have a different equation, so I used a header for the first row of data.
    So, here are the equations:
    B2: =IF(B="Right", 1, 0)
    B3 to the last body row: =IF(B="Right", C2+1, 0)
    Column B's first Footer row:
    =COUNTIF(B, "Right")+COUNTIF(B2, "Right")
    Column B's second Footer row:
    =COUNTIF(B, "Wrong")+COUNTIF(B2, "Wrong")
    Column B's third Footer row:
    =MAX(C, C2)
    That's it.

  • Counting consecutive numbers in a view

    Say I have the following data in a table:
    1 2004
    1 2005
    1 2006
    1 2008
    1 2009
    2 1998
    2 1999
    2 2000
    Is there anyway to return a 3rd row in a query which would return a 1 if the previous rows YEAR was 1 different, but a 0 if otherwise. So the data would look like this:
    1 2004 0
    1 2005 1
    1 2006 1
    1 2008 0
    1 2009 1
    2 1998 0
    2 1999 1
    2 2000 1
    2 2001 1
    2 2002 1
    2 2006 0
    I am basically trying to find out if someones yearly membership was a renewal. Here's the data:
    with t1 as (select 1 as ID,2004 as YEAR from dual union
    select 1,2005 from dual union
    select 1,2006 from dual union
    select 1,2008 from dual union
    select 1,2009 from dual union
    select 2,1998 from dual union
    select 2,1999 from dual union
    select 2,2000 from dual union
    select 2,2001 from dual union
    select 2,2002 from dual union
    select 2,2006 from dual)
    select ID,
    from t1
    order by id, year;

    Thanks for providing sample data and expected results!
    I think this is what you want.
    SQL> with t1 as (select 1 as ID,2004 as YEAR from dual un
      2  select 1,2005 from dual union
      3  select 1,2006 from dual union
      4  select 1,2008 from dual union
      5  select 1,2009 from dual union
      6  select 2,1998 from dual union
      7  select 2,1999 from dual union
      8  select 2,2000 from dual union
      9  select 2,2001 from dual union
    10  select 2,2002 from dual union
    11  select 2,2006 from dual)
    12  SELECT  ID
    13  ,       YEAR
    14  ,       (CASE
    15                  WHEN YEAR - LAG(YEAR) OVER (PARTITION BY ID ORDER BY YEAR) = 1
    16                  THEN 1
    17                  ELSE 0
    18          END) AS RENEWAL
    19  FROM    t1
    20  ORDER BY ID
    21  ,       YEAR
    22  /
            ID       YEAR    RENEWAL
             1       2004          0
             1       2005          1
             1       2006          1
             1       2008          0
             1       2009          1
             2       1998          0
             2       1999          1
             2       2000          1
             2       2001          1
             2       2002          1
             2       2006          0
    11 rows selected.

  • How to count an event

    hi all..
    I'm new to Labview. I'm trying to figure out how to count the number of times a sine waveform reaches a certain amplitude value and displaying it on the front panel. Could somebody please guide me to do this.

    This one does what I think you want.
    Johnson Controls
    Holland Michigan
    Find ‏15 KB

  • How do I count and display events every few seconds and then convert the counted values into events per minute? (for a heart rate monitor)

    Hi everyone,
    I'm building a heart rate monitor as a final year project with my lab partner using the NI USB-6009 and Labview 2009. We have managed to obtain a signal using a photo transciever, smooth it out and count the events, however the count is incremental.
    We wish to count the number of pulses we obtain for a few seconds (5-10 for example) and then use this value to obtain a pulse rate in beats per minute (e.g. 10 pulses in the first 10 seconds would give an estimated BPM of 60 etc etc).
    Does anybody have ides on how we could implement this? We have tried timed loops, elapsed time VI's and other things but nothing gives us what we need.
    Thanks in advance for any help that is offered.
    Jeshua Graham.

    We are very new to Labview. We are taking a raw signal from our DAQ and then using VIs to filter and then trigger counts on rising edges. I have attached our vi file to this post for you to look at (I hope that is what you mean by code).
    Attachments: ‏367 KB

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