CPP Class issue[Fixed]

I'm trying to write a linked list class in C++. The class compiles fine, but when I include it in my main file, I get errors about multiple function definitions.
What's wrong with my code? Here's a snippet
#define NULL 0
typedef struct element{
char value;
element* next;
class Chain{
start->next = NULL;
size = 0;
void addItem(char c);
void deleteItem(int i);
char getItem(int i);
void setItem(int i);
int getSize();
element* start;
int size;
void Chain::addItem(char c){
element *e = start;
element *n;
for(int x=0;x<size;x++) {
e = e->next;
e->next = n;
n->value = c;
char Chain::getItem(int i){
element *e = start;
if(i>=size) {
return 0;
for(int x=0;x<i;x++) {
e = e->next;
return e->value;
int Chain::getSize(){
return size;
*edit: included entire file
Last edited by Varreon (2009-11-08 05:19:34)

Well, the way I'm currently compiling is the build command from within Code::Blocks(using mingw).
Compile errors:
obj\Debug\Chain.o||In function `ZN5Chain7addItemEc':|
C:\dev\mchain\Chain.cpp|23|multiple definition of `Chain::addItem(char)'|
obj\Debug\main.o:C:\dev\mchain\Chain.cpp|23|first defined here|
obj\Debug\Chain.o||In function `ZN5Chain7getItemEi':|
C:\dev\mchain\Chain.cpp|34|multiple definition of `Chain::getItem(int)'|
obj\Debug\main.o:C:\dev\mchain\Chain.cpp|34|first defined here|
obj\Debug\Chain.o||In function `ZN5Chain7getSizeEv':|
C:\dev\mchain\Chain.cpp|45|multiple definition of `Chain::getSize()'|
obj\Debug\main.o:C:\dev\mchain\Chain.cpp|45|first defined here|
||=== Build finished: 6 errors, 0 warnings ===|
Start is meant to point to the first element in the list. I intended it to point to the element created through each call off addItem(), but I'll need to fix that.

Similar Messages

  • Top 15 Issues/Fixes Needed in the next Premiere Pro release/update (CS6.5 or CS7)

    I’m excited for what’s coming next in Premiere Pro CS6.5 or CS7 (whichever update is next). As a former FCP7 user myself, Premiere CS6 was a quick and necessary switch (especially after changing the main keyboard shortcuts back to what I was used to). I’ve since gone back to FCP7 on occasion for certain things and I can tell you that I’m so glad I’ve switched. For all the headaches and serious errors that I still get daily/weekly with Premiere Pro CS6, it’s still definitely a big step up. I'm encouraged by staff members like Mitch W. that have expressed confidence that many of these issues will be resolved in the next release. Here is my personal list of “Top 15 issues/fixes” needed in the current Premiere Pro CS6…
    (Adobe STAFF...feel free to print this out and hand it to the engineers responsible for making changes )
    1) The infamous multicam FLAW. Needing no introduction…when you are editing your video in the multicam window and you hit pause or stop Premiere has decided that’s a great time to make a cut on your timeline and also switch angles back to the original angle whether you like it or not. You cannot stop ever while editing multicam without Premiere making these unwanted cuts and angle changes. Awful. Multicam in PPro is otherwise pretty nice, but this issue is terribly counter-productive especially when you are editing longer complex multicam sequences. Imagine if every time you hit pause or stop in the regular timeline it made a cut there and switched clips. Ugh. You get my point.
    2) The audio meters/levels do not work while in the multicam window. A staff member in the forums (I think it was you) said this was a bug. Hope it will get fixed. The audio levels work in every other window and its essential to be able to keep an eye on the levels while editing multicam.
    3) Ticktime.cpp-207 error. Ugh. What a nightmare. I have confidence that it will be fixed soon. Mitch W. from the forums is my new hero for taking on this error. How to replicate it?…simply have 6 (or 7) or more clips with the warp stabilizer effect added on the same timeline as a nested multicam clip and you get this error upon reopening your project. The more warp stabilizers you use, the more times you’ll have to hit “continue” to get through the error before you can open your project or export it to AME. I deal with this every single day because all my projects use these two elements. Most of my projects I have to hit “continue” on the error message upwards of 350-450 times to open my projects. Gets old fast.
    4) Icon View order control. When you display all your clips in icon view instead of a list view (In the project window), there is no metadata to allow you to put the clips in order somehow (or at least maintain the order that you have in the list). There are roundabout workarounds, but c’mon.
    5) Warp Stabilizer fixes…it is an AMAZING tool (far, far, far better than smoothcam in FCP7) BUT…it has it’s issues. Since I use hundreds of times/week (no exaggeration) I know it’s functions/flaws really well. The issues with Warp Stabilizer:
    a) #3 above
    b) Toggle OFF the effect after it’s applied and then hit Analyze again and PPro crashes. (easy to avoid but annoying bug)
    c) If a clip is in the middle of stabilizing (not just analyzing…but the final step labeled “analyzing”) when Auto-save comes up…most of the time PPro freezes and crashes.
    d) The DEFAULT “method” (in the settings for Warp Stabilizer) should NOT be “Subspace Warp”…it should be “Position, Scale, Rotation”. Why? It’s FAAAAARRRR better and more efficient. 95 out of 100 times it causes MUCH less “wobble” in the final stabilized clips AND most importantly 95 out of 100 times it scales the video less. Way better method.
    6) The ability to open multiple projects simultaneously. As simple as FCP7 had it…or even better…as cool and efficient as FCPX does it would be nice.
    7) The ability to mark a clip and not just a point on a timeline (because if you move the clip, the marker doesn’t go with it). I know you can use “Clip Marker” but it's very limiting, can't be moved, can't add notes, can't advance to the next marker (as far as I know). Also a marker list like FCPX has would be nice so you can see your markers all in a list at a glance and adjust them as needed.
    8) Ability to select a clip in the Project window and find out where it’s used in the timeline. I LOVE how you can do the reverse and take a clip in the timeline and “Reveal in Project Window” but it would really help to go the other way around. Dealing with several hundred clips for every project I’ve missed this feature from time to time (FCPX handles this really well).
    9) Add a through-edit indicator in timeline and “re-join clips” option. If you cut a clip but keep both clips together it’s just one continuous clip. But I really hope Premiere adds the not only an indicator of some sort (like FCP7′s way of having two small red triangles facing each other on that cut) so you know it’s one continuous clip BUT ALSO the ability to right-click and “re-join” the two clips into one.
    10) When clip is double-clicked in timeline, CTI position in source viewer should match location in timeline. This one is pretty annoying and a fix would be incredibly helpful. The way it is now is very counter-productive. Definitely hope this gets fixed ASAP.
    11) Better border controls for images/videos. Can’t do much with images right now in PPro. At least allow to customize the color and size/strength of it’s borders and shadows.
    12) Better support for Mac/Apple's top end computers/GPU's. I'm still surprised that 2011 top of the line iMac cards (AMD 6970M) that have 2gb of ram are not supported. I’m sure/I hope 2012 iMac’s will be supported with their new Nvidia GPU’s…but I’ll hold out hope that the top iMac (up until 3 months ago) is supported at least at it’s full power. All around better Mac support would be great considering the wave of new users coming over from FCP.
    13) Opacity/Transparency issues with EXPORTED videos with Cross Dissolves, etc. For some odd reason videos exported from Premiere CS6 have issues with cross dissolves or minor transparency. I’ll try to explain…in the program window of PPro CS6 cross dissolves look fine. Also, if you take a clip and stack it on top of another clip and put the top clip at say 99% opacity instead of 100 it looks like it should in PPro. But, if you export the clips you’ll quickly see that there are issues. It’s almost like the exported videos dissolve from 5 to 95. They skip the subtle beginning (0-5%) and subtle end (95-100%) of any fade. A clip in PPro as described above that is on top of another but set at 99% will look more like 90-95% in the exported file ESPECIALLY if the two clips are contrasting (eg. top layer dark, bottom layer with bright elements). It’s like the opposit of ease-in/ease-out. I have to ease-in/ease-out of every dissolve to avoid this issue…and even then, it’s not THAT much of an “ease” as one would hope. Another user in a forum once posted a video that shows how abruptly exported videos end their transparency changes…see: THIS SAMPLE VIDEO  Perhaps this is a GPU/processing issue with AME vs. Premiere Pro but whatever it is, it should be fixed so videos you export look like the videos you edited!
    14) Better control in Creative Cloud over which devices are “activated/deactivated”  We have 3 computers and it would be nice if one could log in to their Creative Cloud account and see a list of which devices they have and just toggle on/off which one’s are activated/deactivated. This is especially helpful when you are mobile and forget to deactivate one of your two home/office devices so you’re stuck now until you get back to the home/office to deactivate it. This is not a Premiere thing, but just a general wish.
    15) Ability to sync multicam clips automatically using the audio. Plural eyes apparently does this well. Would be nice to have it built into Premiere like FCPX does. Select all the shots you want to sync, One button click, wait a few seconds, done.
    That’s my top 15. Everything else is awesome in my opinion for what I do 10 hours a day 6-7 days a week. I’ve included bug reports/feature requests for all of these at one point but if you are someone else reading this go to the following link and ask for these issues to be fixed: FEATURE REQUEST/BUG REPORT
    I wish Adobe did smaller updates more often. Because even if they were smaller updates, we’d at least know you are working on fixing some of these issues that have plagued this NLE for years. Holding off fixes for one or two big “updates” every year is tough to deal with in a world of the ever updating apps we live and play with daily on our phones. I realize Premiere is a much larger scale and far more professional than a phone app, but hopefully you get my point. Here’s to hoping the next release (NAB 2013?) resolves all my top 15 issues. Here’s to hoping that these issues will be resolved sooner than later so I can stop raising hell in various forums. I’m honestly ready to start praising and defending Premiere Pro instead of griping about it’s bugs and flaws. It’s a fantastic program “on the way” to being the best. I hope.

    Nice list, however it does seem a little bit like you may be hoping that Adobe provides the Final Cut 8 package that Apple never delivered on. Having edited primarily with P-Pro for the last decade, I hope Adobe focuses more on getting the next release to run as smooth as CS5x does, strangling and crucifying all the codec and playback bugs that arose in CS6. To me, it appeared that too many of the changes in CS6 were semantic or cosmetic, meant to give a FCP user more familiarity. Why change the name of an edit function from "overlay" to "overwrite" after 15 years? Because it enhances the product, or because that is what Apple called the function in FCP? If Adobe renames the Program Monitor to the "Canvas" with the next release, I think that I might be sick. There were nice additions to the Creative Suite as a whole, but I hope the next Premiere release reverses some missteps made in CS6, and focuses more on stability and enhanced functionality. I also really hope that they have an open ear towards criticism; Apple did not and their users ended up with FCP-X
    It saddens me that the fixes I want most in a future release were purposeful changes between CS5x and CS6x.
    1) Provide the options for transport controls in the source and program monitors. All of the users at my office hate that the jog and shuttle were removed in CS6. JKL was an option prior to CS6 and if we liked it we would have used it. I keep reading the justification that this change was meant to save space and streamline the UI. I can't express cordially how much this bothers me to look at the empty wasted space in my CS6 UI where the transport controls should be. The experiment has gone on long enough.
    2) Restore the 3 Way Color Corrector to its previous functionality. The 3 way color corrector has been effectively neutered in CS6. Where in CS5x and earlier releases one could separately target the input/output levels of Highlights, Midtones, and Shadows, CS6 has only a master input/output level control. Why is less control better? Is it a 3-Way Color Corrector or a 1-Way Color Corrector?
    3) Restore Clip and Timeline markers to their previous functionality. I don't even.... I can't. A user shouldn't have to do work arounds to create a modicum of functionality. This again was an attribute that wasn't broken in earlier releases.
    4) Simplify the the task of pasting media into a targeted track. As it is now, pasted items will always go to the lowest activated track instead of the targeted track.
    Lastly I would like the Adobe Premiere teams to consider what an amazing accomplishment Premiere CS5x was. Upon CS5's release, a good portion of competitor's workflows became obsolete. CS5.5 refined, stabilized, and expanded functionality.
    CS6 changed the UI around, moving or deleting buttons, changed keyboard shortcuts, and renamed functions. Oh, and added hoverscrub, you know...like FCPX. In exchanged there was loss of functionality, stability issues and broken codecs.
    I really hope the next release is more like CS5x and less like FCPX

  • Issues fixed in FM 7.1 release

    Adobe FrameMaker 7.1 for English, French and German was released on January 10, 2004. The following is a list of issues fixed in this release.
    FDK: FA_Note_PreSetAttrValue notification not sent for new elements. If a client subscribes to FA_Note_PreSetAttrValue events, it will get a notification when one changes an attribute by double clicking it in the Structure view. However, on creation of a new element through the element catalog, if an attribute is set, no notification is sent.
    This issue has been resolved.
    FDK: F_ApiUnStraddleCells() does not work as expected.
    When unstraddling cells through the API, all the cells except the leading cell have no paragraph end marks (they are completely empty). Clicking into such cells takes the text cursor to the location of the table anchor. Inserting a character into the paragraph with the table anchor seems to correct the table.
    This issue has been resolved.
    FDK: F_ApiImport shows a dialog upon import of SGML entities.
    When importing an SGML fragment by reference using F_ApiImport, FrameMaker displays a dialog asking whether the text inset should be updated automatic or manually. This setting should be controlled from import-parameters.
    Currently there is no way of creating a client that imports a large number of SGML text-insets without having a user sitting by the keyboard and clicking OK for each imported entity.
    This issue has been resolved.
    FDK: F_ApiDelete does not work properly on elements inside a TextInset. When you try to delete an element that is part of a TextInset, the whole TextInset is removed.
    The work around for this is to unlock the text before calling F_ApiDelete and to lock the text after this call. The calls to unlock and lock the text are given below:
    To unlock - F_ApiSetInt(docId, insetId, FP_TiLocked, False);
    To lock - F_ApiSetInt(docId, insetId, FP_TiLocked, True);
    Microsoft Intellimouse Scroll wheel locks up FrameMaker when it's pressed or scrolled.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Rotated PDF files do not appear on 24-bit or 32-bit displays.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Non-unique ID tags cause inconsistent hypertext links due to multiple entries in the HTML export. If there are conflicting IDs in different documents of a book, non-unique ID tags are generated which cause this behavior.
    This issue has been resolved.
    If you edit the MAKER.INI file by adding the line SplashScreen=Off, in the [Preferences] section, then the Help->About command crashes FrameMaker with Internal Error: 7004, 6048898, 7639747, 0
    This issue has been resolved.
    (don't include) Marker element gets included and merged in PDF bookmarks with previous heading. In FrameMaker 6.0, the document prints to PDF as expected--the bookmarks in Acrobat PDF contain the Section2/Heading as expected, such as:
    Spark Plug Threads
    and Lamp Base and Electrical Fixture Threads
    In FrameMaker 7.0, the document prints to PDF with the Section2/Heading merged with the Run.head marker element, even though Run.head is in the ''Don't include'' list of elements in the PDF Setup dialog box.
    This issue has been resolved.
    The value of DPDFOpenBookmarkLevel is ignored when read in a MIF file.
    This issue has been resolved.
    The values Default, All, and None of the ''Bookmarks expanded through level'' field (in Format > Document >PDF setup) are not retained when a FrameMaker document is saved and opened again.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Windows Metafile (wmf) graphic (created from Microsoft VISIO 2002) causes "an error occurred while printing" but partially prints.
    This issue has been resolved.
    ISOdraw CGM graphics and tables on the same page cause CGM stroke lines to be printed in White.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Inconsistent dialog behavior between FrameMaker 6.0 and FrameMaker 7.0 when opening filename.sgm. Unlike FrameMaker 6.0, FrameMaker 7.0 displays the Unknown Filetype dialog.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Inconsistent dialog behavior between opening filename.sgm and filename.sgml.
    This issue has been resolved.
    TaggedPDF:fmpdfreflow plug-in - display of PDF file not good for shaded table cells. When table cells have shading in them, the PDF file does not show all the content of the shaded cells. This happens on Windows only.
    This issue has been resolved.
    PDF generation on UNIX translates CMYK colors to RGB.
    This issue has been resolved.
    FP_InsetFile has a value of "BadFileName" when SGML importing misses a graphic data file. If you import an SGML file that would read external graphic files and these data files are missing, then skipping or ignoring them results in "BadFileName" pathname for each object property. This makes FDK API Client not get FP_InsetFile property value for the FO_Inset object.
    This issue has been resolved.
    FrameMaker7 server can't find default printer when launched as a service.
    This issue has been resolved. To suppress the errors during initialization e.g.. No Default printer, invoke FrameMaker with the -silent option.
    When the Paragraph Designer is open, you can't switch to open documents using the book window.
    This issue has been resolved.
    FrameMaker works very slowly or returns an internal error. When processing a document that includes many EPS image files, FrameMaker creates many FRMxxxx.tmp files in the C:\Documents and Settings\Account Name\Local Settings\temp\ folder. The xxxx is a hexadecimal number. Even after quitting FrameMaker, the FRMxxxx.tmp files are NOT deleted, and the same document creates different FRMxxxx.tmp files after being opened again. The template files pile up in the hard disk for the Account/user, until the xxxx reaches ffff, the maximum number for the 4 digits of a hexadecimal number. At or near this time, FrameMaker works very slowly or stops with internal error:7004,6643018,6765315,6712018.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Imported PDF document with transparencies does not print correctly.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Internal Error: 7004, 6055410, 7657059, 0 when saving/printing to PDF includes Bookmarks that include index elements. The crash occurs only on Windows. The problem occurs when you attempt File > Print to PDF, when you want to Generate PDF Bookmarks based on structure elements, and have the ''Sectlevel1'' element in the ''Include Elements'' pane, and that particular ''Sectlevel1'' element plus the length of the text in the index marker entries exceeds 256 characters.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Post installation of Distiller 6.0, .tps file gets retained along with PDF and log file.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Opening a large XML file in FrameMaker generates error 'Internal Error 7004, 6052770, 0....
    When an XML file contained more than 65520(FFF0) children elements, FrameMaker crashed.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Spell check skips elements, loops around elements, or gets completely stuck.
    This issue has been resolved.
    The Save as PDF command does not create a PDF file (for certain files) when Generate Tagged PDF is ON
    This issue has been resolved.
    Group4 fax encoded TIFF files imported in FrameMaker 7.0 don't display nor print--does not occur in previous versions.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Display/Scrolling performance is very slow with documents having TIFF images imported by copy.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Scrolling a document in FrameMaker using Page Up/Down button goes to previous/next page respectively. Scrolling a document using Page Up and Page Down button goes to the previous and next page respectively. User would expect to scroll to the previous/next screen instead of going to previous/next page using these buttons, as seen in other Windows applications like MS Word, etc.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Links being dropped in SVG filter. Import an SVG file by reference (and the imported file has a link to another SVG file). Save this and reopen; the referenced SVG file is missing.
    This issue has been resolved.
    The text in the markers gets included in the PDF Bookmarks. Do not include textual content of marker elements, such as Index markers. This is because if you do, the Acrobat bookmarks can appear created if the element has:
    where Indexterm contains the marker text:
    <$startrange>PDF Creation;<$endrange>PDF:Good;How To:Create Good PDF
    ... You will end up with an Acrobat Bookmark containing:
    How To Create <$startrange>PDF Creation;<$endrange>PDF:Good;How To:Create Good PDFGood PDF ... which is not desirable.
    This issue has been resolved.
    In Server Setup dialog box, user name of the form "domain\username" does not allow names starting with b, r, etc. While trying to get FrameMaker to talk to the WebDAV server, which is using Windows authentication, when we specify a user name of the form "domain\username" in the "Server Setup" dialog box (File | Workgroup | Workgroup Servers ...). For some user names this works; for others it doesn't.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Framemaker crashes when Print is selected twice from the context menu for a book.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Drop Caps are not imported as TextFrames (RTFImport).
    This issue has been resolved.
    Words on which cross references are created are getting dropped while importing doc file (Word2000Import). Create a cross reference on some word in MS Word, and import the doc file into FrameMaker. The word on which the cross reference is created is getting dropped.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Words on which cross references are created are getting dropped while importing rtf file (RTFImport). Create a cross reference on some word in MS Word, and import the rtf file into FrameMaker. The word on which the cross reference is created is getting dropped.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Text which is rotated is lost when exporting to RTF.
    This issue has been resolved.
    FrameMaker locks referenced files until the application closes.
    This issue has been resolved.
    The filter name in the unknown file type for import is Microsoft RTF whereas for Export it is Microsoft RTF 1.6.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Contents of anchored frames not visible after save as PDF with Tags. After saving a document with anchored frames as PDF with Tags enabled, the contents of the frame are not visible in the PDF generated.
    This issue has been resolved.
    footnote element mapping to Frame Footnote is commented in Rules defined for XDocBook. In application definition of XDocBook in $FMHOME/structure/xml/xdocbook/app, footnote element mapping is to FM Footnote element. However, this rule is commented since past few releases. As a result, any (xdocbook) XML document with footnote is shown as invalid in FrameMaker.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Revision remark (revremark) element is mapped to different element names in EDD and rules. Rules for XDocBook in $FMHOME/structure/xml/xdocbook/app translate revremark to RevRemark. However, EDD (ECM) defines Revremark as mapping for revremark element. Hence a valid xdocbook XML document with revremark is shown as invalid (with unknown RevRemark element) in FrameMaker.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Unable to open FrameMaker 7.0-created fm file, which is created by importing a Word document.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Office documents don't open in FrameMaker in absence of write permissions (UNIX).
    This issue has been resolved.
    For line spacing, values that are beyond range are not mapped correctly (RTFExport). For line spacing in frame document which are beyond the max or min range of RTF, the mapping is not correct and same value of line space I mapped to three different values in RTF.
    This issue has been resolved.
    For stretch, values that are more than 600 are not mapped correctly in RTF (RTFExport). For stretching in frame doc that are beyond max value in RTF (600), the mapping is not correct. There is no stretching (scaling in RTF) in effect in exported RTF for values greater than 600 specified in frame.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Current date and time are not getting exported properly and are coming as 0's and XXX (RTFExport).
    This issue has been resolved.
    After saving as PDF, headings are centered in reflow mode. After a particular file is saved as a PDF file and is viewed in reflow mode in Acrobat, the headings are centered.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Installer does not recognize existing installation.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Right indents are not mapped while importing Excel
    This issue has been resolved.
    Data in the Custom formatted cell is lost while importing excel sheet.
    This issue has been resolved.
    FrameMaker terminates while exporting to RTF.
    This issue has been resolved.
    You have to give a filename with extension, while saving a file to RTF.
    This issue has been resolved.
    A PS file generated from FrameMaker with Tagged PDF on and hypertext marker in the file, cannot be distilled to PDF
    This issue has been resolved.
    Dialog Box indicating Unsaved changes made to file is not displayed on closing a document after importing an image using drag and drop.
    This issue has been resolved.
    If you select a Master Page or a Reference Page and select Save as PDF, PDF generation fails without giving appropriate error message.
    This issue has been resolved.
    When converting a FrameMaker book to PDF: default opening page in PS/PDF may be incorrectly set to be the first page of last chapter in a book.
    This issue has been resolved.
    On drag and drop of a SVG file into FrameMaker, if you click on the cancel button on the Import SVG dialog, the cancel is ignored and the file is imported.
    This issue has been resolved.
    If United Kingdom is chosen as the country of purchase, the EULA contains the string "FrameMakerDesktop _USEnglish_1.21.02_17:29".
    This issue has been resolved.
    Following alerts can not be suppressed via command line option:
    . Register now/later/never
    . Adobe Online
    These can be now suppressed using the -noaol command line option or by using the DisableAdobeOnline=On option in the maker.ini file.
    An empty merged cell(256 columns) created in Excel imports as a blank file.
    This issue has been resolved.
    If you import a Word document having large number of footnotes in FrameMaker, the footnotes are overlapped.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Cross reference text when exported to RTF has an additional space after the cross reference text.
    This issue has been resolved.
    When an excel file containing cells applied with custom formatting is imported in FrameMaker, the font and color of these cells is different in FrameMaker.
    This issue has been resolved.
    When a specific excel file is being imported the data in the first cell is lost.
    This issue has been resolved.
    When saving a MIF file, then opening it in FrameMaker, the DPDFZoom settings are lost.
    This issue has been resolved.
    User defined variables with _ in their name when saved to xml and opened again in Frame, round-trip as fmv1, fmv2 ...
    This issue has been resolved.
    When you try to open/import a file with a name containing more than two % signs and at least 1 non-% character between the second and third % sign then FM gives an error saying the file is non-existent
    This issue has been resolved.
    Info>Copyright>More crashes FrameMaker
    This issue has been resolved.
    When you import an RTF file with a cropped image in FrameMaker, it is imported in its original uncropped form.
    This issue has been resolved.
    When a word document having text with decimal numbering is imported, the sub points (1.1,1.2,...) are imported as (0.1,0.2,..)
    This issue has been resolved.
    When you import a word document having numbering points with comment on each numbered point, the font size of the numbering point is reduced.
    This issue has been resolved.
    FrameMaker crashes on scaling any anchored frame on reference pages.
    This issue has been resolved.
    When you import a word file with ascending raised/lowered baselines then they are not imported correctly.
    This issue has been resolved.
    When you import an excel file containing date formatting having mm format, FrameMaker inserts an extra zero before the date.
    This issue has been resolved.
    If you install FrameMaker from network, the short cut to readme file opens it in notepad.
    This issue has been resolved.
    The alert Inconsistent settings in Book" during F_ApiSilentPrintDoc() can not be suppressed.
    This issue has been resolved.
    When you import a word document having numbering (1.1,1.2,..) placed after some non-decimal numbering(1,2,3), FrameMaker imports it as (3.1, 3.2,..).
    This issue has been resolved.
    When you save an inline image as .doc in Acrobat6 and import this word file in FrameMaker, FrameMaker enlarges the graphics on import.
    This issue has been resolved.
    When you have an user defined variable in the frame document as well as the template, you save this document as XML and open the XML file again in frame, the template definition overrides that of the document.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Full license number is displayed in the Help>About FrameMaker 7.0 screen.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Full license number is displayed in the FrameMaker 7.0 Splash screen.
    This issue has been resolved.
    If you zoom or move frames after importing a graphic in FrameMaker, Framemaker logs out the user from Unix machine.
    This issue has been resolved.
    If a frame document displays images from the reference page and you simultaneously open multiple such documents, then the images from the document opened first can replace the images in the other documents
    This issue has been resolved.
    If you open an XML file locked by some other application, FrameMaker shows a Validation Error dialog box. For this to work, the XML locking feature should not be switched off.
    This issue has been resolved.
    The German version of Online manual xmlcss.pdf has comments in it.
    This issue has been resolved.
    Known Issues
    The printed user guide, on-line help and QRCs will not change between the FrameMaker 7.0 release and FrameMaker 7.1. Certain online manuals will be updated, and a new online supplement will be added to cover user documentation of the new release.
    [Original message from Forrest_F accidentally deleted when Forum re-organized]

    Read this SAP Note - Note 1487853 - SAP NetWeaver MDM 7.1 SP07 Release
    or refer the link
    Similaryly read for SP06 fixes at - http://help.sap.com/saphelp_mdm71/helpdata/en/be/e0048b426b4c20957078b61ec71e46/content.htm
    These links gives you an idea of what all changes are going to come into your new system. So unless you upgrade to SP07 i.e. the latest version and test it in DEV/Sandbox environment you should not plan to move ahead in Production. This is always recommended but there is very less chance that the already working solution will not work as expected after the upgrade.

  • Anyone have list of issues fixed in 8.01?  thanx...

    Hi all (happy holidays)
    Anyone have list of issues fixed in 8.01?
    ps: I'm on a G5 and was hoping that 8.01 runs noticeably better now....
    Message was edited by: S v K

    I'm one of the people that traditionally doesn't experience too many issues with Logic that affect me. However, 8.0.0 and 8.0.1 have many issues that directly affect me, including many MCU handling bugs, screenset handling bugs and quite a few others besides.
    Maybe, like with Logic 7, we'll get to a paid update for 8.1 that finally becomes workable... until then, well, hang on to the sides, it may well get bumpy..!

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 11664: Update ASDoc comments on new MXItemRenderer classes, and fix a broken HTML tag in Range.as

    Revision: 11664
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-11-11 11:42:00 -0800 (Wed, 11 Nov 2009)
    Log Message:
    Update ASDoc comments on new MXItemRenderer classes, and fix a broken HTML tag in Range.as
    QE notes: -
    Doc notes: -
    Bugs: -
    Reviewer: -
    Tests run: - Checkintests
    Is noteworthy for integration: No
    Modified Paths:
        flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/spark/src/mx/controls/dataGridClasses/MXDataGridItemRe nderer.as
        flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/spark/src/mx/controls/treeClasses/MXTreeItemRenderer.a s

    Revision: 11664
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-11-11 11:42:00 -0800 (Wed, 11 Nov 2009)
    Log Message:
    Update ASDoc comments on new MXItemRenderer classes, and fix a broken HTML tag in Range.as
    QE notes: -
    Doc notes: -
    Bugs: -
    Reviewer: -
    Tests run: - Checkintests
    Is noteworthy for integration: No
    Modified Paths:
        flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/spark/src/mx/controls/dataGridClasses/MXDataGridItemRe nderer.as
        flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/spark/src/mx/controls/treeClasses/MXTreeItemRenderer.a s

  • Can you accelerate depreciation on a whole class of fixed assets ?

    Can you accelerate depreciation on a whole class of Fixed Assets, so that they are written down to final Residual Value in one go?

    Hi Simon,
    I know this reply is 6 years since your question but none the less, let me try and help resolve the query.
    There are options of manual depreciation and write downs but they are for individual assets.
    If there is a legal change that necessitates accelerated depreciation after a certain number of years, you may configure a new depreciation key having a multi-level method that can help here.
    If the number of years of life for the asset class in question is not the same for all assets, you can configure two phases in the depreciation key. The phase changeover can be done using the standard options provided by SAP or by using the custom changeover methods using BADI or Exit depending on what business functions are activated in your system.

  • Is WiFi connection issue fix with IPAD3

    Is WiFi connection / Dis Connection issue fix with IPAD3

    Look at iOS Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections  http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1398
    iPad: Issues connecting to Wi-Fi networks  http://support.apple.com/kb/ts3304
    iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points  http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4199
    Additional things to try.
    Try this first. Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off (disconnect power cord) the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
    Go to Settings>Wi-Fi and turn Off. Then while at Settings>Wi-Fi, turn back On and chose a Network.
    Change the channel on your wireless router. Instructions at http://macintoshhowto.com/advanced/how-to-get-a-good-range-on-your-wireless-netw ork.html
    Another thing to try - Go into your router security settings and change from WEP to WPA with AES.
    How to Quickly Fix iPad 3 Wi-Fi Reception Problems
    If none of the above suggestions work, look at this link.
    iPad Wi-Fi Problems: Comprehensive List of Fixes
    Fix iPad Wifi Connection and Signal Issues  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwWtIG5jUxE
    Unable to Connect After iOS Update - saw this solution on another post.
    Note - When troubleshooting wifi connection problems, don't hold your iPad by hand. There have been a few reports that holding the iPad by hand, seems to attenuate the wifi signal.
    If any of the above solutions work, please post back what solved your problem. It will help others with the same problem.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Singleton class issue

    I have a singleton class. A method in this class creates an array of structures. This class is shared across different process. So there is a chance that some one unknowigly calls the method to create the array of structures and hence the member variable may now points to another array of structure.
    Is there any way in Java to restict invoking of a function only once.
    A static variable with a check will solve this issue, but any other method so that calling of method itself becomes invalid to avoid RT usage?.

    I think, I understood know.
    You want to have a singleton holding a defined number of other objects (your arrays).
    This objects (your arrays) are semantically singletons itsself, because they should be constructed only once and than reused.
    Assuming I interpreted right, see my comments inline below.
    I know that who ever participate in this discussion is
    pretty sure about singleton class. Some of the code
    what I gave was irretating as Martin pointed out. So
    let me try to give more transparent code snippet,Thanks, that helped.
    My aim :- I need a global object which is going to
    hold some arrays(data structures). This should be
    shared across various threads. (forget about the
    synchronousation part here). All these arrays won't be
    of same size, so I need methods for each
    datastructures to initialise to its required size.That's a little bit part of your problem, see below.
    My wayforward :- Create the global object as
    singleton. This object has methods for initialising
    different data structures.OK, fine.
    What is my doubt :- please see the following code
    public class Singleton {
    private Singleton singleton;
    private Singleton() {
    public static Singleton getInstance() {
    if (singleton == null) {
    singleton = new Singleton();
    return singleton;
    //other methods for the class
    private someObjType1 myArray1 = null;
    private someObjType2 myArray2 = null;
    private someObjType3 myArray3 = null; // etc....This "smells" like an candidate for another data structure, so that you don't have a fixed number of array.
    // Associate class of array elements (someObjTypeX) as keys with arrays of someObjTypeX
    private Map arrayMap = new HashMap();>
    public void CreateArray1(int size) {
    if (myArray1 == null) {
    myArray1 = new someObjType1[size];
    }Using the map, you create array should look like
    public void CreateArray(Class clazzOfArrayElem, int size)
      Object arr = arrayMap.get(clazzOfArrayElem)
      if(arr == null)
        arr = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(clazzOfArrayElem, size);
        arrayMap.put(clazzOfArrayElem, arr);
    }Additionally the "ugliness" of this method results from the problem, that don't know the size of arrays at compile time.
    So it seem to be preferable to use a dynamic structure like a Vector instead of array. Then you don't have the need to pass the size in the accessor method.
    Then you can use a "cleaner" accessor method like
    public Vector getVector(Class clazzOfArrayElem)
      Vector vec = arrayMap.get(clazzOfArrayElem)
      if(vec == null)
        vec = new Vector();
        arrayMap.put(clazzOfArrayElem, vec); 
    return vec;
    }If you want to expose an array oriented interface f.e. for type safety you can have an accessor like
    public Object[] getAsArray(Class clazzOfArrayElem)
      Vector vec = arrayMap.get(clazzOfArrayElem)
      if(vec == null)
        vec = new Vector();
        arrayMap.put(clazzOfArrayElem, vec);
      arr = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(clazzOfArrayElem, 0);
      return (Object[])vec.toArray(arr);
    // Real typesafe accessors as needed following
    public SomeClass1[] getAsArrayOfSomeClass1()
      return (SomeClass1[])getAsArray(SomeClass1.class);
    /.....This accessor for array interface have the additional advantage, that they return a copy of the data (only the internal arrays, no the object within the arrays!), so that a least a client using your class doesn't have access to your internal data (with the Vector he has).
    // similarly for other data structures...
    So here CreateArray1 method will work fine because of
    the check myArray1 == null.
    Actual question :- Can I remove this check and
    restrick call to CreateArray1 more than one time ?.No. As I understood you want to have something like a "only-use-once-method". There is no such thing in Java I know of.
    But I don't see the need to remove this check. Reference comparison should have no real impact to the performance.
    this is going to benifit me for some other cases
    Hope this helps.

  • CS3 issues fixed in CS4?

    Have the following issues in CS3 been fixed in CS4:
    (Note: a few of these I've found already in the forum, but I am including an all comprehensive list anyway).
    1. Self resizing title pane.
    2. Still tiff image import incorrectly interpreted as an image sequence.
    3. Crash when exporting timeline directly to encore for disc burning.
    4. Audible clicks at audio edit points in final render.
    5. Missing shortcut menu items.
    6. Crash on rendering directly to cineform HD file (vs. AVI with cineform as compressor).
    7. Crash on rendering tiff images when more than one layer of images overlaps, (work around is to render images as video clips and replace - a pain).
    In the past three years I've upgraded three times and I'm getting tired of drinking the cool-aide.

    I agree that moving AME to standalone was a good decision. But I've been cntl-shift-Ming frames for years. Handing that chore off to a separate application is like swatting flies with a canon.
    How does CS4 handle single tiff images? I render animations as image sequences and edit in CS3. It's no issue if I import those sequences as image sequences (selecting the image sequence checkbox). However, CS3 treats single image files from sequences as single frame video clips. I have to copy the image to a separate folder and re-import.
    The bigger issue is that I'm fed up with three complete upgrades and have not had any significant improvement. I recall having better results and smoother workflows with CS 1.3.1.
    I'm only two projects left open on CS3, then I have to make a serious decision and maybe demo that Studio 2 package my local mac vendor has been bugging me to do.

  • Are ATI graphics issues fixed in Leopard 10.5.1 -- ?

    I haven't downloaded 10.5.1 yet and installed it on either of my machines. Can anyone with an ATI card (preferably a 9600, X1900 or X800 XT) confirm that the graphics issues we've identified in previous threads, have been fixed?
    Please do tell.

    The latest software update Apple Imac Graphics Firmware Update 1.0 has deemed my new Mid 2007 2.8 Ghz 24" iMac does not need updating. Normally I would not worry too much about this, as I have in fairness only suffered a few freezes which required a restart by switching the iMac off. However uncertainty is not good when you're entrusting a lot of important data to your computer.
    I have definitely had the occasional freeze as described by others; admittedly this was mainly using 10.4.10. I also had the screen corruption in the area of cover flow within iTunes.
    It seems more stable since upgrading to Leopard.
    What concerns me is not knowing exactly what the latest firmware is correcting and why this isn't necessary for all new Mid 2007 iMacs?
    I'm sure it would be comforting for all new iMac owners to know they can be certain how and why their new iMac is definitely not affected?
    Does anyone know why only some particular new iMacs are deemed in need of this firmware update?
    Please, please Apple issue a statement to clear up all the confusion about this issue, this will stop your loyal supporters from worrying unnecessarily?
    Mike (Version 1.0)

  • Are battery drain issues fixed in 6.1.3?

    I realize it only came out a few hours ago, but can anyone confirm if the Exchange bug that wasn't completely fixed in 6.1.2, and/or the iCloud Document Sync over cellular were fixed in 6.1.3?

    Good evening all,
         I too am an Apple Developer and have been messing with these devices for a while.  I can attest that 6.0.1 was the most stable and efficient iOS v6 I used.  I have a 4S and a 5, both ran 6.0.1 until the "exchange bug" was fixed.  I am sorry I upgraded my 5, because I see significant battery drain issues with or without Exchange configured.  I have restored from DFU, Reset All settings, turned on and off all settings, etc (every trick on the forums)  I test and tune for a living and clients complain to me and ask for a fix, so I do the best I can. My 4S with the SAME configuration as my 5, lasts FOREVER!  When a phone works perfect, and one "upgrades" software and sees problems, 100% is related to the software, not hardware.  Unless the software is not compatible with the hardware, then I would make the safe bet and say the software is the culprit, def an Apple realted issue IMO.
         The reason for Apple to change the software on devices is because it changes how the hardware functions.  Without software, our hardware would be nothing more than paper weights.  Working with software for years I know its hard to get it perfect for millions of users.  Apple has their work cut out for them.  I don't expect perfection, but it would be nice to build on a good foundation.  I thought they finally turned the corner with 6.0.1 but 6.1.2 is a painful reality for people whom truly rely on their mobile devices.  Have faith, because 6.1.3 from a restore from a "new phone" has been working smoother for myself..so far.

  • Speed Issues Fixed In 9.1.2

    Lost all my thumbnails updating to iPhoto 9.1.2 but rebuilding the thumbnail database solved the problem. Best of all, the speed issues are finally gone in iPhoto 9.1.2. Opening the application is way faster again (2 seconds as opposed to 12 seconds or more). Scrolling is way faster again. Can't believe it took this long for Apple to fix this mess. Nevertheless, iPhoto '11 feels like iPhoto '09 once again. Thanks Apple.

    Lost all my thumbnails updating to iPhoto 9.1.2 but rebuilding the thumbnail database solved the problem. Best of all, the speed issues are finally gone in iPhoto 9.1.2. Opening the application is way faster again (2 seconds as opposed to 12 seconds or more). Scrolling is way faster again. Can't believe it took this long for Apple to fix this mess. Nevertheless, iPhoto '11 feels like iPhoto '09 once again. Thanks Apple.

  • Driver issue FIXED in Vista / boot camp with new, unibody macbook pro!!

    Hay people, I found a fix for the freezing issues with Vista running in Boot camp with the new, unibody Macbook pros. The driver for the 9600M Gt is no good if you install it from the Apple 2.1 version driver disc (Mac osx disc)for some (most) of us.
    I needed to go to Nvidia's site and download the one from DECEMBER 08. If you click the "download drivers" tab on the site, scroll past the current driver it wants you to look at (go to the near bottom of page), click the archives, and input your OS version. Also input "Gforce" and "M" series when needed. It will give you a choice of two drivers. DO NOT CHOOSE THE FEB 09 Driver. Thats the BAD driver for most of us. Choose the DECEMBER 08 driver. Download and enjoy. Be sure to roll back the VGA driver (or the current driver) first before you install this. It should work.
    I've been through the ringer with this for weeks now and have even tried to take my MBP back to swap for a new one. Apple wont have any of that so I thought I was SOL. Not quite. This DOES work for me with Vista. It also works for Windows & if you have it handy.
    By the way, I am posting this for people who HAVE HAD THE FREEZING problems, not for people who haven't. Apparently there are some out there who are running Vista just fine on their unibody MBS's. Most of us are not.
    Cheer's-----Seattle, where the evil empire looms dark

    This never worked. I sold that machine and got a new 17" unibody. IT, by the way, works just fine. I KNEW it was that **** 15'. It took 30 more seconds to boot up I found out also.

  • C2D Display issues fixed with new Logic board. READ before this is deleted!

    While searching on Google for answers regarding logic board problems, I found an interesting MacFixIt article. Unfortunately I'm not sure how many of you read it because I could only access it now through Googles cache.
    From the article:
    We continue to report on an issue where their MacBook Pro Core 2 Duo (Late 2006) displays flicker or suffer from appearance of horizontal distortion lines. This issue is reminiscent of a problem that plagued some iBook G4s, generally resolved by logic board replacement.
    It now appears that Apple is replacing specific parts to remedy this issue, though a parts shortage problem may be causing delays. It also appears that this issue is not directly related to any defect in the display, as that is not the part being replaced in most cases. Instead, the logic board seems to be implicated.
    I hope this may be of some assistance to those of you suffering screen problems.
    As to this post being removed, well two of my threads regarding my logic board problems (core duo) were removed. Another thread regarding a possible delay in MBP C2D because of screen issues was removed yesterday. So read and reply quickly.
    MacBook Pro 15" 2GHz, 2GB, Week 28 (being fixed)   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   AMD Desktop 2.1GHz, 512MB, WinXP (SP1)

    can u explain me what is the MLB? is it the motherboard?
    because i have video issue, sometimes i can see horizontal distortion line like you can see at these links:
    btw, i clicked on your google cache link but the pix and video were deleted from the site....
    do you have any idea what kind of video issue i have?

  • Is the 15,4" MBP graphics issue fixed? (9600M)

    Is the graphics issue with the 9600M card fixed on the Macbook Pro 15,4"'s that are being sold now?
    I'm planning on upgrading from a white macbook 2,1 (with Intel GMA950 graphics) to get better graphics and a bigger screen, but I don't want it to break down due to some hardware error.
    Message was edited by: Macuser1234

    Apple say the problem machines were produced between approximately May 2007 and September 2008 and that newer models are OK ...

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