CPU and HD performance

Creating new templates in 8 (which is very easy to do), seem to have much better performance, at least what is shown in CPU and HD monitor window.
Old templates from 7 show very high jumping HD activities.
Maybe people with "disk too slow" problems should give this a try.

I don't use raid but think there's a NV Raid Manager you should have in windows.
have a look at the nvidia site in the downloads section.
there are stacks of utilities for benchmarking includinfg cPU & hdrives.
HdTach - you'll need to verify that Hdtach works with raid.
Hot CPU Tester

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    I've been looking for a similar topic here but after a while I didn't find anything similar.
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    +is it normal?+
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  • Performance issue with high CPU and IO

    Hi guys,
    I am encountering huge user response time on a production system and I don’t know how to solve it.
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    In the trace file the huge time we had it in fetch area: 9.1s cpu and elapsed 9.2.
    And no or very small waits for this specific SQL.
    it seems like the bottle neck is on the CPU but at that point there were very few processes running on the DB. Why can we have such a big cpu wait on a simple select? This is a machine with 128 cores. We have quicker responses on machines smaller/busier than this.
    We noticed that we had a huge db_cache_size (12G) and after we scale it down we noticed some improvements but not enough. How can I prove that there is a link between high CPU and big cache_size? (there was not wait involved in SQL execution). what can we do in the case we need big DB cache size?
    The second issue is that I tried to execute an sql on a big table (FTS on a big table. no join). Again on that smaller machine it runs in 30 seconds and on this machine it runs in 1038 seconds.
    Also generated a trace for this SQL on the problematic machine:
    call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
    Parse        1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Execute      1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Fetch        1    402.08    1038.31    1842916    6174343          0           1
    total        3    402.08    1038.32    1842916    6174343          0           1
      db file sequential read                     12419        0.21         40.02
      i/o slave wait                             135475        0.51        613.03
      db file scattered read                     135475        0.52        675.15
      log file switch completion                      5        0.06          0.18
      latch: In memory undo latch                     6        0.00          0.00
      latch: object queue header operation            1        0.00          0.00
    ********************************************************************************The high CPU is present here also but here I have huge wait on db file scattered read.
    Looking at the session with the select the AWG_wait for db scattered read was 0.5. on the other machine it is like 0.07.
    I though this is an IO issue. I did some IO tests at SO level and it seems like the read and writes operation are very fast…much faster than the machine that has the awg_wait smaller. Why the difference in waits?
    One difference between these two DBs is that the problem one has the db block size = 16k and the other one has 8k.
    I received some reports done at OS level on CPU and IO usage on the problematic machine (in normal operations). It seems like the CPU is very used and the IO stays very low.
    On the other machine, the smaller and the faster one, it is other way around.
    What is the problem here? How can I test further? Can I link the high CPU to low/slow IO?
    we have 10G on sun os with ASM.
    Thanks in advance.

    Yes, there are many things you can and should do to isolate this. But first check MOS Poor Performance With Oracle9i and 10g Releases When Using Dynamic Intimate Shared Memory (DISM) [ID 1018855.1] isn't messing you up to start.
    Also, be sure and post exact patch levels for both Oracle and OS.
    Be sure and check all your I/O settings and see what MOS has to say about those.
    Are you using ASSM? See Long running update
    Since it got a little better with shrinking the SGA size, that might indicate (wild speculation here, something like) one of the problems is simply too much thrashing within the SGA, as oracle decides "small" objects being full scanned in memory is faster than range scans (or whatever) from disk, overloading the cpu, not allowing the cpu to ask for other full scans from I/O. Possibly made worse by row level locking, or some other app issue that just does too much cpu.
    You probably have more than one thing wrong. High fetch count might mean you need to adjust the array size on the clients.
    Now that that is all out of the way, if you still haven't found the problem, go through http://oracle-randolf.blogspot.com/2009/02/basic-sql-statement-performance.html
    Edit: Oh, see Solaris 10 memory management conflicts with Automatic PGA Memory Management [ID 460424.1] too.
    Edited by: jgarry on Nov 15, 2011 1:45 PM

  • GPU/CPU Temps and Graphics Performance Questions

    I am also experiencing some similar oddities with my 15in UMBP. As background on my setup I am running 10.5.7 (the problem began before the update) and I work in an air-conditioned office with a cooling pad for my frequently "toasty" MBP. I have noticed that my temps are significantly higher while running on the NVIDIA 9600M GT vs. the 9400M, and also I use iStat to monitor my system.
    Here's the problems. With only Mail, iChat, Safari 4, and iTunes running (87-93% idle) I frequently see temps hit 150-155 F for the GPU 145-150 F for the CPU. While running on the 9400 with the same applications (87-92% idle) I see temps from 90-95 F for both GPU and CPU. When I had first gotten my MBP I used it mostly with Aperture 2 and I thought it was strange that I couldn't tell the difference in performance between the 9600 and the 9400. Later I tried to use it from time to time in Win XP (bootcamp) for gaming, but it would get so hot that i could hardly touch the keyboard and the graphics performance wasn't nearly what i thought it should be. In fact I was only able to run games slightly better than on my company provided Dell Inspiron D620 (old POS). On the Mac side I tried to test out the performance of my GPU by setting the graphics in X-plane just to the point that with the 9600M GT enabled the program wouldn't tell me that I had too many graphics options turned on. After getting that dialed in I switched over to try it with the 9400 and the performance was nearly identical, and maybe even a little better... I'm not a genius when it comes to computers by any means. I don't know very much about what kind of performance I should be seeing from these two cards, but I would think that the 9600 would greatly out perform the 9400.
    Any feedback or advice would be greatly appreciated

    I used istat pro to get the temperatures and fan speeds. You can download it free here:
    I turned it on a few hours ago and the temperature of one of the cores reached 70 degrees C and the fan speeds all went up to around 3000 rpm. I'm just going to leave it off for now and take it in to get serviced. Only problem is I have to make an appointment and who knows how long it will take to get it in. Hope it works out for you.

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  • AUDIODG.EXE hogging 80-100% of CPU and sound not working in Vista . . .

    I posted this on a Microsoft Answers Forum but none of the techs or people reading have been able to help so far.  I'm dying to get to the bottom of this:
    Here is my computer:
    MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum
    AMD Athlon 64 3000+
    2GB RAM
    500GB WD HDD in external enclosure via USB2
    NEC ND-3520A 16X DVD±RW Dual Layer DVD Burner
    LG CD Burner
    I've been using Vista Home Premium successfully for some time.  Recently, not too long after I did a clean wipe of my OS, my audio would stop working.  The way it would happen is that everything would work fine until I started iTunes or another audio application and when I would hit play, things would lock up.
    Upon inspection of my system resources, I'm noticing that the audio platform for Vista, via the audiodg.exe, is using close to 100% of my CPU resources, even when the computer is making no sound at all.
    I've had a Sound Blaster Live! card in my computer for some time but I was not using it; I use the Realtek AC'97 audio drivers that are on my motherboard instead.  I thought that the conflict may be the computer wanting to recognize my Sound Blaster, so I took it out of my computer but the problem seems to be worse.
    Are there any BIOS setting that need to be adjusted for my sound to start working again?
    I'm very reliant on the audio processing power of my computer (I'm in the radio industry, part-time) and this is a huge drag on my productivity.
    Any tips would be much appreciated.
    REPLY #1:
    Thank you for using Microsoft Answers forum.  I suggest going to the manufacture of your sound card and download the latest drivers and install them.
    Good suggestion.  The problem is this:
    I am running on-board audio.  I have an MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum motherboard which runs "Realtek ALC Series AC97 Audio Driver" and there is no version for Vista. They have a version for Windows 2K/XP and one for Windows XP 64bit.
    Should I use on of those and if not, then what?
    UPDATE (from me):
    I took a chance and found a Realtek AC'97 driver for Vista.
    I went to install it and the install hung.  So, I closed one of the install windows and then the InstallShield app continued like it was working.  So, I hit "Restart my computer".  Well, the reboot hung too.  So, I reset the PC manually.
    When the computer came back up, the sound worked.  Hard to tell if this will fix it for good but it's promising.  Chaotic.  Unpredictable.  Annoying.
    REPLY #2:
    Before you tried updating drivers, did you try rebooting 1st?
    I'm just trying to determine if rebooting your system is what resolved the issue - thank you
    UPDATE II (from me):
    My computer is behaving the same way it was before.  AUDIODG.EXE taking up 80-100% of my CPU and the sound not working.
    Any other ideas?

    Small update: Despite my intelligence, good looks and vast experience I use Google sometimes. To my surprise this file turns out to be a Windows one. Here is someone who is much happier, and since it is some way in my line of thinking I'll quote it, but you might take my previous advice as well:
    "- Open up msconfig.exe > Manage startup programs.
    - Disable ALL Realtek entries
    - Close msconfig.exe
    - Right-click on the speaker icon > Audio devices > Speakers (properties)
    - Go to the enhancements tab
    - Check the box to disable all audio enhancements
    - Close the menu
    - Right-click on the speaker icon > Recording devices
    - Disable all your microphones (yeah..., the actual problem seems to come
    from voice inputs rendering..)
    - Close the menu
    - Restart your computer"

  • Safari hangs and poor performance in MBPR (Mid 2012)

    Safari hangs and poor performance in MBPR (Mid 2012)? OS X 10.10.2 is up to date

    Please answer as many of the following questions as you can. You may already have answered some of them. In that case, there's no need to repeat the answers.
    Back up all data before making any changes.
    Have you restarted your router and your broadband device (if they're separate) since you first noticed the problem? If not, do that now and see whether there's any change.
    If your browser is Safari, then from the Safari menu bar, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Privacy ▹ Remove All Website Data
    and confirm. If the Downloads button (with the icon of a downward-pointing arrow) is showing in the toolbar, click it and then click Clear in the box that appears. The download history will be removed. Any change?
    If you're running OS X 10.9 or later, select the Advanced tab in the Preferences window and uncheck the box marked
              Stop plug-ins to save power
    Any change?
    Quit and relaunch the browser. Any change?
    Enable guest logins* and log in as Guest. Don't use the Safari-only “Guest User” login created by “Find My Mac.”
    While logged in as Guest, you won’t have access to any of your documents or settings. Applications will behave as if you were running them for the first time. Don’t be alarmed by this behavior; it’s normal. If you need any passwords or other personal data in order to complete the test, memorize, print, or write them down before you begin.
    Test while logged in as Guest. Same problem?
    After testing, log out of the guest account and, in your own account, disable it if you wish. Any files you created in the guest account will be deleted automatically when you log out of it.
    *Note: If you’ve activated “Find My Mac” or FileVault, then you can’t enable the Guest account. The “Guest User” login created by “Find My Mac” is not the same. Create a new account in which to test, and delete it, including its home folder, after testing.
    Are any other web browsers installed, and are they the same? What about other Internet applications, such as iTunes and the App Store?
    If other browsers and Internet applications are also affected, follow these instructions and test. Any change?
    If Parental Controls is active for any user, please turn it off and test. Any change?
    If only Safari is affected, launch the Activity Monitor application and enter "web" (without the quotes) in the search box. If a process named "Safari Web Content" is shown in red or is using more than about 5% of a CPU, select it and force it to quit by clicking the X or Quit Process button in the toolbar of the window. There may be more than one such process. Any improvement?
    Follow the instructions in this support article. Any change?
    Open the iCloud preference pane and uncheck the box marked Photos, if it's checked. Any change?
    Are there any other devices on the same network that can browse the Web, and are they affected?
    If you can test Safari on another network, is it the same there?
    If you connect to your router with Wi-Fi and you can also connect with Ethernet, do that and turn off Wi-Fi. Any difference?

  • MSI GS60 Ghost Pro Golden Edition - A Combination of Stylish and High Performance.

     I have no idea who can say no to this shining and charming beauty....
    The BackStory
        When I studied at graduate school, I bought my first laptop, Asus F3J, of my life and brought it to school everyday. Actually it was a 2.9kg around laptop for gaming and I felt like carry a heavy brick. It was quite inconvient and kind of suffer for a person like me who was not doing fitness. After I graduated from school and was being a member of society, I decided to find a  laptop that was much lighter and easier to bright to work. Toshiba R830 was what I chose, but this time, the performance of playing some hardcore game wasn’t good enough since it doesn’t have a discrete graphics card.
    I started to believe there is a trade off between perforamnce and weight of laptop with these two experience. Until one day, I came across with MSI GS60 Ghost Pro at Computex 2014, it was a notebook weigh just around 2kg and uncompromising with high performance. In more detail, It had core I7 CPU、High-end GTX graphics card and two 256MB SSD within it. From that day, I know it is the notebook am looking for, it is a note book I can bring to work and also play game at home. Furthermore, MSI is going to issue the limited Golden edition of it around the end of year, it gave me one more reason to buy this “good stuff”, because both me and my girl think gold is the most fashion color in recent year, just like iphone. So that is the backstory, now i just have the golden one and is going to unbox it for you.
    The Main Specification
    MSI GS60 Ghost Pro 2QE Golden Edition:
    •   CPU: Core i7-4710HQ (2.5GHz – 3.5GHz)
    •   OS: Windows 8.1
    •   Display: 15.6″ WQHD+, IPS (2880*1620)
    •   Memory Supplied: 16G 2*8GB DDR3L 1600
    •   Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX970M GDDR5 3GB
    •   Storage: 2 x 256GB M.2 SSD + 1TB 7200RPM HDD
    •   Wireless Lan: Killer 802.11 a/c
    The Unboxing
    It is a really big one, please do drive your car while buying this NB from the shop.
    Inside the main brown shipping box, there are MSI stylish back bag and the a black branded carry case.
    The back back is grey color with good material quality, it also a simple and fashion design which is suitable for young or stylish worker. The sense of touch is also good.
    There are several layers inside the bag, even more, a shock-absorbing laptop sleeve in it. What a surprise!!
    In the big black branded carry case. There are two black box, one is for accessory. One is for the main role “GS60” with sponge to protect it as you can see in the photo.
    Let see the accessory box first, a MSI gaming mouse、a MSI/SteelSeries Flux headset、a keyboard protector and a mouse pad.
    The mouse has red light shining on both side when it connect to the laptop. It’s really a gaiming stuff! We can also see the double braided cord that improved the durability.
    As “+” and “-“ these buttons in the middle of the mouse, user can adjust the sensity of the mouse instantly by these two bottons in the game. No need to waste your time finding the adjument UI within the game. It is such a good benefit for a gamer.
    The Flux headset has ear cushions with mesh-cloth material it let you feel comfortable when wear it. You also can find out the color of the shell beside the headset can be changed, one pair is MSI design in red color, the other one is pure black one.
    It also has a convenient design that the earmuff can be folded, in order to make the headset into a plat one and easy to put in your bag.
    The performance of the headset is high-end and highs that don’t get brittle. About the deep bass, it also quite stunning. Overall, it can make the music carry listener’s heart.
    It deserves you to put it on the top of your gaming headset list.
    Here we open another black box, the GS60 is packaging by the non-woven cloth.
    There are also the power adaptor、power cord and mini displayport to D-sub cable.
    By the way, the power adapter is 25.53 mm thick and 0.52kg. weigh, 19.5V and 7.7A output.
    Moreover, there are instruction manuals、several driver CDs and even two military dog tag with MSI logo, actually I am not a military lover, so I am going to use them as a key ring but not to hang on my neck.
    Finally, let us see a royal-like GS60 Ghost Pro Golden…
    Using Mg-Li alloy as the material, its chasis gains the advantage of both ultra-light and solid.
    According to MSI official website, the idea of design comes from the stealth fighter, so it shows dynamic streamline in its design. Beside the visual effect, it makes you feel comfortable when typing due to the slimmer front edge and solid palm rest. The high gloss finish and bright gold will reflect light, so it change color slightly in different lighting condition. Overall, it delivery supreme visual treat.
    To see a more apparent golden color, I put it on my sofa with yellow background.
    Shinging and charming….
    The fancy muscle curve and hire line surface make it elegant and gorgeous.  
    The shield and the MSI logo, they are delicated design without roughness.
    The black color keycap contrast with the golden chasis apparently.
    The touchpad looks cool as well, the material it made let the surface being anti-skidding and you wont leave your fingerprint on it.
    It has Dynaudio speaker and Steelseries keyboard these two famous brand as it high-end equipment. 4 channel speakers and comfortable tactile keyboard. Moreover, the Graphics card it equiped is GTX 970M,
    One of the lastest high-end Nvidia GTX graphics card. It is the first gaming notebook to equip GTX 970M .No doubt MSI regard themselves as the leader brand of gaming.
    Sound Blaster Cinema 2+Dyanudio, Bravo~~
    Let’s check the connectivity of this beauty.
    No ports but seried of cooling vents at the rear panel,in order to let air flow and palm rest feeling.
    being better.
    The left side of it located the microphone (line out) and headphone (line in) jack, two USB 3.0 ports, the power connector socket and a security port. Also the vent close to the rear panel. The metal golden jack can isolate much more noice and enhance the reality of music as not being distortion.
    The right side of GS60 located an USB 3.0 port, card reader, Mini DisplayPort, HDMI port, and GB LAN (RJ45). GS60 Ghost Pro can support 2 external moniotr with mini display and HDMI port. When playing PRG game, you can use the main one to play game, the other one can show a walkthrough. The last one, you can even use skype or outlook to connect others.
    The front side you can see the LED to show some fuction status. Such as the battary status and bloothtooth has been turned on or not..etc.
    From bottom of this notebook you can see the battery is not removable, I guess the idea probably come from iphone. In fact, I seldomly remove the battery when I using a laptop, unless it really heavy to carry. But this time, GS60 is not heavy, so it wont be a problem to me.
    I used the scaler to measure the actual weight and ruler to see how thin it is, the result cames out 19.95mm thin and 2.1kg weight. Is it really a gaming machine I used to think of?! Such an ultra-book style.
    As I know, all the gaming notebook used to be black and silver color, there are few gaming notebook with others color. MSI this time has find its way to make a breakthrough. Of course, the creative thinking and the adventurous action is what we need in gaming world!!  
    In a word, as you can see from the picture above ,the metallic feel of it is so attractive!!It is the most stylish and creative gaming notebook I have ever seen.
    All of above are the unboxing of hardware part.let’ talk about some function and feature of this treasure.
    Dragan Gaming Center which is preinstalled in this MSI laptop. With this application, you can monitor the status of the important elements in the system. You can also quick start a game or an utility through it.
    Fn+F7="Shift", according to the official website, the key can be used to change the mode of the notebook in 3 status, the default "Sport"mode、"Comfort" mode and "Green mode", it is a adjustment function to control the CPU and GPU workload in order to balance the performance and temperature
    Use "Shift" to switch the mode you prefer.
    Green- System locks both GPU and CPU chip temp.
    Comfort- System locks GPU chip temp and dynamic adjusts the GPU chip temp
    Sport- Defaut and without any control.
    I am not afraid about the high temperature and noise from fans, so I like to use the default one, Sport mode~
    If you are playing a game in the library, please do choose Green mode to keep the fan from being busy.
    The "Shift" is MSI exclusive function, the idea comes from the shifting gear in automobile.
    Here comes another interesting feature, which is called Killer Double Shot Pro.With this function,
    the GB LAN and Wireless LAN act like combined togather and user can acquire the bandwith from both.
    Killer Netwok Manager UI
    This network technology also offers you a smooth background when playing game, because you can set the gaming applications as higher priority to use the bandwith than others. What a bravo feature!!
    The highest resolution of GS60 Ghost Pro is 2880*1620 which is also called 3K,
    as you can see from the screenshot below, when playing game you gain much more visual delight.
    With the HDMI and mini display output, you can enjoy a 1+2 matrix display function.
    With the XSplit Gamecaster preintalled in GS60, you can share your game just in time through live streaming while playing it. however, I won't use this function because I don't wanna share my skill to the others, hahaha~~
    The Steal Series Engine, it is my favorite. You can set the keypress macro、text macro or lauch application just in one key. For example, while playing Leaque of Legend, we always need to press Q、W、E、R、T
    immediately, but with keypress macro function, you can trigger them just in one key. Quite convient, isn't it?
    You can also choose the color you want for the keyboard backlit with Steal Series Egine. This function shows the gaming feature indeed.  
    That's see the multi-color backlit of it. What a show off!!!
    Below is the hardware information showed by Nvidia Experience UI and GPU Z
    GeForce GTX 970M with DDR5 3G and I7-4710HQ!!
    I can't wait to see the 3D MARK 11 P score...
    Here it got P9272 at sport mode. Outstanding!!
    For 3D MARK Fire Strike, it got 6515 at sport mode. I have to say that GS60 Ghost Pro punches above its weight.
    The result of Valley Benchmark 1.0 is below, score 1560 and FPS is 37.3.
    Testing the Call of duty Ghost with FRAPS, while play the game, it goes smoothly and the fps showed at top-left is around 100~200. As you can see the delicated scenery and character there, it seems like act in the reality.
    The sequencial read of these two SSD is 1022MB/s, it features from the Super RAID technology. Applying the RAID 0 technical usually used in server into SSD to make the IOPS much better.
    Take a look at its outward appearance again, bring it oudoor to see its color under natural light.
    I would like to say, the GS60 Ghost Pro Golden is Lamborghini in gaming laptop!! It will be all the rage.

    This year, GTX970M performance is even better than 880M, with GS60's slim design, I can only say the advance of technology is so amazing!!!

  • How to kill Forms Runaway Process using 95% CPU and running for 2 hours.

    We had a situation at E-Business Suite customer (using Oracle VM server) where some of Form processes were not being cleared by form timeout settings automatically.
    Also when user exits the form session from front end, the linux form process (PID) and DB session did not exit properly, so they got hung.
    They were spiking CPU and memory usage and causing e-business suite to perform slowely and ultimately causing VM host to reboot the production VM guest (running on Linux).
    We could see the form processes (PIDs) using almost 100% cpu with "top" command and running for a long time.
    Also we verified those Form Sessions did not exist in the application itself.
    ie. Using from Grid Control -> OAM-> Site Map -> Monitoring (tab) -> "Form Sessions".
    It means that we could safely kill that form process from Linux using "kill -9 <PID>" command.
    But that required a continuous monitoring and manual DBA intervention as customer is 24x7 customer.
    So, I wrote a shell script to do the following;
    •     Cron job runs every half an hour 7 days a week which calls this shell script.
    •     Shell script runs and tries to find "top two" f60webmx processes (form sessions) using over 95% cpu with 2 minutes interval.
    •     If no process is found or CPU% is less than 95%, it exits and does nothing.
    •     If top process is found, it searches for its DB session using apps login (with hidden apps password file - /home/applmgr/.pwd).
    a.     If DB session is NOT found (which means form process is hung), it kills the process from unix and emails results to <[email protected]>
    b.     If DB session is found, it waits for 2 hours so that form process times automatically via form session timeout setting.
    It also emails the SQL to check the DB session for that form process.
    c.     If DB session is found and it does not timeout after 2 hours,
    it kills the process from unix (which in turn kills the DB session). Output is emailed.
    This are the files required for this;
    1. Cron job which calls the shell script looks like this;
    # Kill form runaway process, using over 95% cpu having no DB session or DB session for > 2hrs
    00,30 * * * * /home/applmgr/forms_runaway.sh 2>&1
    2. SQL that this script calls is /home/applmgr/frm_runaway.sql and looks like;
    set head off
    set verify off
    set feedback off
    set pagesize 0
    define form_client_PID = &1
    select count(*) from v$session s , v$process p, FND_FORM_SESSIONS_V f where S.AUDSID=f.audsid and p.addr=s.paddr and s.process='&form_client_PID';
    3. Actual shell script is /home/applmgr/forms_runaway.sh and looks like;
    # Author : Amandeep Singh
    # Description : Kills runaway form processes using more than 95% cpu
    # and Form Session with no DB session or DB session > 2hrs
    # Dated : 11-April-2012
    . /home/applmgr/.bash_profile
    PWD=`cat ~/.pwd`
    export PWD
    echo "`date`">/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    echo "----------------------------------">>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    VAR1=`top -b -u applmgr -n 1|grep f60webmx|grep -v sh|grep -v awk|grep -v top|sort -nrk9|head -2|sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//'| awk '{ if ($9 > 95 && $12 = "f60webmx") print $1 " "$9 " "$11 " "$12; }'`
    PID1=`echo $VAR1|awk '{print $1}'`
    CPU1=`echo $VAR1|awk '{print $2}'`
    TIME1=`echo $VAR1|awk '{print $3}'`
    PROG1=`echo $VAR1|awk '{print $4}'`
    PID_1=`echo $VAR1|awk '{print $5}'`
    CPU_1=`echo $VAR1|awk '{print $6}'`
    TIME_1=`echo $VAR1|awk '{print $7}'`
    PROG_1=`echo $VAR1|awk '{print $8}'`
    echo "PID1="$PID1", CPU%="$CPU1", Running Time="$TIME1", Program="$PROG1>>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    echo "PID_1="$PID_1", CPU%="$CPU_1", Running Time="$TIME_1", Program="$PROG_1>>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    echo " ">>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    sleep 120
    echo "`date`">>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    echo "----------------------------------">>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    VAR2=`top -b -u applmgr -n 1|grep f60webmx|grep -v sh|grep -v awk|grep -v top|sort -nrk9|head -2|sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//'| awk '{ if ($9 > 95 && $12 = "f60webmx") print $1 " "$9 " "$11 " "$12; }'`
    PID2=`echo $VAR2|awk '{print $1}'`
    CPU2=`echo $VAR2|awk '{print $2}'`
    TIME2=`echo $VAR2|awk '{print $3}'`
    PROG2=`echo $VAR2|awk '{print $4}'`
    PID_2=`echo $VAR2|awk '{print $5}'`
    CPU_2=`echo $VAR2|awk '{print $6}'`
    TIME_2=`echo $VAR2|awk '{print $7}'`
    PROG_2=`echo $VAR2|awk '{print $8}'`
    HRS=`echo $TIME1|cut -d: -f1`
    exprHRS=`expr "$HRS"`
    echo "PID2="$PID2", CPU%="$CPU2", Running Time="$TIME2", Program="$PROG2>>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    echo "PID_2="$PID_2", CPU%="$CPU_2", Running Time="$TIME_2", Program="$PROG_2>>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    echo " ">>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    # If PID1 or PID2 is NULL
    if [ -z ${PID1} ] || [ -z ${PID2} ]
    echo "no top processes found. Either PID is NULL OR CPU% is less than 95%. Exiting...">>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    # If PID1 is equal to PID2 or PID1=PID_2 or PID_1=PID2 or PID_1=PID_2
    [ ${PID1} -eq ${PID2} ] || [ ${PID1} -eq ${PID_2} ] || [ ${PID_1} -eq ${PID2} ] || [ ${PID_1} -eq ${PID_2} ];
    DB_SESSION=`$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus -S apps/$PWD @/home/applmgr/frm_runaway.sql $PID1 << EOF
    echo " ">>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    echo "DB_SESSION ="$DB_SESSION >>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    # if no DB session found for PID
    if [ $DB_SESSION -eq 0 ] then
    echo " ">>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    echo "Killed Following Runaway Forms Process:">>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------">>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    echo "PID="$PID1", CPU%="$CPU1", Running Time="$TIME1", Program="$PROG1>>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    kill -9 $PID1
    #Email the output
    mailx -s "Killed: `hostname -a` Runaway Form Processes" [email protected] </tmp/runaway_forms.log
    cat /tmp/runaway_forms.log
    # If DB session exists for PID
    if [ ${exprHRS} -gt 120 ]; then
    echo $DB_SESSION "of Database sessions exist for this forms process-PID="$PID1". But its running for more than 2 hours. ">>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    echo "Process running time is "$exprHRS" minutes.">>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    echo "Killed Following Runaway Forms Process:">>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------">>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    echo "PID="$PID1", CPU%="$CPU1", Running Time="$TIME1", Program="$PROG1>>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    kill -9 $PID1
    #Email the output
    mailx -s "`hostname -a`: Runaway Form Processes" [email protected] </tmp/runaway_forms.log
    cat /tmp/runaway_forms.log
    echo "Process running time is "$exprHRS" minutes.">>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    echo $DB_SESSION "of Database sessions exist for PID="$PID1" and is less than 2 hours old. Not killing...">>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    echo "For more details on this PID, run following SQL query;">>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------">>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    echo "set pages 9999 lines 150">>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    echo "select f.user_form_name, f.user_name, p.spid DB_OS_ID , s.process client_os_id,, s.audsid, f.PROCESS_SPID Forms_SPID,">>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    echo "to_char(s.logon_time,'DD-Mon-YY hh:mi:ss'), s.seconds_in_wait">>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    echo "from v\$session s , v\$process p, FND_FORM_SESSIONS_V f">>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    echo "where S.AUDSID=f.audsid and p.addr=s.paddr and s.process='"$PID1"' order by p.spid;">>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    mailx -s "`hostname -a`: Runaway Form Processes" [email protected] </tmp/runaway_forms.log
    cat /tmp/runaway_forms.log
    #if PID1 and PID2 are not equal or CPU% is less than 95%.
    echo "No unique CPU hogging form processes found. Exiting...">>/tmp/runaway_forms.log
    cat /tmp/runaway_forms.log
    If you have the same problem with some other unix and DB processes, the script can be easily modified and used.
    But use this with thorough testing first (by commenting out <kill -9 $PID1> lines.
    Good luck.
    Edited by: R12_AppsDBA on 19/04/2012 13:10

    Thanks for sharing the script!

  • Problem in Server Admin: cpu and network graphs not updated or empty after lion server update

    Just for archive purpouses because i've already solved that!
    After upgrading from OSX Server 10.7 to 10.7.1 my CPU and Network graphs in Server Admin stop being updated.
    In 24h the graphs where blank (disk usage graph seem to keep working).
    First i read about "what is the application responsible for this"; it's called ServerPerfLog, and you can see if it's running that way:
         # ps ax | grep ServerPerf
    If you don't see anything else than your own "grep", that means that no application is running, no data is being collected.
         41324 s000  R+     0:00.00 grep ServerPerf
    A positive response for this (meaning that the service is running) should be something like that (2 lines: your grep and the service app itself):
         94   ??  Ss     0:04.71 /usr/libexec/ServerPerfLog
         41344 s000  R+     0:00.00 grep ServerPerf
    Later i read about "where is the config file for this service app", and you can find it here:
    If you edit this config file, check that the "Key > Disabled" is set to "False"
         # vi /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.ServerPerfLog.plist
    After that, i try to launch the service that updates this graphs again, by hand, performing the following command:
         # sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.ServerPerfLog.plist
    And the service got launch!!! yeeeepa!! i see a first update in graph data.
    Also the "ps" query reply that the service was running!!
    The bad things came a day after, when i saw that the graphs stop again....
    I check if the service was running executing again the "ps" command, and that show me that the service was stopped again; no ServerPerfLog process was running.
    But r e l a x, because the process hang because of a permissions problem.
    You should know, I run "Repair permissions" within "Disk Utilities" over the running system disk, eeee... voila!
    I hope that helps someone to get his fancy graphs back!

    You are God like!!! Wooo hooo! Thanks bud!

  • I downloaded iTunes onto my CPU and deleted it. Now I can't install it again.

    I downloaded iTunes onto my CPU and deleted it soon after. Now I am trying to re-install it, but it says I still have it on my CPU. So I went to the control panel, and there is only one program that was named iTunes, but I could not delete it. How can I delete it, or how can I install iTunes again?                                                      

    I'd try the following document:
    Apple software on Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store
    (If there's a SpeedBit LSP showing up in Autoruns, it's usually best to just uninstall your SpeedBit Video Accelerator.)

  • CPU and NB cooling queries...

    Hello to all...
    I'm wondering if anyone has removed the MSI lightshow heatsink and fan combo from the northbridge chip and put on something else, say like the Zalman NB coolers? I was thinking of the ZM-NB47J cooler but as the mobo has those slots in the board for the hooks rather then holes for punch throughs, i wasn't sure if anyone had got it to work.
    i was thinking that the crossbar from the stock heatsink and fan might be able to work with the Zalman, but wanted to check with other users first.
    As for CPU coolers, i just changed from my Antec Sonata case to a Overture and now my Zalman 6500 cpu heatsink and fan won't work as the fan mounts to the PCI rail and there's not enough height in the case for that. I figure i'll try a 7000 series...but there seem to be mixed answers on whether or not it will fit properly  as the socket isn't centered within the mounting brackets. Any help there would be appriciated.
    Your thoughts, comments, ideas are appriciated.

    Originally posted by Upstart
    So i take it you're happy with the combo of the Zalman 7000, heatpipe on your vid card and the swiftec NB heatsink? I think i might follow suit.
    Yeah, that combo works well for me.  I haven't tried many other cooling options, so there may be better options out there.  There's a new video card heatsink similar to the Zalman with two heatpipes and a Swiftech CPU heatsink with heatpipes.  If I had to do it over again, I'd give those a try.
    If your goal is low noise (like mine), you can't beat the undisputed champion of low-noise CPU heatsinks - the beautiful Heatlane Zen.  I used this heatsink in another PC and it performs quite well.  With a case that moves enough air, the Heatlane Zen is worth a try.

  • Resource estimation/Sizing (i.e CPU and Memory) for Oracle database servers

    I have came across one of the requirement of Oracle database server sizing in terms of CPU and Memory requirement. Has anybody metalink notes or white paper to have basic estimation or calculation for resources (i.e CPU and RAM) on based of database size, number of concurrent connections/sessions and/or number of transactions.
    I have searched lot on metalink but failed to have such, will be great help if anybody has idea on this. I'm damn sure it has to be, because to start with implementation of IT infrastructure one has to do estimation of resources aligned with IT budget.
    Thanks in advance.

    You could start the other way around, if you already have a server is it sufficient for the database you want to run on it? Is there sufficient memory? Is it solely a database server (not shared)? How fast are the disks - SAN/RAID/local disk? Does it have the networking capacity (100mbps, gigabit)? How many CPUs, will there be intensive SQL? How does Oracle licensing fit into it? What type of application that will run on the database - OLTP or OLAP?
    If you don't know if there is sufficient memory/CPU then profile the application based on what everyone expects, again, start with OLTP or OLAP and work your way down to the types of queries/jobs that will be run, number of concurrent users and what performance you expect/require. For an OLAP application you may want the fastest disks possible, multiple CPUs and a large SGA and PGA (2-4GB PGA?), pay a little extra for parallel server and partitioning in license fees.
    This is just the start of an investigation, then you can work out what fits into your budget.
    Edited by: Stellios on Sep 26, 2008 4:53 PM

  • Are calls available to get CPU and database cost

    We are trying to get performance information for each ABAP call made through a web service. The call goes like this: web method calls ABAP method and returns back to web method.  We are interested in the CPU and database cost within the ABAP method and we want to be able to get the cost via a performance call, not through SE30 or SE12.  We want to return that information back to the web method so that we have full round trip metrics, i.e. ABAP costs and web method costs tied together.  I looked at some function modules starting with TH_* and SAPWL*, but it is not obvious whether any or these would work or which to use.

    Andy Goerdel wrote:
    > We are trying to get performance information for each ABAP call made through a web service. The call goes like this: web method calls ABAP method and returns back to web method.  We are interested in the CPU and database cost within the ABAP method and we want to be able to get the cost via a performance call, not through SE30 or SE12.  We want to return that information back to the web method so that we have full round trip metrics, i.e. ABAP costs and web method costs tied together.  I looked at some function modules starting with TH_* and SAPWL*, but it is not obvious whether any or these would work or which to use.
    > Thanks,
    > Andy
    Hello Andy,
    if I understand you right, you want to collect this information at the very end of the ABAP method and store it somewhere or deliver back with the results?
    Please check if the function TH_WP_DETAIL_INFO helps you. You just need to know the work process number. And look at the DIAREC structure of the function module.

  • Need info about CPU and HDD for Tecra 8200

    Hi Guys im new and have just bought the above laptop. However i want a faster CPU and bigger Harddrive (10GIG at the mo after 40 GIG if possible) and my CPU is Intel Pentium III 750MHZ. Please could someone point me in the right direction of where i can get a 40 gig h/drive for the right sort of money and what is the fastest / suggest CPU i can get / go for.
    Thanks for your help .

    The fact is that the Tecra 820 was delivered with different CPUs:
    PIII-M (Mobile) 750MHz;
    PIII-M (Mobile) 850MHz;
    PIII-M (Mobile) 900MHz;
    PIII-M (Mobile) 1.0GHz
    In this case the fastest CPU which you can use is a PIII 1GhZ.
    However the CPU changing is not easy and you should change anything if you have no experience.
    Important: You will loose the warranty if you open the notebook.
    Furthermore in my opinion you need also a high performance cooling module because the new CPU will produce more warmness.
    I have also found a information that this unit was delivered with 10GB; 20GB; 30GB HDDs. I think you will have no problems to use a 40GB HDD. The compatible one you can order from the Toshiba service partner.

Maybe you are looking for