CPU Meter?

Where do you start that from a menu selection? I had to open up LE7.2 to find the key combination, but I don't see it in any of the menus for L8.
Asylum Studio Productions

Right (control) click on the transport bar at the bottom. Select "customize transport bar" from the pop up menu and you'll find a whole host of options included the CPU meter. Hope this helps.

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    I only see 1 load-bar in the transport CPU-meter. Its amplitude is the amplitude of the heaviest used core, but there also is a thin yellow line within the one bar showing the average load over all cores (I think).
    Message was edited by: Eriksimon

  • CPU meter on logic. Showing only one part.

    Hey again.
    I've noticed the CPU meter shows 6 separate meters, although they all show some use, the lowermost one appears to be doing the most work, and from time to time maxes out,especially when bouncing. Could I be sacrificing performance?

    Well I only have a quad core.
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    is there a way to tweak the config so that LP8 uses both cores equally?
    Thanks in advance..

    This has been a very hot topic. If you search around you'll find tons of threads talking about the dreaded core overload message, and along with that is discussion about the issue if processor distribution.
    The short answer is no, you can't do anything to spread it more evenly. Even though Logic can use multiple cores, each individual plug-in will only use one so a processor heavy plug will cause one to peak like that.
    If it's not cause real issues even though it's going in the red, don't worry too much about it. It sounds like for you it's causing clicks and pops, so here are some things to try:
    Make sure your Airport card is OFF
    Increase the buffer.
    Set the 'Process Buffer Range' to LARGE.
    Try with both the I/O Safety Buffer ON and OFF. People are reporting varying different things with this setting, but for me it will KILL my performance.
    Good Luck!

  • RE: Ideacentre K430 Power Control Switch (need the original cpu meter)

    Dear Lenovo,
    I buyed this desktop, and it worked well...BUT!... ->
    I reinstalled (full HDD format) the Windows 7, and deleted my backup (recovery?) partition. When i finished the installing of Windows 7, the power control switch doesn't work anymore and the CPU meter has gone. Installed all drivers, downloaded from lenovo.com but there is no software for Power Control Switch and Cpu meter.
    Here is the manual, - i need this funktion. <<<<< LINK
    You should upload (or make) a software for power control switch with the original CPU meter.
    You should support the users!

    Do you have W7 64 bit OS.  If so, I can help.

  • CPU meter overload/clicks

    I just got a mac pro quad and Logic 8. Spent a week learning the differences vs. L7 and G5 and building my template (multi-instruments slowed me down).
    I just recorded 8 tracks wih MOTU MSI, and when I switched to a big reverb (cathedral in MSI), I got static. I opened CPU performance meter (right sie of transport bar, and the first three bars stayed down at 0, but the fourth bar was in the red. When I got rid of th reverb, the static went away, and the bar came down to 40%.
    Can someone tell me how the mac pro/Logic knows to send processing tasks across all 4 processors?
    My template has BFD, MSI, RMX, 16 audio tracks, multiple plug ins, channel strips, and 5 auxes for verbs and mosulation. So I'll need more than one of the 4 processors.

    There is a battery indicator at the top of the screen (Settings > General > Battery Percentage 'on'). There is not a built-in 'cpu meter' - try searching for 'cpu meter' or 'system info' in the app store to see if there any apps that do what you want.

  • Logic cpu meter spike while recording / monitoring?

    Hey, I just checked Logic's internal CPU meter, and noticed something quite weird is happening.
    I have only ever had one overload message, which I think was caused by changing a BFD2 setting, so the fact Logic believes that it's maxing out one of my cores confuses me a little more.
    Anyway, in a template project (just unused audio tracks), if I click the record (or the monitor) button, my first core tops out in Logic's meter, but in the activity monitor, little changes, and sometimes even shows the load changing between cores, with Logic still insisting the overloading core is doing the work.
    If I deselect the button, the core returns to no/little load. It doesn't seem to affect Logic's performance, but I'm more than curious about this.
    Anyone have the same thing happen to them, or is there a reason for this?
    Screenshots are here:
    and here:
    Thanks, Ed
    Message was edited by: Ed Davies
    Message was edited by: Ed Davies

    From another post of mine:
    An observation about lopsided CPU behaviour: a reliable source(an AU and hardware developer) remarked the other day that according to his tests all stuff that is on record enabled/monitored tracks can only run in a single thread using the (small) i/o buffer on one CPU.
    This 'real time' CPU can easily be overloaded, while the rest of the CPU's may be idling.
    You can have loads and loads of CPU hungry stuff on tracks that are in playback mode(and that use a large buffer because logic knows what is coming) on an octocore, but for record/monitor enabled tracks the octocore is just as good as a single core/cpu machine with the same specs(CPU speed/cache/RAM speed etc.)
    Haven't tested this myself yet, but is sounds plausible and it would certainly explain some of the trouble I've seen with CPU overtloads.

  • Cpu meter run high even when stopped

    Hi im running logic 9. even when stopped the cpu meter run high, even peaking at times. I have made sure all other apps are closed while running logic. Dont know what the drain is? Please help...

    Do you have a virtual instrument track selected?
    Try selecting an unused audio track with no plugins and see if the useage goes down when idle.
    Logic usually processes all plugins for current input on one core, which can max out your cpu.
    You can also try increasing your process buffer.

  • Where's my cpu meter gone?

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    CPU meter in Logic Pro X (System Performance)

  • Logic CPU meter overloading

    The Logic CPU meter overloads as soon as I add just one software instrument track and insert any new instrument into that track (even in new project)
    It happens using Logic X or Logic 9, and Audio tracks are no problem.
    Then if I open up the CPU meter properties, it appears to be just 1 of the 2 meters overloading (right hand meter)
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    I remember reading something about the Core Audio settings so maybe it could be this ???
    I even tried re-installing Logic X but no difference. Although I now have 2 versions of Logic X and Logic 9 on same Mac, so maybe thats not helping!
    many thanks in advance

    I even tried re-installing Logic X but no difference. Although I now have 2 versions of Logic X and Logic 9 on same Mac, so maybe thats not helping!
    No.. both LPX and LP9 can happily coexist on a single Mac without issue...
    Then if I open up the CPU meter properties, it appears to be just 1 of the 2 meters overloading (right hand meter)
    Make sure you quit all other apps running at the same time including background tasks...
    Other than that....
    What are your Mac's model/specs?
    Have you read the support document regarding this?
    Logic Pro X: System Overload messages

  • How do I get to see 2 CPU meter windows?

    In this book I have (Logic Pro 7: Tips & Tricks) it says you can view 2 CPU metre windows but I can only view the one when I go to and open- Menu > Audio > System Performance.

    What is written when you open ->about this mac?
    when I bought my G5 Dual (new) only one CPU was running
    and Apple had to to replace it with a by an new one...
    If this is the case - you should bring your G5 to an Apple Care Center.
    PM G5 2.7 GHz dual 6.5GB RAM & PowerBook G4 17" & G4 500 MHz   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   Logic Pro 7.2.1 - Final Cut Studio HD - Adobe CS 2

  • Menu Bar CPU Meter for OS9?

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    similar to MenuMeters for OSX? I find this a very useful, informative utility in OSX, but when I open Classic it disappears from the menu bar. VersionTracker doesn't seem to offer anything like this for OS9.
    G4 533 DA, Mercury Extreme G4 1.33GHz CPU   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   ATI Radeon 9200, 1 GB RAM

    Hello! I don't know of one but I have noticed that anytime the menu bar gets filled up by a program's menu items the menumeter gets hidden. A different screen resolution might allow more items to occupy the bar. Tom

  • CPU / HD meter BUG ?

    Hello dudes,first time on the forum!!!
    I just bought a MAC 8-core 12 gig after making music ALL MY LIFE with an Atari Mega ST4
    I skipped the PC-part
    Anyway,am I the only one with this problem : whenever I stop my arrangement in Logic 9 the first (upper) CPU meter sometimes hangs or sometimes it goes from zero to 25 percent and keeps hanging there...When I start the project again and I stop it : same problem !!!
    Anyone noticed this or is one of my cores faulty?
    Sorry I'm new to this,I come from Atari Cubase with 4 MEG RAM!! (top at that time)
    Stop laughing

    First, I used an Atari for years, and actually got more work done in some respects due to the fact that there were fewer distractions like email, apple forums, etc. It was a great little box and I miss it from time to time. The fact that you were able to get so many years out of it is testament to it's value there.
    As for the meters, don't pay too much attention to them; they are only rough guides and not that informative in microcosm. There is sometimes still bits of CPU used even when Logic is idling. Also, when you stop Logic, sometimes the meters will freeze in position until playback is resumed again. It's a "featurebug". Just don't worry about it and go get some music done...

  • How do you spread CPU load over more cores?

    I recently bought a macbook pro quadcore i7 because my 2007 macbook couldn't cope with the demands of Logic when using it rewired with Ableton Live, and had lots of CPU overload messages.
    I am really disappointed that having spent so much money to overcome this problem, it has only slightly improved the amount of overload messages. I read the article below about how to spread CPU power over the cores, now I have 8. I still can't figure out though how to control which channels are using which core and spreading the CPU load to cores 5-8 which don't seem to be being used. Any ideas?
    Can I rewire from ableton to different cores?
    In my project, the 2nd core keeps overloading whilst the others are down. Is it to do with aux channels, master channels, buses etc?
    Or should I upload my memory to 8GB RAM?
    Here's the article:
    About core activity
    Logic breaks tasks down into threads that can be assigned to a single core for execution. It's not possible to split a single thread across multiple cores, although a single core may run multiple threads at the same time. This is one reason that you may sometimes see uneven load distributions across the available cores on your computer. If one thread is very processor-intensive, the core running that thread may show much more activity than the cores running less demanding tasks. This is the main reason that you may get "Core Audio Overload" warning messages even though some of the cores on your system may not show significant activity.
    To monitor Logic as it uses the cores on your system, double-click the CPU meter in the Transport area.
    A window displays a meter for each core.
    The same concept applies to channel strips as well. Each channel strip—and all plug-ins it contains—is processed by one core. If you are using many processor-intensive plug-ins on a single channel strip, the core running it may show heavier activity. This is especially true if you are working at high sample rates (88.2 kHz or higher).
    Redistributing core loads
    If you find that a single core has much higher activity, use these strategies to redistribute the load.
    In the example below, there is a single Software Instrument channel strip with plug-ins routed directly to Output 1-2. The channel strip for Output 1-2 has a large number of plug-ins.
    In this example there is activity on two cores:  the left core is handling the Software Instrument while the next core processes the Output 1-2 channel strip. You can use routing capabilities in Logic to distribute the load to more cores without changing the sound, as in the next image.
    The resulting signal chain is Inst 1 > Aux 1 > Aux 2 > Out 1-2, as shown in this table:
    Channel strip
    Inst 1
    Bus 1
    Aux 1
    Bus 1
    Bus 2
    Aux 2
    Bus 2
    Out 1-2
    Also, the first four plug-ins have moved from Output 1-2 to Aux 1 and the remaining four plug-ins to Aux 2.
    After adjusting the volumes to the respective channel strips appropriately, the result sounds identical, but now the load is distributed among four cores instead of two. You can use this concept to redistribute plug-ins from Audio channel strips, Software Instruments, Auxes, and Outputs (as in this example).
    In the image above, there is still a very heavy load on a single core, even though it's using the routing described above. Notice the Inst 1 channel strip is selected. When a Software Instrument track is selected in the Arrange window, Logic enters "Live Input Mode". In this mode, Logic turns on every plug-in in the channel strip's signal path so the channel strip can be played live from a MIDI controller. All of this must be handled by a single thread and therefore just one core. It's a good idea to keep a track that uses an Audio channel strip selected in the Arrange window, unless you're actively playing or recording to a Software Instrument.

    OS X Snow Leopard introduced Grand Central, where the OS will distribute the load better to more cores, however it takes time for software to adapt to these changes and make a rewrite of the codebase and test it out, Apple's included.

  • CPU spikes - what's the latest?

    I posted a question about this in another thread but haven't heard anything back yet - and am desperate for answers so figured I'd try again!
    I've just started having a big problem with CPU spikes, seemingly out of the blue.
    After having had no problems (that have affected my workflow at least) since updating to Logic 8 when it first came out, the last 2 songs I've worked on have both started having repeated CPU spikes. In both cases the songs (which have for the previous couple of weeks been running fine as I've worked on them) suddenly seem to reach some kind of critical mass and stop at least 4 or 5 times in the song (with a processor overload) making it impossible to mix. The spikes themselves appear to occur every 10 seconds or so.
    Though the songs have previously been fine during sections with many tracks, plugins and instruments running, once this starts happening even the most sparse sections can suddenly no longer play without overloading.
    In the past, bouncing any instruments to audio or freezing processor-intensive tracks would clearly lessen the load and allow the song to play without a hiccup, but it seems once this starts happening that any attempts I make to pare the song back barely help at all. Even if, in between spikes, the song is running with about 25% max on the CPU meter, when a spike comes both processors momentarily max out and stop the track.
    Strangely, with the latest song, even reverting to previous versions (ie from a few days ago when I was having absolutely no problems of this kind) the computer can suddenly no longer cope with the spikes (which I assume have been happening all along but haven't affected playback before now). Weird but true.
    I've tried disabling all audio unit plug ins in AU manager, setting all channel strip inputs to no input, running the song using Core Audio rather than the MOTU 828 and repairing permissions with DiskUtility.
    Today I tried a clean install of 10.5.3 and 8.0.2 on a new drive (no 3rd party plugins or ANYTHING apart from Logic and OSX installed) - still with exactly the same result.
    I've even tried copying all the audio from the arrange into a brand new song, adding the plugins and routing to busses track by track, all the while keeping an eye on the CPU meter. As soon as I've sent just a couple of tracks to aux channels and added only 3 or 4 instances of Channel EQ and Compressor I notice the spiking begin. It's clear that by the time I've finished the setting up of the song the spikes will be maxing out again.
    I realise I'm running an old machine (ie Dual 1G G4) but it has, up until now, been working spot on under the current system (I've been using 10.4.11 and hadn't updated to Leopard until today cos I haven't wanted to upset the delicate equilibrium!)
    Thankfully I've found a clunky workaround by copying the song on to my Macbook and running that in my studio - a lifesaver but not satisfactory. (I can see the spikes on the Macbook too but playback isn't affected).
    I've been using Logic forever and know this behaviour (and unresponsiveness to all my troubleshooting attempts) isn't normal!
    I've seen the threads from a few months back but am wondering is anybody else out there still having similar issues? Or has anyone had them and solved them?
    Please help!

    The latest? It's still spikes constantly here. IMHO, I think there is an issue with-in LP 8 itself with symetric multi-tasking to more than one core... evenly distributing the load between cores. It's hit or miss with me & completely un-predictable and random (the CPU spikes). I've tried all the same quick fixes or work-arounds, of which none seem to make any difference at all. Even setting core audio buffer to 1024 & disabling safety buffer.
    Oddly I do find it interesting that on my system anyway, Ivory 1.7 & Atmosphere 1.2, once initially instantiated on an inst track, will consistently evenly distribute between both cores (I have a dual core machine)... and never spike the CPU, no matter how much polyphony I use on either one, with the core audio buffer set to 128. There has to be something the way these two virtual synth plugs are coded differently, to utilize an even symetric threading or distribution to multi cores. -> I am no computer wiz tech head by any means, but this is the best way I can explain it.
    Fresh clean install of OSX Leopard 10.5.4 / 2.5GB Ram / LP 8.0.2 / Digi Core Audio 7.4 / Digi 002R

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