CPUs at 100% - Cause is two unknown tcsh processes

Every once in a while, I've noticed both CPUs' usage pegging at 100%. Each time, checking Activity Monitor shows two tcsh processes hogging the CPU. This is happening although I have started no terminal session, therefore no tcsh processes of my own. Force quitting these processes is not causing any obvious negative results, and is reducing my CPU usages to normal.
Does anyone know if the system itself is starting these processes for some worthwhile purpose? Or any other cause?

Hi AndyK,
When the cpu's are running flat out next time, try to enter this into the Terminal:
<pre>ps -auxwww | grep tcsh</pre>
That should list the active tsch processes and give a bit more information about what they are doing.

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    Hi Bailie,
    You might try looking for a paper jam or carriage jam.
    Look at the 15th issue.  That's the closest I could find.
    Good luck.
    If I have solved your issue, please feel free to provide kudos and make sure you mark this thread as solution provided!
    Although I work for HP, my posts and replies are my own opinion and not those of HP

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