Crashes on iMac not on Macbook

Since installing SL 10.6.1 some software such as Elements 6.0 and Photomatix Pro work without problem on my Macbook but continue to crash on my iMac. Why a problem with the iMac but not my Macbook?

That's good news!
If the alternate admin account keeps working...
You could transfer everything to the new account, but a better solution would be to troubleshoot the problem in your regular account.
While I don't use either of these apps, my guess would be some corrupt preferences. We know there is nothing wrong with the app. So, while logged into your problem account go to Users/yourname/Library/Preferences and move any .plist files associated with those name to your desktop and re-launch the apps.
Another check would be to start in Safe Mode (It will take more time to startup in Safe Mode because it runs a directory check.)
If your apps function correctly that way, go to System Preferences >> Accounts >> Login Items, and remove them. Boot normally and test. If not go to ~(yourHome)/Library/Contextual Menu Items and move whatever is there to the desktop. Then do the same with /Library/Contextual Menu Items. Lastly, try moving ~(yourHome)/Library/Fonts to your desktop and restarting.
Log out/in or restart, if that sorts it start putting items back one at a time until you find the culprit.

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    How are the images stored on your original iPad? Are they in the camera roll, in events downloaded using the camera connection kit, or are they in albums synced to your ipad from a computer?
    If the photos are in the camera roll or in events downloaded from a camera, you can transfer them to your iMac and MBA by directly connecting the iPad using USB. Then you can download the photos to iPhoto like from a camera.
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    What IOS version has your iPad?
    For new photos you might consider using Photo Stream to transfer your photos between the devices.
    See: iCloud: Photo Stream FAQ
    iCloud: Using and troubleshooting Shared Photo Streams
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    Hello krosebear,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities. 
    If you are having difficulties connecting your iPhone to a Wi-Fi network, the following article should provide troubleshooting that should help you resolve the issue. 
    If your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch won’t connect to a Wi-Fi network - Apple Support
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    Hello, macboyme
    Consider the following in any order you find relevant for your system:
    (0) You write that you are using a 4pin to 8pin adapter. However, I think you mean 6pin to 9pin adapter.
    External iSight is a Firewire device that uses a 6pin Firewire 400 connector. 
    Newer Macs have only 9pin Firewire 800 connectors, so it is common to use 6pin to 9pin adapters similar to the one I normally use:
    The only 8 pin cables and adapters I could find were USB. They won't work on Firewire devices.
    4pin Firewire is a mini connection that I have only seen in cameras. If you really are using a 4 and/or 8 pin cable, I suggest you try a different Firewire adapter method.
    My suggestions below are based on using a 6pin to 9pin adapter like that mentioned above or cable like this one I have also successfully used:
    (1) Test in another User Account on your iMac. Be sure to also consider all the other suggestions for external iSight from:
    You do not say which of your Macs has only FW800 ports that require a Firewire adapter. To remove as many variables as possible, test the same cables and Firewire 400-800 adapter on both Macs if it is possible to do so. If you only use the adapter on one Mac, it is possible that the adapter is the cause of your trouble. If one of your Macs has only FW400 and the other has only FW800, test with a different adapter or use a 6pin-9pin cable to test both your Firewire iSight. Also, test another Firewire 400 device to eliminate the possibility that your problem is caused by one of your connections.
    (2) For additional ideas on how to test external iSight, consider the additional suggestions here:
    Unless the software and connected peripherals are EXACTLY the same on both your iMac and your MacBook, be sure to consider possible hardware or software conflicts with something else installed in or connected to your iMac. A link to more info about conflicts is included in the "How to test..." page.
    (3) If you can rule out both possible conflicts and connection problems in the iMac, the problem must be either in your iMac's user account or in the system software used to operate your external iSight.
    You can rule out problems with the user account by testing in several different accounts.
    If the problem is EXACTLY the same in any user account you test on your iMac, your system software is suspect. Backup all your important files, repair permissions, and apply the 10.6.4 Combo Update:
    Follow the restart that completes the Combo Update with another permissions repair. Then test iSight again.
    (4) Once your external iSight works correctly with your iMac's QuickTimeX, iChat, etc., it will work as well with Flash video websites as it does when you are running it from your MacBook.
    EZ Jim
    Mac Pro Quad Core (Early 2009) 2.93Ghz w/Mac OS X (10.6.4)  MacBook Pro (13 inch, Mid 2009) 2.26GHz (10.6.4)
    LED Cinema Display  G4 PowerBook  1.67GHz (10.4.11)  iBookSE 366MHz (10.3.9)  External iSight

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    I use Time Machine with an external HD.  That seems to do what I need.  Others also recommend an second EHD with a bootable clone of your boot drive and use a 3rd party app like Carbon Copy Cloner, SuperDuper, Synk Pro, etc. to keep the clone up to date.
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    A Photoshop Elements license is good for both Mac and Windows so it should be just a matter of downloading the Mac version and using your current serial number to activate it.
    PSE 10, 11 -
    If you have any problem with the activation contact Adobe support using chat... Start Here  If after selecting relevant responses you are unable to find a solution, choose "Still need help? Contact us." and the chat contact option.

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    If you bought it from the Mac App Store, you can install the apps on as many Macs that you have by opening the Mac App Store & clicking on Purchases. Enter your Apple ID & click install.

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