Crazy G5 Mac - revised

One other question....does anyone know why the high pitched tor/horn come on prior to the start-up chime. Does anyone know what this symbolizes (such as bad memory, video card, hdd, swithc bad, etc). Or do I have the only crazy g5 in existence????? Any knowledge would be extremely helpful.

I know, but that's the problem. If you just push the power button to turn on and release all you should hear is the start-up chime. Instead, the tone comes on after a few seconds and then the start-up chime. It won't do anything after that. To set mvram, you hold the start button in until the tone comes on and then you can set the nvram reset. It's almost like the start button is stuck but it's not. Also, to turn it off with the power (start), I used to have to hold it in for a few seconds to turn off. Now as soon as you push it, it's off. Almost instant. This g5 has run flawlessly, I shut it down (with the timer) last night. Turned it on this morning and that's where it is up to now.????????
I thought it might be a hardware failure warning but I've checked everything, even replaced the ram & harddrive. Any insight on or if anyone has had this tone, let me know, bout ready to shoot it and go back to my pc.

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    Easily could be the HD, lifespan is about 3-5 years anymore.
    RAM may be a problem but much harder to track down.
    Did you try Zeroing the drive yet? that may allow a good install...
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc that came with your computer, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.
    3. Click the Erase tab.
    4. Click the disclosure triangle to the left of the hard drive icon to display the names of your hard disk volumes and partitions.
    5. Select your Mac OS X volume, then choose MacOS Extended Journalled, select the Partition tab.
    6. Click Erase & look for Security Options. choose Zero 1 pass."

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    I don't have the time machine set up.
    Thank you.

    Hi Miguel,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    Take a look at the article linked below, it has a lot of great tips which may resolve the keyboard issue that you described.
    One or more keys on the keyboard do not respond
    I hope this helps.

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    I'm not sure why you mentioned the URL references you did, since they confirm pretty much everything I have said. The POP concept is centered around the idea that mail is held on the server until downloaded; IMAP that it is held indefinitely on the server until it receives a specific request to delete it.
    A little thought should make it obvious that neither POP nor IMAP can possibly determine if all computers have had a chance to download a message -- neither knows anything about how many computers or other information devices might be authorized to do so. POP can handle this by allowing a client to request that messages not be deleted after downloading them; IMAP, by allowing a client to request that they be deleted at any time. Not all client software has this ability.
    Regarding knowing which messages have been read, IMAP manages this for the inbox, which represents messages that may or may not also be stored locally on a client. Local mailboxes are still managed by the client, which might confuse some users not aware of the difference. I don't consider this a failure of IMAP or of .Mac but more of a problem with client software like Mail, which doesn't make the distinction between locally & remotely stored mail as clear as it could be.
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    Post relates to: Tungsten E2

    It should not take more than an hour and a half from putting the installer disk into the drive, letting it install, providing relevant information at the Setup Assistant phase to getting to the Desktop. Thereafter 20-40 minutes to download and install all relevant updates followed by a double restart and you should be starting to configure the DNS Service in roughly two hours.
    Can you humour us and go through the procedure you used (what you actually did) from the Setup Assistant stage? For the purposes of your response detail what you did when choosing Advanced. I understand your frustration but it really should not be that difficult. Perhaps there are some key concepts you don't fully understand the implications of? For your mail config try not to obscure your domain name please.
    Failing that there must be some intermittent hardware faults on all three of the units you used. Which is unlikely. The fact you got it installed on two yet the mail service showed the same fault on both occasions suggest - and I don't mean anything by this - a misconfiguration on your part somewhere or a lack of understanding on what is required?
    Have you tried downloading and reading relevant admin manuals?
    Have you tried browsing these forums for relevant advice on how to start from scratch and what is involved? Seriously there are plenty of threads that walks you through the whole process or at the least should give you some idea on how to approach the whole thing.
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    It is characteristic of the Colour Classic, CC II, Performa 250, LC II, Performas 40x, and others that I wot not of from direct experience, that the lowest 2MB of 12MB installed are not addressed by the MMU. Pointless, but true. Add 2 x 2MB to the base 4MB and 8MB wil be used. Add 2 x 4MB and only the top 10MB will be used. If you feel limited by this, replace the LC II logic board with a Q 605 board and add a 32MB (or 128MB) 72-pin SIMM. My Elsie sings with the latter combination, and can run OS 8.1 with aplomb. With more RAM you wil be able to abandon Cyberdog (unless you wish to savour the agonies), and accommodate other applications with greater memory demands.
    As far as the buzz goes, you can confirm the cause as electrical or mechanical (eg, the fan) by muting the speaker output, removing the FPU (if it is socketted) or the card if it is not, detaching the 4-pin power plug from the HDD or the cable from the FDD, and so on, one at a time.
    You need only to elevate the rear of the case, as has been suggested, to increase ventilation enough. Given that, and the inner cleanliness that so-and-so's tonic water can produce ... you can find the source of the noise by attacking the suspects systematically. The speaker is awkwardly situated for direct listening, but you can do it with the case top off. Make sure of the security of the cables routed around the speaker, in case one or other is loose and being struck by the fan.
    Apple IIe; 68K: 11DT + 4PB; PPC: 5DT + 3PB; G3: 6DT     System 6.0.8 to OS 10.4.x

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    Thanks for your help!

    just wanted to update you guys on what the official stance of OWC is on this situation. I had the same problem like you guys. I have the 240GB OWC extreme pro SSD in my Mac Pro 3,1. When it goes to sleep, and i leave it sleeping for a day -- upon returning, it will freeze up with the spinning wheel of death.
    This is what they had to say about it:
    "While Sleep will work with our SSDs, there have been reports of system hangs in relation to hibernation mode which is the deep state of Sleep. We suggest not using ANY program that puts your computer into hibernation mode when using an SSD. SandForce is working on this issue and it will be addressed in a future firmware update.
    Normal, automatic sleep mode functions perfectly with no issues. But if you need to try and fix the hibernation issue with your Mac revision, please Open up Terminal (Applications>Utilities>Terminal) and go through the following steps:
    Type: sudo pmset hibernatemode 0
    Press: return/enter.
    Type: your password when it prompts you to, then press return/enter again.
    You have successfully disabled hibernation! Go ahead and exit Terminal.
    Also, some have chose to use the application SmartSleep, which is free online.
    SmartSleep is an application that you can use to set the hibernation mode on your computer.
    I apologize for the inconvenience. I sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter and hope you will continue to bear with us as our extreme SSD product line transitions through these evolutions and unforeseen road bumps. Please let us know if there's anything else we may do to help."
    --I would like to add that the OWC SSD is great. And since Downloading smart sleep and disabling deep sleep aka hibernate, the issue has been totally resolved. Im pretty sure the terminal entry works just as well. But I liked the added convenience of the other features of smartsleep. So there you go guys.

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    Mac Mini   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Zowie! Thanks. I was goin' cuckoo, till I dropped in on this thread. I could record into Garage Band through the built-in mic in my PowerBook, but when I plugged in my cool little Tascam US-122 usb audio interface (even with all my input and output prefs properly set), I couldn't record a thing through a real mic. The sound inputs were definitely getting into the computer, but for some reason Garage Band wasn't recording them. I quit outta GB, then dumped the .plist and .cs prefs as you suggested. Re-opened GB and created a new track. Bingo! My Tascam unit now works like a charm. Thanks again, much.
    G-4 PowerBook   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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    Recently upgraded to Lion from Snow Leopard.  Recently changed from mobileme to iCloud.  I only have iCal set to my iCloud account (no "on my mac" iCal calendar data). So the problem I see when editing on my MacBookPro is also seen when logged into iCloud directly via Safari and on my iPhone, iPad, etc.  At first I thought this was an iCloud syncing error because I only noticed the difference on my phone (list view)... but when I went back to my MacBookPro I realized the problem exists there too... so doesn't seem to be a syncing error, but rather a "view" error... then the "problem" is mirrored everywhere.
    I've tried "refresh" and "refresh all" from the Calendar drop down menu.  This does nothing to help the problem... not that I really expected it would.
    Thanks for any help you can provide.  I'm going crazy!
    Mac OS X 10.7.4; iCal 5.0.3

    Fixed my own problem.  Ultamately a user error but tied to the many threads about the month view defaulting events to "all day" vs. hourly increment.  I knew that was the case, so when editing events from month view I made sure to add/change the time, but negected to look at "To" date.  If my event was for an hour, simply adding the hour pushed the day to span across dates so the event was really 25 hours.  Looked OK in the month view (just showed as a dot) but the day and week were all filled and casued the event to appear twice on the second day in list view (iPhone).  In the case of repeat events, sometimes "To" date ended up as the end date for the repeat cycle... which really messed every thing up... I believe causing what looked like duplicates, etc.

  • More hard-drives = faster Virtual Memory ? or not...

    2 internal HD's... only one is being used for Virtual Memory. If both were being used, it could double VM disk access - simultaneously uploading.
    I know that buying Crazy Expensive Mac Pro RAM would sort the problem out, but i ain't going to do that any time too soon. Besides i might get a new hard-drive... and 3 drives should be able to do VM noticably faster.
    does anybody know if i can set the second drive as a VM scratch disk also ?
    - or what part of mac os x controls these Virtual Memory and disks and if that can be tweaked
    - or are there any good little apps for controlling VM?
    Thanks peeps.

    I'm not going to do that, though it is certainly of interest. I had a thread on another board which went from "use a raid single" to "you cheepscate buy ram" too quickly for my liking.
    Of interest from that was :
    1) Not having ram is bad when it hits disk VM - that's the slow bit.
    1.1) so if you buy a little, that will raise the ceiling and you'll hit VM less often. Every titchy bit helps.
    2) if you never go beyond your ram - more ram is wasted.
    3) with some EXPERT tweaking performance can be gained from controlling where VM pages to - but really either buy ram or use less apps.
    4) the reason i brought it up was flight sim mode on google earth (apple alt a). Which is a waste of time anyway ! But that sometimes freezes and writes to disk for 5-10 seconds. My professional apps, are almost always in ram, so i think i'll forget it. Or buy ram.
    5) if you want to know if you need ram - look at activity monitor - but combine "free AND inactive" to see how much/little is spare. Also read the "vm page ins".. if there are lots (7,000 in 10 minutes) you're into slow VM land.
    really... it's only apparent because the mac pro is lightning fast most of the time, and WHEN you're waiting on the HD - even though it's still running really fast - it is more apparent.
    Thanks everyone. Happy Mac'in.

  • Before there's a new iPhone model...

    Is there a chance we can get basic features that continue to be left out included? To me, it seems crazy to keep revising the iPhone and still having some of the most basic features left out, unless there is some good reasoning for doing so! Is there?
    Features like:
    Copy/Cut and Paste?!?
    Ability to receive pictures in text messages
    Ability to attach pics to an email from within the mail app?
    Switchable battery (Apple could be selling so many extra batteries to iPhone users!)
    Ability to shoot video with the camera (they used to say this was strictly a software feature that could be added later...even my old Palm Treo did video!)
    A small LED flash for the camera? Even cheap flip phones have that
    A two sided camera so we can someday have video chat?

    I am a LONG time Apple user, possibly longer than you....
    Maybe or maybe not, but so friggin' what if you are? What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? BTW, my first Apple computer was an Apple IIe, which didn't have a hard drive - operated with a 5&1/4" floppy drive, and I had two of them. That was in the early 80's - so there.
    There is nothing wrong with providing constructive feedback, but by posting it here you are providing it to fellow users only.
    Is there a chance we can get basic features that continue to be left out included? To me, it seems crazy to keep revising the iPhone and still having some of the most basic features left out, unless there is some good reasoning for doing so! Is there?
    Who on earth do you think you are addressing this to? This is a user to user help forum only for technical support issues and questions. You aren't directing anything to Apple here, and Apple certainly won't respond to your questions here or anywhere else for that matter.
    I'm not protecting anything. If the iPhone didn't include my most important needs and wants - especially a list of 5 what I consider "basic things", I would not have purchased one.
    Just last night, I had to endure a stranger putting his cheapy LG flip phone in my face, that had a flash, ability to receive and send MMS text, shoot video, etc.
    You had to "endure"? Give me a break.
    So according to your arguement, I should buy one of those instead?
    That is correct. I'm a firm believer that you should purchase and continue using a device or any product that meets your most important wants and needs so that you don't have to "endure" any strangers putting a cheapy or otherwise device "in your face that includes your most important needs and wants or includes what you consider "basic" things. I'm not such a long time Apple user that I purchase any and everything Apple puts out unless it meets my needs and wants. If the iPhone didn't include what I consider "basic" things, I would not have purchased one - especially if there are other devices that do. How is that protecting Apple - telling people to purchase another device instead? Protecting and defending would be giving you suggestions to explain to a stranger the reasoning for your iPhone not being able to match the features of all these cheapy flip phones, etc. along with giving you reasons why you and others don't need or want those "basic" things. I can't give you good reasoning or otherwise why Apple chose to not include what you consider "basic" things, nor will you get any from Apple - especially here. Do you believe all Apple employees who were on the iPhone development team had never owned or used a cell phone, or didn't know anyone who did, and Apple didn't do any research whatsoever? Apple knows about the features other phones include, and they have chosen to not include certain features - why is anyone's guess. At the end of the day, you should purchase a device that includes what you consider "basic" things and that meets your most important needs and wants, not just blindly purchasing the iPhone because it is an Apple product and you are a LONG time Apple user.
    If I am to defend my iPhone, how do you suggest I explain to a stranger the reasoning for my device not being able to match the features of his crappy phone?
    I don't need to defend anything, so I don't have a suggestion for you to explain to a stranger why you chose to purchase an iPhone when it doesn't include what you consider "basic" things.

  • FED UP with dropped Airport connections!

    Okay, a little history here. I've been a Mac user for 20+ years. I know my way around these machines. I have a Mac Pro and a Mac Book, and when they were running Tiger I had zero problems with Airport connections in either case.
    However, since I upgraded to Leopard about a year ago, I've had nothing but problems with Airport. The connection drops out every few minutes on both of my machines. Sometimes it re-establishes itself, but other times I have to do it manually. About 50% of the time, it doesn't connect at all. It asks me for my password (which is saved automatically) and when I hit 'return' it says the password is incorrect (it's not).
    I've tried three different base stations (AX, AEBS & now D-Link DIR-655) and the problem remains, and I have it on both my Mac Book and brand new Mac Pro. So it would seem that it's a flaw with Airport & Leopard.
    It got so bad that I finally set up an Ethernet network in my office. That was fine but we had to reconfigure the rooms and I needed to set up the wireless network again. I did that, and of course I had the exact same problem I was having before. The connection on both the MacBook and Mac Pro drops in and out intermittently. It's not a reception issue because it happens when both computers and the router are all in the same room.
    If anyone has any ideas or suggestions on what to do, I'd love to hear them. OS X and Airport software is all up to date. I recently did a clean install of OS X on the MacBook just to make sure there wasn't a software conflict causing the problem, but that didn't help.
    This is driving me crazy!

    Mac OS X doesn't have a clean install option:
    So unless you did an erase and install, you can't say you have eliminated any potential hardware issue with your machine.
    Linda P, Astriker, and anyone who does not have a solution for Badlydrawnboy, please start a new topic thread below:
    You'll make it harder to get a solution for them as the causes of wireless failure are many. My FAQ* here below discusses the most common reasons, which have existed since the first version of airport many years ago:
    The fact that multiple base stations were tried, and multiple machines were tried, says the issue is external to both! It means to me, that you have something interfering with your wireless connection that you haven't considered. Piping in the walls, file cabinets in line of sight, external wireless networks on the same channel, microwave ovens, wireless land line phones can all contribute to WiFi's demise.
    - * Links to my pages may give me compensation.

  • Intel iMac install disc versions

    I have a big favor to ask of all you forum members. I have install media from different intel iMacs that I need to distinguish from one another. As far as I know, the discs from a 17" iMac with integrated graphics will not work on a 17" iMac with Radeon X1600 graphics, nor will they work across the Core Duo to Core 2 Duo bump. I'm looking for the AHT and any other distinguishing information from these discs so I know which iMac they belong to. Here's what I know so far:
    17" Core Duo w/ integrated graphics:
    • AHT version 3A108, Disc version 1.0, MacOS 10.4.7
    17" & 20" Core Duo w/ Radeon X1600 graphics
    • AHT version 3A100, Disc version 1.1, MacOS 10.4.4
    All other models I do not know. Can those of you with other models post your install disc versions? I'm looking for all the intel iMac version from when they were released (though I believe I have the first generation above) through the iMacs available right now, as we have all kinds on our campus. Please include the disc 2 version (the 2Z691-xxxx-x number) as well.
    Thank you to everyone who can contribute!
    17" Intel iMac Mac OS X (10.4.9)
    17" Intel iMac Mac OS X (10.4.9)
    17" Intel iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    Unfortunately I can't give any detailed information since I only have the original iMac CD (disk version 1.0) but until others chime in, here's some information that might be helpful.
    AFAIK, it should be possible for the latest version of the OS/Install to work across all iMacs but not the reverse (my original DVD will not boot one that requires a more recent version of the OS or the newer C2D architecture). That being said, each install media set should have the OS version appearing on the disc. You may be able to deduce (or narrow it down) by comparing the OS version and the time the specific iMac model was released. The more recent the Mac revision, the more recent the OS (or at least that is usually the case).
    10.4.4 January 10,2006
    10.4.5 February 14, 2006
    10.4.6 April 3, 2006
    10.4.7 June 27, 2006
    10.4.8 September 29, 2006
    10.4.9 March 13, 2007
    The Core Duo iMac debuted in January 2006 and should have (initially) come with 10.4.4.
    The Core 2 Duos debuts (I believe) in September of 2006 and likely shipped with 10.4.7 (or 10.4.8 although the first one is more likely).
    Not much help, I know, but it's a start.

  • Help!  heavy pixelation in idvd

    Hi everyone-- I've seen different posts dealing with different aspects of this problem...
    Heavy pixelation in my disk -- seen on monitor AND on TV -- the original FCP output does not have this problem.
    Here are my project specs:
    75 minutes (approx) black and white.
    Captured using a Canopus ADVC110
    Edited and prepared using FCP 4.5
    Burned on iDVD 5.0.1
    If choose "performance" (with or without background encoding) then the project size in the media window is 5.0 gigs. If I choose "best quality" it is 2.5 -- Why? -- Note that neither choice affects what the DVD looks like, though it does determine whether I have to create more coasters with either DL or single layer disks. They look the same, however, as I said.
    I tried exporting without compression from FCP, and the file is 50 gigs. If I use DV compression it comes out at something like 15. They look the same, largely, on my monitor, and both are highly pixelated on the finished disk.
    Obviously, I'm doing something wrong. I really don't like iDVD and will eventually upgrade to something else. But, right now I need to get this project finished.
    Any thoughts? Please help -- this is driving me crazy.
    g5   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    thanks... this is helpful.
    ok, then, so here is a question: is best performance BETTER than best quality? i was assuming that best QUALITY meant better quality image. is that not so?
    i noticed that when i choose Performance, it does the encoding in the background. then it seems to encode again. At first, I thought that was why it was so pixelated, that it was a second generation processing.
    choosing QUALITY did not allow for background encoding, and i thought fine: i can live with a long wait for a once-compressed version.
    please advise.
    in the meantime, i will try making a disk image and burning that in disk burning tool.
    if the problem can clearly be isolated as iDVD, then i'm happy to bite my lip and go buy more from apple.
    as far as disk space, i had this g5 dual shipped with 2gigs of ram and an additional 2 400g drives== so it's not space, though i will make more room on the system drive... i should be able to burn DL disks because it says I can-- and they work as data DVDs okay.
    thanks for your help

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      Windows XP  

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Maybe you are looking for

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    Hello, I need some help please I use BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE gmhead-pstng_date = sy-datum. gmhead-doc_date   = sy-datum. gmhead-pr_uname   = sy-uname. gmcode-gm_code    = '04'.   "MB1B BAPI_ITEM-MATERIAL   =  <out>-matnr. BAPI_ITEM-PLANT      =  '5314'.

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    Hi, I'm learning XI/PI and I have a question regarding Idoc processing in PI. We need to configure communication between our BW system and our PI system using Idocs. The Idocs are sent from BW to our PI systems and are then sent back to the BW system

  • Best Soft Filter Plug In

    I'm a pro photographer and looking for a really good soft focus filter plug in to CS3. There's a lot out there but need one that is being actively used regularly by a photographer preferably. Thanks for your help.

  • Organising iTunes Directories

    Hi I've recently ripped some old presentations that I had on CD into my iTunes folder. I wanted to keep these talks out of my general music folders and so was hoping to keep the talks in a second, seperate folder similar to the music one. Is this eve