Crear un formulario con foto en Adobe acrobat / Mac

Hola, uso Mac y quiero armar un formulario con una foto, y que cada cliente puede insertar su foto (jpg) desde su desktop. El Adobe LiveCycle no esta disponible en Mac. Creo que se puede mediante lenguaje Java Scrip, seguí algunos pasos que encontré online, pero solo te permite subir formato PDF. Alguien sabe otra solución?

Pueds crear un PDFform en Acrobat Pro con campos de texto, botones, .... y campos o cajas para gráficos.
Quien quiera editar o completar ese PDF tiene que usar un Acrobat Reader o un Pro.
No estoy seguro si se puede añadir o cambiar una imagen de un formulario con permisos compartidos en Adobe Reader.
(En el Professional seguro que sí aunque probablemente no todos los usuarios lo tengan).

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    So just now I'm running on 9.0.0
    I noticed that there is a problem with this version when running on mavericks. After I asked Google I found out that I should update Acrobat.
    The bad thing is I can't find the update files for Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Mac in the Downloads.
    I hope you guys can help me to get this updates so that I can work properly with Acrobat!
    Thanks for you help
    best regards

    Look at the Adobe ftp site:
    Please apply updates sequentially.

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    ya entendí lo que quieres hacer, sí se puede en InDesign, se hace con buttons and forms
    te paso una muestra para que luego hagas el resto y este tutorial que es excelente, ya viene en .indd y te explica la base de los formularios interactivos hasta con firmas Adobe Signature, se los recomiendo a todos los no iniciados

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    I own office 2013.
    I'm Italian and I can not understand why the most of what she tells me, I can do something to solve the problem or there is no solution?
    Messaggio originale----
    Da: [email protected]
    Data: 28/07/2014 15.37
    A: "Luciano Graniello"<[email protected]>
    Ogg:  Posseggo Adobe acrobat 7 professional, dopo l'aggiornamento a Windows 8.1 al tentativo di avvio esce pop up con errore: (0xc00000fd) come risolvere?
        Posseggo Adobe acrobat 7 professional, dopo l'aggiornamento a Windows 8.1 al tentativo di avvio esce pop up con errore: (0xc00000fd) come risolvere?
        created by Bill@VT in Acrobat Installation &amp; Update Issues - View the full discussion
    In AA7, PDF Maker is a plugin for OFFICE 2003 and earlier that is a preprocessor for the printer. It simply provided the essence of PDF Marks that were then processed by Distiller once the printer completed the creation of the PS file. AcroTray was to automate the process by invoking Distiller to process the PS file and create the PDF. The latter fails with Win7, as does the printer itself. I have been successful at installing AA7 on both 32 and 64-bit versions of Win7. However, the installation of an additional PS print driver and the extra steps to create the PDF were necessary.
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  • I have been an Adobe customer since 1991 on an old IICi.  Awhile ago I purchased Creative suite 4.  I have Adobe Acrobat 4, ver. 9.5.5.  Are there any updates I can apply?  What is involved in updating if I want to avoid the cloud?  I have a satellite con

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    I have been an Adobe customer since 1991 on an old IICi.  A while ago I purchased Creative suite 4.  I have Adobe Acrobat 4, ver. 9.5.5.  Are there any updates I can apply?  What is involved in updating if I want to avoid the cloud?  I have a satellite connection that charges for bandwidth usage.  I have a 27" iMac, using 10.10.3.

    Hi Kenneth ,
    We are sorry but you would not be able to update from Creative Suite 4 .The reason being there are no updates available for Acrobat version 9 .It is quite an older version so you are unfortunately not eligible for any updates or upgrade .
    The best option for you would be to opt for Acrobat DC .
    You could either for Acrobat DC subscription or perpetual version .Here is the link to download the same .
    You could also opt for Acrobat DC Creative Cloud subscription
    Sukrit Dhingra

  • Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional / Office 2007

    Buenas tardes,
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    Hola Claudio, gracias por tu respuesta y, Naturalmente por la bienvenida.
    Efectivamente la versión 7.0 que tengo es legítima y hoy mismo me pondré en contacto con Adobe para que me aclaren lo del precio rebajado ya que tengo mis dudas al respecto al ser la versión 7.0 una versión ya algo antigua.

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    Hola, José.
    Aquí hay una discusión en que se afirma que es posible e incluso hay indicaciones de cómo hacerlo:
    Sin embargo, Adobe suele retirar del mercado las versiones anteriores de sus programas cundo saca una nueva, por lo que dudo que puedas tratar directamente con ellos en este caso.

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    Gracias por anticipado.
    Un Saludo.

    Hola Alejandro:
    En teoría se pueden crear documentos que requieren una contraseña para copiar, modificar o imprimir algo de su contenido.
    En la práctica, sin embargo, existen programas comerciales my baratos que generan una copia del documento PDF sin restricción alguna en cuestión de segundos.

  • Adobe Acrobat XI Pro SIGNATURES

    My subject: Employee Onboarding
    My short-term goal: To allow user to save his or her signature securely, when they access the form with Adobe Reader, so that they can access it for future use.
    My long-term goal: To set up an employee onboarding access page on our agency's website to allow employees to complete forms via a secure online portal and sign their document electronically. (For now, I will have the employee use a laptop for completion of the form.)
    My current setup: I have an extensive Adobe Acrobat XI Pro form set up. Users can click in the signature field and opt to create a new ID or use an existing signature.
    My problem: I am unsure of where I should have employees save his or her signatures. Should they be stored securely on my server, or should they be stored in the cloud?

    Just so we are on the same page, you are not talking about "signatures" but rather about digital IDs. You use the digital ID to create a digital signature in the electronic world just as you use a pen to create a wet ink signature in the paper world.
    When it comes to storing a digital ID there are four options; you can store it in a password protected file (e.g. a PFX or P12 file), you can store it on a hardware device (e.g. a smart card or token), you can let the computer's operating system manage the digital ID (e.g. Mac Keychain Access or Windows Certificate Store), or it can reside on a roaming credential server. There are pros and cons with all three options, but as with everything in computer management you need to balance ease against both security and cost.
    The cheapest and simplest is probably to let everyone save their digital ID in a password protected file. The next question is where do you save the file. You could save the file on a flash drive and let people take it with them from computer to computer. The downside to this approach is people tend to lose their flash drives. You could also store the file on a network location that everyone has access to, but here the problem is what happens if the network is down. And of course in all cases with the digital ID saved in a password protected file is people tens to forget their password.
    Putting the digital ID into the operating system eliminates the forgotten password problem, but now the digital ID is only available from one computer. The concept here is if you can log in and get to your desktop then you are who you say you are and the OS gives you access to the digital ID. Your log in is in essence the password to the file.
    Using a hardware device is know as two factor authentication as you have to have the device and know the PIN. This is different from just putting the PFX file on a flash drive because with a secured hardware device the the device itself has protection software on it and the private key (which is what you sign with) never can leave the device. The signature is actually created on the device and sent back to Acrobat.
    Finally, using a roaming credential server is akin to cloud signing. Like with the secured hardware device, the private key never leaves the server and as long as you have Internet access you can sign from anywhere (hence the "roaming" part of the name). You also have the advantage that if someone does forget their PIN (and someone will) you can reset it on the server. If someone forgets their password to access a PFX file then the file (and ultimately the digital ID) becomes useless.
    I know I didn't answer your question because there is no one right answer. You just have to decide what best fits your work-flow.

  • No puedo validar mi producto adobe acrobat 7 professional

    tengo adobe acrobat 7 professional licenciado y aun no ha sido posible realizar la activacion con el serial que tengo en la caja.
    espero me puedan ayudar

    Malas son estas fechas para contactar con Soporte, deberías haber intentado solucionarlo al principio, a modo de prueba los programas funcionan sólo 30 días.
    Aqui tienes la lista de telefonos de distintos paises:
    No me quedó claro porque no puedes hacerlo a traves de Internet, al marcar la tecla de Activar, qué ocurre?
    Elimina por favor la segunda captura de tu mensaje anterior que muestra públicamente a todo el que lo vea, el número de serie completo.
    Esa opción está pensada (activar por teléfono cuando no tienes acceso a Internet).
    Comentanos por favor el resultado, de activar o de hablar con Adobe Colombia. Espero que se pueda solucionar. Marca por favor tu pregunta inicial como contestada. Gracias.



    Yo lo pude solucionar así de fácil, así que presten atención:
    Tengo windows 7 y una vez que instalé el acrobat 8 y activé mediante  el archivo "acrobat.dll", me pasaba lo mismo, duraba 10 segundos y se  cerraba solo... ¿Solución?
    Fácil, activa mediante la otra opción, usando el keygen generator que  tuvo que venir en tu descarga, la cual es "activación por teléfono";  así que eso fue lo que yo hice, desinstalé el acrobat y lo instalé  nuevamente pero activando mediante la opción telefónica usando el keygen  generator y listo SANTO REMEDIO.

  • Adobe Acrobat not down loaded

    I paid for Adobe Acrobat but unable to down load to my computer

    OS - Windows 8
    Browser - AOL
    Sophos Anti Virus
    John E Ross  Mechanical Contractor Inc
    5 Conn Street
    Woburn, MA 01801
    Cell Phone  781 724 7740
    Office Phone 781 938 0100 
    In a message dated 11/15/2013 1:22:40 A.M. Central Standard Time, 
    [email protected] writes:
    Re:  Adobe Acrobat not down loaded
    created by H.Spector (  in 
    Adobe PDF Pack (formerly CreatePDF) - View the full  discussion

  • How do you deploy adobe acrobat xi from creative cloud for enterprise?

         We purchased Creative Cloud Enterprise and our new supervisor wants adobe acrobat on all computers.  I downloaded the package through Creative Cloud and used the customization wizard to customize the msi in the exceptions folder just like the instructions said.  I followed the steps and deployed it out using Dell Kace.  When a user tries to open Acrobat, it tells them they have a trial version and they must register the product.  The instructions for the customization wizard said not to put the creative cloud serial number into the customization tool.  Is there something I'm missing with deploying adobe acrobat and creative cloud?

    I'm not a CC expert, but I think normally admins configure Acrobat and then deploy everything via the Creative Cloud Packager. Acrobat certainly needs to be licensed, so when you only have a CC license, it's best to deploy in a standard way so that Acrobat get serialized with the license you have.
    19   Creative Cloud Packager Installs — Enterprise Administration Guide

  • Can I create PAdES signature using Adobe Acrobat 8.0 or 9.0?

    Can I create PAdES (PDF Advanced Electronic Signatures, Technical Specification ETSI TS 102 778) signature using Adobe Acrobat 8.0 or 9.0?
    ETSI Technical Specification (TS) 102 778 contains five parts:
    • Part 1: PAdES Overview – a framework document for PAdES
    • Part 2: PAdES Basic – Profile based on ISO 32000-1
    • Part 3: PAdES Enhanced – PAdES-Basic Electronic Signatures and PAdES-Explicit Policy Electronic Signatures Profiles
    • Part 4: PAdES Long Term – PAdES-Long Term Validation Profile
    • Part 5: PAdES for XML Content – Profiles for XAdES signatures of XML content in PDF files
    All five parts were published on 31 July 2009.
    Thanks for answer.

    The short answer is yes.
    Acrobat 8 and later support all of requirements of PAdES such as serial signing, long term validation (time stamping and embedded revocation responses) and signatures in the PKCS#7 format.

  • Why is default scan in Adobe Acrobat 9.3.1 legal size

    I have HP LaserJet with new software. I scan directly from Adobe Acrobat 9.3.1 (Windows 7, 64 bit). The only scanner I can find in dropdown is WIA. I do not see the twain driver - even though I can scan with twain driver in the HP scanning application. The problem i am experiencing is that when I scan directly from Acrobat (using the only dropdown available - WIA - ) the scan is "legal size" and not "letter size." The only option for paper size is to select paper size automatically.
    I would very much like to be able to scan directly from Acrobat and have letter size documents appear as letter size documents. Please help.

    Try this, it worked for me in Acrobat v.8
    Start an Acrobat scan.
    In "Acrobat Scan" window select "Scanner Options"
    In "Scanner Options" window select "User interface: Show Scanner's Native Interface"
    Click OK on "Scanner Options" window
    Click Scan on "Acrobat Scan" window
    Next you will be asked to save the PDF file. After this a window should open that gives you an option to select paper size and document type.
    I found locations in my HP Printer/Scanner to set paper size but I don't think the information is passed from the printer to Acrobat. I suspect it is an HP problem but they are total dolts about doing anything but pointing the fingure at Adobe.
    Hope this works for you. It is very cumbersome but it yields the right results.

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