Create a Blank Text file if it does not exist in a Given Directory

I would like to check if text file in a given folder exists or not if not then create a blank text file in a given directory. I was checking File system task, it has options to create directory and move files, copy files but not creating files.
How can I create a blank text file in a given directory in SSIS using script task or any other way.
Many thanks.

Thanks Saravana for your help. I am using the following code in the script Task two
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Object
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.IO.Compression
<System.AddIn.AddIn("ScriptMain", Version:="1.0", Publisher:="", Description:="")> _
<System.CLSCompliantAttribute(False)> _
Partial Public Class ScriptMain
Inherits Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ScriptTask.VSTARTScriptObjectModelBase
Enum ScriptResults
Success = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Success
Failure = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Failure
End Enum
' The execution engine calls this method when the task executes.
' To access the object model, use the Dts property. Connections, variables, events,
' and logging features are available as members of the Dts property as shown in the following examples.
' To reference a variable, call Dts.Variables("MyCaseSensitiveVariableName").Value
' To post a log entry, call Dts.Log("This is my log text", 999, Nothing)
' To fire an event, call Dts.Events.FireInformation(99, "test", "hit the help message", "", 0, True)
' To use the connections collection use something like the following:
' ConnectionManager cm = Dts.Connections.Add("OLEDB")
' cm.ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;Provider=SQLNCLI10;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;"
' Before returning from this method, set the value of Dts.TaskResult to indicate success or failure.
' To open Help, press F1.
Public Sub Main()
' Add your code here
Dim inputFile As String
Dim outputFile As String
Dim encoding As String
Dim PrivateKeyInXML As String
inputFile = Dts.Variables("Item1Path").Value.ToString()
outputFile = Dts.Variables("OutputFile1").Value.ToString()
encoding = Dts.Variables("Encoding").Value.ToString()
PrivateKeyInXML = Dts.Variables("PrivateKey").Value.ToString()
Dim CallCryptoReader As CryptoReader = New CryptoReader(inputFile, outputFile, encoding, PrivateKeyInXML)
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success
End Sub
Public Class CryptoReader
Private _FileStream As FileStream
Private _CryptoStream As CryptoStream
Private _ZipStream As GZipStream
Private _RSAPrivateKeyinXML As String
Dim _CryptoAgent As New System.Security.Cryptography.AesCryptoServiceProvider
Sub New(ByVal inputFile As String, ByVal outputFile As String, ByVal encoding As String, ByVal PrivateKeyInXML As String)
_RSAPrivateKeyinXML = PrivateKeyInXML
'Create the crypto agent
_CryptoAgent = AesCryptoServiceProvider.Create
'Open cypher text for reading in
_FileStream = New FileStream(inputFile, FileMode.Open)
ReadHeaderFromFile() 'write out aes key to header
'Create the stream to decrypt the AES part of the file
_CryptoStream = New CryptoStream(_FileStream, _CryptoAgent.CreateDecryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read)
_ZipStream = New GZipStream(_CryptoStream, CompressionMode.Decompress)
'setup complete - run decrypt to unprotect the rest of the file
End Sub
Public Sub Close()
End Sub
Public Sub Dispose()
End Sub
Public Sub Flush()
End Sub
Private Sub ReadHeaderFromFile()
'Read the AES Key (Protected by RSA Key) and then the IV
Dim UnProtectedAESKey() As Byte
Dim buffer(_CryptoAgent.BlockSize - 1) As Byte
'Read in protected AES Key
_FileStream.Read(buffer, 0, _CryptoAgent.BlockSize)
'Decrypt AES Key
UnProtectedAESKey = releaseKeyFromRSA(buffer)
_CryptoAgent.Key = UnProtectedAESKey
ReDim buffer(_CryptoAgent.IV.Length - 1)
'get IV
_FileStream.Read(buffer, 0, _CryptoAgent.IV.Length)
_CryptoAgent.IV = buffer
End Sub
Public Sub DecryptFile(ByVal outFilePath As String)
Dim outFile As New FileStream(outFilePath, FileMode.Create)
Dim count As Integer = 1024
Dim buffer(count - 1) As Byte
Do Until count = 0
count = _ZipStream.Read(buffer, 0, count)
outFile.Write(buffer, 0, count)
End Sub
Private Function releaseKeyFromRSA(ByVal key() As Byte) As Byte()
Debug.Print("Protected AES Key - " & key.ToString)
Dim cspParam As New CspParameters()
Dim RSA As New RSACryptoServiceProvider(1024, cspParam)
Dim decryptedAsByte() As Byte = RSA.Decrypt(key, True)
Debug.Print("Release RSA - " & System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(decryptedAsByte))
Return decryptedAsByte
End Function
End Class
End Class
I am using the Outputfile1 variable. this is the variable where the path of the file will come which was created in the previous script task. In this task i got the exception that it is alread in use.

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    m_binder.putLocal("dDocType", "Document");
    m_binder.putLocal("primaryFile", entryName);
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    But post checkout when i try to re-check using CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL command, I receive the below exception
    intradoc.common.ServiceException: !csUnableToCheckIn,OLM_002103!csCheckinItemExists
    at intradoc.server.ServiceRequestImplementor.buildServiceException(
    at intradoc.server.Service.buildServiceException(
    at intradoc.server.Service.createServiceExceptionEx(
    at intradoc.server.Service.createServiceException(
    What am I missing here?
    Code snippet:
    m_binder.putLocal("IsAutoNumber", "true");
    m_binder.putLocal("AutoNumberPrefix", "olm_");
    String docName = getDocname(ws, parentId, entityName);
    if(docName != null && docName.equals("FILENOTFOUND")) {
    System.out.println("Creating new file");
    System.out.println("parentId is "+ parentId);
    m_binder.putLocal("dDocType", "Document");
    m_binder.putLocal ("doFileCopy", "1");
    m_binder.putLocal("primaryFile", entryName);
    executeService(ws, m_binder,"sysadmin",true);
    System.out.println("Created file successfully");
    System.out.println("Check out file");
    System.out.println("parentId is "+ parentId);
    executeService(ws, m_binder,"sysadmin",true);
    System.out.println("File checked out successfully");
    System.out.println("Check in file");
    m_binder.putLocal("dDocType", "Document");
    m_binder.putLocal ("doFileCopy", "1");
    m_binder.putLocal("primaryFile", entryName);
    executeService(ws, m_binder,"sysadmin",true);
    System.out.println("Checked in file successfully");
    public String getDocname(Workspace ws, String folderId, String originalName)
    throws DataException,ServiceException
    System.out.println("Entered getDocname");
    String val = new String("FILENOTFOUND");
    String sql = "select a.ddocname from documenthistory a, docmeta b, documents d " +
    "where a.did = b.did and a.did = d.did and d.DORIGINALNAME = '" + originalName +
    "' and b.xcollectionid = '" + folderId + "'";
    System.out.println("sql query is : " + sql);
    ResultSet rs = ws.createResultSetSQL(sql);
    if(rs == null) {
    System.out.println("Resultset for getDocname is empty");
    throw new ServiceException("Resultset for getDocname is empty");
    DataResultSet result = new DataResultSet();
    if(result.getNumRows() >= 1) {
    val = result.getStringValue(0);
    System.out.println("ddocname is :" + val);
    return val;
    else {
    return val;

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    I get a pop-up: Error 48: File or Folder Does Not Exist
                             Line 11  -> $. evalFile(g_StackScriptFolderPath + "StackSupport.jsx");
    What's the fix for this, if anyone knows?

    Go to //Applications/Adobe Photoshop [Version]/Presets/ Scripts/Stack Scripts Only/ and see if StackSupport.jsx is there. If it is not, uninstall and reinstall Photoshop to have it added back in. If it is there, first try recreating the Photoshop Preferences (hold down Command+Option+Shift while launching Photoshop).

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    Error 48: File or folder does not exist.
    Line: 31
    ->  $.evalFile( g_StackScriptFolderPath + "Geometry.jsx");
    Any ideas?

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    error 48: file or folder does not exist
    line: 31
    -> $.evalFile(g_StackScriptFolderPath + "Geometry.jsx");
    hello ... anyone out there?
    how do we get support for this error?

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    Click down the key path: 
    Double click on the value name 
       "Enable Journal Wrap Automatic Restore" 

  • SMC - "The management domain file...does not exist"

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    Just a quickie to see if anyone has seen this and has any pointers to getting out of it...
    Solaris 10 u5 x86. Machine has got SRSS4.0 running on it, the only other modification is CUPS is running in favour of the Solaris lp stuff (got instructions for this off a BigAdmin article).
    Anyways, I use SMC to manipulate user/group stuff on the local machine. SMC launches just fine, and I can gather System Information, view logs, disk configuration, processes etc. However, when attempting to do any user/group/role stuff management, I authentication with root role, click on the relevant panel, and get this:
    "The management server cannot perform the operation requested.
    If this problem persists, refer to the Log Viewer for additional information and contact your Sun Microsystems support provider.
    The actual error reported was:
    The management domain file:/shadowfire/127 does not exist or cannot be managed on server shadowfire."
    The behaviour is consistent. Gee, it was running fine before, AFAIK...
    Any pointers to what may have come unstuck gratefully appreciated, as always :)

    I came across the same problem late July almost same day - on a brand new M4000 server with Solaris 10. I use an X-windows client to connect in and open Common Desktop Environment as "root". Then when I invoke SMC it works for everything except trying to open User Maintenance - then I get the error above.
    I came across something quite by accident whilst I was being advised to make edits to /etc/hosts (which I dont think made a difference anyway so I wont mention them)
    If I use my X-Windows client and open Common Desktop Environment as an ordinary user (say "joe") - then invoke SMC from the menu - when asked by the SMC utility to provide a logon then (as you would) enter the root username and password, guess what ! - I could open the User Maintenance icon without the error appearing and make changes and save them.
    Funny how a less privileged user than root invoking CDE seems to provide a basis to get the option to work! I still get the error by using CDE as root
    Wanna Try it?

  • Variable  is used in description text Task description, but does not exist

    I am getting following error in the standard task 207914 ERMS_DECSN.
    Workflow Error
    Variable &REQREQ.REQUISITIONERUSER.ITSDESTINATIONSY& exists in description text Task description, but not in the container
    Message no. 5W146
    Variable  is used in description text Task description, but does not exist in the container.
    System Response
    The task could cause workflow errors.
    Correct description text Task description or add the variable to the container.
    Can anybody please guide step by step process to correct this error.

    Hi Deepak,
    I face a similar issue,Task description contains an element which is available in container, but during Check, it throws below error.
    Variable &ZINFO.REASON& exists in description text Task description, but not in the container
    but variable "&ZINFO.REASON&" is not accessed in Task description.
    suggest any ways to check the binding or adjust binding between workflow/task.
    Please provide a solution to fix this error or advice if this error can be ignored?

  • Create a file if it does not exist when a script runs

    I have a shell script I run using automator that puts on the clipboard a string like Page 001, Page 002 and so forth incrementing the number 00x everytime it runs. I use it when I need to sequentially name files when doing things like scanning documents and so forth.
    Presently, I have to manually create a file "~/counter" and enter the integer to start counting from. So if ~/counter contains 0, pbcopy places "Page 001" on the clipboard and so forth
    The shell script
    <pre class="jive-pre">
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    myvar=$(cat ~/counter);
    let myvar=$myvar+1;
    mycopy=$(printf "Page %03d" $myvar);
    echo "$mycopy" | pbcopy;
    echo "$myvar" > ~/counter;
    works fine now.
    I want to modify the script so that if ~/counter does not exist, the script creates a file and initializes an integer value say 1 in the file. If the file exists, the script uses the integer used in the file.
    How can I get this done?

    And because I can not leave "Well Enough Alone"
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    [[ -r ~/counter ]] && read count anyjunk_aftercount <~/counter
    echo "$count" >~/counter
    printf "Page %03d" $count | pbcopy
    The anyjunk_aftercount is just in case something else gets into ~/counter. Assuming the first non-blank field on line 1 is the count, then anything following the count will be stuffed into anyjunk_aftercount and since the script ignores it, it will go away when the script re-writes ~/counter with just $count

  • Saving photos to the web by creating events. Called the destination folder does not exist.

    I ask you for advice (assistance). A week ago I re-installed the PC and installed to the computer again Photoshop CS5. Everything works for me except for the function of storing images for web by creating events. Called me constantly destination folder does not exist. The problem I had before. I ask you this advice on how to solve this problem.
    Thanks for the advice

    i don't know if i integrate your code correctly, but it doens't work for me. I presently create skin for client and this plugin is really usefull for me.
    i use win7 64bit home edition, and photoshop cs5
    there is how i integrate this :
    function getPreferencesFolder() {
         var userData = Folder.userData;
         if (!userData || !userData.exists) {
              userData = Folder("~");
         var folder = new Folder(userData + "/xtools");
         if (!folder.exists) {
         return folder;
    function exportChildren(dupObj, orgObj, dupDocRef, folder) {
    if (getCSVersion() >= 10) // CS3 Only
         // Create assets folder in Flex app's directory
         // var tempFolder;
         // tempFolder = new Folder (folder + "/assets/");
         // tempFolder.create();
         var tempFolder;
         tempFolder = getPreferencesFolder();
    i put the code creating the folder in comment and put your code in place, i also put your function before the function creating file.
    With the base code (without modification) photoshop is able to create my folder assets, but when it try to export the png, it export nothing, so i have a empty folder.
    thank you,

  • The file /_controltemplates/15/ does not exist

    Hi Everyone.
    We are planning to migrate from share point 2010 to SharePoint 2013.So we have created one POC environment to test the customizations(master pages,Page layouts,web parts,site definition,Site templates) in SharePoint 2013.We have installed Visual Studio 2012
    to convert VS2010 solution.We have done with the converstion from VS2010 solutions to VS2012.
    We have followed all the below steps to test the same functionality.
    1.Install Visual Studio 2012 and reopen solution in VS 2012
    2.Change .NET Framework version to  v4.5
    3.Update existing reference of Microsoft.SharePoint.dll to "C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\15\ISAPI". (may need to other dlls reference as well)
    4.Add a property ‘SharePointVersion =”15.0"’ in <Solution> element in the manifest file. (otherwise it gets installed into SharePoint 14 location)
    5.Update "_layouts" folder with "_layouts/15" reference.
    6.Build your solution, deploy and Test.
    After successful deployment we are not able to add the web part to the page.We are getting an error like the following.
    The file '/_controltemplates/15/{Project folder}/{web part Folder}/{Web PartUserControl}' does not exist.
    Any one can help me on this issue.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Everyone.
    We are planning to migrate from share point 2010 to SharePoint 2013.So we have created one POC environment to test the customizations(master pages,Page layouts,web parts,site definition,Site templates) in SharePoint 2013.We have installed Visual Studio 2012
    to convert VS2010 solution.We have done with the converstion from VS2010 solutions to VS2012.
    We have followed all the below steps to test the same functionality.
    1.Install Visual Studio 2012 and reopen solution in VS 2012
    2.Change .NET Framework version to  v4.5
    3.Update existing reference of Microsoft.SharePoint.dll to "C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\15\ISAPI". (may need to other dlls reference as well)
    4.Add a property ‘SharePointVersion =”15.0"’ in <Solution> element in the manifest file. (otherwise it gets installed into SharePoint 14 location)
    5.Update "_layouts" folder with "_layouts/15" reference.
    6.Build your solution, deploy and Test.
    After successful deployment we are not able to add the web part to the page.We are getting an error like the following.
    The file '/_controltemplates/15/{Project folder}/{web part Folder}/{Web PartUserControl}' does not exist.
    Any one can help me on this issue.
    Thanks in advance

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