Create a custom object

can I create a custom object? or do I have to modify an existing one?

Currently there is a limitation. You can use the existing 3 custom objects. You wont be able to create additional custom objects.

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  • How can i create a custom object 0REQUID

    Hello all,
    I have a question. How can i create a custom object 0REQUID? Is it possible to create it without actvating BI content?
    Thanks in advance..

    If you want to create a new info object which is a copy of 0REQUID. then
    Go to > info object key figure / Chara catalogue> create new key figure / Chara --> enter 0REQUID in front of TEMPLATE and you will get all details of 0REQUID in your new key figure / chara.
    Hope this helps.
    Assgn pts if helpful.
    Edited by: chintamani deshmukh on Apr 14, 2008 11:09 AM

  • Error creating a Custom Object via REST

    Hi- we're developing a third party app that will publish to Eloqua and may need to create and upsert to Custom Objects.  We whipped up a quick PoC using the sample code provided (thank you) but we're having trouble getting the create operation to be successful.  The code we're using is Java and works fine for: reading/writing contacts and reading Custom Objects.  Here's the wire info on the Create call that is failing:
    Request payload (authentication works fine - we're using it for other successful calls):
    {"id":9987,"name":"rest test","fields":[{"name":"sample text field","dataType":"2","type":"CustomObjectField","id":1},{"name":"sample numeric field","dataType":"1","type":"CustomObjectField","id":2},{"name":"sample date field","dataType":"5","type":"CustomObjectField","id":3}],"page":0,"pageSize":0}
    <Fault xmlns=""><Code><Value>Receiver</Value><Subcode><Value xmlns:a="">a:InternalServiceFault</Value></Subcode></Code><Reason><Text xml:lang="en-US">The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error.  For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the &lt;serviceDebug&gt; configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs.</Text></Reason></Fault>
    I'm assuming that we're just forgetting to set something in the header or payload of the call.  Can you provide some insight into what we're doing wrong here?

    Thanks for the info above.  I retried the call with various combinations of IDs ranging from:
    - All different negative IDs
    - All the same negative IDs (-1)
    - Custom Object negative and fields positive (and vice versa)
    None of them worked.  I've attached the full HTTP envelope this time... I find it curious that the response is 404 (vs. 5XX)... am I calling the correct method/URL?
    POST /API/REST/1.0/assets/customObject/ HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Authorization: Basic [masked]==
    User-Agent: Java/1.6.0_37
    Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2
    Connection: keep-alive
    Content-Length: 303
    {"id":-100,"name":"rest test","fields":[{"name":"sample text field","dataType":"2","type":"CustomObjectField","id":-1},{"name":"sample numeric field","dataType":"1","type":"CustomObjectField","id":-2},{"name":"sample date field","dataType":"5","type":"CustomObjectField","id":-3}],"page":0,"pageSize":0}
    HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    Cache-Control: private
    Content-Length: 748
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
    X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
    Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2012 13:36:37 GMT
    <Fault xmlns=""><Code><Value>Receiver</Value><Subcode><Value xmlns:a="">a:InternalServiceFault</Value></Subcode></Code><Reason><Text xml:lang="en-US">The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error.  For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the &lt;serviceDebug&gt; configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs.</Text></Reason></Fault>

  • Is it Possible to create custom Object type in configuration Tab

    Hi ,
    We have object type for table in Development Tab in SOLAR02 , is it possible to create a custom object type to represent the table object type in Configuration Tab.
    Please let me know the steps , if it is possible.
    Best Regards,

    You answer for you problem exists and its a common problem but you need to go for this development as mentioned below
    We did long time back
    Hope ur problm and doubt is resolved now

  • Need help creating custom objects and adding them to an array.

    Hi Everyone,
    So I'm dinking around in Powershell today and I'm failing at creating an array of custom objects.  I want to create a HTML report that builds out after every MDT image update. To do that, I need to collect my data on what's contained in each build.
    Here's my current script in progress -
    function Parse-Dependents($fullname){
    $dependents = get-dependents
    $dependents = get-dependents -fullname $fullname
    foreach($d in $dependents){
    foreach ($app in $apps){
    if($d -match $app.guid){
    $applications = @{
    'Name' = $app.ShortName;
    'GUID' = $app.Guid;
    'Version' = $app.Version;
    'Last Modified Time' = $app.LastModifiedTime;
    'Last Modified By' = $app.LastModifiedBy;
    'Install Directory' = [string]'\\my\path\to\MDT\' + $app.WorkingDirectory.TrimStart(".","\")
    'CommandLine' = $app.CommandLine;
    new-object -typename PSObject -property $applications
    return $applications
    It all works great until I look at my output and see that I get my expected properties and array, but at the end it's created additional empty entries for each of my initial properties I assigned.  So I get my list of apps like this :
    powershell.ex... OrgChart Plugin  \\my\mdt\server\ XX\user                     9/22/2014 5:... {ffee7497-0c...
    And then below it :
                     Install Direc...                                                                               
                     Last Modified By                                                                               
                     Last Modified...                                                                               
    And these are all listed under the Name property.  I'm still pretty new to PS (8 months or so now), and rarely have to create a custom object, but this seems like a case for doing so to create a custom html report.  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    It's not really all that strange.  
    If you look at your script, you're not outputting the hash table until both loops finish.  The values are dependent on the properties of the $app objects enumerated in the inner loop, and only outputting an object if the dependent ($d) matches the $app
    guid property.
    At the end, you're outputting the hash table without that test, so it's going to have values based on the last $app in the loop, regardless of whether the guid matches the dependents or not.
    [string](0..33|%{[char][int](46+("686552495351636652556262185355647068516270555358646562655775 0645570").substring(($_*2),2))})-replace " "

  • Performance issue in Webi rep when using custom object from SAP BW univ

    Hi All,
    I had to design a report that runs for the previous day and hence we had created a custom object which ranks the dates and then a pre-defined filter which picks the date with highest rank.
    the definition for the rank variable(in universe) is as follows:
    <expression>Rank([0CALDAY].Currentmember,  Order([0CALDAY].Currentmember.Level.Members ,Rank([0CALDAY].Currentmember,[0CALDAY].Currentmember.Level.Members), BDESC))</expression>
    Now to the issue I am currently facing,
    The report works fine when we ran it on a test environment ie :with small amount of data.
    Our production environment has millions of rows of data and when I run the report with filter it just hangs.I think this is because it tries to rank all the dates(to find the max date) and thus resulting in a huge performance issue.
    Can someone suggest how this performance issue can be overcome?
    I work on BO XI3.1 with SAP BW.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Using a variable on the BW side is not feasible since we want to use the same BW query for a few other reports as well.
    Could you please explain what you mean by 'use LAG function'.How can it be used in this scenario?
    Thanks and Regards,
    Smitha Mohan.

  • Is it possible to have an adress field with a Custom Object?

    I would like to link a service request to an account and an intermediary such as a travel agency. But the original datamodel only allow one account per Service Request.
    So, I have created a custom object (Intermediary) that should have similar relations with other objects than the Account one. With this object, I will be allowed to link my two accounts to the SR. But I would like to insert an address field in my custom object. Unfortunately, this kinf of custom field type is not available...
    Is there any solution to have one? Or is there another solution I could use to link 2 accounts to a Service Request?
    Thanks in advance,

    We had the same problem. Decided to use one of the new custom objects (CO-05) for this purpose. The drawback of using it this way is the lack of automatic formating of the address lines by country selected like you get with accounts and contacts. On the good side, you can designate fields for use in interfacing with your external business system, i.e. Oracle eBS, JDE, etc.
    We also added a link to this to bring up a modified Customers On Line form from Oracle eBS that gives us a view of the Quotes, Orders, Service Requests, Installed Base, Invoices and Credit Memos by customer party id number contained in eBS. This is what we call a 360 degree view of the customer.
    Neil @ Emerson Process

  • Return value of Custom object in HashMap

    I have created a custom object (TableValue) that should represent the key value in aHashMap. When reading data from a file, the custom object should be either a String or a Double. I want the custom object to return the proper type. That is, I am trying to avoid the use of an Object as a key value in the HashMap. However, I want TableValue to return the proper value. Some example code is listed below. My question is this, how do I get TableValue to return the proper type?
    import java.util.HashMap;
    public class Table {
    HashMap<TableValue,Frequency>table=new HashMap<TableValue,Frequency>();
         public void count(TableValue aElement){
              Frequency fq=table.get(aElement);
                   fq=new Frequency();
                   table.put(aElement, fq);
         public double getCount(TableValue aElement){
              Frequency fq=table.get(aElement);
                   return 0.0;
                   return fq.getFrequency();
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              Table tab=new Table();
              tab.count(new TableValue("s"));
              tab.count(new TableValue(5.0));
    public class TableValue {
         private double dValue;
         private String sValue;
         private boolean isDouble=false;
         public TableValue(Object o){
                   }else if(o.getClass().getName().equals("java.lang.Double")){
              }catch(ClassCastException ex){
            //next two methods not correct, can not overload like this
         public double getValue(){
              //want to return a double
              return dValue;
         public String getValue(){
              //want to returna string
              return sValue;
    public class Frequency {
         private double total, cummulativeFrequency;
         public Frequency(){
              total = 1.0;
              cummulativeFrequency = 0.0;
         public void add(){
         public void addCummulativeFrequency(double aLowerCount){
              cummulativeFrequency += aLowerCount;
         public double getFrequency(){
              return total;
         public double getCummulativeFrequency(){
              return cummulativeFrequency;

    OK, thanks to everyone for your help. Here is what I have done. I added equals(), hashCode(), and compareTo().
    My compareTo() method seems a bit sloppy. Basically, I want Strings to appear before Doubles in a sort. Is there a better way to do this?
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    public class Table {
         HashMap<TableValue,Frequency>table=new HashMap<TableValue,Frequency>();
         public void count(TableValue aElement){
              Frequency fq=table.get(aElement);
                   fq=new Frequency();
                   table.put(aElement, fq);
         public double getCount(TableValue aElement){
              Frequency fq=table.get(aElement);
                   return 0.0;
                   return fq.getFrequency();
         public Object[] getKeyArray(boolean sorted){
              TableValue[] keys=new TableValue[table.size()];
              int i=0;
              for(Iterator iter=table.keySet().iterator();iter.hasNext(); ){
              return keys;
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              Table tab=new Table();
              tab.count(new TableValue("a"));
              tab.count(new TableValue("a"));
              tab.count(new TableValue("d"));
              tab.count(new TableValue(5.3));
              tab.count(new TableValue(6.123));
              Object[] keys = tab.getKeyArray(true);
              System.out.println("count " + tab.getCount((TableValue)keys[0]));
    public class TableValue implements Comparable{
         private Double dValue;
         private String sValue;
         public TableValue(String sValue){
         public TableValue(double dValue){
         public Double getDoubleValue(){
              return dValue;
         public String getStringValue(){
              return sValue;
         public boolean isDouble(){
              if(dValue!=null) return false;
              return true;
         public boolean equals(Object o) {
              return o.equals(sValue) || o.equals(dValue);
         public int hashCode(){
              int hash=0;
              hash += (null == dValue ? 0 : dValue.hashCode());
              hash += (null == sValue ? 0 : sValue.hashCode());
              return hash;
           public int compareTo(Object anotherTableValue) throws ClassCastException{
                if(!(anotherTableValue instanceof TableValue))
                     throw new ClassCastException("TableValue object expected.");
                //compareTo for two Doubles
                if(((TableValue)anotherTableValue).getDoubleValue()!=null &&
                     System.out.println("yes" +((TableValue)anotherTableValue).getDoubleValue()!=null &&
                     Double anotherDouble=((TableValue)anotherTableValue).getDoubleValue();
                     return this.dValue.compareTo(anotherDouble);
                //compareTo for two Strings
                if(((TableValue)anotherTableValue).getStringValue()!=null &&
                     String anotherString=((TableValue)anotherTableValue).getStringValue();
                     return this.sValue.compareTo(anotherString);
                //sort Strings before Doubles
                if(((TableValue)anotherTableValue).getStringValue()!=null &&
                     return 1;
                //sort Strings before Doubles
                return -1;
           public String toString(){
                     return sValue;
                return dValue.toString();

  • Problem finding object for Custom Object Test

    I need to create a custom object test that tests whether a an element is present after a record gets inserted into the database. The script is databanked and each iteration needs to insert a databanked record, then evaluate my custom object test to make sure the record was inserted. The trick is in writing the expression that finds the correct custom object. After one iteration, this is the code that finds the custom object; "window(index=0).link(text=""Category D"" | href=""javascript:OpenModal('DocumentCategoryAddEdit.aspx?documentCategoryId=377','400');"" | index=19)", element
    Instead of always grabbing the object whose text is "Category D", I want to grab the object whose text is <<category>> (ie retrieved from a databank file). Search in the href or index isn't helpful because these will change with each iteration through my script.
    I tried to modify the GetElementByPath to this: "window(index=0).link(text=dbValue|)", element
    where dbValue is a local parameter that I set earlier on. When I run this, I get an object not found error.
    Any ideas?

    I much prefer to use It is much more robust than FindElements.<BR>
    RSWApp.GetDatabankValue Is what is needed anytime you want to return Databank values to the VBA environment<BR>
    Your code should look something like the following:<BR>
    Dim dbVal as string
    RSWApp.GetDataBankValue "MyDbVariable", dbVal<BR>
    This will return the contents of "MyDbVariable" which is defined and bound in the databank wizard to VBA variable dbVal.<BR>
    You can then use DBVal in your path:
    <BR> "window(index=0).link(text="" & dbVal & "" | href=""javascript:OpenModal(&#39;DocumentCategoryAddEdit.aspx?documentCategoryId=377&#39;,&#39;400&#39;);"" | index=19)", element<BR>
    If you decide to use Find elements instead of GetElementByPath, the syntax would like the following: <BR>
    Set element =, "A", "InnerText") <BR>
    As you can see it is much simpler.<BR>
    Hope this helps!

  • Custom Object Definitions

    Hello all,
    Is it possible to export / import the definition of a custom object? We want to create a custom object definition locally and then distribute it to customers so that they have a custom object with the same exact definition.
    Thank you,

    Thanks bobb.
    Let me just clarify my question about "creating" custom objects through web services. I'm not talking about INSERT of a new row into a custom object definition, i'm talking about basically taking CustomObject13 (for example) and through web services, change it's schema to what i need by creating custom fields on it, etc... so basically creating the definition / schema of a custom object through web services.

  • Custom Objects

    I have created a custom object and dragged it to the Custom Object Library. When I am on my disconnected designer, am able to use it.
    But, I want let other use it.
    Please tell me how do I export the custom object from the designer and import the custom object into the Livecycle workbench ES2 resources.
    Thanks and Regards,

    We are working to create a portlet that will integrate with the Crystal Enterprise reporting engine from Business Objects. The difficultly here is the authentication and authorization. Crystal can tie into Active Directory for authentication and authorization, but not the plumtree portal. We need the integration to work properly for all users in plumtree, whether they come from AD or not. As such, we need to build some type of custom authentication and authorization capabilities into our portlet.
    Nonetheless, we plan to make as much use as possible with what is already provided. So our plan is to create a set of SQL tables that will tie together a crystal report with a list of groups in plumtree and define what rights those particular plumtree groups have on the report.
    The reason I was interested in creating custom objects is as follows: If I could create a "crystal report" object in our plumtree portal, I would then have to do NO coding to allow administrators in plumtree to assign permissions for particular groups to those "crystal report" objects. My portlet would do a simple query of what "crystal report" objects the current user has access to and display them, and allow the user to interact with them. As it is, we are planning to create interfaces for adding and removing groups to a report, and giving those groups various levels of access to the reports.
    Thanks for asking.

  • Siebel -00284 Error while editing the Custom object Data

    I have created one custom object and when i tried to edit the data which i have entered , i am not able to edit the data on Custom object. Could you please suggest me on this. Please find the below error.
    You do not have permission to edit the record. Click cancel or Back link to continue.(SBL-DAT-00284)
    Edited by: Subbu on Jun 29, 2010 1:57 AM

    Hi Shyam,
    Try with this code.
    *-----Adding the Condition Types at item level
                  PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV45A'    '5003'.
                  PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'  'KOMV-KSCHL(01)'.
                  PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'  '=V69A_KONY'.
                  PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMSSY0'    '0120'.
                  PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'  '05/04'.
                  PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'  '=PICK'.
    *----1. Unitprc ( ZPR0 )
                  PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV45A'    '5003'.
                  PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'  'KOMV-KSCHL(01)'.
                  PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'  '=V69A_KOAN'.
                  PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV45A'    '5003'.
                  PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'  'KOMV-KBETR(02)'.
                  WRITE x_item-unitprc TO v_unitprc CURRENCY komv-waers NO-SIGN.
                  PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'KOMV-KSCHL(02)'  'ZPR0'.
                  PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'KOMV-KBETR(02)'  v_unitprc.
                  PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'  '/00'.
    *-----End of Addition
                  PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV45A'    '5003'.
                  PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'  '/EBACK'.
    Message was edited by:
            Amandeep Kumar

  • Contact associated Custom object records in SR when contact is selected

    We have a scenario like this:
    Contact->Family members
    For Contact - Contact Record Type
    For Family members - using Custom Object 1 record type
    This is fine. Whenever a family member is added, ContactId is stamped against the Custom object 1 record. So, when the contact is searched, the family members are also displayed in the child.
    Whenever there is a SR raised against the Contact, the child of SR should show up Family member names of the selected Contact. These records should be editable.
    Have anyone come across such problem or do anyone have a good solution without using Web Services or any kind of integration here?

    Hi Becky, unfortunately you cannot directly create a custom object record in the manor you are describing (from a program or canvas step).  However, what you COULD do is submit to a form from program builder using the "Form Submit" cloud connector.  That way you can leverage the form processing steps as you would normally.  Be warned, if you want to use one custom object for ALL nurture records, then you will have to create a unique key other than email address (otherwise you will simply overwrite the last record over and over again).  The key could be something like email+nurtureName.  BUT be warned again, depending how many contacts you are nurturing, this type of cloud connector could get "clogged" pretty easily, as last i checked it was only able to process something like 300 records an hour.  If you have several thousand records potentially being nurtured, this may not be a great option.

  • New custom object type - SWO1

    Hi All,
    I need to create a custom object type using SWO1.
    The object type needs to be linked to a report program with selection screen(or its tcode). 
    The selection screen carries just 1field. The output is a new screen.
    Would appreciate if any1 can tell me the step-by-step process to accomplish my objective.

    Enter a name.
    Hit create. Populate the manadatory pop ups don't populate super type.
    Blow out the key field. Create a key field.
    Blow out the methods - add a method. Add the code for the method - select the method and hit the program button add code as below:
    export object-key-partneremployeeid to memory id '99'.
    Create your event.
    My method calls an abap I wrote that is bound to a transaction.
    You will need to set the release status for all of the elements of your object and the object itself.
    The question I have is why. Are you calling the object in a workflow? If so you will need to use the fm as below:
                  OBJTYPE              = OBJTYPE
                  OBJKEY               = OBJKEY
                  EVENT                = EVENT
            START_WITH_DELAY     = ' '
            START_RECFB_SYNCHRON = ' '
                 EVENT_ID             = EVENTID
                  EVENT_CONTAINER      = EVENT_CONTAINER
                  OBJTYPE_NOT_FOUND    = 1
                  OTHERS               = 2.
        COMMIT WORK.
    Good Luck.

  • Custom Object & Relation ship in OM

    Hi Exports,
    How to create new object and relation ship in OM.
    There is some specific requirment that create new custom object along with relation ship.
    Please let me know.
    Thanks & Regards

    Heloo Dilek,
    I have created New object and relation ship as suggested by you and I am able to save the record.
    But when I went to Overview of the custom object for IT 1001 I am getting one stranage error "No time constraint exists for key 30001O 500215341001A   1 200901019999123199500354"
    On the above error 50021534 Org. unit object (O), 50035486 is Custom object (99).
    I have maintained TC for AXXX & BXXX as a 3 of subtype 1001 in table V_T777ZVK.
    Please tell me where I did mistake.
    Thanks & Regards

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