Create a DB-Table through Web Dynpro

Hi everybody,
how can i create a new DB-Table on my Database (oracle) through a Web Dynpro Application. In my Web Dynpro Application i create in the dictionary area a table with some colums. After deploying it into my WAS i opened the SQL-Developer but i could not see the new table which i have create in my Web Dynpro Application. Should i restart the WAS?

It will not create a table in a outside database. When you create table through Dictionary project, it creates table in the database associated with server instance which can be MAX DB or Oracle database. Just check with your basis team about the connection parameters and then check the table through the SQL-Developer. Provided that you have done everything correctly.

Similar Messages

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    Hello Friends,
    I Am facing a Problem in Adobe Forms through Web Dynpro.
    i Want to Make Interactive online Adobe Forms - In Table Control user enter the multiple entry in the table control and after that Click on SAVE button , entry will saved in Database table.
    Please guide me.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Gaurabh,
    For interactive form you have to check the property DisplayType = native and PdfSource should be a Context Attribute of type 'Xstring'.
    For data retrieval, create a NODE and have all the required attributes within that node of AOBE form.
    Fetch the data in WDDOINIT.
    Also check, that the offline senario for this form is working.
    Hope it helps you.

  • How to create the Dynamic UI element table in web dynpro in abap

    Hi All,
    Does anybody have reference note or teach me how to create dynamic UI element table in web dynpro in abap ?

    HI LukeWong ,
    for creating any UI dynamically you shoul use their runtime class that always start with cl_wd_* ui element name*
    so for the Table UI element the runtime class is CL_WD_TABLE
    now reffer the below code for creating the Table UI dynamically
    METHOD wddomodifyview.
    DATA lr_table TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table.
    DATA lr_flow_data TYPE REF TO cl_wd_flow_data.
    DATA lr_container TYPE REF TO cl_wd_uielement_container.
    DATA lr_column_name TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table_column.
    DATA lr_text_view TYPE REF TO cl_wd_text_view.
    DATA lr_table_header TYPE REF TO cl_wd_caption.
    DATA lr_column_name_header TYPE REF TO cl_wd_caption.
    IF first_time EQ abap_true.
    lr_container ?= view->get_element( 'ROOTUIELEMENTCONTAINER' ).
    lr_table = cl_wd_table=>new_table(
    id = 'TBL_TABLE'
    bind_data_source = 'TABLE'
    design = cl_wd_table=>e_design-alternating
    visible_row_count = 3
    lr_flow_data = cl_wd_flow_data=>new_flow_data( element =
    lr_table ).
    lr_container->add_child( lr_table ).
    lr_column_name = cl_wd_table_column=>new_table_column(
    lr_table_header ?= cl_wd_caption=>new_caption( text = 'Table UI elem
    ent - example').
    lr_table->add_column( the_column = lr_column_name ).
    lr_table->set_header( lr_table_header ).
    lr_text_view = cl_wd_text_view=>new_text_view(
    id = 'TXV_NAME'
    bind_text = 'TABLE.NAME'
    lr_column_name_header ?= cl_wd_caption=>new_caption( text = 'Name').
    lr_column_name->set_table_cell_editor( the_table_cell_editor = lr_text_view).
    lr_column_name->set_header( lr_column_name_header ).
    Chinnaiya P
    Edited by: chinnaiya pandiyan on Sep 17, 2010 12:01 PM

  • How to create dictionary table using web dynpro?

    Dear Experts,
    Please clarify my doubts.Im new in this EP development.
    Im using EP6 portal with NWDS6 for dev.
    My Doubts are :
    Im trying to develop a web dynpro application which captures some data and insert/update in Table.
    => If we create a structure Dictionary in web dynpro application will that automatically create the table in Portal database?
    => If it is automatically created how to insert or update that table.
    can any one plz help.
    thanks and regards,

    Hi Visweswara
    This will use the concept of EJB.
    Refer these for creating Dictionary tables...
    As far as answer to your second question is concerned,
    => If u create a structure Dictionary in web dynpro application  it will not create the table in Portal database..
    You can access that table via creating a web dynpro iview in Portal..
    Only application can accessed after deployment via iviews in Portal..
    Rewards Appreciated...

  • Upload and Attach file to Service Notificacion through Web Dynpro

    I need to upload and attach a file (Word, PDF, TXT ...) to Service Notificacion (TX - IW53) through Web Dynpro.
    I have used the integration component "File Upload" to obtain the "fileName" atribute. Also, I have used the functions SO_OBJECT_UPLOAD, SO_INSERT_OBJECT and BINARY_RELATION_CREATE_COMMIT.
    But have a problem, because the function SO_OBJECT_UPLOAD use the class "cl _ gui _ frontend _ services" and that clash with Web Dynpro.
    My question is: how could I resolve that problem?
    I look forward to your response.

    IV_NAME     Importing     Type     STRING
    IV_CONTENT     Importing     Type     STRING
    IV_CONTENT_HEX     Importing     Type     XSTRING
    IS_LPORB     Importing     Type     SIBFLPORB
    IV_OBJTP     Importing     Type     SO_OBJ_TP
    RT_MESSAGES     Returning     Type     BAPIRETTAB
    method save.
      data ls_message type bapiret2.
        filename     type string,
        filefullname type string,
        mime_type    type string,
        size         type i,
        offset type i,
        offset_old type i,
        temp_len type i,
        objname type string,
        l_obj_type type so_obj_tp,
        hex_null type x length 1 value '20',
        l_document_title type so_text255,
        file_ext type string,
        lt_objcont type standard table of  solisti1 initial size 6,
        objcont like line of lt_objcont,
        lt_ls_doc_change type standard table of sodocchgi1,
        ls_doc_change like line of lt_ls_doc_change,
        lt_data type soli_tab,
        ls_data type soli,
        lt_xdata type solix_tab,
        ls_xdata type solix,
        l_folder_id type sofdk,
        ls_object_id type soodk,
        l_object_id_fol type so_obj_id,
        l_object_id type so_obj_id,
       l_doc_info TYPE sofolenti1,
        l_object_hd_change type sood1,
        l_tab_size type int4,
        l_retype type breltyp-reltype,
        lt_urltab  type standard table of sood-objdes.
    get foler
    l_folder_id = 'FOL29000000000004'.
      call function 'SO_FOLDER_ROOT_ID_GET'
         owner                            = sy-uname
          region                           = 'B'
          folder_id                        = l_folder_id
         path_table                       =
      if iv_objtp = gc_type_file.
        size = xstrlen( iv_content_hex ).
    get file name and extension
        call method split_path
            iv_path           = iv_name
         E_PATH           =
           ev_filename       = filename
         E_PSERVER        =
        call method split_file_extension
            iv_filename_with_ext = filename
            ev_filename          = objname
            ev_extension         = file_ext.
        ls_doc_change-obj_name = objname.
        ls_doc_change-obj_descr = objname.
        ls_doc_change-obj_langu = sy-langu.
        ls_doc_change-sensitivty = 'F'.
        ls_doc_change-doc_size = size.
        offset = 0.
        while offset <= size.
          offset_old = offset.
          offset = offset + 255.
          if offset > size.
            temp_len = xstrlen( iv_content_hex+offset_old ).
            clear ls_xdata-line with hex_null in byte mode.
            ls_xdata-line = iv_content_hex+offset_old(temp_len).
            ls_xdata-line = iv_content_hex+offset_old(255).
          append ls_xdata to lt_xdata.
    set object type relation type and other header info
        l_retype = 'ATTA'.
        l_obj_type = 'EXT'.
        l_object_hd_change-objnam = ls_doc_change-obj_name.
        l_object_hd_change-objdes = ls_doc_change-obj_descr.
        l_object_hd_change-objsns = ls_doc_change-sensitivty.
        l_object_hd_change-objla  = ls_doc_change-obj_langu.
        l_object_hd_change-objlen = ls_doc_change-doc_size.
        l_object_hd_change-file_ext = file_ext.
      prepare header
        data lt_obj_header type standard table of solisti1.
        data ls_header type solisti1.
        concatenate '&SO_FILENAME=' filename into ls_header.
        append ls_header to lt_obj_header.
        clear ls_header.
        ls_header = '&SO_FORMAT=BIN'.
        append ls_header to lt_obj_header.
    change hex data to text data
        call function 'SO_SOLIXTAB_TO_SOLITAB'
            ip_solixtab = lt_xdata
            ep_solitab  = lt_data.
    for note
        size = strlen( iv_content ).
        objname = iv_name.
        ls_doc_change-obj_descr = objname.
        ls_doc_change-sensitivty = 'O'.
        ls_doc_change-obj_langu  = sy-langu.
    put content into table
        offset = 0.
        if iv_objtp = gc_type_note.
    it's a note
          l_retype = 'NOTE'.
          l_obj_type = 'RAW'.
          l_object_hd_change-file_ext = 'TXT'.
    read note content into table
          while offset <= size.
            offset_old = offset.
            offset = offset + 255.
            if offset > size.
              temp_len = strlen( iv_content+offset_old ).
              clear ls_data-line.
              ls_data-line = iv_content+offset_old(temp_len).
              ls_data-line = iv_content+offset_old(255).
            append ls_data to lt_data.
    get title from content , if it's initial
          if objname is initial.
            read table lt_data index 1 into l_document_title.
            while l_document_title+49 <> ' '.
              shift l_document_title right.
            shift l_document_title left deleting leading ' '.
            ls_doc_change-obj_descr = l_document_title.
    it's url (not note)
          l_retype = 'URL'.
          l_obj_type = 'URL'.
          if objname is initial.
            split iv_content at '/' into table lt_urltab.
            describe table lt_urltab lines l_tab_size.
            read table lt_urltab index l_tab_size into ls_doc_change-obj_descr.
          while offset <= size.
            offset_old = offset.
            offset = offset + 250.
            if offset > size.
              temp_len = strlen( iv_content+offset_old ).
              clear ls_data-line.
              ls_data-line = iv_content+offset_old(temp_len).
              ls_data-line = iv_content+offset_old(250).
            concatenate '&KEY&' ls_data-line into ls_data-line.
            append ls_data to lt_data.
        ls_doc_change-doc_size = size.
       l_object_hd_change-objnam = ls_doc_change-obj_name.
        l_object_hd_change-objdes = ls_doc_change-obj_descr.
        l_object_hd_change-objsns = ls_doc_change-sensitivty.
        l_object_hd_change-objla  = ls_doc_change-obj_langu.
        l_object_hd_change-objlen = ls_doc_change-doc_size.
    save object
      call function 'SO_OBJECT_INSERT'
                folder_id                  = l_folder_id
               OBJECT_FL_CHANGE           = OBJECT_FL_CHANGE
                object_hd_change           = l_object_hd_change
                object_type                = l_obj_type
               ORIGINATOR_ID              = OWNER_ID
              OWNER                      = USER-USRNAM
               OBJECT_FL_DISPLAY          = OBJECT_FL_DISPLAY
               OBJECT_HD_DISPLAY          = OBJECT_HD_DISPLAY
                object_id                  = ls_object_id   "l_doc_info-object_id
                objcont                    = lt_data
                objhead                    = lt_obj_header
               OBJPARA                    = OBJECT_PARA
               OBJPARB                    = OBJECT_PARB
                component_not_available    = 01
                folder_not_exist           = 06
                folder_no_authorization    = 05
                object_type_not_exist      = 17
                operation_no_authorization = 21
                parameter_error            = 23
                others                     = 1000.
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
        message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
                with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4 into ls_message-message.
        ls_message-type = sy-msgty.
        ls_message-id = sy-msgid.
        ls_message-number = sy-msgno.
        ls_message-message_v1 = sy-msgv1.
        ls_message-message_v2 = sy-msgv2.
        ls_message-message_v3 = sy-msgv3.
        ls_message-message_v4 = sy-msgv4.
        append ls_message to rt_messages.
    create relation
      data l_obj_rolea type borident.
      data l_obj_roleb type borident.
    MOVE-CORRESPONDING wd_this->ms_lporb to l_obj_rolea.
      l_obj_rolea-objkey = is_lporb-instid.
      l_obj_rolea-objtype = is_lporb-typeid.
      l_obj_rolea-logsys = is_lporb-catid.
      l_object_id_fol  = l_folder_id.
      l_object_id = ls_object_id.
      concatenate l_object_id_fol l_object_id into l_obj_roleb-objkey respecting blanks.
      l_obj_roleb-objtype = 'MESSAGE'.
      clear l_obj_roleb-logsys.
      call function 'BINARY_RELATION_CREATE'
          obj_rolea    = l_obj_rolea
          obj_roleb    = l_obj_roleb
          relationtype = l_retype
          others       = 1.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        commit work and wait.
       wd_this->MV_UPDATE_FLAG = 'X'.
        message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
                with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4 into ls_message-message.
        ls_message-type = sy-msgty.
        ls_message-id = sy-msgid.
        ls_message-number = sy-msgno.
        ls_message-message_v1 = sy-msgv1.
        ls_message-message_v2 = sy-msgv2.
        ls_message-message_v3 = sy-msgv3.
        ls_message-message_v4 = sy-msgv4.
        append ls_message to rt_messages.
    Edited by: Reyleene Hunt on May 26, 2009 10:05 AM

  • Creating a purchase order in web dynpro for java.........

    hello all,
    i am new to web dynpro for java.i have already done an application
    "Creating a Web Dynpro Application Accessing ABAP Functions" this application
    have good document on sdn.
    this application is working fine .
    Now i got an requiremnt for creating a purchase order in web dynpro for java.
    in normal report when i call  the bapi the parameter are the header, headerx,item, itemx is an internal table.
        POHEADER                     = HEADER
        POHEADERX                    = HEADERX
      POADDRVENDOR                 =
      TESTRUN                      =
      EXPPURCHASEORDER             =
      EXPHEADER                    =
      EXPPOEXPIMPHEADER            =
       RETURN                       = RETURN
       POITEM                       = ITEM
       POITEMX                      = ITEMX.
    i just want to know how can i fill these internal table in web dynpro
    for java to create an application accessing "Bapi_po_create" .

    Hi Gopal,
    I'm not sure what is your issue, it seems you're not really understanding how the Model structure works in WDP.
    I'll assume few things here, like you know how to Import the Model into the WDP, and you know a little bit about what Java Classes will represent this Model in the Project.
    Try these steps:
    1. Import your Model into the Project;
    2. Open your Component Modeler, create a Data Link between your Model / Component (Or Custom Controller, as you prefer)
      - You can also use the "Apply Template -> Service Controler"
    3. Map the Input of your Model as the Main Node, check the Input Tables (you prob. will have two, POITEM = ITEM - POITEMX = ITEMX)
    4. Also, check the Return box, since this is BAPI return (You can use to display Backend messages)
    Now you have the Model mapped into your Controller, you need to develop the Java function to execute it.
    1. Create a new Input class, like
    BAPI_PO_CREATE1_Input purchaseOrderCreateInput = new BAPI_PO_CREATE1_Input();
    2. Bind your Input Node, in the Controller, with your Input Class;
    3. Set any Import parameters you need:
    4. To Add references to the Table, you will perform something like:
    First, you need to know what "Structure" you need to add (POItem Structure) - You have a Java class that represents that Structure..
    POITEM_Element poItemElement = new POITEM_Element();
    poItemElement.setPROPERTY();   /// Set your Properties
    5. Execute your Input,
    purchaseOrderCreateInput .execute();
    Hope it helps,

  • Creating a Sales Order using Web Dynpro

    Hi SDN,
      I want to create a Sales Order using Web Dynpro application. For that i have used "Bapi_Salesorder_Createfromdat2" as a adaptive RFC model. Every thing is fine and i could able to create a sales order for a single line item. But my intension is to create a sales order for multiple line items. So in the "Intialview" i have used a "Table" UI element to pass multiple line items. When i execute this application i could pass only single line item from this table. The table UI contol is not allowing to enter the second line item in the second row of the table. Can any one suggest me to solve this problem.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Basha,
    You need to create new element for the model node manually. For example: Create button "New item" and in action handler put someting like described here:
    Add row to table
    How to add more values in a Table in WD appl
    How to add a row to table dynamically?
    How to add a column to a table dynamically.
    add row to table bound to rfc model
    Best regards, Maksim Rashchynski.

  • Database table in Web dynpro

    Hi All,
    I am trying to use a database table in Web Dynpro. For this, o already created and deployed a dictionary project and one database table in that project. In my web dynpro project when i am accessing this table columnname it works fine, but its not allowing to insert the data.It is giving following error:
    The SQL statement "INSERT INTO "TMP_2" ("NAME") VALUES ( "ASDFGH") " contains the semantics error[s]: - 1:36 - the column >>ASDFGH<< is undefined in the current scope  where NAME is my column name.
    Also when i change some column name or add one more column to my table and then deploy it. After this, when i run my web dynpro project it doesn't show the updated column name and column count.
    Please help.
    Chirag Aneja

    Try using prepare statement as follows
    PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO TMP_2(NAME) VALUES ( ?) );
    pstmt.setString(1, "ASDF");

  • Error Input table in web dynpro java

    Hi expert
    I'm trying to create a service order via web dynpro java, but i can't use the input parameter of type table;
    With this implementation of the method init of the custom controller ,on the table i can insert only an element, because the table have only a row.    wdContext.nodeIt_Input_Items().size() = 1
      public void wdDoInit()
        //@@begin wdDoInit()
         Crm_Wap_Order_Create_Input input = new Crm_Wap_Order_Create_Input();
         Crm_Wap_Input_Items table = new Crm_Wap_Input_Items();
              for(int i=0;i<wdContext.nodeIt_Input_Items().size(); i++) {
                   if(wdContext.nodeIt_Input_Items().getIt_Input_ItemsElementAt(i).getProd()!= null)
    I've tried, with a button, to insert more row, and i do that, but the additionals rows are not passed to the function, but only the row created with the method wdDoInit();
    How can i bind the additional row at the context??
    Somebody know a tutorial for create an order via web dynpro java??
    Please Help me
    Best regards

    hi Bhargava
    sorry for the late..
    no in the init method i do the binding of the parametere, because if i'dont it in the init mothod the parameters are not editable..
    in me button metho i execute the BAPI....
      public void wdDoInit()
        //@@begin wdDoInit()
         Crm_Wap_Order_Create_Input input = new Crm_Wap_Order_Create_Input();
             //input.setIt_Input_Items(new AbstractList());
         Crm_Wap_Input_Items table = new Crm_Wap_Input_Items();
              for(int i=0;i<wdContext.nodeIt_Input_Items().size(); i++) {               
    this is the init...
    in the button method
      public void CreateOrder( )
        //@@begin CreateOrder()
              catch (Exception ex)

  • Search for users in a particular LDAP through Web Dynpro code...

    Hi Experts,
    Let me try explaining my problem. In my project we are using two ADAM LDAPs. One for storing internal users and the other for storing external users. I have configured the portal to connect to both the LDAPs. I am able to search for the users created in both the LDAPs through portal Indentity Management.
    I am trying to search for the users in a specific LDAP through Web Dynpro coding... I am not lucky enough to get it done. Let me explain you what I did.
    I created a custom attribute for UME through config tool. Gave a physical mapping for the custom attribute in dataSourceConfig_xxx.xml to the LDAP attribute distinguishedName which returns the distinguished Name for the user in ADAM LDAP.
    For Example: Custom attribute in UME is ldapuser which is mapped to distinguishedName attribute in ADAM LDAP in dataSourceConfig_xxx.xml.
    When I do a search for the users in a particular LDAP, I am trying to put a filter to the newly created ldapuser attribute to distinguish between the two LDAPs.
    The search will result if I pass the value as '*'. If I try to specify the user path for the LDAP in this attribute it doesnt result any data.
    For example:
    The above code will not return the data, whereas
    Will result with user list from both the LDAPs.
    If anyone tried searching for users in a particular LDAP through code, please help me with this issue.
    Thank you in advance.
    Rekha Malavathu

    I just figured it out. Under "group-policy GroupPolicy_COMPANY_SSL_VPN attributes", I had to add "vpn-simultaneous-logins 15". Apparently, it was using the value "vpn-simultaneous-logins 0" under the NOACCESS group policy.

  • How to display an status Icon in Table UI web dynpro ABAP?

    Hi Experts ,
    How to display an status Icon ( Traffic light ) in Table UI web dynpro ABAP? can somebody tell with a coding example. also I need to update status on condition so whats the best way?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Laeeq,
    click on table cntrol n place it on the screen..
    now click on the icon button n place it in the table control area.. a column of icons get created. name it (say) ICON.
    in the PBO..
    loop at internal table and call module in the loop (say) .
    now in the module try the foll code :
    module icon_display output.
    check some condition and assign the icon to the variable icon_r
      icon_R = 'ICON_GREEN_LIGHT'.
          name                        = ICON_R
        TEXT                        = ' '
        INFO                        = ' '
        ADD_STDINF                  = 'X'
         RESULT                      = ICON
        ICON_NOT_FOUND              = 1
        OUTPUTFIELD_TOO_SHORT       = 2
        OTHERS                      = 3
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    where icon(35) and icon_r(35) type c .
    hope this helps u..

  • Binding arraylist, list, or multi-dimensional array to table in web dynpro

    I like to ask if anyone knows how to bind data from an arraylist, list, or multi-dimensional array list to a table in web dynpro, your help is much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    Is there a way to create or cast a multi-dimensional
    array from a Collection or Vector ?
    ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
    list.add( new Object[4] );
    Object[] array2 = list.toArray(); // is only
    single dimension !
    Of course it is a single dimension array.
    Check the definition of the toArray() function, and the specification of arrays in general.
    toArray() returns a one dimensional array.
    In your case it will return an array of arrays. So array2[0] will be an array of 4 objects.
    That just happens to be a 2 dimensional array though you may (I haven't checked it) need some parentheses to call the elements.
    Try Object o = array2[0][1]; and if that doesn't work Object o = (array2[0])[1];

  • Update cluster table from Web dynpro

    I am trying to export data to a cluster table from web dynpro using this statement:
    EXPORT zhr_sanct_st100 FROM zhr_sanct_st100 TO DATABASE zhr_clrm(ep) ID zhr_clrm-srtfd.
    same piece of code work well if I include it in a report program through se38, but If I use it in Web dynpro, it doesnt update the cluster table and there is no error shown.
    please reply ASAP.
    Vishal kapoor

    Thanks for your immediate reply. it worked this way:
    IMPORT structure name TO structure name
      FROM DATABASE cluster table name
      TO wa_zhr_clrm
      ID zhr_clrm-srtfd.
    initially i missed to insert a work area wa_zhr_clrm, which has all the key fields of the cluster table.
    Vishal Kapoor

  • How to create a OTR Text in Web Dynpro ?

    Hi All,
    Please help, How to create a OTR Text in Web Dynpro ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Kaleemullah,
    To create OTR Text, T-Code is SOTR_EDIT. If you run this transaction then one screen will appear. There you can choose Long Text or Short Text based on your
    Text. You can choose language also. In Text field you can enter your text. You can put WDYV in your Object Type field. In Text block Length can be increased to 25 as it may be problem if language conversion of Text happens. You must fill your package field and save the OTR.
    I hope you can be able to create OTR Text now.
    Best Regards,

  • How to send a mail through web dynpro application

    How to send a mail through web dynpro application?

    Hi ,
      Please post some more details about your query .
    One way is to can use LinkToUrl UI element and in the reference property of the UI element , give it as mailto:mail addess

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