Create a function in my page model header

Hi everybody,
I’m trying to do a function. This is my function :
function Test()
if(document.getElementById(item.value != "")
put my item disabled
Element <i>p32_id_feuillet</i>
html form element attributes
How I can do this ?
Thanks Bye

Check out this page mate

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    bgiframe: true,
    autoOpen: false,
    height: 300,
    modal: true
    However if I call the above script in my Page html header it throws an error
    <b> $ is not defined </b> 
    but works well if I add in the tempalte.
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    Becuase the order of execution.
    Once way is move your javascript to region header, otherwise call jquery in page header instead of template

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    * CALL FUNCTION  'EXIT_SAPMILO0_001'                        "P40K059741
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                      DATA_IFLO_OLD           = IFLO_OLD
                      DATA_IFLOS              = IFLOS
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                      UPDATE_FLAGS_IFLO       = L_USR1U
                      POSTING_NOT_ALLOWED_EXT = 2
                      OTHERS                  = 3.
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    Thanks in advance,

    Anyone, please?
    Lots of thanks!

  • Pass a value from a PL/SQL function to a javascript (html header) ? ?

    Hey Guys,
    Have a question regarding how to pass a value from a PL/SQL function to a javascript in the HTML Header.
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    The reason for this is:  On my apex page when the user selects a code, it should display(or highlight buttons) the different project id's present for that particular code.
    example= code 1
    has project id's = 5, 6, 7
    code 2
    has project id's = 7,8
    Thank you for your Help or Suggestions
    The PL/SQL function :
    Project_codes varchar2(10);
    CURSOR contact_cur IS
    currec contact_cur%rowtype;
    NAME: contact_details
    Ver Date Author Description
    1.0 6/25/2009 1. Created this function.
    FOR currec in contact_cur LOOP
         dbms_output.put_line(currec.PROJECT_ID || '|');
         Project_codes := currec.PROJECT_ID|| '|' ||Project_codes;
    RETURN Project_codes;
    -- Consider logging the error and then re-raise
    END contact_details;

    I have made the following modifications to your app to get it to work as I thing you need it to.
    1) Changed the source for the HTML Buttons Region(note use of id vs name for the Buttons)
    function hilitebtn(val) {
    //gray buttons
    //AJAX call to get project-ids
    var get = new htmldb_Get(null,$x('pFlowId').value,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=GETPROJECTS',0);
    gReturn = get.get();
    var arr=gReturn.split(':');  //dump into array
    get = null;
    for (i=0;i<arr.length;i++) {
    // alert('val=' + arr);
    if ( arr[i]==5)
    if ( arr[i]==6)
    if ( arr[i]==7)
    if ( arr[i]==8)
    <table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'>
    <input type='button' id='graduate' value='Graduate'>
    <input type='button' id='distance' value='Distance'>
    <input type='button' id='career' value='Career/Tech'>
    <input type='button' id='photo' value='Photos'>
    2) Defined the application process  GETPROJECTS as DECLARE
    IDS varchar2(1000);
    l_act_code varchar2(100) :=4;
    l_act_code := wwv_flow.g_x01;
    for x in(
    where ACT_CODE = l_act_code)
    IDS := IDS || X.PROJECT_ID|| ':' ;
    3) Changed the 'onchange' event-handler on p1_act_code to be 'onchange=hilitebtn(this.value)'
    4) Added the JS to the HTML Page Footer <script>

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  • How to create a text editor, the one like header text in PO

    Dear Ones,
    My requirement is that I want to create a text editor for storing terms and condition plant wise.
    The editor should be the one like header text in PO. It can take end number of lines.
    I created the text object ('TERMS') in table ttxob and text for it in table ttxot.
    Also created text id ('L000' and 'L001') in table ttxid and text for it in table ttxit.
    Now using FM read_text, save_text and edit_text, I have written a program but it does not save the data.
    When I run the program initially it displays me blank, then I enter some data into it. Again when I come back it displays the data and also saves the edition. But if I close my session the data is gone.
    It means it is not actually saving the data in database. My code is as below:
    *& Report ZAK_TEXT_EDITOR
    REPORT zak_text_editor.
    DATA : tdname TYPE thead-tdname.
    PARAMETERS       : id TYPE thead-tdid OBLIGATORY
                               MATCHCODE OBJECT zak_textid.
      CONCATENATE 'TERMS' id INTO tdname.
      head-tdobject   = 'TERMS'.
      head-tdname     = tdname.
      head-tdid       = id.
      head-tdspras    = sy-langu.
      head-tdlinesize = 132.
      APPEND head.
          client                        = sy-mandt
          id                            = id
          language                      = sy-langu
          name                          = tdname
          object                        = 'TERMS'
        ARCHIVE_HANDLE                = 0
        LOCAL_CAT                     = ' '
        HEADER                        =
          lines                         = line
         id                            = 1
         language                      = 2
         name                          = 3
         not_found                     = 4
         object                        = 5
         reference_check               = 6
         wrong_access_to_archive       = 7
         OTHERS                        = 8.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
            client                = sy-mandt
            header                = head
          INSERT                = ' '
          SAVEMODE_DIRECT       = ' '
          OWNER_SPECIFIED       = ' '
          LOCAL_CAT             = ' '
          FUNCTION              =
          NEWHEADER             =
            lines                 = line
           id                    = 1
           language              = 2
           name                  = 3
           object                = 4
           OTHERS                = 5.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        DISPLAY             = ' '
        EDITOR_TITLE        = ' '
          header              = head
        PAGE                = ' '
        WINDOW              = ' '
          save                = 'X'
        LINE_EDITOR         = ' '
        CONTROL             = ' '
        PROGRAM             = ' '
        LOCAL_CAT           = ' '
        FUNCTION            =
        NEWHEADER           =
        RESULT              =
          lines               = line
         id                  = 1
         language            = 2
         linesize            = 3
         name                = 4
         object              = 5
         textformat          = 6
         communication       = 7
         OTHERS              = 8.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.

      line_length TYPE i VALUE 254.
    DATA: ok_code LIKE sy-ucomm.
    Create reference to the custom container
      custom_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container,
    Create reference to the TextEdit control
      editor TYPE REF TO cl_gui_textedit,
      repid LIKE sy-repid.
      SET SCREEN '100'.
          MODULE USER_COMMAND_0100 INPUT                                *
    MODULE user_command_0100 INPUT.
    CASE ok_code.
        WHEN 'EXIT'.
          LEAVE TO SCREEN 0.
    ENDMODULE.                 " USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
    *&      Module  STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT.
    The TextEdit control should only be initialized the first time the
    PBO module executes
      IF editor IS INITIAL.
        repid = sy-repid.
      Create obejct for custom container
        CREATE OBJECT custom_container
            container_name              = 'MYCONTAINER1'
            cntl_error                  = 1
            cntl_system_error           = 2
            create_error                = 3
            lifetime_error              = 4
            lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5
            others                      = 6
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'I' NUMBER sy-msgno
                     WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
      Create obejct for the TextEditor control
        CREATE OBJECT editor
             wordwrap_mode          =
             wordwrap_position      = line_length
             wordwrap_to_linebreak_mode = cl_gui_textedit=>true
            parent                  = custom_container
            error_cntl_create      = 1
            error_cntl_init        = 2
            error_cntl_link        = 3
            error_dp_create        = 4
            gui_type_not_supported = 5
            others                 = 6
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'I' NUMBER sy-msgno
                     WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_0100  OUTPUT

  • Priveleges to create procedures/functions in schemas

    I have a default schema associated with my user account. Can permissions be given for my user account to create functions and procedures in another schema without giving that user priveleges to create in ANY schema.
    Our default schema for HTMLDB is not the schema associated with my user account. I want to be able to create my functions inside that schema, but our DBA's havent been able to find out how to give the privelege without opening up all schemas to that account.
    hope this made sense,
    Cliff Moon

    Okay Cliff, no problem.
    Now, Michael, I don't know of any prepared docs specifically about this but fwiw, I'll try to recap how it works.
    1. HTML DB uses a public account to create (or reclaim) a distinct database session to service each page request. The connection is configured with the modplsql DAD and the database user (schema) that owns the session is HTMLDB_PUBLIC_USER. (The exception to this is when you configure a DAD for basic authentication.)
    2. The public packages (like wwv_flow) and procedures (like f) invoked through each HTTP request are owned by schema FLOWS_xxxxxx. Packages like wwv_flow use definers rights. This means, among other things, that they can execute any other packages owned by the FLOWS_xxxxxx schema, including the highly privileged, non-public packages that execute user code.
    3. The more privileged non-public packages do all the real work of rendering pages and processing POSTed pages. During these phases, your application code is executed (your report region queries, your DML operations, your page processes, validations, condition evaluation, your API calls, everything). All of this code is "parsed as" the database user (schema) assigned to your application. (Only one schema is assigned to a given application, although the assigned schema can be changed using the builder whenever you like.) The HTML DB engine can execute all of your application code as the "parse as" schema because it has SYS privileges to do so.
    4. Any of your code that HTML DB executes dynamically runs with the security privileges of your application schema. These privileges must have been granted explicitly and not through roles. So if your report query does 'select * from emp' it's necessary for emp (or a synonym for it) to exist in your application schema and for that schema to have select privilege on emp.
    5. The SQL Workshop works the same way, except things happen there at a workspace level, not at an application level. A workspace has one or more database schemas mapped to it. This means only that a conscious decision has been made (by an admin) to allow each workspace to access specific schemas. The list of schemas mapped to a given workspace appears in LOVs in various places, such as the SQL Command Processor. Selecting a schema from this LOV allows you to perform operations in that schema. You can perform operations in any of the other mapped schemas by selecting them from the LOV in turn.
    Note: so far we've said nothing about who the authenticated user is using your application (or the SQL Workshop application), because it has absolutely no bearing on anything so far.
    6. HTML DB allows developers to specify a plan to be used by the engine at the start of every page request to perform the chores of authentication, initial session registration and session management. This plan is called an authentication scheme. HTML DB provides standard schemes that are used by most developers, but developers can also design and build custom authentication schemes over which developers have complete control.
    7. During the execution of the authentication scheme for a page view (show) or page processing (accept) request, it is common for the scheme to cause a branch/redirect to a login page if it determines that no valid session yet exists. The operation of the login page results in the user being challenged for credentials and for those credentials to be verified. If they check out, related housekeeping tasks are performed such as recording the session ID in a table and session cookie creation. And a token is established to be used to identify the authenticated user for the duration of the HTML DB session. This value is stored in APP_USER and can be queried by developer-owned code and HTML DB-owned code as required.
    8. The credentials verification step is where user accounts come into play. It doesn't matter to HTML DB whether your application uses custom tables, an LDAP directory, an SSO infrastructure, or database accounts to verify credentials -- the verification takes place, usually once per HTML DB session, and that's that. The authentication scheme determines the exact method used.
    9. One example of an application that uses its own custom tables to hold account information (usernames/passwords) is HTML DB itself. You get the first account created for you during product installation and then you create administrator and developer accounts as you create multiple workspaces for developers at the site. These accounts are just rows in tables, a username, a password, an email address, the ID of the workspace, basic stuff like that. They are not database user accounts (schemas). And with these accounts, you can authenticate to HTML DB and use the Builder, the SQL Workshop, and the administration functions. Just remember, the database knows nothing of these accounts (they are like Oracle Applications user accounts).
    10. These HTML DB user accounts exist primarily to allow developers to use HTML DB. But they can also be used to allow end users to authenticate to applications created using HTML DB. That relieves each developer of having to "reinvent the wheel" and set up account repository tables and to have to write APIs to store/manage passwords, the work we did for HTML DB itself. Your application can simply use the built-in HTML DB authentication scheme which uses the account repository for credentials verification. It's not the only way for your application to verify credentials. In fact it's best suited for experimental applications, small workgroup applications, prototypes, apps on that scale. Applications that are slated for actual production deployment should be fitted with enterprise-level identity management solutions.
    11. Finally, HTML DB provides a very, very basic group-membership model that allows developer accounts (not database schemas) to be assigned to arbitrarily organized named groups. There is a supporting API for queries against these groups and an admin UI to create/maintain these groups. The same caveats given for using developer accounts for production applications apply to this facility.
    Database accounts: HTML DB does not use these accounts, their roles, or their privileges except to dynamically execute application code using these schemas as the "parsing schema".
    HTML DB user accounts: No relation to database schemas (*). They exist in custom tables owned by the HTML DB product. Accounts can be created and used by application developers as an out-of-the-box credentials verification method for authentication.
    *Exception: The "default schema" associated with an HTML DB user account is the name of a schema used to prime an LOV when the user sees a list-of-schemas LOV in places like the SQL Workshop.

  • A method to create completely customized photo book page templates from scratch in Lightroom 5

    I was able to successfully create completely customized Lightroom 5 page templates (including altering the number of, positions, and sizes of pictures) by making edits to the templatePages.lua file(s) in the Lightroom directory tree.  I have never heard of the LUA file format before, but it is ASCII and looks somewhat like XML, so it was fairly easy to decipher.  Here is a high-level description of how I did it.  This applies to Lightroom 5 on Windows 7.  If this doesn't make any sense to you, then don't try it - you're likely in over your head.  Although my description is brief and lacking in detail, it should enable someone who is capable of handling this to figure it out with a little of careful trial and error.  Do this at your own risk - if you screw-up your installation, catalog, or computer, it's your own fault.  It all worked great for me.
    First, open the "<lightroom 5 install directory>\Templates\Layout Templates" folder.  Then navigate to the template set that contains the template you would like to use as a starting point for the new template.  For example, "12x12-blurb\clean12x12".  Make a back-up copy of the templatePages.lua file in case you mess something up and want to revert.
    There will be a bunch of .jpg files in this directory that each contain a preview image of the layout that carries the same name as the .jpg file.  Find the one that you would like to use as a starting point.  Take note of the name of the file, which is probably something similar to "page_26_preview.jpg".   Duplicate the file and rename it to something unique, such as "dummy_preview.jpg".  It's just temporary, so it doesn't matter what name you pick, provided it is a legal file name with no spaces.
    Next, open the templatePages.lua file in a text editor.  I suggest using one that can automatically recognize and format ULA (such as Notepad++, which is open source and free to use).  Then search the file for the unique portion of the file name you took note of earlier, such as "page_26".  It will point you to a section in the LUA file that describes that particular template.  Carefully copy that entire section, including a balanced number of brackets (starting with the two brackets and commas before "children" and ending with the one bracket and comma after the "title" line.  Paste the copied text into the end of the file on a new line immediately following the bracket and comma after the "title" field for the last page template section (right near the end of the file).  Change the "previewName" field to the name of the preview file copy that you created ("dummy_preview.jpg" for me) and the "name" field to the name of the new template you're creating ("dummy" for me, since it is just temporary).  Next change at least one of the hex characters in the "pageID" field such that the new template will have a unique page identifier.
    Now you can make edits to the photo and text fields included in the new section, using other templates in the template file as examples.  "x" and "y" fields are coordinates (in pixels) for the bottom-left corner of the picture or text field, "height" and "width" are the width of the field in pixels.  The fields should be mostly self-explanatory, but make sure that the "photoindex" fields are filled-in starting from 1 to N, where N is the number of pictures in the template, with no duplicates or gaps.  They do not need to be in order.  Treat the "textIndex" fields similarly for text fields.  If you want to add an additional picture or text field, simply copy the section describing a picture or text field from another template and paste it, carefully, into the new template that you are creating.
    Once you are done, save the file (you may get interference from Windows UAC, in which case save the file elsewhere and the move it back to the correct directory).  Then open Lightroom.  Create a new photobook, and choose the new template for one of the pages, remembering that the preview image will look like the JPG that you copied.  Voila!  If you didn't screw anything up, you should see a page based on your new template.  Then right-click the page and select "Save as custom page", which will cause a fresh preview file to be created for your new template and your template to be copied to the "custom pages" section of the template menu.  The new section you added to the "templatePages.lua" and the "dummy" preview file can now be deleted, since they are no longer needed.  I save them so that I may simply overwrite them the next time I need to create a customized template.
    Enjoy, and please share any clarifications, corrections, or enhancements to my process.

    peter at knowhowpro wrote:
    DHWachs wrote:
    This post was great!  Thank you so much.  But I am hoping you know one more thing related to this.  In the "transform" section of the definition (where the x/y coordinates are set along with height and width) there is an option called "angle".  I was hoping that changing this value would allow me to offset the angle of the picture.  However, if I put any value there other than 0 the template becomes unusable.
    Do you happen to know what this option does?
    I haven't looked into the files, so this is just a guess based on how some graphic applications work. It's common to think of rotating a shape as pivoting around a center point, but It's possible that the file sets a value for the rotation point not at the center. In some graphics applications, you can set a shape's pivot at any corner or in the middle of any side, of the rectangle that contains the whole shape.
    So, your value may be rotating the shape around a pivot that moves the shape into some area that upsets the behavior of other shapes. Just a thought.
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices
    Peter's point is a good one.  I would also assume that the "angle" property allows you to rotate an image, but I haven't tried it myself.  One thing to investigate - are there any page templates included in LR that have image placeholders that are at an angle (I don't recall any, off-hand)?  If so, looking at the associated .lua file could provide insight into how an angled image placeholder should be described.

  • Help! Using "Create" action in insert jsp page vs in submission page.

    This is regarding creating a new record using data TAGS:
    I'm in a dilemma as to whether I should use the data source tag <jbo:Row id="myrow" datasource="iss_vo1" action="Create">
    in my first jsp page ( which accepts input from a user) or in the 2nd jsp page (which does the actual commit).
    If I actually create the view record n the first page itself then I get into all kinds of problems if the user decides against saving the record and backs out.[because there is a null hanging record out there]
    But if I don't use it, then I am unable to use my LOVs in the html form.
    Can anyone help me resolve this issue?
    Currently I have used the data source tag
    <jbo:Row id="myrow" datasource="iss_vo1" action="Create">
    in my first JSP page.
    Below is my complete source code for both the JSP pages:
    Source Code for iss_add.jsp:
    Please note that in this JSP , it creates a new record and then the user has to click on the "SAVE" button (which calls another jsp "iss_add_post.jsp") to save the changes. But what if the user does not click on the save BUTTON and instead click on the "back" tab. This is where all the problem occurs. How do I get rid of this problem?
    If I try to just use an HTML form without creating a record in this page then how will I use the LOVs?
    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=WINDOWS-1252"%>
    <base target="contentsframe">
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=WINDOWS-1252">
    <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Oracle JDeveloper">
    <%@ taglib uri="/webapp/DataTags.tld" prefix="jbo" %>
    <jbo:ApplicationModule id="NewBC4J.NewBC4JModule" configname="NewBC4J.NewBC4JModule.NewBC4JModuleLocal" />
    <jbo:DataSource id="pri_vo" appid="NewBC4J.NewBC4JModule" viewobject="PrioritiesView" />
    <jbo:DataSource id="app_vo" appid="NewBC4J.NewBC4JModule" viewobject="ApplicationsView" />
    <jbo:DataSource id="per_vo" appid="NewBC4J.NewBC4JModule" viewobject="PersonView" >
    <jbo:DataSource id="iss_vo1" appid="NewBC4J.NewBC4JModule" viewobject="IssuesView5" /></jbo:DataSource>
    <jbo:Row id="myrow" datasource="iss_vo1" action="Create">
    <table width="100%" bgcolor="skyblue" border="0" align="center">
    <table width="100%" bgcolor="tan" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
    <form NAME="iForm" action="iss_add_post.jsp">
    <th colspan="2">
    "Add New Issues"
    <jsp:include page="Message.jsp" flush="true">
    <jsp:param name="colspan" value="2"/>
    <td align="Right"><b><font color="red">Priority:</font></b></td>
    <td> <jbo:InputSelect datasource="iss_vo1" dataitem="PriCd"
    displaydatasource="pri_vo" displaydataitem="Descr" displayvaluedataitem="Cd" />
    <td align="right"><b><font color="red"> Description:</font></b></td>
    <td> <jbo:InputTextArea datasource="iss_vo1" dataitem="IssDesc" rows="3" cols="50" />
    <td align="right"><b><font color="red"> Application:</font></b></td>
    <td> <jbo:InputSelect datasource="iss_vo1" dataitem="AppCode"
    displaydatasource="app_vo" displaydataitem="Name" displayvaluedataitem="Code" />
    <td align="right"><b><font color="red"> Assigned To: </font></b></td>
    <td> <jbo:InputSelect datasource="iss_vo1" dataitem="AssignedToPerId"
    displaydatasource="per_vo" displaydataitem="FirstName" displayvaluedataitem="PerId" />
    <td align="right"><b><font color="red"> Raised By: </font></b></td>
    <td> <jbo:InputSelect dataso urce="iss_vo1" dataitem="RaisedByPerId"
    displaydatasource="per_vo" displaydataitem="FirstName" displayvaluedataitem="PerId" />
    <td align="Right"><b><font color="red"> Resolution: </font></b></td>
    <td> <jbo:InputTextArea datasource="iss_vo1" dataitem="Resolution" cols="50" rows="3" />
    <!-- Create a table for the save Button -->
    <table width="100%" bgcolor="skyblue" align="center" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" >
    <input name="RowKeyValue" type="hidden" value="<jbo:ShowValue datasource="iss_vo1" dataitem="RowKey"/>" />
    <input type = "submit" name="submit" value="Save">
    <jbo:ReleasePageResources releasemode="Stateful" />
    Source Code for iss_add_post.jsp:
    This is where the actual commit occurs. But user may decide not to come here at all by not clicking the save button. What happens to the record created ? How Can I rollback that information?
    <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html;charset=WINDOWS-1252" %>
    <html xmlns:jbo="foo">
    <%@ taglib uri="/webapp/DataTags.tld" prefix="jbo" %>
    <jbo:ApplicationModule id="NewBC4J.NewBC4JModule" configname="NewBC4J.NewBC4JModule.NewBC4JModuleLocal" username="issue" password="issue"/>
    <jbo:DataSource id="iss_vo1" appid="NewBC4J.NewBC4JModule" viewobject="IssuesView5"/>
    <jbo:Row id="row3" datasource="iss_vo1" action="Current" >
    <jbo:SetAttribute dataitem="*" />
    <jbo:Commit appid="NewBC4J.NewBC4JModule"/>
    <p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b><font color="006699">Issue Record Inserted Successfully! Issue# Assigned: <jbo:ShowValue datasource="iss_vo1" dataitem="Id" /></b></font></font> </p>
    catch(Exception exc)
    <form action="iss_ListIssues.jsp" method="post"><input type="submit" value="Click to Continue"></form>
    <jbo:ReleasePageResources releasemode="Stateful"/>

    [email protected]
    I can't actually see any LOV's on your first page so I am not completely sure that I understand your situation. However if you are talking about using the InputSelectLOV datatag, there is no reason why you cannot use that within a html form, without having to create a record in the RowSet.
    The Insert page is by default created without any datasources - just a standard HTML form. The form is submitted and the InsertSubmit page reads the values from the request object, matches the parameter names with your VO attribute names and does your create.
    Your LOV data will be coming from another table so doing a Row tag Create on your Insert page won't make any difference to it. Have I misunderstood something here? I have used LOV's on my Insert pages and I definitely have not created a row in the Rowset anywhere but the Submit pages.
    There is a problem on both Edit and Insert pages whereby if there are no rows in the table for which you have a datasource defined you can get problems, but it doesn't sound as though that is your problem. Maybe I need some more information from you?

  • Generic Object Services ; create attachment function grey out in Tcode KA03

    Hi all,
    I would like to know how can I enable create attachment function in GOS toolbar in Tcode KA03.
    Currently it was grey out.
    However, was tried to use the same function in KS03 and it works.Please help. Thanks!

    I just found the solution...
    SAP note : 961572
    In the transactions for displaying cost elements (KA03) and changing cost elements (KA02), the 'Services for Object' function does not work correctly, as most Generic Object Services are unavailable.
    Other terms
    Reason and Prerequisites
    The problem is caused by a program error.
    Implement the attached program corrections
    Then go to Transaction SW01 (Business Object Builder), enter BUS1059 as the object type, click Change, and make the following changes:
    Navigate to Methods -> RevenueType.Display, press F2 to select it, and go to the 'ABAP' tab page: Select the 'Transaction' radio button, enter the name as KA03, and click 'Save'
    Navigate to Attributes -> Attribute properties, select the 'Mandatory' checkbox, and click 'Save'
    Then change the release status by navigating as follows:
    Edit -> Change Release Status -> Object Type -> To implemented
    Edit -> Change Release Status -> Object Type -> To released
    Then double-click BUS1059 (or select using F2) in SWO1 to reach the 'General' tab page, which should appear as follows:
    ObjectType      BUS1059         Revenue element
    Object Name      RevenueType
    Program          RBUS1059
    Objtype status   generated       Saved      released

  • Acrobat PDF Portfolio - Not Saving my Welcome Page or Header

    For some reason, I can't get my Welcome Page or Header to save when I'm creating a PDF Portfolio. 
    What am I missing? It shows up fine when I create it but then I save and close and reopen and they aren't there...
    Please Help!

    You don't mention a version, but this may be a known issue if you are in 9.4. Take a look at the thread and see if the situation you are experiencing sounds similar and if the work around posted by Josh_Corey (toward the bottom of the thread, posted Jan 31, 2011) resolves the problem.
    Please let us know either way.

  • How to print main window data in second page without header

    hi friends.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    I am printing billing docu details in main window ,the data is coming in two pages but there is problem in printing as the tables is continuing in second page the line is not coming for the table for first row,space is also coming for second page for header .
    my issue is to remove space before printing table and line should come for the table for 1st row in second page.
    please help .
    thanks in  advance.

    Hi Raghukumar,
    1. For the line not coming on the top row of the second page, check if the rowtype u have used in the table has been given a border on the upper side.
    2.For the space issue in the second page, I assume you might have used only a single Page in your smartform and the same page is called again.Hence as per the main window size and length data will be displayed in all pages of the smartform.
    You may need to create a second page with the Main window length occupying the compete page so that data display starts from the top of the page. next Page attributes of the smartforms should be entered accordingly.
    Please try to elaborate your query to help us understand your issue.

  • How to create a link to web page (URL) to a billing document

    I have an urgent requirement of creating a link to web page (URL) to a billing document.
    I call the function module "GOS_EXECUTE_SERVICE" with :
    ip_service = 'URL_CREA'
    is_object-objkey = no billing document
    is_object-objtype = 'VBRK'
    is_object-logsys = 'BO'
    ip_rwmode = 'E'
    Then, I enter the title and the address.
    And, I have the message : "The attachment was successfully created".
    But when there's nothing in the attachment list of the billing document.
    (Tha table SOOD contains the record )
    If any one has some idea about his , how to achieve this functionality, can you please help me.
    geoge bush
    Posts: 6
    Questions: 0
    Points: 6
    Registered: 7/9/04
    Re: Attaching a file to a purchase Order from EP6 to R/3 4.6C
    Posted: Jul 13, 2004 2:46 AM      Reply      E-mail this post 
    Hi Somaraju,
    IF YOU'VE AN Example code that you can email me . it would be great.
    thanks for the help.

    If you are using Portal (not Framework), the below tag will do the trick
    <wcdc:userProfile id="profileUserLink" immediate="false" text="#{security.userDisplayName}" shortDesc="#{security.userDisplayName}"  xmlns:wcdc=""/>

  • Unable to use copied iRecruitment Create Vacancy Functions

    I am trying to create 2 versions of the iRecruitment 'Create Vacancy' process, so I want to duplicate the standard functions and do function level personalizations to amend my new process (i.e. remove some of the train steps and others). I have created new functions, menus, permissions, and set profile options, but cannot invoke the copied functions.
    I will simplify the issue below with limited setup to see if anyone else can help:
    Seeded Create Vacancy Process:
    Navigation - iRecruitment Recruiter > iRecruitment Home > New Vacancy (sidebar link) > Create vacancy page
    Click personalize this page - the function context is:
    Irc Vacancy Details - Create (IRC_VAC_DETS_NEW)
    I want to have a duplicate process that invokes a copied function to allow me to make function level personalizations on this process.
    Setup steps taken:
    Make copy of function
    XX Irc Vacancy Details - Create
    Web HTML:
    Add to IRC Manager Functions Menu menu (IRC_MANAGER_OTHER)
    This original function was invoked when clicking the function Irc CM Home Page Create Vacancy (IRC_CM_HOME_CREATE_VACANCY) from the IRC Manager Side Nav (IRC_MANAGER_SIDE_NAV) menu, so also need to duplicate that function. However, this function calls another function IRC_VAC_NEW_LAUNCH_WF, so I need to duplicate that one as well:
    XX Irc CM Home Page Create Vacancy
    Web HTML:
    javascript:void submitForm('DefaultFormName',1,{IrcAction:'createVacancy',IrcActionType:'Link',IrcActionValue:'XX_IRC_VAC_NEW_LAUNCH_WF',IrcFunction:'IRC_CM_VACANCY_SEARCH'})
    Add the copied function to IRC Manager Side Nav (IRC_MANAGER_SIDE_NAV) menu giving the prompt:
    "New Vacancy 2"
    Irc Vacancy New Launch Workflow
    Web HTML:
    Add the copied function to IRC Manager Functions Menu (IRC_MANAGER_OTHER)
    This final function launches a workflow process, so I have also copied that (IRC_VACANCY_NEW_V3 --> XX_IRC_VACANCY_NEW_V3) and referenced it in the function.
    In Workflow builder I have amended the 'Vacancy New Details Page Function' node attribute in the workflow to the first copied function: XX_IRC_VAC_DETS_NEW
    This is seemingly all the setup necessary to invoke the copied function from the IRC Manager Side Nav (IRC_MANAGER_SIDE_NAV) menu, however when running through the system, the seeded function is still called:
    Navigation - iRecruitment Recruiter > iRecruitment Home > New Vacancy 2 (new sidebar link) > Create vacancy page
    Click personalize this page - the function context is still:
    Irc Vacancy Details - Create (IRC_VAC_DETS_NEW)
    Can anyone help? Has anyone managed to use a copied function / copied workflow in iRecruitment Create Vacancy?

    We have not tried to do this but I believe this is possible. I had several conversations with Oracle support about the menus/functions delivered and how changes keep affecting our system so often and the suggested approach was to copy the functions/menus so that there is no interference from what oracle might deliver in future. And in that sense, yes the copy functions should work.
    I went through your post carefully and could not pick any obvious steps missed. Please ask your DBA team to bounce the concurrent tier also on your apps server/database along with a restart of all services and see if the context still switches back. However, as part of some new development, I will be doing something similar in iRec and will keep this thread updated with what I find.
    Sorry, couldn't be of more help.

  • How to create search function (af:query) using method in java

    hi All..:)
    i got problem with search custom (af:query), how to create search function/ af:query using method in java class?
    anyone help me....

    download the ADF Faces component demo sources from here: It also has an example for creating a custom af:query model

Maybe you are looking for

  • Advise needed

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    Hi, I have used the following query to list down all collection made during a particular period: SELECT T1.CardName, T0.DocDate as 'Posting Date', T0.DocNum as 'AR Invoice Number', +T3.SlpName, T0.DocTotal as 'AR Invoice Total', T0.DocTotalFC as 'AR

  • Office 365 subscription

    Why isn't this fixed? For more than year, I have beem unable to use my 60 minutes...then it says l've used them allL I'm sick of getting ZERO help with this. I have made only Only ONEONE call in overa a year!

  • Epub Questions

    I work for a magazine and we're trying to format our publication for eReaders. However, we're fairly image heavy, which I realize is problematic for ePubs in general. What we're trying to do is wrap text around pics and position them inside (not on t

  • Oracle Application 11i using multi node installation

    Hi every one, Can anyone help me to install in multi node. /d01 is in dbtier(1st unit) and /u01 is in appstier(2nd unit). how to install that kind of split configuration.? do i need to stage in appstier? and run rapidwiz? how to copy configuration fi