Create a reset button

On reports page, Is there a way to add a clear or reset button?

Under Optional URL Redirect, I had the target to be page in this application, for page 2 and clear cache for page 2. Which works well.
I changed it to URL target and added javascript:gReport.controls.reset(); This also works. That is so wonderful. But is there a way to combine both of these functions all in this clear button? The users would rather have a one stop button that would do both.
Or is it possible to create another button but create this 3rd button so as when I click the 3rd button, it clicks the other 2 buttons (maybe hide these 2) to create an effect of clicking 1 button when it actually activates 2 buttons.

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    Go to Solution.
    Stu Sensor ‏26 KB

    I find the Select function a lot more readable in these situations.  Also, the value you are writing to your indicator should also be wired to the add that is going into the shift register.  Basically, you are not resetting the count stored in the shift register.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines
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    abhinavb wrote:
    how to make a RESET button in labview which resets all the elements in an array back to inactive element. Rather than deleting values in every column of array its better to create a RESET button ... how to make it ???
    You seem to have some misconceptions.
    Is the array a control or an indicator or just some data held in a shift register or feedback node?
    What you are probably looking for is an empty array. An empty array has a size of zero and has no elements (active or inactive). From your mentioning of "rows", you seem to have a 2D array.
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    Can you show us some code so we can have a better understanding what exactly you mean by "array" in this context? Thanks!
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    It is not recommended to modify this page because it is used farm widely.
    What’s more, it will be overwritten once there is upgrade happens.
    A workaround is that you can create a custom spcf.aspx page with the layout templates you want.
    If you want to hide a layout template by modifying the
    spcf.aspx page, it locates at
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS
    You can edit this page and remove some <option> tags in the <select> tag, then the removed options will not display on the page.
    Patrick Liang
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they
    help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet
    Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

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    You do not have to be logged on as the root user to do this. Launch the terminal and type-
    sudo createhomedir -a
    I run an XServe with Tiger server ( 10.4.11) and this has been the workaround I have been using.
    Good luck.

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    tnks in advance....

    yes Earl, i know it's pretty standard...but i got some trouble... anyway, i think it was just a "lapsus brutus" o' mine... It's solved now and here's what i did:
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    aa.llb ‏3338 KB

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    Thank you.
    Attachments: ‏75 KB
    aa1.llb ‏3333 KB

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    When opening the document in Reader 8.1.3, the reset button only resets some of the fields, although all of the fields are checkmarked in the reset dialog.  Also, when I click the print button, nothing happens.  I've created dozens of Acrobat forms with reset and print buttons and this is the first time I've noticed that they aren't working in Reader.
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    As a test, what happens if you replace the Reset Form action with the following JavaScript?
    // Reset all form fields

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    Rudradev Devulapelli.

    Hi Rudra,
    Try writing custom java script and call the same in the button click.

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    Any solution for this problem is greatly appretiated.

    hi i am also developing similar application which have some textfields and submit and reset fields. Please help me how you are sending data to the database table and how you are editing the required rowgroup elements into that submit form from database. Please help me out by giving an example. I alos gone through the inserts_update_delete tutorial in java studio creator. Please give some example of code.
    Actually i am using SQL Server database. Please i tried but it is showing cannot add new employee details. null. Please give me some instances of code for inserting , deleting and retrieving the data. Please help me out i am trying sincerely but it is really get frustrated.
    Thank you in Advance.

  • RESET button is not working in EDIT form

    I am going to make news item in xml form,but the created 'Reset' button in edit form is not working in it.Will you please help me?

    The form type needs to be dynamic for such features. Make sure you are setting the SFPDOCPARAMS-DYNAMIC flag to X in your driver program.
    Also most likely the Travel Request form provided by SAP is a Static Print form and if you want that the preview also needs to be dynamic then once you have opened form in LiveCycle Designer go to Edit --> Form Properties -->  Defaults --> Preview Type : Interactive Form and XDP Preview format --> Acrobat Dynamic Form.

  • On starting up my new iPhone 4s, it freezes on the apple logo. I have tried the reset buttons trick and have tried restoring again too but nothing works. Any other ideas? Or is the phone simply corrupt in some way?

    On starting up my new iPhone 4s, it freezes on the apple logo. I have tried the reset buttons trick and have tried restoring again too but neither works. Any other ideas? Or is the phone simply corrupt in some way?

    Did you try to connect in recovery mode and restore without using the latest backup?
    Recovery mode and  How to back up your data and set up as a new device
    If setting up as new device does not work, you'll have to get it serviced or looked at by visiting an Apple Store.
    Did you try to remove the ipsw firmware file and restore, to make iTunes download a new copy from Apple?
    Those files are located here:
    Rename, move, or delete the iOS software file (.ipsw)
    iTunes uses "ipsw" files to restore your iPod or iPhone. If those files are unusable, then try deleting them, renaming them, or moving the file to a different directory. This will cause iTunes to download a new copy of the IPSW. When a restore issue is specific to a user, it is likely due to an unusable .ipsw file. If removing the .ipsw file does not resolve a user-specific restore issue, then the issue is caused by other user-specific security software settings or iTunes preferences. Creating a new user will also cause new .ipsw restore files to be downloaded in the new user. You can find the ".ipsw" files in these locations:
    Mac OS X
    ~/Library/iTunes/iPhone Software Updates
    ~/Library/iTunes/iPad Software Updates
    iPod touch
    ~/Library/iTunes/iPod Software Updates
    Note: The tilde "~" represents your Home directory.
    Windows 7 and Vista
    C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates
    C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPad Software Updates
    iPod touch
    C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPod Software Updates
    Note: If you don't see the AppData folder, you may need to show hidden files.
    Message was edited by: Ingo2711

  • Reset Button

    I created a manual search page and put in a resetButton. When i run the page and click on the reset button it clears the input feilds BUT when I click on the submit button and then click on the reset button it doesnt clear the previous input fields. How can I fix this? When i click on the reset button I want all input feilds to be cleared out no matter if they were queried on before or not. Help please.
    Thank you!

    It's a reset button, it will only clear any modified values from the time form is rendered. After you do a submit the page refreshes and gets rendered with the input values which you had entered earlier. Since there is no change you did after the page renderes on submit nothing gets cleared.
    You need to probably add a new clear submit button instead of the reset button and clear the values in your controller when the clear button is submitted.

  • Reset button to reset filters

    I have an query form with table displaying results from a View Criteria. When I click the "Reset" button in the query form, the search fields are reset, but the table filters are not. As a result, it is easy to make mistakes when searching. I want the "Reset" button to reset both the search fields and the table filters. Is this possible?
    I'm using JDeveloper

    Somehow I'm getting a Null Pointer Error:
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
         at view.Reset.queryOperationListener(
    I created a Java Bean to contain the queryOperationListener method (the name of my criteria is MyCriteria)
    public void queryOperationListener(QueryOperationEvent queryOperationEvent) {
                                   Object.class, QueryOperationEvent.class,
            if (queryOperationEvent.getOperation().name().toUpperCase().equals("RESET")) {
                BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
                OperationBinding operationBinding =
                operationBinding.execute(); // THIS IS LINE 130
        }and then the following in (the name of my view is ZcApplView1):
    public void doQueryResultReset() {
            ViewCriteria vc = this.getZcApplView1().getViewCriteria("MyCriteria");
        } How can it give a Null Pointer Error?

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