Create a Secure Client for a Secure Web Service- is failing

This is actually with reference to the webservice tutorial.I am trying the example on Create a Secure Client for a Secure Web Service and have followed all the steps mentioned,however I am getting the following error:
D:\JDev11gTp\jdk\bin\javaw.exe -client -classpath D:\Jdev11gTpInstance\mywork\WebServiceApplications\.adf;D:\Jdev11gTpInstance\mywork\WebServiceApplications\WebServiceProjects\classes;D:\JDev11gTp\webservices\lib\jaxws-api.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\webservices\lib\jws-api.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\webservices\lib\orawsmetadata.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\webservices\lib\wsclient.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\j2ee\home\lib\activation.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\j2ee\home\lib\ejb.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\j2ee\home\lib\jms.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\j2ee\home\lib\jta.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\j2ee\home\lib\mail.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\j2ee\home\lib\servlet.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\webservices\lib\jaxrpc-api.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\webservices\lib\wsserver.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\webservices\lib\wssecurity.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\webservices\lib\wsdl.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\webservices\lib\orasaaj.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\webservices\lib\saaj-api.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\webservices\lib\orawsdl.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\webservices\lib\orawsrm.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\webservices\lib\orawsrel.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\webservices\lib\jaxr-api.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\webservices\lib\orajaxr.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\webservices\lib\relaxngDatatype.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\webservices\lib\xsdlib.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\webservices\lib\mdds.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\webservices\lib\wsif.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\webservices\lib\fabric-common.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\webservices\lib\fabric-interceptors.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\jlib\jaxen.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\jlib\oraclepki.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\jlib\ojpse.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\jlib\jsr106.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\jlib\jsr105.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\jlib\osdt_xmlsec_jce.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\jlib\osdt_wss_jce.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\jlib\osdt_saml_jce.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\jlib\osdt_saml2_jce.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\jlib\osdt_core.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\jlib\osdt_cert.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\jlib\osdt_xmlsec.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\jlib\osdt_wss.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\jlib\osdt_saml.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\jlib\osdt_saml2.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\jlib\ojmisc.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\j2ee\home\lib\http_client.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\j2ee\home\jazncore.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\j2ee\home\oc4jclient.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\rdbms\jlib\xdb.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\j2ee\home\lib\javax77.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\lib\java\api\jsr173_api.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\lib\java\shared\sun.jaxb\2.0\jaxb-impl.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\lib\java\shared\sun.jaxb\2.0\jaxb-xjc.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\lib\java\shared\sun.jaxb\2.0\jaxb1-impl.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\j2ee\home\lib\oc4j-schemas.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\jlib\ojdl.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\jlib\ojdl2.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\jlib\fmw_audit.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\j2ee\home\lib\jmxri.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\j2ee\home\lib\jmx_remote_api.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\j2ee\home\lib\adminclient.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\j2ee\home\lib\jmxframework.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\j2ee\home\lib\jmxspi.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\j2ee\home\lib\xmlcfg.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\jlib\dms.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\jlib\orai18n.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\j2ee\home\lib\commons-digester.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\j2ee\home\lib\spring.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\lib\java\shared\oracle.wsm\\wsm-policy-core.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\lib\java\shared\oracle.wsm\\wsm-pmclient.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\lib\java\shared\oracle.wsm\\wsm-pap.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\lib\java\shared\oracle.wsm\\wsm-agent.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\lib\java\shared\oracle.wsm\\wsm-secpol.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\lib\java\shared\oracle.javatools\\javamodel-rt.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\lib\java\shared\oracle.javatools\\javatools-nodeps.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\lib\java\shared\oracle.toplink\\toplink-sdo.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\lib\java\api\jaxb-api.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\lib\xmlparserv2.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\lib\xml.jar;D:\JDev11gTp\jakarta-taglibs\commons-logging-1.0.3\commons-logging.jar -Dhttp.proxyHost=localhost -Dhttp.proxyPort=8099 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts= -Dhttps.proxyHost=localhost -Dhttps.proxyPort=8099 -Dhttps.nonProxyHosts= HelloPolicyPortClient
Feb 1, 2008 5:13:43 PM init
INFO: Context provider properties file not found
Feb 1, 2008 5:13:44 PM oracle.wsm.audit.Auditor <init>
INFO: Created J2SE auditor for componentType=OWSM-AGENT busstop=D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1\auditlogs\OWSM-AGENT filter=false
Feb 1, 2008 5:13:44 PM oracle.wsm.audit.Auditor <init>
INFO: Created J2SE auditor for componentType=OWSM-PM-LIB busstop=D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1\auditlogs\OWSM-PM-LIB filter=false
SEVERE: WSM-04514 An MDS error occurred.
SEVERE: WSM-09012 No key, WSM-06002, was found in the resource bundle oracle.wsm.resources.policyvalidation.PolicyValidationMessageBundle. oracle.fabric.common.PolicyEnforcementException: PolicySet Invalid: WSM-06002 PolicyReference Invalid policy reference
at $Proxy28.sayHello(Unknown Source)
at HelloPolicyPortClient.main(
Caused by: oracle.fabric.common.PolicyEnforcementException: PolicySet Invalid: WSM-06002 PolicyReference Invalid policy reference
at oracle.integration.platform.common.InterceptorChainImpl.createPolicyEnforcementException(
at oracle.integration.platform.common.InterceptorChainImpl.processRequest(
... 3 more
Process exited with exit code 0.
Can anyone please give any clue as to why this error is coming?

Please refer to this thread
Re: Can I create a login/password protection in Muse for a HTML5 page or two?

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    <element name="y" type="int" />
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    import com.firstws.*;
    import com.firstws.GetSumWS_Service;
    import com.firstws.GetSumWS;
    import java.rmi.RemoteException;
    public class useWS {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
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    int number2 = 20;
    port = new GetSumWS_Service().getGetSumWSSoapHttpPort();
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    "The result of adding %d and %d is %d.\n\n",
    number1, number2, result);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    System.out.println ("Caught Exception: %s\n"+ex);
    But when I compile, I get the following error: "Error(14,20): Service not found in class com.firstws.GetSumWS_Service in class com.FirstWS.useWS"
    Please let me know where I have wrong, and would appreciate if you could correct it.

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    1) Are you trying to create a RESTful web service in LabVIEW?
    2) Are you wondering about creating a thin client to consume the web service?
    A1) Web Services in LabVIEW
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    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    Certified TestStand Architect

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    You can review P6 Professional Project Management 7.0 Documentation Library for documentation on API and how to use it.
    API are available and can be downloaded from

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    Hi Randy
    SAP follows and participates in Security and other Web services standards very closely as we recognize the opportunity they present our customers for developing solutions and integrating systems faster at lower cost.
    However many of the standards are still in development and so are not quite yet ready for "prime time". This means that we can't really publish a "road map" as it would be continually changing. However, if you want an idea on which standards SAP thinks are important, please take a look at this presentation [1] which was delivered at the last Tech Ed.
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    The VPN APIs for WP8.1 are not open at this time.
    Matt Small - Microsoft Escalation Engineer - Forum Moderator
    If my reply answers your question, please mark this post as answered.
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    Hi Avi,
    First of all I have given a first reading to log4j and I think there will some more easy way of logging debugging messages than log4j (If you could provide me a detailed explanation of a servlet,jsp,java bean that uses log4j and how to use log4j then it will be very helpful for me). The other easy ways (if I am not using log4j) to my problem i.e creating different log files for each of web applications deployed in oc4j are
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    5) Import the certificate to JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts
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    Thanks in advance

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  • Problem generating stubs for Java EJB web service deployed in OAS

    I created an EJB web service and I've successfully deployed it in my Oracle App Server. Some of the methods work fine but others produce the ff error:
    org.apache.soap.SOAPException - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No Serializer found to serialize [classname] using encoding style [encoding]It seems that the objects specified as parameters in the web service methods exposed are the only ones that had stubs generated for them. Other objects I use, which are usually wrapped inside a Vector, did not have generated stubs.
         public String loginUser(UserDTO userDTO) throws RemoteException, NamingException, SQLException;
    public String addItems (Vector vecItems) throws RemoteException, NamingException, SQLException; // where vecItems is a collection of ItemDTO objects     In this scenario, stubs were generated for the UserDTO class, but not for the ItemDTO class. In effect, calling the addItems method resulted to the exception I mentioned above.
    I did a workaround wherein I declared a dummy method which accepted all the types of objects I needed as parameters so all the necessary stubs can be generated, but this fix doesn't feel like it's the proper solution to my problem.
    If anyone can help me, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    Problem generating stubs for Java EJB web service deployed in OAS

  • Use BizTalk 2006 as a proxy for an external Web Service

    We have a solution that is going to work just as a proxy for an external Web Service.
    It works like this:
    1. We have a Request-Response receive port that receives the calls for the WS.
    2. Different Static Solicit-Response ports that have filters for each method in the WS receive the requests and then send them to the external WS.
    3. The response from the external WS is then sendt back to the caller via the Request-Response port in point 1.
    This generally works like it should. The only problem i have is when the external WS returns a Fault message. I get this fault from the external WS:
    <s:Fault xmlns:s=""><faultcode>s:Client</faultcode><faultstring xml:lang="nb-NO">Some error message the caller should see.</faultstring><detail><GenericFault
    xmlns="" xmlns:i=""><ErrorCode>SomthingWentWrong</ErrorCode><Message>Some error message the caller should see.</Message></GenericFault></detail></s:Fault>
    This message then failes on BizTalk and BizTalk returns this Fault message to the caller:
    <SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="" SOAP:encodingStyle=""><SOAP:Body><SOAP:Fault><faultcode>Microsoft BizTalk Server Negative Acknowledgment
    </faultcode><faultstring>An error occurred while processing the message, refer to the details section for more information </faultstring><faultactor>/</faultactor><detail><ns0:NACK
    Type="NACK" xmlns:ns0=""><NAckID>{7AC314FE-2CA3-44AE-8208-180495500481}</NAckID><ErrorCode>0xc0c016b7</ErrorCode><ErrorCategory>0</ErrorCategory><ErrorDescription>There
    is an error in XML document (1, 2).</ErrorDescription><ErrorDetail>&lt;Fault xmlns=''&gt; was not expected.</ErrorDetail></ns0:NACK></detail></SOAP:Fault></SOAP:Body></SOAP:Envelope>
    So the problem seems to be that the Request-Response port in point one will ONLY accept the real response that is specified in the response schema for that particular method, and not a Fault. And when it receives a fault, it generates its own Fault saying
    a Fault message was not expected.
    Does anyone know how i can be able to send the actual fault from the external WS all the way back to the caller on the inside?
    I know how to do it with an orchestration, but can not figure out how to get it done just with the ports.
    Kind regars
    John Viggo

    Hi John,
    Enable Propagate fault message
    on the WCF solict –response port.
    For the two-way send port, you can choose whether to forward
    SOAP fault messages on to the original caller over a solicit-response send port by selecting
    Propagate fault message. If this option is not selected, BizTalk Server will generate a NACK. What you see is the NACK.
    If it is selected, BizTalk Server will treat the message as a valid WCF response message from the external service and the response message will not be suspended because it is propagated.
    Then you need to map the fault message to the actual response in the map. Set this Fault-Message to Caller-Response map in the outbound map of the Requeust-Response port.
    In this case of messaging-only scenario, this method shall help in handling the fault message and passing fault details back to the caller. Refer the following articles for more details.
    Synchronous web services calls and Faults
    BizTalk and
    version issues
    If this answers your question please mark it accordingly. If this post is helpful, please vote as helpful.

  • Get client ip address from Web Service hosted on OAS 10.1.2

    Can anyone advice how to get the client IP from a web service (java) hosted on Oracle Application Server 10.1.2.
    The below code works if the web service is hosted on Tomcat.
    MessageContext msgCtxt = MessageContext.getCurrentMessageContext();
    String IP = (String)msgCtxt.getProperty("REMOTE_ADDR");
    This code is causes built errors on the OAS 10.1.2 since it needs Axis and many other Jars. I tried to insert the jars needed but unfortunately when i was able to compile it returned a java.lang.NullPointerException.
    Is there a way to get the IP address of the client that calls this web service ?
    Or is there a way to read the SOAP request maybe i can retrieve the client IP from it.
    Thanks for your support,
    Thank you!

  • Can a BPEL process wait for a second web service call

    My BPEL process is an asynchronous process, so the first web service call kicks off an instance of the process.
    what i want is somewhere down in the process i can put a "receive" shape to pause the process and wait for another web service call to come in, once the "receive" shape gets the second web service call, the process continues on.
    Is that a valid thing to do on BPEL?
    i don't seem to be able to get it working.
    i could change the WSDL for the BPEL process to publish two operations, the default "initiate" and another one called "continue", they both accept the same type of request message.
    but when i test it, the BPEL process just can't accept message at the second operation, it always creates a new instance to handle the web service calls, even when the call is targeting "continue" operation.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance!

    I was just about to give up after the last post but then the "pick" shape hit my eye somehow ("thank God", that's all i can say)
    and it did the trick, the "pick" shape can wait for an incoming call from a partner link.
    so what i can achieve is this,
    the first web service call sends some thing like
    <Root><CorrelationId>1</CorrelationId><Content>first name</Content></Root>
    on the "initiate" operation, just like calling an "initiate" method in java code
    the BPEL instance gets initiated, reaches the "pick" shape and stops
    then a second web service call comes in as
    <Root><CorrelationId>1</CorrelationId><Content>last name</Content></Root>
    on the "continue" operation, again just like calling a "continue" method
    it works!

  • Web Service execution failed for operation: ReadLogFile

    im getting the following error message in almost all of my Diagnostic Agent log files:
    [MAIJobObserver] ERROR occurred for metric collection
    [SAPControlWSCollector.collect] Web Service execution failed for operation:
    ReadLogFile. Collector : [SAPControlWSCollector]
    Id: 00000000000000000019,
    SID: EPX, instance number:00
    Caused by: java.rmi.RemoteException:
    Service call exception; nested exception is:
    Invalid Response Code: (401) Unauthorized. The requested URL
    I checked on SAP note 1563660 - sapcontrol, <sid>adm authorization issues (SUM) and confirmed, that ALL installations of the "sapuxuserchk" program are set with "chown root.sapsys" and "chmod u+s,o-rwx". I restarted the diagnostic Agent aftwards.
    I also checked on host_profile an made sure, that the parameter "service/admin_users = daaadm" is set.
    Still I get the above error messages, so I am at a loss what else to do...
    A lot of thanks for your Support !
    Best regards,

    Hi Thorsten,
    Please check the user used for registration of Diagnostic agent to Solution Manager has appropriate roles assigned (e.g. user SMD_ADMIN)
    Also please update to latest patch of SAP Host agent and then try again.
    Hope this helps
    Thanks & Regards,

  • What is the transaction code for see the Web Services available in SAP

    I came to know that SAP has provided its own webservices... I need some information on that... If any one has documentation on that can u please send it to me... My ID is <b>[email protected]</b>.
    What is the trasaction code for see the web services available in SAP.... Can any one help.. Please its  urgent
    Best Regards
    Ravi Shankar B
    Message was edited by:
            RaviShankar B

    you can find Web Services (Enterprise Services) in the Enterprise Services Workplace (ES Workplace). The ES Workplace allows you to explore, test, and use enterprise services to make enterprise SOA tangible. Here, you will find all of the currently productized enterprise services by SAP.
    Best Regards,
    Boris Mueller
    <a href="">ES Workplace at SDN</a>
    <a href="">ES Workplace</a>

Maybe you are looking for