Create Appointment through Exchange online - office365

Hi Everyone,
Has anyone tried using PHP to create appointment onto calendar through Exchange web services.
One of our client is using office365 - exchange online as their current email environment.
So we want to auto create appointment into their outlook calendar when admin update their website (Website is developed using PHP

So then I'm guessing you want to be able to retrieve the list of resources in the address book? If the Exchange admins have configured room lists, you could use those:

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    We can run the Windows Azure AD Sync Tool Configuration Wizard to set up directory synchronization. It would
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    Then we need to set up an Outbound connector and an Inbound connector to enable mail flow between Microsoft Exchange Online Protection (EOP) and your on-premises mail servers. Here are some references about
    directory synchronization and mail flow processing through Exchange Online Protection below:
    Best Practices for Configuring EOP
    Set Up Mail Flow Through Exchange Online Protection
    EOP Features
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Carrying AD name change through to Exchange Online

    Semicolon wrote:If I remember correctly (its been a few months since we ran across that here), we changed everything in AD, synced it up, and then changed the user's UPN in AzureAD/Office365 to match the new email address once all of the synced information made it up. I'm a fan of the powershells so I used the Set-MsolUserPrincipalName cmdlet to do this last step; I don't know if there's a method to do that in the GUI.If the user is already synced using Dirsync, then all you have to do is change the relevant information in AD and you're all set. Dirsync links the AD and MSOL users with an immutable ID so once the user has been created in the cloud it will always sync with the correct AD user regardless of any AD attributes changing. While Set-MSOLUserPrincipalName will probably work just fine, it's not entirely necessary.

    Hi All
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    Thanks in advance
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    $cred = Get-Credential
    $s = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName "Microsoft.Exchange" -ConnectionUri "" -Credential $cred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
    Export-PsSession -session $s -outputModule o365
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    Import-Module o365
    While running the command "Get-DistributionGroup", powershell prompts me to enter the office 365 credentials once again. Is it possible to avoid entering the credentials once again? I don't want to use Import-PsSession, since it takes more time.

    Not sure, if the following cmdlets can make a difference. Anyway, suggest you to try these:
    $UserCredential = Get-Credential
    $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
    Import-PSSession $SessionGet-DistributionGroup
    Regards from|Windows Administrator Area | Skype:[email protected]

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    Hi there, I am using following code example to get access token from Azure AD online. I need to bridge EWS managed api with office 365 Api via Azure AD. The below code is working just fine in my MVC application but I am looking for a way to get the access
    token in simple string returning  function so that I can use it to make call against EWS mananged api.
    private static string tempToken = "";
    public static string GetAccessToken()
    return tempToken;
    internal static async Task<OutlookServicesClient> EnsureOutlookServicesClientCreatedAsync(string capabilityName)
    var signInUserId = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value;
    var userObjectId = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst("").Value;
    AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext(Settings.Authority, new NaiveSessionCache(signInUserId));
    DiscoveryClient discClient = new DiscoveryClient(Settings.DiscoveryServiceEndpointUri,
    async () =>
    var authResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(Settings.DiscoveryServiceResourceId,
    new ClientCredential(Settings.ClientId,
    new UserIdentifier(userObjectId,
    return authResult.AccessToken;
    var dcr = await discClient.DiscoverCapabilityAsync(capabilityName);
    return new OutlookServicesClient(dcr.ServiceEndpointUri,
    async () =>
    var authResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(dcr.ServiceResourceId,
    new ClientCredential(Settings.ClientId,
    new UserIdentifier(userObjectId,
    return authResult.AccessToken;
    catch (AdalException exception)
    //Handle token acquisition failure
    if (exception.ErrorCode == AdalError.FailedToAcquireTokenSilently)
    return null;
    This is an excerpt from Microsoft single tenant application in MVC5.  In the code, I have created a function called GetAccessToken() which does nothing.. I am hoping you experts can help me figure out how to transfer the accessToken from EnsureOutlookServcesClientCreated
    function which is actually returning token, to  my GetAccessToken() so that I can make call against EWS managed Api. Sorry, If I sound pretty stupid but I really need your help in this regard. 
    best regards,

    Yes sir, Let me try to explain me about my scenario. I need to use EWS managed Api with office 365 Rest Api to get benefits from both the Apis. Here is here code I am using to connect to EWS managed Api but it is failing with 401:Unauthorized.  I already
    have "Full Access" turned on in Azure AD.  I have the access token from AZure AD and want to use it to make call against EWS managed Api.
    var outlookClient = await AuthHelper.EnsureOutlookServicesClientCreatedAsync("Mail");
    //IPagedCollection<IMessage> messagesResults = await outlookClient.Me.Messages.ExecuteAsync();
    // Get the ID of the first message.
    // string messageId = messagesResults.CurrentPage[0].Id;
    string tokenx = AuthHelper.GetAccessToken();
    ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013);
    service.HttpHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + tokenx);
    service.PreAuthenticate = true;
    service.SendClientLatencies = true;
    service.EnableScpLookup = false;
    service.Url = new Uri("");
    // Get all the folders in the message's root folder.
    ExFolder rootfolder = ExFolder.Bind(service, WellKnownFolderName.MsgFolderRoot);S
    Scenario of my migration application:
    1. I have a Gmail mailbox email in Raw(complete email in base64-urlsafe with attachments) format with RFC2822. I need to migrate this mailbox to Exchange online. I believe EWS managed Api has better support on this one.
    2.  Likewise I need to migrate Gmail Calendars, Tasks and Contacts to Exchange online.
    I would be highly grateful to you , if you tell me how to bridge EWS managed Api with office 365 Api.
    best regards,

  • [Exchange-Online][EWS][Android]Is it possible to reach Exchange room resource mailbox through Office 365 API for Java/Android

    Hi guys,
    Title covers largely what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to create an app in Android Studio that uses the Office365 for Android API (
    In this app i want to bind calander events to Locations that i create in Exchange online. Is this possible? If so, how? Have not been succesful in finding in any information on the issue so far.
    At the moment when the user wants to create an event, the user just types in the "location", but this is just a string and not bound to anything. I would prefer to get a dropdown of all the room resources I have on Exchange and that this will make
    that the location. This to prevent 2 seperate meetings happening in the same room at the same time.
    (Was sent here from the O365-forums, so sorry if this is a misplaced post)
    Thanks for any and all help.

    So then I'm guessing you want to be able to retrieve the list of resources in the address book? If the Exchange admins have configured room lists, you could use those:

  • SAP SMTP Configuration for Microsoft Exchange Online (Microsoft Hosted Solution for Exchange - Office365)

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    We are using Microsoft Exchange Online (Microsoft Hosted Solution for Exchange – Office 365) for sending and receiving emails. Now we want to setup SAP SMTP so that emails / notifications can be sending through SAP via Microsoft Exchange Online. It is quite easy to configure for setting SMTP Services for locally hosted Exchange Server. But this is the first time I am trying to setup for Microsoft Exchange Online.
    Current Instance Profile settings are as follows;
    is/SMTP/virt_host_1                         *:25000
    is/SMTP/virt_host_0                         *:*
    icm/server_port_2 PROT=HTTPS,PORT=44300,PROCTIMEOUT=300,TIMEOUT=600
    icm/server_port_1                           PROT=SMTP, PORT=1080, TIMEOUT=180
    icm/server_port_0 PROT=HTTP,PORT=8000,PROCTIMEOUT=300,TIMEOUT=600
    ms/server_port_0                            PROT=HTTP,PORT=81$$
    SCOT Settings are
    Mail Host   
    Mail Port              587
    Following are the settings for configuring Outlook for Exchange Online – Office 365;
    Server name
    Encryption method
    Please assist if any one configure office365 with SAP.

    Hello Majid,
    Were you able to setup SCOT for Office365 online, I have to setup same.
    Can you help with some guidelines on how you setup.?

  • Creating a new address list for Exchange Online (Office 365) by two parameters

    Good day!
    I need to create two new address list in Exchange Online 2013 (Office 365) that users will choose the two parameters.
    Address sheet1: No staff
    Address Sheet2: Staff
    Parameters address sheet not staff:
    Parameter 1: Company
    It must match the value - MyCompany
    Parameter 2: job title
    it must be different from the value - Staff
    Parameters address sheet Staff:
    Parameter 1: Company
    It must match the value - MyCompany
    Parameter 2: job title
    It must match the value - Staff
    1) Is it possible to filter user mailboxes on the parameter of discrepancy?
    2) Can not find the parameter values ​​for the script field job title
    While on the side of 365 in the user properties such parameter is:
    Company option too.

    I got to build a team that I need (describes the necessary conditions)
    and successfully held in PS 4.0 after connecting to the office 365:
    1) Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted
    2) $ UserCredential = Get-Credential
    (Data Entry Administrator 365)
    3) $ Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName
    Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $ UserCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
    Import-PSSession $ Session
    PS C:\Windows\system32> New-AddressList -Name 'TEST1234' -RecipientFilter {((RecipientType -eq 'UserMailbox') -and ((Com
    pany -eq 'Company1') -and (Title -ne 'Student')))}
    Name                      DisplayName               RecipientFilter
    TEST1234                  TEST1234                  ((RecipientType -eq 'UserMailbox')
    -and (((Company -eq 'Company1...
    As a result, the new address list TEST1234 immediately appears. (When creating a new letter in the menu "To"), but on the inside
    it is empty (although there is 1 user which is fully consistent with those described in the filter conditions.).
    = (
    Tried a simple version:
    не отображается в адресном списке.">The same thing - the only user with such parameters in AD -> Office365 is not displayed in the address list.
    (After running for a list TEST123 more than two days)
    Tell me what could be the problem?

  • Cannot block ZIP attachments through the mail flow rule in Exchange Online

    Hello Guys,
    I need some help as I have already tried the procedure to block zipped files in exchange online (Office 365).
    I assume the content filtering policy or malware policy is overtaking in someway, but I cannot get the outcome as mentioned in the above scenario.
    My goal is to trap all the emails with attachments containing .zip, .exe, .bat and .rar extensions to be moved to the quarantine mailbox. 

    Hello Guys,
    I need some help as I have already tried the procedure to block zipped files in exchange online (Office 365).
    I assume the content filtering policy or malware policy is overtaking in someway, but I cannot get the outcome as mentioned in the above scenario.
    My goal is to trap all the emails with attachments containing .zip, .exe, .bat and .rar extensions to be moved to the quarantine mailbox.

  • Exchange Online mailbox configuration without Exchange Hybrid Configuration wizard.

    We have on premise exchange server 2010 sp2 deployed with We have registered our tenant and verified the ownership of on our office365 tenant.  We have successfully deployed EOP and configured inbound and outbound connectors
    and all the mailflow is working fine. We havenot deployed directory sync server and ADFS for the deployment of EOP. Our Mx is pointed to and all the mails are sent and received through EOP. I
    want to move a user mailbox such as [email protected] to Exchange Online from on-premise exchange without configuring Dirsync and Exchange Hybrid configuration wizard. I already know the some of the limitations.
    If I create a user account [email protected] on the tenant and activate the Exchange License on office365 to create the Mailbox on Exchange online.
    I want to know that if I have to create any other send and receive connector or any other configuration either on office365 or exchange online if I cutover one user from our on-premise to exchange online without configuring Exchange Hybrid configuration
    wizard on our on premise exchange server??
    Will this effect the mailflow between onpremise and exchange online users?
    Abdullah Salam

    It's not clear to me what type of migration you're trying to do. A cutover migration would be an option as long as you understand the limitations of that process.  Otherwise are you looking to use a third-party migration tool or some other
    The reason you would end up with two mailboxes is if when you assign an Exchange license to a user in the cloud without DirSync, a mailbox is provisioned for that user.  You can assign a license after the mailbox is moved assuming you have a mail-enabled
    user in the cloud and can do a remote move to it.
    Once you manage to get the mailbox to the cloud, now you have to deal with routing which means you'll need a mail-enabled user on-premises for every mailbox in the cloud and will need to have a target address with a coexistence domain such as "". 
    Likewise, Exchange Online will need a mail-enabled user for every on-premises mailbox in order to have a populated GAL and route in that direction.
    For security reasons we don't to setup Dirsync and hybrid.
    I hear this occasionally and remind organizations that you're putting the actual data (the stuff the credentials protect) in Microsoft's datacenters.  If it's a question of trust, cloud services might not be the most appropriate solution for the
    organization.  The Office 365 Trust Center ( can provide some insight into the controls that Microsoft has in place to protect your data.
    DirSync or the new AADSync can be scoped such that they only sync limited objects.  From there, you have the options of Password (Hash) Sync with DirSync (not yet with AADSync) or using AD FS which leaves the authentication with your on-premises
    Joseph Palarchio

  • Cutover onprem mailbox to exchange online without Hybrid configuration wizard.

    We have on premise exchange server 2010 sp2 deployed with We have registered our tenant and verified the ownership of on our office365 tenant.  We have successfully deployed EOP and configured inbound and outbound connectors
    and all the mailflow is working fine. We havenot deployed directory sync server and ADFS for the deployment of EOP. Our Mx is pointed to and all the mails are sent and received through EOP. I
    want to move a user mailbox such as [email protected] to Exchange Online from on-premise exchange without configuring Dirsync and Exchange Hybrid configuration wizard. I already know the some of the limitations.
    If I create a user account [email protected] on the tenant and activate the Exchange License on office365 to create the Mailbox on Exchange online.
    I want to know that if I have to create any other send and receive connector or any other configuration either on office365 or exchange online if I cutover one user from our on-premise to exchange online without configuring Exchange Hybrid configuration
    wizard on our on premise exchange server??
    Will this effect the mailflow between onpremise and exchange online users?
    Abdullah Salam

    It's not clear to me what type of migration you're trying to do. A cutover migration would be an option as long as you understand the limitations of that process.  Otherwise are you looking to use a third-party migration tool or some other
    The reason you would end up with two mailboxes is if when you assign an Exchange license to a user in the cloud without DirSync, a mailbox is provisioned for that user.  You can assign a license after the mailbox is moved assuming you have a mail-enabled
    user in the cloud and can do a remote move to it.
    Once you manage to get the mailbox to the cloud, now you have to deal with routing which means you'll need a mail-enabled user on-premises for every mailbox in the cloud and will need to have a target address with a coexistence domain such as "". 
    Likewise, Exchange Online will need a mail-enabled user for every on-premises mailbox in order to have a populated GAL and route in that direction.
    For security reasons we don't to setup Dirsync and hybrid.
    I hear this occasionally and remind organizations that you're putting the actual data (the stuff the credentials protect) in Microsoft's datacenters.  If it's a question of trust, cloud services might not be the most appropriate solution for the
    organization.  The Office 365 Trust Center ( can provide some insight into the controls that Microsoft has in place to protect your data.
    DirSync or the new AADSync can be scoped such that they only sync limited objects.  From there, you have the options of Password (Hash) Sync with DirSync (not yet with AADSync) or using AD FS which leaves the authentication with your on-premises
    Joseph Palarchio

  • Delivery delayed possibly because of Exchange Online issue with DNS check
    I'm troubleshooting extremely late (3+ days) delivery emails FROM a domain hosted by Microsoft TO  Microsoft Remote connectivity analyzer shows that it cannot get MX record for  HOWEVER, other tools like Mxtoolbox ( shows the
    MX lookup is successful.
    When sending FROM Google / Yahoo to the same email address at, the emails go through right away.
    I was able to reproduce the issue by sending an email FROM my personal Hotmail email to  The next morning I got a delayed Delivery Status Notifcation:
    Reporting-MTA: dns;
    Received-From-MTA: dns;BAY169-W65
    Arrival-Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 11:38:10 -0700
    Final-Recipient: rfc822;[email protected]
    Action: delayed
    Status: 4.4.7
    Will-Retry-Until: Thu, 2 Oct 2014 11:38:17 -0700
    I think the root issue is that Exchange Online does not like something about MX record for, although other tools say the MX records are fine.
    Can you see why emails from Hotmail or one of your Exchange Online customers cannot reach although emails from Google / Yahoo go in just fine?  Please PM me if you need the name of the domain hosted by Microsoft or an email address at
    for testing.

    If you open a service request via your O365 tenant, and explain the issue, they'll respond quite quickly.
    I've created some tickets at O365 support for about the same problems in the past, and you usually get a call from an EOP/EO engineer the day after.

  • How to migrate mails from Google Apps to MS Exchange Online IMAP (Getting error)

    Any tips on How to migrate mails from Google Apps to MSOL? What is required? When I am trying to migrate using IMAP but getting fpollowing error
    Summary: 1 item(s). 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
    Elapsed time: 00:00:11
    [email protected]
    Failed to log on successfully for the following reason:
    Exchange Management Shell command attempted:
    'Microsoft.Exchange.Transporter.Provider.PopImap.InternetMailboxMeta' | Move-XsIMAPMailboxToExchangeOnline -AllowUnsecureConnection $false -TargetCredential 'System.Management.Automation.PSCredential' -MaxThreadCount '10' -Quiet
    Elapsed Time: 00:00:11
    Any help will be much appreciated.
    Sunil DK

    I just finished migrating a client from Google Apps to Microsoft Exchange Online using the IMAP option in the Microsoft Online Services Migration Tool.  
    I added the mailboxes by creating a CSV file [i.e. GoogleApps(Gmail)_Mailboxes.csv] in the following format:
    [email protected],,[email protected],P@ssword1,[email protected]
    [email protected],,[email protected],P@ssword2,[email protected]
    [email protected],,[email protected],P@ssword3,[email protected]
    Then I created a custom folder map XML file [i.e. GoogleApps(Gmail)_FolderMap.xml] to map the Google Apps (Gmail) labels to the appropriate Exchange (Outlook) mailbox folders and create those that didn't exist (i.e. Important, Starred, Follow up,
    Misc, Priority) as sub-folders under the Inbox:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <FolderMappings xmlns="">
    <!-- This xml contains the mapping of foldername in source server to folders in target server -->
    "path" is the name of the folder in source server
    "Name" is the name of the folder to be mapped into target server
    "SpecialFolder" is the name of the special folder to be mapped into
    target server (Name will be ignored) valid values are :
    Sent Items
    Deleted Items
    Junk E-mail
    "Description" Description of the folder
    "ExcludeFolder" indicates folders to exclude. Valid values are:
    true (case sensitive)
    false (case sensitive)
    <!-- Default Mapping Section -->
    <Folder path = "INBOX">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Inbox"/>
    <Folder path = "New Mail">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Inbox"/>
    <Folder path = "[Root]">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Inbox"/>
    <Folder path = "">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Inbox"/>
    <Folder path = "Calendar">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Calendar"/>
    <Folder path = "Tasks">
    <Property Name = "Migration items/Tasks"/>
    <Folder path = "Sent Items">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Sent Items"/>
    <Folder path = "Sent Mail">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Sent Items"/>
    <Folder path = "Sent">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Sent Items"/>
    <Folder path = "Deleted Items">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Deleted Items"/>
    <Folder path = "Trash">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Deleted Items"/>
    <Folder path = "Drafts">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Drafts"/>
    <Folder path = "Draft">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Drafts"/>
    <Folder path = "Junk E-mail">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Junk E-mail"/>
    <Folder path = "Spam">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Junk E-mail"/>
    <Folder path = "Contacts">
    <Property Name = "Migration Items/Contacts"/>
    <Folder path = "Outbox">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Outbox"/>
    <Folder path = "Journal">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Journal"/>
    <Folder path = "Notes">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Notes"/>
    <Folder path = "Public Folders">
    <Property ExcludeFolder = "true"/>
    <!-- Google Apps (Gmail) Specific Mapping Section -->
    <Folder path = "[Gmail]/All Mail">
    <Property ExcludeFolder = "true"/>
    <Folder path = "All Mail">
    <Property ExcludeFolder = "true"/>
    <Folder path = "[Gmail]/Drafts">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Drafts"/>
    <Folder path = "[Gmail]/Important">
    <Property Name = "Inbox/Important"/>
    <Folder path = "[Gmail]/Sent Mail">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Sent Items"/>
    <Folder path = "[Gmail]/Spam">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Junk E-mail"/>
    <Folder path = "[Gmail]/Starred">
    <Property Name = "Inbox/Starred"/>
    <Folder path = "[Gmail]/Trash">
    <Property SpecialFolder = "Deleted Items"/>
    <!-- Custom Mapping Section -->
    <Folder path = "Follow up">
    <Property Name = "Inbox/Follow up"/>
    <Folder path = "Misc">
    <Property Name = "Inbox/Misc"/>
    <Folder path = "Priority">
    <Property Name = "Inbox/Priority"/>
    Additionally, I had to tell the Internet E-mail Mailbox Migration Wizard to use the "Individual Account Credentials" option since I was able to specify each account password in the CSV file when adding the mailboxes to Microsoft Online Services Migration
    Tools console.
    Just to note, the users had to manually export their contacts to a CSV file and calendars to iCal (ICS) files in order to import those items into Outlook.
    I hope this will benefit others since Microsoft doesn't seem to have a custom, specifically defined migration strategy for this scenario.  With Google Apps being in direct competition with BPOS/Office365, I assumed that Microsoft would have a simple
    strategy using something like ActiveSync to facilitate the migration of email, contacts, calendar entries, etc.  Hopefully we'll see something along those lines become available in a future release of the migration tools.
    --Jon Payne

  • Exchange 2010 to Exchange Online migration Error

    I am in the middle of an Exchange 2010 to Office 365 cutover migration and i keep getting errors when trying to create a migration endpoint on Office 365 hence the migration can't progress. 
    I have sucessfully completed step one which is to verify the on premises domain and the Office 365 domain but it seems i am stucked on connecting with Outlook Anywhere using each available method on Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer.
    The first error message that i am getting when connecting through Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer is that the
    "The certificate chain could not be built. You may be missing required intermediate certificate". On a side note, this works on internal LAN and Outlook clients are able to connect using autodiscover.
    The second error message i get, is when trying to connect using "Test-MigrationServerAvailability -ExchangeOutlookAnywhere -Autodiscover -EmailAddress <email address for on-premises administrator> -Credentials $credentials"
    on a Exchange Online Powershell session i am getting:
    "The migration service failed to detect the migration endpoint using the Autodiscover service."
    I just can't understand why the Autodiscover tests won't pass. I am aware that Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer would show error because it misses the root certificate but what should i do in order to have it running properly?
    Please note that i am using an internal CA-Server which is the Exchange Server it self so i have self signed certificates. 
    I wonder, am i missing the big picture here?
    For the migration endpoint/batch to work, is it mandatory to have a valid certificate or to be able to use autodiscover?

    You need valid publicly trusted certificate to create the migration endpoint. You can get one for free from sites like startssl or comodo.

  • Exchange online and Exchange 2010 on-premise calendar availability

    I am running a hybrid exchange 2010 on-premise and online exchange environment.  The online exchange users cannot see calendar availability of anybody on premise.  The on-premise users can see the online exchange availability.  I can see the
    calendar if the calendar is shared, but trying to setup a meeting or calendar appointment still shows the unavailable through all days.
    All of the users are using office 365 for outlook on premise and exchange online.  If it is only working one way, could it be an autodiscover issue where it is not configured correctly on our on-premise exchange 2010 or online exchange?  Which
    side would be causing the issue?

    I have done a little more research and ran the following in powershell:
    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-FederationInformation -domainname
    RunspaceId            : f4af09c7-134a-4fe7-95c0-acd120c63949
    TargetApplicationUri  :
    DomainNames           : {,,}
    TargetAutodiscoverEpr :
    TokenIssuerUris       : {urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline}
    IsValid               : True
    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-OrganizationRelationship | FL
    RunspaceId            : f4af09c7-134a-4fe7-95c0-acd120c63949
    DomainNames           : {,,}
    FreeBusyAccessEnabled : True
    FreeBusyAccessLevel   : LimitedDetails
    FreeBusyAccessScope   :
    MailboxMoveEnabled    : True
    DeliveryReportEnabled : True
    MailTipsAccessEnabled : True
    MailTipsAccessLevel   : All
    MailTipsAccessScope   :
    TargetApplicationUri  :
    TargetSharingEpr      :
    TargetOwaURL          :
    TargetAutodiscoverEpr :
    OrganizationContact   :
    Enabled               : True
    ArchiveAccessEnabled  : True
    AdminDisplayName      :
    ExchangeVersion       : 0.10 (
    Name                  : On Premises to Exchange Online Organization Relationship
    DistinguishedName     : CN=On Premises to Exchange Online Organization Relationship,CN=Federation,CN=WEIMAN,CN=Microsof
                            t Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=herbertstanley,DC=com
    Identity              : On Premises to Exchange Online Organization Relationship
    Guid                  : 26b4ec5d-fe93-473e-b451-1f9aa2e94ebb
    ObjectCategory        :
    ObjectClass           : {top, msExchFedSharingRelationship}
    WhenChanged           : 1/13/2014 1:25:54 PM
    WhenCreated           : 12/17/2013 1:04:32 PM
    WhenChangedUTC        : 1/13/2014 7:25:54 PM
    WhenCreatedUTC        : 12/17/2013 7:04:32 PM
    OrganizationId        :
    OriginatingServer     :
    IsValid               : True
    I am not sure why we have that value for the OriginatingServer.  That server is a backup domain controller, not the server that houses the on-premise exchange.
    I then ran the set-OrganizationRelationship and get the below error.
    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Set-OrganizationRelationship -Identity -targetapplicationUri outloo -TargetAutodiscoverEpr
    The operation couldn't be performed because object '' couldn't be found on 'gemini.herbertst'.
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (0:Int32) [Set-OrganizationRelationship], ManagementObjectNotFoundExceptio
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : F2215CB2,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.SetOrganizationRelations
    How do I change the originating server to be my exchange server?

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