Create flv - dynamically

Is there a method, a function or a way to have flash (or something else) create a .flv - dynamically??
I have a dynamically generated slideshow.
When call slideshow.php?=123 - one slideshow appears
When call slideshow.php?=456 - another slideshow appears
I want to accomplish a video file - for each dynamically generated tour
Is that possible???
Thank you for your time and attention
I appreciate your input

No response in 4 weeks
Does this indicate it is NOT possible?
or that I need to contract overseas??

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    In the preOpen event of the second dropdown list you put something like (in formCalc):
    if (dropdown1 == 1) then
    $.setItems("Year, 2 Year,  3 Year")
    elseif (dropdown1 == 2) then
    $.setItems("3 Year,  4 Year")

  • How to create a dynamic RTF report which creates dynamic columns based on dynamic column selection from a table?

    Hi All,
    Suppose I have table, whose structure changes frequently on daily basis.
    For eg. desc my_table gives you following column name on Day 1
    SQL > desc my_table;
    On Day 2, two more columns are added, viz, Address and Salary.
    SQL > desc my_table;
    Now I want to create an Dynnamic RTF report which would fetch data from ALL columns from my_table on daily basis. For that I have defined a concurrent program with XML as output type and have attached a data template/data definition to it which takes in XML as input and gives final output of conc program in EXCEL layout. I am able to do this for constant number of columns, but dont know how to do it when the number of columns to be displayed changes dynamically.
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <dataTemplate name="XYZ" description="iExpenses Report" Version="1.0">
    <sqlStatement name="Q2">
    SELECT Name
    FROM my_table
    <group name="G_my_table" source="Q2">
      <element name="Name" value="Name" />
      <element name="Age" value="Age" />
      <element name="Phone" value="Phone" />
    And my Day 1, EXCEL output from RTF template should be like this.
    Name     Age     Phone
    Swapnill     23     12345
    For Day 2 my XML file should be like this. With 2 new columns selected in SELECT clause.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <dataTemplate name="XYZ" description="iExpenses Report" Version="1.0">
    <sqlStatement name="Q2">
    SELECT Name
    FROM my_table
    <group name="G_my_table" source="Q2">
      <element name="Name" value="Name" />
      <element name="Age" value="Age" />
      <element name="Phone" value="Phone" />
      <element name="Address" value="Address" />
      <element name="Salary" value="Salary" />
    And my Day 2, EXCEL output from RTF template should be like this.
    Name     Age     Phone     Address     Salary
    Swapnill     23     12345         Madrid     100000
    Now, I dont know below things.
    Make the XML dynamic as in on Day 1 there must be 3 columns in the SELECT statement and on Day 2, 5 columns. I want to create one dynamic XML which should not be required to be changed if new columns are added in my_table. I dont know how to create this query and also create their corresponding elements below.
    Make the RTF template dyanamic as in Day1 there must 3 columns in EXCEL output and on Day 2, 5 columns. I want to create a Dynamic RTF template which would show all the columns selected in Dynamic XML.I dont know how the RTF will create new XML tags and how it will know where to place it in the report. Means, I can create RTF template on Day 1, by loading XML data for 3 columns and placing 3 XML tags in template. But how will it create and place tags for new columns on Day 2?
    Hope, you got my requirement, its a challenging one. Please let me know how I can implement the required solution using RTF dynamically without any manual intervention.
    Swapnil K.
    Message was edited by: SwapnilK

    Hi All,
    I am able to fulfil above requirement. Now I am stuck at below point. Need your help!
    Is there any way to UPDATE the XML file attached to a Data Definition (XML Publisher > Data Definition) using a standard package or procedure call or may be an API from backend? I am creating an XML dynamically and I want to attach it to its Data Definition programmatically using SQL.
    Please let me know if there is any oracle functionality to do this.
    If not, please let me know the standard directories on application/database server where the XML files attached to Data Definitions are stored.
    For eg, /$APPL_TOP/ar/1.0/sql or something.
    Swapnil K.

  • How to create the dynamic report

    please help me, how to create the dynamic report

      Try this..
    DATA: p_temp(30)  TYPE c DEFAULT 'ZTEST_REPORT'.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_abapcode occurs 0,
            row(72) TYPE c,
           END OF t_abapcod.
    INSERT REPORT p_temp FROM it_abapcode.
          SUBMIT (p_temp) AND RETURN.
          DELETE REPORT p_temp.

  • How to create a dynamic hyperlink which point to a BLOB column

    I am fighting with the issue for about 2 days.
    My purpose is to use Oracle Report Builder to build a report of our employee directory which contains employee's information and also employee's picture. The requirement is that our report is going to generate a html file to our web server. By creating a dynamic hyperlink to the Employee's name in the report output file (the html file generated to our web server), it should then display the corresponding employee's picture which is a BLOB column stored in our oracle database.
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    where :DEPTNO is a column value retrieved from the database at runtime.
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    Anyone knows how to implement this? Any inputs is appreciated!

    This forum is for the SQLDeveloper tool. You might get better responses on the reports forum Reports

  • How to create a dynamic form with bind variables :schema & :table_name

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    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Stuart,
    In this sort of situation, you will need to be a bit creative.
    I would suggest a pipeline function called as if it was a report.
    Then you can pipe out the required fields.
    Since you will have a variable number of fields, you could use two of the multi row field names for your field names and values.
    Then after submit, you can create your own procedure to loop through the fields (stored for you in the Apex package) and update the table as required.
    Not very specific I'm afraid, but it should work.

  • How to create a dynamic action from link column in classic report

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    I was thinking I could create a dynamic action with selection type=jquery selector. Not for sure if I need to do anything on link column and do not know the syntax
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    Thank you for your response. I am very new to Jquery so don't understand all that well.
    What I did:
    I created a dynamic action
    Event: Click
    Selection Type: jQuery Selector
    jQuery Selector: tdheaders
    Created True Actions
    I created an alert to see if this is being executed.
    Alert 'I made it here'
    What I have:
    I created a report region with the following query:
    Select empno, ename, 'SELECT' from emp
    where (ename like '%'||ltrim(rtrim(:P2_SEARCHPU))||'%'
    or :P2_SEARCHPU is null)
    I created 'SELECT' column as Link Column
    Report Attributes
    Link Text Select
    Target Page in this Application
    Page 2
    Region Header
    <div id="ModalForm2" title="Employee List" style="display:none">
    Region Footer
    This report is displayed in a modal form when a button is clicked.
    Code for modal window in Page Header
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $( function() {
    { modal : true ,
    autoOpen : false ,
    buttons : {
    Cancel : function() {
    function openForm2()
    function closeForm2()
    $('#ModalForm2 input[type="text"]').val('');
    I am trying to capture the click event on the link column of the report in the modal form. I want to pass a couple of column values
    back to the main form and close the modal window. I do not want to do the submit that happens if I click on the link column and link back to the main page(2)
    If I let the submit to happen, all other entered fields are cleared on my main form.
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  • How to create Exchange dynamic distribution list using multivalue extension custom attribute

    I am trying to create a dynamic distribution list using an ExtensionCustomAttribute.  I am in hybrid mode with Exchange 2013.  The syntax I have is this: 
    New-DynamicDistributionGroup -Name "DG_NH" -RecipientFilter {(ExtensionCustomAttribute2 -eq 'NH')} 
    This works correctly on-prem.  But hosted always results in an empty list.  I can see in dirsync the attribute is in the hosted environment, but for whatever reason, the distribution group gets created but always come up null.
    If I create a group looking at the single valued attributes, such as CustomAttribute6 -eq 'Y', it works correctly on-prem and hosted.  
    If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it.

    I don't think I provided enough information about the problem.  Let me add some and see if it makes sense.
    I have an Exchange 2013 on-premise configured in hybrid mode with Office365.  For testing purposes, I have 2 users, Joe and Steve, one with the mailbox on-prem, and the other with the mailbox in the cloud.  Each of them has CustomAttribute6 = 'Y'
    and ExtensionCustomAttribute2 = 'NH'. Dirsync shows these users and these attributes are synced between on-prem and cloud.
    Using on-prem Exchange powershell, I run the following command:
    New-DynamicDistributionGroup -Name "DG_NH" -RecipientFilter {((RecipientType -eq UserMailBox) -or (RecipientType -eq MailUser) -and (CustomAttribute6 -eq 'Y')} 
    This correctly finds the 2 users when I query for them as follows:
    $DDG = Get-DynamicDistributionGroup DG_NH
    Get-Recipient -RecipientPreviewFilter $DDG.RecipientFilter | FT alias
    So I then delete this DG, and recreate it this time looking at the multi-value attribute ExtensionCustomAttribute2, as follows:
    New-DynamicDistributionGroup -Name "DG_NH" -RecipientFilter {((RecipientType -eq UserMailBox) -or (RecipientType -eq MailUser) -and (ExtensionCustomAttribute2 -eq 'NH')} 
    Replaying the query above, I can see this also works fine and finds my two users.
    Next I open a new powershell and connect to Office 365 and repeat the process there.
    New-DynamicDistributionGroup -Name "DG_NH" -RecipientFilter {((RecipientType -eq UserMailBox) -or (RecipientType -eq MailUser) -and (CustomAttribute6 -eq 'Y')} 
    This correctly finds the 2 users when I query for them.
    And then delete the group and recreate it using the multi-value attribute:
    New-DynamicDistributionGroup -Name "DG_NH" -RecipientFilter {((RecipientType -eq UserMailBox) -or (RecipientType -eq MailUser) -and (ExtensionCustomAttribute2 -eq 'NH')} 
    When I run the query this time it produces no result.  Every test I try results in an empty group if I am using a multi-valued attribute in the search criteria in the cloud.  If I use single valued attribute, it works fine.
    I really need to be able to get multi-valued DDG's working in the cloud.  If anyone has done this and has any suggestions, I would appreciate seeing what you did.  And if this is the wrong forum to port this, if you can point me to a more suitable
    forum I will report there.

  • How to create a dynamic view

    I have 5 tables
    of which one table is transaction table which stores all the trasanctions
    it has near about 30 colms
    from which i need create a dynamic view...
    where user have to passed 5, 6 parameters and get the result .
    how can i create a precompiled view ..

    Why do you want to create a dynamic view.
    It's a bad practice. You had already all column names.
    I think , you can simply create a static view in design time.

  • Create a dynamic attribute for each user

    Hi All,
    I request you all to let me know how to give an approach to the following requirement.
    REQUIREMENT: I have to create a dynamic attribute in UME for each user and the read the attribute on lead selection of a table having list of Users.
                             On lead selection, the dynamic attribute value should be either true or false. Based on this value the rest of the application specific operations wil be taken care.
                              If a particular User does not have the dynamic attribute associated to it, then we need to create the same.
    Looking forwarrd for your help.

    //@@begin javadoc:UMSavePropertiesByNode()
         /** Declared method. */
      public boolean UMSavePropertiesByNode( )
        //@@begin UMSavePropertiesByNode()
              try {
                   if (wdContext.currentUserDataElement().getVaIUserMaint().setAttribute("", this.getUMPropertyName(null) + ".TableColumns", this.getPropertiesByNode())) {
                        msg.reportMessage(IMessageTableUtilsComponent.UMPROPERTY__SAVE__FIELDS__SUCCESS, null, false);
              } catch (UMException ex) {
                   msg.reportMessage(IMessageTableUtilsComponent.UMPROPERTY__SAVE__FIELDS__ERROR, null, false);
                   return false;
              return true;
      //@@begin javadoc:UMLoadFieldsProperties()
         /** Declared method. */
      public UMLoadFieldsProperties( fields )
        //@@begin UMLoadFieldsProperties()
              String properties[] = wdContext.currentUserDataElement().getVaIUserMaint().getAttribute("", this.getUMPropertyName(null) + ".TableColumns");
              if (Compare.getLenght(properties) > 0) {
                   //msg.reportWarning("[UMLoadFieldsProperties]: properties.length = " + properties.length);
                   for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
                        int attrPos = Integer.parseInt(properties<i>.substring(properties<i>.indexOf("(") + 1, properties<i>.indexOf(")")));
                        String attrName = (String) properties<i>.substring(properties<i>.indexOf(")") + 1, properties<i>.indexOf("="));
                        int attrValue = Integer.parseInt(properties<i>.substring(properties<i>.indexOf("=") + 1, properties<i>.indexOf(";")));
                        Field item = fields.getField(attrName);
                        if (item != null) {
              return fields;

  • Creating a dynamic lov based on a column

    I want to create a dynamic lov based on a column in a database-table.
    Eg. the query
    'select code, description from code_table'
    is the contents of the column 'lov_query' in the table 'parameters'.
    For every parameter there can be a different lov-query, but the result is always
    two columns (code and description, number and name, etc.), exactly what you need to use in a lov.
    I've written a (dbms_sql) function that takes the parameter-id and returns the lov_query.
    create or replace function "GET_PMR_LOV"
    (pmr_id in NUMBER)
    return VARCHAR2
    fdbk INTEGER;
    l_pmr_id NUMBER(9) := pmr_id;
    l_stmnt VARCHAR2(2000);
    (cur, 'select pmr.lov_query from parameters pmr where pmr.ID ' || ' = 'L_PMR_ID', DBMS_SQL.NATIVE);
    DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE (cur, 'L_PMR_ID', l_pmr_id);
    DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN (cur, 1, l_stmnt, 2000);
    fdbk := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE (cur);
    fdbk := DBMS_SQL.FETCH_ROWS (cur);
    IF fdbk > 0
    DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE (cur, 1, l_stmnt);
    return (l_stmnt);
    return null;
    END IF;
    But now I'm stuck on how to pass on this statement in HTMLDB
    as an dynamic lov, I don't seem to be able to execute this statement
    into the two display and return columns. Any ideas?

    Hello again,
    This lov is on an updatable report-column where the user has to make a choice from an non-named, popup and query-based lov. In the lov-query box I have just put:
    "return get_pmr_lov(:p41_param_id)" (without the quotes ;-)
    Here's my latest version plus an alternative, which both seem to work fine:
    create or replace function "GET_PMR_LOV"
    (pmr_id in NUMBER)
    return VARCHAR2
    fdbk INTEGER;
    l_pmr_id NUMBER(9) := pmr_id;
    l_stmnt VARCHAR2(1000);
    DBMS_SQL.PARSE (cur, 'select pmr.lov_query from paramaters pmr where pmr.ID ' || '= :L_PMR_ID', DBMS_SQL.NATIVE);
    DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE (cur, 'L_PMR_ID', l_pmr_id);
    DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN (cur, 1, l_stmnt, 1000);
    fdbk := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE (cur);
    fdbk := DBMS_SQL.FETCH_ROWS (cur);
    IF fdbk > 0 THEN
    DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE (cur, 1, l_stmnt);
    return (l_stmnt);
    return null;
    END IF;
    create or replace function "GET_PMR_LOV2"
    (pmr_id in NUMBER)
    return VARCHAR2
    l_pmr_id NUMBER(9) := pmr_id;
    l_stmnt VARCHAR2(1000);
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'select pmr.lov_query from parameters pmr where pmr.ID = :1'
    INTO l_stmnt USING l_pmr_id;
    return l_stmnt;
    The error-message remains the same, unable to bind :p41_param_id !

  • How to create a dynamic mapping of columnar at the Runtime using ADF or JSF

    How to create a dynamic GUI at the Runtime using ADF or JSF in JDeveloper 11g.
    What I am trying to build is to allow the user to map one column to another at the run time.
    Say the column A has rows 1 to 10, and column B has rows 1 to 15.
    1. Allow the user to map rows of the two tables
    2. An dhte rows of the two columns are dynamically generated at the run time.
    Any help wil be appreciated.....

    Oracle supports feedback form metalink was; "What you exactly want to approach is not possible in Htmldb"
    I can guess that it is not
    exactly possible since I looked at the forums and documantation etc. but
    couldnt find anything similar than this link; "
    t". But this is a very common need and I thought that there must be at least a workaround?
    How can I talk or write to Html Db development team about this since any ideas, this is very important item in a critial project?
    I will be able to satisfy the need in a functional way if I could make the
    select lists in the tabular form dynamic with the noz_id;
    SELECT vozellik "Özellik",
    htmldb_item.select_list_from_query(2, t2.nozellik_deger, 'select vdeger
    a,vdeger b from tozellik_deger where noz_id = 10') "Select List",
    htmldb_item.text(3, NULL, t2.vcihaz_oz_deger) "Free Text"
    FROM vcihaz_grup_ozellik t1, tcihaz_oz t2
    WHERE t1.noz_id = t2.noz_id
    AND t2.ncihaz_id = 191
    AND t1.ngrup_id = 5
    But what I exactly need i something like this dynamic query;
    vozellik "Özellik",
    WHEN (t2.nozellik_deger IS NULL AND t2.vcihaz_oz_deger IS NOT NULL) THEN
    'HTMLDB_ITEM.freetext(' || rownum || ', NULL) ' || vozellik
    WHEN (t2.nozellik_deger IS NOT NULL AND t2.vcihaz_oz_deger IS NULL) THEN
    'HTMLDB_ITEM.select_list_from_query(' || rownum ||
    ', NULL, ''select vdeger a,vdeger b from tozellik_deger where noz_id = ' ||
    t1.noz_id || ''' ) ' || vozellik
    END AS "Değer"
    FROM vcihaz_grup_ozellik t1, tcihaz_oz t2
    WHERE t1.noz_id = t2.noz_id
    AND t2.ncihaz_id = 191
    AND t1.ngrup_id = 5
    Thank you very much,
    Best regards.

  • How to create a Dynamic IAF in WD

    Dear all,
    We'd like to create a dynamic interactive form based on a XDP in a WebDynpro application. How can we achieve this?
    We tried to use setDynamicPDF() and setInteractive(), but it looks like ADS doesn't create a dynamic pdf.
    Only the master page is being displayed.
    Any ideas how to create a dynamic interactive form via ADS and how to determine if the pdf is a dynamic interactive form (in the browser).
    Kind regards,
    version info: Designer 7, NW SP15, Reader 7.0.7.

    Use the following code to get a dynamic pdf document created in your <b>wdDoModifyView()</b> method. Make use of the firstTime flag there if required :
    <b>IWDInteractiveForm iForm =
    setDynamicPDF(boolean) nmethod has been deprecated in 04. Moving forward to 04s, you will have a different set of APIs to deal with such requirements. Hence the abiove mentioned method will be taken off with the next major release of NetWeaver.
    <b>How do you know whether the pdf document created is static or dynamic ?</b> Well, save the form locally and open it in the designer. Go to File > Form Properties > <b>Compatibility</b> Tab. Check your <b>Form Type</b> there.
    Best Regards,

  • How to create a dynamic link in a Form to link to a specific FOLDER

    I have created a reports of all employees of my department.
    This reports shows me the empno and ename
    When I clicked on a empno ( for example empno = 1 ) then then I got a MASTER DETAIL FORM about that employee(empno = 1) .
    Who he or she is and which course he or she had followed.
    I want create a dynamic link in the MASTER DETAIL FORM which shows me directly the folder of that employee ( in this example folder 1 ).
    If I clickt on the report with all employees of my department on an other number ( for example empno = 3333333) then if I click on the dynamic link in the MASTER DETAIL FORM I want to see the folder of employee 3333333 !!! You know what I mean ?
    What I want to know is, how to create a dynamic link that shows me directly a folder which is dependent on which empno I had clicked on in the report ( report with employee numbers and ename )
    Is there any way to pass some parameters into a link to a Folder ? Is this possible in Portal ? Does anyone know how to do this, or do you have a suggestion how to solve this problem ?
    Thanks a lot !!!
    Chu Lam

    Hi Chetan,
    I am glad that someone had replied on my question.
    I will explain it to you again.
    I have created a report that shows me all employees. If I click on a employee number then I get an MASTER DETAIL FORM on my screen with all the information(where he works now and which number I have to dial ifhow can I reach him by telephone) of that employee on which number I clicked on.
    I really like this mechanism. (You click on a number and the information that you see in the next screen is dependent of the number you clicked on ! )I have created all this. It works fine.
    What I want is to expand this example.
    Every employee has a FOLDER (yes, those ones in Content Area ) which they can insert text or image into that folder. The folder name is just the employee number. ( employee with employee number 3303, he owns a folder which is named 3303 and an employee with empno 9999, he or she owns a folder with the name 9999. )
    Every employee can tell more about himself in that FOLDER by iserting text and images. For example : What he likes, pictures of his vacation, something like this.
    What I want is this :
    If I click on the first report,which provides me all employees on screen, on a employee number 3303 then I get a Master Detail Form on my screen with all information about that employee with employee number 3303. And I want in this MASTER DETAIL FORM to create a link that shows me directly the FOLDER of that employee ( 3303), so I can learn more about employee with employee number 3303. But I don't know how to create this link.
    That link had to be dependent on the employee number. The difficult thing about this link is that this link had to be dynamic.
    I hope this will make it clear to you :
    (report all employees:)
    empno ename
    3301 john smith
    3302 peter clark
    3303 wilson jones
    If I click on a empno ( for example 3303) then I get a MASTER DETAIL FORM which provides me information.
    EMPNO 3303
    ENAME wilson jones
    department New York
    mobile number 98908763
    Company tel. no day
    AOL 097485838 monday till wednesday
    Oracle 04848584333 thursday and friday
    (what I want is to create a link here )
    If I click on LINK in this MASTER DETAIL FORM then I want to link to the FOLDER of this employee ! ( In this example it is FOLDER 3303.
    I just want to know how to make a link like this ( create a dynamic link to a specific folder ).
    Thanks in Advance.

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