Create preallocated BO from UI Script

Is it somehow possible to create a new BO from a UI Script, preallocate it with some values and save it without user interaction (of course except a button click that initiates the creation)?
The reason we need this ist that we have to model some kind of hierarchy with a dedicated root BO and we do not want to burden the enduser with entering any dummy data in this BO.
Maybe there is also another way to create the said BO. I'm open to any suggestion.

Ok, here ist what we are up to in more detail...
We are trying to build up a similar hierarchy as the ProductHierarchy. However, or technical reasons we can't build a UI that looks as the ProductHierarchy (we already checked that with our dev coach). So we're trying to find a workaround.
The idea is to have a field that shows the path to the currently selected parent (e.g., a  link or a static text). Below this field will be a table showing all children of the selected parent node. As we do have more than one top level element we need to show them all when starting up the OWL. That's why we want to introduce a dedicated RootNode which does not carry any information. It's sole purpose is to serve as a parent node for the top level elements.
The further navigation will be something like this:
The user will select one of the nodes and set it (via a button) as the new parent node. In the table will then be shown the new parent node's children.
Here some visualization (which I hope will clarify the problem):
Upon starting the OWL the following picture will be shown:
Currently Selected Node: Root
+ item 1 +
+ item 2 +
+ item 3 +
Now the user selects item 2 and presses a button to select this item. Thus, the picture will change to the following:
Currently Selected Node: Root > item 2
+ sub item 1 of item 2 +
+ sub item 2 of item 2 +
I hope this put things straight.
So, yes we are in an OWL that's why we do not have a BO instance. At first we also had the idea with the "dummy" node, but this as well has to be created at first.
- Daniel

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    #[email protected]
    #simple script to make a very simple patch from a repository
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    #REVISION should be the lowest revision to get changes from, script gets all changes from REVISION to HEAD
    #URL is the url of your repository
    #eg: make 750 svn://
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    sed -i "s#A # #g" filelist.txt
    #now loop through what we've got
    #create the relevant folder, and export the file into it
    for i in $(cat filelist.txt);
    filename=$(basename $i);
    path=$(dirname $i);
    mkdir -p patch-r$1/$path
    svn export --force $2/$path/$filename patch-r$1/$path/$filename
    echo "$filename";

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        tfs = ([]).concat.apply([], app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().textContainers),
        t, i = tfs.length;
    while( i-- ) (t=tfs[i]).overflows && ( t.locked || );
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    #targetengine "session"
              Automating anchored object creation
              Version: 2
        Script by Thomas Silkjær
    Модификация Б. Кащеев,
    Скрипт предназначен для создания привязанных фреймов из текста, отформатированного
    каким-либо абзацным или символьным стилем. Эти стили задаются пользователем в диалоговом
    окне скрита. Там же необходимо задать объектный стиль для привязанного фрейма, в котором
    пользователь должен заранее задать оформление и параметры привязки. Далее необходимо
    указать ширину привязанного фрейма, а его высота будет рассчитана автоматически исходя из
    объема текста. При вводе дробных значений ширины привязанного фрейма в качестве
    разделителя целой и дробной части следует использовать не запятую, а точку, следуя западным
    стандартам разработчиков программы  Adobe InDesign. Первоначально идея и скрипт по созданию
    привязанных фреймов принадлежит Thomas Silkjær для версии ID CS4. C появлением версий CS5
    и CS5.5 скрипт перестал в них выполняться, да и в версии CS4 не всегда корректно работал.
    Анализируя недочеты скрипта в данной его версии были исправлены ошибки и внесены
    функциональные дополнения исходя из понимания задачи автором модификации. Добавлена
    возможность выбора стилей, если они они находятся в группах (папках), возможность выбора
    единиц измерения из выпадающего списка, изменены GREP-выражения для поиска текста,
    область действия скрипта ограничена материалом (Story), а не документом.
    var myMeasureUnits = ["Milimeters","Centimeters","Points","Inches", "Picas", "Ciceros"];
    var selectUnits;
    var pStyleIndex = null;
    var cStyleIndex = null;
    var oStyleIndex = null;
    var myH, myW;
    function main()
        app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;
              if (app.documents.length == 0)
                        alert ("Document is not open. Open document first");
        var myParaStyleList = myGetParagraphStyleNames();
        var myCharStyleList = myGetCharacterStyleNames();
        var myObjStyleList = myGetObjStyleNames();
        if(app.selection.length && app.selection[0].hasOwnProperty("baseline"))
            var myStory = app.selection[0].parentStory;
            var myWin = myDialog(myParaStyleList, myCharStyleList, myObjStyleList);
            if (  == 1 )
                var myDocument = app.activeDocument
                with (myDocument.viewPreferences){
                    // Сохраняем старые единицы измерения в переменных myOldXUnits, myOldYUnits
                    var myOldXUnits = horizontalMeasurementUnits;
                    var myOldYUnits = verticalMeasurementUnits;
                    // Устанавливаем новые единицы измерения
                        case 0:                   
                            horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.millimeters;
                            verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.millimeters;
                        case 1:
                            horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.centimeters;
                            verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.centimeters;
                        case 2:
                            horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;
                            verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;
                        case 3:
                            horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.inches;
                            verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.inches;
                        case 4:
                            horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.picas;
                            verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.picas;
                        case 5:
                            horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.ciceros;
                            verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.ciceros;
                        default: break;
                    } // switch
                if(cStyleIndex == null)
                {/*поиск по стилю абзаца*/
                    var pStyle = getParagraphStyleByName(myParaStyleList[pStyleIndex]);
                    app.findGrepPreferences.appliedParagraphStyle = pStyle;
                    app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = NothingEnum.nothing;
                else //
                    // поиск по стилю символов
                    var cStyle = getCharacterStyleByName(myCharStyleList[cStyleIndex]);
                    app.findGrepPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = cStyle;
                    //app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = ".+";
                    app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = NothingEnum.nothing;
                var foundItems = myStory.findGrep();
                if(!foundItems.length) {
                    alert("Found the text to be placed in a linked frames"); exit();
                //alert (foundItems[0].contents)
                //alert (foundItems[1].contents)
                var oStyle = getObjectStyleByName(myObjStyleList[oStyleIndex]);
                for(var i = foundItems.length-1; i >=0; i--)
                    //alert (foundItems[i].contents)
                    createAnchoredFrame(foundItems[i], oStyle);
                with (myDocument.viewPreferences){
                        horizontalMeasurementUnits = myOldXUnits;
                        verticalMeasurementUnits = myOldYUnits;
                        alert("Unable to return to the original unit");
            } //if (
        } //if(app.selection.length && app.selection[0].hasOwnProperty("baseline"))
            alert("Place the cursor in the text and run the script again")
    } // main
    function myGetParagraphStyleNames()
    // Получаем список стилей абзацев
              var curGroup;
              var curGroupName;
              var curNameInGroup;
              var myParagraphStyleNames = app.activeDocument.paragraphStyles.everyItem().name;
              myParagraphStyleNames.shift(); // удаление стиля No Paragraph Style
              var paraGroups = app.activeDocument.paragraphStyleGroups;
              var paraGroupsLen = paraGroups.length;
              for(var i = 0; i < paraGroupsLen; i++) {
                        curGroup = paraGroups[i];
                        curGroupName = paraGroups[i].name;
                        curGroupStyleNames = curGroup.paragraphStyles.everyItem().name
                        for (j=0; j< curGroupStyleNames.length; j++)
                                  curNameInGroup = curGroupName +":"+ curGroupStyleNames[j];
              return myParagraphStyleNames;
    function myGetCharacterStyleNames()
    // Получаем список символьных стилей
              var curGroup;
              var curGroupName;
              var curNameInGroup;
              var myCharacterStyleNames = app.activeDocument.characterStyles.everyItem().name;
              myCharacterStyleNames.shift(); // удаление стиля None
              var charGroups = app.activeDocument.characterStyleGroups;
              var charStyleGroupLen = charGroups.length;
              for(var i=0; i < charStyleGroupLen; i++)
                        curGroup = charGroups[i];
                        curGroupName = charGroups[i].name;
                        curGroupStyleNames = curGroup.characterStyles.everyItem().name;
                        for (j=0; j< curGroupStyleNames.length; j++)
                                  curNameInGroup = curGroupName +":"+ curGroupStyleNames[j];
              } //for
              return myCharacterStyleNames;
    } // fnc
    function myGetObjStyleNames()
        var curGroup;
              var curGroupName;
              var curNameInGroup;
              var myObjStyleNames = app.activeDocument.objectStyles.everyItem().name;
        var objGroups = app.activeDocument.objectStyleGroups;
        var objStyleGroupLen = objGroups.length;
        for(var i=0; i < objStyleGroupLen; i++)
                        curGroup = objGroups[i];
                        curGroupName = objGroups[i].name;
                        curGroupStyleNames = curGroup.objectStyles.everyItem().name;
                        for (var j=0; j< curGroupStyleNames.length; j++)
                                  curNameInGroup = curGroupName +":"+ curGroupStyleNames[j];
              } //for
        return myObjStyleNames;
    } // fnc
    function myDialog(myParaStyleList, myCharStyleList, myObjStyleList)
        var myDialog = new Window('dialog', 'Create anchored text frames');
        this.windowRef = myDialog;
              myDialog.orientation = "column";
        myDialog.alignChildren = ['fill', 'fill'];
        // добавляем панель 1 с элементами управления
        myDialog.Pnl1 = myDialog.add("panel", undefined, "Move the text in linked frames");
              myDialog.Pnl1.orientation = "column";
        myDialog.Pnl1.alignChildren = "left";
        myDialog.Pnl1.pstyle = myDialog.Pnl1.add('checkbox', undefined, "Text with the paragraph style");
        myDialog.Pnl1.pstyle.value = false;
        myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle = myDialog.Pnl1.add("dropdownlist", undefined, myParaStyleList);
        myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.title = "Select the paragraph style ";
        myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.minimumSize = [250,20];
        myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.enabled = false;
        myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.selection = 0;
            myDialog.Pnl1.сstyle = myDialog.Pnl1.add('checkbox', undefined, "Text with character style");
            myDialog.Pnl1.сstyle.value = false;
            myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle = myDialog.Pnl1.add("dropdownlist", undefined, myCharStyleList );
            myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.title = "Select the character style ";
            myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.minimumSize = [250,20];
            myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.enabled = false;
            myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.selection = 0;
            myDialog.Pnl1.pstyle.onClick = function()
                if(this.value) {
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.enabled = true;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.enabled = false;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.сstyle.value = false;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.enabled = false;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.enabled = true ;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.сstyle.value = true;
            }// fnc
            myDialog.Pnl1.сstyle.onClick = function()
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.enabled = true;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.enabled = false;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.pstyle.value = false;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.enabled = false;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.enabled = true ;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.pstyle.value = true;
            }// fnc
        }//  if(myCharStyleList.length)
            myDialog.Pnl1.pstyle.onClick = function()
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.enabled = true;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.enabled = false;
    //  Вторая панель
        myDialog.Pnl2 = myDialog.add("panel", undefined, "Parameters of the text frame");
              myDialog.Pnl2.orientation = "column";
        myDialog.Pnl2.alignChildren = "left"; 
        myDialog.Pnl2.dropdownObjStyle = myDialog.Pnl2.add("dropdownlist", undefined, myObjStyleList );
        myDialog.Pnl2.dropdownObjStyle.title = "Select an object style ";
        myDialog.Pnl2.dropdownObjStyle.minimumSize = [250,20];
        myDialog.Pnl2.dropdownObjStyle.enabled = true;
        myDialog.Pnl2.dropdownObjStyle.selection = 0;
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group1 = myDialog.Pnl2.add( "group" );
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.stxt1 = myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.add("statictext", undefined, "The width of the text frame");
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.etxt = myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.add("edittext", undefined, "40");
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.etxt.characters = 10;
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.dropdownMeasurementUnits = myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.add("dropdownlist", undefined, myMeasureUnits );
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.dropdownMeasurementUnits.maximumSize = [80,20];
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.dropdownMeasurementUnits.selection = 0;
        //myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.stxt2 = myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.add("statictext", undefined, "mm ");
        /*myDialog.Pnl2.Group2 = myDialog.Pnl2.add( "group" );
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.stxt1 = myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.add("statictext", undefined, "Высота привязанного фрейма  ");
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.etxt = myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.add("edittext", undefined, "30");
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.etxt.characters = 10;
        //myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.stxt2 = myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.add("statictext", undefined, "mm ");*/
        myDialog.Pnl2.stxt1 = myDialog.Pnl2.add("statictext", undefined, "Attention! When you enter fractional values as");
        myDialog.Pnl2.stxt2 = myDialog.Pnl2.add("statictext", undefined, "the decimal part, should be used");
        myDialog.Pnl2.stxt3 = myDialog.Pnl2.add("statictext", undefined, "point, not comma."); = (, [1, 0, 0, 1], 1); = (, [1, 0, 0, 1], 1); = (, [1, 0, 0, 1], 1);
        // --------- кнопки --------------
        var myGroup = myDialog.add( "group" );
        myGroup.orientation = 'row';
        myGroup.alignChildren = ['fill', 'fill']; 
        myGroup.okButton = myGroup.add( "button", undefined, "OK" );
        myGroup.okButton.onClick = function()
            if(myCharStyleList.length) // есть символьные стили в документе
                if(!myDialog.Pnl1.pstyle.value && !myDialog.Pnl1.сstyle.value)
                    alert("You must select a paragraph style or character style");
                    return ;
                if(myDialog.Pnl1.pstyle.value) { pStyleIndex= myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.selection.index; cStyleIndex = null;}
                else {cStyleIndex = myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.selection.index; pStyleIndex=null; }
            else // нет символьных стилей
                    alert("You must select a paragraph style");
                pStyleIndex = myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.selection.index;
                cStyleIndex = null;
            } //  else // нет символьных стилей
           oStyleIndex = myDialog.Pnl2.dropdownObjStyle.selection.index;
           if(myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.etxt.text =="")
               alert("Enter the width of the text frame");
                myW = myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.etxt.text;
                myH = myW;
            /*if(myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.etxt.text == "")
                alert("Введите высоту привязанного фрейма");
                myH = myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.etxt.text;
           selectUnits = myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.dropdownMeasurementUnits.selection.index;
            myDialog= this.window.close( 1 );
        myGroup.cancelButton = myGroup.add( "button", undefined, "Cancel" );
        myGroup.cancelButton.onClick = function() { myDialog = this.window.close( 0 ); }
        myDialog.Pnl3 = myDialog.add("panel", undefined, "");
        myDialog.Pnl2.alignChildren = "left";
        myDialog.Pnl3.stxt = myDialog.Pnl3.add("statictext", undefined, "(с) Thomas Silkjær        (с) Борис Кащеев, ");
        return myDialog;   
    } // fnc
    function getParagraphStyleByName(myStyleName)
              var DocParaStyles = app.activeDocument.paragraphStyles;
              var DocParaGroups = app.activeDocument.paragraphStyleGroups;
              myStyleName = ""+myStyleName;
              var pos = myStyleName.indexOf(":")
              if(pos == -1)
              // стиль не в группе
              var myStyle = DocParaStyles.item(myStyleName);
                        return myStyle;
              } //if
                        var myGroupAndStyleNames = myStyleName.split(":")
                        var myGroupName = myGroupAndStyleNames[0];
                        var myStyleName = myGroupAndStyleNames[1];
                        var myGroup =DocParaGroups.item(myGroupName);
                        return myGroup.paragraphStyles.item(myStyleName);
    } // fnc
    function getCharacterStyleByName(myStyleName)
              var DocChStyles = app.activeDocument.characterStyles;
              var DocCharGroups = app.activeDocument.characterStyleGroups;
              // Есть ли в имени полученного символьного стиля двоеточие? (двоеточие разделяет название группы стилей и название стиля)
              myStyleName = String (myStyleName);
              var pos = myStyleName.indexOf(":");
              if(pos == -1)
              // стиль не в группе
                        return DocChStyles.item(myStyleName)
              } //if...
              {// Стиль в какой-то группе
                        var myGroupAndStyleNames = myStyleName.split(":")
                        var myGroupName = myGroupAndStyleNames[0];
                        var myStyleName = myGroupAndStyleNames[1];
                        var myGroup = DocCharGroups.item(myGroupName);
                        return myGroup.characterStyles.itemByName(myStyleName);
              } // else
    } // fnc()+
    function getObjectStyleByName(myStyleName)
        var DocObjStyles = app.activeDocument.objectStyles;
        var DocCObjGroups = app.activeDocument.objectStyleGroups;
        myStyleName = String (myStyleName);
        var pos = myStyleName.indexOf(":");
        if(pos == -1)
              // стиль не в группе
                        return DocObjStyles.item(myStyleName);
              } //if...
        var myGroupAndStyleNames = myStyleName.split(":");
        var myGroupName = myGroupAndStyleNames[0];
        var myStyleName = myGroupAndStyleNames[1];
        var myGroup = DocObjGroups.item(myGroupName);
                        return myGroup.objectStyles.itemByName(myStyleName);
    } //fnc
    function resetGREPfindChange()
        app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
        app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
        app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeFootnotes = false;
        app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeHiddenLayers = false;
        app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeLockedLayersForFind = false;
        app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeLockedStoriesForFind = false;
        app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeMasterPages = false;
    function createAnchoredFrame(myText, myObjStyle)
        var myGeometricBounds = [];
        var myInsertionPoint = myText.insertionPoints[0];;
        var AnchoredTextFrame = myInsertionPoint.textFrames.add();
        myGeometricBounds = AnchoredTextFrame.geometricBounds;
        //alert(parseFloat(myH) + " " + parseFloat(myW))
        myGeometricBounds[2] = myGeometricBounds[0] + parseFloat(myH);
        myGeometricBounds[3] = myGeometricBounds[1] + parseFloat(myW);
        AnchoredTextFrame.geometricBounds = myGeometricBounds;
        AnchoredTextFrame.anchoredObjectSettings.anchoredPosition = AnchorPosition.anchored;
        myText.move(LocationOptions.before, AnchoredTextFrame.texts[0]);
        AnchoredTextFrame.appliedObjectStyle = myObjStyle;;
        var FO = FitOptions.FRAME_TO_CONTENT,
        tfs = ([]).concat.apply([], app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().textContainers),
        t, i = tfs.length;
    while( i-- ) (t=tfs[i]).overflows && ( t.locked || );
    } //fnc

    Hi Cari,
    I did create a new user account (admin level) and InDesign works like a charm.
    When I went back to the other account, plug-ins gone, I deleted the prefs and caches, restarted and still everything is crashing as before.
    At least I am working on one account and I will contiue to troubleshoot on the other account. And at some point either the new account will crash or the old account will work and I will go from there.
    Thanks for the info about Mac remembering info. Always trying to be helpful these Macs.
    And thanks for getting at least into a workable space!!! I am supremely grateful!

  • Can not create a environment variable from a script

    Hi I need to develop a script that allows me to create and set two environment variables in my system but I can�t get it ....
    This is what I got till now ...
    export SEISDB_HOME
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    If I run this commands directly in the shell it works Ok ... but calling the sentence from a script nothing happens ....
    Thanks ....
    Edited by: Jes_79 on Sep 18, 2007 1:58 PM

    do this
    create a script file
    vi /tmp/temp
    in /tmp/temp add
    save and quit vi
    fix the permissions and run /tmp/temp from a shell prompt
    should show as empty
    from a shell window type
    . /tmp/temp
    period space /tmp/temp
    for you script, do the same.
    do not type the script name, but source it (add a period and space)

  • How to get the parameter from Java Script into the Parameter crystal Report

    Hi All,
    Crystal Report is integrated with Oracle 10g. I created the base SQL query for col1, col2, col3 and col4. Java Script pass parameter value (185) to Col1.
    My question is how to create crystal report to make Col1 as parameter and how to get the parameter value 185(Col1) from Java Script. Is there any additional code I need to include in the crystal report?
    Java script sends the right parameter value.There is no issue in java script.
    This is an automatic scheduled process when batch runs, Java script should pass the parameter value and the crystal report should get the value and produce the output report.

    Not sure if this is an application question or if you are trying to hook into Crystal Reports parameter UI? If the later then no option other than report design. If an application then I can move this to the Java Forums.
    If you are asking how to alter the parameters I suggest you remove the Java reference and post a new question so it's not confusing the issue.
    Please clarify?

  • Automize Create a PDF From Web Page

    I am trying to create PDF's from a list of 100+ web pages / URLs.
    I would like to automize the process as to save me time.
    (I have been doing some research but I am a newbie when it comes to programing / scripting / coding)
    My questions are
    1) Is it possible to write a script to execute Acrobat's Create PDF from Web Page option in order to automize a long list of URLs?
    Something along the lines of .bat file (reading something like)
    acrobat.exe "" "%CD%\GoogleTest.pfd"
    acrobat.exe "" "%CD%\YahooTest.pdf"
    2) If it is possible to script / automize Acrobat's Create PDF from Web Page can you lead me to the right direction as to what programs I need to write a script (if any) and any examples of how the script would be written would be extremely helpful
    Thank you for your time

    You can post your question in the forum for Acrobat Scripting or Acrobat SDK.

  • Is there a way to create Timecard Templates from backend?

    Hello Folks
    Is there a way to create Timecard Templates from backend? I tried to create one with the following steps, but did not work. Throws a HXC_HXT_DEP_VAL_ORAERR
    The Oracle error is: &ERROR
    1. Create TIMECARD_TEMPLATE scope BB using hxc_timestore_deposit.create_bb
    2. Create Template_Name Attribute on the above BB
    3. Create DAY BB
    4. Create DETAIL BB for DAY BB
    5. Create Attribute BB for Hours Worked element on the DETAIL BB above
    6. Call hxc_timestore_deposit.execute_deposit_process(p_validate => FALSE
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    ,p_messages => l_tbl_messages
    ,p_mode => 'SAVE'
    ,p_deposit_process => l_deposit_process
    --p_retrieval_process   => 'BEE Retrieval Process'
    , p_template => hxc_timecard.c_yes
    ,p_timecard_id => l_new_timecard_id
    ,p_timecard_ovn => l_new_timecard_ovn
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Application Release is 12.0.4, those notes do not help. Here is the complete script.
    l_tbl_timecard_info hxc_self_service_time_deposit.timecard_info;
    l_tbl_attributes_info hxc_self_service_time_deposit.app_attributes_info;
    l_tbl_messages hxc_self_service_time_deposit.message_table;
    --l_token_table                  hxc_deposit_wrapper_utilities.t_simple_table;
    l_blocks hxc_self_service_time_deposit.timecard_info;
    l_attributes hxc_self_service_time_deposit.app_attributes_info;
    l_tc_bb_id hxc_time_building_blocks.time_building_block_id%TYPE;
    l_day_bb_id hxc_time_building_blocks.time_building_block_id%TYPE;
    l_detail_bb_id hxc_time_building_blocks.time_building_block_id%TYPE;
    l_existing_tc_id hxc_timecard_summary.timecard_id%TYPE:= NULL;
    l_deposit_process hxc_deposit_processes.NAME%TYPE:= 'OTL Deposit Process';
    l_count_building_block PLS_INTEGER;
    l_message fnd_new_messages.message_text%TYPE;
    l_approval_style_id NUMBER;
    l_new_timecard_id NUMBER;
    l_tc_days_counter NUMBER;
    l_new_timecard_ovn NUMBER;
    l_resp_id NUMBER := 50597; -- Responsibility US Employee Services
    l_application_id NUMBER := 809; -- Application HXC
    l_user_id NUMBER := 118189; -- FLORESR
    -- 1. Set Apps Context
    fnd_global.apps_initialize (l_user_id, l_resp_id, l_application_id);
    -- 2. Get Approval Style ID
    l_approval_style_id := TO_NUMBER(hxc_preference_evaluation.resource_preferences(411669,'TS_PER_APPROVAL_STYLE',1,SYSDATE));
    dbms_output.put_line('l_approval_style_id = '||l_approval_style_id);
    -- 3. Create TIMECARD_TEMPLATE BB similar to the logic in hxc_timestore_deposit.create_timecard_bb passing the scope as TIMECARD_TEMPLATE instead of TIMECARD
    -- We are starting with a new timecard so clear the global tables
    -- hxc_self_service_time_deposit.initialize_globals;
    -- Also clear the local PL/SQL table
    -- hxc_timestore_deposit_util.clear_building_block_table(p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info);
    l_count_building_block := l_tbl_timecard_info.LAST;
    -- PROCEDURE clear_building_block_table (
    -- p_app_blocks IN OUT NOCOPY hxc_block_table_type
    -- 'generate' a TBB ID
    IF (l_count_building_block IS NULL)
    l_tc_bb_id := -2;
    -- never start at -1 because that has a special meaning in the deposit
    l_tc_bb_id := - (l_count_building_block) - 2;
    END IF;
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Timecard');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_timecard_bb (p_start_time => fnd_date.canonical_to_date ('2011/09/26 00:00:00')
    ,p_stop_time => fnd_date.canonical_to_date ('2011/10/09 23:59:59')
    ,p_resource_id => 411669
    ,p_resource_type => hxc_timecard.c_person_resource
    ,p_approval_style_id => l_approval_style_id
    ,p_comment_text => 'Come on start working'
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_time_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_bb (p_time_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id
    ,p_type => hxc_timecard.c_range_type
    -- p_measure => DEFAULTS TO NULL
    ,p_unit_of_measure => NULL
    ,p_start_time => fnd_date.canonical_to_date ('2011/09/12 00:00:00')
    ,p_stop_time => fnd_date.canonical_to_date ('2011/09/25 23:59:59')
    ,p_parent_building_block_id => NULL
    -- Timecard Template does not have a parent -- May need to check on this parameter
    ,p_parent_is_new => NULL
    ,p_scope => hxc_timecard.c_template_scope -- Template Scope
    -- p_object_version_number => DEFAULTS TO 1
    -- p_approval_status=> p_approval_status
    ,p_resource_id => 411669
    ,p_resource_type => 'PERSON'
    ,p_approval_style_id => l_approval_style_id
    -- p_date_from => DEFAULTS TO SYSDATE
    -- p_date_to => DEFAULTS TO hr_general.end_of_time
    ,p_comment_text => 'Template Trials'
    -- p_parent_building_block_ovn => DEFAULTS TO NULL
    -- new => DEFAULTS TO 'Y'
    -- changed => DEFAULTS TO 'N'
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    dbms_output.put_line('After creating Timecard l_tc_bb_id = '||l_tc_bb_id);
    -- 4. Create PRIVATE TEMPLATES Attribute Category and Template Name passed from UI
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Template_Name Attribute');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute(p_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id
    ,p_attribute_name => 'Template_Name'
    ,p_attribute_value => 'Trial Template from Code'
    ,p_deposit_process => l_deposit_process
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Template_Type Attribute');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute(p_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id
    ,p_attribute_name => 'Template_Type'
    ,p_attribute_value => 'PRIVATE'
    ,p_deposit_process => l_deposit_process
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    -- Below will be in a loop later
    -- 5. Create the DAY BB
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating DAY BB');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_day_bb(p_day => fnd_date.canonical_to_date('2011/09/26')
    ,p_parent_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id -- returned by create_timecard_bb
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_time_building_block_id => l_day_bb_id
    dbms_output.put_line('After Creating DAY BB l_day_bb_id = '||l_day_bb_id);
    -- 6. Create DETAIL BB for first shift, lunch and second shift
    dbms_output.put_line('Create DETAIL BB for first shift, lunch and second shift');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_detail_bb(p_type => 'RANGE'
    -- ,p_measure => NULL -- Pass Null as its a template
    ,p_start_time => to_date('2011/09/26 06:00:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_stop_time => to_date('2011/09/26 11:00:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_parent_building_block_id => l_day_bb_id
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    ,p_time_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    dbms_output.put_line('After Creating DETAIL BB l_detail_bb_id = '||l_detail_bb_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Attribute 64869');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute(p_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    ,p_attribute_name => 'Dummy Element Context'
    ,p_attribute_value => 'ELEMENT - '||'64869' -- 01 Hours Worked
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Detail BB');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_detail_bb(p_type => 'RANGE'
    -- ,p_measure => NULL -- Pass Null as its a template
    ,p_start_time => to_date('2011/09/26 11:00:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_stop_time => to_date('2011/09/26 11:30:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_parent_building_block_id => l_day_bb_id
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    ,p_time_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    dbms_output.put_line('After Creating DETAIL BB l_detail_bb_id = '||l_detail_bb_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Attribute 65172');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute(p_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    ,p_attribute_name => 'Dummy Element Context'
    ,p_attribute_value => 'ELEMENT - '||'65172' -- 02 Unpaid Lunch
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Detail BB');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_detail_bb(p_type => 'RANGE'
    -- ,p_measure => NULL -- Pass Null as its a template
    ,p_start_time => to_date('2011/09/26 11:30:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_stop_time => to_date('2011/09/26 14:30:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_parent_building_block_id => l_day_bb_id
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    ,p_time_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    dbms_output.put_line('After Creating DETAIL BB l_detail_bb_id = '||l_detail_bb_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Attribute 64869');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute(p_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    ,p_attribute_name => 'Dummy Element Context'
    ,p_attribute_value => 'ELEMENT - '||'64869' -- 01 Hours Worked
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    -- 7. Deposit the Template
    dbms_output.put_line('Deposit the Template ');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.execute_deposit_process(p_validate => FALSE
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    ,p_messages => l_tbl_messages
    ,p_mode => 'SAVE'
    ,p_deposit_process => l_deposit_process
    -- ,p_retrieval_process => 'BEE Retrieval Process'
    , p_template => 'Y'
    ,p_timecard_id => l_new_timecard_id
    ,p_timecard_ovn => l_new_timecard_ovn
    dbms_output.put_line('l_new_timecard_id = '||l_new_timecard_id);
    IF (l_tbl_messages.COUNT <> 0) THEN
    i := l_tbl_messages.FIRST;
    EXIT WHEN (NOT l_tbl_messages.EXISTS (i));
    l_message := fnd_message.get_string (appin => l_tbl_messages (i).application_short_name,
    namein => l_tbl_messages (i).message_name);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (l_tbl_messages (i).message_name);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (l_message);
    i := l_tbl_messages.NEXT (i);
    END IF;

  • How to create a Group from an existing email -

    I just want to create a Group from an existing email received.  Don't want to add people individually to Address Book, then drag them to the Group.  Would prefer to copy/paste the addresses into the Group.  I'm part of a team at work wth 25 people!  Do I really have to add their addresses individually?  Seems ridiculous.  Don't even need their names - just the emails, so when I type in "United," for example, I get all the folks in that Group which is named "United."

    There was a "magical" set of Applescripts that would have done that, but it no longer works.
    There is no way in the OS to do that besides making the Applescript yourself using the current Script Editor.
    Another way to do what you want is to select all of the addresses (select one, then cmd-A). Then, drag the selection to somewhere in the Finder. That will create a text clipping. You can then drag that text clipping into the address field in Mail.
    The text clipping will be named with the first few email addresses. You can rename it in the Finder.
    Each one can be your own "distribution" list.

  • Problems Creating a CSV from command line

    I have tried to create a csv file from the command line and get some unwanted lines of data in the output. Does anyone know how to create a csv without the extra lines from the command line.
    I am using the following sequence of commands.
    set wrap off
    set termout off
    set verify off
    set heading off
    set feedback off
    set lines 900
    set pages 9999
    set newpage none
    set embedded on
    set colsep ','
    set trimspool on
    spool test6.lst
    select * from rft;
    spool off
    When I run this from a script, I get exactly the data, which is what I want.
    When I run this from the command prompt, I get an extra line at the start and one at the end of the csv file.
    The data at the start is like this:
    WMSP:wmsp:SQL*Plus> select * from rft;
    The data at the end is like this:
    WMSP:wmsp:SQL*Plus> spool off
    Does anyone know how to keep these lines out of the data?
    Thank you.

    The data at the start is like this:
    WMSP:wmsp:SQL*Plus> select * from rft;
    The data at the end is like this:
    WMSP:wmsp:SQL*Plus> spool off
    Does anyone know how to keep these lines out of the
    Well, a workaround could be to use one of the gazillions of utilities in Unix/Linux to remove all lines having the sql prompt (SQL>), right after your "test6.lst" file has been created.
    I am using the "perl pie" for the same in the code snippet that follows:
    $ cat
    sqlplus -s test/test << EOF
    set wrap off
    set termout off
    set verify off
    set heading off
    set feedback off
    set lines 900
    set pages 9999
    set newpage none
    set embedded on
    set colsep ','
    set trimspool on
    set echo off
    spool test6.lst
    select * from t;
    spool off
    # remove the lines that have the sql prompt: SQL>
    perl -pi -e "s/SQL\>.*$|^$\n//g" test6.lst
    $ # run the script, dump stdout to the null device
    $ 1>/dev/null
    $ cat test6.lst
    $Note that the "test6.lst" on my system had the prompt "SQL>". You will have to tweak that regular expression so that it works for the prompt in your "test6.lst" file.

  • Error in creating the Domain from template in WLS 10.3.2

    Hi All,
    I am using WLS 10.3.2 and I need to create a domain from the template of my existing domain.
    I followed these steps while creating my existing domain:
    I chose these 2 while creating my existing domain
    ** WebLogic Portal -*
    ** Weblogic Portal Collaboration Repository - [wlportal_10.3]*
    after Test JDBC Data Sources step where all my tests fail and in the next step
    Run Database Scripts: here I am running the Scripts by clicking on Run Scripts button and I get the message Database Load Successful!
    everything goes fine and my domain works fine.
    Now I am trying to create the domain template based on this domain which I created.
    After this step I am trying to create a new domain from the newly created template. I follow the steps given and at the end
    Creating Domain: Here it shows the progress and once it reaches 100% it displays the info in a popup window saying CFGFWK-60600: Before booting this domain, it is necessary to run the SQL file located at C:\bea\user_projects\domains\base_domain\security\SQLAuthenticator.sql in order to initialize a domain security admin user in the database.
    I assume this message is because while creating the domain from template I did not get the step Run Database Scripts and that is why I get that msg at the end.
    So I executed the create_db.cmd file wich is in domain home now I get the msg
    +[java] Files=+
    +[java] file:/C:/bea/user_projects/domains/local_domain_frm_tmpl/security/SQLAuthenticator.sql+
    +[java] Load was succesful+
    +[echo] ***** output written to logfile=create_db.log+
    so that says DB load was successful now when I tried to start the domain wich is created from the doesn't start and throws this error:
    +<Jun 18, 2010 5:24:07 PM PDT> <Error> <Management> <BEA-141244> <Schema validation errors while parsing C:\bea\user_projects\domains\local_domain_frm_tmpl\config\config.xml - Inval+
    id xsi:type qname: 'wsrp:wsrp-identity-asserterType' in element realm@>
    +<Jun 18, 2010 5:24:07 PM PDT> <Error> <Management> <BEA-141244> <Schema validation errors while parsing C:\bea\user_projects\domains\local_domain_frm_tmpl\config\config.xml - C:\be+
    a\user_projects\domains\local_domain_frm_tmpl\<unknown>:11:9: error: failed to load java type corresponding to t=wsrp-identity-asserterType@
    +<Jun 18, 2010 5:24:07 PM PDT> <Critical> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000362> <Server failed. Reason: [Management:141245]Schema Validation Error in C:\bea\user_projects\domains\local_doma+
    in_frm_tmpl\config\config.xml see log for details. Schema validation can be disabled by starting the server with the command line option: -Dweblogic.configuration.schemaValidationE
    +<Jun 18, 2010 5:24:07 PM PDT> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to FAILED>+
    +<Jun 18, 2010 5:24:07 PM PDT> <Error> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000383> <A critical service failed. The server will shut itself down>+
    +<Jun 18, 2010 5:24:07 PM PDT> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to FORCE_SHUTTING_DOWN>+
    Stopping PointBase server...
    PointBase server stopped.
    seems that this error now has something to do with config.xml........
    Any suggestions.......???

    Hi Win35,
    Your Error Indicates that ...may be u are trying to Manually Edit the "config.xml" Security Realm Part.. There something is wrong...
    <Jun 18, 2010 5:24:07 PM PDT> <Error> <Management> <BEA-141244> <Schema validation errors while parsing C:\bea\user_projects\domains\local_domain_frm_tmpl\config\config.xml - Invalid xsi:type qname: 'wsrp:wsrp-identity-asserterType' in element realm@>
    <Jun 18, 2010 5:24:07 PM PDT> <Error> <Management> <BEA-141244> <Schema validation errors while parsing C:\bea\user_projects\domains\local_domain_frm_tmpl\config\config.xml - C:\bea\user_projects\domains\local_domain_frm_tmpl\<unknown>:11:9: error: failed to load java type corresponding to t=<font color=maroon>wsrp-identity-asserterType@</font>>
    *This specially happens when working in Nopepad/TextPad the Schema declaration  (At the top 2-3 Lines) of "config.xml" file some Spaces or Special Characters OR a Line Break occurs gets included...*
    Jay SenSharma (WebLogic Wonders Are here)

  • Setting up new dbname/sid while creating oracle db from rman backups in 11g

    Hi all,
    I have rman backups and need to create another database from rman backups with different name... but it is unsuccessful..
    created instance with new db...
    running create new db connecting rman auxiliary sys/password@newdb
    run {
    SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 1 TO 'F:\app\HOME\oradata\clonedb1\SYSTEM01.DBF';
    SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 2 TO 'F:\app\HOME\oradata\clonedb1\SYSAUX01.DBF';
    SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 3 TO 'F:\app\HOME\oradata\clonedb1\UNDOTBS01.DBF';
    SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 4 TO 'F:\app\HOME\oradata\clonedb1\USERS01.DBF';
    SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 5 TO 'F:\app\HOME\oradata\clonedb1\EXAMPLE01.DBF';
    SET NEWNAME FOR TEMPFILE 1 TO 'F:\app\HOME\oradata\clonedb1\TEMP01.DBF';
    pfile 'D:\TESTDELETE\initclonedb1.ora'
    BACKUP LOCATION 'F:\app\HOME\flash_recovery_area\orcl\'
    Error it shown is in rman backup creation is as follows
    sql statement: alter system set db_name = ''ORCL'' comment= ''Modified by RMAN
    duplicate'' scope=spfile
    Oracle instance shut down
    Oracle instance started
    Total System Global Area 640286720 bytes
    Fixed Size 1376492 bytes
    Variable Size 314576660 bytes
    Database Buffers 318767104 bytes
    Redo Buffers 5566464 bytes
    Starting restore at 20-DEC-11
    allocated channel: ORA_AUX_DISK_1
    channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: SID=133 device type=DISK
    channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: restoring control file
    channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:07
    Finished restore at 20-DEC-11
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-03002: failure of Duplicate Db command at 12/20/2011 07:07:11
    RMAN-03015: error occurred in stored script Memory Script
    RMAN-06136: ORACLE error from auxiliary database: ORA-01102: cannot mount databa
    se in EXCLUSIVE mode
    how can i prevent rman setting db_name=orcl which is already exists in the db.. i need to create db from rman backups with different dbname...
    whould someone help me out, how can i create database from another database rman backups with different dbname/sid on same host..
    My pfile has new db_name , but while db creation rman setting to db_name to source dbname.. it should be new db name that i want create with new db name...
    is there any RMAN command to specify new DB name it should set while running
    sql statement: alter system set db_name = newdbname -- as part rman script execution...
    it appears to be i should not touch the soruce db.. i have access to only source db rman backups and need to create another db with different dbname/sid.. please do help...

    When you performing RMAN duplicate why you making your script so complicated?
    Your instance name and DB name can be different, But what is the contents in your pfile "D:\TESTDELETE\initclonedb1.ora" ? please do post
    Have you started any other services related to ORACLE? check in start --> run --> services.msc any other active oracles services, Make sure you have clonedb1.
    Startup in nomount
    check the connectivity to target server.
    SET NEWNAME FOR TEMPFILE 1 TO 'F:\app\HOME\oradata\clonedb1\TEMP01.DBF';Why you mentioning SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE ? You have option of db_file_name_convert/log_file_name_convert in case if your file system different in Target & auxiliary.
    BACKUP LOCATION 'F:\app\HOME\flash_recovery_area\orcl\'When you have backup in same location why you are mentioning this clause?
    First run duplicate from auxiliary server as
    rman target sys/*****@prod auxiliary /
    RMAN> duplicate target database to "db_name";
    Am not sure what you are trying to do. is it 11gR1 or 11gR2?
    You have option of duplicate from active database without having backup also..
    here some links please check it.
    Handle:      knowledgespring
    Status Level:      Newbie (10)
    Registered:      Dec 26, 2007
    Total Posts:      243
    Total Questions:      77 (75 unresolved)
    So sad that forum was able to help only in two answers out of your 77 questions :(
    Edited by: CKPT on Dec 21, 2011 5:12 PM

  • How can I create 50p footage from 50i in Premiere or After FX?

    I'm trying to create 50p footage from 50i. Not 25p! I want to create 50p footage through a process that it is used in 100 HZ LCD TV sets
    This is the idea. If you have 50i footage you can easily interpolate fields and get a 25p footage. Fine.
    But I would like not to do a simple interpolation.
    Let's say I have two 50i frames. I want to create a frame between the two made with the lower field of the first one and the upper field from the second one . This is the process used by 100 Hz LCD monitors that can actually invent non-existent frames by this method.
    But Premiere doesn't work this way.
    If you try to export a 50i footage to 50p what you get is 50p footage with identical frames at twos (1=2, 3=4, etc..)
    You can try a slightly different approach.
    You can slow down 50% the 50i footage (and then speed it up again). This forces Premiere to interpolate and create an extra frame but.. here is the problem.. Premiere "thinks in frames".. and interpolates a totally new interlaced frame. This frame, coming from interpolation, is actually a "fake" frame Comes from nowhere and so it has much less definition then the originals (the one before and the one afterwards). If then you render, speed up at 200% and watch the result what you see is a good frame, a blurred frame, a good frame, a blurred frame, etc..
    Does anybody know a method of getting out 50 real interlaced or progressive frames with this composition?
    INTERLACED  (100i):  1U1L 1L2U 2U2L 2L3U 3U3L
    PROGRESSIVE 50p): (1U1L) (1L2U) (2U2L) (2L3U) (3U3L)   .... That is exactly as interlaced but with the two fields interpolated
    Also please note that this method applied on an edited movie creates smooth transitions at cuts (a frame that has 1 field from the scene before and one form the scene after).

    I would do this outside of Premiere.
    Here's a thread to pull.
    Though the web site information deals with NTSC, the script's author (Dan Isaacs) has built in several PAL options as well.  I've just never used them.

  • Any Tutorial / Sample to create Single PDF from multiple source files using PDF assembler in a watched folder process.

    Any Tutorial / Sample to create Single PDF from multiple source files using PDF assembler in a watched folder process. I have a client application which will prepare number of source files and some meta data information (in .XML) which will be used in header/footer. Is it possible to put a run time generated DDX file in the watch folder and use it in Process. If possible how can I pass the file names in the DDX. Any sample Process will be very helpful.

    If possible, make use of Assembler API in your client application instead of doing this using watched folder. Here are the Assembler samples :  LiveCycle ES2.5 * Programming with LiveCycle ES2.5
    Watched folder can accept zip files (sample : Configuring a watched folder to handle multiple input files and write results to a single folder | Adobe LiveCycle Blog ). You can also use execute script to create the DDX at runtime : LiveCycle ES2 * Application Development Using LiveCycle Workbench ES2

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