Create Proxy to remote role is invisible

Hi All,
I configured federated portal network and its registered succssfull,but when i select Proxy to remote role i can select the alias but other all is invisible mode ,
so any one can tell me how ti enable.

Hi Chitta,
      Proxy-to-remote role is removed in latest versions of EP.For getting the remote roles u need to select the user in user administration>assigned roles>available roles-->  view that the producer name is displayed in the drop down box along with portal role and select it and search for the role present in producer.
Hope it helps.

Similar Messages

  • Re: Issue while creating Proxy for remote producers

    I am getting the Same Error , Implementation is Remote WSRP .
    Tried all: '1' addresses, but could not connect over HTTP to server: 'localhost', port: '7001' Tried all: '1' addresses, but could not connect over HTTP to server: 'localhost', port: '7001'
    How the issue was resolved.

    are you sure that the server hosting the remote portal application is running ?
    If yes, can you try the url with your favorite browser : http://localhost:7001/<webapp>/producer?wsdl
    You should get the wsdl file.

  • Not able to view the 'proxy-to-remote' iView under 'user admin' role

    Hi All,
    I am not able to view the 'proxy-to-remote' iView under 'user admin' role. I need this for Remote role assignment for FBN .
    I am using the portal version EP 7.0.
    Can anybody help me .
    Thanks & Regards,
    Amit Kade

    Hi, Amit
    u have to assign the one iview in User-Admin role
      Goto->Contentadmin-> portal content->content provded by sap->Admin interface->iview template ->select proxy to remote role iview.
    and this iview assign to user admin role the u can able to see.
    if its solve please give me 10 points
    thanks & regards

  • Assign remote roles with Federated portals

    Hello all,
    We're trying to implement a federated Portal network using the <i>"Implementing a Federated Portal Network" in Detail</i> document.
    The steps that we have follow successfully are:
    1. Connect to the user repository (Producer and Consumer).
    2. Configure system settings (Producer and Consumer).
    3. Define and Configure producers (consumer).
    4. Set permisions (producer).
    Now we want to assign remote roles to local users in <i>User Administration -> Proxy-to-remote Roles option.</i> But <i>Proxy-to-remote Roles</i> tab doesn't appear in the second level navigation...
    We are working with EP7 SP10.
    Any idea?
    Thanks in advance

    Maybe a clue: According to the Remote Role assigment question, We have a similar problem using the Remote content copy option.
    In the consumer EP, Content Administration -> Portal Content, the Netweaver Content Producers contains the producer connection icon but it's empty. So, the content share can't be done...
    Now... Any idea?
    Message was edited by:
            Marta Sánchez

  • Federation, remote role assignment based on ABAP roles on producer

    Hi all,
    We have implemented the federated portal solution for our ESS users. We use the ABAP stack of the producer portal as user store for consumer and have no problems in assigning portal roles on our consumer based on ABAP roles in the backend (displayed as groups in the portal).
    Now we want to add some extra functionality (eg SRM and eRec) and we encounter some problems. These systems all have their own ABAP stack as user store. We have maintained the functional authorization model in the ABAP roles for instance in SRM. So an example:
    System I: ABAP + JAVA --> ECC 6.0
    Here we have the standard R/3 functionality and the producer portal (A) installed. Roles created on producer portal and assigned based on ABAP roles.
    System II: JAVA --> NW 7.0 Portal
    Our consumer portal (B) where we use roles created on the producer portal (A) on System I.
    System III: ABAP + JAVA --> SRM
    Our SRM system with SRM producer portal (C). In the ABAP stack of this sytem the functional SRM roles have been assigned to the users. We have created functional SRM Portal roles in order to use remote role assignment on consumer portal (B).
    We want to remotely assign portal roles created on the SRM Producer (C) to users on the consumer portal (B), based on the ABAP role assignment in the backend of system III. How can we achieve this in a fast and efficient way?
    Looking forward to your ideas. Anything helpfull will be gladly awarded with SDN points.
    Best regards,
    Jan Laros

    Interesting question. Let me share my experience and hope that's of some use to you.
    We started off federating corporate NetWeaver Portal (lets say B, parallel to your convention) as consumers to BI Portals (Lets say A).
    - B's UME points to Active Directory
    - A's UME points to BI ABAP user store
    - User ids are identical in both systems
    We ran into the problem of dual administration ((de)assigning portal role on both portals instead of just one) for a long time. The issue was because of different reasons at different times as we patched B's and A's. At one point we were on SP15 on both portals and we were told by SAP that RRA can be done on B for remote roles and the assignment propagates to A automatically if the following configuration is set up on both A and B.
    - A's permissions are relaxed allowing "Everyone" group checked for "End User" access as per ([|]
    However, we chose not to do the permission relaxation as enabling "Everyone" group with "End User" access can allow anyone to launch an iView (if the URL is known somehow) and the user would be able to see the layout of the iView, which can include text, etc. The user won't be able to access any data though, however, there is certain compromise on security which we decided that its not okay. So, we digressed in SAP's suggested practice because of security reasons.
    Today we, manage security on B using Active Directory groups and on A using Java groups (ABAP roles).
    In your case, I suggest investigating the option of relaxing the security on producer portal like in the above link. If you think its okay, all you have to do is, provision users on B by assigning remote roles from C and A.
    Either my story is applicable or I must have got you totally wrong,

  • Federation: Remote role assignment vs Remote delta link

    does anyone know whats the difference on what percentage of load falls on the Consumer portal and what percentage of load on producer between federation via remote role assignment and via remote delta link
    which way is better?

        Basically the load differences between RRA and RDL on the consumer and producer is not a good way to look at it.  Technically all the load to run the content and render it is done on the producer portal and the producer portal just has to display the content in either case.
    As to which one is better, it depends on what you want to do.  RRA only works with roles.  If you have roles already created on you producer portal and you just want to use them as is on the consumer portal then RRA is the way to go.  But if you only want to use iViews or pages from the producer then you have use  RDL.  (or remote application integration)  
    You can of course use both if you want.  You don't have to use only one so use the ne that meets you need the best.
    Hope this helps,

  • Error while Creating form on remote Database

    Hi All
    I m getting error while creating form on remote database thru
    Database link
    Line/Column Error
    7099/21 PLS-00454: with a returning into clause, the table
    expression cannot be remote or a subquery
    7099/9 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    7749/16 PLS-00454: with a returning into clause, the table
    expression cannot be remote or a subquery
    7749/9 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    and statement at line specified is insert statement. and at end
    of insert statement Returning caluse is there as follows
    This returning clause is causing error. Does anybody knows how
    to handel it??

    I haven't seen the ora-03116 problem.
    What version of Portal are you running? Are the databases at the same version? Does your table have longs or anything strange in it?
    Can you query the table via the synonyms and link in sqlplus as the application schema? This is a good test because it eliminates Portal.
    You should try setting up synonyms etc for the emp table. If you still get the problem then Oracle may be able to replicate it. If not, then there's sth funny about your table maybe.
    I agree with Vishnu about creating everything in sqlplus. I create all my links and synonyms in sqlplus. They are all public. I have 2 synonyms: one takes you over the link the other takes you to the right schema. It's flexible and it works.
    data database: D grants to P (local schema) on table T
    public syn T = D.T (sys) (get the right schema)
    portal dbase : public db link to data database connecting as P
    public syn T = T@dblink (sys) (over the link)
    P is a schema created in both databases.
    Test is: P in portal dbase can "select * from T" and gets the right data.
    I never, ever refer to a schema when defining a form. ie. never P.T or D.T or whatever. I always refer simply to a synonym. For the above my form would be defined simply on the table T.
    Hope this helps

  • Error While Creating Proxy in SPROXY

    Hi All,
    We Created one Packagewith NAme ZPACK1 in SE80.
    While Creating Proxy in SPROXY TC, it is Asking Package & Prefix
    We gave Package as ZPACK1 & Prefix as ZPREFIX.
    Then One Error is Comming Like <b>"Package ZPACK1 has no use access to package interface SAI_TOOLS"</b>
    Please let me Know the Solution for this Error.

    The packages that contain or use proxy objects must have a use declaration for the package interface SAI_TOOLS. In addition, the corresponding structure package must contain a use declaration for the package interface SAPPINT.
    For the proxy runtime, a use declaration must be available for the package interface SAI_SXMS.
    Generating Proxies By Using Transaction SPROXY
    1. Call transaction SPROXY in the system in which you want to generate a client or server proxy.The system displays a navigation tree on the left-hand side of the screen; it has the same structure as the interface maintenance tree in the Integration Builder. The interface objects are ordered according to software component version, namespace and object type
    If no connection to the Integration Repository exists, the system only displays
    interface objects in the tree structure for which a proxy exists in the system.
    2. Choose an interface object for which no proxy already exists. To create a proxy for this interface object, double click the context menu Create Proxy.
    3. In the dialog box, specify the name of the package where you want to create the proxy objects. You can also specify a prefix for the names of all objects to be created to avoid naming conflicts with names that already exist in the system.
    Other way.. try this :
    Generating Proxies  By Using the Object Navigator (Transaction SE80).
    1. Call the Object Navigator (transaction SE80) in the system in which you want to
    generate a client or server proxy. Select a package and call the context menu. Choose Create &#8594; Enterprise Service / Web Service &#8594; Proxy Object.
    2. In the subsequent dialog window, choose the source of the WSDL document (URL/http destination, local file, UDDI  or XI Repository).
    If you choose XI Repository as the source of the WSDL document, the hierarchy of the software component versions in the Integration Repository is displayed in the
    subsequent window. The interface objects are ordered according to software
    component version, namespace and object type . Choose an interface object for which no proxy already exists and confirm by choosing Copy.
    3. In the subsequent dialog window, enter the name of the package where you want to create the proxy objects. You can also specify a prefix for the names of all objects to be created to avoid naming conflicts with names that already exist in the system.
    Hope this will help you a bit.
    Aashish Sinha
    PS : reward points if helpful

  • Namespace Error, while creating proxy for a WSRP producer(Created on Exo)

    Hi ,
    I have implemented and deployed WSRP producer on Exo portal container. When I was trying to create proxy for the same in weblogic portal 10.2 its giving me the following error. Upon submiting the WSDL URL
    !ENTRY com.bea.wlp.eclipse.common 4 4 2008-12-08 13:46:27.540
    !STACK 0
    org.w3c.dom.DOMException: NAMESPACE_ERR
         at weblogic.xml.domimpl.ElementNSImpl.<init>(
         at weblogic.xml.saaj.SOAPElementImpl.<init>(
         at weblogic.xml.saaj.SaajDocument.createElementNS(
         at com.bea.wsrp.util.DomUtils.createChildElement(
         at com.bea.wsrp.util.DomUtils.addChildElement(
         at com.bea.wsrp.util.DomUtils.addChildElement(
         at com.bea.wsrp.bind.serviceDescription.GetServiceDescriptionRequest.writeTo(
         at com.bea.wsrp.client.ProducerAgentImpl.getServiceDescription(
         at com.bea.wsrp.client.ProducerAgentImpl.getServiceDescription(
         at com.bea.wsrp.client.ProducerAgentImpl.getServiceDescription(
         at com.bea.wsrp.client.ProducerAgentImpl.getServiceDescription(
         at com.bea.wlp.eclipse.wsrp.portletbuilder.wsrp.ProducerAgent.getServiceDescription(
         at com.bea.wlp.eclipse.wsrp.portletbuilder.wsrp.ProducerAgent.<init>(
         at com.bea.wlp.eclipse.wsrp.portletbuilder.wsrp.ProducerAgent.<init>(
         at com.bea.wlp.eclipse.wsrp.portletbuilder.wizard.wsrp.SelectProducerPanel$
    Could any one help me to solve this problem.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Nate,
    Please find the following wsdl.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="http://localhost:8080/wsrp/services/Version" xmlns:apachesoap="" xmlns:impl="http://localhost:8080/wsrp/services/Version" xmlns:intf="http://localhost:8080/wsrp/services/Version" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:wsdlsoap="" xmlns:xsd="">
    WSDL created by Apache Axis version: 1.4
    Built on Nov 19, 2006 (02:31:34 GMT+00:00)
    <wsdl:message name="getVersionRequest" />
    <wsdl:message name="getVersionResponse">
    <wsdl:part name="getVersionReturn" type="soapenc:string" />
    <wsdl:portType name="Version">
    <wsdl:operation name="getVersion">
    <wsdl:input message="impl:getVersionRequest" name="getVersionRequest" />
    <wsdl:output message="impl:getVersionResponse" name="getVersionResponse" />
    <wsdl:binding name="VersionSoapBinding" type="impl:Version">
    <wsdlsoap:binding style="rpc" transport="" />
    <wsdl:operation name="getVersion">
    <wsdlsoap:operation soapAction="" />
    <wsdl:input name="getVersionRequest">
    <wsdlsoap:body encodingStyle="" namespace="" use="encoded" />
    <wsdl:output name="getVersionResponse">
    <wsdlsoap:body encodingStyle="" namespace="http://localhost:8080/wsrp/services/Version" use="encoded" />
    <wsdl:service name="VersionService">
    <wsdl:port binding="impl:VersionSoapBinding" name="Version">
    <wsdlsoap:address location="http://localhost:8080/wsrp/services/Version" />
    Thanks & Regards,

  • FPN - error trying to lookup object - remote role assignment not working

    Hello everyone,
    We have implemented a Federated Portal Network connection in our landscape between our portals.
    We use only remote role assignment functionality.
    Everything was working fine, but since 2 days we encounter the following error in the Default trace.
    Error trying to lookup object: alias: <role name>
    It is possible to open the producer portal in the Portal Content Administration and also searching for the Producer portal roles is possible in User administration. But when we assign the remote role the tab is not displayed in the portal only the above mentioned error is shown in the default trace. Our portals run SP 12 and BI Java SP14.
    Is there a solution or workaround for this issue ?

    I have the same issue as you, I cannot see role tabs in Consumer portal and I get the same error in the defaulttrace as you.
    What did you do to resolve this issue?
    Many thanks

  • Can KM Document iView be used through Remote Role in Federated Portal?

    I have a Producer Portal and a Consumer portal using Remote Role Assignment. In the same remote role, the KM Navigation iView is working fine, but the KM Document iView is giving http 400 error (The webpage cannot be found). I understand normally we should put KM on the consumer. But some of our KM document iViews are used in the roles in the BI portal, which is the producer.
    I cannot find SAP document or notes that tells "If KM Document iView is supposed to work through Remote Role". If you could clarify for me, I will know if it's worthwhile to troubleshoot the issue.
    Fubo Liu

    Hi Fubo,
    There are no restrictions regarding the KM documents iView in the Central Note regarding FPN: [880482|]
    So this should work fine.
    Best regards,

  • Another FPN Thread: Remote role assignment not working

    Hi all,
    We have successfully implemented FPN for use in our ESS and BW environment and we are experiencing very little problems with it. We now want to start implementing it for our eRecruitment and SRM systems (as producers). For some reason we are not able to use the Remote Role Assignement functionality.
    We have set up trust for the systems and use SSO.
    Connection test for the producer is successfull.
    We can see the Producer content in the pcd on the consumer.
    Server times are the same.
    As far as I know I have correctly set permissions on producer and consumer.
    Possible cause: We are in the process of upgrading our consumer Portal to NW 7.0 SPS15 and have encountered some problems. The system is partially upgraded, so some components are SP15 and some others are still SP13. This is currently under investigation by SAP. Can this be an issue as our producer portals all are still on SP13?
    I hope to hear from you soon. Please ask if you need any screenshots. Thanks in advance.
    Best regards,
    Jan Laros

    Hi Jan,
    if remote role assignment not works, you can also use remote delta links. I only work with remote delta links because i have more options   and a better performance.
    If your connection works you can go to Content Administration ->Portal Content-> NetWeaver-Content-Producer. Hier you can see your remote system. Now you can copy the role and add it to your portal-content.
    If you can not see the content make sure that you have the same user  on both sides also check the premissions on the portal-content of your remote system. To test the connection it is easier to add Everyone group to the content of your remote system.

  • Federated Portal Language change not visible on remote role

    Remote role assigment is done on consumer portal. This remote portal role comes from a BI Producer portal.
    This roles has worksets and iviews attached to it like km navigation iview etc.
    User on consumer portal has options to change his language to french from default english.
    Here the issue is, this language change does not reflect or apply to the remote role and its iviews or contents.(It continues to show in english) . But it works without problem o n local roles or ivews as expected.
    Any idea on how this language change can be effected on the remote role and its contentc will be much appreciated.
    Ashok D

    Hello Ashok,
    You must remember that because this is RRA the content will actually run on the producer (unless this is an AI iView).
    This means that the language will be determine according to the user's language defined on the producer itself, therefor you have to change the language of that specific user on the producer portal.
    If this does not help it might be that the iView is forcing the language, then we'll have to try somehthing else.
    Update me with the results of the first triage,
    Also have a look at SAP Note # 1295703 under the Language category, it explains the algorithem of determining the language.
    Best Regards,

  • Unable to create Business System with role Integration Server

    hi Experts,
    we are unable to create a BS with role of integration server, its throwing error with internal server 500.
    please advise. we do not have any issues while creating TS with role of WEBASABAP.
    thanks and regards,
    Edited by: Prateek Raj Srivastava on Jan 23, 2012 12:13 AM

    Hi Kesava,
    what is the purpose of creating a business system of type IS? This is automatically done in the post installation by CTC templates. So if the post installation is successfully executed, this should already be there. And if not you should check if the post installation was properly executed and if there where problems analyse why they occured.
    The creation of the BS is just one part of the game, so I would highly recommend to execute the hole post configuration via template or follow the and execute it step by step manually in the described order. Otherwise i guess this will not work.
    If there where just problems with SLD - please also have a look at SA Note 1117249 - Incomplete Registration of PI components in SLD
    best regards,

  • How to create a "Firefighter" type role when we do not have GRC

    I am just looking for advice or input on this situation.
    Currently my company does not have GRC or any other type of software that will allow for automated Firefighter type access and apparently there are no plans in the near future to purchase anything.
    Our current process of creating a very powerful role to sign out to users on a case by case basis for a 24 hour period is not working and is getting out of hand.
    I have been tasked with coming up with a better solution and they want me to build multiple roles for emergency access based on business area. Since there are thousands of transaction codes in SAP I find this to be a rather daunting task. My question is this...would it be a really bad idea to build say a Finance emergency role with F* in s_tcode and full access? I realize that there are more Finance codes that do not start with F but I am really just looking for input.
    Has anyone else faced this situation and how did you approach it?
    If someone out there has done this and could provide me with sample roles, that would be great.
    Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.

    Hi Bobbi
    There are couple of ways I did it in my previous customers. I am guessing you need these roles during Go-Live and Production Support
    1. Create FF roles by business Process ( OTC, RTR etc) or Module wise. Get hold of the respective Functional people and ask them the nodes in SPRO Tcode what they think should be there for those FF roles. Then create those roles accordingly. Remove the Basis / Security admin tcodes and make 03 where-ever necessary.
    2. Another way of doing it is you might already have global roles for different modules / business processes. So identify the roles that are best suited for the FF roles and during Go-Live/ Prod Support. Group them and may be create composite roles for those Global single roles
    You might need FF roles for Transactional access and Configuration Access.
    Transactional FFID: FFID with change access to business transactions of the stream/function. (Can use the create/change access roles built for end users)
    Configuration FFID: FFID for any manual configu2019s to be performed directly in production and cannot/may not be transported (ex: number ranges)
    There should be process for giving the FF roles and proper approval. Appropriate role owners should be identified for these roles who will give approval
    Hope this helps

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