Create VA41 contract from ABAP code

I'm using batch input programs to create contract from the VA41 transaction.
Because there is some changes in specifications, it become difficult to continue this way ( using batch input). So my question is : is there FM or BAPIs I can use to create the same king of contract ?
If it exists, do you please have exemple of source code to show me the different internal tables that need to be filled ?

I tried both SD_SALESDOCUMENT_CREATE  and the bapi, each time,
I have the following error message :
please fill the sold to party or the ship-to party.
When I use the VA41 transaction, I fill in sold-to-party field and this correspond to a kunnr type.
So I tried by adding a line in SALES_PARTNER table with the kunnr value but It doesn't work.
Would you please tell wath fields I need to fill in to avoid this error message ?

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      <xsl:template match="/">
        <SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="">
            <xsl:copy-of select="*"/>
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      call transformation ('Z_ID')
           source tab = im_t_output[]
           result xml xml_out.
      call function 'SCMS_STRING_TO_FTEXT'
          text      = xml_out
          ftext_tab = ex_t_xml_data.
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  • Unable to Create Project Contract  from back end (R12)

    I am trying to create project contract using following code:
    lv_return_status VARCHAR2 ( 1000 );
    ln_msg_count NUMBER;
    lv_msg_data VARCHAR2 ( 1000 );
    l1 oke_import_contract_pub.chr_rec_type;
    l2 oke_import_contract_pub.chr_rec_type;
    error_message VARCHAR2 ( 3000 );
    v_msg_index_out NUMBER;
    l1.project_id := 3188;
    l1.prime_k_number := 'PRJ-CNV-10016';
    l1.owning_organization_id := 365;
    l1.start_date := SYSDATE;
    l1.inv_organization_id := 364;
    l1.authoring_org_id := 82;
    l1.k_type_code := 'MIPR';
    l1.sts_code :='E';
    oke_import_contract_pub.create_contract_header (
    p_api_version => '1.0'
    , p_init_msg_list => oke_api.g_false
    , p_ignore_oke_validation => 'N'
    , x_return_status => lv_return_status
    , x_msg_count => ln_msg_count
    , x_msg_data => lv_msg_data
    , p_chr_rec => l1
    , x_chr_rec => l2
    IF ln_msg_count > 0 THEN
    FOR v_index IN 1 .. ln_msg_count
    fnd_msg_pub.get (
    p_msg_index => v_index
    , p_encoded => 'F'
    , p_data => error_message
    , p_msg_index_out => v_msg_index_out
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('ERROR:' || error_message );
    END IF;
    The output results in following error: ERROR:You cannot save this entry before saving the header entry. (COL_NAME=sts_code) (CHILD_TABLE=OKC_K_HEADERS_V) (PARENT_TABLE=OKC_STATUSES_V)
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    Thanks in advance.

    How are you. I am currently working on the Project contracts conversion, as in the process of understanding the API's, i have provided some static data to create contract headers, lines and Billing method API's.
    When i execute it, i could able to create the contract header but at line level i get the following errors .  I don't understand this error "OKE_NO_PARENT_RECORD (COL_NAME=billing_method_code) (CHILD_TABLE=OKE_K_LINES_V) (PARENT_TABLE=OKE_K_BILLING_METHODS)"
    Could you please help me in sending your script.
    The original contract number:4100401462_9886546
    Contract header id:875449
    Contract header number:4100401462_9886546
    Return Status  S
    l_msg_count    0
    Return Status  S
    l_msg_count    0
    Inventory_item_id for 5498563-79  is -->1285587
    1. Value for INVENTORY_ITEM_ID is invalid.
    Return Status  E
    l_msg_count    2
    Inventory_item_id for 5498563-9  is -->1285589
    1. Value for INVENTORY_ITEM_ID is invalid.
    Return Status  E
    l_msg_count    2
    Inventory_item_id for 7104853-1  is -->1306099
    1. Value for INVENTORY_ITEM_ID is invalid.
    Return Status  E
    l_msg_count    2
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    The following is the test script
    gr_xxoke_l_chr_rec            xxoke_header%ROWTYPE;
    type gt_xxoke_header          is table of xxoke_header%rowtype              index by binary_integer;
    l_api_version                 number        := 1.0;
    l_init_msg_list               varchar2(20)  := oke_api.g_true;
    l_ignore_oke_validation       varchar2(1)   := xx_common.gc_yes;
    l_return_status               varchar2(20)  := xx_common.g_null;
    l_msg_count                   number        := xx_common.gn_zero;
    l_msg_data                    varchar2(500) := xx_common.g_null;
    --l_chr_rec                     xxoke_header%ROWTYPE;
    l_chr_rec                     oke_import_contract_pub.chr_rec_type;
    r_chr_rec                     oke_import_contract_pub.chr_rec_type;
    --r_chr_rec                     xxoke_header%ROWTYPE;
    l_cle_rec                     oke_import_contract_pub.cle_rec_type;  --xxoke_lines%ROWTYPE;
    r_cle_rec                     oke_import_contract_pub.cle_rec_type;  --xxoke_lines%ROWTYPE;
    bill_tbl                      OKE_IMPORT_CONTRACT_PUB.bill_tbl_type;
    l_inventory_item_id           number;
    cursor c_head is
    , contract_number_modifier
    , k_number
    , buy_or_sell
    , currency_code
    , status
    , status_code
    , scs_code
    , start_date
    , end_date
    , owning_organization
    , owning_organization_id
    , authoring_org
    --, esitmated_amount
    , date_approved
    , short_description
    , comments
    , description
    --, cognomen
    , template_yn
    --, archived_yn
    --, deleted_yn
    , customer_po_number
    , program_id
    , program_number
    , project_id
    , project_description
    , project_name
    , project_number
    , project_organization
    , boa_id
    , boa_number
    , k_type_code
    , priority_code
    , prime_k_alias
    , prime_k_number
    , authorize_date
    , authorizing_reason
    , award_cancel_date
    , date_definitized
    , date_issued
    , date_negotiated
    , date_received
    , date_sign_by_contractor
    , date_sign_by_customer
    , faa_approve_date
    , faa_reject_date
    , booked_flag
    , open_flag
    , cfe_flag
    , vat_code
    , country_of_origin_code
    , export_flag
    , human_subject_flag
    , cqa_flag
    , interim_rpt_req_flag
    , no_competition_authorize
    , penalty_clause_flag
    , product_line_code
    , reporting_flag
    , sb_plan_req_flag
    , sb_report_flag
    , nte_amount
    , nte_warning_flag
    , bill_without_def_flag
    , cas_flag
    , classified_flag
    , client_approve_req_flag
    , cost_of_money
    , dcaa_audit_req_flag
    , cost_share_flag
    , oh_rates_final_flag
    , prop_delivery_location
    , prop_due_date_time
    , prop_expire_date
    , copies_required
    , sic_code
    , tech_data_wh_rate
    , progress_payment_flag
    , progress_payment_liq_rate
    , progress_payment_rate
    , alternate_liquidation_rate
    , definitized_flag
    , financial_ctrl_verified_flag
    , prop_due_time
    , line_value_total
    , undef_line_value_total
    --, sfwt_flag
    --, contract_number
    , chr_type
    , trn_code
    , authoring_org_id
    , issue_or_receive
    from oke_k_headers_full_v@testlink
    WHERE k_header_id = 608283;
    cursor c_line (l_header_id in number) is
    from  oke_k_lines_full_v@testlink
    where header_id = l_header_id
    order by line_number;
    l_seq_num                    number;
    for r_head in c_head loop
    select xxtest_conversion_s.nextval
    into l_seq_num
    from dual;
    l_chr_rec.contract_number:= r_head.k_number||'_'||l_seq_num;
    dbms_output.put_line('The original contract number:' || l_chr_rec.contract_number );
    l_chr_rec.buy_or_sell                   := r_head.buy_or_sell;
    l_chr_rec.currency_code                 := r_head.currency_code;
    l_chr_rec.sts_code                      := upper(r_head.status_code);
    l_chr_rec.scs_code                      := r_head.scs_code;
    l_chr_rec.start_date                    := r_head.start_date;
    l_chr_rec.end_date                      := r_head.end_date;
    l_chr_rec.inv_organization_id           := 91;  --r_head.owning_organization_id;
    l_chr_rec.authoring_org_id              := 82;  --r_head.authoring_org_id;
    --l_chr_rec.estimated_amount              := r_head. 5000000;
    l_chr_rec.date_approved                 := r_head.date_approved;
    l_chr_rec.short_description             := r_head.short_description;
    l_chr_rec.comments                      := r_head.comments;
    l_chr_rec.description                   := r_head.description;
    --l_chr_rec.cognomen                      := r_head. 'Test Contract Alias';
    l_chr_rec.template_yn                   := r_head.template_yn;
    --l_chr_rec.archived_yn                   := r_head. 'N';
    --l_chr_rec.deleted_yn                    := r_head. 'N';
    l_chr_rec.cust_po_number                := r_head.customer_po_number;
    l_chr_rec.program_id                    := 1035; --r_head.program_id;
    l_chr_rec.project_id                    := 158017; --r_head.project_id;
    l_chr_rec.boa_id                        := r_head.boa_id;
    l_chr_rec.k_type_code                   := 'Award'; ---r_head.k_type_code;
    l_chr_rec.priority_code                 := r_head.priority_code;
    l_chr_rec.prime_k_alias                 := r_head.prime_k_alias;
    l_chr_rec.prime_k_number                := r_head.prime_k_number;
    l_chr_rec.authorize_date                := r_head.authorize_date;
    l_chr_rec.authorizing_reason            := r_head.authorizing_reason;
    l_chr_rec.award_cancel_date             := r_head.award_cancel_date;
    --l_chr_rec.award_date                    := r_head.  sysdate - 16;
    l_chr_rec.date_definitized              := r_head.date_definitized;
    l_chr_rec.date_issued                   := r_head.date_issued;
    l_chr_rec.date_negotiated               := r_head.date_negotiated;
    l_chr_rec.date_received                 := r_head.date_received;
    l_chr_rec.date_sign_by_contractor       := r_head.date_sign_by_contractor;
    l_chr_rec.date_sign_by_customer         := r_head.date_sign_by_customer;
    l_chr_rec.faa_approve_date              := r_head.faa_approve_date;
    l_chr_rec.faa_reject_date               := r_head.faa_reject_date;
    -- l_chr_rec.booked_flag                := gr_xxoke_l_chr_rec NULL;
    -- l_chr_rec.open_flag                  := gr_xxoke_l_chr_rec NULL;
    l_chr_rec.cfe_flag                      := r_head.cfe_flag;
    l_chr_rec.vat_code                      := r_head.vat_code;
    l_chr_rec.country_of_origin_code        := r_head.country_of_origin_code;
    l_chr_rec.export_flag                   := r_head.export_flag;
    l_chr_rec.human_subject_flag            := r_head.human_subject_flag;
    l_chr_rec.cqa_flag                      := r_head.cqa_flag;
    l_chr_rec.interim_rpt_req_flag          := r_head.interim_rpt_req_flag;
    l_chr_rec.no_competition_authorize      := r_head.no_competition_authorize;
    l_chr_rec.penalty_clause_flag           := r_head.penalty_clause_flag;
    l_chr_rec.product_line_code             := 'CONTRACT MFG'; --r_head.product_line_code;
    l_chr_rec.reporting_flag                := r_head.reporting_flag;
    l_chr_rec.sb_plan_req_flag              := r_head.sb_plan_req_flag;
    l_chr_rec.sb_report_flag                := r_head.sb_report_flag;
    l_chr_rec.nte_amount                    := r_head.nte_amount;
    l_chr_rec.nte_warning_flag              := r_head.nte_warning_flag;
    l_chr_rec.bill_without_def_flag         := r_head.bill_without_def_flag;
    l_chr_rec.cas_flag                      := r_head.cas_flag;
    l_chr_rec.classified_flag               := r_head.classified_flag;
    l_chr_rec.client_approve_req_flag       := r_head.client_approve_req_flag;
    l_chr_rec.cost_of_money                 := r_head.cost_of_money;
    l_chr_rec.dcaa_audit_req_flag           := r_head.dcaa_audit_req_flag;
    l_chr_rec.cost_share_flag               := r_head.cost_share_flag;
    l_chr_rec.oh_rates_final_flag           := r_head.oh_rates_final_flag;
    l_chr_rec.prop_delivery_location        := r_head.prop_delivery_location;
    l_chr_rec.prop_due_date_time            := r_head.prop_due_date_time;
    l_chr_rec.prop_expire_date              := r_head.prop_expire_date;
    l_chr_rec.copies_required               := r_head.copies_required;
    l_chr_rec.sic_code                      := r_head.sic_code;
    l_chr_rec.tech_data_wh_rate             := r_head.tech_data_wh_rate;
    l_chr_rec.progress_payment_flag         := r_head.progress_payment_flag;
    l_chr_rec.progress_payment_liq_rate     := r_head.progress_payment_liq_rate;
    l_chr_rec.progress_payment_rate         := r_head.progress_payment_rate;
    l_chr_rec.alternate_liquidation_rate    := r_head.alternate_liquidation_rate;
    -- l_chr_rec.prop_due_time              := r_head. NULL;
    l_chr_rec.definitized_flag              := r_head.definitized_flag;
    l_chr_rec.financial_ctrl_verified_flag  := r_head.financial_ctrl_verified_flag;
    --l_chr_rec.cost_of_sale_rate             := r_head. 0.1;
    oke_import_contract_pub.create_contract_header(  p_api_version                  => l_api_version
                                                   , p_init_msg_list                => l_init_msg_list
                                                   , p_ignore_oke_validation        => l_ignore_oke_validation
                                                   , x_return_status                => l_return_status
                                                   , x_msg_count                    => l_msg_count
                                                   , x_msg_data                     => l_msg_data
                                                   , p_chr_rec                            => l_chr_rec
                                                   , x_chr_rec                            => r_chr_rec
    FOR I IN 1..l_msg_count
      dbms_output.put_line ( I||'. '||SubStr(FND_MSG_PUB.Get(p_encoded => FND_API.G_FALSE ), 1, 255));
    dbms_output.put_line('Contract header id:'|| r_chr_rec.k_header_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('Contract header number:'|| r_chr_rec.contract_number);
    dbms_output.put_line('Return Status  '||l_return_status);
    dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_count    '||l_msg_count);
    dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data     '||l_msg_data);
    bill_tbl(1).k_header_id           := r_chr_rec.k_header_id;
    bill_tbl(1).billing_method_code   := 'Mixed';
    --bill_tbl(2).k_header_id           := r_chr_rec.k_header_id;
    --bill_tbl(2).billing_method_code   := 'Cost Plus';
    OKE_IMPORT_CONTRACT_PUB.define_billing_methods(p_api_version      => l_api_version
                                                  ,p_init_msg_list    => l_init_msg_list
                                                  ,x_return_status    => l_return_status
                                                  ,x_msg_count        => l_msg_count
                                                  ,x_msg_data         => l_msg_data
                                                  ,p_bill_tbl         => bill_tbl
    FOR I IN 1..l_msg_count
      dbms_output.put_line ( I||'. '||SubStr(FND_MSG_PUB.Get(p_encoded => FND_API.G_FALSE ), 1, 255));
    dbms_output.put_line('Return Status  '||l_return_status);
    dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_count    '||l_msg_count);
    dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data     '||l_msg_data);
    for r_line in c_line (r_head.k_header_id) loop
    --------CREATE A TOP LINE -----------------
        -- validate inventory item
        select inventory_item_id
        into l_inventory_item_id
        from mtl_system_items_b
        where segment1 = r_line.item_number
        and organization_id = 91;
       when others then
       dbms_output.put_line('Error in deriving the inventory_item_id:'|| substr(sqlerrm,1,500));
      dbms_output.put_line('Inventory_item_id for '||r_line.item_number|| '  is -->' ||l_inventory_item_id);
    l_cle_rec.k_line_id                          := null;
    l_cle_rec.parent_line_id                    :=  null;
    l_cle_rec.project_id                          := 158017; --r_line.project_id;
    l_cle_rec.task_id                            := null; --r_line.task_id;
    l_cle_rec.billing_method_code              := 'Mixed';
    l_cle_rec.inventory_item_id                := l_inventory_item_id;
    l_cle_rec.delivery_order_flag              := r_line.delivery_order_flag;
    l_cle_rec.splited_flag                        := r_line.splited_flag;
    l_cle_rec.priority_code                      := r_line.priority_code;
    l_cle_rec.customer_item_id                  :=  r_line.customer_item_id;
    l_cle_rec.customer_item_number           := r_line.customer_item_number;
    l_cle_rec.line_quantity                      := r_line.line_quantity;
    l_cle_rec.delivery_date                      := r_line.delivery_date;
    l_cle_rec.unit_price                          := r_line.unit_price;
    l_cle_rec.uom_code                            := r_line.uom_code;
    l_cle_rec.billable_flag                      := r_line.billable_flag;
    l_cle_rec.shippable_flag                    := r_line.shippable_flag;
    l_cle_rec.subcontracted_flag             := r_line.subcontracted_flag;
    l_cle_rec.completed_flag                    := r_line.completed_flag;
    l_cle_rec.nsp_flag                            := r_line.nsp_flag;
    l_cle_rec.app_code                            := r_line.app_code;
    l_cle_rec.as_of_date                          := r_line.as_of_date;
    l_cle_rec.authority                          := r_line.authority;
    l_cle_rec.country_of_origin_code         := r_line.country_of_origin_code;
    l_cle_rec.drop_shipped_flag                := r_line.drop_shipped_flag;
    l_cle_rec.customer_approval_req_flag     := r_line.customer_approval_req_flag;
    l_cle_rec.date_material_req                := r_line.date_material_req;
    l_cle_rec.inspection_req_flag              := r_line.inspection_req_flag;
    l_cle_rec.interim_rpt_req_flag              := r_line.interim_rpt_req_flag;
    l_cle_rec.subj_a133_flag                    := r_line.subj_a133_flag;
    l_cle_rec.export_flag                        := r_line.export_flag;
    l_cle_rec.cfe_req_flag                        := r_line.cfe_flag;
    l_cle_rec.cop_required_flag                := r_line.cop_required_flag;
    l_cle_rec.export_license_num                := r_line.export_license_num;
    l_cle_rec.export_license_res             := r_line.export_license_res;
    l_cle_rec.copies_required                  := r_line.copies_required;
    l_cle_rec.cdrl_category                      := r_line.cdrl_category;
    l_cle_rec.data_item_name                    := r_line.data_item_name;
    l_cle_rec.data_item_subtitle                := r_line.data_item_subtitle;
    l_cle_rec.date_of_first_submission       := r_line.date_of_first_submission;
    l_cle_rec.frequency                          := r_line.frequency;
    l_cle_rec.requiring_office                  := r_line.requiring_office;
    l_cle_rec.dcaa_audit_req_flag              := r_line.dcaa_audit_req_flag;
    l_cle_rec.definitized_flag                  := r_line.definitized_flag;
    l_cle_rec.cost_of_money                      := r_line.cost_of_money;
    l_cle_rec.bill_undefinitized_flag        := r_line.bill_undefinitized_flag;
    l_cle_rec.nsn_number                          := r_line.nsn_number;
    l_cle_rec.nte_warning_flag                  := r_line.nte_warning_flag;
    l_cle_rec.discount_for_payment              := r_line.discount_for_payment;
    l_cle_rec.financial_ctrl_flag              := r_line.financial_ctrl_flag;
    l_cle_rec.c_scs_flag                          := r_line.c_scs_flag;
    l_cle_rec.c_ssr_flag                          := r_line.c_ssr_flag;
    l_cle_rec.prepayment_amount                := r_line.prepayment_amount;
    l_cle_rec.prepayment_percentage          := r_line.prepayment_percentage;
    l_cle_rec.progress_payment_flag          := r_line.progress_payment_flag;
    l_cle_rec.progress_payment_liq_rate      := r_line.progress_payment_liq_rate;
    l_cle_rec.progress_payment_rate          := r_line.progress_payment_rate;
    l_cle_rec.award_fee                          := r_line.award_fee;
    l_cle_rec.award_fee_pool_amount          := r_line.award_fee_pool_amount;
    l_cle_rec.base_fee                            := r_line.base_fee;
    l_cle_rec.ceiling_cost                        := r_line.ceiling_cost;
    l_cle_rec.ceiling_price                      := r_line.ceiling_price;
    l_cle_rec.labor_cost_index                  := r_line.labor_cost_index;
    l_cle_rec.material_cost_index              := r_line.material_cost_index;
    l_cle_rec.customers_percent_in_order     := r_line.cost_underrun_share_ratio;
    l_cle_rec.cost_overrun_share_ratio          := r_line.date_of_price_redetermin;
    l_cle_rec.cost_underrun_share_ratio        := r_line.cost_underrun_share_ratio;
    l_cle_rec.date_of_price_redetermin       := r_line.date_of_price_redetermin;
    l_cle_rec.estimated_total_quantity       := r_line.estimated_total_quantity;
    l_cle_rec.fee_ajt_formula                  := r_line.fee_ajt_formula;
    l_cle_rec.final_fee                          := r_line.final_fee;
    --l_cle_rec.final_pft_ajt_formula          := r_line.final_pft_ajt_formula;
    --l_cle_rec.fixed_fee                          := r_line.fixed_fee;
    l_cle_rec.fixed_quantity                    := r_line.fixed_quantity;
    l_cle_rec.initial_fee                        := r_line.initial_fee;
    l_cle_rec.initial_price                      := r_line.initial_price;
    l_cle_rec.level_of_effort_hours          := r_line.level_of_effort_hours;
    l_cle_rec.line_liquidation_rate          := r_line.line_liquidation_rate;
    l_cle_rec.maximum_fee                        := r_line.maximum_fee;
    l_cle_rec.maximum_quantity                  := r_line.maximum_quantity;
    l_cle_rec.minimum_fee                        := r_line.minimum_fee;
    l_cle_rec.minimum_quantity                  := r_line.minimum_quantity;
    l_cle_rec.number_of_options                := r_line.number_of_options;
    l_cle_rec.revised_price                      := r_line.revised_price;
    l_cle_rec.target_cost                        := r_line.target_cost;
    l_cle_rec.target_date_definitize         := r_line.target_date_definitize;
    l_cle_rec.target_fee                        := r_line.target_fee;
    l_cle_rec.target_price                        := r_line.target_price;
    l_cle_rec.total_estimated_cost           := r_line.total_estimated_cost;
    l_cle_rec.proposal_due_date                := r_line.proposal_due_date;
    l_cle_rec.cost_of_sale_rate                := r_line.cost_of_sale_rate;
    l_cle_rec.line_value                          := r_line.line_value;
    l_cle_rec.line_value_total                  := r_line.line_value_total;
    l_cle_rec.UNDEF_UNIT_PRICE                  := r_line.UNDEF_UNIT_PRICE;
    l_cle_rec.UNDEF_LINE_VALUE                  := r_line.UNDEF_LINE_VALUE;
    l_cle_rec.UNDEF_LINE_VALUE_TOTAL         := r_line.UNDEF_LINE_VALUE_TOTAL;
    l_cle_rec.object_version_number          := r_line.object_version_number;
    l_cle_rec.sfwt_flag                      := r_line.sfwt_flag;
    l_cle_rec.chr_id                         := r_chr_rec.k_header_id;
    --l_cle_rec.cle_id                         := r_line.cle_id;
    --l_cle_rec.cle_id_renewed                 := r_line.cle_id_renewed;
    --l_cle_rec.cle_id_renewed_to                  := r_line.cle_id_renewed_to;
    l_cle_rec.lse_id                         := r_line.lse_id;
    l_cle_rec.line_number                    := r_line.line_number;
    l_cle_rec.sts_code                       := r_head.status_code;  --r_line.sts_code;
    l_cle_rec.display_sequence               := r_line.display_sequence;
    l_cle_rec.trn_code                       := r_line.trn_code;
    l_cle_rec.dnz_chr_id                     := r_chr_rec.k_header_id;
    l_cle_rec.comments                       := r_line.comments;
    l_cle_rec.item_description               := r_line.item_description;
    l_cle_rec.oke_boe_description            := r_line.boe_description;
    --l_cle_rec.hidden_ind                     := r_line.hidden_ind;
    --l_cle_rec.price_unit                            := r_line.price_unit;
    --l_cle_rec.price_unit_percent                  := r_line.price_unit_percent;
    --l_cle_rec.price_negotiated               := r_line.price_negotiated;
    --l_cle_rec.price_negotiated_renewed       := r_line.price_negotiated_renewed;
    --l_cle_rec.price_level_ind                := r_line.price_level_ind;
    --l_cle_rec.invoice_line_level_ind         := r_line.invoice_line_level_ind;
    --l_cle_rec.dpas_rating                    := r_line.dpas_rating;
    --l_cle_rec.block23text                    := r_line.block23text;
    l_cle_rec.exception_yn                   := 'N'; --r_line.exception_yn;
    --l_cle_rec.template_used                  := r_line.template_used;
    --l_cle_rec.date_terminated                := r_line.date_terminated;                           :=;
    l_cle_rec.start_date                     := r_line.start_date;
    l_cle_rec.end_date                       := r_line.end_date;
    --l_cle_rec.upg_orig_system_ref            := r_line.upg_orig_system_ref;
    --l_cle_rec.upg_orig_system_ref_id         := r_line.upg_orig_system_ref_id;
    l_cle_rec.attribute_category             := r_line.attribute_category;
    l_cle_rec.attribute1                     := r_line.attribute1;
    l_cle_rec.attribute2                     := r_line.attribute2;
    l_cle_rec.attribute3                     := r_line.attribute3;
    l_cle_rec.attribute4                     := r_line.attribute4;
    l_cle_rec.attribute5                     := r_line.attribute5;
    l_cle_rec.attribute6                     := r_line.attribute6;
    l_cle_rec.attribute7                     := r_line.attribute7;
    l_cle_rec.attribute8                     := r_line.attribute8;
    l_cle_rec.attribute9                     := r_line.attribute9;
    l_cle_rec.attribute10                    := r_line.attribute10;
    l_cle_rec.attribute11                    := r_line.attribute11;
    l_cle_rec.attribute12                    := r_line.attribute12;
    l_cle_rec.attribute13                    := r_line.attribute13;
    l_cle_rec.attribute14                    := r_line.attribute14;
    l_cle_rec.attribute15                    := r_line.attribute15;
    --l_cle_rec.price_type                     := r_line.price_type;
    --l_cle_rec.currency_code                  := r_line.currency_code;
    --l_cle_rec.currency_code_renewed             := r_line.currency_code_renewed;
    l_cle_rec.created_by                       := r_line.created_by;
    l_cle_rec.creation_date                       := r_line.creation_date;
    l_cle_rec.last_updated_by                   := r_line.last_updated_by;
    l_cle_rec.last_update_login                 := r_line.last_update_login;
    l_cle_rec.last_update_date               := r_line.last_update_date;
    oke_import_contract_pub.create_contract_line(  p_api_version                  => l_api_version
                                                  ,p_init_msg_list                => l_init_msg_list
                                                  ,x_return_status                => l_return_status
                                                  ,x_msg_count                    => l_msg_count
                                                  ,x_msg_data                     => l_msg_data
                                                  ,p_cle_rec                            => l_cle_rec
                                                  ,x_cle_rec                            => r_cle_rec
                FOR I IN 1..l_msg_count
                  dbms_output.put_line ( I||'. '||SubStr(FND_MSG_PUB.Get(p_encoded => FND_API.G_FALSE ), 1, 255));
                END LOOP;
                dbms_output.put_line('Return Status  '||l_return_status);
                dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_count    '||l_msg_count);
                dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data     '||l_msg_data);   
    end loop;
    end loop;

  • Open an IE browser with link from ABAP code

    How to open an IE browser in separate window with dynamic link from ABAP code. The IE should open in a separate window.
    strHttpLink = ''.
    open IE browser using strHttpLink.

    have a look at this:
    Best regards.

  • Custom Spell Check from ABAP Code without MS Word

    Hi All,
    I am working on a requirement where we need to check for misspelt words in a string that is received from another system. I have come across a number of FM's which can be used to check for spellings but all of the require MS Word to be installed in our PC, but I am looking for a solution that does not involve MS Word. If any of you have come across any external tool that can be called from ABAP code or any suggestion on a logic that can be built please pass it on. Any pointers or help in this regard would be highly appreciated.

    Try the "CF_WWSpeller" customtag which actually uses the
    Winword spelling engine,

  • Create web service from java code in Jdeveloper

    I am try to create web service from java code by default it is connected to Integrated web logic server and generate a
    WSDL like this.
    please tell me how we can change this local host to our needed Host and how to deploy this web service to web logic server.

    Just right click on your project and deploy it to your application server (Weblogic Server (Not the Integrated server)). {Before that, you have create your Application server connection in the Jdeveloper).
    After deployment open the Admin console of the weblogic server and find your ear of the project.Click on that (Go to the "Testing tab") and you will get the "WSDL" (Concreate wsdl)  and "Test Client" of the Project.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • Calling Java Services from ABAP code

    How to call Java services (not web service) from ABAP code?
    I have a requirement where JAVA team has developed some services that can be called from URL or from a Java application.
    Ex:  when this URL is executed,
    It returns a XML file on browser.
    And I have no idea about the 2nd way i.e. from Java application!
    Now, how can ABAP call these java methods?
    I heard that something can be done via maintaining RFC destinations in SM59 to call Java services? Can this be done with my requirement?
    Please help.
    Thanks and regards,

    Posted it in WD ABAP forum.

  • Can we open an Virtual Path Folder from ABAP code?

    My requirement is to open a virtual directory folder from ABAP code.
    We are on ECC 6.0.As of now we did not start web related programming.
    We don't have portal yet.
    Any ideas?
    Edited by: PRAVEEN s on Jan 24, 2008 9:32 PM

    Yes it is in Shared folder.
    But how to trigger this ? I can open file but wondering how do we trigger it from report?

  • Call of BW queries from ABAP code

    Has anybody information about how is it possible to call a BW query from ABAP code with parametrization (specifying characteristics) ? In our development project it's a crucial part, beacuse we have to provide interim function modules to carry out some conversion routine on BW provided data, before we put it on the screen embedded in a Visual composer Iview.

    Have a look at this:
    Calling BW queries programatically (also posted on BW forum)
    Hope it helps.

  • Creating service contract from OM

    We have tried creating service contracts from OM in 11.5.10.
    Can we create service contracts from OM in 11.5.9? Any pointers where i can confirm this?

    Yes we can!.

  • To execute from ABAP code an external Unix program

    I would like to know how to execute from ABAP code an external Unix program and check for a return code?

    There are different ways to this:
    (1) OPEN DATASET <file> FOR OUTPUT 'unix command'
    CLOSE DATASET <file>
    This command executes the unix command and writes the output into <file>
    Look into OSS Note 9391.
    (2) or try the following program but unfortunately the command CALL SYSTEM is
    not supported by SAP. If you are on R/3 2.1 - 2.2x you can get some idea's from the program SAPMSOS0.
    DATA: U_COMMAND(200).
    Table for system messages
    LINE(100) ,
    END OF RT .
    MOVE 'unix command' to U_COMMAND .
    WRITE : / RT-LINE .
    Reward Points if found helpfull..
    Chandra Sekhar.

  • How to send mail from ABAP code?

    I need to send e-mail from ABAP Code .
    e.g:  If sy-subrc ne 0.
         ( send e-mail to  "[email protected]" )
    Please provide me any Function module for this or any code.
    Correct answear will be rewarded my maximum points.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Check this code sample
    * Send mail
      maildata-obj_name = 'TEST'.
      maildata-obj_descr = 'Test Subject'.
      loop at htmllines.
        mailtxt = htmllines.
        append mailtxt.
      mailrec-receiver = '[email protected]'.
      mailrec-rec_type  = 'U'.
      append mailrec.
      call function 'SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1'
                document_data              = maildata
                document_type              = 'HTM'
                put_in_outbox              = 'X'
                object_header              = mailtxt
                object_content             = mailtxt
                receivers                  = mailrec
                too_many_receivers         = 1
                document_not_sent          = 2
                document_type_not_exist    = 3
                operation_no_authorization = 4
                parameter_error            = 5
                x_error                    = 6
                enqueue_error              = 7
                others                     = 8.
      if sy-subrc  0.

  • Creating an xml file from abap code

    Hello All,
    Please let me know which FM do I need to execute in order to create an XML file from my ABAP code ?
    Thanks in advance,

    This has been discussed before
    XML files from ABAP programs

  • Create a proxy from abap with 3 messages parts

    I am trying to create a proxy from a WSDL file with 3 messages parts:
    <wsdl:message name="executeSoapIn">
        <wsdl:part name="farmName" type="s:string"></wsdl:part>
        <wsdl:part name="requestXML" type="s:string"></wsdl:part>
        <wsdl:part name="farmProps" type="s0:Map"></wsdl:part>
    This is not possible because it is not fulfilling the SOAP 1.1 standard, so when I try to create the proxy I am getting an error, so no proxy is created.
    My question is: Is is possible to create a ABAP proxy manually so the proxy would have the 3 parameters of the messages part?
    Thanks in advance.
    Message was edited by:
            Eduardo Martí

    The problem is that i need to create a proxy with 3 parameters in one of its methods, that is, the method SOAPEXECUTEIN will need the parameters (farmName, requestXML, farmProps), as shown in the piece of code of the WSDL file. I can not do it because the system did not allow me, it allows just one parameter.
    Is it possible to create the proxy in some way that allows me the method with the three params?
    Thanks Aamir.

  • What is the use of a proxy client to test web service from ABAP code?

    In NW640, we need to create a proxy client to test our web service from a ABAP code.
    Why is this so? What is the significance of a proxy client? Is this mandatory? Can we test the webservice from a ABAP code without proxy client?

    Hi Gopal,
    There are two types of proxies that can be generated from ABAP - the client proxy (to call an internet web service) and a server proxy (to communicate with XI). It sounds to me like you are looking for information about the client proxy, if so you can see the following link from SAP Help:
    Hope this helps.

Maybe you are looking for

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