Creating a dynamic SQL query builder class

I have a jobs table where each row contains information about jobs run on a machine. I have a web view of this database which shows different information and queries for this information are built using the following fields:
STATUS (an array of 4 different possible statuses)
GUID (will be used when a view of a specific job (row in the table) is requested, no other search criteria needed when this view is required.)
All the criteria will be passed from the view layer into a search criteria object which is then passed to the DAO class which passes it to a BuildSQL class to use it to build the SQL.
There are many different "views" of the data which will result in many different combinations of criteria being passed down to the data access layer. (for example a status of failed and a timestamp resulting in all the jobs run in the last 2 hours)
As there are a number of different search criteria used in each query I'm having trouble designing the class to dynamically build the query. Are there any standard ways of doing this out there that could guide me?
At the moment I'm seeing this class as being a large combination of if statements and not really being very dynamic.
I was thinking maybe checking all the criteria to see if its null, if so ignore it straight away and then running through all the other criteria and appending one by one to the may SELECT which has already been created. Quite how i'd decided whether it would need an AND or OR before it I dont know.
Are there any standard proven ways to approach this because i've done a search here and on google and not really come back with much, so any advice would be great. I've got to say I'm pretty new to java and don't really have many bright ideas here!

Well my dear friend... I did something special for a business logic support to an web autocomplete component.
The criteria building was based on a custom variable into the SQL statement:
*FIXED CRITERIA: Is a fixed criteria that doesn't variate
*__MC__: Is a "custom variable" defined for me to make the replacement.
There are two main clases:
*SQLBuilder: It has many logic to build SQL Statements
*Multicriteria: It has the specific logic to insert into a SQL statement multiple criterias
// The SQLBuilder class
public class SQLBuilder {
    public static final String MC = "__MC__";
    static String buildMultiCriteria(String sql, Object[] params) throws Exception {
        for(int i=0; i<params.length; i++) {
            if(params[i] instanceof MultiCriteria) {
                sql = sql.replaceFirst("__MC__",
params[i] = null;
return sql;
// The MultiCriteria class
public class MultiCriteria {
public static final int BEGINS = 0;
public static final int ENDS = 1;
public static final int CONTAINS = 2;
private String criteria = null;
public MultiCriteria(String[] fields, String value, int type) throws Exception {
String[] tokens = value.split(" ");
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("(");
for(int i=0; i<fields.length; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<tokens.length; j++) {
if(tokens[j].length()>0) {
     sb.append(" LIKE '");
     sb.append(toType(tokens[j], type));
     if(j<tokens.length-1) sb.append(" OR ");
if(i<fields.length-1) sb.append(" OR ");
criteria = sb.toString();
public String getCriteria() {
return criteria;
private final String toType(String value, int type) throws Exception {
switch(type) {
     case BEGINS:
     value = value + "%";
     case ENDS:
     value = "%" + value;      
     case CONTAINS:
     value = "%" + value + "%";      
     throw new Exception("Undefined MutiCriteria type");
return value;
// I use the MultiCriteria this way
// criteria is a string introduced in a html input text
// The class splits the string by " " and ensemble multiple criterias
// for the given fields permuting them with the tokens resulting of the
// split
MultiCriteria mc = new MultiCriteria(
new String[] {"FIELD_01", "FIELD_02"},
I think this idea could help you.
Anything else, write me at [email protected]
Best Regards,

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    -- Dynamic PIVOT
       @cols AS NVARCHAR(MAX),
       @y    AS INT,
       @sql  AS NVARCHAR(MAX);
    -- Construct the column list for the IN clause
     SET @cols = STUFF(
       (SELECT N',' + QUOTENAME(y) AS [text()]
        FROM (SELECT DISTINCT dealerlvl AS y FROM dbo.test2) AS Y
        ORDER BY y
        FOR XML PATH('')),
       1, 1, N'');
    -- Construct the full T-SQL statement
     -- and execute dynamically
     SET @sql = N'SELECT *
     FROM (SELECT dealerid, dealerlvl, node
           FROM dbo.Test2) AS D
       PIVOT(MAX(node) FOR dealerlvl IN(' + @cols + N')) AS P;';
    EXEC sp_executesql @sql;

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    After hours around this, I have came with this solution.
    private SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection();
    private System.Data.DataSet dataSet = new System.Data.DataSet();
    private System.Data.DataTable dataTable;
    private System.Data.DataRow dataRow;
    private SqlCommand search(string searchParam, int searchOption)
    SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();
    string sql;
    string[] allWords = searchParam.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
    if (searchOption == 1)
    sql = "SELECT Livros.ISBN, Livros.Titulo, Livros.Tema, Livros.Resumo, Livros.Imagem, Livros.fotoTipo, Editoras.Nome AS nomeEditora FROM Livros INNER JOIN Editoras ON Livros.codEditora = Editoras.codEditora WHERE ";
    sql = "SELECT Livros.ISBN, Livros.Titulo, Livros.Tema, Livros.Resumo, Livros.Imagem, Livros.fotoTipo, Editoras.Nome AS nomeEditora FROM Livros INNER JOIN livrosAutores ON Livros.ISBN = livrosAutores.ISBN INNER JOIN Autores ON livrosAutores.idAutor = Autores.idAutor INNER JOIN Editoras ON Livros.codEditora = Editoras.codEditora WHERE ";
    using (command)
    for (int i = 0; i < allWords.Length; ++i)
    if (i > 0)
    sql += "OR ";
    if (searchOption == 1)
    sql += string.Format("(Livros.Titulo LIKE '%{0}%') ", allWords[i]);
    sql += string.Format("(Livros.Autor LIKE '%{0}%') ", allWords[i]);
    command.CommandText = sql;
    return command;
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    dataTable = dataSet.Tables["livrosTitulo"];
    dataGrid.DataContext = dataTable.DefaultView;

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    Hi All,
    I have a requirement to build dynamic sql query at Database Adapter.
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    PV_ID : 1,Numeric,Mask(0000)
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    You could build the select statement within PL/SQL and open it using a cursor variable. You could write it to a file using the package 'UTL_FILE'. If you want to display the output using SQL*Plus, you could have an out parameter as a ref cursor.

  • Flash chart with dynamic sql query does not display

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       (     "CLEF_VAR" NUMBER(4,0),
         "DATE1" DATE,
         "VALEUR" NUMBER(16,8) Only the last part of the name changes "xxxx". For example E009, E019, etc....
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    P8_CLEF_VAR is an item containing a value. This value is a key retrieved like this :SELECT CLEF_VAR
    WHERE SITE = :P184_ENAMEI built a classic report using a sql dynamic function :DECLARE
    x VARCHAR2 (4000);
    || UPPER(:p184_ename)
    || ' WHERE CLEF_VAR = :p8_clef_var' ;
    RETURN (x);
    END;:p8_clef_var is an itme containing the value '4544'.
    This works perfectly fine !
    When I use this sql fucytion into a flash chart it does not work. I get this message "No data found".
    I do not understand why a the report get a result and not the chart !
    But if i hard-code the number of the CLEF_VAR instead of fetching it from :p8_clef_var I get a nice chart ! Go figure !DECLARE
    x VARCHAR2 (4000);
    || UPPER(:p184_ename)
    || ' WHERE CLEF_VAR = 4544 ' ;
    RETURN (x);
    I cannot stay with the key (CLEF_VAR) hard-coded unformtunately !
    My question is how to get the chart displaying properly ??
    Thank you for your kind answers.

    Using your request, with the classic report I get results (data), but I get the same message with the Flash chart : "No data found" ! I don't know how to investigate this. i tried many things but nothing works.
    PS I tried this :
       X   VARCHAR2 (4000);
          || UPPER (:p184_ename) ||
          ' WHERE CLEF_VAR = '
          || :p8_clef_var ||
          ' AND DATE1 BETWEEN TO_DATE ('''
    ||:P8_DATE_DEBUT||''', ''DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI'') AND TO_DATE ('''
    ||:P8_DATE_FIN||''', ''DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI'')'
    RETURN (X);
    END; But it does not work either. I could find that the SLQ syntax generated is good becaus I put it into an item which display the return done by the pls/sql.
    What is sttange also with the classic report is that if I do click on next or previous to see another rows, I get the message "No data found". If I try to export the report I get an excel file with "No data fouid".
    Does anybody already tried my "need" here ? i find strange thant I should not be the firs one trying to get a report an tables which name would be "dynamic".
    Tahnk you.
    Edited by: Christian from France on Feb 13, 2009 3:05 AM

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    As I have used dynamic column, am not able to create report with this stored procedure.  Can someone help me out to resolve this issue.
    It will be highly appreciated if I get help. 

    I have tried everything.  But nothing has worked out. 
    If I get solution for below issue, it would be highly appreciated.
    "An error occurred during local report processing.
    The definition of the repport 'Main Report' is invalid.
    The report defintion is not valid.  Details: The report definition has an invalid target namespace '' which cannot be upgraded.
    I would suggest you post the complete error message to us for further investigation, if you preview the report before you deploy you may get a more detailed error that will help diagnose the source of the problem.
    This issue is more related to SQL Server Reporting Services, it's more appropriate to discuss it in the forum below:
    Don't forget to elaborate your issue with more detail.
    For the manual column, it might be the calculated field in SSRS. Here is the article for your reference, please see:
    Elvis Long
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to include lexical parameters in IN string in SQL QUERY BUILDER ?

    I have to write an SQL Query in SQL QUERY BUILDER in Reports 6i to retrieve all details pertaining to donor codes i insert randomnly at runtime.
    The Statement is like this
    WHERE DONOR_CODE IN (1,2,6,70,....)
    I cannot use lexical parameter '&' in SQL QUERY BUILDER as i have to use bind variable donor_code.
    How do i do it?

    How do i do that? Can you give me an example of how i can go about with it?

  • Problem for create report by sql query under Protal!

    I'm trying create report by sql query method, however it came out the error:
    ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined (WWV-11230)
    Failed to parse as SENTRYDB - select distinct t1.firstnames, t1.lastname, t4.PERSONGROUP, to_char( t1.dateofbirth, 'DD-MM-YYYY' ) as "Dateofbirth", t3.ADDRESS, t3.CITY, t3.STATE, t3.CODE, t3.HOMETELEPHONE, t3.WORKTELEPHONE, t3.INTERESTING, t3.personid from pnames t1, people t3, groups t4 where t3.persongroup = t4.groupid and t1.personid = t3.personid order by rowid (WWV-08300)
    Error: Unable to execute query (WWV-10201)
    The query is :
    select distinct t1.firstnames, t1.lastname, t4.PERSONGROUP, to_char( t1.dateofbirth, 'DD-MM-YYYY' )
    as "Dateofbirth", t3.ADDRESS, t3.CITY, t3.STATE, t3.CODE, t3.HOMETELEPHONE, t3.WORKTELEPHONE, t3.INTERESTING, t3.personid
    from pnames t1, people t3, groups t4
    where t3.persongroup = t4.groupid
    and t1.personid = t3.personid
    I have no problem to run that query under sqlplus!

    I'm cuurently using the portal inside of 9iAs What version of that Portal? By the way, how can I find out the version of Portal that I using? And also can I display image inside of report which created by Portal? I tried statement:
    '<IMG SRC="'|| decode(IMAGE, '', SJAYARAM309.wwctx_api.get_image_path || 'noimg.jpg',
    owa_util.get_cgi_env('DOC_ACCESS_PATH') || '/' || IMAGE) ||'">' stu_pic,
    from stu
    However, it doesn't work. It came out error:
    Unable to describe SQL statement. Please correct it (WWV-13010)
    Invalid SQL statement: select '<IMG SRC="'|| decode(IMAGE, '', SJAYARAM309.wwctx_api.get_image_path || 'noimg.jpg', owa_util.get_cgi_env('DOC_ACCESS_PATH') || '/' || IMAGE) ||'">' pic from test (WWV-13005)
    ORA-01001: invalid cursor (WWV-11230)
    ORA-00904: invalid column name (WWV-11230)
    Failed to parse as SENTRYDB - select '<IMG SRC="'|| decode(IMAGE, '', SJAYARAM309.wwctx_api.get_image_path || 'noimg.jpg', owa_util.get_cgi_env('DOC_ACCESS_PATH') || '/' || IMAGE) ||'">' pic from test (WWV-08300)
    Do you know why?

  • Proxy to JDBC scenario need dynamic sql query for sender .

    Hi Experts,
    I am developing proxy to jdbc scenario. in this i need to pass dynamic sql query  whre we are passing classical method like below.
    while we are passing select stmt in constant and mapped with access field  and key field mapped with key field.
    MY requirement is like instead of passing select stmt in constant where i can generate dynamically and passed in one field and mapped with access field.

    Hi Ravinder,
    A simple UDF or use of graphical mapping functions in most cases should provide you everything you need to construct a dynamic SQL statement for your requirement.
    Ryan Crosby

  • WebBased SQL query builder

    I was wondering if there were any good sql query builders that I can add to my
    application. I found a jquery plugin called "Sqlquerybuilder" ( It's
    almost what I need but the saved queries will break if the schema changes since
    all of the table columns are stored as integers for point in an array.

    We are in the process of development of Web-based SQL query builder based on jQuery, you may see it's live demo at
    Initially developed for ASP.NET, it can be easily ported to JSF and ColdFusion in the near future as we already have server-side Java version.

  • Using CASE in a dynamic sql query

    I want to create a dynamic query using the CASE statement to replace the below 2 SQL statements:
    select 'create or replace synonym '|| SYNONYM_NAME || ' for '||TABLE_OWNER||'.'||TABLE_NAME||'@'||SUBSTR(db_link,1,30)||' ;' FROM USER_SYNONYMS where db_link is not null;
    select 'create or replace synonym '|| SYNONYM_NAME || ' for '||TABLE_OWNER||'.'||TABLE_NAME||' ;' FROM USER_SYNONYMS where db_link is null;
    So that i have a single select query which will give the create synonym statements for all with/without db links
    Using the CASE statement example like given below :
    FirstName, LastName,
    Salary, DOB,
    CASE Gender
    WHEN 'M' THEN 'Male'
    WHEN 'F' THEN 'Female'
    FROM Employees
    I am not getting how to write this CASE statement. Can someone guide me here?

    Kunwar wrote:
    I am a Junior Oracle DBA. I would like to master SQL & PL/SQL concepts & tricks. Please guide me some books (apart from the oracle documentation links) which will improve my SQL & PL-SQL skills which are very weak right now. Personnally I started with the Oracle Class Training SQL&PL/SQL, then did a loooooooooooot of reading on [url]AskTom (I even bought his book).
    Also I tried (and I'm still trying) to answer to SQL/PLSQL problematic on this forum, then tried to see and learn from what other gave as answers.
    I also spend and spent a lot of time in the Oracle Documentation. (I fear your "apart from the oracle documentation" to actually mean : apart reading the documentation)
    Kunwar wrote:
    TOAD alternative for create ddl statements for limited no. of objects
    You need to learn to use dbms_metadata. I gave you an example, use the documentation and some self-testing to make it do what you need.
    "Practice makes perfect"
    And as an hint : To become a SQL & PL/SQL Master, you should first start by forgetting Toad : The real tool for learning is SQL*Plus.
    Toad, as any tool, is only good in the hands of whom knows what they do and how things work.

  • A challenging dynamic SQL query problem

    hi All,
    I have a very interesting problem at work:
    We have this particular table defined as follows :
    CREATE TABLE sales_data (
    sales_id NUMBER,
    sales_m01 NUMBER,
    sales_m02 NUMBER,
    sales_m03 NUMBER,
    sales_m04 NUMBER,
    sales_m05 NUMBER,
    sales_m06 NUMBER,
    sales_m07 NUMBER,
    sales_m08 NUMBER,
    sales_m09 NUMBER,
    sales_m10 NUMBER,
    sales_m11 NUMBER,
    sales_m12 NUMBER,
    sales_prior_yr NUMBER );
    The columns 'sales_m01 ..... sales_m12' represents aggregated monthly sales, in which 'sales_m01' translates to 'sales for the month of january, january being the first month, 'sales_m02' sales for the month of february, and so on.
    The problem I face is that we have a project which requires that a parameter be passed to a stored procedure which stands for the month number which is then used to build a SQL query with the following required field aggregations, which depends on the parameter passed :
    Sample 1 : parameter input: 4
    Dynamically-built SQL query should be :
    SUM(sales_m04) as CURRENT_SALES,
    SUM(sales_m01+sales_m02+sales_m03+sales_m04) SALES_YTD
    sales_id = '0599768';
    Sample 2 : parameter input: 8
    Dynamically-built SQL query should be :
    SUM(sales_m08) as CURRENT_SALES,
    sales_m05+sales_m06+sales_m07+sales_m08) SALES_YTD
    sales_id = '0599768';
    So in a sense, the contents of SUM(sales_m01 ....n) would vary depending on the parameter passed, which should be a number between 1 .. 12 which corresponds to a month, which in turn corresponds to an actual field range on the table itself. The resulting dynamic query should only aggregate those columns/fields in the table which falls within the range given by the input parameter and disregards all the remaining columns/fields.
    Any solution is greatly appreciated.

    Hi another simpler approach is using decode
    try like this
    SQL> CREATE TABLE sales_data (
      2  sales_id NUMBER,
      3  sales_m01 NUMBER,
      4  sales_m02 NUMBER,
      5  sales_m03 NUMBER,
      6  sales_m04 NUMBER,
      7  sales_m05 NUMBER,
      8  sales_m06 NUMBER,
      9  sales_m07 NUMBER,
    10  sales_m08 NUMBER,
    11  sales_m09 NUMBER,
    12  sales_m10 NUMBER,
    13  sales_m11 NUMBER,
    14  sales_m12 NUMBER,
    15  sales_prior_yr NUMBER );
    Table created.
    SQL> select * from sales_data;
             1        124        123        145        146        124        126        178        189        456        235        234        789          19878
             2        124        123        145        146        124        126        178        189        456        235        234        789          19878
             1        100        200        300        400        500        150        250        350        450        550        600        700          10000
             1        101        201        301        401        501        151        251        351        451        551        601        701          10000----now for your requirement. see below query if there is some problem then tell.
    SQL> SELECT sum(sales_m&input_data), DECODE (&input_data,
      2                 1, SUM (sales_m01),
      3                 2, SUM (sales_m01 + sales_m02),
      4                 3, SUM (sales_m01 + sales_m02 + sales_m03),
      5                 4, SUM (sales_m01 + sales_m02 + sales_m03 + sales_m04),
      6                 5, SUM (sales_m01 + sales_m02 + sales_m03 + sales_m04 + sales_m05),
      7                 6, SUM (sales_m01 + sales_m02 + sales_m03 + sales_m04+sales_m05+sales_m06),
      8                 7, SUM (sales_m01 + sales_m02 + sales_m03 + sales_m04+sales_m05+sales_m06+sales_m07),
      9                 8, SUM (sales_m01 + sales_m02 + sales_m03 + sales_m04+sales_m05+sales_m06+sales_m07+sales_m08),
    10                 9, SUM (sales_m01 + sales_m02 + sales_m03 + sales_m04+sales_m05+sales_m06+sales_m07+sales_m08+sales_m09),
    11                 10,SUM (sales_m01 + sales_m02 + sales_m03 + sales_m04+sales_m05+sales_m06+sales_m07+sales_m08+sales_m09+sales_m10),
    12                 11,SUM (sales_m01 + sales_m02 + sales_m03 + sales_m04+sales_m05+sales_m06+sales_m07+sales_m08+sales_m09+sales_m10+sales_m11),
    13                 12,SUM (sales_m01 + sales_m02 + sales_m03 + sales_m04+sales_m05+sales_m06+sales_m07+sales_m08+sales_m09+sales_m10+sales_m11+sales_m12)
    14                ) total
    15    FROM sales_data
    16   WHERE sales_id = 1;
    Enter value for input_data: 08
    Enter value for input_data: 08
    old   1: SELECT sum(sales_m&input_data), DECODE (&input_data,
    new   1: SELECT sum(sales_m08), DECODE (08,
    SUM(SALES_M08)      TOTAL
               890       5663

  • Selection screen - search help with dynamic sql query

    hey ,
    is it possible to change the search help of the selection field ?
    when i create the range table i put a data element :
    create a range table that consists of this new data element
    can i control the search help via the the data element or by other methods ?
    i want that when the user press F4 the values that will show is the result of a sql query that i will write .
    is it possible ?

    yes it is possible...
    This is my test code for say personal number select options...
    lt_range_table = wd_this->m_handler->create_range_table(
      i_typename = 'PERSNO' ).
    add a new field to the selection
      i_id = 'PERSNO'
    I_VALUE_HELP_TYPE = if_wd_value_help_handler=>CO_PREFIX_SEARCHHELP
    I_VALUE_HELP_ID = 'ZHELP_WDA_PERNR'   "this is the custom search help we need to create
    I_NO_INTERVALS = abap_true
      it_result = lt_range_table
      i_read_only = read_only ).
    do the following:
    1) copy the std function module: ZF4IF_SHLP_EXIT_pernr (in my case i am testing for pernr so my fm
    name is like that....obviously it can be anything you want...under the recommended naming convention)
    2) look for "STEP SELECT"
    STEP SELECT    (Select values)
    3)write the code as follows:
    "NOTE: this is my testing code...but you can build your logic on it....
    types: begin of zpri_listing,
    pernr type PERSNO,
    end of zfund_listing.
    DATA: lo_syuname TYPE sy-uname.
    data itab type standard table of Zpri_LISTING.
    data wa type zpri_listing.
        DATA : t_fields LIKE TABLE OF shlp_tab-fielddescr.
        DATA : w_fields LIKE LINE OF shlp_tab-fielddescr.
        DATA : l_fname TYPE dfies-lfieldname.
        IF lo_syuname <> sy-uname.  "means we were here before and ITAB is retains its data values...unless refresh happens
    "this if condition make sure that we do not do this select all the time as long as the same user is logged in...
    "a user can press f4 many might want to enhance this logic a little bit more for performance
          lo_syuname = sy-uname.
    ))))))))))))))HERE DO YOUR SELECT(((((((((((((((((((((
    select pernr from "sometable" into table itab.
        LOOP AT shlp_tab.
          LOOP AT shlp_tab-fielddescr INTO w_fields.
            l_fname = w_fields-fieldname.
                parameter               = w_fields-fieldname
              OFF_SOURCE              = 0
              LEN_SOURCE              = 0
              VALUE                   =
               fieldname               = l_fname
                shlp_tab                = shlp_tab
                record_tab              = record_tab
                source_tab              =  itab
                shlp                    = shlp
                callcontrol             = callcontrol
               parameter_unknown       = 1
               OTHERS                  = 2
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          callcontrol-step = 'DISP'.
          callcontrol-step = 'EXIT'.
        EXIT. "Don't process STEP DISP additionally in this call.
    4) save and activate this function module...
    5) go to se11 and create "Elementary srch hlp"....
    6) fill out all the necessary fields...i am assuming that you already know how to create the search helps...
    look for this field: "Search help exit" and put your function name which you created in the above steps...
    in this example i have: ZF4IF_SHLP_EXIT_pernr....
    7) create and activate the search help....
    hope this helps...i just tested this and it is working for me....

  • SQL Query Builder Error

    I'm trying to build a data model based on data on our server. I've created a Data Set in SQL using the Query Builder, but when I go to save, I receive this error message:      
    [Hyperion][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Invalid object name 'CMPROJ.DBO.ISDT'.
    Does this have anything to do with accessing my server? Any suggestions?
    Many Thanks.

    Sorry but this has nothing to do with this thread - aimed for questions around Oracle Communications Data Model, the Enterprise Data Warehouse for Telcos available as DB option.
    You might want to ask your question to the BIapps folks/Hyperion Thread. If still interested by "building" a data model for comms, you'd better save time and get something pre-built like OCDM...

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