Proxy to JDBC scenario need dynamic sql query for sender .

Hi Experts,
I am developing proxy to jdbc scenario. in this i need to pass dynamic sql query  whre we are passing classical method like below.
while we are passing select stmt in constant and mapped with access field  and key field mapped with key field.
MY requirement is like instead of passing select stmt in constant where i can generate dynamically and passed in one field and mapped with access field.

Hi Ravinder,
A simple UDF or use of graphical mapping functions in most cases should provide you everything you need to construct a dynamic SQL statement for your requirement.
Ryan Crosby

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    Hi everyone,
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    Now I'm not very experienced with Apex or Oracle sql, but could anyone telll me how to first check if a user filled in a field and then build a query based upon what field the user filled in to submit.
    Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
    Edited by: Cleopatra on Jan 18, 2011 5:51 AM

    Hi, Cleopatra. Welcome to OTN!
    If you don't have too many fields instead of checking to see if they're filled in you can use OR conditions in yoru WHERE_CLAUSE to check for NULLS to ignore NULLS, something like (you will have to test this carefully!)
    AND some_column = NVL(:P24_1,some_column)the idea being that if the field is NULL then the column will match itself - in this case assuming the column itself does not have a null value

  • Need the sql query for IN clause.

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    i have item data like --
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    Edited by: anbarasan on Oct 17, 2011 10:30 PM

    Please consider the following when you post a question. This would help us help you better
    1. New features keep coming in every oracle version so please provide Your Oracle DB Version to get the best possible answer.
    You can use the following query and do a copy past of the output.
    select * from v$version 2. This forum has a very good Search Feature. Please use that before posting your question. Because for most of the questions
    that are asked the answer is already there.
    3. We dont know your DB structure or How your Data is. So you need to let us know. The best way would be to give some sample data like this.
    I have the following table called sales
    with sales
          select 1 sales_id, 1 prod_id, 1001 inv_num, 120 qty from dual
          union all
          select 2 sales_id, 1 prod_id, 1002 inv_num, 25 qty from dual
    select *
      from sales 4. Rather than telling what you want in words its more easier when you give your expected output.
    For example in the above sales table, I want to know the total quantity and number of invoice for each product.
    The output should look like this
    Prod_id   sum_qty   count_inv
    1         145       2 5. When ever you get an error message post the entire error message. With the Error Number, The message and the Line number.
    6. Next thing is a very important thing to remember. Please post only well formatted code. Unformatted code is very hard to read.
    Your code format gets lost when you post it in the Oracle Forum. So in order to preserve it you need to
    use the {noformat}{noformat} tags.
    The usage of the tag is like this.
    <place your code here>\
    7. If you are posting a *Performance Related Question*. Please read
       {thread:id=501834} and {thread:id=863295}.
       Following those guide will be very helpful.
    8. Please keep in mind that this is a public forum. Here No question is URGENT.
       So use of words like *URGENT* or *ASAP* (As Soon As Possible) are considered to be rude.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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    insert table @tbl values (2, 'val2', 6)
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    insert table @tbl values (3, 'val2', 8)
    insert table @tbl values (4, 'val1', 8)

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    declare @tbl table (uid int, name varchar(10), id int)
    insert @tbl values (1, 'val1', 6)
    insert @tbl values (2, 'val2', 6)
    insert @tbl values (3, 'val2', 8)
    insert @tbl values (3, 'val10', 8)
    insert @tbl values (4, 'val1', 8)
    insert @tbl values (5, 'val2', 7)
    insert @tbl values (6, 'val1', 10)
    insert @tbl values (6, 'val24', 11)
    SELECT *
    FROM @tbl t
    SELECT 1
    FROM @tbl
    WHERE id =
    GROUP BY id
    HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN name IN ('val1','val2') THEN name END) = 2
    and name IN ('val1','val2')
    uid name id
    1 val1 6
    2 val2 6
    3 val2 8
    4 val1 8
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • Need generic dynamic sql query to generate nodes depending on dealer levels

    Input table:
    create table #test(dealerid integer ,dealerlvl integer)
    insert into #test values(1,1)
    insert into #test values(1,2)
    insert into #test values(1,3)
    insert into #test values(1,4)
    insert into #test values(2,1)
    insert into #test values(2,2)
    insert into #test values(2,3)
    insert into #test values(2,4)
    insert into #test values(2,5)
    insert into #test values(2,6)
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    insert into #test2 values (1,238,123,2)
    insert into #test2 values (1,235,238,3)
    insert into #test2 values (1,253,235,4)
    insert into #test2 values (2,21674,124,3)
    insert into #test2 values (2,1233,21674,1)
    insert into #test2 values (2,2144,1233,2)
    insert into #test2 values (2,2354,2144,3)
    insert into #test2 values (2,24353,2354,4)
    insert into #test2 values (2,245213,24353,5)
    insert into #test2 values (2,2213,245213,6)
    Expected result :
    I have two test case here with dealerID1 and dealerID 2 
    Result for DealerID1
    Result needed for DealerID2:
    the levels for dealers might change (Dealer1 has 4 levels, and Dealer 2 has 6 levels) so i need to create an dynamic sql query which lists each node as separate columns depending on the levels. 
    I have hacked the query to give the result I need 
    select a.dealerid,a.node as Lvl1,b.node as lvl2,c.node as lvl3,d.node as lvl4
    from #test2 a 
    join #test2 b on a.node=b.prntnode
    join #test2 c on b.node=c.prntnode
    join #test2 d on c.node=d.prntnode
    where a.dealerid=1 and a.dealerlvl=2
    select  a.dealerid,a.node asLvl1,
    b.node as lvl2,c.node as lvl3,d.node as lvl4,e.node as lvl5,f.node as lvl6--,a.dealerlvl,a.dealerid
    from #test2 a 
    join #test2 b on a.node=b.prntnode
    join #test2 c on b.node=c.prntnode
    join #test2 d on c.node=d.prntnode
    join #test2 e on d.node=e.prntnode
    join #test2 f on e.node=f.prntnode
    where a.dealerid=2 and a.dealerlvl=3
    I am sure there is a better way to do this with dynamic sql. please help.

    -- Dynamic PIVOT
       @cols AS NVARCHAR(MAX),
       @y    AS INT,
       @sql  AS NVARCHAR(MAX);
    -- Construct the column list for the IN clause
     SET @cols = STUFF(
       (SELECT N',' + QUOTENAME(y) AS [text()]
        FROM (SELECT DISTINCT dealerlvl AS y FROM dbo.test2) AS Y
        ORDER BY y
        FOR XML PATH('')),
       1, 1, N'');
    -- Construct the full T-SQL statement
     -- and execute dynamically
     SET @sql = N'SELECT *
     FROM (SELECT dealerid, dealerlvl, node
           FROM dbo.Test2) AS D
       PIVOT(MAX(node) FOR dealerlvl IN(' + @cols + N')) AS P;';
    EXEC sp_executesql @sql;

  • Build dynamic SQL query in Database Adapter.

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement to build dynamic sql query at Database Adapter.
    My BPEL process is getting search spec as input from siebel. I need to process this searchspec in BPEL and need to build the SQL query dynamically at Database Adapter to fetch the records from DB.
    it goes like this....
    1. Sieble Search Spec: city1 OR city2 OR city3 OR city4 .....
    I need to build query as
    select * from S_ADDR_PER where city like 'city1' OR city like 'city2' OR city like 'city3' OR city like 'city4' ......
    2. Siebel Search spec: city1 AND country1 AND state1....
    I need to build query as
    Select * from S_ADDR_PER where city like 'city1' AND country like 'country1' AND state like 'state1' ....
    3. Siebel Search spec: state
    I need to build query as
    select * from S_ADDR_PER where state like '%state%';
    Is it feasible in Database Adapter? if its Yes.
    Any guidelines to achieve this?
    Thank you

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement to build dynamic sql query at Database Adapter.
    My BPEL process is getting search spec as input from siebel. I need to process this searchspec in BPEL and need to build the SQL query dynamically at Database Adapter to fetch the records from DB.
    it goes like this....
    1. Sieble Search Spec: city1 OR city2 OR city3 OR city4 .....
    I need to build query as
    select * from S_ADDR_PER where city like 'city1' OR city like 'city2' OR city like 'city3' OR city like 'city4' ......
    2. Siebel Search spec: city1 AND country1 AND state1....
    I need to build query as
    Select * from S_ADDR_PER where city like 'city1' AND country like 'country1' AND state like 'state1' ....
    3. Siebel Search spec: state
    I need to build query as
    select * from S_ADDR_PER where state like '%state%';
    Is it feasible in Database Adapter? if its Yes.
    Any guidelines to achieve this?
    Thank you

  • Dynamic SQL Query to Find Special Characters in Table columns

    I am new to OTN FORUMS.
    I am trying to find the columnsi of a table which have special characters in them.
    I am planning on using this query
    select ' select INSTR('||column_name||', chr(0))
    from '||table_name||'where INSTR('||column_name||', chr(0)) >0' from user_tab_columns
    where table_name='Account'
    and spool the output to run as a script.
    Is this the right way or do u suggest any modifications to the query?
    Thanks in advance.

    I think your basic approach is right. Since you can't hard-code the table- or column names into the query, you'll need dynamic SQL.
    Instead SQL-from-SQL (that is, writing a pure SQL query, whose output is SQL code), you could do the whole job in PL/SQL, but I don't see any huge advantage either way.
    When you say "Special character<b>s</b>", do you really mean "one given special character" (in this case, CHR(0))?
    Will you ever want to search for multiple special characters at once?
    What if table foo has a column bar, and in 1000 rows of foo, bar contains CHR (0). Do you want 1000 rows of output, each showing the exact position of the first CHR(0)? If the purpose is to look at theese rows later, shouldn't you include the primary key in the output? What if CHR(0) occurs 2 or more times in the same string?
    If you'd rather have one row of output, that simply says that the column sometimes contains a CHR(0), then you could do something like this:
    SELECT     'foo',     'bar'
    FROM     dual
    WHERE     EXISTS (
                SELECT  NULL
                FROM       foo
                WHERE       INSTR ( bar
                            , CHR (0)
                        ) > 0

  • Flash chart with dynamic sql query does not display

    In my schema SIVOA I have a lot of tables declared like this :
       (     "CLEF_VAR" NUMBER(4,0),
         "DATE1" DATE,
         "VALEUR" NUMBER(16,8) Only the last part of the name changes "xxxx". For example E009, E019, etc....
    I am making a chart page with report and want the user to select a name of a table and I will display using dynamic sql query, the table report and chart.
    P184_ENAME is a select list returning the last part of the name of the table, fro example 'E009', 'E019', etc.
    P8_CLEF_VAR is an item containing a value. This value is a key retrieved like this :SELECT CLEF_VAR
    WHERE SITE = :P184_ENAMEI built a classic report using a sql dynamic function :DECLARE
    x VARCHAR2 (4000);
    || UPPER(:p184_ename)
    || ' WHERE CLEF_VAR = :p8_clef_var' ;
    RETURN (x);
    END;:p8_clef_var is an itme containing the value '4544'.
    This works perfectly fine !
    When I use this sql fucytion into a flash chart it does not work. I get this message "No data found".
    I do not understand why a the report get a result and not the chart !
    But if i hard-code the number of the CLEF_VAR instead of fetching it from :p8_clef_var I get a nice chart ! Go figure !DECLARE
    x VARCHAR2 (4000);
    || UPPER(:p184_ename)
    || ' WHERE CLEF_VAR = 4544 ' ;
    RETURN (x);
    I cannot stay with the key (CLEF_VAR) hard-coded unformtunately !
    My question is how to get the chart displaying properly ??
    Thank you for your kind answers.

    Using your request, with the classic report I get results (data), but I get the same message with the Flash chart : "No data found" ! I don't know how to investigate this. i tried many things but nothing works.
    PS I tried this :
       X   VARCHAR2 (4000);
          || UPPER (:p184_ename) ||
          ' WHERE CLEF_VAR = '
          || :p8_clef_var ||
          ' AND DATE1 BETWEEN TO_DATE ('''
    ||:P8_DATE_DEBUT||''', ''DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI'') AND TO_DATE ('''
    ||:P8_DATE_FIN||''', ''DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI'')'
    RETURN (X);
    END; But it does not work either. I could find that the SLQ syntax generated is good becaus I put it into an item which display the return done by the pls/sql.
    What is sttange also with the classic report is that if I do click on next or previous to see another rows, I get the message "No data found". If I try to export the report I get an excel file with "No data fouid".
    Does anybody already tried my "need" here ? i find strange thant I should not be the firs one trying to get a report an tables which name would be "dynamic".
    Tahnk you.
    Edited by: Christian from France on Feb 13, 2009 3:05 AM

  • JDBC Scenario need inputs

    hello friends,
    I have scenario, Proxy - XI - JDBC.
    i need to make a scheduled insert to the database. But i can make the insert only if the the status is yes in another table.
    table - status table -> contains status whether i can insert or not
    table - contact table -> need to insert data only if yes in the status table.
    can we achieve this without BPM. Can we use JDBC lookup to solve this. We are using PI 7.
    Please provide valuable inputs.

    can we achieve this without BPM. Can we use JDBC lookup to solve this. We are using PI 7.
    The answer to both questions is yes. Probably you might be using the lookup api for your requirement. See blog below:
    It would also help if your scenario is synchronous (since you are doing inserts) and this would eliminate the retry mechanism in async messages.
    Hope this helps,

  • Best way to spool DYNAMIC SQL query to file from PL/SQL

    Best way to spool DYNAMIC SQL query to file from PL/SQL [Package], not SqlPlus
    I'm looking for suggestions on how to create an output file (fixed width and comma delimited) from a SELECT that is dynamically built. Basically, I've got some tables that are used to define the SELECT and to describe the output format. For instance, one table has the SELECT while another is used to defined the column "formats" (e.g., Column Order, Justification, FormatMask, Default value, min length, ...). The user has an app that they can use to customize the output...which leaving the gathering of the data untouched. I'm trying to keep this formatting and/or default logic out of the actual query. This lead me into a problem.
    Example query :
    WHERE CONTRACT_ID = <<value>>Customization Table:
    CONTRACT_ID : 2,Numeric,Right
    PV_ID : 1,Numeric,Mask(0000)
    START_DATE : 3,Date,Mask(mm/dd/yyyy)The first value is the kicker (ColumnOrder) as well as the fact that the number of columns is dynamic. Technically, if I could use SqlPlus...then I could just use SPOOL. However, I'm not.
    So basically, I'm trying to build a generic routine that can take a SQL string execute the SELECT and map the output using data from another table to a file.
    Any suggestions?

    You could build the select statement within PL/SQL and open it using a cursor variable. You could write it to a file using the package 'UTL_FILE'. If you want to display the output using SQL*Plus, you could have an out parameter as a ref cursor.

  • Build stored procedure from a dynamic SQL query

    I have the following method, that receives a string from a textbox and creates a dynamic select command. Since I am using a dataSet I cannot execute a dynamic SQL query by calling a method of a strongly-typed dataset (.xsd). I have been told that the best
    way to do this is to pass an array of values to the stored procedure.
    But I have no clue how to build the stored procedure.
    string[] allWords = txtSearch.Text.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
    string sql = "SELECT Books.ISBN, Books.Title, Books.Tag, Books.Image, Books.photoType, Publishers.Name AS publisherName FROM Books INNER JOIN Publishers ON Books.codPublisher = Publishers.codPublisher WHERE ";
    using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand())
    for (int i = 0; i < allWords.Length; ++i)
    if (i > 0)
    sql += "OR ";
    string paramName = "@param" + i.ToString();
    sql += string.Format("(Books.Title LIKE {0}) ", paramName);
    command.Parameters.AddWithValue(paramName, allWords[i] + "%");
    command.CommandText = sql;
    //execute the SQL query against the db...

    After hours around this, I have came with this solution.
    private SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection();
    private System.Data.DataSet dataSet = new System.Data.DataSet();
    private System.Data.DataTable dataTable;
    private System.Data.DataRow dataRow;
    private SqlCommand search(string searchParam, int searchOption)
    SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();
    string sql;
    string[] allWords = searchParam.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
    if (searchOption == 1)
    sql = "SELECT Livros.ISBN, Livros.Titulo, Livros.Tema, Livros.Resumo, Livros.Imagem, Livros.fotoTipo, Editoras.Nome AS nomeEditora FROM Livros INNER JOIN Editoras ON Livros.codEditora = Editoras.codEditora WHERE ";
    sql = "SELECT Livros.ISBN, Livros.Titulo, Livros.Tema, Livros.Resumo, Livros.Imagem, Livros.fotoTipo, Editoras.Nome AS nomeEditora FROM Livros INNER JOIN livrosAutores ON Livros.ISBN = livrosAutores.ISBN INNER JOIN Autores ON livrosAutores.idAutor = Autores.idAutor INNER JOIN Editoras ON Livros.codEditora = Editoras.codEditora WHERE ";
    using (command)
    for (int i = 0; i < allWords.Length; ++i)
    if (i > 0)
    sql += "OR ";
    if (searchOption == 1)
    sql += string.Format("(Livros.Titulo LIKE '%{0}%') ", allWords[i]);
    sql += string.Format("(Livros.Autor LIKE '%{0}%') ", allWords[i]);
    command.CommandText = sql;
    return command;
    protected void Bind()
    sqlConn.ConnectionString = Properties.Settings.Default.BibliotecaConnectionString;
    string connectionString = sqlConn.ConnectionString.ToString();
    SqlDataAdapter sqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(search(searchText, searchOption).CommandText, connectionString);
    sqlDataAdapter.Fill(dataSet, "livrosTitulo");
    dataTable = dataSet.Tables["livrosTitulo"];
    dataGrid.DataContext = dataTable.DefaultView;

  • SSRS - Stored procedure with Dynamic SQL Query

    Am calling stored procedure in SSRS report.  I have used Dynamic SQL query in stored procedure as I don't know the column name and column count.  And I have used like below at end of the stored procedure "select * from ##temptable".
    As I have used dynamic column, am not able to create report with this stored procedure.  Can someone help me out to resolve this issue.
    It will be highly appreciated if I get help. 

    I have tried everything.  But nothing has worked out. 
    If I get solution for below issue, it would be highly appreciated.
    "An error occurred during local report processing.
    The definition of the repport 'Main Report' is invalid.
    The report defintion is not valid.  Details: The report definition has an invalid target namespace '' which cannot be upgraded.
    I would suggest you post the complete error message to us for further investigation, if you preview the report before you deploy you may get a more detailed error that will help diagnose the source of the problem.
    This issue is more related to SQL Server Reporting Services, it's more appropriate to discuss it in the forum below:
    Don't forget to elaborate your issue with more detail.
    For the manual column, it might be the calculated field in SSRS. Here is the article for your reference, please see:
    Elvis Long
    TechNet Community Support

  • Need a SQL query(Pls Its urgent)

    I want a SQL query for the foll..
    Details r below..
    Table AFPFTRAN
    BU TRansactiondate Amt
    13202 10-04-05 10,000
    13203 11-05-05 20,000
    13202 20-04-05 5,000
    Table AFGENCOD
    BU Clerk Name Clerk Code
    13202 Amit TFBG
    13203 Anand TFMG
    I want a query to get data as below..
    Tr Date TFBG TFMG
    Apr 15,000 0
    May 0 20,000
    JUn 0 0
    Jul 0 0
    I want this to achieve using a single query...?How can I achive this?
    Pls give the sol...
    Prashanth Deshmukh

    Does it look like you need ?
    SQL> select * from t;
            BU TDATE           AMT
         13202 10.04.05      10000
         13203 11.05.05      20000
         13202 20.04.05       5000
    SQL> select * from t1;
            BU NAME  CODE
         13202 Amit  TFBG
         13203 Anand TFMG
    SQL> SELECT pivot_month.mname, tops.TFBG, tops.TFMG
      2  from
      3  (
      4  select to_char(t.tdate,'MM') month_no,
      5  sum(decode(t1.code,'TFBG',t.amt,0)) TFBG,
      6  sum(decode(t1.code,'TFMG',t.amt,0)) TFMG
      7  from t1, t
      8  where t.bu=t1.bu
      9  and to_char(t.tdate,'yyyy') = 2005
    10  GROUP BY t1.code, to_char(t.tdate,'MM')
    11  ) tops,
    12  (select rownum mn, to_char(to_date(rownum,'MM'),'MON') mname,
    13  case when rownum between 1 and 3 then rownum + 9
    14  else rownum - 3 end rn
    15  from dict where rownum < 13) pivot_month
    16  where = tops.month_no (+)
    17  order by pivot_month.rn
    18  /
    MNA       TFBG       TFMG
    APR      15000          0
    MAY          0      20000
    12 rows selected.Rgds.

  • PROXY TO JDBC scenario

    Hi All,
    I am working on PROXY to JDBC scenario upto yesterday its working fine.
    Today I, am getting "Time limit exceeded" error in QRFC monitoring  and message showing with GREEN COLOUR FLAG (RECORDE) in PI SXMB_MONI.
    Please help me to salvoes this error.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi All,
    First of all thanks for all your early replays....
    "TIME LIMIT EXCEEDED" QRFC Problem is indicates that when we processing large volume of messages to external or internal systems in this case specified time limit in SM59 is not enough to process the message so that please increase TIMEOUTS...TIME LIMIT EXCEEDED error will be solved.
    With Regards,

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