Creating a LIb file using NWDS

can anyone please guide me how to create a library file , we are using NWDI for our development purpose.The objective is to put all jars file inside one component and then use them globally.
I have posted the same in portal forum , points will be rewarded for any help which is provided.

Hi Rakesh,
                Do the following steps:
1. Create an External Library DC with NWDS.
2. Put all the jar files in the 'libraries' folder of th DC.
3. Create two public parts for the DC.
    3.1 Right click each jar file and select 'Development Component' -> 'Add to public part'.
    3.2 NWDS will prompt to create a public part. Give a name for the public part and select the first option ('Provides an API for developing/compiling other DCs')
   3.3 Click finish.
4. After finishing step3 for all jars, again right click on each jar and select 'Development Component' -> 'Add to public part'.
5. A new dialaog box will be opened, prompting to select a public part or to create a public part.
6. Create a new public part, but this time select the second option ('Can be packaged into other build results')
7. Add all subsequent to jar files to this new public part.
8. Once finished build the DC.
9. Now create a J2EE Server Component-> Library DC.
10. Go to 'DC MetaData->DC Definition-> Used DCs'
11. Right click 'Used DCs' and select 'Add used DC'.
12. Select the two public parts of the External DC created earlier.
13. Build and Deploy the new DC.
Now to access the jar files in any components, just add the public part of the J2EE server library DC to other components.
Thanks and Regards,

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    Hello everybody,
    I successfully create SAP JCA Connector project for .java / .class files.
    When I try to use ResourceBundle in connector project, it isn't exported to JAR / RAR / EAR files.
    What should I do?
    The only builders are:
    * org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder
    * org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.builder
    * org.eclipse.wst.validation.validationbuilder
    When I try to export connector project to SAP RAR file, I can switch between binary-only or binary with sources, not any checkbox for *.properties.
    Thank you in advance for any point.

    Here patching info.
    Source getting script:
    echo off
    set JAR=C:\NWDSsp12.p3\plugins\%JN%
    set FERN=C:\sap\fernflower.jar
    set UNZIP="C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"
    java -jar %FERN% %JAR%  .
    mkdir src\com\sap\ide\j2ee\servicelayer\archive
    %UNZIP% x %JN% com\sap\ide\j2ee\servicelayer\archive\BuildRar*java
    move com\sap\ide\j2ee\servicelayer\archive\BuildRar*java src\com\sap\ide\j2ee\servicelayer\archive\
    rmdir /s/q com
    echo **************************************************************************
    echo *                                                                        *
    echo *                                                                        *
    echo *                                                                        *
    echo * Now fix BuildRar.createArchiveDescriptorForProjectWithPattern() method *
    echo * look for "if(sAddJavaFiles)" condition                                *
    echo *                                                                        *
    echo * if (sAddJavaFiles)                            =: if (true)            *
    echo * IPattern javaPattern = Pattern.getPattern(2); =: .getPattern(3)        *
    echo *                                                                        *
    echo **************************************************************************
    Classpath file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <classpathentry kind="src" path="src"/>
    <classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/JavaSE-1.6"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.common_3.5.1.R35x_v20090807-1100.jar"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/org.eclipse.core.jobs_3.4.100.v20090429-1800.jar"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources_3.5.2.R35x_v20091203-1235.jar"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime_3.5.0.v20090525.jar"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/com.tssap.util.core_2.0.0.140801063136.jar"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/com.tssap.util.trace_1.0.0.140801063136.jar"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/com.tssap.tools_2.0.0.140801063136/lib/com.tssap.tools_api.jar"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/com.tssap.util.sdk.ui_2.0.0.140801063136/lib/com.tssap.util.sdk.ui_api.jar"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core_3.5.2.v_981_R35x.jar"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.j2ee_1.1.302.v201004131604.jar"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/org.eclipse.jem.workbench_2.0.201.v200911302230.jar"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/org.eclipse.jem.util_2.0.201.v201001252130.jar"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench_3.5.2.M20100113-0800.jar"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.core_1.1.301.v200911302230.jar"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/org.eclipse.jface_3.5.2.M20100120-0800.jar"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring_3.5.0.v20090513-2000.jar"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/org.eclipse.wst.common.modulecore_1.1.301.v201001252130.jar"/>
    <classpathentry kind="var" path="ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core_1.4.1.v200911141735.jar"/>
    <classpathentry kind="output" path="bin"/>
    @echo off
    set JAR=C:\NWDSsp12.p3\plugins\%JN%
    set ZIP="C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"
    set BLD=bin\com\sap\ide\j2ee\servicelayer\archive
    copy/b %JAR% .
    cd bin && %ZIP% a ..\%JN% com\sap\ide\j2ee\servicelayer\archive\*class
    echo **************************************************************************
    echo * Now replace:
    echo * %JAR%
    echo * with with .\%JN%
    echo **************************************************************************
    Attached: some scripts and project files.
    Also see NWDS_PatchRAR at google disc.

  • Trying to create a certificate file using keytool -help!

    Hi, I've followed a series of instructions using Terminal to create a certificate. Terminal produced a file and when i open it using Text Edit its about 20 lines long worth of code. I was hoping it would provide a certificate I could use. Maybe it has, I just don't know what I'm looking for!
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    I'm totally stuck here. Please help!

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    Thanks or your help
    (Mac OS) Create a certificate file using Keytool
    Open Terminal, which is located in the Applications > Utilities folder.
    Type (or paste) the following line (replace “myname.key.p12” with the actual name of your certificate):
    keytool -genkey -v -keystore myname.key.p12 -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -storetype pkcs12 -validity 10000
    Specifying “10000” sets the expiration date after 22 October 2033.
    Enter and reenter a password. Until the Viewer Builder supports the creation of custom Android apps, it's necessary to share this password with Adobe. Create a password that you can share.
    Follow the prompts to specify the certificate information.
    When prompted to confirm choices, enter yes, and then press Return to use the same password.
    A certificate is created in your prompt location, such as your user name folder. Copy this certificate file to a known location. Write down the password as well.

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  • How to create new XML file using retreived XML content by using SAX API?

    hi all,
    * How to create new XML file using retreived XML content by using SAX ?
    * I have tried my level best, but output is coming invalid format, my code is follows, class :-
    import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
    import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
    import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException;
    import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
    import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
    import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMResult;
    import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource;
    import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXTransformerFactory;
    import javax.xml.transform.sax.TransformerHandler;
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
    import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLFilterImpl;
    public class PdfParser extends XMLFilterImpl {
        private TransformerHandler handler;
        Document meta_data;
        private StringWriter meta_data_text = new StringWriter();
        public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
        void startValidation() throws SAXException {
            StreamResult streamResult = new StreamResult(meta_data_text);
            SAXTransformerFactory factory = (SAXTransformerFactory) SAXTransformerFactory.newInstance();
                handler = factory.newTransformerHandler();
                Transformer transformer = handler.getTransformer();
                transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "UTF-8");
                transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
            catch (TransformerConfigurationException tce)
                System.out.println("Error during the parse :"+ tce.getMessageAndLocation());
        public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName,
                String qualifiedName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException {
            handler.startElement(namespaceURI, localName, qualifiedName, atts);
            super.startElement(namespaceURI, localName, qualifiedName, atts);
        public void characters(char[] text, int start, int length)
                throws SAXException {
            handler.characters(text, start, length);
            super.characters(text, start, length);
        public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName,
                String qualifiedName) throws SAXException {
            super.endElement("", localName, qualifiedName);
            handler.endElement("", localName, qualifiedName);
        public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
        void endValidation() throws SAXException {
            try {
                TransformerFactory transfactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
                Transformer trans = transfactory.newTransformer();
                SAXSource sax_source = new SAXSource(new InputSource(new StringReader(meta_data_text.toString())));
                DOMResult dom_result = new DOMResult();
                trans.transform(sax_source, dom_result);
                meta_data = (Document) dom_result.getNode();
            catch (TransformerConfigurationException tce) {
                System.out.println("Error occurs during the parse :"+ tce.getMessageAndLocation());
            catch (TransformerException te) {
                System.out.println("Error in result transformation :"+ te.getMessageAndLocation());
    } class :-
    Sax.startElement("", "pdf", "pdf", new AttributesImpl());
    Sax.startElement("", "basic-metadata", "basic-metadata", new AttributesImpl());          
    String xmp_str = new String(meta_data.getByteArray(),"UTF8");
    char[] xmp_arr = xmp_str.toCharArray();
    Sax.characters(xmp_arr, 0, xmp_arr.length);
    Sax.endElement("", "pdf", "pdf");
    Sax.endElement("", "basic-metadata", "basic-metadata");* In
    class, I have retreived the xml content in the meta_data object, after that i have converted into character array and this will be sends to SAX
    * In this case , the XML file created successfully but the retreived XML content added as an text in between basic-metadata Element, that is, retreived XML content
    is not an XML type text, it just an Normal text Why that ?
    * Please help me what is the problem in my code?

    Sax.startElement("", "pdf", "pdf", new AttributesImpl());
    Sax.startElement("", "basic-metadata", "basic-metadata", new AttributesImpl());          
    String xmp_str = new String(meta_data.getByteArray(),"UTF8");
    char[] xmp_arr = xmp_str.toCharArray();
    Sax.characters(xmp_arr, 0, xmp_arr.length);
    </code><code>Sax.endElement("", "basic-metadata", "basic-metadata");</code>
    <code class="jive-code jive-java">Sax.endElement("", "pdf", "pdf");

  • I was given an assingment, but have no idea where to begin. The assingment is to create a text file using notepad with all of my digital inputs and some how make those imputs show up on my digital indicators on my control pannel

    I was given an assingment, but have no idea where to begin. The assingment is to create a text file using notepad with all of my digital inputs and some how make those imputs show up on my digital indicators on my control pannel.
    When it was explained to me it didn't sound to hard of a task, I have no LabVIEW experience and the tutortial sucks.

    StevenD: FYI, I did NOT give you the one star rating. I would never do that!
    StevenD wrote:
    Ow. Someone is grumpy today.
    Well, this is an assignment, so it is probably homework.
    Why else would anyone give HIM such an assigment, after all he has no LabVIEW experience and the tutorials are too hard for him?
    This would make no sense unless all of it was just covered in class!
    This is not a free homework service with instant gratification.
    OK! Let's do it step by step. I assume you already have a VI with the digital indicators.
    "...but have no idea where to begin".
    open notepad.
    decide on a format, possibly one line per indicator.
    type the document.
    close notepad.
    open LabVIEW.
    Open the existing VI with all the indicators.
    (are you still following?)
    look at the diagram.
    Who made the program?
    Does the code make sense so far?
    Is it a statemachine or just a bunch of crisscrossed wires?
    Where do you want to add the file read?
    How should the file be read (after pressing a read button, at the start of the program ,etc.)
    See how far you get!
    Message Edited by altenbach on 06-24-2008 11:23 AM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • How to Create a Flat File using FTP/File Adapter

    Can any body done workaround on creating the Flat file using FTP/File Adapter?.
    I need to create a simple FlatFile either using of delimiter/Fixed length. using the above said adapters we can create XML file, i tried concatinating all the values into a single String and writing into a file, but it does not have proper structure
    Can any body help me out on this..

    You can create a text schema while creating a File Adapter. If schema is specified for File Adapter, it takes care of converting XML into fixed length or delimited format.

  • Export to PDF - Can a single report (rpt file) create multiple PDF files using the export command?

    Post Author: markeyjd2
    CA Forum: Exporting
    Greetings forum members,
    My question is, in its entirety: Can a single report (rpt file) create multiple PDF files using the export command, ideally one PDF file per DB record?
    In my case; I have a Crystal Report that reads data from a DB table containing ~ 500 records.  When I export the report to a PDF file, I get one PDF file, with ~ 500 pages.
    What I would like to do is export the report to ~ 500 individual PDF files; One file per DB record.  The file names would be based on the table's primary key.
    Is this possible?

    Post Author: Micha
    CA Forum: Exporting
    you need some lines of code, but its easy. Dependend on how to start the generation of your 500 PDFs, you can write an ASP page and start it via Web Browser, or a Windows Script and start it via scheduled job...
    Here's an abstract of the ASP code I use:
    First, you create a recordset (here: "rsc") which gives you the list of ID fields you want to export, then you create CrystalRuntime.Application object, then you loop through the recordset, open your report (here: "oRpt") and set login info. Then set the selectionformula, so that the report displays only the data of the current ID, e.g.:
      oRpt.RecordSelectionFormula = "(" & oRpt.RecordSelectionFormula & ") AND {myTab.myVal}=" & rsc("myVal")
    Then you export the report, move to the next record in recordset, and repeat the loop until recordset.EOF. Then you close recordset and connection.

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    give me some hint It is essential task .we have to implement code in  java

    I'm using the thin drivers.
    The answer to your question is no, you do not need to create a DSN to connect to Oracle. The Oracle thin driver is all that is required. Your code looks OK to me, I'm assuming that you xxx'd out the IP, and that you are using a real IP in the actual code.
    The message you got back is pretty generic, but can indicate that the Oracle database listener isn't available. Perhaps the database is on a different port, or perhaps the listerner isn't running. Perhaps you have the IP address wrong.
    So, to be very basic:
    1) Can you ping the server you are trying to connect to? This makes sure you are using a valid IP address.
    2) Can you connect to the Oracle server from an Oracle client? This makes sure the listener is running properly, and that you know the correct port number and login information (The port number could be in a local or server based TNS file, or available through an Oracle names server. You might try using the program tnsping if it is available on the client for validation.
    3) If you can do 1 and 2, then be sure you are using the same connection parameters (server, port userid and password) that worked with 2.
    4) Verify that you are using (pointing to) the correct set of Oracle classes for the thin connection. This can be tricky if you have different versions of Oracle on the client then on the server, but is documented on the Oracle website.
    5) If everything checks out, you might want to verify that you are using the most recent versions of the thin drivers, including the Oracle patches.
    Hope it helps - good luck,

  • Create BPEL jar file using Bpelc via Java classes

    I am trying to create the BPEL files ( xyz.bpel, bpel.xml, xyz.wsdl etc.. ) on the fly using Java code... Once I create all these files, I create a packaged jar (Ex : bpel_xyz_v2006_10_17__37256.jar) file and deploy the same in the Bpel PM.
    Right now, in order to create the jar file, I am running the bpelc.bat file under bpel/bin and then using the IBPELDomainHandle, I am deploying the process.
    But my requirement is to create the jar file using java rather than executing the bpelc.bat file..
    Can you please give me pointers as to how to achieve the same?

    Actually, I had figured out the part of calling the Bpelc class, but initially I was trying to create an object of the class and was not able to do so. That was where I got stuck.
    Eventually, I did something like the code snippet below and it works fine and the jar file is created. Just fyi for anyone looking in the future.
    String[] setupValues;
    setupValues = new String[]{ "-home", "D:\\product\\\\OracleAS_1\\bpel", "-rev",
    "1.0", };

  • SAX: How to create new XML file using SAX parser

    Please anybody help me to create a XML file using the Packages in the 5.0 pack of java. I have successfully created it reading the tag names and values from database using DOM but can i do this using SAX.
    I am successful to read XML using SAX, now i want to create new XML file for some tags and its values using SAX.
    How can i do this ?
    Sachin Kulkarni

    SAX is a parser, not a generator.Well,
    you can use it to create an XML file too. And it will take care of proper encoding, thus being much superior to a normal textwriter:
    See the following code snippet (out is a OutputStream):
    PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(out);
          StreamResult streamResult = new StreamResult(pw);
          SAXTransformerFactory tf = (SAXTransformerFactory) TransformerFactory.newInstance();
          //      SAX2.0 ContentHandler.
          TransformerHandler hd = tf.newTransformerHandler();
          Transformer serializer = hd.getTransformer();
          serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "UTF-8");//
          serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
          //Get a processing instruction
          hd.processingInstruction("xml-stylesheet","type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"mystyle.xsl\"");
          AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
          atts.addAttribute("", "", "someattribute", "CDATA", "test");
          atts.addAttribute("", "", "moreattributes", "CDATA", "test2");
           hd.startElement("", "", "MyTag", atts);
    String curTitle = "Something inside a tag";
              hd.characters(curTitle.toCharArray(), 0, curTitle.length());
        hd.endElement("", "", "MyTag");
    You are responsible for proper nesting. SAX takes care of encoding.
    ;-) stw

  • Creating a text file using pl/sql

    how can one create a text file using pl/sql?
    Say for example abcd.txt in the d: drive
    on a windows nt server

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bhrigu nagal ([email protected]):
    thanks for your replies
    I had already set the utl_file_dir parameter
    I tried the utl package and wrote the following code but got some errors
    filehandler UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
    utl_file.put_line(filehandler,'look masjdfgsd\n');
    exception when utl_file.invalid_path then
    raise_application_error(-20023,'bhrigu ,chk the path');
    the errors
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 101
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 157
    ORA-06512: at line 4
    if u know what this is please tell me
    thanks bhrigu
    U need :
    1) To have UTL_FILE_DIR param in the init file of the instance with the same directory (don't forget to stop and restart the base)
    2) Handled the exceptions listed in the utl_file package (Oracle_home\rdbms\admin\utlfile.sql) in your source.
    3) Turn set serveroutput on in SQL*Plus.
    Run your procedure and see the error message to debug.
    Good luck

  • How to open a PDF file using NWDS or VC

    Hi Frndz...
    As per my requirment i need to open a PDF file on browser which PDFs are reside on R/3 and in my case EP server is on UNIX usinig either NWDS or VC ....
    Thanks in Advance

    can you put your question much more clearly? I couldnt get you properly.
    Check out the following links, they may be useful
    [How to Create a pdf form Using Web Dynpro - Java;
    [Diff - PDF view inside NWDS livecycle designer and when App. is run;

  • New to applescript. need to create a plist file using applescript

    Needed some help I need on creatinga plist file below using applescript and I can't make it happen needed some hand on this.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
    I have tis code but it doesn't seems to work.
    tell application "System Events"
      -- create an empty property list dictionary item
              set the parent_dictionary to make new property list item with properties {kind:record}
      -- create new property list file using the empty dictionary list item as contents
              set the plistfile_path to "~/Desktop/example.plist"
              set this_plistfile to ¬
      make new property list file with properties {contents:parent_dictionary, name:plistfile_path}
      -- add new property list items of each of the supported types
      make new property list item at end of property list items of contents of this_plistfile ¬
                        with properties {kind:string, name:"Username", value:"${localAdminUser}"}
      make new property list item at end of property list items of contents of this_plistfile ¬
                        with properties {kind:string, name:"Password", value:"${localAdminPassword}"}
      make new property list item at end of property list items of contents of this_plistfile ¬
                        with properties {kind:list, name:"AdditionalUsers"}
      make new property list item at end of property list items of contents of this_plistfile ¬
                        with properties {kind:string, name:"Username", value:"${localAdminUser}"}
      make new property list item at end of property list items of contents of this_plistfile ¬
                        with properties {kind:string, name:"Password", value:"${localAdminPassword}"}
    end tell
    The result of the above code will generate a plist file below
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">

    You need to create elements at correct container. Like this.
    set plist_file to (path to desktop)'s POSIX path & "example.plist"
    --set plist_file to "~/desktop/example.plist"
    tell application "System Events"
        tell (make new property list file with properties {name:plist_file})
            make new property list item at end with properties {kind:string, name:"Username", value:"${localAdminUser}"}
            make new property list item at end with properties {kind:string, name:"Password", value:"${localAdminPassword}"}
            tell (make new property list item at end with properties {kind:list, name:"AdditionalUsers"})
                tell (make new property list item at end with properties {kind:record})
                    make new property list item at end with properties {kind:string, name:"Username", value:"${localAdminUser}"}
                    make new property list item at end with properties {kind:string, name:"Password", value:"${localAdminPassword}"}
                end tell
            end tell
        end tell
    end tell
    Or you may create a record in AppleScript and set the value of plist file at once. Like this.
    set plist_file to (path to desktop)'s POSIX path & "example.plist"
    --set plist_file to "~/desktop/example.plist"
    set dict to ¬
        {|Username|:"${localAdminUser}", |Password|:"${localAdminPassword}"} & ¬
            {|Username|:"${localAdminUser}", |Password|:"${localAdminPassword}"} ¬
    --set dict to {|Username|:"${localAdminUser}", |Password|:"${localAdminPassword}", |AdditionalUsers|:{{|Username|:"${localAdminUser}", |Password|:"${localAdminPassword}"}}}
    tell application "System Events"
        tell (make new property list file with properties {name:plist_file})
            set value to dict
        end tell
    end tell
    Message was edited by: Hiroto (PS. Fixed second script so that it uses the original case (uppercase)  in key string)

  • How to create the trace file using run_report_object at runtime

    Dear All
    using :
    Oracel Application Server 10g
    Oracle Database 11g
    Windows XP/sp3
    I'm using run_report_object to call a report inside the form. THis report is running OK from reports builder, however it's too slow when run from Application server.
    How Can I create a trace file (at runtime) that contains the time spent in sql and formating the layout of the report ??
    Here is My code :
    repid := find_report_object('report5');
    v_url :='paramform=no';
    v_url := v_url||' FROM_NO=' || :PRINT_BLOCK.FROM_NO ;
    v_url := v_url ||' TO_NO=' || :PRINT_BLOCK.TO_NO ||' FROM_DATE=' || v_from_date ||' TO_DATE='|| v_to_date ||' NO_DATE=' ;
    v_url := v_url||' COMPANY_NO='||:global.company_no;
    v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid);
    IF rep_status = 'FINISHED' THEN
    END IF;
    Thanks a lot

    Slow running reports often are not the result of a flawed report, but rather a flawed configuration. For example:
    1. If you call your reports (from Forms) via the default or inProcess Reports Server, often because startup time is slow, it will appear that it took too long for the report to be delievered. Using a stand-alone Rep Server is the preferred way to do this.
    2. If your Forms application makes numerous calls to RRO (RUN_REPORT_OBJECT), this can tend to result in what might appear as a memory leak (although it is not). The result is delayed processing because of the excessive memory use. This problem has been overcome in Forms/Reports 11 by the use of JVM pooling. However in v10 enabling "6i compatibility" mode is the way to overcome the issue. See Note 266073.1
    3. If the report runs fine from the Builder and it is connecting to the same db as when you run it from App Server, the issue is unlikely a db problem. However, if you want to look anyway, enable sqlnet tracing.
    4. To enable Reports tracing and investigate other tuning options, refer to the Reports 10 documentation:
    Almost forgot to mentioned this one....
    If you are using a v11 db with App Server 10, you will probably want to consider reviewing Note 1099035.1 as it discusses an issue related to performance with such a configuration.
    Edited by: Michael Ferrante on Apr 10, 2012 8:49 AM

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