Creating an instance of a class at runtime?

Does anyone know how to create an instance of a class at RunTime? For example, I want to load classes from a JAR file at RunTime, and then create instances of certain classes of each JAR. I ask this because I do not see how to create an instance of one of those classes the traditional way, SomeClass var = new SomeClass(). I am pretty sure that someone out there has done this and succeeded in doing it. All of the post on this stuff only talk about loading the class from a JAR file, but I have already loaded them using URLClassLoader�s findClass() method. I have also created an instance of the class that findClass() returns using newInstance(), but newInstance() returns an object of type Object. How can I convert this object to an object of type SomeClass? You cannot cast it because the compiler will complain due to the import statement issue. So if you cannot include the import statement because that classpath does not exist, then how the heck would you cast the newInstance() object into a SomeClass object?

You can cast the returned object to the type you need...that is what I do in my applet. The trick is that you must get the instance of the applets class loader (or you get a classCastException). Pay attention to this line below - that's the real key here.
"// Get a reference to the applets own classloader"
protected CBaseQuestionnaireFile m_BaseObject = null;// declared up front
m_BaseObject = loadAndRunClass("com.cpm.dataentry.questionnaire.CQuestionnaireFile");// fully qualified base object
Here is the load and run method:
   CBaseQuestionnaireFile loadAndRunClass(String classname)
      com.cpm.common.base.CBaseQuestionnaireFile questBase = null;
      Class cClass = null;
         // first we open the jar file with the classes we need
         String[] aJarList = new String[10];
         // Questionnaire format file
         File fURL1 = new File(GetMainFrame().m_strQuestionnaireFileName);
         URL url1   = new URL(fURL1.toURL(),"");
         URL urlNew = new URL("jar:" + url1.toExternalForm() + "!/" );
         // Server base class directory
         String strServerDirectory = "http://" + GetMainFrame().m_strHost + "/APPLETS/";
         File fURL2 = new File(strServerDirectory);
         URL url2 = new URL(fURL2.toURL(),"");
         URL urlNew2 = new URL("jar:" + url2.toExternalForm() + "!/" );
         // Local base class directory
         String strLocalDirectory = CSystem.GetBasePath() + "/Research/bin/";
         File fURL3 = new File(strLocalDirectory);
         URL url3 = new URL(fURL3.toURL(),"");
         URL urlNew3 = new URL("jar:" + url3.toExternalForm() + "!/" );
         File fURLBase = new File(CSystem.GetBasePath() + "/Research/bin/base.jar");
         URL urlBase = new URL(fURLBase.toURL(),"");
         URL urlNewBase = new URL("jar:" + urlBase.toExternalForm() + "!/" );
         File fURLControl = new File(CSystem.GetBasePath() + "/Research/bin/controls.jar");
         URL urlControl = new URL(fURLControl.toURL(),"");
         URL urlNewControl = new URL("jar:" + urlControl.toExternalForm() + "!/" );
         File fURLUtil = new File(CSystem.GetBasePath() + "/Research/bin/utlities.jar");
         URL urlUtil= new URL(fURLUtil.toURL(),"");
         URL urlNewUtil = new URL("jar:" + urlUtil.toExternalForm() + "!/" );
         // Determine where to look
         URL[] urlList = null;
         if(GetMainFrame().m_isStandalone == false) {
            // From a browser
            CSystem.PrintDebugMessage("Running as an applet");
            if(GetMainFrame().m_bOnLineMode == true) {
               // On line
               CSystem.PrintDebugMessage("*** On Line Mode ***");
               urlList = new URL[2];
               urlList[0] = urlNew;
               urlList[1] = urlNew2;
            else {
               // Off line
               CSystem.PrintDebugMessage("*** Off Line Mode ***");
               urlList = new URL[4];
               urlList[0] = urlNew;
               urlList[1] = urlNewBase;
               urlList[2] = urlNewControl;
               urlList[3] = urlNewUtil;
          else {
             CSystem.PrintDebugMessage("*** Stand Alone Mode ***");
             urlList = new URL[1];
             urlList[0] = urlNew;
CSystem.PrintDebugMessage("Question file/path: " + GetMainFrame().m_strQuestionnaireFileName);
        // Set the wait cursor
        // Get a reference to the applets own classloader
        Class myClass = getClass();
        ClassLoader appletClassLoader = myClass.getClassLoader();
        // Call our multi-jar class loader
        JarClassLoader jarLoader = new JarClassLoader(urlList,appletClassLoader);
CSystem.PrintDebugMessage("CPM Test - passed Jar Loader" + jarLoader.toString());
         // Load the classname from the jarfile
              cClass = jarLoader.loadClass(classname);
         catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
            Object[] optionsConfirm = { "Ok" };
            JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(GetMainFrame(),"Questionnaire file is either damaged or has been tampered with.", "Questionnaire File Error",
            JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, optionsConfirm, optionsConfirm[0]);
            GetMainFrame().m_strQuestionnaireFileName = "";
            // Clear the wait cursor
            return null;
         Class cSuperclass = cClass.getSuperclass();
CSystem.PrintDebugMessage("Test Superclass type is: " + cSuperclass.toString());
         Object o = cClass.newInstance();
CSystem.PrintDebugMessage("Test plain class type is: " + o.toString());
         // Never remove this line of code
         // without it, a crafty user could use our load routine
         // to load/and run some nasty code
         // This test makes SURE that *ONLY* questionnaires get opened
         // and their methods get called
         if(o instanceof com.cpm.common.base.CBaseQuestionnaireFile)
            // Create the object
CSystem.PrintDebugMessage("Test Is instance of CBaseQuestionnaireFile");
CSystem.PrintDebugMessage("CPM Test - Casting to Base Class");
            questBase = (com.cpm.common.base.CBaseQuestionnaireFile)o;
CSystem.PrintDebugMessage("CPM Test - Getting languages from questionnaire");
CSystem.PrintDebugMessage("CPM Test - Setting locale from Questionnaire selection");
CSystem.PrintDebugMessage("CPM Test - Initializing Questionnaire");
            Object[] optionsConfirm = { "Ok" };
            JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(GetMainFrame(),"Questionnaire file is either damaged or has been tampered with.", "Questionnaire File Error",
            JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, optionsConfirm, optionsConfirm[0]);
            GetMainFrame().m_strQuestionnaireFileName = "";
            // Clear the wait cursor
            return null;
      catch (Exception e)
     // Clear the wait cursor
     // Set MouseListener Pointer
//     questBase.SetMouseListenerPointer(GetMainFrame().m_mouseListener);
     return questBase;

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    First of all, let's get your terminology correct.  You are not creating multiple instances of a class.  You are creating Objects of the class.
    Use autoindexing to create an array of your class type.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

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    This is very dangerous ground because you give up compile-time safety, but you can get a Class object using Class.forName(String). Then you can use methods of the class Class to operate on it (including creating an instance).

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    You may need to read thru the information provided on this page to understand how to create objects:
    I'd also suggest you read the tutorial available at:
    Regarding how you call a method belonging to another class you could do it in the foll. ways depending on whether the method is static or not - a static method may be called using the class name followed by a dot and the static method name while a non-static method would require you to create an instance of the class and then use that instance name followed by a dot and the method name. All said and done i'd still suggest you read thru the complete Java programming tutorial to get a good grounding on all these concepts and fundamentals of the language if you are looking to master the technology.
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       Thanks and regards, Marina

    for Classes with paramterless constructor
    for Constructor with parameters
    regards franz

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    java.lang.InstantiationException: [Ltest.Name;[/b]
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    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

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    Error: cannot find symbol
    symbol : class MCQ
    location: class T
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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.lang.*;
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    public T(String aT)
    pest = aT;
    public static T t_one()
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    "is a prime number", 1));
    return aT;
    private String pest;
    //class Q
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    public abstract class Q{
    Vector q = new Vector();
    public String aT;
    abstract void addQ(Q aQ);
    public class MCQ extends Q{
    String a,b,c,d,e,f,g;
    int answer;
    public MCQ (String a, String b, String c, String d, String e, int answer)
    this.a = a;
    this.b = b;
    this.c = c;
    this.d = d;
    this.e = e;
    this.answer = answer;
    void addQ(Q aQ)
    q.addElement(new T(aT));
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    MCC qT = new MCQ() ;
    but that presents a whole other set of problems.
    please help I think I have tried everything!

    Use code tags (
    Don't import java.lang.* . You get those automatically.
    Your MCQ class is really Q.MCQ (the way you posted, anyway).
    If Q weren't abstract, you could do:
    new Q().new MCQ(...)But, you can't create a Q without defining 'add'. You could do it anonymously, but that makes no sense. Put Q and MCQ in separate files and try again.

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    class ...EXCH_PRD_VERT_NN_MODEL definition
    public section.
      methods CONSTRUCTOR
          value(I_ALV_RECORDS) type ..../EXCH_VBEL_TT_ALV
          value(I_HEADER) type EDIDC .
      methods QUERY
          I_IDEX type FLAG
          value(R_RESULTS) type .../EXCH_VBEL_TT_ALV .
    Both methods are instance methods.
    But in my program i cannot created instance of the class unless i get the results from Query.
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    But i must not change the method Query to a static method.
    Is there any way out other than making method Query as static ?

    You can't execute any instance method without creating instance of the class.
    In your scenario, if you don't want to process your method of your class, you can check the instance has been created or not.
    Naimesh Patel

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        private void chatButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                          
            int selectedUserIndex = rosterList.getSelectedIndex();
            String selectedUser = rostAry[selectedUserIndex].getUser();
            System.out.println("Chat with: " + selectedUser);
            if (chatBox == null) {
                JFrame mainFrame = CommsTestApp.getApplication().getMainFrame();
                chatBox = new CommsTestChatBox(mainFrame,conn,selectedUser);

    yes, an array would work fine, just realize that by using an array, you're setting an upper bound on the number of windows you can have open.
    As for unique names, if you mean unique variable name, you don't need one. The array index serves to uniquely identify each instance. If you mean unique title for the window, set that however you want (username, index in array, randomly generated string, etc.). It's just a property of the window object.

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    I have to change a standalone program to do it working on a local net.
    the program is prepared for this adjustment, because the only problem for this change came from the use of the database; and, in the application, all the accesses to the database come from only a class that supplies a connection to the database.
    In this way I think that I could have (in a local net) a "server application" that has the database embedded inside it.
    Furthermore, some client applications (running in different computers of the net) could get access to the database through the connection that comes from an instance of the class that, in the "server application", is made to provide the connection to the database.
    I think this could be a good idea...
    But I don't have practice with distributed applications and I would ask some suggestion about the way to realize my modification.
    (in particular how to get and use, in the "client applications", the instance of the class that give the connection to the database from the "server application").
    I would have some help..
    thank in advance

    tonyMrsangelo wrote:
    I have to change a standalone program to do it working on a local net.
    the program is prepared for this adjustment, because the only problem for this change came from the use of the database; and, in the application, all the accesses to the database come from only a class that supplies a connection to the database.
    In this way I think that I could have (in a local net) a "server application" that has the database embedded inside it.
    Furthermore, some client applications (running in different computers of the net) could get access to the database through the connection that comes from an instance of the class that, in the "server application", is made to provide the connection to the database.
    I think this could be a good idea... Which is why JEE and implementations of that exist.
    But I don't have practice with distributed applications and I would ask some suggestion about the way to realize my modification.
    (in particular how to get and use, in the "client applications", the instance of the class that give the connection to the database from the "server application").
    You can't pass a connection from a server to a client. Nothing will do that.
    As suggested you can create a simple RMI server/client set up. Or use a more feature rich (and much more complex) JEE container.
    RMI is simple enough for its own tutorial
    JEE (previously called J2EE) is much more complex and requires books. You can get a brief overlook from the following

  • Creating different instances of one class

    Hi everyone thanks so much for all the help so far! I want to create a new instance of class coauthorship everytime the loop goes around to a new record! However thats not whats happening it only creates 1 instance of coauthorship and it is overwritten with every loop here is Class Coauthorship
    public class Coauthorship {
        private String name, coauthor, title;
        private List titles;
        /** Creates a new instance of Coauthorship */
        public Coauthorship(String name1, String name2, String TITLE){
            name = name1;
            coauthor = name2;
            title = TITLE;
            //List titles = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList(alltitles));
        public String getauthor(){
            return name;
        public void settitle(String TITLE){
            title = TITLE;
        public void setname(String name1){
            name = name1;
       public void setcoauthor( String name2){
            coauthor = name2;
      // public void addTitle(String TITLE){
        //    if(TITLE != null)
        //    titles.add(TITLE);
        public String getcoauthor(){
            return coauthor;
           public String gettitle(){
            return title;
           public int getTitleCount(){
               return titles.size();
             public void printcoauthors(String currentauthor){
             //Extractdata ed = new Extractdata();
            // Coauthorship c = new Coauthorship(ed.getname1(), ed.getname2(), ed.getTITLE());
             else if (currentauthor.equals(getcoauthor()))
             System.out.println("Hello is this thing on?");
    }and here is where the values are coming from in Class Extractdata
    //Checks if the document was cowritten
                    if(authors.getLength() > 0)            
                                for(int z = 0; z < authors.getLength(); z++){
                               //Begin with the second author so not to include the author in the list of coauthors
                                        for(int w = 1; w < authors.getLength(); w++){
                                            Coauthorship coauthorship = null;
                                            //Ensures that the author is not counted as a co-author
                                            if(z != w){
                                                name1 = names[z];
                                                name2 = names[w];
                                                Coauthorship c = new Coauthorship(name1, name2, TITLE);
                                }Thanks so much for everyones help so far

    One thing to remember is that when you write:
    Coauthorship c = new Coauthorship(name1, name2, TITLE);
    Coauthorship c is creating a reference variable that points to an object that is of class type Coauthorship. It is NOT the object itself. It only points to the object in question.
    It is the new Coauthorship(...) that actually creats the object in memory. So each time through the loop you are asking for a new Coauthoriship object and a new reference to that new object. Of course, Java (meaning the JVM) may (or always will - not sure here) re-use the reference variable at the same memory location. You loose the reference to each object create in the previous loop iteration leaving you with a reference pointing to the last object created in the loop when the loop ends.
    If you could state in plain English what your goal is, that would help. From your code, I can tell that the goal (or problem domain) is not clear. Or at least, how to achieve that goal is not clear. State the requirements using ergular words (not psuedo code or such) that would help get things a little clearer.

  • How do I create an instance of a class only known at runtime?

    Hi, thanks for reading - my problem is this:
    I am trying to build a program which searches through a folder and locates all *.class files present and forms an array of these classes. These classes will all be children of a parent class, template.class, so a common class interface will be involved.
    I have done my background research and have been pointed in the general direction of the .lang package, the reflection package, beans and so forth but frankly I have not a clue. I'm not even sure what this kind of operation is called...
    Thanks for your time.

    String classname = "Abc.class";
    Class class = Class.forName(classname); // catch ClassNotFoundException
    Object object = class.newInstance(); // catch InstantiationExceptiion
    MyIntrface myInterface = (MyInterface)object; // catch ClassCastException

  • How can you create an instance of a class using ClassLoader given only

    the class name as a String. I have the code below in the try block.
    Class myTest = this.getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass("Testclass");
    Object obj = myTest.newInstance();
    String className = obj.getClass().getName();I don't want to typecast the class like
    Testclass obj = (TestClass) myTest.newInstance();I want to be able to create the classs at runtime and then get the methods in the class and execute those methods. Can it be done without having to code the typecasting in before compile time?

    I read on the web of people creating objects from interfacesDoesn't sound like the thing to do... Theoretically you could create dummy classes on the fly that implement some interface, but that's not very useful.
    Sounds like you are trying to load classes and execute them via interfaces. Like this:
         Class clazz = Class.forName("java.util.LinkedList");
         Collection c = (Collection) clazz.newInstance();
         System.out.println(Arrays.toString(c.toArray()));LinkedList is the class, Collection is the interface which LinkedList implements. You can then call the methods declared in the interface. The interface gets "compiled in" into the program and the classes that implement it get loaded whenever and from wherever you load them.
    You could also use reflection to call methods without an interface, but that is type-unsafe, inelegant, hackish, and just plain ugly.

Maybe you are looking for

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