Creating like materials whose BOM is different by one or two ingredients

Is there an easy way to clone an existing material and change two of the ingredients?  Or do the materials and routings have to be created from scratch?

Please look into the concept of Configurable materials with SUPER BOM.

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    The missing file thing happens if the file is no longer where iTunes expects to find it. Possible causes are that you or some third party tool has moved, renamed or deleted the file, or that the drive it lives on has had a change of drive letter. It is also possible that iTunes has changed from expecting the files to be in the pre-iTunes 9 layout to post-iTunes 9 layout,or vice-versa, and so is looking in slightly the wrong place.
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    Yes you can do it. I do it with 4 different devices all using the same Apple ID.
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    Edited by: ASIT_SAP on Jul 15, 2011 6:25 AM
    Edited by: ASIT_SAP on Jul 15, 2011 6:27 AM
    Edited by: ASIT_SAP on Jul 15, 2011 12:37 PM

    Hi Lee, Please see below..
    DECLARE @Machine2 TABLE
    DispatchDate DATE
    INSERT INTO @Machine2 VALUES ('2014/02/01'), ('2014/02/02'), ('2014/02/03')
    DECLARE @DateFrom DATE
    SELECT @DateFrom = DATEADD(D,1,MAX(DispatchDate)) FROM @Machine2
    SELECT @DateFrom AS DateFrom
    Please mark as answer, if this has helped you solve the issue.
    Good Luck :) .. visit for more t-sql code snippets and BI related how to articles.

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    Adam Tyler

    Hi Adam,
    Here is a blog talk about the same issue would be helpful:
    Best Regards
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support

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    you can try and define a running total as a calculation in the crosstab as:
    sum(Unspent Amount) over (partition by city order by year)
    i find the crosstab format comfusing sometime since the aggregation is auto applied.
    I would start with a flat table and then "duplicate is as a cross tab"
    for your running total you can sort the data by the city,year and get it to 3 lines for each city, for example:
    city year Unspent Amount all other amount...
    X 2007 10
    X 2008 20
    X 2009 30
    Y 2007 5
    Y 2008 15
    Y 2009 25
    then you can use a funtion to calculate the amount :
    sum(Unspent Amount) over (partition by city order by year)
    this is the sql i used just to check it:
    SELECT city,year,"Unspent Amount"
    ,SUM("Unspent Amount") over (PARTITION BY city ORDER BY YEAR)
    FROM (
    SELECT 'X' city, 2007 YEAR, 10 "Unspent Amount" FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 'X', 2008 ,20 FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 'X', 2009 , 30 FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Y', 2007 , 5 FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Y', 2008 , 15 FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Y', 2009 , 25 FROM dual

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    Web Application
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    U can use the transaction BPS_WB to create u r web interface builder and for execute check another transaction BPS_wef (check once).
    UPSPM for planning folder not for web interface builder.

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    What you describe cannot be done directly in Lr, i.e. there is - unfortunately - no way to create multiple Virtual Copies (VC) with one command.
    But in Lr you don't need multiple VCs. If you have created presets for each "look" you can just apply one "look", i.e one preset after the other the one-and-the-same VC. And you can apply the "looks" i.e. presets in any order and go back-and-forth numerous times. Since the Lr edits are not pixel edits but parametric (only a set of data in the Lr database = catalog), there is no harm done if you apply the same set of presets numerous times in various order. In Photoshop you would switch layers on and off (maybe you use layer comps), in Lr you would switch from one preset to the other for the same VC - or even for the original.
    And, you can always go back to the original state the photo was in when it was imported.
    If the customer likes one preset, just switch over to the Print Module, apply your Print Preset and print. If the customer likes three presets, go back to the Develop Module click on the other preset, go back to the Print Module ... go back to the Develop Module, click on the third preset .... etc.
    PS: I bet Lr could be even faster than Photoshop
    Message was edited by: web-weaver: PS added

  • Create multiple materials from existing material

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    mat 2
    mat 3
    mat 20
    existing materials   mat1287
    please let me know the step by step  proceedure to do this

    select your material type and industry.enter the copy from material number
    hit enter.
    select your Views
    hit enter
    enter the organsational units  on the left side for the to be created and on the right side for the copy from.
    hit enter.
    Click additional data button, go to tab material description, maintain the new name.
    go back to main data.
    Page true each and every view.
    If you have sales text and PO text, then correct this text.

  • To create req for new BOM component

    hello all,
    i confirm the order and now i need to add one more component to the header material for the same order.
    how can i create requirement for new BOM component.
    what i done is i 1st cancel the confirmation. then go for read PP mater data. after that should i run the MRP for header material to create planned order for new BOM component?

    If you have execute any transaction like GI confirmation then read PP master data will not work.
    Best way you can cancel the confirmation and reveres the good issue by 262 movement type. Then do TECO to the order all reservation get deleted.
    Then update the BOM with new component and run MRP with planning mode-3 delete and recreated. It will create planned order then convert it to production and go ahead.

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    Is mass deleting possible instead of deleting one by one?
    Thanx in advance

    this can be done in CS20 en mass. CS20 is the mass transaction for bom changes.
    enter your component number, select delete items and execute.
    it will list all header materials boms that have this item.
    click the button to select all and execute

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    Can you zip up a few of your GoPro images, upload them to and post a share link, here, so others can experiment with them, or do you mean this issue is global to all camera models?

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