Creating Multiple Collapsible Spry Panels

Hey all. I am quite happy with the Lawn and Bed Maintenance spry panel on the site that i'm creating.
However when I create the other spry panels, the content is different from the first one. I don't quite understand since it's linked to the same css code. Is there a work around? Please help, Thanks.

Your CSS applies only to your first panel as per
#wrapper #bodycontent #paragraph #CollapsiblePanel2 .CollapsiblePanelContent p {
    font-size: 14px;
    color: #FFF;
    font-family: Calibri;
    margin-top: 1em;
    margin-right: 1em;
    margin-bottom: 2em;
    margin-left: 3em;
    padding-bottom: 4em;
Just change the first line to
.CollapsiblePanelContent p {

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    Hello all,
    I've a question abt remote front panel hosted by a cRIO system (cRIO9068 to be more specific, running RTOS).
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    Thank you very much!

    Hello hhaamm,
    To the best of my knowledge, I don't believe it is possible to host multiple remote front panels from the same executable, and, if it is, would be very difficult. The NI Web Server configuration file only specifies one port on which an executable can run web services, like remote front panels. In, short, I am not sure how you would be able to accomplish this.
    Another thing to keep in mind is that what you want to accomplish can be done in many different ways that would be much easier than creating multiple remote front panels.
    One of these is to move all of your controls and indicators to the top level VI. i.e. make the data you want to see from the sub-VI an output of the sub-VI and create a new indicator for this on your top-level front panel. This way you can still use a remote front panel and can use different decorations and labels to separate the top-level and sub-VI outputs.
    Another way to do this is to use the tab control to create multiple tabs, one for your top-level indicators, and one for your sub-VI indicators. This would still enable you to use remote front panels and would allow for the separation of your different indicators. Here is a note on how to do that:
    And here is a more in-depth forum post on how to create them:
    The final way I can think how you would accomplish this is to use a web service instead of remote front panels and host the output of the sub-VI as a separate website. 
    Hope this helps!
    Collin D.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • How to open multiple collapsible panels? htm
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    I'm not sure if this is what you're going for, but here is an
    example of using a text link to open multiple collapsible panels:
    <a href="javascript:;"
    to open</a>
    <a href="javascript:;"
    to close</a>
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    <div class="CollapsiblePanelTab">Standard Collapsible
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    <script type="text/javascript">
    var CollapsiblePanel1 = new
    var CollapsiblePanel8 = new

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    Go to Solution.

    See the attached Zip file.
    I have two different front panels.  Open either one and run it.  They both call which takes the references passed to it and register for events.  From there, it does all the work of the code you would have put in your front panel .vi.
    This way each front panel can be laid out however you want for each screen resolution.
    Attachments: ‏22 KB

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    I feel certain the answer I need is in the reply you posted here, but I need a little more help to know exactly what to do.  I am using a collapsible panel to show and hide a series of onload panoramic photos near the top of my page.  What I want is for the collapsible panel to be open on some pages and closed on others and I want the animation of the panel closing to be seen too.  I'm thinking this should be achievable with some sort of onload trigger or something.  Currently I've gotten close to what I want by referencing two different .js files (one for the "open" panel state and another for the "closed" panel state), but this doesn't show the graceful animation of the panel closing.  Any ideas on how to achieve what I want?  Here is the url of the test site I'm developing:
    Thanks in advance.

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    Thanks David.
    I tried using different IDs for the other pages, but eventually one of the divs seems to 'break' - it overlaps other divs, or cannot be moved or resized (you can select the outline and it goes blue, but no 'move up a row' or down a row or 'lock to grid' etc icons appear and it can't be drag-re-sized), plus the green overlay disappears (just from that div.  I'm aware of how to turn visual aids on and off), so it seems broken.  This often seems to happen if you rename a div once it's been created; it does not rename in the layout.css on the right side panel (CSS Styles) in DW and the 'broken' behaviour above is exhibited.  Do you know anything about this?  Is this the 'edit this doc at your peril' stuff that most tutorials seem to mention?  Am I doing something wrong?
    I also tried making an FGL and saving out the original boilerplate.css, layout.css and respond.js.  Then created multiple new FGLs and each time it created new versions of layout.css (called 'untitled-1', 2 etc.).  Once I had created all the FGLs, I deleted all the new boilerplates and untitled.css files.  Then restored the original ones and changed the link at the top of each page's html to refer to the same filename (the original layout.css), rather than untitled.css.  I thought this might work and it seemed to for a while, but then as I had to add new div names for the sections on each page, it eventually broke (as above).
    Anyway, I think you have a good point about different layouts and it occurred to me also while I was exploring and waiting for replies here.  I think I will make one layout for all pages and go with that.  I have a couple of questions about that though:
    1. I think the max number of divs I want for one of the pages is 10, but some pages need less divs.  If I only fill e.g. 8 divs on one page, will the other ones be sat there empty?  I think they will actually...I guess I'm asking because I have not tried it yet (will do after this) and it takes so long to do this trial and error.
    2. If the amount of content in each div is different, e.g.  let's say Page 1 has 6 lines of content in div1, but page 2 may have an unlimited amount of content (I will want to add to it in the future).  Will this result in the div on page 1 being a huge block of empty space after its 6 lines?
    Thanks so much for your help!

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    I'm using the 10.7.2 version
    MacBook Pro

    Misio wrote:
    It looks like a finder bug. To replicate, I surf to any website, I right-click on a jpg image, select "Save Image As" and in the window that pops up I type in the filename "000.jpg", I select the folder Pictures, and click on Save.
    BTW, I don't know why, but the file was saved only as "000" without the file extension ".jpg". Does anybody know why?
    the extension is simply hidden. go to the get info panel for the file and uncheck the option to hide the extension.
    Then I surf to another image, and again I save it as "000.jpg" and now it asks me if I want to replace the existing filename, although the existing one is "000" and I try to save as "000.jpg", so I say yes, and then magically the file is saved with the full filename including the extension "000.jpg"
    When I did it a couple of times, always saving image as "000.jpg" from various sources, I ended up with two distinct files named "000" and both in the same folder Pictures.
    Please advise.
    it sounds to me like you saved one file as 000.jpg and the other and 000.jpg.jpg.
    check the info panels for the files for full names to verify if this is the case.

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    Reference: .html  see advanced panel options
    System: Windows 7
    Acrobat: Acrobat X professional
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    %  Insert your custom PostScript here...
    [ /PageMode /UseThumbs
    /Page 1 /View [/Fit ]
    /DOCVIEW pdfmark
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    Clicked 'Edit settings' to allow creating a joboptions file (field: 'adobe pdf settings') which has the option 'Use and' checked in the advanced section.
    So now i thought i would have everyting setup to create my pdf's, however, my view isn't changed to fit, nor are there any bookmarks or in this case thumbs (i used /useThumbs) visible.
    Did i miss something obvious? Is there a better way to test this? Any help would be appreciated!

    i like it about that ok in how to open my site

  • Creating multiple scroling text on one pane

    yeah i have been working on this banner im making and i absolutly dislike GUI i have most of the core programing but im having trouble with the GUI
    i have been using test strings so here is the panel class i have been working on
    trying to create multiple scroling text with multiple timers (iknow the timeings off but thats not the problem)
    the program should send one string scroling across the panel than the next based on timers but i dont understand how to do that exactly
    i understand why its not working but i need some nudges in the right direction to get how to do it
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class stockTickerGUI extends JPanel
        private int xCord = 0;
        private int yCord = 20;
        private int secondXCord = 20;
        private String message = "";
        private String [] messageList;
        protected int counter = 0;
        private int width;
        public stockTickerGUI(String [] listOfStocks)
         messageList = listOfStocks;
         message += listOfStocks[counter];
         Timer timer = new Timer(100, new TimerListener()); //timer for movement
         Timer timer2 = new Timer(100, new TimerListener());
         Timer timer3 = new Timer(100, new TimerListener());
         Timer timer4 = new Timer(100, new TimerListener());
        protected void paintComponent(Graphics x)
         if(xCord > getWidth())
          xCord = -20;
         xCord += 5;
         x.drawString(message, xCord, yCord);
        class TimerListener implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent x)
          if(counter >= messageList.length)
           counter = 0;
          message = messageList[counter];

    could you go in to some more detail heres what i have so far from what you said
    i tryed setting the layout of the label's to null (not showen here) but nothing happened and i keep getting an nullpointexecption
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class stockTickerGUI extends JPanel
            private int xCord = 0;
        private int yCord = 20;
        private int secondXCord = 20;
        private String message = "";
    //    private String [] messageList;
        protected int counter = 0;
        private int width;
        protected JLabel [] labelList;
        public stockTickerGUI(String [] listOfStocks)
    //         messageList = listOfStocks;
             message += listOfStocks[counter];
             labelList = new JLabel[listOfStocks.length];
             for(int i = 0; i < listOfStocks.length; i++)
              labelList[i].setHorizontalTextPosition(xCord - (5 * i));
         Timer timer = new Timer(100, new TimerListener()); //timer for movement
    class TimerListener implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent x)
                   if(xCord > getWidth())
                        xCord = -20;
                   xCord += 5;
                   for(int i = 0; i < labelList.length; i++)

  • [How-to] Create multiple Artboards in existing document?

    I'm wondering how to create multiple artboards at once in an existing document. I can manually re-arrange them later, that's fine. But I often find myself needing to create 20+ artboards for some of my complex projects.
    Currently, adding those 20+ artboards manually is a pain as you can imagine.

    open the Artboards panel. (Window->Artboards)
    then down the bottom start clacking away at the new artboard button.

  • How do I create tabs on front panels

    Hi everyone. I want to create multiple front panels on the same project. How do I go about this?
    Also, I needed to analyze noise from a thermocouple signal in terms of Probability  Density Function and power spectral density and I don't have a clue yet. Any body any useful info should pls reply.

    Well said Lynn..
    I do realize that the discussion has moved away from the original topic
    Are you trying to resolve a problem that would normally be solved using signal conditioning?
    Are you seeing artifacts from 50/60Hz ?
    Did you mention what your thermocouples were connected to or in proximity of?  ie: do you need shielding?

  • Spry Panel State - open/closed ?

    Hello Guys/Gals,
    I don't want to re-invent the wheel here if at all possible...
    Has anyone ever included the Spry Collapsible Panel in menu by PHP Includes?
    Here is what I need to accomplish, the spry panels are in 1 file which is included throughout the entire site with php includes.
    I need the open/closed state to be remembered - so if you open panel #2 and click a link, you end up on that page with only panel #2 open.
    If the user closes that panel, then the panel is closed on any page visited.
    Tracking user with cookies or what?
    Can someone point me to any example code for this?

    Does this help:

  • Collapsible Spry Trouble

    Hi everyone,
    I've tried everything I can think of to fix this, to no
    avail, so hopefully someone here can enlighten me.
    The collapsible spry on my page is already expanded when the
    page is opened, but I'd obviously rather have it collapsed for the
    readers to decide whether to open it or not.
    Here's the code, and if anyone can help, I'd really
    appreciate any help.

    From this page:
    Set the default state of the panel
    By default the Collapsible Panel widget is open when the web
    page loads in a browser. You can, however, change the status of the
    panel if you want the panel to be closed when the page loads.
    Set the contentIsOpen option in the constructor as follows:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var CollapsiblePanel1 = new
    Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel("CollapsiblePanel1", { contentIsOpen:
    false });
    Ken Ford
    Adobe Community Expert - Dreamweaver/ColdFusion
    Fordwebs, LLC
    "tomjamesgreen" <[email protected]> wrote in
    message news:[email protected]...
    > Hi everyone,
    > I've tried everything I can think of to fix this, to no
    avail, so hopefully
    > someone here can enlighten me.
    > The collapsible spry on my page is already expanded when
    the page is opened,
    > but I'd obviously rather have it collapsed for the
    readers to decide whether to
    > open it or not.
    > Here's the code, and if anyone can help, I'd really
    appreciate any help.
    > Cheers!
    > Tom
    > @charset "UTF-8";
    > /* SpryCollapsiblePanel.css - Revision: Spry Preview
    Release 1.4 */
    > /* Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All
    rights reserved. */
    > /* This is the selector for the main CollapsiblePanel
    container. For our
    > * default style, the CollapsiblePanel is responsible for
    drawing the borders
    > * around the widget.
    > *
    > * If you want to constrain the width of the
    CollapsiblePanel widget, set a
    > width on
    > * the CollapsiblePanel container. By default, our
    CollapsiblePanel expands
    > horizontally to fill
    > * up available space.
    > *
    > * The name of the class ("CollapsiblePanel") used in
    this selector is not
    > necessary
    > * to make the widget function. You can use any class
    name you want to style
    > the
    > * CollapsiblePanel container.
    > */
    > .CollapsiblePanel {
    > margin: 0px;
    > padding: 0px;
    > border-left: solid 0px #CCC;
    > border-right: solid 0px #999;
    > border-top: solid 0px #999;
    > border-bottom: solid 0px #CCC;
    > width: 90px;
    > }
    > /* This is the selector for the CollapsiblePanelTab.
    This container houses
    > * the title for the panel. This is also the container
    that the user clicks
    > * on to open or close the panel.
    > *
    > * The name of the class ("CollapsiblePanelTab") used in
    this selector is not
    > necessary
    > * to make the widget function. You can use any class
    name you want to style an
    > * CollapsiblePanel panel tab container.
    > */
    > .CollapsiblePanelTab {
    > font: bold 0.7em sans-serif;
    > background-color: #FFFFFF;
    > border-bottom: solid 0px #CCC;
    > margin: 0px;
    > padding: 0px;
    > cursor: pointer;
    > -moz-user-select: none;
    > -khtml-user-select: none;
    > width: 90px;
    > }
    > /* This is the selector for a CollapsiblePanel's Content
    area. It's important
    > to note that
    > * you should never put any padding on the content area
    element if you plan to
    > * use the CollapsiblePanel's open/close animations.
    Placing a non-zero
    > padding on the content
    > * element can cause the CollapsiblePanel to abruptly
    grow in height while the
    > panels animate.
    > *
    > * The name of the class ("CollapsiblePanelContent") used
    in this selector is
    > not necessary
    > * to make the widget function. You can use any class
    name you want to style a
    > * CollapsiblePanel content container.
    > */
    > .CollapsiblePanelContent {
    > margin: 0px;
    > padding: 0px;
    > width: 90px;
    > }
    > /* An anchor tag can be used inside of a
    CollapsiblePanelTab so that the
    > * keyboard focus ring appears *inside* the tab instead
    of around the tab.
    > * This is an example of how to make the text within the
    anchor tag look
    > * like non-anchor (normal) text.
    > */
    > .CollapsiblePanelTab a {
    > color: black;
    > text-decoration: none;
    > width: 90px;
    > }
    > /* This is an example of how to change the appearance of
    the panel tab that is
    > * currently open. The class "CollapsiblePanelOpen" is
    programatically added
    > and removed
    > * from panels as the user clicks on the tabs within the
    > */
    > .CollapsiblePanelOpen .CollapsiblePanelTab {
    > background-color: #FFF;
    > width: 90px;
    > }
    > /* This is an example of how to change the appearance of
    the panel tab as the
    > * mouse hovers over it. The class
    "CollapsiblePanelTabHover" is
    > programatically added
    > * and removed from panel tab containers as the mouse
    enters and exits the tab
    > container.
    > */
    > .CollapsiblePanelTabHover, .CollapsiblePanelOpen
    .CollapsiblePanelTabHover {
    > background-color: #FFF;
    > width: 90px;
    > }
    > /* This is an example of how to change the appearance of
    all the panel tabs
    > when the
    > * CollapsiblePanel has focus. The
    "CollapsiblePanelFocused" class is
    > programatically added and removed
    > * whenever the CollapsiblePanel gains or loses keyboard
    > */
    > .CollapsiblePanelFocused .CollapsiblePanelTab {
    > background-color: #FFF;
    > width: 90px;
    > }

  • Spry Panels

    Has anyone had a problem with DW crashing when opening pages
    with Spry panels? Adobe tech support suggested creating new site
    defs. That worked for awhile but the problem has recurred. Any have
    a fix?

    It's not working in the second page because the script that initializes the tabbed panels is before the HTML code for the panels. It needs to come after. Move this code below the tabbed panels div:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var TabbedPanels1 = new Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels("TabbedPanels1");

  • Collapsible Navigation Panel

    I am creating an anonymous site. The site layout is 2 Column Narrow Wide for all pages. For some content I am getting horizontal scroll. I want to implement collapsible navigation panel so that if user wants to increase the work area he can collapse and use the whole area to see the content. Same as we have standard in our portal.
    Best Regards,
    Swati Gaur

    I have checked with the default framework page for Light and Default. Its appearing in Default but not in Light. So I think this is not possible in Light.
    Best Regards,
    Swati Gaur

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