Creating Scrolling Titles

I have managed to get my titles to work but is there a way of adjusting the font size for some text and not the rest- it appears what ever I have done the text all has to be the same size ?
I am using FCP

Hey David,
Yeah, FCP's title generators are a bit limited. You can only have one size per generated block of text. You could try using the Boris Title generator, which offers a little more control (under the video generators menu as well). What I have found to be the best, though, is to use Photoshop to create a transparent TIFF file that is your whole credit sequence in one image. Then bring that into FCP and keyframe it so that it scrolls at the pace you like. Works great!
Hope that helps!

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    Note that iMovie lets you adjust the vertical position of certain titles. As the title plays in the little preview window, move the mouse over the window. If the cursor changes to a cross the title is movable. Click on it to drag up or down.
    "Centered Title" is one.
    Other titling options are built into your Mac. They include all the text options in TextEdit, which lets you make lots of cool text. You convert the text into an image and import it.
    You can also use the Ken Burns Effect in iMovie to zoom/pan across images of text. You can create a block of text of any style or combinations of style, capture it as an image, and import the image using the Ken Burns effect to animate it however you like.
    It's possible too, of course, to purchase third-party title plug-ins for iMovie.

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    It can be done, but not from within iMovie.
    1) Create your credits, using the 2 column format iMovie provides
    2) Select all your text (command a), and copy it to the clipboard (command-C)
    3) Open the word processor of your choice.  I used Microsoft Word. 
    4) Create a blank document
    5) Paste the text of your credits
    6) use the word processor to align your text (left, right or center)
    7) Select all the resulting text (command a)
    8) Copy it to the clipboard (Command C)
    9) click back to iMovie, and paste the clipboard (command V)
    It'll look a little weird when you first paste it.  Exit the edit text feature (easiest way is to move the timeline bar away from your credits) and play the movie, and voila your credits are aligned.

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    In addition to using Boris 3d Title - Read This Article on Titling in DV
    have fun.

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    There is only one way I know to make titles (and any other clip created with a generator) longer than 2 minutes: drag the clip into the browser (if not yet there); while in List view write a new length value into the Duration field of the browser, for example 3:00:00 (or simply 30000); use this modified clip in the timeline. Then FCE will use the new value as a clip duration.

  • How do I create a title, that behaves like a button?

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    1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    2. <news>
    3. <item>
    4. <headline>Flash XML Based News reader out
    5. <date>05/09/1986</date>
    6. <message>Today my new xml based flash news reader
    came out, I am so excited!</message>
    7. </item>
    8. <item>
    9. <headline>One day until the Flash XML Based News
    reader is out!</headline>
    10. <date>05/08/1986</date>
    11. <message>Tomorrow my new xml based flash news
    reader comes out, I am so excited!</message>
    12. </item>
    13. <item>
    14. <headline>Two days until the Flash XML Based News
    reader is out!</headline>
    15. <date>05/07/1986</date>
    16. <message>The day after tomorrow my new xml based
    flash news reader comes out, I am so excited!</message>
    17. </item>
    18. </news>
    And here's the ActionScript part:
    1. // Initialize the xml object that our news will be loaded
    2. var news_xml : XML = new XML();
    3. // ignore all whitespaces inside of our xml file
    4. news_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
    5. // when the xml recieves a return from the load() function
    call, execute this function
    6. news_xml.onLoad = function( success : Boolean ) {
    7. // if the xml file was successfully loaded
    8. if ( success ) {
    9. parseNews(this);
    10. }
    11. }
    12. // call the load function on the xml object, passing in
    the url of your xml file
    13. news_xml.load("xmlTutorial.xml");
    14. // this function will take our news xml object and parse
    15. function parseNews( _xml : XML ) : Void {
    16. // first we create an array that holds all the values of
    the item nodes
    17. var items : Array = _xml.firstChild.childNodes;
    18. // now we want to iterate over every item in the items
    19. // and parse the nodes as we see fit
    20. for ( var i : Number = 0 ; i < items.length ; i ++ ) {
    21. // here we set the text of the text field ( news_txt )
    22. // the first thing we add to the textfield is the
    headline then a line break
    23. news_txt.htmlText += "<b>" + items
    .childNodes[0].firstChild +"</b><br>";
    24. // next we add the string date followed by the date value
    in the xml file
    25. news_txt.htmlText += "Date: " +
    items.childNodes[1].firstChild + "<br>";
    26. // now we add the message, then two line breaks, only for
    27. news_txt.htmlText += " " + items
    .childNodes[2].firstChild + "<br><br>";
    28. }
    29. }
    So far is everything clear to me. But what I want to do now
    is that after a user clicks on title, next happens:
    the current swf unloads
    the flash sends data to asp (ID of an article and ID of an
    author, which movie to load next).
    How do create a title/button?I know how to make a title to
    behave like a link (just add the
    http://... in the headline tag in XML
    document. But this,..... I just don't know how to do that.
    THX for any help

    2m, you are right. I should tell you about my concept. It's
    all on the paper yet, because this is how I work - first I write
    down everything on paper, study it and the next step in trying to
    make it work on computer.
    I have a main swf, I call it system.swf. System.swf receives
    the info about the swfs, it must be loaded from html tag
    <object><param>. The ID of the movies is send from
    flash to asp and then via <object>back to flash. Does that
    make sense? Is there a better way for that?
    So, the system.swf is loaded for the whole time - let's say
    it on level1. On level 2 are then loaded other swfs.It depends
    which content the user wants to see.
    About the article part:
    first the user sees the list of last articles (title, date
    and short description). When he/she clicks on the title, all the
    action happens:
    flash sends the data which article the user wants to read to
    asp, asp searches in data base for the requested article and
    creates xml, where are title, date and the whole content of the
    At the same time asp also sends via <object>tag in html
    the id of the swf that must be loaded and the id of the author of
    the article, so the swf, where the pictures of the all authors are,
    will know what picute must load (this is the second swf that is
    loaded on the article part - it's created like a gallery; the
    author of the active article is bigger and if the user wants to
    read the last article of other author, he/she just closes the
    picture and then the images are moving in a slider way and when
    he/she clicks on an image, it get larger and the last artcle of
    this author is loaded).
    And I wonder how can I make this all to happen: when the user
    clicks on a title, all the var action happens?
    If you have better idea how to create this, please, advice.
    THX for the help so far

  • Error while creating a Title

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    Premiere Pro Debug Event
    Premiere Pro has encountered and error

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    Besides no title in the blue bar, I also noticed there is no source link on the right hand side.
    All help is appreciated. Thank you,
    Rafael Sands

    I am having the exact same problems, any help or ideas would be very much appreciated.

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    Can I do that?

    Do you have another image editor you can use? Then it's relatively easy. Created an image file that's 4:3 in size ratio, give it the background color you want, and add add and position the text and save as a jpg. Or duplicate a current photo, edit it so it's all black or desired color and use it to put the text on. There's a 3rd party application that many like called Portraits and Prints. Check VersionTracker for it and others.
    If you don't have a 3rd party editor you might be able to do it with AppleWorks or Word. Again create a 4:3 ratio landscape document, add text and print to PDF. Then open it in Preview and do a Save As, selecting jpg as the format.
    Other's have listed different methods.

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    for me this looks like one of the -zillion of free Title-designs avail across the net ...
    but to re-enact such a look, one option which comes to my mind is:
    • added a title to project, in red
    • alt-drag title-clip to create a copy of it
    • the lower one set to yellow
    • applied a Gaussian blur, played with some settings, see screen-shot above: 80% transparency, lots of blur, lots of 'boost'…
    … maybe not the most elegant way, but … close.

  • Creating a title..Please help

    Hello everyone,
    Could someone please tell me which program I can use to create the title "Steve Jobs -Apple's CEO" that is in Apple Special Event? I like the way it appeared and I am about to create something like that soon.
    Thank you very much for your instructions in advance
    Best regards,

    I believe that you are referring to a "lower third?"
    Is that what you wish to do?
    If it is, and you don't know how to do that, it might be prudent to get a basic book on motion graphics and get some background on how these things are done.
    Motion, LiveType, After Effects, FCP, and dozens of other programs can create lower thirds

  • Creating a title

    Does anyone know of any quick and easy-to-understand tutorials for After Effect CS4 that can help me create a title introduction for my videos?
    I want an entertaining introduction with nice animations. I'm new to AE, so the tutorial would have to be "dumbed down."
    I don't need anything professional.
    Thank you!

    There are lots of tutorials about text animation. This page lists several that are good: "Examples and resources for text animation"
    If you have a more specific sense of what you want to do, then ask or do a search using the After Effects Community Help search. For example here's a search for graffiti tutorials that pulls up a great tutorial on the Video Copilot website.
    If you're just getting started with After Effects, then I recommend reading this: "Getting started with After Effects"

  • Creating a Title: Incomplete Insructions in Manual

    Here are the instructions for creating a Title (abridged)
    1) Select a text generator
    2) In the Viewer, click the Controls tab.
    3) In the Text field, type the text that will appear in your movie.
    Then it says this:
    Once you’ve created your text generator clip, you can add it to your sequence.
    Umm, hello? How to create a text generator clip?

    I read the question differently. I think qamera has already done the steps in the three instructions he quotes and then wonders how to "create a text generator clip" AFTER he's done those three steps. If so, here's the answer: By doing those three steps, you've already created the text generator clip. You don't have to do anything else to create the clip. You can now drag it from the viewer either directly into the timeline or over to the canvas and use the overlays to get it into the timeline.

  • Can we create scroll bar Table in ADE?

    Hi All,
    Can we create scroll bar Table in ADE. Please refer the enclosed attachment Table.JPG.
    We used the following CSS property, which is displaying the scroll bar table in HTML but not in ADE.
    #table_data {width:400px; overflow:auto; }
    Please Suggest.

    Hi Swathi,
    The whole concept of internal table is to manipulate the data at runtime.
    This replaces the concept of two dimentional array in other languages.
    The power of internal tables is it gets lakhs of records at runtime. I mean it can accomodate lots of records at runtime.
    So you can create a table type in DDIC and use it to declare your internal table.
    Yes, You can create global internal tables for function modules.
    By declaring the internal table in top include you can use this internal table all the function modules of that function group. So if one function module is filling the data another can use it as it is stored globally.
    Hope this answers your curiosity.
    Award points if useful else getback.

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