Creating XML file using data from database table

I have to create an xml file using the data from multiple table. The problem That i am facing is the data is huge it is in millions so I was wondering that is there any efective way of creating such an xml file.
It would be great if you can suggest some approach to achieve my requirement.

An example from the forum: Re: How to generate xml file from database table
Edited by: Marco Gralike on Oct 18, 2012 9:41 PM

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  • Extract data from database tables and download in pdf and csv

    extract data from database tables and download in pdf and csv
    hi how can i re-write my old form procedure in adf java. the procedure used to extract data from diffirent table and dowload the data in pdf and not downloading image, i what to extract data from diffirent tables in my database and download that data in pdf and csv. i would like to write this in java adf.i just what direction am not asking anyone to do my work this is my learning curve
    the form code is
    function merge_header3 return varchar2 is
    procedure download_file (i_pbat integer) is
      dir varchar2(80);
      file_name1 varchar2(80);
      file_name2 varchar2(80);
      appl_code varchar2(80);
      fil1 client_text_io.file_type;
      fil2 client_text_io.file_type;
      dat varchar2(1000);
      DATA VARCHAR2(1000);
      bvspro varchar2(100);
      ssch   varchar2(100);
      bvspro_total number(20,2);
      ssch_total   number(20,2);
      grand_total  number(20,2);
      cnt    integer;
      cursor pbat is
           select *
           from sms_payment_batches
           where id = i_pbat
      cursor pay  (pb_id integer) is
           select *
           from sms_payment_vw
           where pbat_id = pb_id
           order by subsidy ASC,programme,beneficiary_name
      cursor cgref (low varchar2) is
           select *
           from cg_ref_codes
           where rv_domain ='SMS'
           and rv_low_value = low
      success boolean;     
           appl_code := sms_global.ref_code('SMS','APP_CODE','SMS',0);
        dir       := sms_global.ref_code('SMS','PAY_DIR','c:\sms\batch_payments',0);
             success := webutil_file.create_directory(dir);
         if webutil_file.file_is_directory(dir) then
    --         message ('directory exists');
    --                  message ('create directory ');
             success := webutil_file.create_directory(dir);
    --         if success then        message ('directory exists');    end if;
        end if;     
        for c_pbat in pbat loop
             file_name1 := dir ||'\' || appl_code||c_pbat.batch_number||'-'||to_char(c_pbat.batch_dt,'yyyymmdd')||'pay.txt';
             file_name2 := dir ||'\' || appl_code||c_pbat.batch_number||'-'||to_char(c_pbat.batch_dt,'yyyymmdd')||'merge.txt';
    --message('create files ');
    --         fil1  := client_text_io.fopen (file_name1,'W');
    --         fil2  := client_text_io.fopen (file_name2,'W');
        fil1  := client_text_io.fopen (file_name1,'W','');
        fil2  := client_text_io.fopen (file_name2,'W','');
                   dat :=                       'FROM ACCOUNT NUMBER'
                                                                ||'~'||'FROM ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION'
                                                                ||'~'||'MY STATEMENT DESCRIPTION'
                                                                ||'~'||'BENEFICIARY ACCOUNT NUMBER'
                                                                ||'~'||'BENEFICIARY SUB ACCOUNT NUMBER'        
                                                                ||'~'||'BENEFICIARY BRANCH CODE'
                                                                ||'~'||'BENEFICIARY NAME'
                                                                ||'~'||'BENEFICIARY STATEMENT DESCRIPTION'
             --     client_text_io.put_line(fil1,dat);
             bvspro:= null;
             ssch  := null;
             cnt := 0;     
             dat := '~'||lpad('~',16,'~');
             for c_pay in pay( loop
    --message('cpay loop ' || cnt);              
               if bvspro is null then
                     dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
                     dat := utility.put_field(1,c_pay.programme,dat,'~');     
               dat := utility.put_field(1,c_pay.subsidy,dat,'~');
               dat := merge_header3;
                     bvspro := c_pay.programme;
                     ssch := c_pay.subsidy;
                     grand_total := 0;
                     bvspro_total := 0;
                     ssch_total := 0;
               end if;
               if bvspro <> c_pay.programme then
                     dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
                     dat := utility.put_field(5,ssch_total,dat,'~');
                     dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
                     dat := utility.put_field(5,bvspro_total,dat,'~');
               dat := utility.put_field(1,'Total:' || bvspro,dat,'~');
                     dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
                     dat := utility.put_field(1,c_pay.programme,dat,'~');     
                     bvspro := c_pay.programme;
               dat := utility.put_field(1,c_pay.subsidy,dat,'~');
               dat := merge_header3;
                     bvspro := c_pay.programme;
                     ssch := c_pay.subsidy;
                     bvspro_total := 0;
                     ssch_total := 0;
                     cnt :=0;
             end if;                           
               if ssch <> c_pay.subsidy then
                     dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
                     dat := utility.put_field(5,ssch_total,dat,'~');
                     dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
               dat := utility.put_field(1,c_pay.subsidy,dat,'~');
               dat := merge_header3;
                     ssch := c_pay.subsidy;
                     ssch_total := 0;
                     cnt :=0;
             end if;                           
            bvspro_total := bvspro_total + c_pay.amount;
            ssch_total   := ssch_total   + c_pay.amount;              
                  grand_total  := grand_total  + c_pay.amount;              
            cnt := cnt +1;
    --message('bfore write file 2 ' );              
                            ||'~'|| c_pay.beneficiary_name
                                                                ||'~'||c_pay.BENEFICIARY_ACCOUNT_NUMBER ||''            
                                                                ||'~'||c_pay.BRANCH_CODE             ||''           
                                                                ||'~'|| c_pay.BENEFICIARY_STATEMENT_DESC            
                                                                ||'~'|| c_pay.AMOUNT                                
                            ||'~'|| c_pay.address_line1
                            ||'~'|| c_pay.address_line2
                                                    ||'~'|| c_pay.postal_code
                                                    ||'~'|| TO_CHAR(c_pay.deposit_date,'DD-Mon-YYYY')
                                                    ||'~'|| c_pay.month
                                                    ||'~'|| c_pay.bank_branch
                                                    ||'~'|| c_pay.account_type
                                                    ||'~'|| c_pay.subsidy
                                                    ||'~'|| c_pay.programme)
                  DATA :=                                  c_pay.FROM_ACCOUNT_NUMBER                   
            DATA := REPLACE(DATA, ',' , ' ' );
            DATA := REPLACE(DATA, '~' , ',' );
    --message (cnt ||' ' || data);       
    --message('bfore write file 1 ' );              
                  client_text_io.put_line(fil1, data);
             end loop;
    --message ('end of write');         
                 dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
                 dat := utility.put_field(6,ssch_total,dat,'~');
                 dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
           dat := utility.put_field(1,'Total:' || bvspro,dat,'~');
                 dat := utility.put_field(5,bvspro_total,dat,'~');
              dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
           dat := utility.put_field(1,'Grand Total:' ,dat,'~');
                 dat := utility.put_field(5,grand_total,dat,'~');
             -- close file
    for i in 1..50 loop  
           if substr(i,-1) = 0 then
                 message ('flush ' || i);
           end if;                 
                  client_text_io.put_line(fil1, lpad(' ',2000));
                  client_text_io.put_line(fil2, lpad(' ',2000));
                  client_text_io.put_line(fil1, lpad(' ',2000));
                  client_text_io.put_line(fil2, lpad(' ',2000));
    end loop;
        end loop;
             when others then
                  message(sqlcode ||' ' ||sqlerrm);
       end download_file;    i try this but this code onlydownload image not data from database tables
        public void downloadImage(FacesContext facesContext, OutputStream outputStream)
            BindingContainer bindings = BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
            // get an ADF attributevalue from the ADF page definitions
            AttributeBinding attr = (AttributeBinding) bindings.getControlBinding("DocumentImage");
            if (attr == null)
            // the value is a BlobDomain data type
            BlobDomain blob = (BlobDomain) attr.getInputValue();
            {   // copy the data from the BlobDomain to the output stream
                IOUtils.copy(blob.getInputStream(), outputStream);
                // cloase the blob to release the recources
                // flush the output stream
            catch (IOException e)
                // handle errors
                FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, e.getMessage(), "");
                FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, msg);

    You should ask your forum in the ADF-forum.

  • Have a combobox pre-filled using data from database

    What would be a recommended method to have a combobox
    pre-filled using data from database?

    You can load an Array with the data returned from your
    database and bind to that array as the dataProvider for the
    private var myArrayDP:Array = new Array();
    //Load the array with your returned data.
    <mx:ComboBox dataProvider="{this.myArrayDP}">
    Using an ArrayCollection however is often better if you want
    changes to the dataProvider to automatically reflect in the

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    I have GUI with JTree, and i have data in database with ParentID, ChiledID fileds,
    i want to crate tree structure from using data in database.
    can you people tell me how can i proceed, I will get a data as List of Vectors from DB.

    i got the solution,
    what i did i having object class extended DefaultMutableTreeNode and i have list of objects class refrence and i know which is parent and a child so just add the child refrence to parent refrence which stored in list.

  • Creating XML File Using xmldom Package

    How can I create an XML file from scratch using the PL/SQL xmldom package?
    I want to create an XML file using the xmldom package instead of building the individual tags as strings of VARCHAR2 character data. There is quite a bit of documentation regarding manipulating input XML files using DOM -- but not for creating XML files from scratch given known "tagnames" (<lastName>) and retrieved database "values" ("Smith").
    Is there any documentation that you can recommend?
    Thank you.

    Here is an example.
    The create_file procedure creates the file.
    The other procedures are generic procs that can be used with any XML.
    PROCEDURE create_file_with_root(po_xmldoc OUT xmldom.DOMDocument,
    pi_root_tag IN VARCHAR2,
                                            po_root_element OUT xmldom.domelement,
                                            po_root_node OUT xmldom.domnode,
                                            pi_doctype_url IN VARCHAR2) IS
    xmldoc xmldom.DOMDocument;
    root xmldom.domnode;
    root_node xmldom.domnode;
    root_element xmldom.domelement;
    record_node xmldom.domnode;
    newelenode xmldom.DOMNode;
    xmldoc := xmldom.newDOMDocument;
    xmldom.setVersion(xmldoc, '1.0');
    xmldom.setDoctype(xmldoc, pi_root_tag, pi_doctype_url,'');
    -- Create the root --
    root := xmldom.makeNode(xmldoc);
    -- Create the root element in the file --
    create_element_and_append(xmldoc, pi_root_tag, root, root_element, root_node);
    po_xmldoc := xmldoc;
    po_root_node := root_node;
    po_root_element := root_element;
    END create_file_with_root;
    PROCEDURE create_element_and_append(pi_xmldoc IN OUT xmldom.DOMDocument,
    pi_element_name IN VARCHAR2,
                                            pi_parent_node IN xmldom.domnode,
                                            po_new_element OUT xmldom.domelement,
                                            po_new_node OUT xmldom.domnode) IS
    element xmldom.domelement;
    child_node xmldom.domnode;
    newelenode xmldom.DOMNode;
    element := xmldom.createElement(pi_xmldoc, pi_element_name);
    child_node := xmldom.makeNode(element);
    -- Append the new node to the parent --
    newelenode := xmldom.appendchild(pi_parent_node, child_node);
    po_new_node := child_node;
    po_new_element := element;
    END create_element_and_append;
    FUNCTION create_text_element(pio_xmldoc IN OUT xmldom.DOMDocument, pi_element_name IN VARCHAR2,
    pi_element_data IN VARCHAR2, pi_parent_node IN xmldom.domnode) RETURN xmldom.domnode IS
    parent_node xmldom.domnode;                                   
    child_node xmldom.domnode;
    child_element xmldom.domelement;
    newelenode xmldom.DOMNode;
    textele xmldom.DOMText;
    compnode xmldom.DOMNode;
    create_element_and_append(pio_xmldoc, pi_element_name, pi_parent_node, child_element, child_node);
    parent_node := child_node;
    -- Create a text node --
    textele := xmldom.createTextNode(pio_xmldoc, pi_element_data);
    child_node := xmldom.makeNode(textele);
    -- Link the text node to the new node --
    compnode := xmldom.appendChild(parent_node, child_node);
    RETURN newelenode;
    END create_text_element;
    PROCEDURE create_file IS
    xmldoc xmldom.DOMDocument;
    root_node xmldom.domnode;
    xml_doctype xmldom.DOMDocumentType;
    root_element xmldom.domelement;
    record_element xmldom.domelement;
    record_node xmldom.domnode;
    parent_node xmldom.domnode;
    child_node xmldom.domnode;
    newelenode xmldom.DOMNode;
    textele xmldom.DOMText;
    compnode xmldom.DOMNode;
    xmldoc := xmldom.newDOMDocument;
    xmldom.setVersion(xmldoc, '1.0');
    create_file_with_root(xmldoc, 'root', root_element, root_node, 'test.dtd');
    xmldom.setAttribute(root_element, 'interface_type', 'EXCHANGE_RATES');
    -- Create the record element in the file --
    create_element_and_append(xmldoc, 'record', root_node, record_element, record_node);
    parent_node := create_text_element(xmldoc, 'title', 'Mr', record_node);
    parent_node := create_text_element(xmldoc, 'name', 'Joe', record_node);
    parent_node := create_text_element(xmldoc,'surname', 'Blogs', record_node);
    -- Create the record element in the file --
    create_element_and_append(xmldoc, 'record', root_node, record_element, record_node);
    parent_node := create_text_element(xmldoc, 'title', 'Mrs', record_node);
    parent_node := create_text_element(xmldoc, 'name', 'A', record_node);
    parent_node := create_text_element(xmldoc, 'surname', 'B', record_node);
    -- write the newly created dom document into the buffer assuming it is less than 32K
    xmldom.writeTofile(xmldoc, 'c:\laiki\willow_data\test.xml');
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20120, 'Index Size error');
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20120, 'String Size error');
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20120, 'Hierarchy request error');
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20120, 'Wrong doc error');
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20120, 'Invalid Char error');
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20120, 'Nod data allowed error');
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20120, 'No mod allowed error');
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20120, 'Not found error');
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20120, 'Not supported error');
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20120, 'In use attr error');
    dbms_output.put_line('exception occured' || SQLCODE || SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 100));
    END create_file;

  • Creating XML file Using Call Transformation

    Hello Friends,
          I have searched before posting thread, couldnt find anything.
          I am creating an XML file using Call Transformation. My internal table has 3 date fields and some other fields.  For some records I dont have values for the date fields. In that case my XML file is giving the date value as 0000-00-00 since I declared it as Date type.  This value 0000-00-00  is not accepted by the middle ware as the valid date.  I can not change it as String type as per the suggestion.
    In that case I am advised to skip printing the date field tag if it doesnt have value.
         Is there any way to skip the date field if it is empty. Any Suggestions please ?.

    I had exactly the same problem before. When you call a transformation there is an option called initial_components. According to SAP if you use initial_components = 'SUPRESS' the empty fields should not being generated on the XML.
    Now, this didn't work for me and I have seen some people with the same problem. Here is how I solved this (maybe not the best way but it worked):
    First: My fields are all CHAR in my table
    Second: In the transformation, you can use conditional transformation to not display a tag if field is empty, here a piece of my transformation (I am using simple transformations):
       <tt:root name="ROOT"/>
         <tt:cond s-check="not-initial(ref('ROOT.L1_NM')) or not-initial(ref('ROOT.L2_NM'))">
                <tt:cond s-check="not-initial(ref('ROOT.L1_NM'))">
                    <tt:value ref="ROOT.L1_NM"/>
                <tt:cond s-check="not-initial(ref('ROOT.L2_NM'))">
                    <tt:value ref="ROOT.L2_NM"/>
    As you can see, I first check if the fields have values.
    Hope it helps
    Edited by: carlosrv on Oct 4, 2011 8:22 PM

  • Drop Down list in table with data from database table

    I have created an interactive form in WD ABAP.
    In Context tab I have created the nodes as follows:
    ZSOHEADER node with cardinality 1..1
    |-> MATERIAL node with cardinality 0..n. Under MATERIAL node there are 2 attrib. MAKTX and MATNR.
    I am fetching data from MARA table into an internal table IT_MARA.
    The node MATERIAL is bound to internal table IT_MARA.
    I have created a table with property ' Body rows vary depending on data ' .
    I have only one row in table. The first cell of the row is a drop down field.
    I have bind the field to the node MATERIAL->DATA->MAKTX.
    Now the issue is even though I have created only one row in my table, in preview it is creating as many rows in the table as the no.of records in the internal table.
    I want only one row with the drop down list containing all values of the internal table.
    Kindly suggest what to do.

    In the WebDynpro Context, in the main node create another node like A1 with cardinality 0..n and in this node create attributes TEXT and VALUE.
    Now goto method and in that method using code wizard read the node A1.
    And use the below code snippet sample in your program, i.e. code this under respective method of the webdynpro.
    *Declare the TYPES
    *Define Internal Table and work area.
    lr_node_info->bind_table( IT_TABLE ).
    And in the Adobe Form Layout
    Go to Menu of the Adobe LiveCycle Designer:
    In that window you just check the Show Dynamic properties Check Box.
    Now for the Drop Down go the binding tab in object palette and click on the list items and there specify the Internal Table and specify the text as the internal table text field and value as internal table value field.
    From the WebDynpro Native Library Palette use the Value Help Drop Down and in object pallette goto binding tab and provide the form interface binding. Before this in the WebDynpro goto Context and for the particular field under the properties provide the search help as dictionary search help and specify the name of the dictionary search help.
    We have another method of setting the Text and Value to the DDL directly in the WebDynpro by coding in the methods, I dont have much knowledge on this.
    Pradeep Goli

  • I want to create xml file using photoshop script and also i can easily add, modify, delete based on file name

    Please help me for this.
    I need to create XML file for mentioned below. when i run the photoshop script i need deatails for active document name, date, time and status.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <date>today date</date>
    <date>today date</date>
    I need read that xml after creating and modify based on file name. i need to modify status after file finished.
    if the file name is already exist i want to modify or delete or add whatever i need.
    Kindly help me simple way

    You may want to look into getting Xtools ps-scripts - Browse Files at then.  Most of the support is for ActionManager script code where XML code is use as an intermediate step.  There are quite a few Photoshop script in XTools .   Ross Huitt is an expert javascript programmer though is is fed up with Adobe's lack of support for Photoshop scripting particularly the bugs in ScriptUI he is still maintaining tool he  has created for us free of charge. Tools like Image Processor Pro. None of his scripts are save as binary so you can read all of his code there is a wealth of knowledge in there....
    Also there is a scripting forum Photoshop Scripting

  • Complicated Question (see pdf): Use data from one table to find the same data in a second table and take other data from that table and place it in a third table. :)

    I don't even know if this is posible.
    I'm using iwork '09 
    View PDF

    I hope I can clarify:
    For our purposes here:
    Table 1 = "Step 2 - Product Sizes"
    Table 2 = "Option id Master"
    Table 3 = "Export - Product Info"
    Table 1:
    The user would enter values for "productcode," "Horz," and "Vert"
    "Size" would auto fill based on values in Horiz and Vert (I have this taken care of already).
    Table 2: This is a completely static table that I want to search against. - Data from other tables in the doc does not alter or change the data in this doc.
    We just want to look at table 2. Find the existing value in "table 2 : size" column that matches the "table 1 : size" column  and then pull the "optionids" and "productprice" from that row.
    Can the value from "Table 1 : Size" be used as a search term in "Table 2 : Size?"
    Table 3: The user does not enter any values on this table. 
    "productcode" is pulled from table 1 - "Table 1 :: A5" = "Table 3 :: A5"
    "optionids" and "productprice" are pulled from Table 2 columns "D" and "E" - however we do not know which Table 2 row it is pulling from until we enter data in Table 1.
    As I'm writing this I'm realizing that
    A. this is probably really confusing to you.
    B. this may be impossible inside of numbers.
    If you have some other method that would facilitate the same out come but be structured differently please let me know.
    --- maybe to help you understand further what I am doing here is my current workflow:
    I record the size of a piece of art.
    Then I manually go to my "Option id Master" and find the same size.
    I then copy the corresponding "optionids" and "productprice" cells. (these options control the prices displayed on my website)
    I got to my "Export - Product Info" table and paste the values in the corresponding cells.
    I was hoping to automate this as it takes a long time when you have hundreds of products.
    Thanks for the help!

  • Extracting data from database table containg perticular string.

    hi every body ,
    can any body provide me a solution for extracting the OT01 data from kna1 table where the OT01 ends with the string 'town' .
    exe : the O/P should be
    there is one more query i am not able to execute the following statement .......why?
    select ORT01 from KNA1 where ORT01 CS 'TOWN'.
    write:/ kna1-ort01.
    it is showing a syntax error.......
    Thank You.

    Hi Tippu,
    Your select statement consists of CS whcih may not be a valid comparision operator because of which error is displayed have look of this..
    data itab like kna1 occurs 0 with header line.
    parameters: s_town like kna1-ORT01.
    select ORT01 from KNA1 into table itab where ORT01 = s_town.
    Fetch the city and concatenate with TOWN your issue will be sloved.
    Edited by: Balu CH on Oct 21, 2008 11:13 PM

  • Exporting data from database tables to a XML file

    We want to export data from Oracle database tables to an XML
    file. What tool can we use for this purpose, and how do we go
    about it ?
    Can we extract data only from an Oracle8 database, or can we
    extract data from Oracle7.3 databases too ?
    Any help in this regard would be appreciated.

    Dipanjan (guest) wrote:
    : Hi,
    : We want to export data from Oracle database tables to an XML
    : file. What tool can we use for this purpose, and how do we go
    : about it ?
    : Can we extract data only from an Oracle8 database, or can we
    : extract data from Oracle7.3 databases too ?
    : Any help in this regard would be appreciated.
    : Thanks
    : Dipanjan
    Start by downloading the XML SQL Utility and make sure you have
    the approriate JDBC 1.1 drivers installed for your database.
    There are samples which will get you going included in the
    Oracle XML Team
    Oracle Technology Network

  • Export data from database table before database migration

    We are planning to migrate our SAP ERP 6 Ehp4/NW7.01 from Oracle 11.2 to IBM DB2 v. 9.7 database. During test migrations I have established that we spend a lot of time for one particular table (COEP). Because we donu2019t have possibility to archive this table before migration I have an idea to export data from previous years from this table to the file system (using an ABAP report), delete those data from table before migration and then after migration, import back to the database from the file system.
    Does anybody have any concerns or suggestions about this idea?
    Thank you for your answers

    Hello Andrej,
    I strongly do not recommend to do so.
    I am not sure whether technically this could work at all..
    Even it if would work .. In order to really save time, the export and the import would have to be a dirty one (meaning the system is operational and in production). With this there is a high risk to produce inconsistencies on this table.  And you most likely will receive no support if something unforeseen happens and you end with problems.
    Also  your approach (if it should work at all) , would have to be tested thoroughly by you , also protecting the table from any changes.
    I do not believe that this can save any effort compared to implementing advanced migration techniques like table splitting.
    On top, you would go high risk to end with an unsupported system, with not using official migration procedures

  • Report using Data from different tables

    I am trying to convert a Cobol batch program to Oracle 6i tabular report.
    The data is fetched from many different tables and there are lots of processing(i.e, based on the value of a column from one table need additional processing from different tables) required to generate the desired columns in the final report.
    I would like to know what is the best strategy to follow in Oracle Reports 6i. I heard that CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE is an option. ( or REF CURSOR ?) I do not know much about its usage. Can somebody guide me about this or any other better way to achieve the result.
    Thank you in advance

    There are many, many options available to you, each of which has advantages and disadvantages. This is why it is difficult to answer "what is best?" without alot more details about your specific circumstances.
    In general, you're going to be writing PL/SQL to do any conditional logic that cannot be expressed as pure SQL. It can executed in the database, or it can executed within Reports itself. And most reports developers do some of both.
    As a general rule, you want to send only the data you need from the database to the report. This means you want to do as much filtering and aggregating of the data as is readily possible within the database. If this cannot be expressed as plain SQL queries, then you'll want to create a stored procedures to help do this work.
    Generally, the PL/SQL you create for executing within the report should be focused on control of the formatting, such as controlling whether a field is visible, or controlling display attributes for conditional formatting.
    But these are not hard and fast rules. In some cases, it is difficult to get all the stored procedures you might like installed into the database. Perhaps the dba is reluctant to let you install that many stored procedures. Perhaps there are restrictions when and how often updates can be made to stored procedures in a production database, which makes it difficult to incrementally adjust your reports based on user feedback. Or perhaps there are restrictions for how long queries are allowed to run.
    So, Reports offers lots of options and features to let you do data manipulation operations from within the report data model.
    In any case, Oracle does offer temporary table capabilities. You can populate a temp table by running stored procedures that do queries, calculations and aggregations. And you can define and initiate a dynamic query statement within the database and pass a handle to this query off to the report to execute (ref cursor).
    From the reports side, you can have as many queries as you want in the data model, arranged in any hierarchy via links. You can parameterize and change the queries dynamically using bind variables and lexicals. And you can add calculations, aggregations, and filters.
    Again, most people do data manipulation both in the database and in Reports, using the database for what it excels at, and Reports for what it excels at.
    Hope this helps.
    The Oracle Reports Team --skw                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Create xml file with values from context

    Hi experts!
    I am trying to implement a WD application that will have some input fields, the value of those input fields will be used to create an xml file with a certain format and then sent to a certain application.
    Apart from this i want to read an xml file back from the application and then fill some other context nodes with values from the xml file.
    Is there any standard used code to do this??
    If not how can i do this???
    Thanx in advance!!!
    P.S. Points will be rewarded to all usefull answers.
    Edited by: Armin Reichert on Jun 30, 2008 6:12 PM
    Please stop this P.S. nonsense!

    you need to create three util class for that:-
    for example in my XML two tag item will be there e.g. Title and Organizer,and from ur WebDynpro view you need to pass value for the XML tag.
    And u need to call buildXML()function of builder class to generate XML, in that i have passed bean object to get the values of tags. you need to set the value in bean from the view ui context.
    Code for XMLBuilder:-
    Created on Apr 4, 2006
    This class is to created for having function for to build XML
    and to get EncodedXML
      and to get formated date
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.Date;
    public class XMLBuilder {
    This attribute represents the XML version
         private static final double VERSION_NUMBER = 1.0;
    This attribute represents the encoding
         private static final String ENCODING_TYPE = "UTF-16";
         /*Begin of Function to buildXML
    return: String
    input: Event
         public String buildXML(Event event) {
              StringBuffer xmlBuilder = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"");
              xmlBuilder.append("\" encoding=\"");
              xmlBuilder.append("\" ?>");
              xmlBuilder.append(getEncodedXML(event.getTitle(), "title"));
              xmlBuilder.append(getEncodedXML(event.getOrganizer(), "organizer"));
              return xmlBuilder.toString();
         /End of Function to buildXML/
         /*Begin of Function to get EncodedXML
    return: String
    input: String,String
         public String getEncodedXML(String xmlString, String tag) {
              StringBuffer begin = new StringBuffer("");
              if ((tag != null) || (!tag.equalsIgnoreCase("null"))) {
              return begin.toString();
         /End of Function to get EncodedXML/
         /*Begin of Function to get formated date
    return: String
    input: Date
         private final String formatDate(Date inputDateStr) {
              String date;
              try {
                   SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat =
                        new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
                   date = simpleDateFormat.format(inputDateStr);
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   return "";
              return date;
         /End of Function to get formated date/
    Code for XMLParser:-
    Created on Apr 12, 2006
    This is a parser class
    import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
    import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
    import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
    import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
    public class XMLParser {
    Enables namespace functionality in parser
         private final boolean isNameSpaceAware = true;
    Enables validation in parser
         private final boolean isValidating = true;
    The SAX parser used to parse the xml
         private SAXParser parser;
    The XML reader used by the SAX parser
         private XMLReader reader;
    This method creates the parser to parse the user details xml.
         private void createParser()
              throws SAXException, ParserConfigurationException {
              // Create a JAXP SAXParserFactory and configure it
              SAXParserFactory saxFactory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
              // Create a JAXP SAXParser
              parser = saxFactory.newSAXParser();
              // Get the encapsulated SAX XMLReader
              reader = parser.getXMLReader();
              // Set the ErrorHandler
    This method is used to collect the user details.
         public Event getEvent(
              String newsXML,
              XMLHandler xmlHandler,
              IWDMessageManager mgr)
              throws SAXException, ParserConfigurationException, IOException {
              //create the parser, if not already done
              if (parser == null) {
              //set the parser handler to extract the
              InputSource source =
                   new InputSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(newsXML.getBytes()));
              //return the results of the parse           
              return xmlHandler.getEvent(mgr);
    Code for XMLHandler:-
    Created on Apr 12, 2006
    This is a parser class
    import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
    import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
    import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
    import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
    Created on Apr 12, 2006
    *This handler class is created to have constant value for variables and function for get events,
        character values for bean variable,
        parsing thr date ......etc
    import java.sql.Timestamp;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.Locale;
    import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
    import java.util.*;
    public class XMLHandler extends DefaultHandler {
         private static final String TITLE = "title";
         private static final String ORGANIZER = "organizer";
         IWDMessageManager manager;
         private Event events;
         private String tagName;
         public void setManager(IWDMessageManager mgr) {
              manager = mgr;
    This function is created to get events
         public Event getEvent(IWDMessageManager mgr) {
              manager = mgr;
    This function is created to get character for setting values through event's bean setter method
         public void characters(char[] charArray, int startVal, int length)
              throws SAXException {
              String tagValue = new String(charArray, startVal, length);
              if (TITLE.equals(this.tagName)) {
              if (ORGANIZER.equals(this.tagName)) {
                   String orgName = tagValue;
                   try {
                        orgName = getOrgName(orgName);
                   } catch (Exception ex) {
    This function is created to parse boolean.
         private final boolean parseBoolean(String inputBooleanStr) {
              boolean b;
              if (inputBooleanStr.equals("true")) {
                   b = true;
              } else {
                   b = false;
              return b;
    This function is used to call the super constructor.
         public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName)
              throws SAXException {
              super.endElement(uri, localName, qName);
         /* (non-Javadoc)
    @see org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler#fatalError(org.xml.sax.SAXParseException)
    This function is used to call the super constructor.
         public void fatalError(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {
    This function is created to set the elements base on the tag name.
         public void startElement(
              String uri,
              String localName,
              String qName,
              Attributes attributes)
              throws SAXException {
              this.tagName = localName;
              if (ROOT.equals(tagName)) {
          = new Event();
         public static void main(String a[]) {
              String cntry = "Nigeria";
              XMLHandler xml = new XMLHandler();
              ArrayList engList = new ArrayList();
              engList = xml.getCountries();
              ArrayList arList = xml.getArabicCountries();
              int engIndex = engList.indexOf(cntry);
              System.out.println("engIndex  :: " + engIndex);
              String arCntryName = (String) arList.get(engIndex);
                   ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" + xml.getArabicCountryName(cntry));
    Hope that may help you.
    If need any help , you are most welcome.

  • Using data from mutliple tables in COOIS

    We are in the process of upgrading from 4.6C to ECC60. In 4.6C, we
    implemented the modification as described in Note 434123 to add custom
    fields to the COOIS report.
    Our custom list contains data from both the order header and order
    operations. Therefore, data was drawn from tables IOOPER_TAB and
    IOHEADER_TAB, which were both present in the old solution. However, the
    BADI solution used in ECC60 only contains data in the structure belonging to the list
    type selected at the selection screen. The list types are defined in
    domain 'PPIO_LISTTYPE'. The structure that is filled with data is set inprogram PPIO_ENTRY_FILL_TCOA, form 'fill_tcoa'. Unfortunately, there is
    no list type available that activates both IOOPER and IOHEADER.
    I also cannot find a method in the BADI to influence the content of TCOA.
    However, I don't want to create lengthy code to retrieve the data myself.
    The most tempting solution (modification) is to:
    1. extend the value range of PPIO_LISTTYPE with the cusom list
    2. add an entry to the CASE statement in form FILL_TCOA to place an 'X' in both 'cs_tcoa-oper_sel' and 'cs_tcoa-header_sel'.
    When (using list type PPIOO00-operations), and manually setting 'cs_tcoa-header_sel' to 'X' in the debugger, all data needed to create
    the desired output is present. Is it truly necessary to implement this as a modification, or is there a better solution (without implementing a modification) to activate data
    retrieval of multiple tables form logical database IOC?

    Thanks very much for your quick response Anup.
    1. If I create a view in R/3, please let me know how should I bring this information in to BW. Should I create a table in bw or should I create a generic datasource attaching this view?
    Also, please let me know what will be the logic (not the abap code) to create a view on these 4 tables. I need to incorporate this logic in to my spec.
    2. Do I write a function module in BW?

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