Creation of Filter - SE18??

Hi All
How can we create a filter (SE18)? Jothi has explained me about BADIs some time ago.. while I am practising I got struck with the creation of filter... Say for ex: How can we create a filter for BADI HRHAP00_DOC_BC?
and also
Re: You have to make use of the BSP Application HAP_DOCUMENT (SE80->BSP Application->HAP_DOCUMENT).
Q: Could you be precise??

Hi Subbu...
Thank you very much for your response. I think these days u seem to be not answering to the questions posted in SDN, but I strongly believe people like u cannot stop supporting SDN.
However, thank you very much for your reply
Have a Great Day

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    How to create a custom BADI definition (ECC 6.0), so that I will be able to make it filter dependent.
    I need to create an implementation of the same as per Logical system name filtering for ALE processing.
    I tried to create Enhancement Spot and then created BADi but not able to make it filter dependent.
    Please suggest.
    Edited by: Parthasarathi Mohanty on May 20, 2011 2:46 PM

    I tried to create an independent custom BADI definition and make it filter Dependant.
    So that I can create my own implementation and call that in a Standard BADI method.
    Through SE18, it's not allowed to directly create BADI, I created an enhancement spot but while creating BADI in this process, it not giving me the option to make it filter dependent.
    Is there any special process to create an independent BADI definition & to make filter dependent in ECC 6.0.

  • UDO - DLL (1)

    I am using the User Defined Object (UDO) Wizard in B1. I am doing the UDO sample in SDK Help (Step 2 - Create a DLL for SM_MOR Object).
    1) How do I build a C++ DLL (White Paper)?
    2) And does it have to be a C++ DLL?
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    Thank you,

    I am going to write something about the UDO DLL development. Actually you can refer to the SDK sample <<Program Files\SAP\SAP Business One SDK\Samples\UDO\MealOrder\DllImplement>>. Or just copy to include in you own project and modify accordingly. Of course It is difficult to develop a UDO in C++ with only some C++ header files and B1UdoApi.lib without comments and instructions.  
    1.Some important tips:
    1).Don't forget to set Extenstion Path in Gernal Settings=>Path the before registration of UDO dll
    2).Implement your UDO class inherites from CSboBusinessObject defined in SboBusinessObject.h
    3).Export the dll entry point CreateObject with YourUdo.Def
         CreateObject                 @1
    in your UDO class, change the implementation of CreateObject
    CSboBusinessObject *CreateObject (unsigned long systemHandle)
         return new CAbsenceReport (systemHandle); // change into your own UDO class
    4).Override the virtual funcitons of CSboBusinessObject accordingly in your own UDO class. Very virtual function already has its default implementation in CSboBusinessObject. Don't forget to call CSboBusinessObject's default implementation after your code. For example:
    call CSboBusinessObject::OnAdd() in after your code in yourUdo's OnAdd().
    2.Include files: (More detailed description about the include files provided by SAP)
    You must implement your UDO class inheriting from CSboBusinessObject. UDO and B1 Business Object inheritING from the same base class (CSboBusinessObjectBase), which has implement the default operations(OnAdd(), OnUpdate(), OnIsValid()...). Thus UDO and B1 Business Object share the same routine of initialization and business process. You can override the virtual functions (OnAdd(), OnUpdate(), OnIsValid()...) accordingly. UDO works as plug-in of B1, loaded dynamically into B1's process. The virtual functions list as below
    virtual SBOErr OnAutoComplete ();
    virtual SBOErr OnCancel ();
    virtual SBOErr OnCanDelete ();
    virtual SBOErr OnClose ();
    virtual SBOErr OnAdd ();
    virtual SBOErr OnCreateDefaults ();
    virtual SBOErr OnDelete ();
    virtual SBOErr OnInitData ();
    virtual SBOErr OnIsValid ();
    virtual SBOErr OnGetByKey ();
    virtual SBOErr OnUndoCancel ();
    virtual SBOErr OnUpdate ();
    virtual SBOErr OnUpgrade (long fromVersion, long toVersion);
    virtual SBOErr AddYearTransferCondition(const CSboCondition &scConditionToAdd);
    virtual SBOErr ClearAllYearTransferConditions();
    virtual SBOErr OnYearTransfer (unsigned long companyRef);
    There are some usful public functions that can be use in your UDO class directly.
    //Get the value by collumn alias, table and row line
    SBOErr GetValue (const wchar_t *alias, wchar_t *value, long maxLen = -1, ArrayOffset ao = ao_Main, long line = 0);
    SBOErr GetValue (long colIndex, wchar_t *value, long maxLen = -1, ArrayOffset ao = ao_Main, long line = 0);
    //Get the value by collumn alias, table (no table name but the table enum) and row line
    long GetValueLength (const wchar_t *alias, ArrayOffset ao = ao_Main, long line = 0);
    long GetValueLength (long colIndex, ArrayOffset ao = ao_Main, long line = 0);
    //set the value into DB by collumn alias, table(no table name but the table enum) and row line
    SBOErr SetValue (const wchar_t *alias, const wchar_t *value, ArrayOffset ao = ao_Main, long line = 0);
    SBOErr SetValue (long colIndex, const wchar_t *value, ArrayOffset ao = ao_Main, long line = 0);
    //Set the error field when return an error code. It will be display as error memessage in the status bar if return err code define in SBOErr.h.
    SBOErr SetErrorField (const wchar_t *alias);
    SBOErr SetErrorField (long colIndex);
    //Display the message on B1 status bar
    void Message (const wchar_t *str, WarningLevel type);
    2).SboDataAcessGate.h and SboCondition.h
    CSboDataAccessGate (dag) is the data acess layer connecting the UDO and Database. A dag is binidng with a Table. It is not accessed via the table name but some enum(aoMain: Main table, such as OCRD; ) .CSboCondition play as a role of creation of filter when access to a table in dag, similar to where clause in SQL query. It looks also like Conditions in UI API.
    Example 1: UDO implementation using CSboDataAccessGate and CSboCondition
    // BNBPDV.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLL application.
    #include "stdafx.h";
    #include "SboBusinessObject.h";
    #include "__SBOERR.h";
    BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule,
                           DWORD  ul_reason_for_call,
                           LPVOID lpReserved
        return TRUE;
    class BNBPDV : public CSboBusinessObject
    BNBPDV (unsigned long systemHandle):CSboBusinessObject(systemHandle),sysHandle(sysHandle)
    ~BNBPDV (){};
    virtual CSboBusinessObject  *Clone (unsigned long systemHandle) {return new BNBPDV (systemHandle);}
    virtual void Destroy () {delete this;}
    virtual SBOErr OnAdd ()
    SBOErr sboErr =noErr;
    CSboDataAccessGate dagCurrent = GetDAG(ao_Main);
    long key =0;
    long codeCol = 0; //hardcode only once
    long bpCol = 13;
    wchar_t strKey[256] = {0};
    //test code
    //wchar_t* objName = L"BPDV";
    //CSboDataAccessGate dagAllRec = GetDAG(objName, ao_Main);
    //test code
    //get all record
    CSboDataAccessGate dagAllRec = dagCurrent.Clone( false );
    CSboCondition cond;
    cond.m_enumOperation = qot_GT;
    sboErr = dagAllRec.AddCondition(cond);
    if (sboErr != noErr) return sboErr;
    sboErr = dagAllRec.DoQuery();
    if (sboErr != noErr && sboErr != dbmNoDataFound) return sboErr;
    long length = dagAllRec.GetRecordsCount();
    //is the table empty
    if( length ==1 && dagAllRec.GetValueLength(codeCol,0)==0 )
    key =1;
    long tmp = 0;
    for( int i=0; i < length; i++ ) //we have to loop the table because there is no order by supported by UDO
    wchar_t* stopStr=0;
    sboErr = dagAllRec.GetValue(codeCol, strKey, -1, i);
    if (sboErr != noErr) return sboErr;
    tmp =  wcstol(strKey, &stopStr, 10);
    if (tmp > key)
    key = tmp;
    //set the key
    _ltow(key, strKey, 10);
    sboErr = dagCurrent.SetValue(codeCol, strKey);
    if (sboErr != noErr) return sboErr;
    dagCurrent.SetValue(codeCol+1, strKey);
    dagCurrent.SetValue(codeCol+2, strKey);
    //to see if the bp is already existing
    //get bp code
    CSboDataAccessGate dagBP = dagCurrent.Clone( false );
    wchar_t strBPCode[256] = {0};
    sboErr = dagCurrent.GetValue(bpCol, strBPCode, -1, 0);
    if (sboErr != noErr) return sboErr;
    CSboCondition condCheckBP;
    condCheckBP.SetStaticCondVal( strBPCode );
    condCheckBP.m_enumOperation = qot_EQ;
    sboErr = dagBP.AddCondition(condCheckBP);
    if (sboErr != noErr) return sboErr;
    sboErr = dagBP.DoQuery();
    if (sboErr != noErr && sboErr != dbmNoDataFound ) return sboErr;
    length = dagBP.GetRecordsCount();
    //there is already a existing bp
    if( dagBP.GetValueLength(codeCol,0) != 0 )
    //delete it
    sboErr = dagBP.Delete(0);
    if (sboErr != noErr) return sboErr;
    else{} //every thing is fine
        //call father class OnAdd function
        sboErr = CSboBusinessObject::OnAdd ();
    return sboErr;
    unsigned long sysHandle;
    CSboBusinessObject *CreateObject (unsigned long systemHandle)
    return new BNBPDV (systemHandle);
    Example 2: Using CSboBusinessObject.Message() and SetErrorField()
    #include "SboBusinessObject.h";
    #include "OABR.h";
    #include "SboCondition.h";
    #include "__SBOERR.h";
    #include "string"
    #include <stdlib.h>;
    #define MEAL_PRICE 25
    CSboBusinessObject *CreateObject (unsigned long systemHandle)
    return new CAbsenceReport (systemHandle);
    CAbsenceReport::CAbsenceReport (unsigned long systemHandle) : CSboBusinessObject (systemHandle)
    CAbsenceReport::~CAbsenceReport ()
    void CAbsenceReport::Destroy()
    delete this;
    /* Virtual Functions */
    SBOErr CAbsenceReport::OnAdd ()
        //Write your code here:  
        //call father class OnAdd function
        SBOErr sboErr = CSboBusinessObject::OnAdd ();
        return sboErr;
    //Recommend to add
    SBOErr CAbsenceReport::OnIsValid()
    CSboDataAccessGate dagOABR = GetDAG (ao_Main);
    CSboDataAccessGate dagClone = dagOABR.Clone( false );
    TCHAR strIUser[11] = {0};
    SBOErr sboErr = dagClone.GetValue(_T("U_iUser"), strIUser, -1, 0);
    if (sboErr != noErr)
    return sboErr;
    if(0 == _tcslen(strIUser))
    return -1;
    TCHAR firstChar[1] = {strIUser[0]};
    if(    0 != _tcscmp(_T("i"), firstChar)
    && 0 != _tcscmp(_T("I"), firstChar)
    && 0 != _tcscmp(_T("c"), firstChar)
    && 0 != _tcscmp(_T("C"), firstChar))
    Message (_T("Invalid iUser. It must start with 'i' or 'I'."),  wl_Error);
    return uiInvalidFieldValue;
    return noErr;
    Hope it helps. A more detail document will be followed up and back to you.
    Kind Regards

  • Alternative for hssupgrade wizard

    The hssupgrade wizard fails to work for me while upgrading from to . i have not been able to import data from the earlier release. It gives me an error , ORA-02291:integrity constraint on FK1_PROV_MEMIDEN.
    will a manual creation work just as fine?
    These are the steps :
    1. LCM export from source
    2. LCM export from target
    3. modified the main files alone( Eg.. Roles for Essbase, Groups, Users)
    4. manual creation of filter to group association.
    Is there anything else that I might be missing?
    I am trying planning using this method:
    1. created shell on
    2. importing schema from
    3. planning upgrade wizard

    Sure, you can export the old SS metadata, transform the data, and import it.
    In the LCM format is a bit different but if you use an export from the new system, compare it to the old export, and then work from there you should be able to get it...

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    A thought about our wiki, now it's been going a few years.
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    It would be excellent if Google did this - but they don't. We could lead the way in information mining for a linux distro!
    It shouldn't be much work to add new categories for kernel version. But tag info for specific versions of EVERY version of EVERY package seems ike it could get very messy very quickly.
    How difficult would a 'new -> old' update or creation date filter be for search results?

    The wiki has a history feature; isn't that what it's for?  I agree that we should keep support for slightly older packages in the wiki for a while (like xorg-server 1.6 for example, as many people didn't upgrade for fear of compatibility issues).  But large amounts of history in the article itself seems redundant since you can get that info from the page's changelog.

  • How to filter tasks on the Creation date using the IWorklist API in Java

    Hi all,
    I'm currently developing a java gui application to display usertasks set by the BPM.
    I use the WorkList API to communicate with the TaskActionActionHandler.
    I only want the tasks that has a creation that is after a specified date. Therefore I add a filter. The code for retrieving the usertasks now becomes:
    Map filterMap = new HashMap();
    SimpleDateFormat d = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-mm-yyyy");
    Date date = d.parse((String) dForm.get("filterdate"));
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    RemoteWorklistServiceClient client = new RemoteWorklistServiceClient();
    IWorklistContext ctx = client.authenticateUser(user, password);
    List tasks = client.getWorklistTasks(ctx, filterMap,
    You can see from the above code-fragment that I specify a FILTER_TYPE_CREATE_DATE_FROM_FILTER filter that is given a Calendar object. This is not working properly. Also a Date value gives a runtime error.
    The error I get is :
    ORABPEL-10150 Worklist Service Task List Error. An error occured in the Worklist Service while retrieving the task list for user jcooper. Check the task filter criterion and the error stack and fix the cause of the error. Contact oracle support if error is not fixable. at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIConnection.EXCEPTION_ORIGINATES_FROM_THE_REMOTE_SERVER( at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIConnection.invokeMethod( at
    Can anyone tell me what kind of dateformat I have to specify for the filter option FILTER_TYPE_CREATE_DATE_FROM_FILTER?
    Thanks in advance!

    Enter the format that you have defined in the configuration of the property in the Additional Metadata parameter. Use the syntax customFormat=<pattern>.
    In this link, you have at the end screenshots where to navigate in KM to see the property metadatas of your property:
    Here see the Defenitions of the KM Metadata Properties:
    Praveen Gudapati

  • Please Help!!! Deployment failure error Jps servlet filter creation failed.

    Hello All,
    We are trying to move from 10g to Jdev 11g. We are in the process of deploying the WAR application to weblogic server. However, we keep getting one error after another. This is the latest one:
    [12:40:02 PM] [Deployer:149193]Operation 'deploy' on application 'webapp1' has failed on 'AdminServer'
    [12:40:02 PM] [Deployer:149034]An exception occurred for task [Deployer:149026]deploy application webapp1 on AdminServer.: JPS-00063: Jps servlet filter creation failed. Reason: JPS-00065: Jps platform factory creation failed. Reason: JPS-00065: Jps platform factory creation failed. Reason: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Jps servlet filter creation failed. Reason: JPS-00065: Jps platform factory creation failed. Reason: JPS-00065: Jps platform factory creation failed. Reason: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
    [12:40:02 PM] Weblogic Server Exception: weblogic.application.ModuleException: JPS-00063: Jps servlet filter creation failed. Reason: JPS-00065: Jps platform factory creation failed. Reason: JPS-00065: Jps platform factory creation failed. Reason: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Jps servlet filter creation failed. Reason: JPS-00065: Jps platform factory creation failed. Reason: JPS-00065: Jps platform factory creation failed. Reason: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
    [12:40:02 PM] See server logs or server console for more details.
    [*12:40:02 PM] weblogic.application.ModuleException: JPS-00063: Jps servlet filter creation failed. Reason: JPS-00065: Jps platform factory creation failed. Reason: JPS-00065: Jps platform factory creation failed. Reason: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Jps servlet filter creation failed. Reason: JPS-00065: Jps platform factory creation failed. Reason: JPS-00065: Jps platform factory creation failed. Reason: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:*[12:40:02 PM] Deployment cancelled.
    I am sorry to have made the post title so eye catching, but we keep getting issues, one after the other and we are fast approaching the deadline for this upgrade. Thanks for being understanding.
    Please help!!!
    Edited by: user12054715 on Aug 29, 2011 7:16 PM

    I have been trying to find the class JpsWlsPlatformFactory and some sites say that it is present in the jar - jps-api.jar. So I looked in D:\Oracle\Middleware\oracle_common\modules\oracle.jps_11.1.1 and found a jar called jps-api.jar but the class JpsWlsPlatformFactory was not there. I also tried to find this class on the web but no success.
    This is very wierd that is nowhere to be found on the internet!!!
    NOTE: Our application is based on JSF/ADF.
    Please help!
    Edited by: user12054715 on Aug 29, 2011 9:43 PM

  • Need help on creation of a useful custom filter

    Dear Members,
    I need your help on a
    custom filter which will:
    1) ask
    for my input on which element(s) of WBS are going to be
    2) Then it will filter the activities
    under that element,
    3) As well as all
    predecessors and successors of the activities within that
    Note that their
    predecessors and successors may be under some other
    elements of WBS.
    This is to be used
    for obtaining buy-in from the package contractor,
    especially for the activities linked to his/hers.<br
    Tutku OZER

    Check this [Link1|] [Link2|] & [Link3| ].

  • PMS: Creation of new filter values

    Dear Reader,
    I am working on a PMS implementation where one particular appraisal template has multiple appraisers. The only way I can attach and identify between multiple appraisers is by creating new filters in table T77HAP_FLT_SEL.
    I plan to then use BADI implementations to help identify the persons for each filter value from OM relationships.
    But am at a loss as to how to create new filter values in this table. Would anybody be in a position to advise?
    Thanks in advance.
    Example scenario:
    Every appraisee has three appraisers: MANAGER, BUSINESS AREA GENERAL MANAGER (BAGM) and DOTTED-LINE MANAGER (DLM). There is no unified logic in the existing OM structure to identify the BAGM other than to create a custom relationship between all child org units and the position of the BAGM.
    I need to name all three participants as appraisers in the appraisal category - but the only way I can name multiple persons as appraiser is to provide a selection ID at the category level (the selection ID being the filter value picked up from table T77HAP_FLT_SEL). For this, I would need to create values for BAGM and DLM in T77HAP_FLT_SEL so that I can pick them up when configuring my category.

    Thanks Dilek,
    That was the first thing I had tried. However, there is no maintenance dialog for T77HAP_FLT_SEL in transaction SM30 - the error says no maintenance objects exist for this table/view.
    From my research so far, it looks like the selection ID/filter value is picked up by BADI HRHAP00_SELECTION. But am not sure if the same BADI is used to populate new values in this table or not.

  • PPS dynamic filter creation - not your normal thing but we need a solution, dont think Performance Point can handle it!

    My challenge at the moment is that I need to create a dynamic filter. To explain this is a cascading filter but not your normal cascading filter,
    ie, Year/Month/day etc.
    Here we have a single Dimension, Organisation. It contains every level of a business,
    Company name,
    Strategic Area
    From these as a default we have 4 built hierarchies with a different combination of the above.
    Activity (Strategic Area, Dept)
    Organisation (company Name, site, Dept)
    Sites (Division, Site)
    Holdings(Holding, Strategic Area, site, Dept)
    At any given time we have have additional Hierarchies created within the Dimension, further adding to the hierarchy list.
    We now have a challenge where we require our users to be able to in the first filter select the Hierarchy they want to use, ie, Holdings, Site, Organisation
    or Activity. This should then cascade to the second filter and contain the relevant hierarchy and levels as a multi select filter. Of course this also needs to be connected to number of graphs, charts and scorecards on the page, dynamically. 
    I have gone around the houses to get this to work but not having any luck. Tried the variety of filters available, MDX, member selection, tabular,
    SharePoint, and attempted to mix and match to get this to work. I cannot find a way but I don't believe this is not possible.
    If it is not possible we must look around for another front end solution for our BI Dashboards which I would prefer to avoid. Any response or suggestion
    would be much appreciated.

    Hi Sheb,
    Please check the articles below and see if cascading filter in PerformancePoint Dashboard can be help:
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Filter creation in BI Answers

    i am new in BI development. when according to decumentation i create filter "Most Recent 12 Months" in sh schema it will be created but at the time of results following message arise:
    The repository variable "maxMonthID" does not exist" How can I create these variables please help me in this regard i m follow this documentation

    Hi, you can create that variable in the Admin tool, manage menu- variables, review the doc to know more about all the different types of variables.

  • FFT Filter Preset Importation / Creation

    After using Audition to copy the eq's of two different songs, I computed the difference between them in Excel to make a compensation eq curve. I would like to use the data I collected to generate an FFT Filter preset. I have looked into editing Audition's settings xml file but don't understand how the FFT presets are formatted. The alternative, of course, is to input the eq data into the Audition FFT Filter plugin by hand but this can be a very lengthy process depending on the FFT Size (in my case, 512, which generates 230 eq curve points; right now I'm on around number 50). Is it possible to create an FFT Filter preset by modifying Audition's xml settings, and if so, how are the presets formatted? Thanks

    >Is it possible to create an FFT Filter preset by modifying Audition's xml settings?
    Technical answer:
    I'm not convinced that it is. Currently the most reliable way of modifying (or swapping) presets is to create the one you want, and store it as part of a script. The good thing about this is that once you've figured out how the numbering works, you can edit the script at will. So if you enter all of your points, you can look at how this is stored in the script, and modifying it becomes quite simple. In fact, I suspect that you could probably configure Excel to do most of the work for you without too much trouble at all.
    Audible results answer:
    I wouldn't ever bother to do what you are doing though - no two songs are the same, and there's no reason on earth why the EQ for one would be anything like correct, or appropriate at all for another.

  • Filter creation program for pc?

    Hello, im looking for a photoshop filter making program for the pc. Ive seen a few But seem to be strickly for mac. I have a art style that I want to make into a filter, if there is no program does anybody know how I can make one in photoshop cs4? any help with this would be great thanks!

    there wouldnt happen to be a tut for doing this? ive googled creating a droplet and all im getting is how to
    resize a picture. I cant seem to find what im looking for. basically much like how photoshop can distort an image with lets say plastic wrap or the stained glass effect. im trying to see if I can scan an image of my art work in, which is composed of a style of lines. And set this as a filter or someother thing so I can distort the image in that art style. maybe im not understanding what a droplet or action is? just a rough example. here is an older picture of what ive drawn. looks like crap, but its the only one ive got on my comp right now.

  • CRM2007:  Segmentation: Attribute list - mass filter creation

    Hi all,
    For a client I need to set up the marketing segmentation in CRM2007.  They want to have "postal code" as a segmentation option, but they don't have a regional structure maintained. 
    Manually creating all filters isn't an option because all postal codes of UK is to much..  Anybody an idea if you can mass create filters.  Or other options to segment on postal code?
    Points will be rewarded!
    Kind regards,

    Hi Francis,
    Please do the following steps for your current requirement:
    - Go to transaction CRMD_MKTDS (Maintain data sources and attribute list)
    - Click Push button Create Selection Attribute list
    - Give Description, Category, Usage ID and Segmentation Object as Business Partner and press enter
    - Now click push button Assign Data Sources
    - Double Click BP Address
    - Select by tick mark City Postal Code and Country Key
    - Now select City Postal Code and select create filter button (4th from left in toolbar)
    - In screen Create Selection Attribute List, give description, short description and in criterion Select Interval from drop down list and give the From and To range of postal codes
    - Repeat the process if you require further range of postal codes.
    - Now select Country Key and select create filter button (4th from left in toolbar)
    - Give description, short description and in creterion select Equal To UK
    - Save the Attribute list.
    - Now when you select the attribute list in the segment builder (crmd_mktseg), you can provide the required range, that you have defined in the previous step, by drag and drop in the staging area
    - Repeat the process for country key UK  by Keep functionality.
    By doing the above process, you can create a segment of all BP's belonging to UK within a specified postal code range.
    Wish this was useful to you.

  • Saved Filter Creation

    Hi ALL,
    I want to how to create a saved filter for the below mentioned query ... I am confused in creating this . Kindly please help
    @Select(GL Date\GL Date Fiscal Period) BETWEEN
         (select case when convert(int,@Prompt ('Click on VALUES Button to Select the number of ROLLING Closed Fiscal Periods you want to report on', 'N', {'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13'}, MONO, CONSTRAINED)) > (SELECT convert(int, SalesDM_NAM_LATAM.dbo.ParameterDim.CharValue) FROM SalesDM_NAM_LATAM.dbo.ParameterDim WHERE (SalesDM_NAM_LATAM.dbo.ParameterDim.PrimaryKey = 7)) then 1
              else ((SELECT convert(int, SalesDM_NAM_LATAM.dbo.ParameterDim.CharValue) FROM SalesDM_NAM_LATAM.dbo.ParameterDim WHERE (SalesDM_NAM_LATAM.dbo.ParameterDim.PrimaryKey = 7))-convert(int,@Variable('Click on VALUES Button to Select the number of ROLLING Closed Fiscal Periods you want to report on')))+1 end)
         AND (SELECT convert(int, SalesDM_NAM_LATAM.dbo.ParameterDim.CharValue) FROM SalesDM_NAM_LATAM.dbo.ParameterDim WHERE (SalesDM_NAM_LATAM.dbo.ParameterDim.PrimaryKey = 7))

    So, where are you facing the problem ? Try to break the filters in steps to make it simpler.

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hi all, At work (education level), I'm starting to take charge of windows admin, so beiing a noob admin I'm finding strange behaviours that I hope you can help me solve them all :-) We've one (big) domain with about 5000 computers (workers and studen

  • Cannot sync ipod to vista

    I am having 3 problems - 1. my ipod does not show as a device in itunes 2. the synch ipod selection in file is greyed out 3. the computer will not recognize my USB cable. I have tried reloading 7.3, buying new USB cables, using different ports and al

  • Fresh JHeadstart installation: empdepdemo gives errors

    Downgraded from JDeveoper 9.03 to 9.02, installed stand-alone OC4J according to the JHS installation instructions and followed the other instructions for setting up the empdepdemo. I had to add some source paths in order to get rid of the ingored, no

  • How to see the logic in an existing range partition table of a database.

    Hi I need to see the logic used in a Range partitioned table in a database. I need this because i need to create a db similar to this. This is a live database. Version used : How can i seee this Cheers, Kunwar