Creation variable

How can i do a bindvariable with a datatype Clob??

If you're asking what I think you're asking...
In order to use either the Oracle ODBC driver or the Microsoft ODBC for Oracle driver, you must install the Oracle client on the machine where you're setting up the DSN. You can purchase an ODBC driver from DataDirect (formerly Merant) which does not require the installation of the Oracle client software.

Similar Messages

  • Error in installing ABAP 7.2 trial version

    Hi friends,
    I tried installing ABAP 7.2 trial version in my laptop with Windows Vista Home Basic edition. The installation gives an error in the "Execute" step in Phase 18 "Perform MaxDB Post load activities". The following is the error.
    An error occurred while processing option SAP NetWeaver 7.0 including Enhancement Package 2 > SAP Application Server ABAP > MaxDB > Central System > Central System( Last error reported by the step :Assertion failed: in function (user, password, group) { Trace("ChildApplication", this, ".runAs(", user, ", ", group, ")"); if (typeof user == "string") { var amgt = new AccountMgt(); var userName = user; user = amgt.getUser(user); } ASSERT_DEFINED(arguments.callee, user, "user(" + userName + ")"); var env = user.getProcessEnvironment(password, group); env.setUmask("022"); this.setEnvironment(env); var retval =; Trace("ChildApplication", this, ".runAs() done"); return retval; } Variable user(MadhuSharmila\nspadm) should be defined).
    Could anyone please help me in resolving this?
    Best Regards,

    Hello Sharmila,
    the error is related to user creation:
    Variable user(MadhuSharmila\nspadm) should be defined
    Home Editions of Windows has some limitation in user management - for example, the snap-in of local users and group is not directly available in MMC. Probably the installation fails for this reason. You can create user nspadm manually if missing and retry the installation

  • How to Email an Error File

    I just set up the CDF_Email function and was able to successfully send out an email after a calculation has finished, however, now I would like to send out an email after data has been loaded and say that the load was "Data Loaded Without Errors" or "Data Loaded With Errors". If the data has been loaded but with errors I would like to attach the error file in the email. Can this be achieved using the same CDF_Email function or do I need to go down another path. Thanks in advance!

    here you go
    '  Script      : sendmail.vbs
    '  Author      : Celvin Kattookaran  - Original Version
    '  Description : To send error file and log files
    '  Date        : 8th Mar 2011
    '  Updates     :
    '  Author Date  Description
    ' "Usage: 1st argument is the Text body which is the file location of your mail body"
    '            "2nd to 5th Arguments are the Attachments that you wish to send"
    '            "6th or the penultimate argument is the Subject of the mail"
    '            "7th or the ultimate argument is the recepient mail address"
    '            "All arguments should be sperated by space and should be enclosed in between,If there are multiple receipents then sperate them like""[email protected];[email protected]"
    '  celvin.v.kattookaran 08-Mar-2011 Creation
    ' -- Variable declarations --
    '  Option Explicit
      Dim arg
      Dim aArg(7)
      Dim i
    For each arg in Wscript.Arguments
        aArg(i) = arg
        i = i + 1  
    ' -- Parameter declarations --
    ' Text Body   : aArg(0)
    ' Attachments : aArg(1)
    ' Attachments : aArg(2)
    ' Attachments : aArg(3)
    ' Attachments : aArg(4)
    ' Attachments : aArg(5)
    ' Subject     : aArg(6)
    ' To          : aArg(7)
    ' -- User ID and SMTP Server declarations --
      strMessageFrom = "[email protected]"
      strSMTPserver = ""
      strSMTPPort = 25
      ' If your SMTP server needs authentication then uncomment the line below
      ' ***_*** strSMTPpassword = "password"
    ' # Please don't update below this point #
      strMsgBody =  CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(aArg(0), 1).ReadAll
    ' ############# MAIN PART OF SCRIPT ###################
    Select case Wscript.Arguments.count
    case 3
    strMessageTo = aArg(2)
    strEmailSubject = aArg(1)
    Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
    objMessage.Subject = strEmailSubject
    objMessage.From = strMessageFrom
    objMessage.To = strMessageTo
    objMessage.TextBody = strMsgBody
    case 4
    strMessageTo = aArg(3)
    strEmailSubject = aArg(2)
    strEmailAttachment = aArg(1)
    Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
    objMessage.Subject = strEmailSubject
    objMessage.From = strMessageFrom
    objMessage.To = strMessageTo
    objMessage.TextBody = strMsgBody
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment)) then
    objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment
    Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment
    end if
    case 5
    strMessageTo = aArg(4)
    strEmailSubject = aArg(3)
    strEmailAttachment = aArg(1)
    strEmailAttachment2 = aArg(2)
    Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
    objMessage.Subject = strEmailSubject
    objMessage.From = strMessageFrom
    objMessage.To = strMessageTo
    objMessage.TextBody = strMsgBody
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment)) then
    objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment
    Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment
    end if
    if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment2)) then
    objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment2
    Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment2
    end if
    case 6
    strMessageTo = aArg(5)
    strEmailSubject = aArg(4)
    strEmailAttachment = aArg(1)
    strEmailAttachment2 = aArg(2)
    strEmailAttachment3 = aArg(3)
    Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
    objMessage.Subject = strEmailSubject
    objMessage.From = strMessageFrom
    objMessage.To = strMessageTo
    objMessage.TextBody = strMsgBody
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment)) then
    objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment
    Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment
    end if
    if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment2)) then
    objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment2
    Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment2
    end if
    if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment3)) then
    objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment3
    Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment3
    end if
    case 7
    strMessageTo = aArg(6)
    strEmailSubject = aArg(5)
    strEmailAttachment = aArg(1)
    strEmailAttachment2 = aArg(2)
    strEmailAttachment3 = aArg(3)
    strEmailAttachment4 = aArg(4)
    Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
    objMessage.Subject = strEmailSubject
    objMessage.From = strMessageFrom
    objMessage.To = strMessageTo
    objMessage.TextBody = strMsgBody
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment)) then
    objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment
    Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment
    end if
    if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment2)) then
    objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment2
    Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment2
    end if
    if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment3)) then
    objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment3
    Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment3
    end if
    if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment4)) then
    objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment4
    Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment4
    end if
    case 8
    strMessageTo = aArg(7)
    strEmailSubject = aArg(6)
    strEmailAttachment = aArg(1)
    strEmailAttachment2 = aArg(2)
    strEmailAttachment3 = aArg(3)
    strEmailAttachment4 = aArg(4)
    strEmailAttachment5 = aArg(5)
    Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
    objMessage.Subject = strEmailSubject
    objMessage.From = strMessageFrom
    objMessage.To = strMessageTo
    objMessage.TextBody = strMsgBody
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment)) then
    objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment
    Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment
    end if
    if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment2)) then
    objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment2
    Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment2
    end if
    if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment3)) then
    objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment3
    Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment3
    end if
    if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment4)) then
    objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment4
    Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment4
    end if
    if (fso.FileExists(strEmailAttachment5)) then
    objMessage.AddAttachment strEmailAttachment5
    Wscript.echo "No such file found in the system " & strEmailAttachment5
    end if
    end Select
    ' -- Please enable this part for testing purpose only --
    ' --- Steps for testing ---
    '     1. Remove ' **-**  from the script.
    '     2. Open a command prompt and move to the directory where sendmail.vbs is located.
    '     3. type sendmail.vbs "arguments" -- arguments must be seperated by space and should be enclosed in "".
    ' **-**  Wscript.echo Wscript.Arguments.count
    ' **-** if strMessageFrom = "" then
    ' **-**  msgbox("ERROR: Sender is not specified")
    ' **-**  end if
    ' **-** if strMessageTo = "" then
    ' **-** msgbox("ERROR: Receiver is not specified")
    ' **-**  end if
    ' **-**  if strEmailSubject = "" then
    ' **-**  msgbox("ERROR: Mail Subject is not specified")
    ' **-**  end if
    ' **-**  if strMsgBody = "" then
    ' **-**  msgbox("ERROR: Mail Body is not specified")
    ' **-**  end if
    ' **-**  if strMessageFrom <> "" then
    ' **-**  msgbox("Mail is send by: " & strMessageFrom)
    ' **-**  end if
    ' **-**  if strMessageTo <> "" then
    ' **-**  msgbox("Mail is send to: " & strMessageTo)
    ' **-**  end if
    ' **-**  if strEmailSubject <> "" then
    ' **-**  msgbox("Mail Subject is: " & strEmailSubject)
    ' **-**  end if
    ' **-**  if strMsgBody <> "" then
    ' **-**  msgbox("Mail body is: " & strMsgBody)
    ' **-**  end if
    ' **-**  if strEmailAttachment = "" then
    ' **-**  msgbox("ERROR: There is no Mail attachement, please specify one.")
    ' **-**  end if
    ' **-**  if strEmailAttachment <> "" then
    ' **-**  msgbox("Mail attachement is: " & strEmailAttachment)
    ' **-**  end if
    ' **-**  if strEmailAttachment2 = "" then
    ' **-**  msgbox("You have opted for sending only one attachement, if you wish to send one more attachment please specify the location of the next file")
    ' **-**  end if
    ' **-**  if strEmailAttachment2 <> "" then
    ' **-**  msgbox("Mail attachement is: " & strEmailAttachment2)
    ' **-**  end if
    ' **-**  if strEmailAttachment3 = "" then
    ' **-**  msgbox("You have opted for sending only one or two attachements, if you wish to send one more attachment please specify the location of the next file")
    ' **-**  end if
    ' **-**  if strEmailAttachment3 <> "" then
    ' **-**  msgbox("Mail attachement is: " & strEmailAttachment3)
    ' **-**  end if
    ' **-**  if strEmailAttachment4 = "" then
    ' **-**  msgbox("You have opted for sending only one or two or three attachements, if you wish to send one more attachment please specify the location of the next file")
    ' **-**  end if
    ' **-**  if strEmailAttachment4 <> "" then
    ' **-**  msgbox("Mail attachement is: " & strEmailAttachment4)
    ' **-**  end if
    ' **-**  if strEmailAttachment5 = "" then
    ' **-**  msgbox("You have opted for sending only one or two or three or four attachements, if you wish to send one more attachment please specify the location of the next file")
    ' **-**  end if
    ' **-**  if strEmailAttachment5 <> "" then
    ' **-**  msgbox("Mail attachement is: " & strEmailAttachment5)
    ' **-**  end if
    ' **-**  dim answer
    ' **-**  answer=msgbox("Do you wish to send a mail",vbYesNo)
    ' **-**  if answer = vbYes then
    ' **-**  msgbox("A mail will be send with the given arguments to " & strMessageTo)
    ' -- Configuration --
    '==Normally you will only change the server name or IP.
    objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 2
    'Name or IP of Remote SMTP Server
    objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = strSMTPserver
    'If your SMTP server needs authentication then uncomment the lines below starting with obj
    'Your UserID on the SMTP server
    ' ***_*** objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = strMessageFrom
    'Your password on the SMTP server
    ' ***_*** objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = strSMTPpassword
    ' Set the authentication method
    ' ***_*** objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 1
    'Server port (typically 25)
    objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = strSMTPPort
    ' **-**  elseif answer = vbNo then
    ' **-**  msgbox("Mail will not be send")
    ' **-**  end ifWhat i do in my bat file is then add a line after success
    call %LOG_ROTATE_SCRIPTS_DIR%\vb\sendMail.vbs "%BASE_DIR%\mail\LOG_ROTATE_Procedure_Sucess.txt" "%SCRIPTLOG%" "Oracle Hyperion %EPMENV% - Procedure for Log Rotate is successful" "%MAIL_RECIPIENT%"Regards
    Please mark the responses as helpful/correct if applicable

  • WEBI OpenDoc displays #ERROR

    I am receiving an #ERROR when trying to open an OpenDoc within WEBI. What Assigned Rights are required to allow the use of OpenDocs? I have search around for SAP notes and the forums but have not come across any viable solution.
    I have all of the "Report - creation variables etc" Assigned Rights to Allow so I don't know what other Rights need to be granted, if any.
    I am on BOBJ 4.1 SP1P2.

    Working link set…
    Same link set under a different security profile…
    Example of opendoc variable being used. Highlighted objects are variables that create a list of values to incorporate any input control selections within passed parameter values. Other links that do not incorporate input control values display correctly under both security profiles.

  • Unable to Create "Not Equal to" condition in Variable creation

    Hi ,
    I am getting an error while creating variable at report level,
    Well, my condition at variable creation is ----> sum(A) where [country] <> " x" ...(It is showing the results when the country is equal to x) and the converse for the same ... If I use [country] = "x" .. It is taking as country not equal to x ..
    Please suggest me on this..
    Thanks in advance ....

    Hi ,
    I am getting an error while creating variable at report level,
    Well, my condition at variable creation is ----> sum(A) where [country] <> " x" ...(It is showing the results when the country is equal to x) and the converse for the same ... If I use [country] = "x" .. It is taking as country not equal to x ..
    Please suggest me on this..
    Thanks in advance ....

  • Dynamic variable creation

    i would like to know how to make use of bind variables in RPD variable creation . I tried creating in oracle10g by giving a sql query in Initiliazation block . I want to select a column based on a certain user input . For Your information i cannot use ':user' because it by default takes then current user who has logged in .

    If you are solely asking for a variable that would hold the value of username, Yes that is possible. It depends on the type of authentication you are using. Assuming you are using an LDAP server, providing the solution below:
    1) Source the list of usernames in to a external table in the database.
    2) Create an intialization block to populate that value based on user login.
    Ex: select username1 from externaltable where username1=':user' - Data Source
    variablename - Data target.
    Now you can use this in your required init block.
    Hope this answers your question.
    Please award points if helpful.

  • Variable creation in TestStand through CVI

    I have one steptype in which during Edit, the new variable has been created. I also saved that sequence. If I close that sequence file with that steptype and reopen the same sequence, the variable created last time was not there. I think these variable are not getting stored with sequence. The steptype building block is created in CVI. Those edit time variable creation is done by means of using “TS_PropOption_InsertIfMissing” functions in CVI. Can you please tell us is there any CVI functions to create variable during edit time and to be saved with the sequence.??

    Once again, Expression Strings, has stumbled another programmer!
    Parameters.DatabaseOptions.ConnectionString is not a string but an Expression String, and your assignment of a StationGlobals.Database ( just a string ) is causing this error.
    Here is what I did to solve your issue:
    1.) StationGlobals ( remove the leading "\" and trailing \"" from the Database string ) it should contain NO leading or trailing quotes
    StationGlobals.Database = Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\National Instruments\\TestStand 4.2.1\\Components\\Models\\TestStand Results.mdb.
    2.) In Database Options Callback use the following expression to set the Data Source
    Parameters.DatabaseOptions.ConnectionString= "StationGlobals.Database"
    There are other alternatives as documented in this link.
    Good luck,

  • Use String Variable in New Object Creation

    Thanks to those who review and respond. I am new to Java, so please be patient with my terminoloy mistakes and fumblings. I am reading in a file and I want to create a new object based on specific field (car for example). As you will notice I grab field 8 here label sIID.
    String sIID =;
    BTW this regex grouping works fine. The problem is seen when I try to use the sIID variable in my new object creation process.
    DateParse sIID = new DateParse();
    My IDE is reporting "Variable sIID is already defined in the scope"
    Is this possible? The assumption is that the sIID will have different value during the processing of the file. For example, car could mean truck, sedan, etc with operators like color, number of doors, mileage, top speed, etc.

    Thanks for the reply. I have include similar and much shorter code for the sake of brevity.
    My problems are centered around the x variable/object below. Ideally this would translate to three objects PersonA, PersonB, etc that I could reference later in the code as PersonA.newname if I wanted to. Hopefully this makes sense.
    public class TestingObjects {
      public static void main(String[] argv) {
           String [] names;
           names = new String[3];
           names[0] = "PersonA";
           names[1] = "PersonB";
           names[2] = "PersonC";
           for (String x:names) {
             PN x = new PN();  // <- Problem
    = x;
    public class PN {
           String name;
           String newname;
      public String SayName() {
           newname = "Name = " + name;
          return newname;

  • Creation of Variables in BEx reporting

    I want to know the Creation process or steps for creation of variables in BEx Reporting.
    Please let me know.
    Thanks & Best Regards,

    there are various kind of variables- refer this -
    if you want to create variable on char -
    go to BEx Query designer, create your query , go to left panel & that characteristics--open that -- see variable - right click & create.
    it will take you through all the steps.
    hope it helps

  • Passing variables from .bat to .sql in instance creation scripts

    Hi all,
    In the classical instance creation scripts numerous parameters are repeated even if they are similar. For example, the directory into which saving the different tablespaces is often the same. Also i'm looking for passing them as parameters from the .bat launching the instance creation. My first tries give the following:
    -> In the .bat launching the creation:
    set MY_DB_USER=sys
    set MY_DB_PWD=change_on_install
    set MY_DB_NAME=DragNFly
    set ORACLE_SID=DragNFly
    set MY_DB_CREATION_SOURCE=F:\Oracle\oradata\Instance_creation_scripts
    set MY_ORACLE_BIN=F:\oracle\bin
    set MY_ORACLE_HOME=F:\oracle
    mkdir %MY_ORACLE_HOME%\admin\%ORACLE_SID%\bdump
    mkdir %MY_ORACLE_HOME%\admin\%ORACLE_SID%\cdump
    mkdir %MY_ORACLE_HOME%\admin\%ORACLE_SIDD%\create
    mkdir %MY_ORACLE_HOME%\admin\%ORACLE_SID%\udump
    %MY_ORACLE_BIN%\oradim.exe -new -sid %ORACLE_SID% -startmode m
    %MY_ORACLE_BIN%\oradim.exe -edit -sid %ORACLE_SID% -startmode a
    %MY_ORACLE_BIN%\orapwd.exe file=%MY_ORACLE_HOME%\Database\PWD%MY_DB_NAME%.ora password=%MY_DB_PWD%
    %MY_ORACLE_BIN%\sqlplus /nolog connect %MY_DB_USER%/%MY_DB_PWD% @%ORACLE_SID% as sysdba
    %MY_ORACLE_BIN%\sqlplus /nolog @%MY_DB_CREATION_SOURCE%\StartCreation.sql
    -> Then in the first sql file, fixing all the variables and calling the other ones:
    DEFINE MY_DB_PWD=change_on_install
    DEFINE MY_DB_CREATION_SOURCE=F:\Oracle\oradata\Instance_creation_scripts
    DEFINE MY_ORACLE_BIN=F:\oracle\bin
    connect &&MY_DB_USER/&&MY_DB_PWD as SYSDBA
    -- # The following files have to be stored in the #
    -- # same repertory as the present file #
    -> Finally one example of use in CreateDB.sql is:
    connect &&1/&&2 as SYSDBA
    set echo on
    spool &&5\&&3\Create&&3.db.log
    startup nomount pfile="&&6\init_DB.ora";
    UNDO TABLESPACE "&&3._UNDO" DATAFILE '&&5\&&3\undo_&&3.01.dbf' SIZE 500M REUSE
    LOGFILE GROUP 1 ('&&5\&&3\redo_&&3.01.log', '&&5\&&3\redo_&&3.01bis.log') SIZE 102400K,
    GROUP 2 ('&&5\&&3\redo_&&3.02.log', '&&5\&&3\redo_&&3.02bis.log') SIZE 102400K,
    GROUP 3 ('&&5\&&3\redo_&&3.03.log', '&&5\&&3\redo_&&3.03bis.log') SIZE 102400K;
    spool off;
    As you can see a first problem is that i have to set the variables the first time in the .bat and a second time in the first .sql. I don't know how to use an unique file for setting all the variables i need.
    Second difficulty is: fixing names and directories is a first step but i would like to fix all the different size values in this same file. The goal is to have only one file with dozen of values to change before creating new instances instead of checking all the different parameters inside of the different files.
    Third problem: variables are not transmitted to the init.ora. I think that it's possible to generate it using template and the defined variables, but i don't try for the moment.
    What is your mind on this?
    Probably there are better examples that i don't found?

    the problem is nothing your showed.   did you see a security warning that you ignored?
    to test, if that's the problem go here and adjust your security settings: ml
    if that fails, upload your files to a server and confirm everything works.  then start working on your local configuration.

  • Creation/modification dates text variable wrong

    I have a document where i wish to use the creation date amd modification date text variables.  However when htey are inserted into the document the date is wrong. My Local Date Time on the pc is correct.
    Has anyone else experienced this issue? I am running ID CS4 if that helps.
    Thanks for any help in advance.

    Well I created the document yesterday. 18/10/2012 and it brings up a creation date of 27/02/12.
    But creating another new doucment it shows correctly.
    So all i can assume is that there may have been another file created on that date with the same name and it is taking that date even though this is a new document
    Message was edited by: ScruffyG

  • Dynamic creation of panels from variables

    Hi folks,
    I would kindly ask someone to help me with following issue:
    I want to add a panel to the existing frame based on the value stored in a variable, like shown in example:
    //panel creation
    // of course the classes are defined somewhere else
    PANEL1 p1 = new PANEL1();
    PANEL2 p2 = new PANEL2();
    String pname = new String("p1");
    // depending on the value stored in pname I want to add p1 or p2
    // to my frame
    Of course I could do something like this:
    if (pname.startsWith("p1")) {
    myframe.add(p1); // and all .setVisible stuff ...
    } else {
    but I am looking for a smarter way to do it, since I have approx. 50 different panels...
    For people familiar with Perl there is something like $$variable. Is there something like this in Java too?

    If the PANEL* classes will be in your classpath you can do something like this:
    This uses the no-arg constructor. To use other constructors, say one that takes a String arg, do something like:
    Class cls = Class.forName("SomeClass");
    Class[] params = {String.class};
    java.lang.reflect.Constructor con = cls.getConstructor(params);
    Object obj = con.newInstance("foo");
    You may then continue to use reflection to work with the instantiated object or, if you can have all your panels implement an interface, take that easier route.

  • UI Creation / Populating Variables...

    I've now moved onto UI creation... What I would like to do is create edittext boxes, which would populate my variables.. I'm having a problem on my first attempt..
    // Add a panel to contain the components
    win.pnlA = win.add("panel", [10, 10, 400, 450], "Settings");
    win.pnlA.displayTextLbl = win.pnlA.add("statictext", [10, 415, 100, 430], "XML Name:");
    XMLName = win.pnlA.add("edittext", [100, 415, 225, 430], 'XMLTest5');
    var logFile = new File("/c/TEMP/" + XMLName + ".xml");
    Most of the rest of the script creates lots more static and edit texts with other panels... My problem is, I'm not sure how to get the result of the edittext (in my example, XMLTest5) to appear in the variable/filename. My filename is unwantingly written as [object EditText].xml
    Thanks again for your help.

    Hi Dave,
    Your XMLName variable points to an EditText object. To get its value, you need to reference its text attribute (i.e., XMLName.text).

  • Variable creation error

    Hello gurus,
    I want to create some reports.
    Report requirement documents are there but i want your views with it.
    In there it says create
    Selection criteria when u execute a query
    => We have to create variables for those.
    After that it says
    Sold to Customer    with
    Selection options of   SINGLE VALUE, RANGE & LIST..
    Like wise i have lots of characteristics with SAME SELECTION OPTION
    So what type of variable shall i create.
    Any suggestions will be really appreciated.

    You can create the variable as a Selection Option variable. This lets the user enter a single value, a range and list as well.
    Hope this helps...
    p.s. There is no need to add that you will award points. Be assured that you will get helpful replies even if you do not mention this

  • Dynamic creation of variables and alv grid output/internal table

    Dear Experts
    I am stuck in an inventory ageing report which is to be done year wise. the scenario is as follow.
    selection screen i enter the year 2011 or 2010 or 2009.
    the output should show me 2011-2007 or 2010-2007 or 2009-2007. the alv grid should always start from 2007 and end at the year that is entered in the selection screen.
    Now how can i create a dynamic variables to store the values of the corresponding yr and also how can i create a dynamic internal table to store these values.
    Thanks & Regards
    Zamir Parkar

    Hi Zamir,
    if you are new to ABAP you may leave old and buggy techniques behind.
    If you want to create the table dynamically, please do not use l_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table because it is limited and always triggers a possibly unwanted database commit.
    You better use RTTS dynamic runtime type services, i.e. check the example for [Creating Flat and Complex Internal Tables Dynamically using RTTI|].
    As done here, leave all outdated ALV technologies behind and start with CL_SALV_TABLE. It is following the object-oriented approach and does not need a field catalog.
    You will get used to field-symbols that can be compared to the data referenced by a pointer. For dynamic fields, you may build the field names dynamically, i.e.
          lo_structdescr         TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr,
          lo_typedescr           TYPE REF TO cl_abap_typedescr,
          lo_tabledescr          TYPE REF TO cl_abap_tabledescr,
          lr_data                TYPE REF TO data,
          lt_comp_all            TYPE cl_abap_structdescr=>component_table,
          lv_index               TYPE numc2.
          <any>                  TYPE ANY,
          <component>            TYPE LINE OF abap_component_tab,
           <table>                TYPE table.
        DO nnn TIMES.
          lv_index = sy-index.
          lo_typedescr   =  cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_name( <name of data element> ).
          APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_comp_all ASSIGNING <component>.
          <component>-type ?= lo_typedescr.
          CONCATENATE 'YEARVAL' lc_underscore lv_index INTO <component>-name.
          <component>-as_include  = abap_true.
          CONCATENATE lc_underscore lv_index INTO <component>-suffix.
    * create description object for structured type
        lo_structdescr = cl_abap_structdescr=>create( lt_comp_all ).
    *  create table description object for this
        lo_tabledescr = cl_abap_tabledescr=>create(
                        p_line_type  = lo_structdescr
                        p_table_kind = cl_abap_tabledescr=>tablekind_std
                        p_unique     = abap_false ).
    * create data object
        CREATE DATA lr_data TYPE HANDLE lo_tabledescr.
    ASSIGN lr_data->* to <table>.
    This is a fragment. Please adapt to your needs.

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