Creative Suite 6 - Adobe Pro to be reinstalled every 30 days.

Every 30 days, Adobe Pro becomes inactive even with serial number entered and registration done. All other applications (Photoshop, InDesign work fine).
How can I fix this?

Doesn't launch after 30 days | Installed as part of a CS6 suite

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    I have Adobe Creative Suite CS6. How do I reinstall only Adobe Acrobat Pro?

    Hi NancyL,
    Please run the installer for Creative Suite CS6 and follow the on screen instructions, after entering your serial number it will take you to the "Options" menu where you can select the program you wish to install.

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    hi tuggerose
    i think it is bad new for you. if it's any consilation i went through the same thing when i loaded mountain lion when it first came out. i think the problem is that mountain lion is a pure 64bit operating system and the software you have is 32bit. earlier os's were able to emulate 32bit but the new system does not. the answer is new software. i did it and it cost me a load of money and much angst so your not alone.

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    Nobody can know. Your info is at best rather broad and generic, at worst vague. In any case, your computer seems seriously underpowered and from the program possibly being too busy with decoding the full 40 minutes first to issues with disk based caches on slow drives to specific CoDec and hardware acceleration issues I could imagine a million things going on. Just because you only use a handful of effects doesn't mean that those otehr things couldn't drag your system down. Extensive file I/O can be a real killer on any project. Well, whatever. What you see is probably perfectly normal within what you can expect on your system. Some housekeeping like defragemnting disks and removing old temp files might improve matters slightly, but I realyl think short of buying a better computer there is not much you can do...

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    Perhaps you have exceeded your maximum of two activations.  If that is the case, yiou need ti deactivate at least one of them.
    In any event, you need to contact Adobe customer service directly.
    Unfortunately, only Adobe customer service can assist you with your issue. These are user forums; you are not addressing Adobe here.
    Click on the link below, and after that click on "Still need Help? Contact us."
    Then on the next page, click Chat
    There is also a phone option. activation

  • My Acrobat X is missing from my computer and I bought it in the Creative Suite 6. How can I reinstall to get it?

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    I HAVE followed these steps but seeing as Acrobat X is not on my computer the last step is not possible.
    1.Launch another CS6 application, such as Photoshop.
    2.Choose Help > Deactivate.
    3.Follow the onscreen prompts to deactivate.
    4.Close the application.
    5.Launch the same CS6 Suite product again.
    6.EULA comes up. Accept.
    7.Sign in with your Adobe ID to register trial. Quit and re-launch application.
    8.Trial dialog comes up. Click on License this Software button in this dialog.
    9.Sign-in with your Adobe ID to register.
    10.Provide CS6 Serial number next. Click Next.
    11.Quit application.
    12.Now Launch Acrobat X

    Hello ,
    You can uninstall it first with the help of Cleaner Tool. It could be possible there may be some left overs for the previous installation.Here is the link for the Cleaner Tool.
    To install  Acrobat X Pro from CS6 suite, please follow these steps,
    1. If you have installation Disk, browse the files from the disk  an navigate to "payloads\AcrobatProfessional10.0-EFG"
        ( if you have downloaded CS6 suite, please navigate to "payloads\AcrobatProfessional10.0-EFG" from the  extracted files. )
    2. Run AcroPro installer  and install  Acrobat as a trial.
    3. Once you install Acrobat,  before launching it,  follow the steps from the below document link. html
    Sukrit Dhingra

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    I got a problem which I am encountering now for a longer while but havent the time to get rid of this issue.
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    I've read a couple of topics about this issue but I only found solutions which includes PCs not Macs.
    So is there anybody who can help me out with this?
    PS: I tried to chat with the support but the link is kind of broken I guess. After clicking onto the chat thingy nothing happens. Maybe this is a bug that needs to be fixed. I tried it with firefox and chrome but both wont allow me to open a chat session with the adobe support.

    First, you have to download AA X, not AA XI that I suspect you got (see You also have to activate the remainder of CS and open one of the applications to activate Acrobat (or something like that -- CS has a different activation process for Acrobat than the standalone version).

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    if that's a mac warning about an unrecognized publisher, OS X Mountain Lion: The app is from an unidentified developer

  • Q: I got some trouble in my Creative Suite product. I tried to reinstall it but failed.

    After you uninstall the product, you can download   Adobe Creative Suite Cleaner Tool. Run the tool and install the product again.

    ronbev765 wrote:
    My iMac tried to recognize a newly purchased software program and failed to do so. Do I have to do anything else to download software.
    If you downloaded it then presumably it downloaded as a compressed file, likely a .dmg file.  If so double click it to mount the dmg as a folder on your desktop.  Open the folder and you will see the files.  Drag the folder to a location of your choice. e.g., Applications).  Then you should be able to execute the application in that folder.
    Just to confirm, when you said you "put the software in the iMac", what was the name of the "software" file you copied?

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    Also if someone knows where i can get adobe audition 3 i have the serial just not the installation program.
    This is the error i'm getting when trying to update
    Error "This serial number is not for a qualifying product" | CS6, CS5.5, CS5

    Fizbop please make sure that you are installing CS5 on your new hard drive as opposed to migrating/copying the installation.  You can download a fresh copy of the installation files for CS5 at Download CS5 products.
    I am sorry but I am not aware of a download location for Audition 3.0.

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    Hi All,
    I'm hoping someone can help me :S
    I have designed a card measuring 210mm x 74mm. The printer has asked me to impose as head to head, 5mm double trims and bleed. I have no idea how to do this and seem to be wasting my time tring to google it. Trouble is I am trying to impose 4 pdf's into the 1 indesign file and when i export it as a pdf i can't see any trim mark/crop marks surrounding the edges of any of the 2 files (apart from the corners of the pages). I've probably just confused the hell out of you now but if you can help me I would really appreciate it. If I need to clarify anything please let me know.
    Thanks in advance!!

  • Adobe Creative Suite 6 | Adobe Creative Suite 6 & Creative Cloud Launch | Adobe TV

    Join Paul Trani, Adobe Evangelist and Steve Forde, Sr. Product Manager, as they demonstrates the amazing power of Creative Suite 6.

    There is far too much focus in the presentation about cloud computing.  Even if paying for the Creative Cloud service wasn't cost prohibitive for smaller companies, cloud computing isn't a new concept and isn't something to be constantly patting yourselves on the back about implementing.  Say it once, take 5 minutes to explain its benefits for larger businesses, and move on.
    I would also have liked to see a more intuitive and logical breakdown of all the programs within the suite and how they work together.  Why should I choose to use Premier over After Effects for my video editing needs?  Wouldn't it make sense to include Fireworks' tools into Dreamweaver?  How does Adobe Edge differ from HTML content that is normally developed in Dreamweaver and why is it being called "Edge"?  I read these products' names and have no idea what their function is.  The entire product packaging needs to be reorganized, simplified, and given clearer names.  "Adobe Mobile App Builder", "Adobe Web Builder", "Adobe Photo Shop", "Adobe Video Producer", etc... all seem like more logical choices to me.

  • Adobe pro X - uninstall - reinstall

    recently on my mac (started withe mavericks),  i had to change my admin ID.  everything continued to work EXCEPT the adobe pro X updater.  tried adobe support.  they were useless.  after some time,  they said post your question to the adobe forum.   adobe pro, as an app, still works
    when i try to update, i get error 1301.
    all i want to do,  is to do a CLEAN uninstall and a do install.  i assume this will fix my problem.
    can't do the uninstall.  the uninstaller seems not to be in the adobe folder (the alias). tried the cloud unistaller recommended by adobe support
    before i start manually removing files (and if necessary use TERMINAL).
    please help

    It seems that the uninstallation of acrobat was not successful and hence CC shows it as "Installed".
    If you have uninstalled CS5.5 completely, you can also try using this cleaner tool : to clean all the remaining traces of CS 5.5 (use it carefully and chooe options carefully).

  • Mac pro 8 core crashes every few days?

    I have a Mac Pro 8 core as an audio computer that creashes every few days. I'm new to Mac. Here's the error report...
    nterval Since Last Panic Report:  194586 sec
    Panics Since Last Report:          1
    Anonymous UUID:                    0E0488BF-6748-42BA-8371-D640E11F1B82
    Tue Apr  1 13:13:41 2014
    panic(cpu 3 caller 0x2aab59): Kernel trap at 0x0141d968, type 14=page fault, registers:
    CR0: 0x8001003b, CR2: 0x0000000c, CR3: 0x00100000, CR4: 0x00000660
    EAX: 0x00000000, EBX: 0x20bfca00, ECX: 0x092f0000, EDX: 0x00000000
    CR2: 0x0000000c, EBP: 0x90453898, ESI: 0x00000000, EDI: 0x83720910
    EFL: 0x00010286, EIP: 0x0141d968, CS:  0x00000008, DS:  0x90450010
    Error code: 0x00000000
    Backtrace (CPU 3), Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
    0x90453678 : 0x21b510 (0x5d9514 0x904536ac 0x223978 0x0)
    0x904536c8 : 0x2aab59 (0x59aeec 0x141d968 0xe 0x59b0b6)
    0x904537a8 : 0x2a09b8 (0x904537c0 0x0 0x90453898 0x141d968)
    0x904537b8 : 0x141d968 (0xe 0x83720048 0x90450010 0x490010)
    0x90453898 : 0x141af53 (0x20bfca00 0x145f868 0x4 0x0)
    0x90453968 : 0x140a60e (0x20bfca00 0x904539e2 0x5 0x90453c08)
    0x90453c48 : 0x2fbef3 (0x90453c68 0x3 0x90453c98 0x587079)
    0x90453c98 : 0x2d982a (0x1f80a000 0x90453e24 0x90453f38 0x203f75d4)
    0x90453d28 : 0x2da65c (0x90453e0c 0x100 0x90453e2c 0x0)
    0x90453de8 : 0x2ca702 (0x90453e0c 0x104252b8 0x34000 0x1)
    0x90453f78 : 0x4f6075 (0x118f0d20 0x203f1328 0x203f7514 0x1)
    0x90453fc8 : 0x2a144d (0x203f1324 0x0 0x10 0x14127ac4)
          Kernel Extensions in backtrace (with dependencies):
    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: ManagedClient
    Mac OS version:
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 10.7.0: Sat Jan 29 15:17:16 PST 2011; root:xnu-1504.9.37~1/RELEASE_I386
    System model name: MacPro3,1 (Mac-F42C88C8)
    System uptime in nanoseconds: 145839658408725
    unloaded kexts: 423.91.27 (addr 0xd48000, size 0x1900544) - last unloaded 117635799287
    loaded kexts:
    com.paceap.kext.pacesupport.snowleopard 5.9.1
    com.digidesign.iokit.DigiDal 8.1.1d2 3.4 2.1.0 1.9.3d0 3.5.4 1.0.17 1.9.9f12 6.2.6 1.54 6.2.6 7.0.0 1.1.6 1.1.9 17 4.5.0d5 1.4.12 2.6.5 31 1.0.0d1 1.6.3 2.1.1b7 4.7.1 4.1.7 2.1.5 2.5.1 427.36.9 1.4.0 4.1.8 1.3.5 4.1.5 1.3.1 1.5 1.6 1.3.5 1.4 105.13.0 1 0 2.1.11 105.13.0 141 - last loaded 29092085388 2.4.0f1 17 1.9.9f12 10 14 10 10 20 2.2 6.2.6 6.2.6 2.0.3 74.2 2.4.0f1 10.0.3 1.8.0fc1 1.3 4.1.5 1.9.9f12 2.2 1.9.9f12 41 3.1.0d3 4.5.0d5 2.4.0f1 2.4.0f1 2.4.0f1 2.6.5 4.1.8 2.6.5 3.9.0 2.6.5 1.6 1.6 1.6 402.1 2.5.1 2.6.5 4.2.6 4.1.5 2.0.4 2.5.1 314.1.1 1.10 1.6.5 4.1.8 1.4.0 1.1 1.0.0d1 6 289 1.6.2 1.3.5 2.6 1.3.0

    You have an ordinary install of Mac OS X 10.6.7 -- except that no one should be running that today. You should upgrade to 10.6.8 right away to get better protection from malware.
    You have modified the Mac OS X kernel by installing these extensions:
    com.paceap.kext.pacesupport.snowleopard 5.9.1
    com.digidesign.iokit.DigiDal 8.1.1d2 is a known troublemaker. It is used to ensure that you don't steal some expensive software package, but it thinks it is an Anti-Virus program as well. It's not helpful.
    The panic occurred in Managed Client. It is very unusual to be running that unless you have  a Server or have enabled Parental Controls. The NTFS driver was in the backtrace as well.
    Your Mac Pro 3,1 has Error Correcting Code Memory. Memory problems are detected in Hardware. This report is not a memory problem report.

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